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Non Fiction Article

1)The main idea of this article would be the increase of surveillance in canada and the measures
that are being taken in order to prevent over surveillance in that country.

2)Other documents like the ones who try to expose the injustices of the corruption of the
government with facts that make them more credible.

3)The author's purpose is to inform the readers about the growing incorporation of new
surveillance in canada. Openly speaking about these subjects is important because it informs the
public on the safety measures their coutris takes and the road in which countries nowadays are
becoming. The title of the series it self gives the impression of that aim.

4)The audience are canadians because it talks specifically about the surveillance in canada. This
audience affects the article because since it is aimed at canadians the possibility of it being
truthful is high.

5)Some examples of them arguing their position would be the involvement of several acts that
protect the privacy of canadians. They include situations in which the government has grown
their surveillance as well.

6)Logos is the most prevalent in this article because they provide many examples of the increase
in surveillance in canada.One example of this would be “​The ​National Defence Act​, ​which
prevents the Communications Security Establishment from directing its intelligence or defence
mandates at Canadians or people in Canada”(Rajagopalan).In addition, “In June 2014, the
Supreme Court of Canada barred ISPs from providing law enforcement agencies with the
personal information of customers without a warrant. The court emphasized the importance of
the right to privacy and the need for police to obtain a warrant for information except in
mitigating circumstances” (Rajagopalan).Finally, “The ​Privacy Act​, which limits the collection,
use, and disclosure of personal information by all federal departments and
agencies”(Rajagopalan).By adding these present acts that are indeed implemented in canada,
they prove to show that they are trustworthy.

7)Knowing the changes in your countries government is important when knowing their presence
in your individual right to privacy. “In 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom
of opinion and expression wrote that interference in individuals’ privacy can limit the ‘free
development and exchange of ideas’”(Rajagopalan).​ “​Based on this briefing note, PEN Canada
presents “Free Expression Matters” a series that breaks down free expression issues in
Canada”(Rajagopalan). “ By contrast, the Canadian government made no attempt to increase
CSE’s transparency and accountability until recently”(Rajagopalan).
8)This article helped me realize that even the countries that have a reputation in not having
extensive surveillance have been adding more programs that are specialized in that area.Canada
is a country that is believed to be free of heavy surveillance but according to this article they are
adding more surveillance programs and extending their reach in privacy accessibility.

9)I might change the lack of professional opinions. If more people who are more experienced in
this area talk about it and give their professional opinion then it would only help the article
become more credible.

10) The growing surveillance of several countries is becoming more apparent as more
implementations are being added. More people are becoming concerned with the growing
presence of the government in privacy related issues. In the text it said “For writers, the major
concern is self-censorship. Will we explore controversial ideas online if the government can
track our activity? Will we share our opinions in private e-mails if third-parties can access
them?” (Rajagopalan).The growing presence of the government proves that everyone's privacy is
being infiltrated and people who post things on the internet have the possibility of being spied

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