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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials: an

M D Banea1 and L F M da Silva2∗
Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC), Porto, Portugal
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto,

The manuscript was received on 5 May 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 September 2008.
DOI: 10.1243/14644207JMDA219

Abstract: A review of the investigations that have been made on adhesively bonded joints
of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite structures (single skin and sandwich construction)
is presented. The effects of surface preparation, joint configuration, adhesive properties, and
environmental factors on the joint behaviour are described briefly for adhesively bonded FRP
composite structures. The analytical and numerical methods of stress analysis required before
failure prediction are discussed. The numerical approaches cover both linear and non-linear
models. Several methods that have been used to predict failure in bonded joints are described.
There is no general agreement about the method that should be used to predict failure since the
failure strength and modes are different according to the various bonding methods and param-
eters, but progressive damage models are quite promising since important aspects of the joint
behaviour can be modelled by using this approach. However, a lack of reliable failure criteria still
exists, limiting in this way a more widespread application of adhesively bonded joints in principal
load-bearing structural applications. An accurate strength prediction of the adhesively bonded
joints is essential to decrease the amount of expensive testing at the design stage.

Keywords: adhesively bonded joints, fibre-reinforced plastic composite materials, sandwich

panels, analytical methods, finite-element modelling

1 INTRODUCTION By contrast, bonded joints are more continuous and

have potential advantages of strength-to-weight ratio,
Adhesive bonding is a material joining process in design flexibility, and ease of fabrication. In fact, adhe-
which an adhesive, placed between the adherend sur- sive bonding has found applications in various areas
faces, solidifies to produce an adhesive bond. Adhe- from high technology industries, such as aeronautics,
sively bonded joints are increasing alternatives to aerospace, electronics, and automotive to traditional
mechanical joints in engineering applications and industries, such as construction, sports, and packag-
provide many advantages over conventional mechani- ing. These applications are in the form of single skin as
cal fasteners. Among these advantages are lower struc- well as sandwich configurations. The structures could
tural weight, lower fabrication cost, and improved potentially be made up using different fibre types, fibre
damage tolerance. The application of these joints in architectures and weaves, and resins.
structural components made of fibre-reinforced com- Bonded joints are frequently expected to sustain
posites has increased significantly in recent years. The static or cyclic loads for considerable periods of
traditional fasteners usually result in the cutting of time without any adverse effect on the load-bearing
fibres, and hence the introduction of stress concen- capacity of the structure. A lack of suitable mate-
trations, both of which reduce structural integrity. rial models and failure criteria has resulted in a
tendency to ‘overdesign’ composite structures. Safety
considerations often require that adhesively bonded
∗ Corresponding author: Dept. de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão structures, particularly those employed in primary
Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Rua load-bearing applications, include mechanical fas-
Dr. Roberto Frias, Porto 4200-465, Portugal. email: teners (e.g. bolts) as an additional safety precaution.

JMDA219 © IMechE 2009 Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part L: J. Materials: Design and Applications
2 M D Banea and L F M da Silva

These practices result in heavier and more costly methods. Despite composite (single skin and sand-
components. The development of reliable design and wich) structures having gained substantial importance
predictive methodologies can be expected to result in in many applications where the weight saving has
more efficient use of composites and adhesives. To become more and more important, a lack of reliable
design structural joints in engineering structures, it material models still exists limiting in this way a more
is necessary to be able to analyse them. This means widespread application of adhesively bonded joints of
to determine stresses and strains under a given load- composite structures in principal load-bearing struc-
ing, and to predict the probable points of failure. tural applications.
There are two basic mathematical approaches for
the analyses of adhesively bonded joints: closed-form
analysis (analytical methods) and numerical methods 2 EFFECT OF SURFACE PREPARATION
(i.e. finite-element analyses).
On the other hand, sandwich composite construc- The surfaces play an important role in the bonding
tions are increasingly used in various applications process and are, perhaps, the most important pro-
in many industries due to the combination of high cess governing the quality of an adhesive bond joint
strength and low weight, leading to a highly efficient [2]. Appropriate pretreatment can sometimes confer
structure. Other advantages offered by sandwich con- additional properties to the surfaces. Surface treat-
struction are elimination of welding, high insulating ments prior to the application of adhesives are recom-
qualities, and design versatility. In its simplest form, mended to achieve maximum mechanical strength.
this type of construction usually consists (Fig. 1) of two Bond strength can be significantly improved by sur-
thin outer face sheets of stiff, strong material (in this face treating the adherends prior to bonding. The
case, a composite) separated by a thick, lightweight formation of a suitable surface chemistry is the most
layer of core material (e.g. foam, honeycomb, or cor- important step in the surface preparation process
rugated). Virtually all types of composites from sheet because the integrity of this surface directly influ-
moulding compound to prepregs can be used as skins ences the durability of the adhesive bond as pointed
with a wide range of polymeric, metallic, and ceramic out by Davis and Bond [3]. They have investigated
materials used as core materials. the factors affecting the durability problem of these
Most of the early work on adhesive joining of com- joints using the ‘clean surface concept’ approach. The
posites was done in the 1970s and early 1980s for the most common misconception in surface preparation
aerospace industry. There have been many analytical, is that the only requirement for a good bond is a clean
finite element, and experimental studies performed surface. A clean surface is a necessary condition for
over the years. Matthews et al. [1] give a very com- adhesion but it is not a sufficient condition for bond
prehensive review on the strength of adhesive joints durability. Most structural adhesives work as a result
in fibre-reinforced plastics (FRPs). Since then, a con- of the formation of chemical bonds (mainly cova-
siderable number of research studies have been con- lent, but some ionic and static attractive bonds may
ducted, new analytical approaches have been devel- also be present) between the adherend surface atoms
oped, and finite-element methods are more widely and the compounds constituting the adhesive [4].
used. The present review is focused on published These chemical links are the load transfer mechanism
works concerning adhesively joining FRP composite between the adherends. Most adhesive bond failures
structures. The literature dealing with joining compos- can be attributed to poor processes during fabrication,
ite structures with adhesives concentrates on inves- with lack of quality surface preparation being the most
tigating the bond strength. The topics of particular significant deficiency [3].
interest are: surface preparation, joint configuration, Typical composite surface treatments include tradi-
adhesive properties, environmental conditions, ana- tional abrasion/solvent cleaning techniques for ther-
lytical and finite-element analyses of joints, and test moset composites, whereas thermoplastic composites

Fig. 1 Sandwich principle

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 3

require surface chemistry and surface topographical lap joints, and scarf joints) for use in hot/wet service
changes to ensure strong and durable bond strength. environments under static and cyclic loads.
For these composites the primary aim of the sur- The strength of a given type of joint depends, for
face treatment is to increase the surface energy of a given type of load, on the stress distribution within
the adherend as much as possible. Surface treatments the joint, which in turn depends on the joint geom-
decrease water contact angle, increase surface tension, etry and the mechanical properties of adhesive and
and as a result increase bond strength [5]. adherend. In the case of FRP composite substrates,
A variety of surface treatments have been used with the high through-thickness stresses at the overlap ends
various degrees of success to increase surface tension, are of particular concern, due to the relatively low
increase surface roughness, change surface chemistry, through-thickness strength of most composite mate-
and thereby increase bond strength and durability of rials. This often means that joints made with high
polymer composite adhesive joints: abrasion/solvent strength adhesives are more likely to fail prematurely
cleaning, grit blasting, peel-ply, tear-ply, acid etching, in the composite before failure in the adhesive occurs
corona discharge treatment, plasma treatment, and (Fig. 3). The joint should be designed to minimize
laser treatment. However, the recommended surface stress concentrations. Some stresses, such as peel and
preparation for these composites is a light aluminium cleavage, should be minimized and others maximized,
oxide grit blast in dry nitrogen [3]. The abrasion i.e. shear and compressive stresses.
should just remove the surface of the resin with- In composite–metallic adhesive joints, the layered
out exposing fibres. Since the epoxy surface bonds nature of composite adherends and relative weak-
well to other epoxies, no chemical modification is ness in the through-the-thickness direction makes the
required. failure mechanism more complex [8]. Due to these
By increasing surface tension, increasing surface uncertainties in joint strength many designers use
roughness, and changing surface chemistry, a more higher safety margins in their structure resulting in
intimate bond can be formed, which allows for a non-optimum use of materials. For example, slight
increase in strength and durability. variation in joint design can vary the peel stresses.
Comparing to single-lap shear joints, the double lap,
the scarf, and the stepped joints are designed to
3 EFFECT OF JOINT CONFIGURATION decrease the peel stresses. Adherend shaping is also
used to decrease the peel stresses in the composite
Joints represent one of the greatest challenges in the joints (Fig. 4).
design of structures in general and in composite struc- The single-lap joint is the most common joint used
tures in particular since they entail discontinuities in mainly due to its simplicity and efficiency. However,
the geometry of the structure and/or material proper-
ties, and introduce high local stress concentrations.
Unlike surface preparation, joint configuration is
usually a product of design. A wide variety of joints are
available to the designer as discussed by Adams and
Wake [6]. Commonly, joint configurations that have
been analysed in the literature are single-lap joints,
double-lap joints, scarf joints, and stepped-lap joints
(Fig. 2). Other configurations have also been studied,
such as strap joints, butt joints, butt strap joints, corner
joints, stepped-scarf joints, T-shaped joints, L-shaped
joints, double-doubler joints, tubular lap joints, and
so on. Chamis and Murthy [7] describe a step-by-step
procedure for the preliminary design of composite
adhesive joints (including single, double, and step

Fig. 3 Failure in adhesive double-lap joints due to trans-

verse (through the thickness) stresses of the
Fig. 2 Adhesive bonded joints configurations composite substrates

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Fig. 5 ‘Wavy’ lap joint configuration (redrawn from

reference [18])

One technique that is being intensively investigated

at this moment is the use of more than one adhesive
Fig. 4 Adherend shaping to decrease the peel stresses in along the overlap (an adhesive bondline with variable
the composite joints modulus to relieve the high-stress concentrations at
the end regions of the overlap) to have a more uniform
stress distribution [19–23]. A flexible and ductile adhe-
sive is placed at the ends of the overlap and a rigid and
brittle adhesive is placed at the centre of the overlap
one of the problems associated to this joint is the fact (Fig. 6). Although this approach has been discussed
that the stress distribution (shear and peel) is concen- theoretically [19, 20], there have been relatively few
trated at the ends of the overlap. Various techniques published experimental demonstrations of a practical
have been adopted by researchers to improve the method that yields significant improvements in the
efficiency of the single-lap joints. These include alter- joint performance. da Silva and Adams [22, 23] investi-
ing the adherend geometry [9–11], adhesive geome- gated, theoretically and experimentally, dual adhesive
try [12, 13], and spew geometry [14–17]. metal–composite joints and showed that there is a real
Studies related to altering adherend geometry have improvement in joint strength, especially if the dif-
been focused towards adherend tapering and step- ference of coefficients of thermal expansion is high.
ping. Taper angle and taper edge thickness were To date, few studies are available where the mate-
the variable parameters considered in most of the rial properties of the adhesive are gradually altered to
studies and design guidelines that exist for specific achieve better joint performance.
application. Another technique is varying the adherend mate-
Lang and Mallick [13] introduced a new bonding rial properties in the overlap region. Ganesh et al. [24]
technique by removing portions of the adhesive layer have shown that composite materials with continu-
(recessing) from the overlap. Their study indicates ously varying material properties can be fabricated
that the average strength of the bond increases with by modifying the conventional braiding technology of
recessing. This positively contributes towards weight fibre placement. With this technology, locally varying
and cost reduction. However, the small effective lap the adherend modulus by design in the overlap region
length due to recessing may adversely affect the fatigue is possible. Ganesh and Choo [25] showed that spatial
failure. grading of adherend elastic modulus of an adhe-
Spew shape and size (the spew is an excess of adhe- sively bonded single-lap joint reduced the peak elastic
sive squeezed out of the lap region at the moment shear stresses and caused more uniformly distributed
of the joint manufacture) were the other parameters stresses in the adhesive layer. Boss et al. [26] also
studied to reduce stress concentration [14–17]. The compared modulus grading of the adherends with
peak stress is dependent on the size and shape of the geometrical grading of the adherends, and showed
spew. It is shown that shaping the spew can provide
smoother transition in joint geometry significantly
reducing the stress concentration [14].
Zeng and Sun [18] proposed a novel ‘wavy’ lap
joint configuration (Fig. 5). In this joint, the through-
thickness stresses at the edges of the overlap are com-
pressive, which provided a significant improvement
in joint strength, especially in fatigue performance.
However, geometrical changes have constraints in
terms of manufacture. For example, from the fab-
rication point of view, adherend shape other than
tapering and stepping would be complex. The fabrica-
tion constraint applies equally to adhesive geometry
alterations. Fig. 6 Mixed-adhesive bonded joint

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 5

that the modulus grading provided reduced stresses

and that combining modulus and geometrical grad-
ing could also yield a better performing adhesive joint
In practice, adhesive joints are subjected to ther-
mal as well as structural loads. The mismatches in
the thermal and mechanical properties of the adhe-
sive and composite adherends cause deformations
and stresses induced by thermal fields in all mem-
bers of the adhesive joint, especially in the adhesive
layer. For example, adhesives with high curing temper-
atures may be unsuitable for some low temperature
applications because of large thermal stresses that
develop when the joint cools down from the curing
Thermal loads are especially important when
bonding dissimilar materials (with different coef-
ficients of thermal expansion), since large differ-
ences in thermal expansion characteristics between Fig. 7 Typical joint configurations for sandwich panels
adherends can cause severe problems [27]. For exam-
ple, for aluminium–composite adhesively bonded
joints, the difference in thermal expansion between structural weight and the ever-increasing demand for
the adherends is relatively large, giving considerably more efficient structures. Several typical joint configu-
higher thermal stresses. In addition, carbon/epoxy has rations for sandwich panels (foam core) are illustrated
a particularly low thermal expansion, so that when in Fig. 7.
bonded to metals these materials tend to produce Joining of sandwich structures is a complex task.
higher thermal stresses than when are bonded to other For example, in a sandwich T-joint, joining of
materials. two sandwich panels at right angle to each other
Rastogi et al. [27] studied three-dimensional ther- with continuous fibre reinforcement at the cor-
mal stress distributions in aluminium-to-composite, ners is considerably difficult [35–39]. Continuous
symmetric, double-lap joints subjected to uniform fibre-reinforcement facilitates efficient load transfer
temperature loads. They found that the joint corners between the two composite parts and increases the
are critical regions for debonding initiation. joint strength substantially.
Owens and Lee-Sullivan [28] studied stiffness loss The composite T-joint is being used extensively
due to crack growth in composite-to-aluminium in the marine and aerospace industries. A typical
joints. They tested single-lap joints at room tempera- design of this type of joint consists of panels joined
ture and at −40 ◦ C at quasi-static conditions and found by fillet and overlaminates (Fig. 8). Various improved
that the joint stiffness is more affected by the response T-joints have been designed and investigated [37–46];
of the adherends to the test temperature than by the some with focus on improved strength and others
modulus of the thin adhesive layer. on reduced weight. Also, T-joint connection can have
Studies on composite scarf joints or repairs were foam fillets in the form of a pad or two triangular
employed by many researchers [29–33]. However, a inserts combined with overlaminates [40]. Sandwich
scarf joint in a composite structure is more complex panels joined by the use of fillet and two trian-
because, unlike lap or stepped-lap joints, the stiffness gular polyvinyl chloride foam fillets (core triangles)
of the bonded surface varies along the bondline. The were investigated theoretically and experimentally by
stress distribution (peel and shear) can vary signifi- Toftegaard and Lystrup [46].
cantly along the bondline in response to the changes in
ply orientation [34]. Significant stress concentrations
exist in scarf joints between composite adherends 4 ADHESIVE PROPERTIES
of identical lay-up [31, 32]. The stress concentration
factor depends strongly on the stacking sequence and Adhesives used in structural applications include:
thickness of the laminates. Since fibres themselves do epoxies (having high strength and temperature resis-
not cross the bondline, the large difference in stiff- tance), cyanoacrylates (fast bonding capability to
ness between the adhesive and the composite plies, plastic and rubber, but poor resistance to moisture
especially 0◦ plies, induces significant stress variations and temperature), anaerobics (suitable for bond-
along the scarf. ing cylindrical shapes), acrylics (versatile adhe-
The development of adhesively bonded sandwich sives with capabilities of fast curing and tolerate
joints has been driven by the requirement for reduced dirtier and less prepared surfaces), polyurethanes

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the compatibility between resin and adhesive. Typi-

cal mechanical properties values for different types of
adhesives are presented in Table 2.
As it is well-known, to achieve a good bond, first it is
necessary to start with a good adhesive. The adhesive
selection process is difficult as there is no univer-
sal adhesive that will fulfil every application, and the
selection of the proper adhesive is often complicated
by the wide variety of available options. However,
adhesive selection includes many factors, such as
type and nature of substrates to be bonded, cure and
Fig. 8 Typical T-joint configuration with circular fillet adhesive application method, and the expected envi-
ronments and stresses that the joint will face in service.
Also, the cost of the adhesive may sometimes be an
important factor of adhesive selection in a particular
(good flexibility at low temperatures and resis- production situation.
tant to fatigue), silicones (excellent sealant for Before an adhesive can be specified for an applica-
low stress applications, high degree of flexibility tion, screening tests should be conducted to compare
and very high-temperature resistance), and high- and evaluate the various adhesion parameters. This is
temperature adhesives (phenolics, polyimides, and especially true for structural adhesives where failures
bismaleimides). Table 1 presents several typical prop- during actual use can have devastating consequences.
erties for different types of adhesives. The increased Properties of adhesives can vary greatly and an appro-
usage of high-temperature resin-matrix systems for priate selection is essential for a proper joint design.
composite materials has necessitated the develop- Thus, to determine the stresses and strains in adhe-
ment of compatible and equally heat stable adhesive sive joints in a variety of configurations, it is necessary
systems. Epoxy adhesives that are very frequently used to characterize the adhesive behaviour to know its
for the composite matrixes, are commonly used to mechanical properties, particularly the stress–strain
bond composites based on epoxy matrix because of curve and the modulus [48]. The approaches used for

Table 1 Typical properties of adhesives

Comments Service temperature (◦ C) Cure

Epoxy High strength and temperature −40 to +100 (180∗ ) One-part epoxies cure with temperature.
resistance, relatively low cure Two-part epoxies cure at room tem-
temperatures, easy to use, low cost perature (cure can be accelerated with
Cyanoacrylates Fast bonding capability to plastic −30 to +80 Fast cure (second or minutes) upon
and rubber but poor resistance to exposure to moisture at room
moisture and temperature temperature
Anaerobics Designed for fastening and sealing −55 to +150 Cure in the absence of air or oxygen at
applications in which a tight seal room temperature
must be formed without light, heat
or oxygen, suitable for bonding
cylindrical shapes
Acrylics Versatile adhesives with capabilities of −40 to +120 Cure through a free radical mechanism
fast curing and tolerate dirtier and
less prepared surfaces
Polyurethanes Good flexibility at low temperatures and −200 to +80 Room temperature
resistant to fatigue, impact resistance,
and durability
Silicones Excellent sealant for low stress −60 to +300 (350† ) Room temperature
applications, high degree of flexibility
and very high temperature resistance,
capability to seal or bond materials of
various natures, long cure times, and
low strength
Phenolics Good strength retention for short −40 to +175 (260† ) Cure with temperature and high pressure
periods of time, limited resistance to
thermal shocks
Polyimides Thermal stability, dependent on −40 to +250 (300† ) Cure with temperature and high pressure
a number of factors, difficult
Bismaleimides Very rigid, low peel properties −50 to +200 (230† ) Cure with temperature and high pressure
∗With different filler materials; † intermittent.

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 7

Table 2 Typical adhesives mechanical properties values systems and the effects of the environment on the
adhesive properties in the selection process of the
Shear Shear Shear
modulus strength strain adhesive.
Adhesive Type G (MPa) (MPa) (%)

AV138 [47] Epoxy 1559 30 7.8

DP805 [47] Acrylic 159 8.4 180
SikaFlex 265∗ Polyurethane 0.7 4.5 450 5 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
RTV 106∗ Silicone – 1.3 400
AS1805 Silicone 0.68 1.47 330 Adhesively bonded joints may be exposed to various
Redux 326 [22] Bismaleimide 1180 36.5 3.63
environmental conditions during their service life. As
∗ Manufacturer’s data.
has been shown, the performance of adhesive sys-
tems can be considerably deteriorated when exposed
to harsh environments. As stated by Vodicka [49] the
determining the properties of adhesives are the mea- environmental factors that can affect the properties
sure of the properties of bulk adhesive specimens and of an adhesively bonded joint can affect, in turn,
the use of specially designed joint geometries with a the ultimate mechanical performance of the joint.
thin bond line (often referred to as ‘in situ’ testing). These factors must be considered a critical factor in
A great variety of test geometries and specimens determining the long-term durability of adhesively
are used to obtain adhesive properties. The measured bonded joints and need to be carefully identified
parameters are the load and strain, which are needed and related to the type of service the material will
to create failure. The test geometry should provide a perceive.
pure state of stress, uniformly distributed across the The main environmental factors in climatic expo-
contact surface and through the bondline, free of stress sure are temperature and humidity. The prolonged
concentrations, and the surface treatment should be exposure or even short-term exposure to elevated tem-
sufficient to ensure cohesive failure in the adhesive peratures will often produce irreversible chemical and
layer. physical changes within adhesives. As the tempera-
Currently there are many ASTM and ISO standards, ture increases, the bond strength decreases. Also, the
which have been written to analyse and experimen- moisture absorbed in a polymeric material can lead to
tally verify adhesive properties. These standards pro- a wide range of effects, both reversible and irreversible,
vide a basis for testing. Commonly, test methods including plasticization, swelling, and degradation.
that have been developed and used to obtain prop- At temperatures below the glass transition tempera-
erties of the adhesives include: tensile tests, shear ture Tg , polymer property reduction is reversible upon
tests, compression, peel, durability tests, and dynamic dehydration, whereas above Tg , the matrix properties
tests. The typical test for strength characterization are permanently degraded.
is lap shear test; for the fracture toughness, it is The presence of moisture in adhesive joints may not
the double cantilever beam (DCB) test; and for the only weaken the physical and chemical properties of
assessment of the resistance to solvents, it is the the adhesive itself but also the interface between the
wedge test. adhesive and the substrate. In the case of composite
There are several test methods to measure the joints exposed to humid environments, the mecha-
shear properties of the adhesives, such as the notched nisms of degradation are quite different compared
beam shear method (Iosipescu), the notched plate to adhesively bonded metal joints. Unlike metals,
shear method (Arcan), torsion of bulk material, butt the work of adhesion for composite to epoxy joints
torsion (napkin ring or solid specimen), and the remains positive in the presence of water [50], thus
thick-adherend shear test method (TAST). The TAST decreases the likelihood of interfacial failure on age-
(ISO 11003-2:1993) is usually preferred for determin- ing. Also, the composite adherend will absorb water,
ing design parameters as the thick, rigid adherends which can affect the kinetics of water absorption
reduce (but do not eliminate) the peel stresses. The into the adhesive. Temperature and moisture can also
state of stress is predominantly shear, but there are influence the mechanical properties of the compos-
peel stresses at the end of the overlap. However, ite matrix material, and the interface between fibres
the most widely used adhesive bond test specimen and matrix may be weakened in the presence of
is the single-lap tension test. The failure mode of moisture [51].
the single-lap joint is rarely controlled by the shear Kinloch [51] suggested a wide range of degrada-
strength of the adhesive but is largely the result of joint tion mechanisms, including plasticization, hydration,
deflections and rotations and induced peel stresses. microcracking of the polymer, and fibre–matrix weak-
Due to the rotation at the overlap, data from sin- ening in composite joints. The degradation can be
gle overlap tension test specimen cannot be used assessed by constitutive and fracture tests. Constitu-
to obtain adhesive shear design data, but are often tive tests on adhesives show a significant lowering of
used for screening tests to compare several adhesive adhesive strength and stiffness, often accompanied

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by an increase in ductility with increasing moisture and cyclic compression. Data obtained from the aged
content [52]. joints were compared with data from an unaged speci-
Parker [53–55] studied the effect of environmen- men and significant differences were found that could
tal effects on carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) only be attributed to the ageing process. They con-
materials bonded with epoxy adhesives. The studies cluded that thermoelastic stress analysis can be used
that investigated the effect of prebond moisture on as a tool for establishing damage severity levels result-
the strength of bonded joints by exposing dried lam- ing from mechanical loading during hygrothermal
inates to a humid environment before bonding have exposure.
shown that moisture contained within the composite, Various studies were employed on the effects of
prior to bonding, can exert a serious deleterious effect various environments on some adhesive properties,
on joint performance. However, drying of the com- but it is still necessary to address the performance
posite prior to bonding has been shown to alleviate of specific adherend–adhesive combinations and to
these deleterious effects and those drying procedures combine environmental, fatigue and fracture stud-
should form part of any prebond surface treatment ies of bonded systems. For example, it is known
regime. Storing a laminate for long periods of time that moisture absorption results in varying degrees
was also seen to result in a decrease in the strength of plasticization, strength loss, and increased duc-
of the bonded joints, even when stored in a freezer tility of some epoxy adhesives. However, the effect
in a sealed bag [53]. Whether the laminate had been of moisture on the fatigue and fracture properties
dried or not before bagging had no effect. This was of bonded joints employing these adhesives is still
attributed to absorption of moisture during the stor- not fully understood. In addition, since adhesive
age period, and indicates that the laminates should be joints are systems comprised of adherends, adhe-
dried before bonding if they have been stored for any sives, and interphase regions, the performance of
extent of time. each of these components may strongly affect the
Many studies for durability predictions for compos- performance of the joint. Thus, general knowledge
ite bonded joints were performed. One approach that of the behaviour of adhesives exposed to various
has been extensively used to predict the durability of environments must be supplemented by knowledge
adhesively bonded joints exposed to humid environ- of the behaviour of specific bonded systems. Also,
ments is the cohesive zone model (CZM) modelling – the influence of environmental aspects has spe-
a methodology discussed in more detail in section cific relevance for multi-material structures (sand-
8.3 [56–60]. wich structures), where components with different
Recently, Hua et al. [61] proposed a strain-based reactions to the same environmental conditions can
failure model to deal with progressive cohesive fail- significantly alter the behaviour of the structure as
ure in ductile aluminium and composite single-lap a whole.
adhesive bonded joints studied for a range of environ-
mental degradations. This model can predict not only
the failure loads of the joints but also the damage initi- 6 FAILURE MODES
ation and propagation in the degraded adhesives. The
elastic–plastic response of the adhesive and the sub- Failure modes are determined by the quality of the
strates, both obtained from the bulk tensile tests, were bond at each interface, specimen geometry, and load-
incorporated in the coupled mechanical-diffusion ing. They must be characterized to gain a full under-
analyses. The main limitation of this strain-based standing of the properties of the adhesive and the
model is the mesh dependence of the material fail- joint being investigated. In FRP composite adhesive
ure parameters. They proposed a displacement-based joints, according to the standard ASTM D5573 [64],
continuum damage model [62] to overcome this mesh there are seven typical characterized modes of failure.
dependence, validated by undertaking progressive They are: adhesive failure, cohesive failure, thin-layer
damage modelling on single-lap joints. They found cohesive failure, fibre-tear failure, light-fibre-tear fail-
good correlation between predicted and experimen- ure, stock-break failure, or mixed failure. These modes
tal results, demonstrating that the continuum dam- are illustrated in Fig. 9.
age model was an efficient and reliable method to Many researchers experimentally investigated the
model environmental degradation in ductile adhesive influences of various parameters on the failure
bonded joints, where failure is predominantly within behaviours on composite bonded joints [65–76]. In
the adhesive layer. these studies, the typical bonding parameters are sur-
Earl et al. [63] studied experimentally, by using a face conditions (e.g. contamination, abrasion, and
thermoelastic stress analysis, marine sandwich con- plasma treatment), fillet, bondline thickness, surface
struction composite T-joints that were exposed to ply angle, stacking sequence, environmental condi-
a hygrothermal (heat/moisture) ageing environment tions, and so on. Also, numerous studies for failure
and were simultaneously subjected to one of the three predictions for composite bonded joints were per-
loading conditions: free standing, static compression, formed [71–78]. However, the failure prediction of the

Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part L: J. Materials: Design and Applications JMDA219 © IMechE 2009
Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 9

Turaga and Sun [79] investigated various T-joints of

composite sandwich panels and identified the cor-
responding modes of failure at the joint. The modes
of failure included debonding between the two sand-
wich components to be joined, debonding between
the attachment and the sandwich panel, and cracking
in the core of the sandwich. They studied a new type of
T-joint incorporating an aluminium U-channel in the
web sandwich, which provided much improvement
over the conventional circular fillet T-joint. They also
studied two types of bolted joints to investigate the
Fig. 9 Possible failure modes in bonded joints between
effectiveness of using bolts for suppressing debonding
FRP composite adherends
at the joint. It was shown that using bolts in a circu-
lar fillet joint could cause early failure in the core and
would not help much to increase the ultimate joint
strength. The experimental failure modes of the tested
composite bonded joints is still difficult because the joints were explained with the help of finite-element
failure strength and mode are different according to analysis.
various bonding methods and parameters.
Primary failure modes for composite sandwich
structures are buckling, local delamination, and 7 ANALYSIS OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS:
fatigue/fracture. Buckling is one of the most impor- ANALYTICAL METHODS
tant failure modes for composite structures, which
have low modulus of elasticity. For all kinds of load- A simple shear lag model for adhesively bonded lap
ing on skins and joints between composite materials, joints with the assumption that the adherends are in
local delamination is one of the most severe fail- tension and the adhesive is in shear only and both
ure modes since it can result in catastrophic failure stresses are constant across the thickness was pre-
for the global system structure. Interlaminar shear sented for the first time, in 1938, by Volkersen [80].
strength and through-thickness normal strength must However, the Volkersen solution does not reflect the
then be carefully designed to prevent composite struc- effects of the adherend bending and shear deforma-
tures from local delamination. The initiation of the tions, which are potentially significant for composite
various failure modes depends on the material prop- adherends with a low shear and transverse modulus
erties of the constituents (facings, adhesive, and core), and strength. Goland and Reissner [81] extended this
geometric dimensions, and type of loading. study by taking into consideration the effects of the
There are various studies referred to failure mode of adherend bending leading to peel stress in the adhe-
sandwich structures bonded joints. Shenoi et al. [37] sive layer, in addition to the shear stress. Goland and
used finite-element analysis and experimentation to Reissner’s adhesive shear and peel stress distributions
investigate the failure mechanisms in composite T- for aluminium alloy adherends and an epoxy adhesive
joints. Significant results of this study indicate that the can be seen in Fig. 10 [82].
behaviour and failure modes of T-joints are dependent
on geometry and materials.
Interfacial debonding and shear failure of the core
in the flange, for pullout loading of a T-joint with filler
fillet and overlaminates, were the two major failure
modes found by Theotokoglou and Moan [38]. They
reported that the ultimate failure loads for these failure
modes did not vary significantly.
Toftegaard and Lystrup [46] investigated theoreti-
cally and experimentally the failure mode in joined
sandwich panels. They observed two different types
of failures. One is the shear failure of the base panel
and the other is the failure through the T-joint itself.
The shear failure is a classical shear failure of sand-
wich panels consisting of shear fracture of the core
and delamination between the core and skin lami-
nates. The two types of failure resemble the failure Fig. 10 Goland and Reissner’s adhesive shear and
types found for pullout loading of a T-joint with filler peel stress distributions for aluminium alloy
fillet and relatively thick overlaminates [43]. adherends and an epoxy adhesive [82]

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10 M D Banea and L F M da Silva

Hart-Smith [83] proposed a simple analytical model adhesive bonded joints, and predicted that the actual
by considering that the adhesive layer has a per- peak adhesive shear stress was shifted inboard from
fect elastoplastic behaviour. He could show that the the edge of the joint and reduced when compared
maximum load that an adhesively bonded joint can to the value found by traditional analysis methods.
transfer depends on the shear deformation energy They did not include in their analysis coupling of the
of the adhesive layer, regardless of the stress–strain shear and bending responses of the joint, which has a
curve. This approach allows a better prediction of the significant effect on the stress distribution.
mechanical behaviour of ductile adhesive layers. Delale et al. [89] extended the classical analysis of
Hart-Smith analysed, in detail, single-lap, double- a bonded joint to include coupling between bending
lap, scarf, and stepped-lap joints in which the and extension, which resulted in modified constitutive
adherends were isotropic or anisotropic elastic, and equations for the adhesive that include the longitudi-
the adhesive was modelled as elastic, elastic–plastic, nal stresses in the adhesive, derived from the average
or bielastic. Thermal effects were also included in extensional strains in the adherends. Their results were
the analysis, and it was shown that reduction in shown to be accurate when compared to detailed
joint strength due to thermal mismatch increases finite-element results for the adhesive stresses at the
as adherends thickness and/or stiffness increases. A edge of a bonded joint. They concluded that it is not
review of most of his work can be found in refer- important to impose a stress-free boundary condition
ence [84], and the main results are summarized there. at the edge of the adhesive, since it is well-known that
However, the effects of transverse shear deforma- the peak stresses occur at the singularity at the inter-
tion, which is important when adherends have rela- face of the adherend and adhesive at the extreme edge
tively low transverse shear modulus, as in the case of of the joint.
laminated composite adherends, were not included in Using an alternate approach, Allman [90] has
the early classical analytical theories. expressed the stresses in the joint as a set of stress
The low transverse stiffness that is often present as a functions, and, by minimizing the strain energy in
result of the high and ultra-high modulus fibres com- the joint, developed solutions that satisfied the adhe-
bined with much lower-modulus polymer resins is an sive stress-free boundary condition and allowed the
important characteristic of adhesively bonded joints satisfaction of the full equilibrium equations for the
with composite adherends. Renton and Vinson [85] as adherends.
well as Srinivas [19] accounted for these low trans- Adams and Mallick [91] used Allman’s approach
verse stiffness effects by including first-order shear to develop a one-dimensional finite-element solu-
deformation in their analysis. Renton and Vinson [85] tion including the non-linear adhesive behaviour. The
developed an analytical solution of a single-lap joint adherends could be dissimilar with different material
geometry that included shear deformation for the properties and/or different thicknesses. This model
composite adherends, and determined the linear elas- allows the variation of the adhesive stresses through
tic response for the adherends and adhesive. Srini- the thickness. The results were found to be in close
vas [19] developed a similar method for single-lap agreement with a finite-element model, but it gener-
and double-lap joints, which included shear defor- ally under-predicts the peak stresses.
mation as a part of the analytical solution while Yang and Pang [92, 93] also derived analytical mod-
attempting to approximate the non-linear geomet- els by using classical laminated plate theory with
ric effects. Dattaguru et al. [86] as well as Pick- first-order shear deformation to analyse symmetric
ett and Hollaway [87] provided studies that used and asymmetric single-lap joints subjected to ten-
non-linear analysis methods to evaluate compos- sile and bending loading. Their approach correlated
ite bonded joint configurations. They studied the the asymmetry of the adherend laminates as well as
performance of single-lap, double-lap, and tubular the effects due to the transverse shear deformation.
joints through analytical and finite-element models The results were found to be in very close agreement
considering non-linear material behaviour in the form with a finite-element model.
of elastic-perfectly plastic adhesive modelling. They Wu et al. [94] proposed a set of several differen-
used the elastic–plastic analysis method of Hart-Smith tial equations for the analysis of joint-edge loads in
to perform their analytical joint evaluations. Addition- dissimilar adherends with different thicknesses and
ally, the results from the analyses predicted an increase lengths. They were developed for the stress analysis
in joint strength over the linear elastic results whereas of adhesive joints with FRPs adherends.
the results from the geometric non-linear analyses Tong [95] used a simplified one-dimensional model
suggested that adhesive properties were a significant as well as a finite-element model to predict the
factor in the joint responses. strength of adhesively bonded double-lap composite
Renton and Vinson [88] have developed a higher- joints. He showed that the failure loads predicted by
order analytical model that includes the adherend the non-linear model were in good agreement with
transverse shear and normal strains to analyse the measured failure loads, whereas those given by

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 11

the linear model were only about half of the measured Yang et al. [101] developed an analytical model
failure loads. by using laminated anisotropic plate theory for
Frostig et al. [96] developed a closed-form high- determining adhesive stress distributions within
order theory, which was an extension of their previous adhesively bonded single-lap composite joints. The
work [97], on the analysis of sandwich panels with a composite adherends were assumed linear elastic
transversely flexible or stiff core – analysis which has whereas the adhesive was assumed elastic-perfectly
the advantage of modelling the shear stress-free con- plastic following von Mises yield criterion. The adhe-
dition at the ends of the overlap. The adhesive shear sive was assumed to be very thin and the adhesive
stress was considered constant through the adhe- stresses were assumed constant through the bond-
sive thickness and the transverse normal stress (peel line thickness. The entire coupled system of equations
stress) in the adhesive was allowed to vary through its was determined through the kinematics relations and
thickness. The joints consisted of two metallic or com- force equilibrium of the adhesive and the adherends.
posite laminated adherends that were interconnected The overall system of governing equations was solved
through equilibrium and compatibility requirements analytically with appropriate boundary conditions.
by a two-dimensional linear elastic adhesive layer. The developed stress model was verified with finite-
However, the shear deformation in the adherends element analysis by comparing the adhesive stress
was neglected, which is important when adherends distributions.
with relatively low transverse shear and normal mod- Zou et al. [102] used classical laminate plate theory
ulus are present, as the case of laminated composite to model single-lap and single-strap metal and CFRP
adherends. Recently, das Neves et al. [98] extended the balanced and symmetric joints subjected to tensile
model of Frostig et al. [96] to include two adhesives and/or bending moment as well as transverse shear
along the overlap (mixed adhesive joint). The use of a loading. The model was verified by comparing with
flexible and ductile adhesive at the ends of the over- finite-element models.
lap (low temperature adhesive in Fig. 11) decreases More recently, Zhang et al. [103] developed a
the peel stress [99] which is of paramount importance method for multi-axial stress analysis of composite
when working with composites. joints based on Mortensen and Thomsen [100] unified
Mortensen and Thomsen [100] developed a unified approach, to accommodate transverse in-plane strain
approach for adhesive composite bonded joints. They and hygrothermal loads and to compute the in-plane
modelled the adherends as beams or wide plates in and interlaminar stresses in the adherends. Compared
cylindrical bending and the composite adherends as with other analytical methods for bonded joint anal-
generally orthotropic laminates using classical lami- ysis, this method is capable of handling more general
nate theory, and the adhesive as a linear elastic mate- situations, including various joint geometries, linear
rial. The analysis accounts for coupling effects induced and non-linear adhesives, asymmetric and unbal-
by adherends made as asymmetric and unbalanced anced laminates, and various loading and boundary
laminates and allow specification of any combina- conditions.
tion of boundary conditions and external loading. The All the analyses presented considered the adherends
results obtained by using this approach were com- to have linear elastic behaviour, some considered
pared with finite-element results and results obtained plastic behaviour only for the adhesive layer and
by using a high-order theory approach (both including some others included variations in the distribution
spew-fillets); and were found in very good agreement. of adhesive stresses through the thickness of the

Fig. 11 Geometry and loading of a typical mixed adhesive single-lap joint. LTA stands for low
temperature adhesive and HTA for high temperature adhesive [98]

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adhesive [90, 91, 96]. However, material non-linearity The criterion used varies between maximum values
due to plastic behaviour is difficult to incorporate of stress [104–106], strain [83, 105], or plastic energy
because the analysis becomes very complex in the density [107]. However, it is difficult to use maximum
mathematical formulation; the non-linear material stress or strain criteria due to the bi-material singu-
behaviour being implemented only in finite-element larities inherent in a bonded joint (Fig. 12). As was
models. shown by Bogy [108], a bi-material wedge gives rise to
a singular strain distribution. Since there will always
be a singularity at the ends of idealized bonded joints,
8 ANALYSIS OF ADHESIVELY BONDED JOINTS: the maximum strain for such a model will coincide
FINITE-ELEMENTS METHOD with the value at the singularity and thus will vary
greatly with mesh refinement. Adams and Harris [107]
The finite-element method has the great advantage showed that by introducing rounding, the singular-
that the stresses in a body of almost any geometri- ity was removed although the level of peak stress (or
cal shape under load can be determined. Linear and plastic strain energy density for the non-linear anal-
non-linear finite-element analyses have been carried yses) became dependent on the degree of rounding.
out on different types of adhesive joints, and the adhe- The problem now is shifted towards deciding how
sive effective stresses and strains have been evaluated. much rounding is to be used to avoid affecting the
Since the adhesive layer is thin compared with the joint strength. Knowledge of the exact end shape then
thickness of the adherends, a fine mesh in these areas becomes essential for accurate strength predictions.
is required so that the number of degrees of freedom Consequently, the continuum mechanics approach
in a joint is rather high. A full finite-element analysis often uses the same operators as mentioned above,
should include the effects of bending, adherend shear, but this time applied at a certain distance from the
end effects, and non-linear behaviour of the adhesive singularity. This method is known as stress or strain at
and adherends. a distance [109].
Numerous studies on the analysis of bonded joints
with composite adherends have been published, many 8.2 Fracture mechanics approach
of them being concerned with the definition of appro-
priate failure criteria for improved joint strength In the fracture mechanics approach, an energy param-
predictions. eter (toughness) is used as the failure criterion. In prin-
Adhesive bonded joints contain inherent defects ciple, it is possible to determine values of toughness
from their manufacture. The crack initiation starts as a function of the relative amounts of normal and
from these defects and leads later to failure of the shear deformation acting at the crack tip (in the adhe-
assembly. The fracture strength of adhesive joints sive, along the interface or through the adherend), and
depends on a number of factors and their combina- to use the concepts of mixed-mode fracture mechan-
tions, e.g. adhesive type, cure cycle, adherend type, ics (failure occurs if local mixed mode energy release
bondline thickness, and so on. However, a lack of reli- rate exceeds a critical value) to predict the appropriate
able failure criteria still exists limiting in this way a crack path to calculate the strength of the joint under
more widespread application of adhesively bonded different loading conditions [110].
joints in structural applications. An accurate strength This is the case of linear elastic fracture mechanics
prediction of adhesively bonded joints is essential to that relies on the existence of a crack and linear elas-
decrease the amount of expensive testing at the design ticity. However, well-fabricated joints may not have
Currently used approaches for predicting the
strength of adhesively bonded joints are: the con-
tinuum mechanics approach (stress based), fracture
mechanics, and damage mechanics approach.

8.1 Continuum mechanics approach

The continuum mechanics approach has been used
by many researchers to predict the joint strength.
The adhesive and adherends are modelled by using
continuum elements, assuming that the adhesive is
perfectly bonded to the adherends. The assumption of
a perfect bond means that the finite-element analy-
sis takes no account of the adhesion properties of the
interface. Fig. 12 Strength of singularities in lap joints

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 13

macroscopic defects large enough to be considered thus using both strength and energy parameters to
cracks. Also, with laminated structures, it is easy to characterize the debonding process (Fig. 13).
induce large-scale plasticity in the adherends. These The main difference in CZMs is in the shape of the
factors fundamentally limit the use of linear elastic traction–separation curves and the parameters that
fracture mechanics approach in practical applications describe this shape. Generally, the parameters that
and alternative approaches need to be sought. describe the cohesive law are: the area under the
Another approach is the stress singularity approach traction–separation curve (the toughness) and a char-
(the fracture mechanics approach with no initial acteristic strength (typically, the cohesive strength)
crack). The use of a generalized stress-intensity or a characteristic displacement that represents the
factor, analogous to the stress-intensity factor in failure strain of the cohesive zone. General traction–
classical fracture mechanics, to predict fracture ini- separation laws for damage-softened composites and
tiation for bonded joints was investigated by some adhesives can be obtained from Ungsuwarungsri and
researchers [111–113]. Groth [112] suggested a frac- Knauss [115].
ture initiation criterion at the interface corners for Studies demonstrated that it is possible to deter-
bonded structure. It was assumed that initiation of mine experimentally the appropriate cohesive-zone
fracture occurs when the generalized stress-intensity parameters of an adhesive layer, and to incorporate
factor reaches its critical value. Gleich et al. [113] them into numerical analyses that have excellent pre-
carried out a similar study and calculated the singu- dictive capabilities [117–122]. For example, Sørensen
larity strength and intensity for a range of adhesive and Jacobsen [117] determined the cohesive laws by
thicknesses. They found that the intensity increased a J -integral approach by using a DCB specimen. The
with increasing adhesive thickness and observed that end-opening displacement was measured with exten-
this would account for decreasing joint strength with someters at the neutral axis on the beam at the initial
increasing adhesive thickness, which is verified exper- crack tip. A meaningful cohesive law was obtained
imentally. by differentiating the J -integral (determined from the
load) with respect to the end-opening displacement.
Li et al. [118, 119] used a cohesive-zone approach
to model the mode-I fracture of adhesive compos-
8.3 Damage modelling ite joints. They have shown that a two-parameter

The progressive damage modelling approach enables

the complete response of structures up to the final
point of failure to be modelled in a single analysis
without the need for additional post-processing of
finite-element analysis results. This is an emerging
field and the techniques for modelling damage can be
divided into either local or continuum approaches. In
the continuum approach the damage is modelled over
a finite region. The local approach, where the damage
is confined to zero volume lines and surfaces in two-
and three-dimensions, respectively, is often referred to
as cohesive zone approach.
In a CZM approach, used to model the progressive
damage and failure, a predefined crack path has to
be defined [114–116]. A CZM simulates the macro-
scopic damage along this path by specification of a
traction–separation response between initially coinci-
dent nodes on either side of the predefined crack path.
In most of the CZMs, the traction–separation rela-
tions for the interfaces are such that with increasing
interfacial separation, the traction across the interface
reaches a maximum (crack initiation), then decreases
(softening) and finally, the crack propagates permit-
ting a total de-bond of the interfaces. The whole
failure response and crack propagation can thus be
A CZM models the fracture process extending the
concept of continuum mechanics by including a Fig. 13 Schematic of a CZM for failure prediction of
zone of discontinuity modelled by cohesive zones, adhesively bonded joints

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CZM parameter can be obtained for a polymer matrix elements in accordance. Continuum damage models
composite joint from the experimental results. The constitute a valuable alternative when crack path is
toughness parameters were obtained by correlation of not known a priori. Also, continuum damage models
the part of the load–displacement curve that was rela- acquire special relevancy when adhesive thickness has
tively independent of the cohesive strength parameter to be considered [129].
which in turn was varied until the whole simu- de Moura et al. [129] used two different methods
lated load–displacement characteristics were consis- to simulate damage propagation to fracture charac-
tent with the experimental results. A simulation of a terization of bonded joints in pure modes I and II.
DCB test and the experimental results were in excel- The cohesive damage model was based on a trape-
lent agreement. However, a third parameter had to be zoidal law to account for the ductile behaviour of
included in traction–separation law, corresponding to the adhesive and was applied to DCB and ENF tests.
fibre bridging and pull out for specimens with a very The cohesive parameters were determined by using
short-characteristic length (butt joint). an inverse method applied to fracture characteriza-
In subsequent works, Li et al. [120, 121] used the tion tests. The simulation of single-lap bonded joints
CZM approach to model the mixed-mode fracture of indicates that only one parameter should be accu-
adhesive composite joints by using different mixed- rately determined, which simplifies the procedure.
mode bonded geometries. The mode-II cohesive-zone A continuum mixed-mode damage model was also
parameters were obtained by using sandwich end- developed to evaluate the adhesive thickness mechan-
notch flexure (ENF) specimens [120] and single-lap ical influence on fracture energy. It was verified that
shear and asymmetrical double-cantilever beam spec- plateau values of the R-curves, which correspond to
imens [121]. They showed that numerical simulations the fracture energy, presented similar values for dif-
provided quantitative predictions including predic- ferent adhesive thicknesses which means that there is
tions for both the strengths of the joints and for the no mechanical reason for the referred variation. The
failure mechanisms. model was also able to simulate the different shape
Liljedahl et al. [122] used the CZM in conjunc- of the fracture process zone as a function of adhesive
tion with both elastic and elastoplastic continuum thickness and its influence on the R-curve profile.
behaviour to predict the response of a mixed mode In summary, there are a large number of approaches
flexure and three different lap shear joints. Excellent and studies in the literature for predicting the strength
correlation was found between the experimental and of adhesively bonded joints and the number of possi-
predicted joint strengths. bilities in choosing a failure criterion is overwhelming.
Blackman et al. [123] applied CZMs to a range of It is difficult to assess which one is the best and there
bonded composite configurations and investigated is no general agreement about the method that should
the physical significance of the maximum (tripping) be used to predict failure since the failure strength
stress (σ max) used in the CZM. They concluded that it and mode are different according to various bond-
cannot be stated whether or not the traction stress in ing methods and parameters. However, progressive
the separation law has a physical meaning. damage models are quite promising since important
Parametric studies to determine the effect of incor- aspects of the joint behaviour can be modelled by
porating plasticity with a CZM were employed by using this approach.
many researchers [116, 124–127]. They showed that For adhesively bonded sandwich structures, much
the total amount of fracture energy is increased by of the literature deals with design and analysis of T-
including plastic dissipation. It was shown that slow joint sandwich structures. Linear finite-element anal-
hardening of the plastically deforming layer increases yses of composite sandwich T-joints were developed
the steady-state fracture toughness more than a sud- by Shenoi and Violette [40], Dodkins et al. [42], and
den, step-hardening [116, 127]. It was also shown that Phillips and Shenoi [44]. Non-linear analyses are pro-
the total toughness depends on the thickness of the vided in references [38], [39], [41], and [43] and may
adhesive layer. The ratio of the substrate elastic mod- include damage in the form of delamination [42] or
ulus to that of the adhesive layer was shown to have cracks [44].
a fairly significant effect such that joints with stiffer Theotokoglou [38, 39, 43] developed a non-linear
substrates exhibit higher toughness [125, 128]. finite-element model to predict joint performance
An important concept of the CZM approach is that of composite sandwich T-joints under pull-off load.
both strength and energy parameters are used to char- The behaviour of the sandwich T-joint in tension
acterize the debonding process along the crack path, was shown to be characterized by geometric non-
allowing the approach to be of much more general linearities due to out-of-plane loads and by material
utility than conventional fracture mechanics. How- non-linearities due to local yielding.
ever, the cohesive models present a limitation, as it Dulieu-Barton et al. [45] determined experimentally
is necessary to know a priori the critical zones where and numerically the stresses in sandwich construc-
damage is prone to occur and place the cohesive tion T-joints under static loading. They showed that

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Adhesively bonded joints in composite materials 15

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Commission, VI Framework Programme for its sup- 1975.
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applications, 1976, vol. 4 (Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
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