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Overseas trained doctors

How to prepare for a fellowship exam
AKM Fakhruzzaman Bhuiyan, MBBS, DTM&H, FRACGP, is a general practitioner, Ouse, Tasmania.

Exam preparation is a stressful time and everyone wants to prepare effectively to do as well as they
can. It is a personal challenge that, successfully overcome, carries the reward of peer recognition and
acceptance. However, for the overseas trained doctor it is not easy to write a fellowship exam when
one is not sure either where or how to start, where to get help and resources, and how to proceed.
I encountered many difficulties in preparing for the Fellowship of The Royal Australian College of
General Practitioners (FRACGP) exam, and in overcoming these difficulties, thought the knowledge
acquired may be useful to others facing the same task.

T he overseas trained doctor will have started • population health and the context of general and viva style discussions with the examiner.
in general practice in Australia with approval practice
from the Medical Board. Within Australia, both • professional and ethical role, and
Study plan
the spectrum and profile of general practice • organisational and legal dimensions. It was my experience that a study plan was dif-
may differ from where you practised. General (A description of the five domains can be found ficult to start, but once started the path
practice is a wide field of medicine and you at the RACGP website: revealed through planning led directly to my
may feel frustrated that there is no set curricu- goal. Start with a good background knowledge
lum to indicate more precisely the field open to
The exam components of general practice (I needed to add knowledge
an examination. The exam consists of three parts – two written of salient differences in Australian general prac-
As you organise yourself to prepare to sit and one clinical: tice). I found it useful to spend time in
the exam, first assess your curriculum vitae and Applied knowledge test (AKT): a two item identifying not only my strengths and weak-
review your overseas general practice experi- type test of single best answer and extended nesses, but also identifying ‘extra’ knowledge
ences as required by the RACGP. Assessment matching questions (MCQs) – you can down- not usually seen in everyday general practice. I
takes a few months and the RACGP’s feedback load examples from the RACGP website. also found it helpful to study the exam matrix
will advise when you are eligible to sit for the Key feature problems (KFP): consists of a clini- in order to see what emphasis should be given
exam. The lead time thus calculated should cal case scenario followed by questions relating to each topic.
then be programmed to organise yourself for to the key feature of the case. This may be a list From a review of my everyday experiences
systematic study. The sooner you start prepar- of the most likely diagnoses or what initial inves- when consulting, I would spend time consider-
ing for the exam, the better. tigation you would perform, or a choice of ing if there were any of my patient’s needs
The exam will focus on current Australian options for the most appropriate management. which fell within my area of responsibility that I
general practice. For this task, a broad span of The clinical exam: run along the lines of an was unable to meet. You will find the results of
knowledge will be more useful than greater ‘OSCE’. This component of the exam repre- these reflections will help determine your
depth in only a few areas. The philosophy to sents a session in general practice. The exam learning needs and direct you to books, jour-
adopt is pragmatic – rather like the way one sur- takes 3.5 hours and covers 16–18 stations and nals, websites, and of course, one’s colleagues
vives in general practice. The exam covers the includes a couple of rest stops. Each station for answers (see Resources). My advice is to
five domains of general practice and seeks pro- takes 11–19 minutes to complete, depending on make short notes on what you read, so that
fessional knowledge of: whether it is a short or long clinical case. There you can review them closer to exam time.
• communication skills and the patient-doctor are stations that involve simulated consultations
relationship with examiners acting as patients, physical
Revision plan
• applied professional knowledge and skills examination of patients, practical procedures, Revision often brings back thoughts of spend-

746Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 33, No. 9, September 2004
Professional practice: Overseas trained doctors – how to prepare for a fellowship exam

ing time writing lists as aids to memory.

Table 1. Revision plan
Realistically, one is well advised to start revising
at least 3 months before the exam. You can Topic Know nothing Moderate Good Reading covered
expect to be examined on anything that may Hypertension
‘turn up’ in general practice, therefore it is wise Cholesterol
to revise the topics you may be a bit ‘hazy’ on. HRT and OCT
A suggested revision plan is shown in Table 1.
Study group Common condition
(eg. sore throat)
Join a study group. The importance of group Rheumatology
work can’t be overstated. You can share the Skin disorder
workload as a group, set and allocate listed Palliative care
Sexual abuse
tasks and prepare summaries of relevant arti-
cles to discuss in-group. For each session
prepare a ‘clinical challenge’ from Australian Men’s health
Family Physician. Go through the answers with Obstetric care
the group. Discussions are good for oral exami- Aboriginal health
nation. You can start an email study group to Screening
discuss cases when it is not possible to meet. Counselling
Doctor-patient relationship
Your local division of general practice or rural
workforce agency can give you a list of doctors
Practice management
planning to do the exam. The most useful thing Sick doctor
to do with others to prepare for the clinical Looking after self
exam is to set up practice cases for physical
examination and to time the session. It allows • Exams usually test more than memory: examination
Hutchinson’s Clinical medicine
you to understand the quality of your clinical you will be expected to demonstrate
Roger Neighbor’s The inner consultation
skills. There are no alternatives to practice – understanding and to apply knowledge The RACGP’s Standards for general practice, 2nd edn
practise, practise, practise! • Relax! Have faith in yourself and reflect The RACGP’s Putting prevention into practice
upon your work knowledge and experi- The RACGP’s Guidelines for preventive activities in
Pre-exam workshop ences. You will gain confidence for both
general practice, 5th edn
The RACGP’s Sterilisation/disinfection guidelines for
This is a weekend course organised by the the exam and your daily practice. general practice, 3rd edn.
RACGP a couple of months before the Good luck! Videos (from the RACGP library)
Clinical procedure and physical examination
written exam. It gives you an insight into the techniques: a useful resource for the clinical
exam and helps to evaluate your strengths Resources component of the exam
and weaknesses. You will meet other candi- Journals Evening tutorial series from the RACGP NSW Faculty:
Australian Family Physician, Medicine Today: read the relevant to the clinical component of the exam
dates and share thoughts, ideas and
editorials and articles on topics related to general Cases in General Practice Program 1–9: recommended
resources. Such courses can introduce you to practice for the past 2–3 years. It is helpful to read for the written component of the exam.
an ideal study group. AFP’s ‘clinical challenge’ and ‘brain teaser’ quizzes. Websites
Australian Doctor, Medical Observer: look at the – register on-line, search the library
Important extra tips current affairs and pull out the clinical sections. Visit catalogue and obtain your choices including exam
their websites for previous issues. resources – free to RACGP members
• Keep some time for your family – do not CDs and publications – 100s of
forget them The RACGP check program is a great support. It is images of dermatological conditions as well patient
published according to topics, is brief, direct, and easy information and management sections
• Let your practice know early that you are to read. Indeed, I would go so far as to say they are – a comprehensive list of useful
doing the exam and if you will need time essential reading. Go through 4–5 years of programs. information to help you prepare for the exam. GPEA
off work to study Peruse the covers for all domains of general practice offers courses and workshops for the exam
and quick question and answer MCQs. and
• Ask around – you might find local GPs
Murtagh’s General practice: essential reading covering – case studies and MCQs.
who are Fellowship examiners and could many relevant topics to everyday practice AFP
offer help and advice Fitzpatrick’s Colour atlas and synopsis of clinical Conflict of interest: none.
• Don’t leave your exam revision to the last dermatology: a handy combination of both text and
articulated images Correspondence
moment – develop a plan for revision Talley, O’Connor and McRae’s Clinical orthopaedic Email:

Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 33, No. 9, September 2004 747

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