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Kevin Nguyen


World History Honors

April 18, 2018

Philosophers Influences on America’s Founding Documents

Enlightenment was a period of an intellectual movement that would emphasize the

importance of people's ability to reason and to problem solve. The Enlightenment would

emphasize the importance of the individual in society and would introduce a more secular

outlook on life. The American Revolution was the rebellion against King George III’s rule

because of taxation on imports without the colonists consent and Enlightenment ideas that would

influence the colonists to rebel. Since the American Revolution was the first successful rebellion

against a monarchy, It would to lead to other rebellions against the government all around the

world including the French Revolution. The success of the American Revolution would also lead

to the creation of America. The spread of Enlightenment ideas would influence the colonists to

revolt against the English, thus making the Enlightenment become one of the main causes of the

American Revolution. Some of these ideas that relate to the cause of the American Revolution

include the ideas of a natural rights and revolution if the government doesn't protect these rights.

John Locke, Voltaire, and Montesquieu’s ideas of Freedom, natural rights, and Separation of

Powers influenced America's founding documents including the Declaration of Independence,

Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution.

John Locke’s ideas of natural rights influenced two of America’s founding documents,

the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. A section of the Declaration of

Independence states that people are given rights that cannot be taken away including their own

freedom, life, and their well being. This section of the Declaration of Independence was
influenced by John Locke because John Locke’s ideas of natural rights was used in this section,

this includes Life, Liberty and Property. John Locke’s idea of people already born with rights

was also an influence in this document because it states people are given rights that cannot be

taken away from them in any way. In another section of the Declaration of Independence, it

states that people have the right to abolish a government when the government becomes

destructive. John Locke’s ideas could be seen in this document because John Locke’s idea of

having the consent of the governed was in this document. John Locke believed that people

should have the ability to have a role in the government which can be seen in this document

where the governed can abolish a government. In Amendment 8 of the Bill of Rights, it states

that no excessive bails, no excessive fines, and no cruel punish will be delivered. This

amendment was influenced by John Locke’s idea of people being equal in natural rights because

it talks about no unfair amount of fines will be given to different people in the same conditions

which shows equality. John Locke’s idea of people being entitled to their rights also was seen in

this document because all people were given the right to no unfair treatment like excessive fines.

To conclude, John Locke’s ideas of being born free and equal and the idea of governments

needing approval from the governed had an influence on the development of the Declaration of

Independence and the Bill of Rights.

Voltaire’s ideas of freedom influenced the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.

The first amendment from the Bill of Rights states that people have the ability to practice their

own religion and having the ability to speak freely. Voltaire influenced the first amendment from

the Bill of Rights because it uses Voltaire’s idea of people having religious freedom and being

able to practice the religion freely. This amendment also contains another idea Voltaire believed
in which is the ability to speak freely. In Section 4, Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, it states

that no religious tests would be a requirement to any office or public trust in the United States.

Voltaire influenced this section of the U.S. Constitution because it contains Voltaire’s idea of

freedom of religion. Voltaire’s idea of freedom of religion is that people should be able to

practice and choose their own religion and can be seen here where people can freely practice

religion without any religious tests for a requirement to any public trust or office. In The

Declaration of Independence, it states a list of problems the colonists had with King George III.

This section of The Declaration of Independence was influenced by Voltaire's idea of freedom of

speech because the colonists are freely talking about problems they had with King George III. In

conclusion, Voltaire’s idea of religious freedom and freedom of speech had an influence on the

creation of America’s founding documents including the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.

Baron de Montesquieu’s idea of Separation of Powers influenced America’s founding

documents including the U.S. Constitution. In Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution, it

states that when a bill is proposed by the Senate and House of Representatives, it has to go to the

president to be decided if it will become a law. This shows that Montesquieu’s idea had an

influence on the U.S. Constitution because the document contains his idea of Separation of

Powers. Separation of Powers is the split of power and control between branches which can be

seen here where one branch can only propose a law while the other branch can only decide

whether it could become a law. In Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. constitution, it states the

president has the power to make treaties, but with the advice and consent of congress. This also

shows that Montesquieu’s idea had an influence on U.S. Constitution because Montesquieu’s

Separation of Powers could be seen in this section. Montesquieu’s idea of Separation of Powers
can be seen between the executive and the legislative branch because one branch can make a

decision, but the other can allow or reject that decision. In Article 1, Section 1 of the U.S.

Constitution, it states all legislative powers would be secured in the Congress of the United states

and should consist of the House of Representatives and Senate. This section of the U.S.

Constitution was also influenced by Montesquieu's idea of Separation of Powers because the

legislative branch consists of the House of Representative and the Senate. This shows influence

because it contains parts of Montesquieu’s idea where branches power can be split. To conclude,

Montesquieu de Baron’s ideas of Separation of Powers had an influence on the development of

America’s founding documents, the U.S. Constitution.

In conclusion, the development of America’s founding documents like the Declaration of

Independence, Bill of Rights, and The U.S. Constitution would be influenced by John Locke,

Voltaire, and Montesquieu de Baron’s ideas of natural rights, Separation of Powers and freedom.

It is important to acknowledge the philosophers that had an impact on the creation of America’s

founding documents because these founding documents would contribute to the structure of

America. These documents are also still effective today which makes it beneficial to learn about

the philosophers ideas that had influence on these founding documents.

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