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The purpose of technology in the classroom is broaden the musical experience and to
offer new outlets for creating music. High school students will use Garage Band to
first create a small melody using the different types of sounds in the program. They
will then take a popular song and make a new song based on the popular song either
by remixing the song or using some of the melodies from the known song. This will
allow the students to create something new as well as improvise over a song and then
have the song played for the class.
II. Process: The students will start out learning the different tools and sounds of Garage
Band. They will then create a short song will a clear melody, that uses at least 4
different loop tracks. This will allow them to get used to the sound of digital music
and the process of putting music together. I will then have the students choose either a
popular song or create their own song, to remix or create. The song they choose must
have a sing-able melody containing words and an accompaniment. They can choose
to use only GarageBand and add other sounds or record themselves singing the song
and then add loops underneath, or if they come up with an idea that fits the basic
outline I will also allow that too.
III. Assessment: I will assess the projects and student’s knowledge of the lesson with a
rubric that will be handed out with the explanation of the assignment. The rubric will
contain the requirements that I stated in the process. This will be: did they follow
instructions, did they meet all the criteria I asked for, and was it turned in on time. I
will gauge their project on all these in class and give them a paper grade on the rubric
and then other a chance to better their grade if they choose to but they have to meet
with me before turning in the revised project. This is to ensure that they are serious
about their grade and that they are on the right track.
IV. Reflection: By creating this project, I hope the students will see that making music is
not limited to a choral or instrumental ensemble, that it extends further and that it a
career option for those who wish to pursue it.

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