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Matthew Sellek
150 Forestville Rd,
Wake Forest, NC 27587

To Whom it May Concern,

The way the English department works at Heritage High School, the teacher of PreAP English is
supposed to move up with their students each year until they graduate with AP English IV. I was
one of the first teachers to go through this process, and Alexa Robertson is one of the reasons
that I continue to advocate for it. I taught her three years in a row, and each year only revealed to
me more and more of who she is. In all my years of teaching, Alexa stands out as one of the best
students that I have ever taught, due to her strength, perception, and empathy towards her fellow
students and instructors.

Perhaps what has impressed me most about Alexa is her strength. Alexa is certainly an achiever,
but her achievements are not without her own hurdles. Alexa even began life with a personal
obstacle: as a child, she battled cancer for years, to the point that most doctors told her she was
not going to live. And yet, Alexa defeated it. Not only that, she defeated it with an attitude of
newness, that she would live her life to the fullest she could muster. She has participated in
countless charity organizations, has thrown herself into dance and theatre, and has tried to soak
up every bit of information that she can--knowing that she got so close to losing it before. Alexa
would come into class some days, having performed alongside Janet Jackson for dance or been
acting on the set of a film into the dark hours in the mornings, and continue to show the highest
of academic qualities in the classroom. But her extracurriculars, more often than not, revolve
around charity. In particular, she has continued to volunteer at the UNC Children’s Hospital--the
very hospital that saved her life--and has the desire to dedicate herself to help other children
who, like herself, are told that they are not going to live.

Along with this is Alexa’s personal and natural disposition of empathy. She is, and always has
been, extremely kind and helpful for all those around her. Students all know her as the most
warm-hearted and giving of all their peers, and it has allowed her to be the “go to” for her fellow
students, as well as the instructors as well. From the very first day she entered my class, a
transfer student coming in late in the year from California, she hit the ground running. Her kind
nature allowed her to make friends easily and to contribute to my class with skill quickly.

All in all, Alexa has been a standout to have in class for the past four years, and seeing her grow
in her strength and empathy has been a point of pride in my classroom. I highly recommend her
for any and all programs, and look forward to what she will do in her future. Please contact me if
you need any more information, as I am happy to give it. Alexa deserves this more than any
other student, or person, that I know.


Mr. Matthew Sellek

English Department
Heritage High School

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