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1 Evidently, research cannot proceed unless a problem, a need or a deficiency/gap in knowledge is

identified as needing a solution or an answer. Thus the research problem serves to identify the
objective of the study.

Possible Sources of Research Problems

In preparation for your thesis as a requirement of the MSCE program, the following may possibly help.

2 With so many researches already conducted, it may be difficult to find a research problem that is
worth studying. However, when one considers and observes difficulties and issues experienced in
the practice of profession, it may be possible to identify research problems.
3 Research problems can also be obtained from the work of other researchers. This can happen
because it is possible that new questions arose out of those studies or the researchers
themselves have recommendations on problems to be worked on in relation to the completed
4 Theories formulated by other researchers can also be researched on, say, on their applicability.
5 Engineering books and other literature may also be a source of research problems.
6 Sometimes acquaintances and mentors can also suggest research problems for study.

Factors to Consider in Choosing Research Problems

7 Before choosing a research problem when embarking to work on your thesis, there are some
factors to consider.
Try asking these questions:

Is it relevant?
A research problem will be relevant if the answers obtained will be useful.
For that to happen, it must have practical value or significance, either for the researcher himself
or others in the field of the study.

Is it interesting or are you interested in it ?

A research problem must interest you as a researcher. Otherwise the time, effort, and attention
that you might be willing to spend for it may be minimal, possibly leading to the non-completion
of the study.

Is it feasible?
What this means is, can you answer the problem within a reasonable amount of time, money,
effort and with your expertise ?
For instance, if a thesis will take 20 years before problem can be aswered, then the research
problem is not feasible for academic research.
Feasibility is also lacking if the problem requires expertise not within the capability of the
researcher. For example, if the researcher is a civil engineer but the intended study requires
medical expertise, the research may not be feasible.
If the study requires a substantial amount of money,but there are no funds for it, then the
research problem is similarly not feasible.
Is it researchable?
For a research problem to be researchable, there must be a means for the researcher to obtain
data to process.
For instance, at this point it time, to study the strength of rocks from Pluto is not researchable
because data from the rocks of the planet cannot be obtained.

Is it ethical?
If in the process of obtaining data, other people, entities, environment, habitat, society, etc. will
be harmed, then the research problem is unethical.
Poisoning a person to study the effect of a given poison is unethical, or destroying a forest to
study its ability to recover is unethical.

Stating Research Problems

8 Research problems can be a declarative statement or a question.

9 The main problem, usually in declarative form, must clearly state what the researcher wants to
find out. It is a broad statement
10 The main problem is then broken down into sub-problems, usually in question form. It is by
answering the sub-problems that the main problem is addressed. Thus the number of sub-
problems must be sufficient to cover the entire problem of the research.

11 The following main problem and sub-problems involving water conduits in hydroelectric power
plants illustrate how research problems are stated.

“The main thrust of this study is to identify and integrate concepts, equations, formulae, charts,
and tables in order to organize a procedure implemented by way of a computer program that can
facilitate and effect efficient design of hydropower water conduits.

Relative to this, the following specific questions are to be addressed:

1. What equations, formulae, and concepts can be adopted to design the diameters and
determine the head losses in the pipes used as water conduits in hydroelectric power
2. What equations, formulae and concepts can be adopted to design the cross-sections and
compute the head losses in the open channels used as water conduits in hydroelectric
power plants?
3. What equations and formulae can be adopted to determine the minor losses in pipes and
open channels?
4. What equations, concepts and/or theorems can be used to link the pipe and open channel
equations together so as to organize an integrated procedure that can be implemented by
way of a computer program to design all the water conduits used in hydroelectric power
plants? “
12 In the foregoing, notice that each of the sub-problems is a researchable unit; Very specific yet
when put together, these address what the researcher wants to determine as stated in the main

13 Research problems stated in question form may be one seeking a descriptive answer, a
difference, or a relationship. Consider the following:

What is the amount maximum amount of impurities mixed in concrete that will significantly
affect its compressive strength?

Note: This form is used when comparing two or more observations
How significant is the difference between the compressive strength of concrete with Brand X
additive as compared to concrete without any additive?

Note: This form for stating the problem is suitable for correlational research
What is the degree of relationship between compressive strength and aggregate size in concrete?

14 After writing down the research problem/s, it would be appropriate to review the following:

Is the statement of the problem clear?

The problem is clearly stated if it clearly identifies what is to be studied/investigated in the
research. It also means that when read by others, the problem must not create confusion or
misunderstanding as to what the research is all about.

Does the problem provide direction in undertaking the research ?

The problem provides direction if the main problem naturally leads the researcher to the
succeeding steps to be undertaken in going about the research. For instance, the main problem
in item # 11 clearly shows what the researcher needs to do, with the main problem leading to the

Are the key items or factors stated in the problem?

The key elements must be identifiable in the problem. Again in item #11, the key
factors/elements such as equations, charts, concepts, formulate, computer program are explicitly
identified/stated in the problem.

15 If there are other research problems to choose from or other distinct problems that can be
created, as to which one should be selected can be established by answering the following:

Which one requires immediate solution?

A problem that most needs a solution or answer at the soonest time should be selected.

Which is more widespread?

Choose a problem that involves more regions or areas.
Which one affects more people?
A problem that affects more people is more important that one that does not.

Which one yields more benefits?

Since research must have beneficial effects, choose a problem that will yield more benefits when

16 Clearly, the research problem establishes where the research is headed and it can indicate the
type of research method that is suitable.

17 After stating the problems, the title of the research can be established. Although brief, the title
must clearly identify what the research will focus on, including the contents of the study.

18 As an example, the title of the research corresponding to the problem in item # 11 is:
“Computer-aided Integrated Hydraulic Design of Water Conduits in Hydroelectric Power Plants”

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