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Practice Time : Bike Ride

A 1 : Arrange the following events in order of their occurrence:

1.The tears dried on her cheek .
2. She had received bike that Christmas.
3. Her sister gently picked her bike up and motioned her.
4. She was so frustrated that she threw her bike.
Read activity, read the extract and do all the activities
Extract from 2.2 Bike Ride : " I still remember the day ................Perhaps she felt something, too.
A 2 : Complete the statement: The narrator took it upon herself to learn bike because ........ ......
A 3 : The bike riding experience changed the narrators life. Give instances.
A 4 :Match the words with their meaning
1. Intimacy. a) remaining

2. Doting. b) close association

3. Exalted c) loving

4. Rest d) raised up in dignity

A 5 : Write down at least two life skills which will help you.
A 6 : a) I couldn't ride bike. It can be written as
1. I reqested to ride bike.
2. I am not able to ride bike.
3. I was able to ride bike.
4. I was not able to ride bike.
b) I had received the bike that Christmas.( Identify the tense )

Practice Time : The Best Advice

1. Complete the statement and rewrite the fact that embittered the writer towards some members of her family

2. Choose the correct options:

When the writer met her in laws she felt........
1) that her visit had brought a feeling of relief
2) that effect of meeting on her was miraculous
3) that her peace was lost
4) as if a great burden has been lifted
3. Pick out the instances used in the text which suggest that the narrator believed in gender equality.

4. Complete the following statements with words or phrases from the text
1)The narrator was the leader of......... delegation.
2) The delegation went to......
5. Correct the statement and rewrite.

The issue that was to be addressed was the treatment of people in New York origin in United Nation.

6. Pick up the incorrect statement

1) The writer retaliated to personal attack.
2) The writer refused to retaliate to score cheap point.

Practice Time : 3.2 City

1.The speaker in the poem is old woman. Give evidence from the poem.

2.Write true or false

I) She is young.
II) She is old.
III) She belongs to Village.
IV) She belongs to city.

3. Pick up an expression that shows : she has permanently settled in the City

4.Pick up the lines from the poem that referred to city life.

5. Pick out the words that describe her life.

6. Complete the statement. The words painted on her door indicates that.,.......

7. The way Woman is living her life indicate no sign of happiness. Pick up examples from the poem to support
this statement

8.Look at the lines from the poem referring to friendship. State opinion about her attitude to friendship

9. Compare the life in the village and her life in the City

10. She is now living the life of pretence. Prove it.

11. Complete the statement. The curses of city life described in the poem are........

12. The woman has shut up herself from friends or from others because.......

13. Currently dressed in modern dresses, taking yesterday as a very old hag. Identify and explain the figures of
speech used here .
Pick out an example of each: metaphor, antithesis and alliteration.
Practice Time : Work
Read the following extract and answer the questions given below it.

When you are at home I have no peace-

I can’t find a quiet nook;

And time and again you come to me :

“Daddy, read me a book!”

A timid question, a hesitant step,

For often you’ve heard my quirk;

“Another time, then, my little chap.

You see I’m trying to work!"


1) Complete the statements :

a. The child asks his father to ___________________

b. Father replies that ____________

2) “Another time, then, my little chap.

You see I’m trying to work!”

Read the lines and answers . What do ‘You’ and ‘I’ stand for?

3) ‘A timid question, a hesitant step’. Name and explain the figure of speech in the line.

4)“Daddy, read me a book!” Name and explain the figure of speech in the line.

5) Write your feelings about when your father doesn't listen to you.

6) Do you think father should spare time for children? Explain.

7) Rearrange the words in the first three lines of the extract without changing the meaning . The first one is
done for you.
_I have no peace when you are at home_

8) Compose a couplet (two lines) about father.

English Activities of STD 11
The following activities are given in course book of STD 11 . Number against the each activity indicates the
page number of the course book.

1 Complete the following sentences

Page no. 37 Text book
2. Here the events in the story are arranged in a jumbled way. Rearrange them in a proper sequence 68

3 Glance through text and find out the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements 75
4. Read the text silently and choosethe correct alternative 89
4. Arrange the following jumbled sentences in the proper order of events 97
5. There are certain do's and don'ts that the father has advised his son to follow. Complete the list. 103
6. Complete the following statements choosing the correct alternative from those given below. 117
7. Complete the following sentences choosing the facts from the text 12
8. Complete the sentences in column a By matching them with the points in column b 137

9. Match the following places in column a with their attractions in column b 143
10. Complete the following sentences.: 149
11. Read carefully the words /groups of words in the box given in jumbled order. Selecting the correct word
from the box complete a short note on 162

12. Complete the following notes by using information given in extract 163

13. Choose the correct alternative from those given below 169

14. Read the following sentences and try to guess what who referred to by the underlined words in the context

15 Complete the following table 188

16 Choose the correct alternative and fill in the blanks in the following sentences 193

17 Complete the following pie chart

18 Complete the following tree diagram

Poetic Creation Type Questions

Poetic Creation type question aims at the hidden quality of the students. Students are expected to bring out his
poetic ability which everyone has hidden in him. Questions framed under this would be of creative type. For
example, questions may be like :
1. Add suitable poetic lines of your own to rhyme with the last two lines of the extract.
"Be it the victory of war or the mourning of defeat
Life sheds tears on death after all "
Answer :
Be it the victory of war or the mourning of defeat
Life sheds tears on death after all
Should we repeat
And make suffer this earth ball?

2. Arrange the following lines to suit the aabb rhyme scheme.

People slowly learn about life, my son,
Through the years, as suns rise and sink
But I beg you that now, and later on.
You won't be ashamed - to think!
People slowly learn about life, my son,
But I beg you that now, and later on.
You won't be ashamed - to think!
Through the years, as suns rise and sink

3. Write few poetic lines by using words (choose words from the extract)
4. Rearrange the following lines without changing the meaning.
When you are at home I have no peace -
I can't find a quiet nook
And time and again you come to me :
" Daddy, read me a book! "
I have no peace when you are at home
A quiet nook I can't find
You come to me time and again
" Read me a book, Daddy"

5.Rewrite the following lines by changing background of farm instead of mill.

When the stars go off
Tall chimney sirens sound
Daily with fast steps
Marching to the mill
Answer :
When the stars go off
Cocks sounds cock a doodle do
Daily with fast steps
Marching to the farm

Students are expected to write their emotions. No doubt it is rather difficult. We should enable them write their
own English. We have to focus on skill development. As an examiner we should test not the quality of the
creation but the ability to create something poetic. As a teacher we need to arrange activities in the classroom so
that students can try to create few poetic lines.

Activity Based Grammar

l . Complete the following sentences using the correct Infinitive or gerund forms of the verbs in brackets and
rewrite them. You may also need to add a
preposition in some sentences
A. For some people 'success' just means . . a lot of
money. (eaP

B. Have you remembered.........your medicine today? (take)

C. I accused him ........the situation.(exaggerate)

D. His doctor advised him..... .more exercise. (get)

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate infinitive forms from the verbs given: (study, go, use, postpone, arrive,

i) I'll tell you when . . the platform.

ii) Will you please tell me how.......the camera?
iii) The teacher taught us how.......with the experiment.

iv) The principal decided ....... the meeting

3. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct alternatives from those given In brackets:

i) The teacher punished him. ..(to come late, for coming late)
ii) I avoided .............him. (meeting, to meet)
iii) I regret... those nasty words (to say. saying)
iv) He assisted me.... ...the accounts (in checking, to check)

4 Supply 'if or 'unless' in the following sentences.

i) Nobody gets anything.. .they ask for it.

ii) don't ring the bell, the servant won't come
iii) ...... .you do that I shall be very pleased.
iv) There can be no new growth.... ..the ground is cleared.

5. Correct the following incorrect sentences using the appropriate prepositions:

i) He was prevented to come.
ii) He walked ten miles by foot.
iii)I shall inform them this.
iv) He wrote me.

6. Combine each pair of sentences Into one simple sentence.

i) The king was happy. He saw the people dancing.
ii) They came to a country. It was uncivilized and barbarian.

7. Choose the correct alternative which expresses the Past Perfect tense form of the given sentence: We will
examine this theory in detail.
i) We will have examined this theory in detail.
ii) We had examined this theory in detail.
iii) We examined this theory in detail.
iv) We examine this theory in detail.

8. Choose the correct alternative which is the Passive Voice form of the given sentence, Th government will
implement the report.

i) The government will have implemented the report.

ii) The report was implemented by the government.
iii)The report will be implemented by the government.
iv ) The report is being implemented by the government.

9. Match the sentences under column 'A" with their corresponding language functions in column

Column A
i) Could I ask you a few questions?
ii) She can dance well.
iii) You should follow traffic rules.
iv) We must respect our elders.
Column B
1. advice
2. compulsion
3. request
4. ability

10. Identify the verbs and state their tense forms in the following sentences:
i) We are trying to create a more democratic society.
ii) The mother had been living with her daughter.

11. Read the following sentences and state whether they are grammatically correct or incorrect
The teacher said that the sun rose in the east.
She asked me where I was going iii) He advised his friends that not to indulge in bad activities.
iv) They exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
12. Identify the main clause and state the kind of subordinate clause in the following sentence: I still remember
the time when I graduated.
13. Insert the articles wherever necessary in the following sentence:
Now I must acknowledge first miracle of sunny day and write few lines glorifying sun.

Read the following extract and do the activities that follow it:
(4 Marks) a pension of twelve rupees for life.
l) Choose :

most appropriate statements from the following and write them: choose
(2) Govind Stngh was a military personnel participated in the war j)
Govind Singh wanted to get retired because he didn't like his job. j)
Govind Singh was rewarded with a pension for his sincerity through his service. iii)
Govind Singh had a thought of retirement though he could see and hear well. iv)
If) Extend the above extract by adding your own imaginative paragraph in about 50
(4 Marks) A. Read the following extract and do the activities that follow it:
, a pension of twelve rupees for life. After war service in 1914-18,
J) True or False:
(2) State if the following statements are True or False:
Govind Singh was very sincere about his duty through the service. i)
The company forced him to get retired though he performed his duties well. ii)
The chief of the company was not happy with Govind Singh's work. fJi)
tv) Irrespective of his physical deficiencies Govind Singh wanted to continue his job. Il) Write the gist of the
story in your own words in about 50 words.
(4 Marks)
A Read the following extract and do the activities that follow it:
On his next pension day.... "No, no, why should he be?" said the accountant.
(2) L Select two most appropriate statements that describe the extract exactly:
The extract projects Govind Singh as an artist. i)
Govind Singh gifted some of his crafts to the accountant. ii)
The model of his office frontage made Govind Singh nostalgic. iii)
The Chief of the company got angry with Govind Singh for creating sensation in the M)
(2) office.
Il) Convert the extract into a dialogue between Govind Singh and the Sahib.

Indian Women's Income Doubles

Read the following activity read the extract and then do all the activities .
1A point out any two benefits of Indian Women's high leveled income.
A2 Complete the table
1.The Urban Indian Women Income--2001 2010
------- -------
2.Household Income of Urban India.
2001 2010
------ ------
A3. Conclusion.
The figures in the extract suggest that
A4 vocabulary.
Write the Antonyms of the following.
Significant -
A5 Personal Response
Do you support the statement
---more opportunities and concessions in learning and employment should be given to women to empower
A6 Grammar.
1.These figures appear impressive.(which of the following sentence make this less definite)
1.These figures must appear impressive.
2.These figures may appear impressive.
3These figures can appear impressive.
4.These figures will appear impressive.
2.The income of urban Indian women has doubled in the last decade.
(Rewrite the sentence using Past Perfect Tense in it.

Tutorial no :2
Q1.A1)Identify the characters from
the underlined pronoun in the following statement and tell who
said it -
1) You are talking about large
2) It's hard to understand Mr. Hernandez sometimes.
[Page number 12 to 13]
(' when I was 14.......................
.............................. Or learn Spanish'.)
A2) The writer find Mr. Hernandez's 2 English difficult to understand because.............
A3)' The writers decision was 2 immature', justify your answer.
A4) Match the pairs of the following words with their meanings: 2
Column A)1. Hasty 2)farm 3)rear
ColumnB) 1) raise 2)rash 3)ranch 4)concern
A5) When you were 14,were you 2 confused about your future? Narrate the incident in 2 to 3 lines
A6) do as directed - 2
1) The horse buying trip sounded
good. (pick out the verb in it and name the tense )
2) The writer's father was startled and baffled. (write the sentence by using' Not only..... But also')
Q2)A1) State whether the following statements true or false, according to the poem. Correct the false 2
1) Old failures will always be remembered.
2) You are either blessed/ banned based on the past failures or successes.
Page no :2-3
["Forget the buried woes ---------------------
-------------------- start where you stand".]
A2) Write down the rhyming pairs/words from extract and identify the 2 rhyme scheme used in the extract.
A3)" No defeat is final and there is no end to make efforts." justify this 2 statement and explain in 2 to 3 lines .
A4) Frame two lines based on the theme 'failure'. 2
Definition of Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. In other words, it is
the structure of end words of a verse or line that a poet needs to create when writing a poem. Many poems are
written in free verse style. Some other poems follow non-rhyming structures, paying attention only to the
number of syllables. The Japanese genre of Haiku is a case in point. Thus, it shows that the poets write poems in
a specific type of rhyme scheme or rhyming pattern. There are several types of rhyme schemes as given below.

Types of Rhyme Scheme:

There are a number of rhyme schemes used in poetry; some of the most popular of which include:
Alternate rhyme: It is also known as ABAB rhyme scheme, it rhymes as “ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH.”
Ballade: It contains three stanzas with the rhyme scheme of “ABABBCBC” followed by “BCBC.”
Monorhyme: It is a poem in which every line uses the same rhyme scheme.
Couplet: It contains two-line stanzas with the “AA” rhyme scheme, which often appears as “AA BB CC and
Triplet: It often repeats like a couplet, uses rhyme scheme of “AAA.”
Enclosed rhyme: It uses rhyme scheme of “ABBA”
Terza rima rhyme scheme: It uses tercets, three lines stanzas. Its interlocking pattern on end words follows:
ABA BCB CDC DED and so on.
Keats Odes rhyme scheme: In his famous odes, Keats has used a specific rhyme scheme, which is
Limerick: A poem uses five lines with a rhyme scheme of “AABBA.”
Villanelle: A nineteen-line poem consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain. It uses a rhyme scheme of
“A1bA2, abA1, abA2, abA1, abA2, abA1A2.”
Short Examples of Rhyme Scheme
The sun is shining bright
This is a lovely sight.
You are like a day of May
And I as worthless as hay.
This is poor Mr. Potter
Walking a road with his daughter.
Sometimes, your unspoken word
Is more important than that heard.
Little boy wants to eat cakes
Whenever he from sleep awakes.
I saw a tree that to God doth say
I want the Lord to accept my pray.
I think I can never see
Something as free as a sea.
After so many days of drought down poured the rain
It took so long is if came from Spain.
The green garden lets its shade fall
Over the red old school hall.
There flows the river
That’s amongst the greatest giver.
Examples of Rhyme Scheme in Literature
Let us take a few examples of most widely used rhyme schemes in literature:

Example #1: Neither Out Far nor in Deep (By Robert Frost)
The people along the sand (A)
All turn and look one way. (B)
They turn their back on the land. (A)
They look at the sea all day. (B)
As long as it takes to pass (C)
A ship keeps raising its hull; (C)
The wetter ground like glass (D)
Reflects a standing gull. (D)

This is an ABAB pattern of rhyme scheme, in which each stanza applies this format. For instance, in the first
stanza, “sand” rhymes with the word “land,” and “way” rhymes with the word “day.”

Example #2: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (By Donald Barthelme)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, (A)
How I wonder what you are. (A)
Up above the world so high, (B)
Like a diamond in the sky. (B)

The following example uses an AABB rhyme scheme. Here, the first line ends in the word “star,” which rhymes
with the final word of the second line, “are.” Since both words rhyme with each other, they are signified with
letter “A.”

Example #3: Divine Comedy (By Dante Alighieri)

As I drew nearer to the end of all desire, (A)
I brought my longing’s ardor to a final height, (B)
Just as I ought. My vision, becoming pure, (A)
Entered more and more the beam of that high light (B)
That shines on its own truth. From then, my seeing (C)
Became too large for speech, which fails at a sight… (B)

Dante has used terza rima tercet rhyming patterns (ABA, BCB, CDC …) in this poem, giving an impression of
irresistible movement, as well as dynamism.

Example #4: A Monorhyme for the Shower (By Dick Davis)

Lifting her arms to soap her hair (A)
Her pretty breasts respond – and there (A)
The movement of that buoyant pair (A)
Is like a spell to make me swear… (A)

This poem presents a perfect example of monorhyme, in which you’ll notice that every line ends in a similar
rhyme, “AAAA” like these words, “hair, there, pair, and swear.”

Example #5: Nature’s Way (By Heidi Campbell)

Upon a nice mid-spring day, A
Let’s take a look at Nature’s way. A
Breathe the scent of nice fresh air, B
Feel the breeze within your hair. B
The grass will poke between your toes, C
Smell the flowers with your nose. C
Clouds form shapes within the skies, D
And light will glisten from your eyes D
This extract from a poem by Heidi Campbell has a beautiful rhyme scheme AA, BB, CC and DD.

Example #6: A Poison Tree (By William Blake)

I was angry with my friend: A
I told my wrath, my wrath did end. A
I was angry with my foe: B
I told it not, my wrath did grow. B
And I watered it in fears C
Night and morning with my tears; C
And I sunned it with smiles, D
And with soft deceitful wiles. D

This extract from William Blake’s poem has an excellent rhyme scheme as AA, BB, CC, and DD.

Example #7: The One (By Crystal R. Adame)

The one who brought me down to earth, A
And held me every day. B
The one who gracefully gave me birth, A
And said, I love you in every way. B

The one who taught me everything, C

Like how to crawl and walk. D
The one who taught me how to sing C
After learning how to talk. D

Here, poet Crystal R. Adame makes dexterous use of rhyme scheme. The scheme runs like this: ABAB and

Example #8: To A Terrific Dad (By David L. Helm)

To a dad who is terrific, A
To a dad who’s real neat. B
To a dad who makes the best of things, C
Even when they’re not so sweet! B
To a dad who’s growing older, D
To a dad who’s going gray. E
To a dad who just gets smarter, D
It would seem from day to day! E

These lines from the poem To a Terrific Dad have yet another kind of rhyme scheme, which is different from all
of the preceding examples. The rhyme scheme of this poem is ABCBDEDE.

Function of Rhyme Scheme

Rhyme scheme is an integral part of the constitution of a poem, which includes meter, length of phrase, and
rhythm. In fact, rhyme scheme, like other writing tools, is used to create balance and relieve tension, manage
flow, create rhythm, and highlight important ideas. Its basic function is to form units of sound and suggest units
of sense. It also communicates the idea in a more effective way.

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2 comments for “Rhyme Scheme”

January 7, 2016 at 10:08 pm
The raven has a rhyme scheme of ABCBBB. What

10:28:00 Posted by Prafulla Mahure No Comments

दोन वाक्याचे एकत्रिकरण म्ह्णजे synthesis होय. Simple, Complex व Compound sentences करण्यासाठी वापरलेल्या
पद्‍धतीचाच उपयोग होतो.Synthesis करताां ना त्रदलेली सुचना महत्वाची असते . त्यानूसार वाक्य Simple, Complex की
Compound करायचे हे लक्षात येते.

[ Combine using participle] Participle म्हणजे क्रियापदाचे ing युक्त रुप होय.

1. He hurt his foot. He stopped.

Hurting his foot he stopped.

2. They saw the uselessness of the machine. They sold it as the scrape.

Seeing the uselessness of the machine, they sold it as the scrape.

3.The storm ceased. The sun came out.

The storm having ceased the sun came out.

4. Do not eat too mich. You will be ill.

If you eat too mich you will be ill.

5. She chains her dog. It is safe now.

It is safe now because she chains her dog.

6. That is the school. I was taught there.

That is the school where I was taught.

7. Karina Kapoor works in movies. She is a daughter of Randhir Kapoor.

Karina Kapoor who is a daughter of Randhir Kapoor works in movies.

8. It was Gandhiji. He fought against British Rule.

It was Gandhiji who fought against British Rule.

9. Take the umbrella. You will fall sick.

Take the umbrella or you will fall sick.

10. He ran fast. He made a goal.

Running fast he made a goal.

11. I felt restless. I tried to get up.

Though I felt restless, I tried to get up.

Inspite of feeling restless, I tried to get up.

12. I am trying to bring love back. It is the only thing that can save the city.

I am trying to bring love back which is the only thing that can save the city.

13. It sounds good. I'm not sure it works.

Though it sounds good, I'm not sure it works.

14. He saw the police. He ran away.

He saw the police and ran away.

15. Study hard. You will get good marks.

If you study hard, you will get good marks.

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