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NAME: Jasmine Brake

RRQ Di Paola, “The Spies Who Came in from the Heat”

1. What does Di Paola’s research tell us about the problems of international espionage and
policing radical workers’ organization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
The research was essential to understanding the phenomenon of the anarchist diaspora. Consults
in the countries where the anarchist exiles found refuge still need to be done. The study adds to
the history of the Italian police. This is due to the examination of interrelations between the
ministry of interior, the Italian foreign office and the relationships with foreign police forces.
More archival evidence to do with the anarchists in London came from skies who had infiltrated
their groups and from police sources.

2. Why did so many anarchists end up in London in the late nineteenth century?
Expatriates established a few different colonies both in the continent and overseas which then
became centers for international network of the anarchist movement. England became a really
important center of political emigration due to its traditional policy of liberal asylum, this made it
stand out in Europe at the time. The British government did not pass any type of legislation to
regulate the fear anarchist danger in the 1890s. In 1898 the English delegate said “We do not
persecute opinions. The only question with us is, is there crime or not?’ Because of these reasons
a significant number of anarchist gathered and lived in London.

3. How did British immigration policies put Britain at odds with other European nations
when it came to policing international anarchism?
The British did not put in any legislation on the refugees. From 1826 to 1905 (with the exception
of a year between 1848-49) all immigrants whether they were refugees or not, would be able to
enjoy complete free access to the United Kingdom. Other countries that use to shelter political
expatriates such as France and Switzerland changed their policy due to an increasing fear of
anarchist danger.

4. What does Di Paola mean when he says: “The organization of an Intelligence service
monitoring the activities of the Italian anarchists residing in foreign countries was strictly
linked to diplomatic issues” (pg 210)?
Di Paola is talking about the relation between the intelligence service monitoring the activities of
the Italian anarchists residing in foreign countries and the diplomatic issues at the time. He has
come to this conclusion because of the inadequate collaboration received from foreign police
forces, this was often complained about by Italian diplomats. This was one of the main reasons
for the introduction of the “International Police”. This all relates to the quote from Di Paola as he
is trying to explain that the issues and different perceptions on a diplomatic level lead to the
investigation and surveillance of the Italian anarchists.

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