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JOHN BROWNING McMASTER of Flat 3, 22, Bina Gardens, London, S.W.5.


I was born in Durban, South Africa, on 21st October 1926, and I am at the moment
resident in the United Kingdom pursuant to leave granted by the Immigration
Authorities. Permission for me to remain in the United Kingdom is granted annually
and presently is on the basis that I am a self-employed and (para) psychologist.

I matriculated in Durban in 1943 and thereafter attended for part of a year at an

Agricultural College, but the Headmaster of my old school thought that I would not
be suited to that way of life and prevailed upon my father to take me away from
Agricultural College. Thereafter I attended at the Howard College in Durban for one
year on a civil engineering course, but I felt that I was not altogether suited for
this subject. I subsequently went to Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg where
I read, inter alia, psychology and political philosophy for four years and attained
a B.A. standard but was not awarded a degree because I lacked one ancillary
subject. I produce a photocopy memorandum from the University in question.
Thereafter I did a spell of teaching for two years in South Africa. My father, who
was in business as a timber merchant, then became anxious that I should join him in
his business until such time as my elder brother was able to take up his position
therein. This I did and when my elder brother joined the business I left and
subsequently became articled to a firm of Accountants in South Africa with whom I
stayed for approximately two years until once again my father prevailed upon me to
rejoin him in the family business. This I did for the sake of maintaining harmony
within the family, until 1958 when I became a medical student. I entered this field
because in the intervening years I had undergone extensive stomach surgery due to
ulceration and subsequent cancer and had met many interesting medical
personalities. I continued my studies in this field until 1960 when I first became
involved with Scientology.

I first heard about Scientology in December 1959 from my step-mother who was keenly
interested in the subject. As a result of representations made by my step-mother,
and again for the sake of harmony within the family, I enrolled for twenty-five
hours processing in South Africa in April of 1960, when I was on vacation from
Medical School, for which I paid something in excess of �100. At that time I was
concerned with a sexual problem because I had recognised that I had homosexual
tendencies. I was submitted to a security check in the course of my initial
auditing in Johannesburg, which was carried out in conjunction with the use of an
instrument which I now know to be an "E-Meter." The Security Check contained in the
copy HCO Policy letter of 7th April 1961 now produced to me is an amplified version
of that which I subsequently learned would have been used for my check. I recall
being asked most of the questions. I can authenticate the document, and that dated
23rd October 1961. I was later submitted to many checks of similar nature. In the
course of the auditing I freely admitted my homosexual tendency and an association
I had recently had with another male. I had initially been unable to come to terms
with the approaches made by the other male but as a result of the auditing I
underwent I was able to see things more clearly and readily accept this aspect of
my nature and put it in perspective. The results of the auditing I received on the
"E-Meter" were so outstanding and self-edifying, particularly in relation to
accepting and coming to terms with my physical condition following the surgery I
had undergone, that I decided to find out more about the process of auditing. I
accordingly embarked on the Hubbard Professional Auditor Course in Johannesburg in
May 1960 and abandoned my medical studies. On completion of the Course in August
1960 I went to Durban and there joined the Scientology Organisation as an Auditor
and Lecturer. About this time I purchased one share of �100 in Hubbard Association
of Scientologists International Ltd. the shareholding entitled me to discount for
processing. People coming to the Organisation were invited to purchase shares. On
reflection it was a good money making racket.

I subsequently learned from my step-mother that both she and my father were
meanwhile audited under the direction of Ron Hubbard and his wife, Mary Sue
Hubbard, in Johannesburg, in the course of which, as it later transpired, Hubbard
learned a great deal regarding my personal history. In or about December 1960 I
left the Scientology Organisation because I thought they were cheating. I had
always understood that Scientology was basically about honesty, man being honest
with himself and others. It did not appear to me that those responsible for running
the Organisation in South Africa had this basic quality. They seemed to lack the
necessary genuine approach to the process of auditing, and were more concerned with
the financial exploitation of Scientology. I did private auditing at my parents'
home, where I lived, and subsequently once more rejoined the family business.
Things went well for a time but my brother became resentful over the influence he
thought I had over my father and this led to friction. As a result I was disowned
by my father who told me that I must rejoin the Scientology Organisation. I
undertook auditing and various Courses which were available in South Africa until
in or about April 1963 when I realised that I had studied as much about auditing as
possible in South Africa. I discussed the position with my father and step-mother
and as a result of representations they then made to me, and yet again with a view
to preserving harmony within the family, I agreed to come to Saint Hill Manor in
England to continue high-level training on a special Briefing Course. Such Course
comprised sessions where experienced auditors audited each other as a matter of
research, and it was not long before I realised that there was not any more
"Scientology" to study and that my colleagues and I were in fact using auditing to
research the nature of mankind and ploughing back the results of our findings into

At this stage I would explain that the process of auditing is carried out with or
without the use of an "E-Meter," but invariably an "E-Meter" is used. According to
the Scientology abridged Dictionary an E-Meter is "an electronic instrument for
measuring mental state and change of state in individuals, as an aid to precision
and speed in auditing. (The E-Meter is not intended or effective for the diagnosis,
treatment or prevention of any disease)."

I produce a copy of the dictionary, the definition of the 'E-Meter' appearing at

page 17 thereof.

The words in parenthesis were not included in the original definition. Indeed in an
early edition of a book entitled "E-Meter Essentials" written by Ron L. Hubbard, he
claimed that the E-Meter had cured disease. The words in parenthesis were added as
a result of findings of the Food and Drug Association published in the United

I produce a copy of the Order of the United States District Court for the District
of Columbia dated September 1971 requiring, by paragraph 6, that any advertisement
relating to E-Meters shall not represent that it is useful in the diagnosis,
treatment or prevention of any disease etc.

I regard it as an instrument for measuring the resistance of an individual to a

small electric charge, which varies according to his emotional condition. The
individual holds a can in each hand and his reaction is measured on a needle in the
control box seen only by the person carrying out the auditing.

According to the said Dictionary, auditing is defined as "The application of

Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact
definition of auditing is: The action of asking a preclear a question (which he can
understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him
for that answer." This appears at pages 9 and 10 of the dictionary.

A pre clear is anyone who is not "clear" (which is also defined in the dictionary).
For practical purposes a pre clear is a person undergoing processing. The process
of auditing consists of repetitive questioning by the person conducting the
session, who is called the auditor. The auditor merely repeats the same question,
or a number of questions, until responsibility for answering that question is
transferred to the person being audited and this in turn causes some memory
activation as a result of which some unpleasant interlude in the past of the person
being audited come to light and then, as a result of the repetitive questioning,
that person is able to disclose the facts relating to such interlude, his
subconscious thus being relieved of an inhibition which he did not consciously
recognise was present. Such inhibition, in the terms of Scientology, is called an
engram. I would emphasise that a good auditor should adopt a gentle and passive
approach. He should not contribute substantively in any way in the process of
auditing and should not suggest the answer to the question which is posed. It would
be correct to describe processing as quasi-psychological in nature. Basically, the
ultimate purpose of dianetic auditing and Scientology auditing is the same. Both
systems employ the use of an E-Meter - the techniques are similar but the approach
is slightly different. Dianetic auditing is carried out at a standard level, and
the different levels of Scientology Courses, which I later describe, do not apply.
The subject of dianetics is covered in a book written by Ron Hubbard entitled
"Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health." Hubbard pioneered dianetics and
Scientology emerged therefrom as a more sophisticated concept, later being
enshrined with a religious philosophy in this Country. I am given to understand
that Hubbard started Scientology because he lost control of dianetics in the U.S.A.
As a result of my endeavours I was, in January 1964, awarded a Certificate of Class
V Auditor. What had emerged from the research upon which my colleagues and I had
been engaged was the new formulae for questions and the new commands to form the
basis of further auditing, and that the important thing was not Scientology but
auditing. It was from auditing that more was discovered about man and so new ways
were able to be put together to help man find out more about himself. The only
value Scientology had was to give a general name to basic facts about man which
were brought to view in a specialised way, viz. auditing. The making of the
Organisation called the Church of Scientology more important than the auditing
itself, as Ron Hubbard later did, was like putting the cart before the horse.

Following my graduation from the Briefing Course, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard sent for me in
the first week of January 1964. It was the first time we had spoken and he told me,
as he had previously announced in public, that I should be a Class VI Auditor, but
at that time this level had not been officially recognised by the Organisation. He
also said that at any time I wanted a post at Saint Hill there would be one for me.
I told him that I did not regard myself as a Scientologist but that I was only
interested in the process called auditing. He appeared to want me even more and
seemed to sneer at Scientologists as being people who only wanted status and
identification. As it happened I went to the Channel Isles in January of 1964 in
order to undertake some private auditing but whilst there I received letters from
L. Ron Hubbard urging me to take up a post at Saint Hill. This I later did in April
1964. My first appointment was that of Letter Registrar. This involved responding
to many letters received from all over the world. People would write to the
Organisation complaining of some mental or physical disability or some emotional
problem and seeking a cure. I was concerned at that time solely with the technology
of auditing and I would respond advising Courses of Auditing as seemed appropriate
to me. I am not opposed to the practice of orthodox medicine, nor do I believe that
the instrument called the "E-Meter" has, in itself, any potential for cure. That
instrument is not a weapon but a tool and merely enables the auditor to measure the
response of the person being audited. I am however firmly convinced that there is
in the human body power to overcome many ailments if only the natural resources of
the body can be released to do their work. I am also firmly convinced that
auditing, carried out properly by a competent person can achieve this end.

My success as Letter Registrar was marked by reason of the fact that L. Ron Hubbard
spoke to me personally and asked me to reply to all enquiries which he received,
and for this purpose I was to be provided with a rubber stamp of his signature to
enable me to attend to the speedy despatch of the letters on his behalf. I worked
very long and hard hours in this post, more often than not to three o'clock in the
morning. In September of 1964 I was appointed Case Supervisor for the Briefing
Course at Saint Hill Manor. This involved the general supervision of the various
sessions of auditing which were being carried out there. In this capacity I learned
from people who had undergone auditing that in the early days of the Organisation
sessions of auditing led to sexual stimulation and culminated in sexual activity. I
was told this by people of both sex who had been involved in such sessions of
auditing, but I never had such an experience myself. It was in my capacity as Case
Supervisor that I began to realise the adverse effects which bad auditing could
have on people. The minimum amount of auditing which could be booked for a
Processing Course was 25 hours, although some cases might be resolved in less than
an hour, but the students would still have to pay for the full 25 hours. The period
of 25 hours auditing would be spread over five consecutive days, and five hours
auditing would be done each day. It was usually arranged so that two and a half
hours auditing took place in the morning and two and a half hours in the afternoon.
No one had ever suffered as a result of being audited by me but it soon became very
apparent to me in my new post that five hours of auditing can be very stressful. I
often saw people distraught as a result of their auditing, and on occasions I had
to intervene to stop an auditor from completing the session. This was because the
auditors, in compliance with the instructions of L. Ron Hubbard, were persisting
with the same question when it was clear the person being audited had nothing more
to say. This is inconsistent with the definition of auditing contained in the
Scientology Abridged Dictionary. I recall that on more than one occasion I was
awakened between three and four in the morning by people who had received bad
auditing and who in consequence were extremely distressed, indeed to the extent of
needing medical attention by reason of their becoming disoriented. I believe that
auditing, properly carried out by a trained person who has an aptitude for the
function, can be very beneficial. However, not everyone can carry out auditing. If
the auditor is not competent it is like putting atomic weapons in the hands of
apes. I witnessed many cases of people going through mental hell due to the
incompetence of the auditor. Much of the problem arose because of the attitude
instilled into the auditor by the Organisation inspired by Hubbard. It appeared to
me from the case papers that I read that the auditors were directed towards seeking
out any possible criminal aspect from the past of the person being audited. Such
criminal incidents were termed overts (withholds before disclosure) and Hubbard had
decreed that before a person could attain freedom as a result of admitting to such
activity, the date, time, place and nature of the act had to be recorded by the
auditor in the presence of the person being audited. I refer to the pre-clear
assessment sheet referred to later in this my statement. Moreover, to attain
freedom the person had to suffer the degradation of his overt. That is to say the
person in question had to suffer the humiliation of reliving the experience. I went
to see Ron Hubbard when these facts became known to me. I said "I think you have
got the wrong man." I explained that my conception of auditing was to assist people
and not to make them suffer unnecessarily. I made it clear that if I had assumed
the wrong approach, to his way of thinking, then he should get rid of me. His
response was one of silence and I remained in the Organisation, determined to
secure that auditing was carried out in a manner I considered proper. Hubbard
implanted into the minds of auditors that pre-clears knew nothing of themselves. I
made it very clear to Hubbard that in my opinion the pre-clears were and could be
the only persons who knew anything of themselves. There were numerous cases in
which I read the reports from which it appeared that as a result of the initial
auditing process those being audited suffered adversely at first and then were
barely brought back to the standard at which they were before any auditing. They
were thus brain-washed into believing that they had achieved some progress. To
experience bad auditing is like going into cement. What I saw worried me immensely,
but I believe that I could, by hard work, improve upon the technology of auditing,
persuade the auditors to take the proper gentle passive approach and that standards
would improve. It is within my knowledge that originally people were admitted to
auditing with a history of mental illness. I have had produced to me a copy HCO
Policy Letter dated 30th April 1965 and the matter at the top of page 3 thereof
bears this out. At some time I have seen the original of this letter. However, some
time subsequent to 1965 a Policy Letter was issued by L. Ron Hubbard that people
with such illnesses should not be taken as students or pre-clears. In my opinion it
is also dangerous to terminate courses of auditing midway because it leaves a
person disoriented, but to my knowledge this has been done many times. This has
occurred when persons being audited have been unable to find the necessary funds or
when for some reason or another they have fallen afoul of the Scientology
Organisation and, following the subsequent formation of the Ethics Branch, have
been declared suppressive or have been put in some other condition. I know of these
things because victims came to me and complained and asked me to intervene on their

There can be no doubt that the intention of the publicity distributed by the Church
of Scientology is designed to create the impression that Scientology can cure
ailments. Indeed, in various editions of the "Auditor" and "Freedom" claims are
made that Scientology is the largest mental health organization in the world.
Moreover, it is the clear intention of the Church of Scientology to poison the
minds of its adherents against orthodox medicine and, in particular, psychiatry.
This is patently obvious from the anti-psychiatry material which appears in
publications of the Church of Scientology. Furthermore, instructions were issued in
regard to healing processes. I have had produced to me a copy HCO Policy Letter
dated 9th September 1964 which deals with "Clay Table Healing." I have in the past
seen the original of this letter. I can confirm that it was practiced. I never ran
this process and it was discontinued after a time. It was a brain-child of Hubbard,
and I never knew of any case which was cured by the process.

I have come in contact with various people who clearly came to Scientology with the
object of securing a cure for a particular condition from which they suffered. I
have already alluded to the position which I held as Letter Registrar in which
capacity I saw many letters from such people. I give by way of illustration the
following cases, but there were many more. Daphne Parselle, a Londoner, came to
Scientology when she was suffering from cancer. I was present in the Chapel at
Saint Hill sometime in 1967 when she made her clear speech, following completion of
the clear course, in which she claimed to have been cured thereby of her ailment.
She died shortly afterwards. There was also the case of an American, Ellen Carder.
This lady again had cancer. She told me that Hubbard had promised her recovery from
the disease. I never audited this lady because she could not afford special fees
which Hubbard prescribed should be paid for auditing by me. She told me that she
had undergone processing and had been personally told by Hubbard that the clearing
course would cure her complaint. This lady died however in June 1966 at the
Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead. I was with her when she died. There was also the
case of Coton Bustamante. He was an aide to Fidel Castro and arrived in this
country in a wheel-chair, rigid from the hips downward. I, in fact, gave this
person some auditing after he had failed to respond to 80 hours of auditing by
another auditing, and indeed was showing adverse symptoms. As a result of my
endeavours a modicum of progress was achieved.

From files which I read during 1964 to early 1966, and they were many, a clear
pattern emerged. If people came to the Scientology Organisation with any form of
complaint they were offered auditing. When this did not have the desired effect
they were told that the next higher level of auditing would have the desired
effect. People were thereby prevailed upon to pay for additional courses in the
hope of having ailments cured. Moreover, restrictions were placed on students
concerning their taking medical advice. This is confirmed by the copy HCO Policy
Letter dated 26th July 1965 which has been produced to me. I have seen the original
thereof and can authenticate the copy. The object was to secure that the auditing
had cured people and not orthodox medicine. Later, in 1968, Ron Hubbard denied the
policy that the next level would cure. Although the matters to which I have
referred caused me concern, I felt that I was doing a good job. I was kept so busy
that I really did not have much time to doubt what Ron L. Hubbard was doing. There
was technology to be evolved and there were people coming from all over the world
for auditing and training. It was a relentless process continuing day after day,
always challenging and exciting.

In December of 1964 I was appointed by Ron Hubbard as The Communicator at Saint

Hill. I was in fact a General Manager of the Organisation. I was responsible for
the general running of the establishment, I still gave advice on auditing and
supervised sessions of auditing. I developed technology, conducted correspondence
and also attended to some of the financial matters. I recall that very early in
1965 I had to arrange for a large sum of money (something in excess of �5,000 to be
withdrawn from a Bank Account in Switzerland to enable Ron and Mary Sue Hubbard to
take a holiday.

It was in 1965 that Ron Hubbard published a bulletin to the effect that Vitamin E
had tremendous oxygenating qualities and he denounced the Doctors for suppressing
the Vitamin. He insisted that people take Vitamin E tablets before auditing. Later
a Company was formed by David Gaiman, a well-known Scientologist, for the sale of
Vitamin E tablets. I believe the Company was called T.R. Vitamin Products. The
initials "T.R." were significant as all training drills were prefixed by the
initials "T.R."

Ron Hubbard returned to Saint Hill Manor from his holiday in or about March 1965
and told me that there really was no longer any position for me at Saint Hill
Manor. This caused me some disappointment but Hubbard then announced that he
proposed setting up the Hubbard Guidance Centre, of which I was to be the Director
at Saint Hill. He intended that auditing was to be sold to members of the public
for the first time as a curative measure for ailments. Up to that time people had
come as volunteers to the Organisation to study but processing (auditing) was now
to be sold commercially. There were to be special John McMaster Auditing Sessions
and special fees payable to the Organisation. At first I gave special sessions to
students at Saint Hill. The project was vastly publicised by Hubbard and people
started coming in from all over the world for auditing. Power processing was
evolved for difficult cases by Ron Hubbard, in conjunction with me, which was
basically a form of auditing but with commands rather than questions. I was unable
personally to cope with the tremendous inflow of work and over a period of time a
team of 30 auditors or thereabouts was recruited to assist me. Hubbard admitted to
me personally that many were not up to the job, but I was the eternal optimist and
hoped that I could train them adequately. Amongst those recruited were good, bad
and indifferent types of auditors and all seemed to be in fear of Ron Hubbard. I
did my best to train these people, but the results of their auditing were not
always good and I had often to intervene in the same manner and in the same
circumstances as I have explained previously when I was Case Supervisor. I recall
in particular the case of an engineer from Pretoria, whose name was Kleyn.

The gentleman in question suffered from a heart condition and after being subjected
to stress because of bad auditing he died. The cause of death was, of course,
accepted as heart failure. There was so much auditing to do that I could not
possibly supervise every case. I had an assistant, namely Connie Broadbent. I was
never personally involved with the case of Mr. Kleyn but the Auditor concerned,
Peter Graham, from Perth, Australia, came to me and told me of the matter. He was
tearful and felt responsibility for what had happened. He told me that he had asked
Connie Broadbent to refer the case to me but that she had refused. By the Summer of
1965 Saint Hill Manor was full. Things went swimmingly until August of 1965 when
quite unexpectedly, I was denounced by Ron Hubbard who claimed that I had given
wrong instructions in a case. I was never given any details in order for me to
check and I suspect that I was becoming too successful and that Hubbard was

This was the first of many times when Hubbard turned on me. I had of course come to
know him quite well since working at Saint Hill Manor. Looking back on the matter
it is my firm belief that the man is paranoic. This is substantiated by his pattern
of behaviour. No sooner had he denounced me in August 1965 for giving wrong
instructions than he made me Director of Review. This high-flown title merely meant
that I was to keep an eye on all auditing. Again I saw many adverse effects which I
hoped to cure. I was later appointed the Qualification Secretary which meant that I
was responsible for correcting all functions at Saint Hill Manor. It was the top
technological post. Ron Hubbard was a great man for not letting his left hand know
what his right hand was doing and I suspected that by that time he felt that I had
already acquired too much information about the Organisation. It was about that
time that I came into contact with Mary Skelton. She was afraid of auditing, but
because of my reputation was prepared to be audited by me.

In the course of auditing her it emerged that her fear of the process was due to
the fact that she had been audited some long time since by Ron Hubbard personally
and as a result had suffered the most acute headaches for a time. Once she got this
out of her system her fears dissolved.

I subsequently audited her husband, Jim Skelton, and he overcame his difficulties.

The Skeltons, having achieved their objective, wished to return home to Morocco.
They were extremely wealthy.

Hubbard was furious because not only had I shown him up as a failure but also over
the departure of the Skeltons, and for the second time he denounced me. A Committee
of Evidence was convened, which was chaired by Mary Sue Hubbard, to look into my
behavior. I attended before the Committee, which comprised six or seven persons,
and I was required to betray the Skeltons, to make them suppressive by declaring
that they had made no gains in the auditing they received from me. This I declined
to do. I should perhaps explain that to be declared a suppressive peson in the
context of Scientology is very undesirable. It is one of the conditions decreed by
Ron Hubbard and results in expulsion from the Organisation. I was not in
competition with Ron Hubbard or for that matter any other auditor. I was simply
intent on doing a good job and improving my ability to do the job. I was accused in
all by the Committee of fourteen "high crimes," including mis-auditing and
encouraging people to undermine the Organisation. All my certificates and awards
were cancelled until I agree to sign a contract of service. I had previously
refused to sign any contract, because I had come to the Organisation willingly. I
was also required to disconnect from members of my family which entailed writing
letters which were posted by the Organisation. This was ludicrous because my step-
mother held high office in the Organisation in South Africa. As a result of my
punishment, gloom seemed to spread through Saint Hill and students started leaving.
I felt it was necessary, if I were to be of any help to people coming to Saint
Hill, to extricate myself from the position in which I had been placed as a result
of the Committee of Evidence. I therefore agreed to sign a contract. Moreover, I
was without funds and would not have been able to find the cost of passage home.
Ron L. Hubbard then declared that the publication of the findings of the Committee
of Evidence was entirely without his knowledge. I was re-instated, as if nothing
had happened, and the members of the Committee were denounced.
Following that incident the first Clearing Course was organised by me at Saint Hill
on the instructions of Ron Hubbard. This was a course of self or solo auditing.

On the 14th October 1965 I received a telephone call from Ron Hubbard requesting me
to attend on him with five of my best auditors. A meeting duly took place at which
Ron Hubbard said he wanted to improve further the technology of auditing by
evolving a search and discover project. The object was to discover what was
suppressing the person undergoing auditing and preventing progress. In other words
to discover the nature of the inhibiting factor. This had always been my approach
to auditing, but the object of the meeting seemed to be to hammer out a formula to
enable others to pursue my particular pattern of auditing.

I did much work in this field and in or about December 1965, when I had reported to
Ron L. Hubbard as to the progress we had made, he decreed that the object of search
and discover was to ascertain who was the suppressive person. That is to say it had
to be a person exerting the suppressive influence. This was his own projection and
I felt that I had been robbed of my brain-child. He had violated my conception of
search and discover and as it later transpired this particular slant by Ron L.
Hubbard heralded the vigorous onset of the Ethics Section.

Up to that time the Organisation of the Church of Scientology had functioned in

accordance with policy decreed by Ron L. Hubbard as promulgated by him in various
policy letters. These were contained in a basic Staff Hat Book.

I have had produced to me a copy of this book which I can authenticate. If anyone
contravened the policy as laid down by Ron L. Hubbard he was denounced and possibly
dismissed the Organisation or "put off staff." In pursuance of the policies
hitherto decreed people had been declared suppressive in the sense that they were
suppressing something or not releasing an inhibition which had an adverse effect
upon the process of auditing. After this time, however, the term "suppressive
person" took on a different meaning.

Auditing became orientated towards the identification of a person having a

suppressive influence upon the person being audited. Once the person supposedly
exerting the suppressive influence was identified, then the person undergoing
auditing was required to "disconnect" from that person. People undergoing auditing
were, in this context, required to "disconnect" from their wives, their parents or
their children or other relations and the result was total disharmony within
families. This happening was commonplace, but by way of illustration I mention the
case of Mr. Cyril Vosper whose family were required to "disconnect" from him. This
gentleman subsequently wrote a book entitled "The Mind-Benders."

There emerged an organisation staffed by the Ethics Officers who were encouraged to
be vicious in the pursuance of their duties. Such officers were responsible for the
execution of orders promulgated by Ron L. Hubbard. The said orders were designed to
secure complete allegiance by adherents of the cult of Scientology to the
Organisation. Ethics Officers were a form of enforcement agency. They were
responsible for security checks on students, convening of committees to investigate
misdemeanors perpetrated by Scientologists and the enforcement of penalties
prescribed. The Committee of Evidence was supposed to be a fact-finding Committee
and if, and only if, they found some rule had been infringed a Court of Ethics was
convened to pass sentence. There developed what I can only describe as a quasi-
judicial system to manage and control the activities of Scientologists with a type
of secret police as the enforcement agency. In my view it was nothing more than an
internal system of doctrination of tyranny to secure complete allegiance to
Hubbard. As a result of the activities of the Ethics Organisation much hardship and
family discord was created. The underlying philosophy appeared to be that any
person who did not subscribe totally to the practice of Scientology was an enemy of
the Organisation. Conditions were prescribed and in a descending order of
importance they were (although the order was subsequently changed): -

Normal Operation

Normal operation was, as the name suggests, the operating norm. If one achieved
anything to their credit then they progressed towards the upper conditions and the
lower conditions were applied if a person did anything to his discredit or to the
discredit of Scientology. To each of the lower conditions penalties were attached
and in addition a formula was applied which had to be satisfied by the person in
that condition to enable him to be released from it or to progress from it. The
person moreover had to suffer up all intermediate conditions until he attained a
state of normal operation. The punishments varied in severity according to the
lower condition and the formula appropriate for release from a particular condition
also varied accordingly. I have had produced to me a copy HCO Policy Letter dated
18th October 1967 setting out the penalties for lower conditions I can authenticate
this document. The black mark referred to under "Treason" was of a symbolic nature.
It was made with soot, grease, black ink or some other suitable material. Under the
condition "enemy" there is reference to persons being injured or destroyed. This is
taken literally. I have seen people beaten up by Scientologists, and I overheard
Mary Sue Hubbard giving instructions to Herbie Parkhouse at Saint Hill Manor in
1964 to beat up a person. I witnessed the beating up of a Mr. Horner in Los Angeles
in 1970 by people I recognized as Scientologists. There were at least three
assailants. I was staying with Mr. Horner at the time. He was beaten up on his
front door step. When I heard the commotion I ran and opened the door and saw the
assailants make off. Mr. Horner was badly bruised. I have had produced to me a copy
item headed "Racket Exposed." One Peter Goodwin is named therein. I am familiar
with his case because I was asked to do the clear check-out on him. I was not
content to clear him and referred his file to Ron Hubbard. This would be in or
about September 1966. Hubbard instructed me to clear Goodwin on the basis that we
"could catch him on the O.T. Course." I accordingly cleared Goodwin, but he did not
take the O.T. course. He went off on his own and I was given to understand that he
was selling for private gain, material he had acquired on the Course. I
subsequently saw the original of the Order reproduced in the photocopy. I was
appalled at the contents thereof because Auditing Process R2-45 is an implicit
instruction to use a revolver to dispose of a person. I have seen written
instructions dealing with Auditing Process R2-45 but cannot identify the document
in which I have seen them. It is only members of the Sea Org, who are armed, as
will appear from what I say later. I fully understand the gravity of the allegation
I am making. The reference to 'Insanity and Death' in paragraph 1 of the Order is
exaggeration on the part of Hubbard. He however believed, or wanted others to
believe, that the material in question was so powerful that if not used properly it
would bring about insanity and death. He told me so on more than one occasion.

I did not approve of this order of conditions and took the view that if anyone had
done anything harmful to the Organisation, then the sooner they realised the fact
the better it was for them to be restored to a condition of normal operation. But
Hubbard insisted they must suffer up the intermediate conditions. It was a process
of degradation.

By about October 1968 the concept of Ethics had grown even more and by this time
Ron L. Hubbard had devised what he termed "instant Ethics." The object was to
inflict immediate punishment on a person who had contravened his condition and
restore him immediately to a condition of normal operation. This particular brand
of Ethics was put into operation on board the "Apollo." By this time the Sea Org
had been formed, and the "Apollo" was Hubbard's Flag Ship. The Sea Org was formed
because Hubbard thought that such orgnisation could operate completely unfettered
by the laws of any Country. He told me this when he conceived the idea. He pointed
out to me that 75% of the area of this planet was ocean and not subject to the
control of any Country or State. The purpose of the Sea Org was to investigate any
fall in income of land based Scientology Organisations, to improve the image of
Scientology generally by setting the members of Sea Org up as inviolate and
unchallengeable (this is what is meant by the expression "to get in ethics") and to
study Scientology at an advanced level. I have had produced to me copy memoranda
headed "Purpose of the Sea Org" and "Functions of the Sea Org," together with a
copy "Contract of Employment." I have seen originals of these documents and can
authenticate the copies. I in fact signed a contract in Valencia in January 1968.
The weaponry referred to in the memoranda was in the form of revolvers and pistols.
I did not have a weapon, and cannot say how many officers were armed. I did however
see some with revolvers. The owners seemed proud to have been selected to be the
bearers of arms and boasted of weapon training courses they had undergone at Las
Palmas. Reverting to the instant ethics, for the most petty crimes people were
bound hand and foot, blindfolded and then thrown overboard from the deck of the
"Apollo" into the sea. This happened in the Harbour at Corfu. I personally suffered
in this respect and will describe the incident in detail later. Reverting to the
penalties for other conditions, that is before the concept of "instant ethics,"
certain of the penalties were truly barbaric. Starting with the condition of non-
existence, the normal penalty was that people were not permitted to bathe, wash or
shave and their food was limited. People in this condition at Saint Hill were not
permitted to leave the premises and had to sleep there, regardless of whether or
not there was proper accommodation for them. As one descended the list of
conditions so the penalties became more barbaric. People were manacled in chains
for being in a condition of liability, or lower, and I recall an incident where a
lady in her mid-fifties was made to climb up to the crow's nest at the top of the
mast of the "Apollo" whilst the vessel was anchored in Bizerte, North Africa. This
was in approximately October of 1968 and the lady in question was required to stay
in the crow's nest all day. The punishment was inflicted because of a mistake she
had made in connection with auditing. If a person was to be placed in a condition
of treason then it was not unusual for people on board the "Apollo" to be confined
in the chain-lockers of the vessel and made to chip rust for long periods without
rest or proper food. The customary diet was bread and water. I have frequently seen
this particular punishment administered. Another similar punishment was that people
were required to stand knee-deep in water in the water-tanks and chip rust from the
sides of the water-tank. This they did for periods of up to 80 hours and I have
personally witnessed people undergoing this punishment. They were rigorously
supervised by Ethics Officers who were only on duty for four hours at a spell. On
the vessel the Ethics Officers were called Masters-at-Arms. Whilst on the vessel I
recall a particular Master-at-Arms, who was an exceedingly attractive young lady,
come to me in a state of great distress relating that a young deaf-mute, aged
between 5-6 years, had been placed in a chain-locker because she was in a condition
of enemy. The child had apparently been in the locker for a matter of days.
Normally to remove oneself from that particular condition it is necessary to take
some positive action which, of course, is very difficult, if not nigh impossible,
for a deaf-mute of such tender years. I cannot recall the name of the infant, but
it was heartrending to see the child who was absolutely terrified. I was
instrumental in securing her release. A Scientologist who was put in a condition of
liability would do almost anything to get out of that condition. One of the courses
open, in accordance with the formula which I have described, to have oneself
removed from the condition of liability is to deal a blow to the "enemy." It is
within my knowledge that certain Scientologists resorted to theft in order to
remove themselves from the condition of liability. People, whose identification I
am not prepared to reveal for obvious purposes, told me that they had stolen papers
from the Worldwide Mental Health Organisation purely to secure their release from
their condition of liability or whatever condition they may have found themselves

I disapproved most strongly of the Ethics Organisation and the misery it inflicted.

I recall on one occasion seeing certain Ethics Officers carrying batons in the
grounds of Saint Hill Manor. This was in or about August of 1968.

The Ethics Organisation also developed a system of spies. People in Government

Service and elsewhere would steal documents and report to the Scientology
Organisation. I recall being present in an office of the Organisation in New York
when a girl arrived who was a typist in the employ of the Department of Health
there. In my presence she reported on some document she had stolen from the files
of the Department. The document was handed over by her to the Guardian's Office of
the Scientology Organisation.

By February 1966 I had finished all possible Courses and there was nothing much
left for me to do.

On 11th February 1966 L. Ron Hubbard and I sat talking all night. During that
conversation he asked me to forgive him for all the hardships which he had
inflicted upon me. He also said that he must get Mary Sue off the Technology lines
because she had not got a clue. He left England the next day for Gibraltar and
North Africa leaving instructions for me to go to the United States to "straighten
out" the technology and generally check on the running of the Organisation. On 23rd
February 1966 I departed for Los Angeles having been given an international post
styled "Organisational Executive Secretary Communicator for Qualifications World
Wide." Hubbard enjoyed devising new titles. I had only been in Los Angeles for
about a week when L. Ron Hubbard published a news-letter in which he stated "in the
Spring of 1966 the first clear was made." A few days later I received written
instructions to confront the examination for clear at Saint Hill in England. This
meant that I had to be audited and security checked. I flew back to England on 8th
March 1966 and was examined and passed the necessary test. I was then proclaimed
"the World's first real clear." I produced a copy of "The Auditor" in which L. Ron
Hubbard explains what he means by this title.

There had previously been hundreds of people who had been clears but none of them
had been acceptable to the public at large. I apparently was, and I think this is
the reason I was called "the World's first <u>real</u> clear." I am convinced that
I was the publicity gimmick for which Hubbard was looking. I accepted the title,
but "clear" had no status for me. I was accepted as a "clear" by Scientology people
in the United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Denmark, Sweden, Hawaii,
New Zealand, Australia, Greece, South Africa and Southern Rhodesia. Some students
were in a state of fear when they first met me by reason of the title I carried and
others were filled with happiness. I was kept very busy and gave lectures and made
television appearances and radio broadcasts. I was kept so busy that I did not have
the opportunity of monitoring the effects of my appearances to ascertain the number
of new people recruited to Scientology as a result and the type of assistance and
service they were getting. My first public lecture as "the World's first real
clear" was given in Los Angeles and to the best of my recollection an admission fee
of 15 dollars was charged. I would estimate that there were a few hundreds in
attendance. I was not much concerned about Scientology and Dianetics and in fact
said so in the course of my lectures. I did believe, however, that there was value
in auditing which would help people to a state of awareness. I felt that I had
something exciting to tell which did not belong to me but to the world.
As well as lecturing and public appearances I undertook certain other work. For
example, in Johannesburg, whilst there on a lecture tour, I helped to get the first
clearance course started. The object of this course is to train people to solo-
audit so as to become clears. For this purpose I selected, as one of the students,
a Jane Kember, who at that time was a denounced person. She achieved a state of
clear and she is at present "Guardian World-Wide" of the Organisation.

In August Hubbard asked me to return to England which I did. In the Chapel at Saint
Hill he publicly declared me to be the first Pope of Scientology. This I regarded
as a singularly high-sounding title, but it had no other significance to me because
up to that time I have never thought of Scientology as a religion. The rush to
secure recognition of the Church of Scientology as a religion followed action taken
by the Defendants to these proceedings in or about 1968. I recall that I was
required to wear a "dog-collar." There was great activity on the part of students
of the Church to become Ministers. All they had to do was attest that they had read
"Great Religions of the World." On so attesting they were given certificates that
they were Ministers. In 1968 an aircraft full of Scientologists few from America to
England, the purpose of those concerned being to attend Courses at Edinburgh. All
were refused permission to land by the Authorities. I was told of the details
because I was one of the lecturers at Edinburgh. Shortly after an Executive
Directive dated 27th June 1968 was issued. A photocopy of such Directive has been
produced to me and I can authenticate same. It was tacitly understood within the
Organisation that the effect of the said Directive was to persuade students to pose
as Ministers, at least to secure their entry.

In or about October 1966 I was sent to South Africa by Ron Hubbard with a view to
seeing the Minister of Health regarding the proposed Inquiry into Scientology in
that Country. On the instructions of Hubbard I sought to dissuade the Minister from
holding an inquiry. I strived to put forward the "E-Meter" as an aid to psychiatry
and as a result of representations I made to the Minister of Health at that time
the pressure of the mental and dental bodies for an Inquiry were rejected. Later
however there was an Inquiry, and I submitted a report to such Inquiry in 1972,
that is after I had quit the Organisation.

Whilst in South Africa I gave lectures but the Organisation there was then under
the control of a Mr. Henni Du Plessis. I did not like the manner in which this
person conducted the affairs of the Church of Scientology. His main concern
appeared to be to read every confidential paper on which he could lay his hands.
The care, assistance and general well-being of students of Scientology appeared to
be his last consideration. I returned to England in January of 1967 when I was
subject to the most rigorous security check which lasted for some three weeks.

This security check was carried out in the form of auditing and it was on the
express instructions of Mary Sue Hubbard. I recall seeing her written orders to
this effect. Every time I entered the premises at Saint Hill I was required to
submit to the security check. This was carried out with the aid of an "E-Meter" and
would last for spells of up to two hours every time I entered the premises. The
basic theme of the security check appeared to be whether I had done anything to
undermine Ron L. Hubbard, whether I had done anything to undermine Mary Sue
Hubbard, whether I had done anything to undermine the Organisation, whether I was
seeking to take over Scientology and whether I was a pervert. It did not occur to
me at the time, but on reflection it seems to me that the Organisation was at that
time searching for information with which to blackmail me because they were
frightened of the success which I had achieved.

I worked on auditing for a time and then in April of 1967 I left for Paris and
Copenhagen where I gave lectures and also did auditing. I again returned to England
in July of 1967. By this time I sensed that something was going very badly with
Scientology because of the preventative measures being taken to protect clears and
other high-ranking people in the hierarchy. Instead of things becoming free-er and
more open, they were becoming less free, were clandestine and more expensive, and
the ethics were becoming more savage and more vicious.

Colleagues, with whom I had worked at Scientology over the years, came to me and
voiced their disquiet at the way things were moving. I was, at the time, Chairman
of the O.T. Central Committee as a result of which I enjoyed very considerable
status at Saint Hill. The next peculiar thing that happened was that a notice was
affixed to the board proclaiming that Ron L. Hubbard had become clear prior to my
doing so.

Income had been dropping fast at Saint Hill and I had been appointed Qualifications
Secretary in order to boost the income at Saint Hill. It seemed to me that on the
one hand the Hubbard Organisation was seeking to promote me and on the other to
undermine my activities.

Indeed, shortly after I had taken up the post of Qualifications Secretary a

bulletin was received from Ron L. Hubbard in which he accused me of sending
unsealed confidential mail to him. This, in fact, transpired to be an overture for
an Ethics Mission which was sent to Saint Hill from Las Palmas. When the Ethics
Mission came to deal with me, which would be in or about September 1967, they
placed me in a condition of non-existence and claimed that I had never been any use
to Scientology. I was not to be permitted to work at Scientology until I had done
the entire re-training Course at my own expense, and, meanwhile, being in a
condition of non-existence, I was not strictly permitted to bath, wash or shave or
change my clothes. Moreover, I was not permitted to leave the premises or to make
contact with home.

Happily I had many friends at Saint Hill, and through their good offices I quickly
completed the re-training Course at no expense to myself.

I then received a cable from L. Ron Hubbard who denounced the Ethics Mission and
indicated that I should undergo auditing for the purpose of establishing all those
who had been suppressive towards me. I recall the terms of the cable which were to
the effect that as the World's first clear I was set up to be targeted but why had
the Ethics Mission targeted me personally also. The results of the auditing which I
was to undergo were to be sent to him. The cable ended "Love, Ron."

The auditing which I underwent indicated that the person suppressive to me was Mary
Sue Hubbard. The results were not sent to L. Ron Hubbard until the later arrival of
on Pook, who had been sent on a replacement Ethics Mission. I might add that I
complied with the requirements for re-training by the earlier Ethics Mission simply
to establish to other people there that it was possible to rise above difficulties
caused by the Ethics Organisation and that one need not submit to tyrannical

The next stage was that I was instructed to pack my belongings and be prepared to
leave England for an unknown destination. This was in November 1967. The
instructions were given to me verbally by a lady whose Christian name was Janet,
and who was in charge at that time of the Advanced Courses. The next thing I heard
was a telephone call one Saturday evening instructing me to report to Saint Hill
Manor the following Sunday morning. This gave me little time to attend to the
clearing-up of my personal affairs. On the Sunday morning my friend, Colin, with
whom I shared a flat, drove me to Saint Hill Manor. On arrival there I found an
open truck being loaded with filing cabinets containing all the material for the
Advanced Courses which was to be shipped. I was unceremoniously put on to the back
of this open truck in which I journeyed to Southampton. I might add that when
boarding the vehicle I did not know that the destination would be Southampton.
Hitherto when I had travelled in connection with the Scientology Movement I had
been accustomed to travelling in good style. The treatment I received on this
occasion however was totally different. However I did not resist because I had not
seen L. Ron Hubbard in a year during which time I had been left in charge of all
the technology of auditing. Had I made any protest or refused to go I would
undoubtedly have been declared a suppressive person and stranded penniless in
England. On arrival at Southampton I was greeted by a party of Scientologists who
had come from the ship, the "Royal Scotsman." This, for practical purposes, was a
one-time cattle ferry. It subsequently became Hubbard's flag-ship and was renamed
the "Apollo." By the time I reached the ship my body was frozen, almost too stiff
to move. I was literally blue with cold. The party who greeted me seemed somewhat
surprised to see me arrive in this disheveled and uncomfortable manner, especially
after the manner and style in which I had been accustomed to travelling on past
occasions. I boarded the ship and was conversing with the party who had met me,
which comprised a number of personalities who knew me well. As we were talking on
the poop-deck Ron L. Hubbard appeared on the promenade-deck. Up to that time I did
not know he was to be on the vessel. He shouted down "Hallo John McMaster - have
you come to join us?" My response was "Well, I'm here." He then enquired whether I
was staying and indicated that if I was he would come down and shake me by the
hand. His attitude appeared to be one of sarcasm. When he came down to the poop-
deck and shook me by the hand he enquired what was the matter and I told him I was
frozen. He then behaved like a madman, blaming everyone else for my condition and
ordering them to get me into a warm cabin. Sometime later I saw Hubbard and in the
presence of other members of the staff he embraced me and said, "You will no doubt
be relieved to hear, John, that you are not to the suppressive person. We have
found out who the suppressive person was." I suspected that his initial somewhat
indifferent attitude towards me was by reason of messages which Hubbard had
received from his wife, who had been at Saint Hill, and which had undoubtedly
contained some innuendoes directed against me. It seemed however that once Hubbard
and I were in direct contact any concern which he might have had of me disappeared.

We were soon all put to work in cleaning up the ship, including the cattle-holds,
which was a messy business. I had no particular objection to this type of work but
Hubbard justified the work as Special Ethics Punishment. My offence, so I
understand, was sending confidential mail in an unsealed envelope. This was
completely untrue but Hubbard had to find some basis for requiring senior members
of his staff to take part in menial chores.

For some weeks the vessel was in Southampton Harbour whilst Hubbard was attempting
to get permission to sail. During that time Mary Sue and the rest of the family
arrived. Full permission was never granted to sail but one night the vessel put to
sea. The permission, so far as it went, was for the vessel to proceed to Brest on
the French coast. However, Hubbard decided to get to Gibraltar where we were turned
away. We were turned away from Valencia, Monte Carlo and, some weeks later, we were
allowed to dock at Cagliari in Sardinia. We were virtually pirates at sea. The
circumstances under which the vessel departed were dealt with in a letter from Mary
Sue Hubbard which is published at page 167 of the Foster Report.

I should perhaps add that prior to the vessel sailing from Southampton I was
required to do all manner of menial work in addition to cleaning out the cattle-
holds which I have previously described. I was required to clean out cabins,
bathrooms, toilets and the like. I was also required to scrub floors, decks and
stairs and generally to act as the lowest form of steward. The other members of the
staff were also required to do chores but not of the menial nature which I was
required to undertake. It seemed to be a psychological process. Other members of
the staff were being elevated whilst I was required to do the lowliest form of
work. It was about this time that Hubbard said to me, in the presence of other
members of the staff, that J.J. Delance was in charge of technology at Saint Hill
and if anything went wrong there he held me as a hostage aboard the ship. I would
explain that J.J. Delance was a great friend of mine who had assisted me and acted
as my deputy when I was in charge of technology. We had been close friends and had
shared the same flat. Accusations had constantly been made by Mary Sue Hubbard that
J.J. Delance and I were lovers but this was not so. For practical purposes I acted
as chambermaid to the new students who had joined the vessel and who had paid high
fees for the Courses which they were to receive. The position changed radically
however when the vessel left Southampton. The students themselves were then
required to work and do menial tasks the same as I. They were in fact prisoners on
board the vessel. In fact when it ultimately docked at Cagliari many of the people
who had enlisted as students left the vessel on some pretext or other and never
returned. Following the call at Cagliari registration of the vessel was procured
under the Sierra Leone flag and we then proceeded to Valencia. Meanwhile, I paid a
short visit to Saint Hill and told what was planned by way of Courses on the
vessel. As a result some 70 recruits wanted to join the ship as students and a
Trident aircraft was chartered to convey them to Valencia from Gatwick. This was on
1st January 1968. On joining the vessel they were required to sign a form of
agreement and release. A photocopy thereof has been produced to me and I can
authenticate same. The significance of the name of the Company appearing on the
contract, namely Operation and Transport Services, Ltd., was that the initial
letters "O" and "T" correspond to Operating Thetan. Moreover, funds were received
and cheques were not identifiable with the Scientology Organisation.

During the course of the voyage Hubbard and I had various conversations and on
three occasions he screamed at me "You stand for total love across this planet and
I stand for total evil. If I could just make you totally vicious." This sort of
statement indicates the temperament of the person in question whom I regard as a
paranoic. On the second occasion he said it I replied "What are you worried about?
I'll take your love to the world." Finally there was peace between us again and in
January 1968 he sent me travelling again to do a world tour of all the Scientology
Organisations and to give his love to the world. This I was happy to do and I made
sure that I gave only his love and the product of it. In other words I did not
broadcast the horrible things or the bad side of his nature. I completed the tour
by late July 1968.

The tour was a great success and as a result many, many more students enrolled at
Saint Hill Manor. To recognize my [ ] I was given a set of expensive golf-clubs
by the Saint Hill Organisation. This was an unusual gesture indeed. By this time
the premises at Saint Hill Manor had been purchased by the Saint Hill Organisation
from L. Ron Hubbard. The price paid to Hubbard for the premises was in the region
of �100,000. Initially the premises had been acquired by Hubbard for the sum of
�14,000 but I have, on good authority, information to the effect that the sum of
�14,000 was provided not by Hubbard but by an adherent of the Movement. This aspect
of the matter is also dealt with in the Foster Report. The relevant paragraphs are
62 at page 24 and 68 at page 28. Moreover, there was operating at Saint Hill Manor
the International Organisation and the Saint Hill Organisation. The Saint Hill had
profited enormously from my tour and expressed themselves as feeling safe at my
association with them.

I returned to the flag-ship via another vessel, the "Avon River," and when I
arrived on the flag-ship, which was then still called the "Royal Scotsman." I was
appalled at what I saw. Members of staff and students alike all appeared to have
the jitters. The atmosphere of the ship seemed to be positively electric. One could
sense the tension in the atmosphere. On my arrival on board people whom I knew came
up to me and said "Thank goodness you are back, John, we feel safe now." These
observations filtered back to Hubbard, and I know this from remarks he subsequently
made, and he demeaned me in as many ways as he could. I was subjected to extensive
security checks, carried out on the E-Meter and I subsequently learned that he said
to others "What on earth am I going to do with that fagot priest?" The word "fagot"
in America has some special homosexual connotation.
Notwithstanding this treatment, I was sent back to London to speak at an
International Congress in Croydon in the middle of August 1968. The Congress was a
great success and resulted in the sum of �133,000 being paid by way of advance fees
for Courses in the flag-ship and at the Advanced Training Centre in Edinburgh.
This, for practical purposes, means that the sum was payable to Hubbard direct. As
I have explained, by that time the organisation at Saint Hill Manor was financially
independent. They recruited their own students and paid 10% of the fees received to
Hubbard personally. By this time Saint Hill was in bad shape again financially and
Hubbard instructed me to return there and see if I could make a success of the
establishment again. This I succeeded in doing with the help of two other members
of the staff and I was subsequently instructed by Hubbard to return to the flag-
ship to undergo the first Class 8 Auditor's Course. This Course was to be run on
the flag-ship in Corfu and was ostensibly to give a new standard of technology.
Hubbard ordered two people from every Organisation in the world to attend the
Course and the different Organisations had to send some thousands of dollars in
advance by way of fees for the privilege of carrying out his orders. This again
meant that huge sums of money were paid direct to Hubbard. I was at that time
particularly friendly with a Joan Bristow who acted as Hubbard's personal steward.
Joan Bristow also acted as Hubbard's personal nurse because she was by profession a
nursing sister. It was Joan's practice to visit my cabin about 2 o'clock each
morning for coffee. Our relationship developed from the fact that we were both from
Durban, South Africa. In the course of these chats Joan Bristow told me of an
incident concerning the money brought to the vessel in connection with the Class 8
Course. Apparently the steward had been cleaning Hubbard's cabin and when he
entered his face went ashen and he said "My god, the money, the money." Joan
Bristow was immediately summoned only to discover that the steward, in the course
of cleaning the cabin, had pushed bags containing money further under the bunk than
they were usually placed. By reason of this they had escaped Hubbard's notice. Joan
Bristow told me that the bags were full of currency which had been brought to the
vessel in payment for the Class 8 Courses. Not only did the money represent payment
for the Class 8 Courses but money for other Courses and apparently the cash had
been accumulating or some time.

It soon became apparent to me that the stated purpose of running the Class 8 Course
was a gimmick. Hubbard's real intentions were to install, by means of his savage
ethics, subliminal circuitry. This is to say his object was to achieve a state of
mind in each of the students whereby they thought of nothing other than the Hubbard
policies. The students on the Class 8 Course would ultimately be despatched to
different parts of the world where they in turn would instil the same thought
processes in their students. It was therefore like an ever-spreading cancer.

One of the punishments which Hubbard meted out under the guise of ethics was to
throw students overboard for any errors they made on the Course. Every morning the
students on the Course were paraded on the deck and those unfortunates who had
allegedly made errors were thrown overboard. This amounted to 30 or 40 people being
thrown overboard every day for several weeks. It caused such a commotion that Greek
officials complained.

The ages of the unfortunate students who were thrown overboard varied considerably
from young up to late middle-age. I recall the case of one middle-aged lady who was
thrown overboard and in the course of her falling her leg struck the side of the
vessel and was lacerated by barnacles. As a result she had to have medical
attention. The name of this lady was Julia Salmen. She came from Los Angeles.

There was another lady in her late 30s or early 40s who became completely psychotic
as a result of being thrown overboard. This practice induced a state of terror in
the students. I personally was thrown overboard four times with my legs tied
together and my hands tied together, and I am convinced it was just for the purpose
of degradation because I had not made any error on the Course.
The Course, which was a crash Course comprising some three weeks, consisted of
periods of study, when one was required to concentrate on all of Hubbard's
bulletins and policy letters and subsequent periods of auditing. The results of the
auditing were noted and the auditing files given to Hubbard for perusal. As a
result of my auditing a young lady she had subsequently said that I was a
"fantastic auditor" or words to that effect. This displeased Ron Hubbard who wrote
on the papers words to the effect that the auditor had intruded upon the
personality of the person being audited.

After each of the occasions on which I was thrown overboard I was summoned to
Hubbard's office for a talk with him privately and every time he apologised
profusely saying that he had been the victim of false reports and pleaded for my
forgiveness. It is significant however that there were never any witnesses present.

It was rather like psychological warfare. One would think that they had done well
on the Course the previous day, but the next morning would be pitched into the

This practice quite clearly induced a state of shock in the persons who had been
subjected to the penalty and they then became more amenable for indoctrination.

By and large all the Class 8 students were treated in this way together also with
members of the crew and children on board. One of the children, namely John Payer,
suffered meningitis after having been thrown in the water but fortunately recovered
therefrom. The lad was only five or six years old. The overall effect upon everyone
on board was that they wandered around in a state of electronic jitter which
condition seemed to pass from one to another like contagious spiritual disease.

Meanwhile, much promotion was sent ahead to all the Organisations in preparation
for the return of the Class 8 Auditors. I saw the literature. It stated that they
were the greatest beings on earth, their word was law and no one could challenge
them. So the Home Organisations were mostly prepared for the return of these
implanted carriers of Hubbard's subliminal spiritual message. Hubbard's words were
that the students were to be lionized. The inevitable result was that people who
had undergone the Course, whether or not they were truly competent in the process
of Auditing, returned to inflict on the public their incompetence, in most cases,
and as a result had to resort to savage Ethics practice to ensure some progress by
their students.

I personally witnessed this on a subsequent visit to New York. The Auditing there
was carried out in the Martinique Hotel at 32nd Street, New York. As it was not
possible to throw people overboard there the Auditors had to resort to some other
means of punishment. The punishment they devised in this particular instance was to
throw people into baths of water in the Hotel. They were either thrown into hot
water, cold water or dirty water. I was appalled when I saw what was going on and
remonstrated with the Auditors saying this was completely unnecessary. This would
be in or about November 1968. It appeared to me that those concerned with the
administration of the Organisation in New York were devoting more time to devising
punishments under the Ethics system than to the faithful pursuit of the technology.
I told them to get on with the work. It must be remembered that the Auditors had
been "lionized" and therefore the ordinary students were not able to stand up to
them in any way. Neither for that matter could the Chief Executives of the
Organisation and I appeared to be the only one able to take matters in hand. The
Executives pleaded with me to intercede on their behalf and this I did.

The punishments inflicted in the Martinique Hotel came to be known as "an

overboard." It was also reported to me that in another establishment where baths
were not readily available for the purpose of the punishment, that the Auditor
there resorted to the device of putting peoples' heads in the W.C. bowl and
flushing the chain. This was in Miami. It was reported to me by a Mr. Maurice Fox,
who flew from Miami to New York especially to see me in connection with this
particular matter. In Los Angeles I personally witnessed another form of
"overboard." Here erring students were taken into a car-park and hosed down whilst
they were fully clothed.

It has been known since Pavlov's research on dogs, and other similar research on
humans, that people are subject to suggestion and control after periods of mental,
emotional and physical fatigue. Since the staff members of Scientology from the
flag-ship all the way down through the structure work long hours and get very
little pay they are continually confronted with mental, emotional and physical
problems of stress. Sometimes on the flag-ship we worked 72 hours at a stretch.
People who made mistakes, which in the circumstances was perhaps understandable,
were put into a low Ethics condition and put into the chain-lockers on a starvation
diet. Some were sent into the partially filled water-tanks of the ship to chip the
rusty sides for as much as 84 hours. They were forced to stand up without a break
in water up their knees supervised by Ethics Officers who changed shifts every 4
hours, to make sure that the sentence was carried out. I did not actually witness
the punishments in the water-tanks but I saw the written instructions. I saw the
people being taken to the relevant area of the ship and I saw them when they
emerged. They subsequently gave me a graphic account of what had happened to them
as I have just described.

By this time it had become perfectly obvious that Ron L. Hubbard had made his
savage Ethics System and Scientology more important than the function of auditing.
To this extent he had killed the only thing of any lasting value associated with
Scientology. I have already earlier in this statement expressed my views as to the
beneficial effects of auditing. One thing is quite clear - it cannot be properly
conducted under the presence of coercion or fear which was precisely the situation
Hubbard was inducing by this savage Ethics System. It seemed to me that he was
merely using the valuable Science of Auditing as an entry point to bring about,
through brain-washing, an Organisation of highly circuitrised spiritual robots.

It is reasonable to suppose that the question may be raised why I, and for that
matter others, did not leave the flag-ship as soon as Hubbard started his vicious
Ethics penalties. The reason is simple. We were all trapped on board ship in a
foreign country by the simple expedient of having had our passports taken away.
Moreoever, we were paid very low wages and literally were always without money. In
such circumstances any attempt to leave the ship would have been futile.

Nevertheless, certain brave souls did make the attempt. More often than not they
did not get beyond Customs by reason of the fact that they did not have a passport.
If they succeeded in overcoming this hurdle and got as far as their particular
Embassy, Hubbard would deal with the position by sending well-dressed
representatives who would merely report to the Embassy that the people in question
had been guilty of theft on board ship or some such thing. I remember in particular
the case of Mrs. Pat Lipsitz which occurred in October/November 1968, just before I
went to America. She was an English lady and, I believe, had lived somewhere near
Saint Hill Manor. She had undergone punishment by being put into the chain-locker
and separated from her 18 month old baby. The baby may even have been younger. When
Mrs. Lipsitz emerged from the chain-locker she was in a state of terror and
immediately grabbed her child and left the ship and ran through the Port
Authorities. At that time I had been given the post of Chaplain of the ship. I was
requested, in that capacity, to go and track down Mrs. Lipsitz and bring her back
to the ship. I said I would do so only on condition that no further punishment
would be inflicted against this lady and that she would not be parted from her
baby. This assurance was given to me. I accordingly then left the ship and
ultimately traced Mrs. Lipsitz to the English Consulate. After speaking with me she
agreed to return to the vessel. To my horror when she did so she was immediately
separated from her baby and once more put into the chain-locker.

This I construed as one of the attempts to discredit me and rob me of some of the
fruits of my earlier success. In the course of my career in Scientology much trust
had been placed in me by people and I was determined not to let them down. This is
one of the reasons why I stayed with the Scientology Movement as long as I did,
because I thought I could overcome the disabilities of the system and ensure that
trust would prevail. As a result of the incident concerning Mrs. Lipsitz she did
not speak to me for some considerable time. Many months later, however, she came to
me and apologised having only at that time discovered the truth of the situation.

In the first week of November 1968 L. Ron Hubbard ordered me to fly to New York on
a Scientology Mission to the United Nations. I was more than pleased to be able to
leave the flag-ship and its insane staff. The purpose of my Mission was to get the
General Assembly of the United Nations to denounce the World Federation for Mental
Health for its abuse of human rights by condoning as mental therapy, shock-
treatment, transorbital leucotomies, leubotomies, psychotropic drugs. If they did
not listen to me I was to threaten that the Church of Scientology would use its
many Chapters in South-East Asia to start a Holy War across the Planet. These
instructions were discussed verbally between L. Ron Hubbard and myself and
subsequently I received written confirmation of such instructions. At that time the
Church of Scientology had no South-East Asia Chapters so I did not use the threat.
In any event it was completely foreign to the Charter of the United Nations to
threaten war and I would have been thrown out on my ear. In order to have anything
brought before the General Assembly of the United Nations one has to be sponsored
by a member Nation so I began calling on the Ambassadorial staffs to the United
Nations of member Nations, except those known to be Communist orientated.

The Mission became more and more successful and was then dubbed by Ron L. Hubbard
"Permanent Mission U.N." The purpose of the Permanent Mission was to create a safe
space politically for Scientology and an unsafe space for psychiatry. I was very
earnest about creating a safe space for Scientology because the function of
auditing is, as I have previously commented, in my view very valuable, and I wanted
all mankind to know about it whether it came through Scientology or not. I did not
consider it necessary to create an unsafe space for psychiatry.

Whilst I was engaged on this work I had time to reflect at what I had seen going on
in the Scientology Organisation over the previous two years. Suddenly I realised
that the abuse of human rights was more rife in Scientology than in any other World
Organisation. The abuse perpetrated in an insidious manner, and somewhat
paradoxically because the basic creed of Scientology was the respect of human
rights of others. As I reflected it became apparent to me that many people had been
recruited to Scientology as a result of my world tours but then Hubbard had sent in
Ethics Missions behind me to start his subliminal reign of terror on all the new-
comers and to reinforce it on all the oldtimers. I hasten to add that at the time
of my world tours I had not been conscious of this happening. I recognise now that
I was just a means of recruiting vast numbers to the Organisation which inevitably
meant vast income to the Organisation by reason of the fees paid by the new-comers.
Substantial sums of money were paid by recruits and the standard of auditing was
debased. That is to say, it was not used for its true purpose but merely to ensure
enslavement of the adherents to Ron L. Hubbard. Complex charts were prepared and
distributed to ensure that students would be encouraged to attain the higher levels
of conditions ordained by Ron L. Hubbard, but in fact what was happening was that
they became so brain-washed that ultimately all they experienced was a sense of
being in greater agreement with other Scientologists.

From time to time I would be summoned from my Mission at the U.N. to make
appearances. In this way I gave public appearances at Los Angeles, Honolulu,
Seattle, and so on. As a result of such appearances the income of the particular
Group which I had visited would rise dramatically. I saw graphs of various Centres
and in one instance the week following my public appearance the income of the Group
went up over one million dollars. After my appearance I would be required to stay
and meet people and individuals would be introduced into the public hall and
proclaimed as power release or whatever grade they had attained. I was shocked by
the mass-hysteria reaction to those proclamations.

In July of 1969 I received some very secret orders from L. Ron Hubbard to cultivate
a black African State with a sea coast and a port and to get them interested in
dianetics and Scientology. One of the levers I was ordered to use to get their
interest was to tell them that L. Ron Hubbard had been banned from Southern
Rhodesia and South Africa because he had sought to free black people. I knew this
to be false and had no intention of speaking against Southern Rhodesia or South
Africa. Hubbard of course thought he would impress the General Assembly because of
the United Nations' attitude to Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. Shortly after
this Hubbard cancelled my Mission and ordered me to return to the flag-ship,

But this time, however, I had decided that I no longer wanted to be involved with
L. Ron Hubbard's political and international aspirations. Moreover, as I had no
desire to return to the flag-ship, which had come to be no more than a floating
insane asylum, I resigned from the Sea Org on 21st November 1969 by letter, but
unfortunately I no longer have a copy thereof. I recall mentioning in my letter of
resignation that one of my reasons for resigning was the hostility and violence
which Scientology was generating. I mentioned, in particular, the murder of two
young people, a boy and a girl both in their teens who met their deaths when
returning home from a Scientology meeting in Los Angeles, California. Following my
resignation members of the Sea Org infiltrated their way into my flat in New York.
They entreated me to return to the flag-ship and made it clear that if I did not do
so they would be the ones to suffer. Their representations varied from pleading
with me to threatening me. I had been told that in the past the Organisation had
resorted to drugging people to get them on to planes and ships and I was determined
that this would not happen to me. Ultimately everyone fell asleep and I left the
flat. I was taken in by friends who themselves received threatening calls from the
Organisation. Ultimately, however, I managed to book a passage on the "Hellenic
Pioneer," a tramp ship, to South Africa. It was on this passage that I received a
radio-telegram which I produce. The telegram was signed "Ann," who was the Deputy
Guardian in the United States. This radio-telegram was to the effect that one
Bernard Green had published a distorted version of my letter of resignation. I did
not believe this telegram because Bernard Green, the person alleged to have
interfered with the letter, was in fact the person who had befriended me and given
me shelter in his flat until my departure on the vessel.

On arrival in South Africa I had every intention of building up auditing technology

there. However, I learned from my step-mother that Durban was rife with wild and
untrue rumours concerning me. They were to the effect that I had fallen into the
hands of Communists in America, had been thoroughly brain-washed and was consorting
with "junkies" and the like. I therefore kept clear of the Organisation in South

Shortly before Easter 1970 I received a number of telephone calls from one Jan
Lacey, the Assistant Guardian for Scientology in South Africa. They were to the
effect that there was a special gift of Advanced Auditing for me from Mary Sue
Hubbard and I should journey to Johannesburg for it. I declined the trip as I was
concerned for my safety once I had left my home town.

Jan Lacey then said she would send two Class 8 Auditors to Durban and the auditing
was arranged to take place on Good Friday in 1970. I accepted this offer and asked
my step-mother, who by that time had resigned from the Scientology Organisation in
Durban, to come with me as a witness.

In fact the auditing transpired to be nothing more than a security check whereby an
attempt was made to force me into confessing some crime by which I could be
blackmailed. At about this time the Enquiry into Scientology in South Africa was
underway and it is my firm belief that the Scientologists wanted to get some
information by which they could blackmail me and prevent me from giving evidence.
When I confronted the auditor with my suspicions and tried to leave, the auditor,
who was a particularly large man, began to use physical strength to try to keep me
in the auditing chair. I only managed to leave by telling the auditor that the
Police were waiting outside and that if he did not let me go I would summon their

That night a Mrs. Ela Mellet, who was the Assistant Guardian for the Church of
Scientology in Durban, came around to my home in Durban to apologize for what
happened. She appeared to be genuinely upset.

I was subsequently asked by David Gaiman to return to Scientology but I refused to

do so. This must have been in about June or July 1970.

In April 1971, when I was back in the United States, I received a copy of my
Expulsion Order from Scientology. This I now produce. It is dated 29th December
1969. As appears from the document, I am expelled for placing myself in a position
of blackmail with homosexual relations. As I have previously said in this my
Statement, I had volunteered information regarding my homosexual tendencies in the
very early stages of my association with the Organisation. It is my firm belief
that this document was only promulgated in 1971 by reason of the failure of the
Scientology Organisation to persuade me to return to their fold.

Indeed, in 1969 the prospects of a World Tour in 1970 in which I was to appear as
the World's First Real Celebrity, had been canvassed. It is inconceivable that the
Organisation would have planned such a trip if in fact the Expulsion Order had
genuinely been prepared in December 1969. As appears from the envelope in which the
Order arrived, it was posted on the 16th April 1971. Although the document purports
to originate from Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, Sussex, England, it was
posted in Los Angeles, California.

In September 1971 there was a concerted black-magic attempt on my life whilst I was
in California. In the dead of night several people, dressed up in weird costumes
similar to the Ku Klux Klan, came down the drive-way towards the house in which I
was staying. Their faces were masked and they were carrying lighted candles. They
were chanting "We want John McMaster dead." They must have thought that I was
alone, as they appeared quite startled when Phyllis McKee, a nurse whom I was
auditing at the time, threw open the door to see what all the commotion was about.
This, coupled with a seemingly vicious and growling attack by a dog which we kept,
and who was normally quite friendly, caused the visitors to leave abruptly. The
following morning I found a note to the effect that my night visitors were part of
the Charles Manson "family." At that time Charles Manson and company were in prison
for various crimes they had committed. Although I had no proof I am convinced that
my visitors were from the Scientology Organisation and that they sought to place
the responsibility for what they might have done on the Charles Manson "family."
This conviction is supported to the extent that prior to the visit I had received a
telephone call from a member of the Scientology Organisation who told me that he
had overheard members of the Sea Org plotting to take some action against me. He
did not tell me what action was planned, but he had heard conversation to the
effect that now they had my telephone number they could "fix" me.

At this juncture I would mention that L. Ron Hubbard is referred to in several non-
Scientology books as being a High-Priest of black-magic in Los Angeles many years
ago. I have also been told of two attempts during the last few years by L. Ron
Hubbard to dispose of his enemies by using black-magic tactics. It would be
difficult to prove this because of the reluctance on the part of witnesses to
testify because they are afraid of Hubbard's "powers" and they have asked me not to
divulge their names.

I do not know of anyone other than Hubbard and the Scientology Organisation who
would be interested in doing harm to me. I do know that a mysterious sudden death
of John McMaster would be a subtly powerful way of letting those within Scientology
know what might happen if they were to leave Hubbard and the Organisation. In this
connection it is relevant to point to a notice of death which appeared in "The
Auditor" concerning one John Kennedy. I have had produced to me a photocopy of such
notice. The wording of this notice itself suggests that it is something more than
an obituary. The initials S.P. stand for Suppressive Person. John Kennedy and his
wife, Jean, set up the Organisation in Rhodesia. They exhausted the Scientology
doctrines and started to develop their own theories. Hubbard did not approve. The
official findings were that John Kennedy accidentally shot himself. Unofficially I
heard that he had been shot by his wife because of a domestic difference involving
his wife's daughter by a former marriage. Hubbard had made it more than plain that
his real enemy was Jean Kennedy. It was tacitly understood within the Organisation
that Hubbard arranged for the death to be published in this way to gain as much
advantage as possible.

The incident in which I was involved in September 1971, which I have just
described, was reported to the Sheriff's Department, but they were unable to
ascertain who was responsible. I produce a card handed to me by the Sheriff on this

Scientology's Guardian's Office, Ethics Structure and Org Board have all been
geared towards subliminal suggestion that is designed ultimately to get L. Ron
Hubbard as Supreme Controller of Earth with all mankind totally free. That is,
being totally free from everything except the dictates of L. Ron Hubbard. I will
endeavour to give some illustration of this point.

In March 1966 the Guardian's Office was established and this particular office now
occupies one of the strongest sections of the Organisation. According to the Policy
Letter establishing the office the object was to protect technology and the clears.
At the time of the formation of this particular arm of the Organisation I was in
fact the only real clear. I would mention that the staff of this office get paid
far more than the technology staff who actually do the work of auditing and
clearing and thereby earn the money for the Scientology Churches. The Guardian's
Office is in fact an elevated branch of the Ethics Organisation to which I have
alluded earlier and which may be regarded as the secret Police or the law
enforcement agency of the Scientology Organisation.

Over the years, however, it has become apparent to me that the reasons given for
the creation of the Guardian's Office were just a gimmick, because the secret
function of that Office is to attack the enemies of Scientology. Indeed if there
were no enemies they must be created by the simple expedient of attack, attack,
attack. The bigger the opposition the Ethics Organisation takes on the bigger the
status they enjoy themselves.

The Guardian's Office has unlimited power within the Organisation and uses such
power for the compilation of dossiers on students. Matters volunteered by students
in the process of auditing are carefully scrutinised by the Guardian's Office with
a view to selecting items which could be used to the detriment of the student, if
need be.
From my past experience with the Organisation, and in particular in the capacity
which I held as Case Supervisor, it is within my knowledge that people being
audited were required to give date, place and events in respect of any particular
incident which could be used to their detriment. Whilst this in itself may not have
proved to be satisfactory evidence there was sufficient information there for the
Organisation to obtain the necessary evidence. I have had produced to me a copy HCO
Bulletin of 18th November 1960 which I can authenticate. I would draw attention in
particular to Section K thereof.

Part and parcel of Hubbard's philosophy was that he must keep his adherents busy
and as poor as church mice. This he succeeded in doing only too well. I have
already referred in this my Statement to having worked long and exhausting hours.
Pay was minimal. Even on my world tours, whilst accommodation was paid for I was
only allowed ten dollars per week for subsistence.

One of the standard operating procedures as established and enforced by L. Ron

Hubbard is that whenever someone or some body of people sets out to investigate
Scientology then the response is to investigate that particular person or body of
persons noisily and hold off the investigation of Scientology or Scientology
personnel. "Investigate noisily" enjoins that one must indulge in as much muck-
raking as possible against the person who is the subject of the "noisy

Although it is widely proclaimed that the operation of carrying out a "noisy

investigation" has been discontinued, in fact this process is still practiced by
the Scientology Organisation. A current example is the Mayor referred to in
editions of the Toronto Sun published in 1976.

The Scientologists resort to all sorts of devices to obtain information. Typists,

Secretaries, filing-clerks are required to commit what, for practical purposes, are
acts of espionage against their employers, and to report fully to the Organisation.
I have already cited a first-hand incident of when I witnessed a typist from a
Government Department reporting to the Organisation. To my knowledge private
detectives are also engaged by the Organisation. Followers of the Scientology
Organisation have posed as anti-Scientologists and mingled with splinter groups and
those who were known to be against the Scientology Organisation, merely to obtain
information which might prove to be useful. I was present when people were briefed
to act in this fashion. At that time this seemed to me to be perfectly justified.
All that the Hubbard Foundation were seeking to do, prima facie, was to get
information about people who had left the Organisation and who were setting up
their own particular Organisations to benefit their own ends, if not for financial
then for status considerations.

Although it has been published that L. Ron Hubbard and Mary Sue Hubbard, his wife,
have retired from actual control of the Scientology Churches and that the Churches
now run themselves, this is not so. I have in the past seen confidential
communications to the effect that L. Ron Hubbard will still remain in control of
every facet of the Organisation.

When the Guardian concept was first introduced it was put over in such a fashion
that people were led to believe that the office of Guardian must pass by
descendancy. Hubbard was thus trying to create something of a real hierarchy. In
fact, although Jane Kember was appointed Guardian World-Wide there was a secret
Flag Order that Mary Sue was the overall controller. De facto, this meant of course
that Hubbard was still the controller.

I have already touched on the formation of the Ethics Organisation. A few of the
more unpleasant aspects of the Organisation, to say nothing of the punishments
which were meted out, and to which I have alluded are as under:--
<u>Job Endangerment Chits.</u>

Those chits are written by people to report that someone else is endangering their
jobs. Most of the time it keeps people so busy watching each other and writing
chits on who is endangering their jobs that they can't get the jobs done anyway!
From observing it in operation over a number of years the main result is that it
keeps people suspicious of each other. I have seen countless of these job
endangerment chits written by members of the Scientology Organisation.

<u>Heads on Pikes.</u>

This is a policy that someone shall always be punished for what has gone wrong. It
doesn't matter who it is or whether it is even the right person, just make an
example of someone and you will frighten the remainder into submission. The more
important the person you have made an example of the more terror and obedience you
will instil into the hearts of the rest. I have already alluded to an incident when
I was the unfortunate "head on a pike." I have seen many others.

<u>Suppressive persons.</u>

Enforced disconnection is still going on. Both in the United Kingdom and in America
people are being declared "suppressive" by the Scientology Organisation for
refusing to disconnect from me. Countless people have visited me socially and told
me that they have been declared "suppressive" for refusing to disconnect from me.
One particular name which sticks in my mind in this connection is Eddie Vincent who
is an elderly nurse. This lady is resident in Los Angeles. An example is the letter
I received from Allen Collins dated 30th September 1970 to which I refer later in
this statement. A further example of a person being declared suppressive is
afforded by a writ of expulsion sent to Mariame Christie in Edinburgh dated 10th
September 1972 which I produce.

<u>Third Party.</u>

This is a title given to a person who breaks up other peoples' relationships. A

more blatant example it is difficult to find than L. Ron Hubbard himself.
Nevertheless it is a style accorded to people who do not keep to Scientology
Principles. A classic example of a third party would be one who informs as to
alleged misconduct between husband and wife.

<u>Confidential Material</u>

As one progresses through the various stages of the Scientology spectrum one gains
more and more knowledge regarding the technology of auditing. One, however, is not
allowed to talk to another person regarding such material. I suppose the idea is
that if the information is divulged it would be available to people and they would
not have to pay exorbitant fees to Hubbard for the purpose of acquiring the
information. If people do talk about the confidential material it becomes an Ethics
crime and they are duly punished and often removed from the Course. the reason, as
publicised by Hubbard, for no inter-communication about the materials is because
they are so powerful that a person could be killed if some of the items were
mentioned. This is, of course, patent nonsense and nothing but a remnant of his
black-magic, for much of the material used on Advanced Level Courses has appeared
in his writings, particularly the book entitled "Creation of Human Ability." As
will appear from what I have said the real reason is Ron L. Hubbard would lose a
good deal of his income if people were not obliged to take the Courses. I produce a
paper headed "Notes on Auditing" which gives some indication of the Courses.

Whenever there has been an Enquiry or any publicity into the activities of
Scientology in any country, the express instructions have been given by L. Ron
Hubbard to play down the Ethics Organisation. Hubbard has told me this on many
occasions and I have seen written instructions from him to this effect.

Scientology is designed to entrap people. A person comes for an auditing session.

After the session he goes to the Examiner to attest that he feels better and has
attained something. He is then routed to the Department of Success to write a
success story. If he writes one then he goes on to the Registrar to be signed up
for more Courses and the success story he has written commits him, as does his
attestation. He is not allowed not to want to write a success story. If he does not
he is sent to Review to see what is wrong and he has to pay for this. If he still
does not want to write a success story he is sent to the Ethics Officer who, if he
does not write a success story, degrades him by declaring him in Ethics Condition
of Doubt. This is all learned very quickly by the people, so to save themselves
trouble they write a success story and of course commit themselves. As and when
they commit themselves they inevitably enter an obligation to pay for further and
what are relatively expensive Courses. If they tell the Registrar that they are
without funds then the Money Process is recommended. The Money Process is "mock-ups
on ways to waste money." This is run over and over until the person feels he has no
stops on his money flow and probably goes laughing to the Registrar, after the
Examiner and another success story, and signs up for everything and thus is
committed to the Organisation. I have been present in the Organisation when this
Money Process has been applied to people.

At this stage it is appropriate that I mention an incident concerning the postulate

cheque. The incident happened in Los Angeles in 1971. There was a mass meeting of
Scientologists and the basic objective was to raise funds. The audience was
addressed in such a manner that an atmosphere of mass-hysteria developed and those
present in the audience were convinced that they had money to burn. At least if
they did not have the money they could acquire it quite easily provided they had an
end objective. The proposition was put to the meeting that they should decide what
they could afford. The sky was inevitably the limit. People were then asked to give
cheques in favour of the Organisation which were termed "postulate cheques." The
drawers of the cheques were assured that such cheques would be retained until such
times that the drawers of the cheques notified the Organisation that sufficient
funds were in hand to meet the cheques. In the event, following the meeting, all
the cheques were presented for payment which caused chaos in the banking world of
Los Angeles. In that particular State it is an offence to present a cheque for
payment when there are insufficient funds to meet the cheque. The operation was on
such a large scale that no action could conceivably be taken by the Authorities in
respect of the dud cheques. The person responsible for the incident in Los Angeles,
and I might mention that many other similar meetings were held throughout the
United States, was Alex Sibersky. Sibersky was virtually feted by Ron L. Hubbard as
a result of that meeting held in Los Angeles because on paper the funds of that
particular Organisation went up dramatically. When however the cheques were not met
he was totally responsible and that Hubbard was in no way involved. Sibersky was
totally denounced and degraded. Although I was not present at the meeting, and what
I have described was only told to me by persons involved, I in fact saw the letter
of apology written by Sibersky. Although Hubbard denounced Sibersky for this
interlude, he was in fact intrumental in giving to the said Sibersky a cheque for
5,000 dollars with which he was supposed to acquire a car on his return to the
United States. He had been required to travel to the flag-ship as part and parcel
of his feting and had indeed been met at the airport by Ron L. Hubbard.

In retrospect the atmosphere at the Scientology Organisations was most unhealthy.

Students behaved like cattle in a kraal, chanting the L. Ron Hubbard high-powered
spiritually contagious phrases at each other like, "totally free," "total power,"
"clear," "O.T.," "treason," "enemy," "doubt," "liability," "non-existence,"
"danger," "emergency," "suppressive person," etc. etc. I think it would be fair to
say that they were behaving like robots controlled from a power remote. And all the
time they are telling each other how free they are and agreeing with each other
because L. Ron Hubbard had told them so.

I would now like to deal with some further facts concerning Scientology and L. Ron

L. Ron Hubbard has defined Scientology as "The Search for Truth," but his own past
is clouded in mystery and he has, to my knowledge, lied about his domestic life,
his educational attainments, the sources of his income and his current relationship
with the Scientology Organisations. Dealing first with his domestic life. Ron L.
Hubbard, as the overlord of the Scientology Organisation, only acknowledges two
marriages. The wife of his first marriage is dead and his present wife is Mary Sue
Hubbard who is totally involved with the Organisation. In fact he has had at least
three marriages to my own knowledge. He suppresses any information regarding his
marriage to Mrs. Miles Hollister. There are two children of this marriage, a boy
and a girl. The boy, Geoffrey, recently featured in a press report following his
mysterious death. Because of Hubbard's reluctance to acknowledge this marriage when
appearing on a Television programme in 1968 many of his followers in California
left the Organisation. I know this as a fact because numerous people came and told
me that they had done precisely that. I remember clearly that their comment was "he
lied so badly." Turning to his educational qualifications, I have already dealt, in
my Supplemental Statement, with the assertions made by Hubbard regarding his
academic degree. Before proceeding to the source of his income, it is perhaps
relevant to mention that I understand L. Ron Hubbard is not the name under which he
was born. To the best of my knowledge he was born Williams or Wilson. This
information was given to me by one of the older members of the Church of
Scientology. As to his sources of income, I have been the unwitting tool of Hubbard
in that when addressing public meetings I have told them that the bulk of his
income is derived from estates which he inherited from his grandmother, who is
alleged to have owned half the State of Montana. This however could not have been
true because in subsequent conversations with his daughter, Katie, she told me
about how penniless they were in earlier days. I have already indicated the nature
of the income which Hubbard received from Scientology. Moreover he has indicated to
me, and indeed he has written, that a great deal of his income has been derived
from the writings he has made. As to his current relationship with Scientology
Organisations, I have already dealt with the somewhat tenuous position of Jane
Kember and the reality of the position -- that is to say Hubbard being behind the
scenes and issuing all the commands. It is my firm belief that L. Ron Hubbard is
basically dishonest. In July 1966 in Salisbury, Rhodesia, he stated to me and a
number of South African Clearing Course students that he was not clear. He
explained that I had to be the first clear because he had to wait and see how the
clear managed and that if he had erased all his reactive mind he would have no
reference left to derive information to help clear who faltered. He also stated to
the same company, which included Jane Kember, the current Guardian World-Wide, that
he wanted to make a movie of himself auditing himself on the E-Meter and it would
have to be authentic so that he would have to be unclear to make it.

Nevertheless, some eighteen months after I had been declared the World's First Real
Clear, that is in July 1967, Hubbard had certificates made out for himself stating
his dates of being clear and the so-called more advanced states of OT1, OT2, OT3,
OT4, and OT5. The certificates were hung on the walls of the Qualifications
Division of Saint Hill Manor. The date given for his being clear was August 1965,
some six months prior to the time I was announced as being in that condition. So
either Hubbard was not telling the truth in Rhodesia, and later in England in July
and August 1966, when he said he was not clear and made the movie or else he did
not know he was clear when he was and had to be examined two years later by his
wife, Mary Sue Hubbard. Moreoever, he did not have the necessary technology for the
so-called higher levels that he was supposed to have attained, according to the
certificates which were hung up, and which, incidentally, were signed by his wife.

It is within my knowledge that L. Ron Hubbard receives 10% of the gross income from
every Church of Scientology and Franchise Office in the world. He receives all the
profits of the Special Briefing Courses in England, Los Angeles, Copenhagen and on
the flag-ship. He receives all the profits from power processing and all the
profits from all auditing and training courses at all levels from and including the
Briefing Course level of training. My information in this respect derives from the
positions which I held at the Headquarters of the Church of Scientology, and from
my visits to all the Scientology Establishments throughout the world.

The aims, creeds and codes etc. of the Church of Scientology all sound very noble,
but I now fear these are a smoke-screen used to attract people who have similar
aims or ideals for mankind, behind which L. Ron Hubbard carries out his real and
very devious purpose for having founded the Church of Scientology. He attracts
people with high aims and studies them in order to establish a way of manipulating
them. In the aims it states that Scientology people should support the Government
in power. L. Ron Hubbard is in fact trying to undermine any Government where he has
a Church of Scientology as it is his avowed intention to take over the Earth. Both
Hubbard and his wife, Mary Sue, have made it plain to me in the course of
conversation that this was their intention and at one time I recall that Hubbard's
personal aides on the flag-ship were all encouraging them to indulge themselves in
this way. I simply said the whole idea was so laughable that it didn't deserve
serious contemplation.

I am convinced however that Hubbard takes himself seriously. I now produce a chart
on the organisation of the Church of Scientology across which is printed "Your
route to clear and OT 1975." What is significant about this chart is that L. Ron
Hubbard, founder, is shown as the font and relegated to Distribution Division 6
under Clearing Department 18 there appears "To help Scientology help Governments or
start special programmes." The very way the phraseology is styled places the
emphasis on Scientology rather than Governments and I am quite convinced that
Hubbard's intentions would have been spelled out more clearly had he dared to do

Certainly Hubbard does not fear Government agencies. For example, in April or May
of 1969 when the founding Church of Scientology of Washington won the right to
appeal the findings of the case of the Food and Drug Administration in the Supreme
Court of the United States, Hubbard mistakenly thought Scientology had won the case
so he cabled the Guardian of the Church of Washington to lodge a billion dollar
suit against the United States Government. This is all within my personal knowledge
because the Guardian at Washington DC was so alarmed when she received the cable of
instruction that she summoned me for help. At the time I was in New York.

Another indication of Hubbard's failure to support Governments is the fact that

money is always being sent out of most countries to L. Ron Hubbard in illegal ways.
I have already alluded to the large sums of cash discovered under his bunk in the
flag-ship "Apollo." This, in my humble understanding of things, must amount to an
infringement of the Exchange Control Rules of most countries. I recall there was an
incident in Greece where a courier of Hubbard, namely Belcazin Feraz, was arrested
whilst attempting to carry large sums of money through the country to the flag-

Moreover, Hubbard's lecture tapes contain many of his derisions of Governments in

particular the tax systems and support of psychiatry.

Through the Creed of the Church of Scientology Hubbard stated his belief that every
person should have the right to his opinion and the right to express that opinion
freely. However, it has been found in actual fact that anyone who expresses an
opinion against Scientology, through any of the media, is immediately sued for
damages. This is a declared policy of L. Ron Hubbard.

I remember well in the days when I trusted L. Ron Hubbard how he used to jeer at
people who joined Scientology. He would say that people were status mongers and
that they only wanted high-class certificates. He knew that he was good for a few
million dollars every time he put out a new level of training with a certificate at
the end. He used to say "All they want is the certificate."

At that particular time however I was so absorbed in the technology that I was not
conscious of how money oriented Ron Hubbard was. When I wanted to release
information on Courses he would tell me that I must release it little by little to
secure that payment was received for the information disseminated. At the time this
occurred to me as nothing more than a prudent business measure but in retrospect I
can now appreciate that it was one of the many tactics of a money-making concern.

Another illustration of Hubbard's concern over money arises in connection with the
use of the "E-Meter," which instrument provided substantial profits on sales
thereof. At one time his thinking was that once one had gone clear then the E-Meter
would no longer function and was of no further use in connection with auditing. He
subsequently asserted however that the E-Meter was of use to clears and should be
used. This change of attitude, I deduce, was brought about because Hubbard realised
that if he did not prolong the useful existence of an E-Meter then those going
clear would sell their machines to the newer students and a source of revenue for
him would be extinguished.

I have met many wonderful people across the world who were drawn to Scientology
because of its stated aims for its existence. Some have left Scientology and some
are still with it hoping that the aims will be achieved. Unfortunately many of them
have never met L. Ron Hubbard and never worked closely with him and therefore do
not know that so long as he is misnamed as the single source of Scientology (with
its tacit suggestion of all life) and allowed to continue with his private
intentions the stated aims of Scientology will never be realised.

Hubbard has written policy for the Organisation whereby if a person has been a
member of the suppressive group, as classified by Hubbard, he may not receive
Scientology training or processing until that other group has been destroyed. Also,
if an active Scientologist goes to a meeting of any other similar group which
Hubbard might decide to declare suppressive he may not have any further Scientology
processing or training until that group is destroyed. This is Hubbard's method of
dealing with splinter groups.

To illustrate this point I produce a letter which I received from Alan Collins
dated 28th August 1970 enclosing a photostat copy of a communication from
"Awareness Center" dated 24th August 1970. As will be observed, the letter from
Alan Collins is in affectionate terms. As will be further observed from the copy
letter he forwarded the Organisation in question was concerned with techniques
similar to Scientology. I received that letter and enclosure when in South Africa.
I also produced a further letter from the said Alan Collins dated 30th September
1970 and again addressed to me in South Africa. In fact the letter was forwarded to
me where I received it in California. As appears from the letter Alan Collins, my
one-time very good friend, purported to disconnect from me because of my
association with an Organisation foreign to Scientology. Quite clearly the
activities of the Awareness Center had come to the attention of the Scientologists
and their adherents had been requested to disconnect with those concerned with the
new group. I should make it clear that I was in no way connected with the Awareness
Center and that the people concerned had simply used my name. The correspondence
does demonstrate however the immense power which Scientologists wield over their
"Never be afraid to hurt another in a just cause" is one of Hubbard's "codes" and
that has become an entrenched attitude in the behaviour of Scientologists.
Accordingly, once Hubbard had had them indoctrinated into hurting one another and
destroying other groups it wasn't long before he had them attacking the Governments
of countries.

Moreover, Hubbard was not only concerned with rival Organisations if I may put it
that way. Indeed people undergoing processing were not permitted by the Ethics
Officers to follow their religion or pursuit of other activities such as Yoga. I
know this because I was at Saint Hill when instructions to that effect by Ethics
Officers were given. I saw the written instructions and Hubbard often told me
himself that he "couldn't have mixed practices."

From the foregoing it appears to me that Hubbard is establishing a system whereby

he is forcing a process of eliminating all other forms of philosophy, logic, ethics
or whatever until Scientology will become the only road to total freedom and in
fact the only way to do anything. The effect of true auditing, or whatever you may
call it, for it is in fact a form of psycho-therapy, produces evolution and harmony
and not revolution and anarchy.

My relationship with Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard has been unique. There is no
one in the world who can comment with authority on this for much of it has taken
place privately. I have held many positions in the Organisation and have been
announced As "the World's first real clear" and "the first Pope of Scientology."
From the positions I have held and the unique vantage points they have endowed me
with to observe I have concluded that for Ron Hubbard the religious aspect of
Scientology is a gimmick.

All of Hubbard's techniques, certainly from Class 8 onwards, are designed to entrap
and not to set free.

It is my firm belief that L. Ron Hubbard has used every device available to him to
get me to return to the fold of Scientology because of the advantages which accrued
to the Organisation by reason of my association with it. I have already alluded to
the financial benefit which accrued to the Organisation consequent upon my
appearances on World Tours and my expertise in the field of auditing.

I suspect he is also very concerned that a person with the inside knowledge that I
have of Scientology should be outside the Organisation. I received approaches from
high-ranking members of the Organisation entreating me to return to the fold. I was
approached in this way in South Africa in 1970 and later in America. I declined to
do so however.

I have already described the peculiar circumstances in which I was "expelled" from
the Organisation. I now produce a letter received from the Church of Scientology of
California and dated 14th July 1972 and signed "Jane." This is Jane Kember, the
World-Wide Guardian of the Organisation. As appears from the letter, it is not in
unfriendly terms. I was satisfied that it was just a subterfuge to get me to return
to Scientology and I did not answer the same.

I then received a letter from O.J. Roos, from Holland, dated 2nd December 1972,
which I produce. As appears, this letter is in somewhat threatening terms. I am
convinced that it was again a subterfuge to get me to return to Scientology if only
for the protection which the Organisation might afford. My reasons for so thinking
are what the said O.J. Roos had been used in the past to my knowledge by Ron
Hubbard for some of the vilest missions. He was nothing more than a thug, or, in
current terms, a "hit-man."
He was a one-time keeper of brothels in Australia and New Zealand. I know this
because his number one girl, whom he subsequently married, was my Secretary on the
World Tour. This would be in 1968. In the course of working closely together she
confided many things to me about O.J. Roos.

He was a man who was big physically and of a violent disposition. There was an
occasion earlier on when he threatened me with a knife. He also confided in me from
time to time and on one occasion boasted to me how he had rid Scientology of one
Robert Eddison (I think that was the surname). This particular person had not
responded to processing at Saint Hill and had been given to removing his clothes
and running round the grounds naked. He was an irritant to the Scientologists. Otto
Roos boasted to me of how he had forcibly given the said person drugs and beaten
him up and arranged for him to be transported from the country. In fact Roos did
not successfully arrange for the person's transportation from the country and he
ultimately came back to Saint Hill Manor. I recall that the man Eddison
subsequently returned to Washington where his parents, who were very highly-placed
there, were very concerned over his well-being.

I did not of course respond to the letter from Roos and it did not have the desired

The timing of the receipt of the letter from Roos however was significant. That is
to say, it arrived after I had received the letter from Jane Kember earlier
referred to and to which I had not replied.

I have remained away from Scientology and am determined never to rejoin the
Organisation for reasons which are manifest from my foregoing statement.

I received a letter from L. Ron Hubbard Junior (Nibs) dated 2nd July 1972 which I
produce. I did not respond to the letter other than acknowledging same. What "Nibs"
has to say about his father speaks volumes. I was subsequently handed a copy of a
letter which "Nibs" wrote to Cyril Vosper dated 3rd July 1972 which I also produce.
It is clear from this letter that I was suspected of being some sort of double
agent. This was far from the truth.

From time to time I receive offensive literature of the anonymous type through the
post and I am convinced that the senders are Scientologists. There is no other
person, to my knowledge, who has any cause for wanting to do me any harm or cause
me any distress.

I can produce, if absolutely necessary, an undated note enclosing photograph,

featuring a near nude youth, from a German publication. Such note makes grossly
improper and unfounded allegations in relation to my conduct regarding schoolboys.
I can also produce a photostat copy of what purports to be a Press cutting from the
Los Angeles Times. This alleges gross misconduct by me and which was said to have
been the subject of Court charges. I emphatically deny the conduct alleged and have
never been in Court on such charges. I verily believe that the Press cutting is [
] which has been concocted by the Scientologists for the purpose of circulating the
same purely with the aim of [ ] me to members of the Organisation and also the
outside world. Indeed, it was necessary for me to bring such paper to the attention
of the Home Office in connection with my applications to reside in this country. At
first I gained the impression that the officials believed what they read in this
so-called Press cutting. I protested my innocense and I understand that they made
their own enquiries of the authorities concerned and were subsequently satisfied as
to my innocence on this count.

Finally, I am able to produce an unsigned communication to "Time Out" purporting to

originate from me and seeking to place an advertisment in their next issue
concerning the availability of "gay" literature. This came into my possession
because "Time Out" returned the communication asking for samples of the magazines
for the approval of their solicitors. There was returned the advertising fee of
�1.50 which was in the form of Postal Orders. The name of the payee is written in
ink and is certainly not my handwriting. It is clearly an attempt, and I believe
one made by Scientologists, again to discredit me.

The Scientologists have full information regarding my personal history and they are
in a position only too well to appreciate that if they can cause enough suspicion
concerning my character then I will have extreme difficulties with the Immigration
Authorities in persuading them to permit me to remain in this country.

I have already dealt generally with the use of the E-Meter and I would like to
explain a little more fully the nature of the Meter readings.

When a person is questioned in auditing and a sequence of events or details of a

past incident or experience comes to mind tension is created in the individual
whilst he recounts the matter.

The tension invariably increases as the recall becomes more vivid and this is
registered by the needle on the E-Meter which moves to the left indicating a
"rise." The person carrying out the auditing should from time to time move the tone
arm so as to bring the needle on the Meter back to the set position so that the
"rises" are more readily [ ]. Obviously, the further the needle registers on the
"rise" calibration the more difficult it is for it to resist further tension, so
the operator has to keep making adjustments.

After the person being audited has released the feeling of tension by relating the
incident the needle on the Meter will register in the opposite direction, that is
in the calibration area marked "fall." In this case the function of the person
carrying out the auditing is to move the tone lever in the opposite direction to
that to which he had previously done so as to bring the needle back once more to
the set position so that the discharge or fall readings are more easily recorded.
It is only after the needle has registered its further point on discharge that a
floating needle is achieved and the auditing session may be regarded as
satisfactorily completed.

There are occasions when the needle moves dramatically. This may be due to the
instant recall of a traumatic experience in the life of the person being audited.
Those who carry out auditing in accordance with the instructions of the Church of
Scientology interpret a radical or erratic movement of the needle as indicating
some "high crime." the jargon applied is a "rock slam." The person being audited is
given to understand that the needle is registering the earlier commission of a
"high crime." To my way of thinking this is totally wrong and in most cases amounts
to a misinterpretation of the readings of the machine. It is unnecessary for me to
spell out the psychological effects there can be on a person as a result of being
told that he has been guilty of the commission of some high crime.

Another possible explanation of an erratic Meter reading is that a person is

releasing his tension so fast that the machine cannot cope. It is a relatively
primitive type of instrument.

I also produce a copy of the Clearing Course Booklet. This document is extremely
confidential and [ ] the full material used by the Plaintiffs. Although the
copyright on the form places the date thereof as

[End of page 30]

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