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Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple


Article in Phytopathologia Mediterranea · April 2015

DOI: 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-14478


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5 authors, including:

Thaer Yaseen Alessandra Ricelli

C.I.H.E.A.M. International Center for Advance… Italian National Research Council


Anna Maria D'Onghia

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari/Ce…


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Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2015) 54, 1, 94−103
DOI: 10.14601/Phytopathol_Mediterr-14478


Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple fruits

Thaer YASEEN1, Alessandra RICELLI2, Burak TURAN1, Pietro ALBANESE1 and Anna Maria D’ONGHIA1
CIHEAM - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Via Ceglie 9, 70010 Valenzano, Bari, Italy
Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, NanoBiotecnologie-CNR, P.le Aldo Moro, 5-00185, Rome, Italy

Summary. Different biotic contaminations can affect apple production. Among these, infections by Penicillium ex-
pansum, the causal agent of blue-green post-harvest rot and patulin production, is particularly important. Fruit of
the apple varieties: ‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ were challenged with a patulin-producing P. expan-
sum strain and stored at 1 ± 1°C in presence of gaseous ozone at 0.5 μL L-1 for 2 months. During the storage period,
fungal populations, the biosynthesis of patulin and the activity of some Pathogenesis Related Proteins (glucanase,
peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) were evaluated. Ozone treatment reduced fungal populations and
patulin production. The activity of the assayed enzymes was not directly or clearly correlated with the inhibiting
effect of ozone. These results indicate that ozone could be used to increase storage duration of apple varieties to
maintain their quality.

Key words: Patulin, Penicillium expansum, glucanase, peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase.

Introduction most important patulin (PAT) producing organism

in fruits, especially on pomefruits (Andersen et al.,
Apple production in Europe amounts to about 12 2004). PAT is a mycotoxin with genotoxic, neuro-
million tonnes (Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Eu- toxic, immunotoxic and immunosuppressive effects
rope, May 2007), which represents 15% of the world (CAST, 2003; Moake et al., 2005). Toxic effects caused
production. Product losses occur all along the pro- by PAT are hazards to public health, and its presence
duction chain. In particular, losses due to post-har- has therefore been regulated in different countries.
vest diseases are costly since these include the cumu- Controlling P. expansum development and PAT con-
lative value of growing, harvesting and storing apple tamination, to obtain cosmetically perfect produce
fruit. As a general rule, apples can be stored for up to in conventional apple growing, requires many pre-
10 months in cold storage combined with controlled- ventive fungicide treatments. However, the develop-
atmosphere (CA) environment prior to being sold. ment of resistance to fungicides and the health con-
The most important diseases with economic impor- cerns due to contamination of the environment with
tance for apples are caused by fungi [e.g. Pezicula pesticides, have resulted in restrictions in the use
malicorticis (H. Jacks), Botrytis cinerea Pers.:Fr., Mucor of these materials, which has resulted in increased
spp., Gloeosporium perennans Zeller & Childs, Penicil- research on alternative control measures, including
lium expansum (Link), Phialophora malorum Kidd & ozone (O3) (Suslow, 2004).
Beaum]. In particular, P. expansum is the causal agent Ozone has been evaluated for post-harvest dis-
of blue-green rot, one of the most economically im- ease control and other storage uses for many years;
portant post-harvest rots of apples. The fungus is the in 2001 it was listed as a secondary direct food ad-
ditive permitted in food for human consumption
(FDA, 2009). The use of O3 in the management of
Corresponding author: T. Yaseen post-harvest quality of horticultural products has
E-mail: been extensively studied in the last decade. In par-

94 ISSN (print): 0031-9465

ISSN (online): 1593-2095 © Firenze University Press
Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple fruits

ticular, the effects of ozone were evaluated on the Yeast Extract Agar (PRYES Agar), and an incubation
growth of Penicillium digitatum, P. italicum, and B. period of 3-4 d at 25°C. The isolates obtained were
cinerea on table grapes (Ozkan et al., 2011; Yaseen et assessed for patulin production using quantifica-
al., 2014); on the sporulation of P. digitatum and P. tion by high-performance liquid chromatography
italicum on packed oranges (Palou et al., 2003); on the (HPLC). The isolate shown to produce the greatest
growth of Monilinia fructicola on inoculated peach amount of patulin was chosen for the fruit storage
(Palou et al., 2002); on P. digitatum and P. italicum on experiments.
artificially inoculated orange fruits (Di Renzo et al., PRYES Agar contains 150 g sucrose, 20 g yeast
2005; Yaseen et al., 2013); on decay of carrots caused extract, 0.1 g Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB),
by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and B. cinerea (Hildebrand 0.025g rose Bengal, 0.05 g chloramphenicol, 0.05 g
et al., 2008), on tomato using low-level atmospheric chlortetracycline, and 20 g agar per litre (Bridson et
ozone exposure (Tzortzakis et al., 2011; González- al., 1970).
Fernández et al., 2014), on kiwifruit affected by stem-
end rot caused by B. cinerea (Hur et al., 2005; Minas et
Fungal inoculum
al., 2010), and for inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis
(Minas et al., 2014). A suspension was prepared by washing the
The overall aim of the study reported in the pre- selected P. expansum culture with 4 mL of sterile
sent paper was to investigate the use of O3 to main- distilled water containing 0.01% of Tween20, and
tain the quality of apples during storage. For this scraping conidia by a sterile loop. Conidia were
purpose the widely marketed apple fruit varieties counted using a Thoma chamber and adjusted to
‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ were chal- 2.5 × 105 conidia mL-1 (5 × 103 conidia in 20 μL). Ap-
lenged with a patulin-producing P. expansum strain ples were each wounded at four points using a cork
and stored in presence of gaseous O3 at 0.5 μL L-1 borer. Each wound (diameter 5 mm, depth 5 mm)
for 2 months. This concentration of O3 was selected was inoculated with 20 μl of conidium suspension
based on previous small scale in vitro experiments. of P. expansum.
During the storage period fungal populations, bio- The experimental design consisted of eight box-
synthesis of patulin and the activity of some Patho- es of apple fruits for each variety (inoculated with
genesis Related Proteins (glucanase, peroxidase and P. expansum and non-inoculated) maintained in the
phenylalanine ammonia-lyase) were evaluated. cold chamber at 1 ± 1°C in the presence of O3 for 60
d. The same arrangement of samples was used in in
the conventional atmosphere. Ozone enriched at-
Material and methods mosphere (0.5 μL O3 L-1) was obtained by an ozone
generator (Air Met) supplied by MET srl. Ozone con-
Apple fruits
centration was kept constant during the duration of
Apple fruits, of varieties ‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden the experiment by using a sensor. The experiments
Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’, with no signs of rots, were ob- were also performed on non-inoculated apple fruits
tained from a warehouse (Mottola, Taranto-Italy) in order to evaluate the behaviour of naturally con-
immediately after harvest, and stored in refrigerated taminated apples.
cells at 1 ± 1°C at 0.95% RH for 60 d in presence of
O3. The experiments were performed with non-inoc-
ulated and artificially inoculated fruits. Control ap- Fungal populations and patulin determination
ple fruits were stored under the same environmental The effect of O3 on fungal infection was deter-
conditions in conventional atmosphere. mined by the quantification of fungal colony form-
ing units (CFUs) on fruit surfaces, by washing four
apples for each variety with 500 mL distilled sterile
Fungal isolation
water. After 30 min of orbital shaking at 150 rpm,
Different isolates of P. expansum were obtained 10 mL of the washing liquid was removed and 100
from naturally infected blue mould decayed apple μl was plated onto PDA in 9 cm diam. Petri dishes.
fruits. All isolates were obtained using single spore Serial dilutions (10 to 103) of this washing liquid
purification methods on Pentachloro Rose Bengal were also plated onto PDA plates, and these were

Vol. 54, No. 1, April, 2015 95

T. Yaseen et al.

incubated at 24°C for 5 d. After each sampling pe- In the samples stored in conventional atmos-
riod P. expansum colonies were identified using phere, apples inoculated with PAT-producing P. ex-
morphological criteria (Pitt and Hocking, 1985) and pansum and non-inoculated fruits, both showed sig-
counted. nificant increases in PAT production after 45 or 60 d
Four apples from each treatment were weighed depending on the variety. For apples stored in pres-
and homogenized for Patulin and protein determi- ence of O3, no significant increase in PAT production
nation. Patulin quantification in the apple puree was was detected although some increase was detected
carried out by HPLC analysis, using the method de- after 45 d storage in ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit, and af-
scribed by Ricelli et al. (2007). ter or 60 d in ‘Royal Gala’ (Figure 2 a–f).
Glucanase activity increased significantly in the
samples stored in conventional atmosphere, both for
Protein determination
P. expansum inoculated and non-inoculated ‘Royal
Protein concentration was determined according Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ fruit, after 45 d. In ‘Golden Delicious’
to Bradford (Bradford, 1976), using the Bio-Rad pro- apples, glucanase increased after 45 d of incubation
tein assay kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd). Total pro- in inoculated samples and after 60 d in the non-in-
tein concentration was determined by the following oculated samples. On the other hand, the samples
formula: [prot] = (ΔAbsorbance- 0.3138)/0.1538 (Zor treated with O3 showed significant increases in glu-
and Selinger, 1996; Carlsson et al., 2011). canase activity only in inoculated ‘Golden Delicious’
Four apple fruits for each sampling period for apples after 60 d of storage (Figure 3 a–f).
each variety were homogenized (kept in ice) and Peroxidase activity in the samples stored in con-
stored at -80°C until analysed to quantify β-1,3- ventional atmosphere did not increase in ‘Golden
glucanase, peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia- Delicious’ apples, while in both inoculated and non-
lyase (PAL), using the method described by Youssef inoculated ‘Fuji’ apples in both fruits this activity in-
et al., (2014). creased significantly after 60 d. In ‘Royal Gala’, the
All the experiments were repeated twice, carry- non-inoculated samples showed significant increas-
ing three replicates of each measure. The data were es in peroxidase activity after 15 d of storage while in
statistically analysed using Statistica software (ver. P. expansum-inoculated samples the increase in activ-
7.0, StatSoft). Mean values were evaluated using ity was detected after 45 d of storage. In the samples
ANOVA and compared using Fisher’s Protected treated with O3, the activity of peroxidase increased
LSD Test (P = 0.05). only in ‘Royal Gala’ apples after 30 d and in ‘Fuji’ ap-
ples after 15 d when analysed in inoculated samples
(Figure 4 a–f).
Results The activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase
During the first 15 d of incubation, the number (PAL; Figure 5) in the apples stored in conventional
of P. expansum CFUs in all considered varieties did atmosphere decreased in ‘Royal Gala’ apples both
not significantly change in any of the experimen- in inoculated and in non-inoculated fruits, starting
tal conditions. However, within 45 d of incubation, from 45 d of storage. In ‘Golden Delicious’, a de-
in all samples stored in conventional atmosphere, cline in PAL activity was evident after 45 d in non-
gave significant increases in numbers of CFUs. The inoculated apples while in the inoculated fruits a
increasing trend was maintained until the end of succession of decreases and increases was detected.
the storage period. Fruits stored in conventional In ‘Fuji’, PAL activity increased significantly af-
atmosphere showed infection percentages between ter 60 d of incubation in non-inoculated samples,
65 and 75% depending on the variety. In the ozone while the inoculated samples showed a succession
treated fruits, however, the infection percentag- of reductions and increases. In the presence of O3 a
es was less than 5% at the end of the experiment reduction of PAL activity followed by an increase
period. On the contrary, in samples stored in the occurred in all ‘Royal Gala’ samples, in ‘Golden
presence of O3, there was no significant increase in Delicious’ apples and inoculated ‘Fuji’ samples al-
numbers of P. expansum CFUs, except for the non- ternating increases and reductions were detected,
inoculated ‘Royal Gala’ apples after 60 d of storage while in the non-inoculated samples no changes in
(Figure 1 a–f). enzymatic activity were detected.

96 Phytopathologia Mediterranea
Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple fruits

a Gala  CFUs  /  non-­‐inoculated d Gala  CFUs  /  inoculated c

1.000.000 d
ozone ozone
100.000 100.000 b
control c control a
b b


10.000 10.000
a a
a a 1.000 a
a a a
a a
a a a 100
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

b Golden  CFUs  /  non-­‐inoculated e Golden  CFUs  /  inoculated

1.000.000 c 1.000.000
ozone ozone
100.000 100.000 b
control b control a
10.000 10.000 a

a a a
1.000 1.000
100 a 100 a a
a a a a
a a
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

c Fuji  CFUs  /  non-­‐inoculated f Fuji  CFUs  /  inoculated

1.000.000 d 1.000.000 c
ozone ozone b
c 100.000
b a
10.000 10.000
a a


a a
1.000 1.000
a a
100 a a a a 100
a a a
10 10
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Figure 1. Penicillium expansum colony forming units (CFUs) from the surface of non-inoculated (a, b, c) and P. expansum-in-
oculated (d, e, f) apple fruit (‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’), either non-treated (control) or treated with ozone
(0.5 μL L-1) and stored at 1 ± 1°C in the dark. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s Least
Significance Difference test (LSD, P = 0.05)).

Discussion The data obtained during the present study

Little is known about effects of O3 treatment of showed that the use of O3 during post-harvest stor-
apples during post-harvest storage (Smilanick et al., age reduced the populations of P. expansum, as well
1999; Skog and Chu, 2001). as patulin biosynthesis associated with P. expansum

Vol. 54, No. 1, April, 2015 97

T. Yaseen et al.

a Gala  Patulin  /  non-­‐inoculated b d Gala  Patulin  /  inoculated

10.000 100.000
b b
ozone ozone
1.000 a 10.000
control control

a 10
aa a a a a aa a
aa a
1 1
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Golden  Patulin  /  inoculated

b Golden Patulin  /  non-­‐inoculated e
10.000 b 100.000
ozone a 10.000
ozone b
control control

100 ng/gr a
a a
aa aa aa a a 10
1 aa aa a
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 1
0 15days 30days 45days 60days

c Fuji  Patulin  /  non-­‐inoculated

f Fuji  Patulin  /  inoculated
10.000 100000

ozone ozone b
control b b control a

aa aa aa a a aa aa a a a
1 1
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Figure 2. Mean patulin content in non-inoculated and Penicillium expansum inoculated apple fruits (‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden
Delicious’ and ‘Fuji-), either non-treated (a, b, c) or treated by ozone at 0.5μL L-1 (d, e, f) and stored at 1 ± 1°C in the dark.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s Least Significance Difference test (LSD, P = 0.05)).

development, in three varieties of apples. The inhibi- lenged with P. expansum further confirms the results
tion obtained in non-inoculated apples reproduces a obtained, since the presence of P. expansum was much
common situation in which the contamination by P. greater and homogeneous on the inoculated apples.
expansum is probable but not homogeneous. On the The inhibition of fungal growth resulting from O3
other hand, the inhibition obtained in apples chal- treatment also led to the inhibition of the production

98 Phytopathologia Mediterranea
Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple fruits

a Gala  Glucanase  /  non-­‐inoculated d Gala  Glucanase  /  inoculated

0,8 0,8
0,7 0,7 ozone
0,6 0,6
control c 0,5 control c c

U/μg  TP  
0,5 bc
U/μg  TP  

0,4 0,4
ab a b
0,3 0,3
ab ab
a 0,2
0,1 a a a 0,1 ab a ab ab b
a a 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

b Golden  Glucanase  /  non-­‐inoculated e Golden  Glucanase  /  inoculated

0,8 c
0,8 d
0,7 0,7
ozone ozone
0,6 c
b 0,6
U/μg  TP  

0,5 control 0,5 control

0,4 ab U/μg  TP   0,4 ab
a a bc
0,3 0,3
ab ab abc
0,2 0,2 a
0,1 a a a a a
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

c Fuji  Glucanase  /  non-­‐inoculated f Fuji  Glucanase  /  inoculated

0,8 0,8
0,7 0,7
ozone ozone
0,6 c 0,6
control c 0,5 control d
U/μg  TP  

U/μg  TP  

0,4 0,4
0,3 b ab ab 0,3 abc bc c
0,2 0,2
b 0,1
0,1 ab ab a ab abc abc a ab ab
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Figure 3. Mean glucanase specific activity in non-inoculated and in Penicillium expansum inoculated apple fruits (‘Royal
Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Fuji’), either non-treated (a, b, c) or treated by ozone at 0,5 μL L-1 (d, e, f), and stored at 1°±1C
in the dark. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s Least Significance Difference test
(LSD, P = 0.05)).

of patulin. Patulin is a secondary metabolite; so its Glucanase is a well-known biochemical marker of

biosynthesis is not necessarily correlated with fungal Systemic Acquired Response (SAR), peroxidase helps
growth. Some treatments able to inhibit the growth to protect plants against oxidative damage reducing
of P. expansum can cause increase in mycotoxin pro- free radical production from H2O2. Increase in these
duction (Schmidt-Heydt et al., 2013). compounds is usually observed following fungal at-

Vol. 54, No. 1, April, 2015 99

T. Yaseen et al.

a Gala  Peroxidase  /  non-­‐inoculated d Gala  Peroxidase  /  inoculated

0,2 0,2
ozone ozone
control control
0,15 0,15
b ab
ab d d
U/μg  TP  

U/μg  TP  
0,1 ab 0,1
ab c
a ab
ab ab ab ab cd bcd
0,05 0,05
a ab ab
0 a
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

b Golden  Peroxidase  /  non-­‐inoculated e Golden  Peroxidase  /  inoculated

0,2 ozone 0,2 ozone
control control
0,15 b 0,15 a
U/μg  TP  
U/μg  TP  

ab ab
a a a
0,1 0,1 a
a ab
a a a a a
ab 0,05 a
a ab
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Fuji  Peroxidase  /  non-­‐inoculated Fuji  Peroxidase  /  inoculated

c f
0,2 ozone 0,2 ozone
cd d
ab control bcd
0,15 ab ab 0,15
ab b ab ab
U/μg  TP  

U/μg  TP  

0,1 ab ab 0,1 ab abc abc

a ab
0,05 0,05 a

0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Figure 4. Mean peroxidase specific activities in non-inoculated and Penicillium expansum inoculated apple fruits (‘Royal
Gala, ‘Golden Delicious, ‘Fuji’), either non-treated (a, b, c) or treated by ozone at 0,5μL L-1 (d, e, f), stored at 1°±1C in the
dark. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s Least Significance Difference test (LSD,
P = 0.05)).

tack, and the onset of the resistance has often been matic compounds and lignin. Increased PAL activity
correlated with the accumulation of β-1,3-glucanases was observed following P. expansum attack of apple
(Wang et al., 2013). PAL catalyzes the first step of the fruits (Schovánková and Opatová, 2011).
phenylpropanoid pathway which regulates the bio- The activity of glucanase is generally inhibited by
synthesis of different bioactive small molecule aro- treatment with O3, while for the other investigated en-

100 Phytopathologia Mediterranea

Ozone for post-harvest treatment of apple fruits

a Gala  PAL  /  non-­‐inoculated d Gala  PAL  /  inoculated

0,007 0,007
e ed b b
0,006 ed 0,006 b
0,005 dc 0,005 b b
e ed c b
U/μg  TP  

U/μg  TP  
0,004 0,004
0,003 0,003
0,002 ab 0,002 a
ozone a ozone a a
0,001 control 0,001 control
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

b Golden  PAL  /  non-­‐inoculated e Golden  PAL  /  inoculated

c 0,007
0,007 d d
b b 0,006
b bc c c
0,005 b 0,005 d
U/μg  TP  

0,004 b U/μg  TP   0,004

0,003 0,003 bc
abc ab
0,002 a a 0,002 a
ozone a ozone
0,001 0,001
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Fuji  PAL  /  non-­‐inoculated Fuji  PAL  /  inoculated

c f
0,007 0,007
0,006 0,006
b d
0,005 ab 0,005 d cd cd
U/μg  TP  
U/μg  TP  

a a 0,004 abc
0,003 ab 0,003 d
ab cd cd
0,002 a a a
ozone ozone ab a
0,001 0,001
control control
0 0
0 15days 30days 45days 60days 0 15days 30days 45days 60days

Figure 5. Mean phenylalanine ammonia-lyase specific activity in non-inoculated and Penicillium expansum inoculated ap-
ple fruits (‘Royal Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Fuji’), either non-treated (a, b, c) (control) or treated by ozone at 0.5 μL L-1 (c, d,
e), stored at 1°C±1 in the dark. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s Least Significance
Difference test (LSD, P = 0.05)).

zymes clear differences between the samples stored taminated samples stored in presence of O3 may indi-
in conventional atmosphere and those stored in the cate a reduction in stress defence mechanisms.
presence of O3 were not detected. The lack of increase In general, the activities of these enzymes are
of the activities of the monitored enzymes in the con- probably not directly correlated with O3 treatment,

Vol. 54, No. 1, April, 2015 101

T. Yaseen et al.

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Accepted for publication: September 1, 2014

Published online: April 14, 2015

Vol. 54, No. 1, April, 2015 103

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