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Believing in Allah’s Creations

Believing in Islam, you must have the right level of understanding and Iman.
Believers are people who comprehend and accept our precious religion.

“He [the Prophet] answered, “It is that you worship Allah as if you see Him. And even though you do not
see Him, [you know] He sees you.” Sunan Ibn Majah
A believer is one who doesn’t speak his actions but one who acts upon it. It
doesn’t mean surrounding yourself in an environment only depending on only
worshiping Allah, that’s not what Islam says.
Believing in Allah means accepting to have faith in the 6 pillars of imman are
which there is no faith. And Part of this comprises in believing in angels. Angels
are creations, made long before humans and jinns and are still living until
today. There are many aspects to Differentiate between Angels and Jinns, but
a major difference is Angels are made from light and jinns are created from
smokeless fire.

“And the jinn, We created before from scorching fire.” (Quran 15:26-27)
Other main difference we can come across are the fact that angels were
created long before mankind and jinns. Angels were created for a different
purpose. Jinns were created to be tested like humans, unlike angels which are
constant worshipers and servants to Allah. Angels are larger in size compared
to jinns and all are Muslims where as some jinns are non-Muslims and this can
be concluded from the following verse:

“Say (O’ Muhammed): It has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened and said; ‘Indeed we have
heard a marvellous Quran. It guides unto righteousness so we have believed in it, and we will never make
partners with our lord’.” (Quran 72:1-2)
Jinns also have features that include, the ability to possess, to use black magic
with relation to humans help and to shape shift into dogs snakes and rats, and
finally they can fly. They can pass information from the heavens to fortune
tellers causing meteors in the sky which is formed by angels firing at jinns who
try to steal information.
“They (the Jinn) would pass the information back down until it reaches the lips of a magician or fortune-
teller Sometimes a meteor would overtake them before they could pass it on. If they passed it on before
being struck, they would add to it a hundred lies” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari).

Angels Similarities Jinns

All are Muslim Both have powers e.g. Some are Muslim
Massive in size Both were created They have the ability to
before humans posses
Created before jinns They still exist until Have the ability to us
today black magic
Made of Light Humans can’t see them Made from smokeless
both fire

On the topic of angels, In Islam, a group of angels called the Hamalatul Arsh
carry God's throne in paradise. They have the vital and important role in our
daily life, for example angel Mikail brings down rain.
Angels and their Duties:
Angel Duties
Jibril To deliver the divine relation from Allah to his messengers
Malik To bring down rain
Israfil To blow the trumpet of the day of judgment
Izrail The angel of death, one that takes lives
Maalik Guardian of Jahannam (hellfire)
Ridwan Guardian and keeper of paradise
Munkar He questions the dead relating to their believes
Nakir He also questions the dead on their prophet and religion
Raqib Sits on your right shoulder to record good deeds
Atid Sits on your left shoulder to record your bad deeds

Moving on to the most well-known angel, angel Jibril. He is acknowledged for

being the ‘arch angel’ or the term ‘the master of angels’ , he is referred to this because
he is their leader. The term ‘Arch’ refers to the head or the chief of a group,
which makes sense in this case. Not every angel has the same statues, some
higher then other and this is proven by the following hadiths:
"Say: Whoever is an enemy to Jibril -- for he brings down the revelation to your heart by Allah's will, a
confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe -- whoever is an
enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles, to Jibril and Mikail (Michael) -- oh, Allah is an enemy to
those who reject Faith" (2:97-98).

“How do you consider the people who participated in the Battle of Badr.” The Prophet , replied: ''They are
among the best Muslims.” Then, Jibril said: “It is the same thing with regard to those who participated in
the Battle of Badr among the angels.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
To conclude, Allah has created many species before mankind and he doesn’t
need us but indeed we need him, Angels are great worshipers and servants to
Allah. We learn from the Jinns and angels and how people before us lived so
we can have a healthier relationship with our religion and benefit from it.

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