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Interview Feedback Form

Name of candidate/associate

Source (Internal/External)

Skill (E.g. S4H Finance, BW on HANA


SAP Experience in years

Domain Experience in years

Core Competency Level (e.g: ECC/BW) ☐E0 ☐E1 ☒E2 ☐E3 ☐E4
(E0 is poor, E4 Highest)
S4HNANA competency Level ☐E0 ☐E1 ☐E2 ☐ E3 ☐ E4
(E.g.Sfin/IBPF/BW on HANA)
(E0 is poor, E4 Highest)

Articulation skills ☐Very Good ☒Good ☐Medium ☐Poor

Listening Skills ☒Very Good ☐Good ☐Medium ☐Poor

Suggested functional role ☐Functional Consultant ☐ Lead Functional Consultant

☐Not suitable
Suggested technical role ☐Technical consultant ☐Lead technical consultant
☒ Not suitable
Fit for Solution architect Role ☐Yes ☐No

Suggested LoB ☐Sales ☐Pre Sales ☐Consulting

Fit to consider/hire ☐Yes ☒No

Comments (please keep it short – 50

Evaluation done by Name & EMP ID &

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