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Ag Biology

Diffusion and Osmosis Lab- Cells and Their Environment

Course: Ag Biology NGSS: HS-LS1-1,

Unit: Cells and their Environment HS-LS1-2, HS-LS1-3
Instructional Area: Diffusion and Osmosis Ag Standards: C 5.0-

Equipment, Supplies, References, and Other Resources: (Attach all

handouts, activity sheets, reference guides, etc.)
Whiteboard, student unit packets, egg diffusion and osmosis handout for
each student, overhead projector to display lab steps, eggs, syrup, vinegar,
glass beakers, test tubes, scale to weight eggs, and biology text book if
needed as an extra resource.
Standards: Next Generation Science Standards and California
Agriculture Standards
HS-LS1 from Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes:
-HS-LS1-1 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the
structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins which carry out the
essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells.
-HS-LS1-2 Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical
organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within
multicellular organisms.
-HS-LS1-3 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence
that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis.

C. 5.0 Students understand the cell structure and function of plants

and animals:
-C5.1 Understand the purpose and anatomy of cells.
-C5.2 Know how cell parts function.
-C5.3 Understand various cell actions, such as osmosis and cell division.
-C5.4 Understand how plant and animal cells are alike and different.

During this lesson/ Upon completion of this lesson students will:

-Relate concentration gradients, diffusion, and equilibrium.
-Predict the direction of water movement into and out of the cells.
-Distinguish between a hypotonic and hypertonic solution.
Warm up/ Review:

Before we start the final part of this egg diffusion and osmosis lab, the
students are going to work on a worksheet that summarizes prior
knowledge that we have been discussing in class. This worksheet serves
as a review from section one and two in chapter 4 in the biology text book
for this class. Some of the questions are:
-Define the following key terms: Active Transport Sodium- Potassium
Pump, Endocytosis, and Exocytosis.
-Distinguish between passive and active transport.
- Explain the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis.
-Students will work on this worksheet individually and we will review it as a
whole class. Students will keep for studying purposes towards unit test.
-Day #3 of Egg Lab-Instruct students to take out their unit packets and
open it up to the page that the egg lab information is on.
-First, as a class we are going to review part #1 and #2 of the lab before
we move on to part #3
-Part #1 review will consist of the asking the students to review what the
mass of their eggs for the class was prior to soaking the eggs in vinegar for
24 hours.
-Part #2 review will consist of talking about the observations that were
made from the eggs after they were removed from the beakers full of
vinegar. We will also discuss as a class, what the mass of each egg was
after the eggs were soaked in vinegar for 24 hours. The students will then
need to talk to one another and myself about what they think happened.
Why is the mass of the eggs the number it is? (Vinegar soaked into the cell
wall, causing the egg to swell- hypotonic solution occurring)
-Instruction as a class on what the lab requirements for today are going to
consist of.
-On day two of this egg lab the students covered one of the eggs with
water and the other with corn syrup. The students have to predict what
they think the mass of the eggs are going to be today after being soaked in
those solutions for another 24 hours. They also need to form a hypothesis
on what they think is going to happen to the eggs, are they going to turn
into a hypotonic or a hypertonic solution.
-As a class, we will remove the eggs from the beakers and weight them
once again, and determine how close we were to our predicted mass after
being soaked in new solutions for 24 hours.
-We will then examine the eggs as a class and come up with our final mass
numbers and determine together which egg was a hypotonic solution
versus a hypertonic solution.
-Students will be allowed to come and observe the eggs and touch them
and go back to their seats and start working on their analysis questions.
Guided Practice:

-After we have weighed the new mass of the eggs as a class and
determined the results, the students will work, individually, on some
analysis questions in regards to the lab. These questions are the
completion of the lab. Here is an idea of some of the questions that the
students are going to be asked:
-What effect did the vinegar have on the eggs?
-What caused the change in appearance in Egg 1 after it soaked in water?
-Why did the mass of the egg increase after soaking in the vinegar
-Which egg was in a hypertonic solution and explains why?
-Which egg was in a hypotonic solution and explains why?
Formative Assessment:

-Teacher will be walking around throughout the entire lab, making sure
students are answering the questions in their lab packets before they move
on to the next section. Teacher will also be asking questions in regards to
the previous parts of the egg lab.
Summative Assessment:

-Analysis questions- In their lab groups, students will answer the analysis
questions in their lab packets. Every student turns a worksheet in. We will
review the analysis questions, as well as the rest of the lab as a class. The
focus on this summative assessment is for the students to really
understand the different water movements that can take place in a cell
during osmosis. The students are going to have to determine which egg
was a hypotonic solution and which egg was a hypertonic solution.

-Keep instructions and directions ‘chunked’

-Use visual and concrete materials
-Provide extra time for the processing of information.
-Give repetition and clarification regularly.
-Provide close proximity to the teacher.
-Provide time extensions as necessary

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