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Quiz # 1

Name _________________________ Score________

Section ________________________ Date ________

I. Read and analyze the following items, then enclose with a heart the letter of the best answer.

1. Literature is derived from the Latin word litteratura which means ______.
A. reading B. writing C. speaking
2. Literature takes _______________as its main subject.
A. significant humorous experience
B. significant humbling experience
C. significant human experience
3. This form of literature is known to have free-flow of sentences arranged in paragraphs.
A. prose B. poetry C. drama
4. This form of literature is created with figurative language such as poetic devices.
A. drama B. prose C. poetry
5. This involves stories about significant human encounters which are intended to be performed on stage.
A. poetry B. drama C. prose
6. It depicts a very serious atmosphere; the lead character encounters misfortune because of fate, moral
weakness, or social opposition that may lead to a disastrous or catastrophic end involving physical or
spiritual death or breakdown.
A. tragicomedy B. comedy C. tragedy
7. It is a literary composition intended to amuse the viewing crowd.
A. tragedy B. comedy C. tragicomedy
8. It deals with made-up people or events.
A. fiction B. nonfiction C. prose fiction
9. It is an extensive, serious poem that tells the story about a heroic figure.
A. epic B. ballad C. ode
10.It is a traditional story, usually with animal characters, that teaches you a lesson about how to behave.
A. parable B. fable C. allegory

II. Identify the key features of literature exemplified in the following statements by copying the letter on the
blank provided before each number. Underlined words serve as clues. An answer may be repeated.

A. Literature is a form of communication
B. Literature is an art
C. Nobility of thoughts
D. Timelessness
E. Universality
F. Literature has utility

____1. Literature can liberate our minds and uplift our spirits.
____2. Though the story is set in a different locale, we can connect ourselves to and understand the
____3. Literature must have an enduring quality in which its beauty as well as its applicability can
withstand the test of time.
____4. Literature highlights ideas of great importance and significance.
____5. Literature is said to be an artistic expression of man’s desires, aspirations and conditions.
____6. As we read stories, our forebears communicate to us through literature.
____7. Literature takes an excellent form.
____8. Literature engages us to share and to impart a portion of ourselves which may be interesting and
beneficial to other people.
____9. The global applicability of literature transcends across space.
____10. Literature has the power to influence perspectives about the self and the world in general.

Prepared by:
SHS Teacher II

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