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E p if a n i o E s t ra d a Mod a l id a d Mo n t e s s o ri V o l um e 1 , I s s ue 1
A g u a d a , P u e rt o R ic o
a ño 2 0 1 8



María Montessori’s brief biography
Montessori public school
María Montessori, was born in fending women, children, and education. According to Polk
Montessori guide 2
1870, Arcona, Italia. She studied (1982) Montessori was looking for family harmony.
Montessori parents learning 2 engineering, biology, philosophy,
What is Cosmic Education? 3 psychology, anthropology and
pedagogy . In 1896 she obtained
Development plane 3
a university title in Medicine. Once
Cosmics activities 4
her carrier was finished she incor-
porated herself in the psychiatric
clinic were she worked two years.
There she began her first educa-
tion investigations. Her findings
María Montessori’s thoughts: In the year 1907 she founded her first school “Casa dei bam-
helped her in developing the Mon-
bini” in Rome, were she incorporated every children.
• The child has the natural impulse of tessori curriculum. This curricu-
growing and perfecting them selves. She promoted her philosophy in different parts of the world
lum was characterized by the
by training teachers, and she wrote several books.
• The child who has felt a strong love for liberty with limits, independence,
his surroundings and for all living and respect for the psychological, In 1840 she developed her primary level curriculum called
creatures, who has discovered joy and physical and social development “Cosmic Education”. The goal of this curriculum is to guide
enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to the child in his search for his cosmic task to achieve his inte-
of the individuals. This insatiable
hope that humanity can develop in a
new direction. fighter dedicated herself to de- gral development, independence, and moral judgement.

• This is the treasure we need today—

helping the child become independent of MONTESSORI PUBLIC SCHOOLS
us and make his way by himself and
In the year 1987, the Puerto Being the first public school in the the west that has incorporated this
receiving in return his gifts of hope and
light. Rican government decided to country that taught under this phi- education philosophy. Today it is
close several schools. Yet, the losophy without cost. Throughout known as “Epifanio Estrada Modali-
Juan Domingo school neighbors’ the years 44 Montessori public dad Montessori”.
from Guaynabo city decided to schools have been opened. Most of In the year 2017 the “Instituto Nueva
fight to maintain their school them in the northeastern part of Escuela (INE)” sent the equipment to
open. The process was slow and the country. transform a second “Casa dei Bambi-
hard; while, the education commu- In the year 2015, Mrs. Jeannette ni” environment and two Taller I.
nity were bringing a great transfor- Quiñones, ex-director of the school, Currently, the school has the support
mation. brought the Montessori philosophy of the Auxiliary Montessori Education
In the year 1994 they achieved to Segunda Unidad Epifanio Estra- Secretary and the “Instituto Nueva
the reopening of their school un- da with Mrs. Hermitania Castro as a Escuela” in the process of transfor-
der the name of “La Nueva es- “Casa dei bambini” guide. This mation.

Free education! cuela Juan Pónce de León” intro- school is located in Aguada and it is
ducing the Montessori philosophy. considered the first public school in
P age 2 V o l u m e 1 , I s s ue 1

Damaris González Instruction and Technology at Nova
in the same country. Damaris
has 17 years of experience as an
Southeastern University, at Rio
obtained her bachelor degree in
Art of Education with a specialty in
teacher. She
elementary and secondary educa- In the summer 2017 she finished
obtained her
tion of Spanish in the University of her studies as a Montessori guide.
primary educa-
Puerto Rico at Aguadilla . She She specialized in the Cosmic Edu-
tion in a public
finished her masters degree in cation curriculum. She currently
school, Juan B. Soto of Aguada,
Education Administration and works in S.U. Epifanio Estrada
Puerto Rico. She studied a middle
Supervision at Metropolitan Uni- Modelo Montessori as an elemen-
school in Segunda Unidad Epifanio
versity of Aguadilla and a second tary guide with the help of her assis-
Estrada school and her high
masters degree in Curriculum tant Jaelinne Nieves of the “Instituto
school in Dr. Carlos González both
Nueva Escuela”.

“The discovery of Cosmic Carmencita Hernández in elementary at the Interamerican Modelo Montessori as an elemen-
Education and one’s has 24 years of University at Aguadilla. She finished tary guide with the help of her assis-
experience as an
cosmic task depends on her masters degree in Curriculum tant Lillimarie Rosado of the
elementary teach- with a specialty in primary level at “Instituto Nueva Escuela”.
fostering the curiosity of
er. She obtained Phoenix University at Guaynabo.
the human being and the her primary and
In the summer 2017 she began her
natural tendency to feel secondary education in public
studies as a Montessori guide. She is
compassion toward other school’s, in Moca, Puerto Rico.
currently specializing in the Cosmic
She obtained her bachelors degree
beings beginning at birth”. Education curriculum. Currently she
in Art of Education with a specialty
works in S.U. Epifanio Estrada


to reinforce the learning experi- • Montessori Philosophy
• Mathematic Montessori curricu-
The family is a unique word for lum
children. Parents are primary
educators in entire life. They are • Construction of Montessori mate-
here to rear, support and guide rials
and buffer them against any ups Tips for parents
Montessori allows Parents and downs. • Support creativity
involvement in the opportuni- The involvement of parents is
• Maintain order
ties within the learning envi- important because they are ex-
ronment. The philosophy is an pected to become active partici- • Let kids do things on their own
attitude towards life, growth pant who provide consistency for • Keep children closer to nature
and development progress. children by supporting the cho-
By building connections be- sen style of learning at home.
• Teach kids trough modelling
tween home and school, the This year we gave the following • Use encouragement, not rewards
Montessori environment aims workshops:
M o nte s s o r i c o s m i c n e w s P age 3

By: Susan Mayclin Stephenson global vision within the child. Children naturally take for
granted that what they see has always been there and
The word cosmic comes from the Greek kosmikos, need help in understanding how different life has been
from kosmos, meaning order. The term Cosmic Educa- over the period of time. At this age, the exploration on
tion in Montessori lingo refers to a child’s gradual dis- the environment, rather than being limited to what can be
covery of order, a unifying global and universal view of explored right here and now with the senses, reaches
the past, present, and future. Cosmic Education helps a back into the past and out into space through the means
child make sense of all the information and is more of the imagination. In the first two weeks of the year in
important today than ever before. The term cosmic task the 6–12 class, all of the new students are given the
refers to a way for a human being to find a valuable role great lessons that introduce the creation of the solar

in this mosaic of life. system and Earth, the variety and evolution of plants and
hen the
A role that fulfills one’s own physical, mental, and spiritu- animals, the stages of human existence, the develop-
child begins
al needs and at the same time that contributes in some ment of language and math sciences, and the way in
which all of these elements of life are connected. Aside to respect
way to the creation of order or balance in the cosmos; to
create a personal expression, and responsibility within from the very limited state or country requirements for others Works ; their things and
this beautiful mosaic of life. Simply, this means we want each of the six years, the child is set free to explore and wait patiently ; When they begin to
to help a child learn about and make sense of his world to make his own path through the labyrinth of knowledge walk without tripping with others
and find a way to make it a better place. on Earth. That is the most exciting part of teaching in the and furniture, they do it organizing
These principles of Montessori education are usually elementary years as the older the child, the less contact their Will and establishing the
discussed in reference to the second plane of develop- with the adult is necessary in a Montessori elementary balance between impulse ad inhibi-
ment, the years 6–12. class. We are there as guides for the child to make con- tions, its gives place to a habit of
tact with experts and sources of knowledge that help
There are many lists of “skills for the future” being com- social life.”
further research and creation.
piled today. The following skills are found on many of
these lists: exploration, putting forth maximum effort, the In the end, it is the work of the child, who with freedom
ability to focus or concentrate, self-control, the mathe- will go far beyond what we could possibly require, that
matical mind, respect of others, the ability to work to- will convince the parent and the world, of the value of this
gether, and care for the environment. Most of us are kind of open-ended, out-of-the box, education. And it just
going to see immediately that these are skills fostered in might be what will solve the problems of our continually
a true Montessori environment. changing world.

These things are at the center of the Montessori curricu-

lum at all ages and take priority over an academic curric-
ulum. The foundation for academic elements of the Bibliography
Stephenson, S.M. (2015). Cosmic education : The Child ’s
elementary Cosmic Education curriculum begins early.
discovery of a Global vision and a Cosmic Task. The NAMTA
The goal of Montessori primary education is to create a Journal 40 (2).

Montessori observed that regular education • Limited knowledge
was not sufficient for the needs of children. • They like independence and privacy
Her investigation brought her to create a de- • Select leaders with the purpose of establishing
velopment plane. The planes of development groups.
focus in the necessity of the children based
• Report consistent behaviors
• Develop moral feelings
on the phase of their individual development.
• Defend moral sense and judgment , etc.
The children of the cosmic education curricu-
lum are in the second plane of development.
The Montessori classroom works well when
the education is based in the correct plane for
the child. These children have the following Free education!

Visit of Agent Loperena of the Visit of Sr. Elvin Durán Library Visit : Biology and Geography
a story presentation by Investigation day
K-9 Unit Añasco Postmaster
Sra. Caro

Saint Valentíine story Story presentation Beginning of class Orchard cleaning

presentation by Car- by Edrik and Mariel after Huracan María By Taller I
mencita and Damaris
Free education!

Children Writers Parents Workshop Parents Workshop

Tittle: La granja de Epifanio Estrada Construction of Montessori material Mathematic curriculum
By Arnaldo, Damián and Derek

Parent’s involvement
in the orchard cleaning
Montessori team in Christmas
Evelyn Matias

Enelyn Lorenzo

Damaris González

Jaelinne Nieves

Carmencita Hernández
Parent’s involvement in the education process
Lillimarie Rosado

Mariel Feliciano

S.U. Epifanio Estrada Modalidad Montessori Phone: 787-517-9568

411 street School phone: 787-868-2670
Aguada, Puerto Rico Facebook:

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