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Source analysis

by:Robert Weglowski

Source one is a picture of two Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers one is a young

woman wearing the standard hat given to the officers and the other is an older Sikh man who is

wearing a turban. The implied message of this source is that anyone no matter your differences

being skin color, race or gender you are treated equally under the law in Canada. The

ideological perspective presented in the source is nationalism. Nationalism is a social and

political system representing the aim of self-governance. This is showing that in Canada thanks

to the Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Equality rights). This

includes racial equality, sexual equality, mental disability and physical disability. This source

shows that in Canada how accepting we are of other people unlike in other countries how they

have strict regulation on who can work government jobs if they immigrated to that country.

(alternative perspective….

Source two is an altered photo showing a Canadian military officer.The implied message

is that how the Mohawk people armed themselves to protect the burial grounds of their

ancestors. The ideological perspective presented in this source is the contending loyalties that

the mohawk people have there they are canadian citizens.This source shows the conflict that

can happen when people have contending loyalties the people occupying the land were

Canadian and Mohawk and they defend the Mohawk land which when the Canadian military

came they armed themselves and the conflicted reached a climax of gunfire.
Source Three is a photo of a Canadian maple leaf but inside of it show oil sand then

under that it says “ Canada [Not just mounties and ice hockey anymore]” , it goes on to say how

the Canadian government is allowing companies to clear cut boreal forests and how oil sands

releases three times more pollution than typical mean of getting oil.The ideological perspective

is how much the people of Alberta is loyal to the oil industry. The implied message is to the

Canadian government, and how its people don’t stand for the oil sands. The Oil companies are

ruining their forests and their environment.

The relationship between source two and source three is the principle of loyalties. In

source two it shows the principle of loyalties and how two can conflict which is shown by how

the Mohawk people defended their land from the Canadian government that wanted to build a

golf course where a Mohawk burial ground is. And the third show the loyalties that alberta has

towards the oil industry.

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