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Dorans start --> Tiamat --> Berserker greaves --> Phantom Dancer --> Infinity Edge -->

FOGGEDFTW2 BUILD vs All Rageblade --> Ravenous Hydra --> Trinity force --> can swap for CDR boots later in this
build if u need the cdr vs their comp (aka they have lots of dashes or something)
conqueror ---> triumph ---> legend alacrity ---> last stand
sudden impact ---> ravenous hunter


Dodge his E poke, dont fight when he his passive is bar is close to full, aatrox wins early levels
Aatrox Medium
but you can win trades once you get tiamat.
Ahri top has strong poke, but you can outsustain her mana pool, if you dodge her charm pre-6
Ahri Medium
you can look to trade. If you trade with her charm up look to dodge it.
You can trade with akali early levels when she uses her passive on minions. Post lvl 6 you need
Akali Hard to be careful of your position in lane because she can all in you burn your ult and then shroud.
She wins duels until later in the game
Only thing to worry about this matchup is not being pulverized + headbutted into turret. Trading
Alistar Easy
with alistar in the middle of the lane is ideal
Easy Careful of trading with amumu when he is in your minion wave since his E is on a short
Amumu Easy
cooldown when he takes auto attacks.
Anivia is hard to trade into when her q is up, if she wastes her q into the minion wave or you
Anvia Easy dodge it with your spin still available then look for an allin, post6 in laning phase you need to
wait for items typically
You can trade early and often with annie lvl1-2, after that though wait for her stun to be down or
Annie Medium
her to be in a bad lane position to trade
If she is playing aggressive you can setup jungle ganks by keeping the wave close to your turret,
Ashe Easy
can trade agressively after lvl 4
Can trade early levels but be careful about his level 1 all in. Make sure to kite in and out of his
Aurelion Sol Medium stars to not die early. When trading always try to stay as close as possible to his body to not
take much damage.
Azir poke can be hard on you in early levels, look to farm the laning phase, can trade if azir uses
Azir Medium
q into you as long as you are in a position to all in and stay in between him and his soldiers
Very tough early levels and is hard to trade with. Look to farm and try to keep the lane in a
Bard Hard
position where your jungler can gank
Can trade at all points in the lane, make sure you dont get hooked into turret when you push into
Blitzcrank Easy
Medium Play off of his ability cooldowns, If you dodge his q you can win trades and potentially
Brand Medium
even all in him. Can dive him post 6, take merc treads vs him for sure
Braum easy to trade with by himself but he can setup his jungler pretty well which is what you
Braum Easy
have to watch out for
Caitlyn Medium she is hard to deal with 1 vs 1 early in the game because of her poke, but she is easy to gank
Spin out of her w early levels to dodge poke, get the wave shoved in early and let it push back to
you after it bounces off her turret. Can trade with her in the middle of the lane but be careful
Camille Medium
when she is close to a wall since it can be easy for her to hit an E on you. If you dodge her e
look for an allin
Abuse the new minion aggro mechanic to let the lane push into you and look to farm, if she
Cassiopeia Hard starts running oom before her first back and you have a good amount of hp you can look to
trade and allin.
can trade with chogath in the early game, use your spin to dodge his Q. After laning phase
Cho Gath Medium
abuse chogath's lack of mobility to make plays across the map
Has good early poke but his w has high mana cost and cooldown, can abuse this for allins when
Corki Medium
you make it go on cooldown.
Look to trade early and often, short trades typically one auto and spin out, make sure you
Darius Medium position yourself close to his body when you auto that way when you spin out your spin does
damage as well
Careful of her 3rd autos on minions as it does aoe dmg on proc. Can all in after about level 4 if
Diana Easy
she shoves in too far.
Mundo has strong trades with q auto + e, but you can all in early due to his lack of mobility and
Dr. Mundo Easy
you win all ins.
Draven top is really difficult to deal with in lane by yourself, you need jungle assistance. Look to
Draven Hard
farm out this lane and you will outscale him with a couple of items
Most of the time ekko will try to make this a farm lane, look to try and trade with the ekko
Ekko Easy
consistently and bait him into an allin which you can turn around.
Elise Easy If you get an elise top in your game hes trolling lol.
Evelynn Easy If you get an evelynn top in your game hes trolling lol.
Ezreal has strong poke in the early laning phase but will have mana issues early before his tear
Ezreal Medium
so you should be able to outsustain him. Can look for trades around level 4
fiddlesticks will have mana issues if you trade into him consistently, hes also really squishy, with
Fiddlesticks Easy
ignite you can burst him through his w if you get him low enough
Fiora wins early levels with her q poke, can start winning trades around level 4-5 if you manage
your health and fury well. If she q's into you and you want to all in, make sure to hit the w slow
Fiora Medium
and use your spin to dodge her riposte attack speed slow. Post 6 make sure you hug a wall to
protect your vitals when she ults
Fizz top is a snowball matchup and can setup dives with his jungler well because he can trade
Fizz Medium turret aggro with his E. If you manage the waves well to not allow a big wave to be shoved into
his turret and trade within your minions you will be fine
Use your ability to all in early against galio's lack of mobility. Your trades with him should start
Galio Easy
when he uses his q that way you can spin into him and dodge that damage
Trade early and often into GP as sometimes you can crit enough for a solo kill. When all inning
Gangplank Hard
make sure you focus on the barrel to kill it before he can explode it on you to kite you
Short trades, auto + spin away when he q's into you. Dont sit in his spin for too long if you dont
Garen Easy plan on all inning him or else it shreds your armor. Make sure to ult! dont foggedUlt when he
presses R on you
Can sometimes kill lvl 1-2 if the gnar is too aggressive and you get enough crits, other then that
Gnar Hard keep in mind his hop is a much longer cooldown then your spin, so if you force his hop you can
trade again as soon as your spin is back up
can trade early with him, you can typically outsustain him in the laning phase since he has a
Gragas Easy mana resource. Get merc treads in this matchup as his body slam cc's you for a good amount of
time on a low cooldown
Graves can shove you in early and harass you under turret, make sure to stand behind minions
Graves Easy
or the turret as his autos dont pass thru them. Can all in after around lvl 4
One thing to be careful for is his q when he gets it stacked up, but typically hecarim will have run
Hecarim Easy
oom if he uses it too much
Go to lane level 1 and make sure heimer doesnt set up his turrets. When he sets up turrets in
Heimerdinger Medium lane early levels you can spin on the turret and auto it and it will die. If you are able to keep
heimer's turrets destroyed you can trade with him
Illaoi is pretty annoying with her tentacles but she does have a mana bar to worry about.
Illaio Medium Outsustain her mana pool or dodge her e and look to all in. Often times you can burst her thru
her ult if you have ignite
You beat irelia levels 1-3, use that to your advantage to put pressure on her, when she gets
Irelia Medium level 4 she gets a powerspike in the lane so be careful. Often times I get tabis in this matchup
and then switch to merc treads later
Ivern Easy If you play against an ivern top he is trolling.
Janna Easy If you play against a jana top he is trolling.
This matchup is kinda a farm fest unless he overcommits to you, you can trade often and you
Jarvan IV Easy will outsustain him. If j4 builds full tank then just ignore him and hit his turret, if he builds damage
then look to duel him
Trading vs jax lvl 1, auto attack him until he counterstrikes and then spin out dealing the spin
Jax Medium damage, get the lane shoving into him and you will win short trades, if he is shoving into you he
will win the trades
Only look to farm early game. Jayce just beats you until 2-3 items typically. You can start dorans
Jayce Hard
shield or cloth 4, up to you. Don't look to trade at all unless you are getting jungle pressure
Can poke you hard like other marksman top, but has little mobility so you can look to all in
Jhin Medium
around level 4 or so
Jinx Easy If they pick jinx top they are trolling.
Hard poke and good kite but if you hit your w slow on her when she is auto attack kiting
Kalista Medium
backwards you can all in her
Hard poke, shields, kites well, but you outscale really hard in a 1 on 1. Farm up early, and look
Karma Medium to kill later. If she is going tank karma then you can trade hard and often. Ignite when she does
her empowered W
Karthus has a really strong level 1, matchup really is dependent on how well you dodge his q's
Karthus Medium
early. If you stay atleast even with karthus in hp early you can all in around lvl 4-5
Kassadin has really strong short trades but no mobility early on, if you can get to around level 4
Kassawin Medium
with decent healthy and fury you can run him down top lane
If you play around her daggers well she wont have enough damage to burst you out. Her level 2
Katarina Easy is strong but so is yours. To play around the daggers well, make sure you walk away from the
daggers as they land on the ground to minimize the damage she can do to you
You can trade early and often with kayle when her E is down. Left click on her to see when the E
Kayle Medium
is about to expire and thats your window to trade
Trade early and often with kayn, he will get his form fast against you anyways, try to get an
Kayn Easy
advantage before his form
Look to farm, levels 1-2 you can shove the wave into him but after that you need to let it push to
Kennen Hard
you and farm
Khazix q can outrange your melee attacks which is annoying but if you push and stay within your
Kha Zix Easy
minion wave you will outtrade him with spin and auto
Kindred Easy Not suited for the top lane, your trades against her will be too much for her to deal with.
This matchup is all about his mount, ideally you want to dismount him and then backoff if your
Kled Medium cooldowns are down otherwise he can remount, or dismount him and burst him if you still have
spin/ignite etc..
Kog Maw Easy if they are playing kogmaw top they are trolling
Leblanc has a strong early game but is gated by her mana costs. Look to outsustain leblanc
LeBlanc Medium
unless she wastes her w to harass while you still have spin to chase her down afterwards
Look to trade early and often, lee sin just cant keep up with your sustain or your constant
Lee Sin Easy
damage, he relies on trying to burst you out
Leona has strong CC and damage but needs someone else to proc her passive. Just be careful
Leona Easy
of her setting up jungle ganks and trade around her W cooldown.
Mostly just a farming matchup, you can look to trade but if lissandra is playing back then just
Lissandra Medium
farm out the laning phase for 1-2 items
Lucian is a mobile marksman that can poke you and kite you with a LOT of early damage. His e
however did get nerfed so if he starts off a trade with his q and then dashes he wont get a
Lucian Hard
second dash for about 7-8 seconds. You can abuse this for an all in. For the most part you want
to try to farm this lane out
You can dodge her q when she has e on you if you side step correctly. Lulu has really low base
Lulu Medium
stats so you can typically trade and kill her early levels
Trade often and consistently and you can beat lux just with raw stats. If you dodge skillshots the
Lux Easy matchup is even easier. Look to trade with her if she wastes her abilities. Fight her when abilities
are on cooldown
for early levels build up fury and play around his e, if he only uses e when you spin on him then
get wave advantage then trade. If malphite goes grasp, you can trade but moreso look to get
Malphite Medium
tiamat and keep him shoved. If he goes comet or anything else, look to trade often and beat him
up early
Malzahar has strong pushing potential but if you trade into him then you will get the wave
Malzahar Easy
advantage. Use this and the long lane top lane to run him down
You can trade often with maokai to burn his resources (mana), once you get tiamat look to
Maokai Easy shove and keep pressure on him. Once he gets too tanky look to take neutral monsters/roam in
between waves
Play around his double strike and you will be fine. Master yi will have shoving potential early but
Master Yi Easy
once you get around level 4 you can punish him if he tries to push you in
She has no mobility but a lot of poke, build up fury safely without taking too much damage and
Miss Fortune Medium
you can look to all in early, even if you fall behind you can all in her with levels
Wait for levels before trading with morde, his pushing is way stronger then yours early on and he
Morderkaiser Medium
has more sustain. Around level 4 you should be able to start trading with him effectively.
Hard to kill but hard to die to. Mostly a farm lane unless she wastes her bind and you land a slow
Morgana Easy
on her thats when you would want to punish
Nami Easy If they are playing nami top they are trolling.
This matchup is as difficult as you make it. You have to really punish nasus early game, deny
Nasus Easy then Hard him as hard as possible. Trade often and hard, pressure him under turret with an auto then spin
away without taking a turret shot etc.. Call jungler to dive often, set it up for him
Trade often and you will outsustain him. If he gets too tanky, hit the turret in front of his face, or
Nautilus Easy
shove and get neutral objectives/roam
Can be built as ad nidalee against you, if she does this she can be very poke heavy but also
Nidalee Medium
deal negative damage. Can look to trade hard around level 4
Be careful early levels as he is very strong with his passive, his q and then his fear. You start
Nocturne Easy
outscaling him pretty quickly though and your level 6 is much stronger in a 1v1
Play safe early unless he is inting. Look to farm, if you have a good amount of fury and hp
Nunu Medium
around level 4 you can look to trade and all in
Be very careful of his lvl 1 all in's with his axes, dont get caught too far in lane or get hit by an
Olaf Medium
axe with your spin down. You can start trading and an allin with olaf around level 4 usually.
Has strong poke and harass but gated by mana costs, can usually outsustain her mana pool
Orianna Medium then try to keep her in lane as long as possible. You outscale in a 1v1 with 1 completed item
plus level 9
Ornn does a lot of dmg, has good sustain by building items. When you want to trade with ornn
spin through him while he is casting his W, if you spin all the way through him before it finishes
Ornn Medium
he wont get the brittle which is a good chunk of the damage he deals and you will typically win
the trade
Start Q in this matchup and cloth 4 pots, dont look to fight or trade at all, just sustain and farm
and outscale with a completed item + beserker greaves. Make sure to only take q poke try not to
Pantheon Easy
let him auto attack you at all. If you spin away from pantheon in the middle of his w stun he wont
be able to get a full charge of his E damage
You can trade early and often with poppy, a lot of times you can bait out her W by getting a slow
on her and then waiting to spin until after she w's. Make sure to walk out of her Q before the
Poppy Easy
second tick of damage applies. Make sure to position your character out of reach of walls while
auto attacking
Hard lane but easy to outscale into the mid game, can start cloth 4 and rush tabis. If she wastes
Quinn Medium
her e to poke you in lane and you still have a good amount of hp and fury you can all in her
Rakan Easy If they pick rakan top they are trolling.
Has strong trades against you but you can just walk away after taunt, can kill rammus early
Rammus Easy levels too if he wastes his w or q (depending on what he starts level 1) you should have the
pressure in this lane till much later
Reksai has very strong pushing power and damage early levels. Can start trading around level
Rek Sai Medium four. Make sure to clear tunnels consistently to take away his escape routes. You outscale this
matchup in the 1v1 pretty hard
He has better sustain, better damage, better pushing power then you early game. You can try to
Renekton Hard outshove him lvl 1-2 but after that look to farm. Can take short trades auto + spin with your
Conqueror proc up. You outscale with 2-3 items
Rengar has very strong damage early game and can cheese kill you lvl 1-2 if you dont play
carefully. Stay away from the bushes and look to soak exp and get farm whenever you can but
Rengar Hard
let him push towards you so you can farm under turret. You can outscale this matchup if you
play it properly, I usually get tabis
This matchup is mostly dictated by how well the riven plays her ability cooldowns, level one you
want an extended trade into her, after that you want short one auto + spin trades to widdle her
Riven Medium-Hard
down. Post 6 if she commits all of her abilities into you, look to all in before they come back off of
You can shove rumble in early levels but once he starts getting level 3-4 he will start shoving in
Rumble Medium and harassing you pretty hard. Look to farm after levels 3-4 if you dont get good enough trades
in levels 1-2. You outscale with 1-2 items in the 1v1. I sometimes build swifties in this matchup
Ryze has strong damage mobility and CC however before his tear back he is gated by mana
Ryze Medium costs. Try to punish and kill the ryze before his first back. If ryze wastes his W before you use
your spin, you can look for a trade
Sejuani needs to get her stun off to out damage you in a trade, if you take short trades with her
Sejuani Easy
you can widdle her down for an all in. You also outscale her hard in a 1v1
usually shaco top is AP and will use boxes to bait you in to bad trades. If you stay within your
Shaco Easy minion wave and shove him in, you will out cs him and he will run out of mana. You can
pressure him pretty hard, only trade with him in your minion wave dont get baited into box traps.
The only hard part of this matchup is the early levels where shen has way more damage with his
q + shields. Focus on building up fury and only trading in your minion wave until about lvl 5-6. At
Shen Medium
level 6 your ultimate is for 1v1 and his ult is for roaming so you can take advantage of him after
lvl 6.
Shyvana has strong pushing power and trading power, but if you can catch her too far up the
Shyvana Medium lane while you have a good amount of hp and fury you can run her down the lane for an allin
past level 4
If the singed proxies try to harass him level one then go get your minions, that will reduce the
number of waves he can get early before he has to execute and TP back which means he wont
Singed Easy be able to get an item. If he lanes versus you, you can trade hard until level 6 and beat him,
make sure to back off after he has gotten out of your range or you will take a bunch of poison
damage. If he proxies you post 6, just proxy him and take jungle camps too
This matchup only becomes hard if you try too hard to kill him when he is playing safe. If he
walks up and farms minions with autos you can trade with him or if you land your w slow, make
Sion Easy
sure to use spin to spin through the sion if he charges up his q before he can get the knockup to
win trades hard.
No mobility adc top with not a whole lot of early damage, she has good wave shoving potential
Sivir Easy
but after level 4 you should punish her hard
Gated by mana costs, you win trades through the early game. Care after level 6 he can setup for
Skarner Easy
his jungler
Sona top has really strong harass but also has really low defensive stats. Look for all in
Sona Medium
opportunities at any level
Soraka Easy If they pick soraka top versus you they are trolling
Low base stats can trade early and win. Just sidestep the pull back ability and you can all in at 4,
Swain Easy
can 100-0 at lvl 6 with ignite flash and ulti up if played right
Syndra has no mobility for the long lane top, once her e is down you have a bunch of room to
Syndra Easy
run her down
Hardest matchup for tryndamere beats you all throughout the game, cant snowball vs him with
Tahm Kench Impossible ganks unless hes inting. Has good map mobility to cover your roams as well, only downside for
the tahm in this matchup is that he has very low waveclear.
Very strong early damage, can start trading if she uses all the "ground" around her so she
Taliyah Medium doesnt get a bunch of q damage on you when you trade in. Can also trade if she wastes her
W+E combo. Win after level 6 since you get an ult for the 1v1 and she doesnt
Be very careful of his level 2 spike, spin or walk out of his second proc of his w to avoid getting
Talon Medium three stacked of his passive. (need to walk sideways to dodge) Can trade with him well after
level 4 though, if you catch him pre 6 not near a wall you can look to all in
Hard to kill after he gets some armor, but can always shove and roam or take neutral monsters
Taric Easy to net an advantage. Taric has little waveclear so punish it. Can pressure his turret in front of his
face as well
You can try to kill early levels 1-2 but after that look to farm and put the lane in a position where
Teemo Hard its easy for your jungler to gank. If he wastes blind and you have good fury and hp you can spin
in for an allin, pay attention to his shroom placement in lane
Thresh Easy if they pick thresh top they are trolling.
Tristana has good escape tools early in the lane with her w and strong poke damage because
Tristana Medium
she is a marksman, but her W has a long cooldown, use this to punish her and allin
ITEMS OR HE HAS NO ARMS. HE WILL BEAT YOU. But after level 4 you can trade
Trundle Medium
consistently with him :) save e in lane when farming to spin after he pillars you to try and
engage on you
Tryndamere Impossible Get the fuck out of normals and play ranked.
Take advantage of the long lane to run TF down, abuse his ability cooldown on his W if he uses
Twisted Fate Easy it to try and push you in. Definitely get merc treads. Post level 6 you have an ult for 1v1 and he
Twitch Easy If they pick twitch top they are trolling.
Care for tiger udyr early damage, buy mercs for this matchup unless you are really ahead
Udyr Easy
because he can CC you often with his bear stance.
It is hard to kill urgot but if he misses enough q's you can look for all in spots, pay attention to his
legs and stay on the side where his leg is inactive. If urgot dashes in to you and tries to flip you
Urgot Medium
but you dodge it, that is a great all in timer. You can ult during his ult, so you dont have to use it
take advantage of his lack of mobility to all in, try to build up fury without taking too much
Varus Easy
damage, can trade into him at every stage of laning phase
You kinda need your jungler to gank a vayne top. You can trade effectively with her but thats
Vayne Hard only if she fucks up and q's into you while you have a good amount of health and fury, position
yourself away from walls while you are fighting her
Need to punish when his E is down, dont let him stack and dodge his abilities when you can so
Veigar Easy he doesnt get AP. His E has a long cooldown and veigar has low base stats compared to you,
trade often and early
Velkoz top has a lot of kiting potential, your allin potential hinges on you dodging his abilities.
Velkoz Medium
The more you dodge, the better trade you can get, with crits you can get solo kills
Vi tops will max E so try to dodge it if possible, can trade with her well though since your all in is
Vi Easy
much better at early levels
take advantage of the long lane to run viktor down, run out of his W when he casts it and try to
Viktor Easy
trade again before its back up
Trade often and early, good vlads will know how to play safe but you can deny them some farm
Vladimir Medium or force them away from cs if you get crits. You need to look to kill before 6 minutes before he
gets his stopwatch
Volibear has strong damage in the laning phase but you outscale him really hard. Look to farm
Volibear Medium
and be careful to not let him flip you in the middle of your spin
early levels warwick can outtrade you but if you get crits even level one you can all in. Be careful
Warwick Medium
after level 3 though he is one of the strongest duelists at level 3
Look to trade and all in if he e's on you level one, make sure when he e's on you that you are
Wukong Easy within your minion wave. Your all in potential level one is stronger, and because you have better
wave shoving with your spin, you should get level 2 first to negate wukong's strong level 2 spike
Xayah Easy If they pick xayah top they are trolling
this matchup is only hard if you dont know how to dodge abilities, take advantage of him when
Xerath Easy he goes for cs with an auto attack, try to dodge his e when you go in, can run him down the long
Xin has strong early laning versus you but once you hit 6 out outscale him. You can take short
Xin Zhao Medium
trades pre6 with an auto +spin away
Yasuo beats tryndamere level 1-2 unless you dodge most of his Q's. Look to juke his q's by
Yasuo Medium faking to go for CS and then backing off. After level 4 you will have enough base stats to
overpower him
you win trades with him early. Careful for his level 6 powerspike, if you play aggressively and
Yorick Easy
spin into him when he has his wall and ulti up, he can run you down and kill you
zac just doesnt deal enough damage early to poke you out and you can trade when his abilities
Zac Easy
are on cooldown, make sure to step on his blobs when you can
zed has strong trades when he uses his w aggressively, but if his w is down and you still have a
Zed Medium good amount of hp and fury you can look for an allin. Be careful to not foggedUlt when he gets
his lethality items. You have an option to max W in this matchup if you feel you need it
ziggs has very strong poke and can disengage with his W but his w has a longer cooldown then
Ziggs Medium your spin, so make sure you burn his disengage with a trade and then trade again before it
comes back up
Can be annoying to play against but you can run him oom before he gets tear/catalyst. Look to
Zilean Easy
trade often and use the length of the lane against him
If you dodge zoe's bubble you can kill her easily, however if she keeps chaining her bubbles into
Zoe Medium
you and you never dodge them you wont kill her.
Pay attention to seeds around you and near her, if you dodge her e on your trade you can look
Zyra Medium
to all in her. Be careful after level 6 as her kite becomes much stronger.

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