Sunteți pe pagina 1din 46

Primul Ecosistem integrat de

Comerț Electronic și Lanț de

Aprovizionare din Lume bazat

pe Blockchain.


Notificări și declinări 2

1. Rezumat executiv 3

2. Introducere 5

2.1. Ineficiențele Lanțulurilor de Aprovizionare 6

2.2. Deficiențele comerțului electronic: 7

2.3.Tehnologia Blockchain în Lanțul de Aprovizionare și Comerțul Electronic 9

3. Proiectul Vanig 12

3.1. Avantajele Cheie Ale Ecosistemului Vanig 20

3.2. Comparație Caracteristici Vanig e-commerce 23

4. Cazuri de Utilizare 24

4.1. Jucării de Urmărire și Depistare 24

4.2. Logistica Universală Urmărire și Depistare 25

4.3. Detectarea Produselor Contrafăcute Pentru Materialele Imprimate 3D Fin 25

5. Platforma de comerț electronic Vanig 27

6. Vânzarea de Monede Vanig 32

7. Cererea de Monede 36

8. Echipă 37

9. Partneri 38

10. Roadmap 40

11. Previziuni Financiare 42

12. Concluzie 43

Notificări și declinări
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Whitepaper emis de Vanig International, Inc. (denumit în continuare "Distribuitor").

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pe care ar trebui să le luați în considerare. Vanig vă recomandă să solicitați consultanță fi

nanciară independentă înainte de a vă angaja în orice fel de eforturi de afaceri.

1. Rezumat Executiv
Vanig este o platformă integrată de Comerț Electronic și un Ecosistem de Lanț de

Aprovizionare care este bazat de blockchain. Este cunoscut faptul că Lanțul de

Aprovizionare nu a evoluat destul de repede în epoca comerțului electronic de astăzi. Vanig

își propune să rezolve această problemă, abordând unele dintre problemele semnificative

care afectează Lanțul de Aprovizionare pentru producători și vânzători și, la fel de

importantă este și platforma de comerț electronic a lui Vanig, care va fi o experiență de

cumpărături cu adevărat plăcută pentru clienți, deoarece vor obține o selecție bună a

produselor, recenzii reale, economisi bani, primi recompense, acces la informații despre

proveniența produselor și urmărire și depistare, făcând din nou cumpărăturile de încredere.

Prețul produsului, urmărirea, recenziile se numără printre primii 5 influențatori ai

achiziționării de produse de astăzi, pe baza unui studiu. Vanig abordează toate aceste

lucruri și mai mult cu platforma de Comerţ Electronic Vanig.

Propunerea noastră este trasată din anii de experiență și expunere la sistemele de comerț
electronic la scară largă, gestionarea și menținerea lanțurilor de aprovizionare globale și
expertiza cu tehnologia distribuită ledger, cunoscută și sub numele de tehnologia

Caracteristicile cheie ale Vanig:

• Vanig abordează mai multe provocări și ineficiențe semnificative ale Lanțului de

Aprovizionare și ale Comerțului Electronic, oferind un nivel mai ridicat de experiență în
materie de brand.

• Ecosistemul Lanțului de Aprovizionare al lui Vanig folosește cea mai recentă tehnologie
de tip blockchain folosind tehnologia Sawtooth de la HyperLedger.

• Vanig simplifică procesul Lanțului de Aprovizionare, eliminând intermediarii, reducând

neînţelegerile și procesele manuale, în timp ce acesta oferă un nou nivel de transparență.

• Vanig furnizează informații de proveniență despre produsele de top care permit
clienților să aibă încredere în produsele pe care le cumpără.

• Platforma Vanig E-Commerce este sigură, are produse organizate și reduse, are un sistem

de recompense excelent și este ușor de utilizat, de care beneficiază toți membrii

ecosistemului și permite plăți prin criptovalută.

• Vanig utilizează Inteligența Artificială și Învățarea Mecanică pentru a face publicitatea

eficientă, pentru a certifica vânzătorii și pentru a oferi o experiență personalizată de
cumpărături pentru cumpărători.

• Recompensele Vanig – Vanig creează o aplicație de recompense și un site web care va

plăti cumpărătorii care utilizează aplicația de recompense în monede Vanig.
Recompensele vor fi mai mari decât alte programe principale de recompensă deoarece
transferăm întregul comision de afiliere către consumator.

Lansăm moneda VANIG cu platforma Vanig. Moneda VANIG va fi moneda primară folosită
în cadrul platformei de comerț electronic Vanig și a recompenselor Vanig. Cererea pentru
moneda VANIG va continua să crească odată cu lansarea platformei, iar Vanig începe să se
extindă în mai multe țări. Valoarea și cererea monedelor VANIG vor continua să crească
deoarece VANIG planifică răscumpărări trimestriale odată ce Vanig începe să fie

Vanig intenționează să lanseze platforma de comerț electronic în 2 țări din Asia de Sud-Est,
începând cu Filipine și Malaezia în anul 1 (2019) și terminând cu Indonezia și India în anul 4
(2021). Vanig va fi profitabilă în anul 2, cu un CAGR de 20-25%, începând cu anul 3.

Suntem încântați să lansăm Vanig acum și anticipăm o creștere exponențială pentru Vanig
din 2019!

2. Introducere
Comerțul electronic este o activitate globală în valoare de trilioane de dolari în valoare de

comerț. Cheltuielile din clasa mijlocie se vor tripla până în 2030; economia împărțită ar putea

atinge 300 miliarde de dolari până în 2025; mai mult de 1,4 miliarde de persoane au

achiziționat un produs sau un serviciu online în 2017; valoarea totală brută a comerțului

electronic B2B a depășit 20 de trilioane de dolari în același an. Ne adresăm unei piețe

globale cu potențial de reacție la economiile emergente și stabilite.

Sursa: World Bank

Comerțul electronic se preia rapid pe piețele emergente și se prevede că în acest an

majoritatea marilor piețe emergente vor avea mai mulți cumpărători online decât offline.
Mesajul este clar: comerțul electronic devine noul canal atât pe piețele dezvoltate, cât și pe
piețele emergente.

În ciuda creșterii remarcabile, industria globală de comerț electronic este încă prezentată

prin două probleme mari și interdependente - ineficiența lanțului de aprovizionare și

deficiențele comerțului electronic. Ne propunem să rezolvăm aceste probleme cu Vanig.

2.1 Ineficiența lanțurilor de aprovizionare

A. Lipsa lanțurilor de aprovizionare transparente și vizibile

În orice moment în timpul procesului tipic al lanțului de aprovizionare, ar fi ideal dacă

participanții, de la producători la consumatori, pot inspecta și accesa informații în timp
real despre starea produsului sau a serviciului lor. Aceasta este o provocare în lanțul de
aprovizionare de astăzi, deoarece informațiile despre sursă și origine sunt adesea
ascunse în silozurile de date, de cele mai multe ori în formate incompatibile sau
inadecvate (forme non-digitale).

B. Intermedierea

Aceasta este una dintre necesitățile nedorite ale lanțurilor de aprovizionare: pe de o

parte, trebuie să găsim modalități practice de a face față lanțurilor complexe de
aprovizionare cu mai mulți participanți fiecare și cu un pachet diferit în ciclul de viață al
produsului; iar pe de altă parte, trebuie să găsim o cale de a reconcilia litigiile, de a face
fluxul de produse și servicii cât mai de încredere posibil și de a reduce riscul de
contrapartidă. Intermediarii, sau în termeni simpli, samsarul, joacă acel rol. Aceștia sunt
tutorii de încredere în lanțul de aprovizionare, asigurându-se că toți joacă după reguli și
facilitează fluxul. Aceștia pot juca diferite roluri, de la băncile de custodie și agenții de
compensare, până la brokeri și dealeri. Cu toate acestea, fiecare dintre ei plătește o taxă
pentru a-și oferi serviciile. Pentru un lanț de aprovizionare lung și complex, aceste
comisioane se adaugă până la nivelul în care consumatorul final achiziționează un
produs care este marcat de o marjă uriașă datorită onorariilor intermediarilor.

C. Gestionarea stocurilor statice sau inexistente

Gestionarea stocurilor în timp real este mai dificil de realizat. În special pentru lanțurile
de aprovizionare globale mari, este o provocare și un cost scump. Este nevoie de o
redefinire completă a sistemelor informatice existente și a soluțiilor costisitoare de
modernizare, care nu sunt disponibile sau accesibile de către participanții din lanț. De
exemplu, producătorii mari au mijloacele necesare pentru implementarea sistemelor de
gestionare a stocurilor în timp real, însă într-un lanț complex de aprovizionare, doar un
singur nod care utilizează tehnologia moștenită este suficient pentru a rupe fluxul de
informații și pentru a nega avantajele implementării.

D. Urmărirea ineficientă a produselor sau a serviciilor

Aceasta este o problemă care afectează producătorii, angrosiștii și retaileri. Mai ales în
timpul rechemării unui produs, mecanismul de urmărire și depistare trebuie să fie rapid,
fiabil și transparent. Și costul este o chestiune esențială care afectează pe toată lumea din
lanț: un producător dorește să reducă costurile de rechemare, menținând în același timp
starea de piață și reputația intactă; un angrosist urmărește să reducă produsele
nevândute și să ramburseze costurile de retragere a rețelelor lor pentru a-și menține
poziția; un retailer dorește să se adreseze rapid și eficient, menținându-și clienții
satisfăcuți; și în final, consumatorul final poate dori ca produsul defect să fie înlocuit fără
costuri și cât mai repede posibil.

2.2. Deficiențele comerțului electronic:

Ineficiențele lanțului de aprovizionare au un impact direct asupra platformelor de comerț
electronic. Imaginați-vă dacă experiența elegantă și intuitivă de cumpărături pe Amazon
nu era potrivită cu un proces de transport maritim în timp util și eficient. Din păcate, mulți
producători și vânzători în lume nu dispun de resursele și expertiza Amazonului.
Construirea unui sistem de comerț electronic cu adevărat global este scump și exclusiv.
Majoritatea producătorilor nu pot să construiască sau să se alăture unuia. Prin urmare,
următoarele probleme sunt inerente în industria globală de comerț electronic:

A. Lipsa de vizibilitate completă pentru o călătorie de client end-to-end

Comerțul electronic online este puternic competitiv. Clienții sunt obișnuiți cu garanții de
satisfacție de nu mai puțin de 100% cu achizițiile lor, iar concurentul dvs. este întotdeauna
la un click distanță - într-un astfel de mediu este crucială menținerea și recompensarea
unui client folosind o multitudine de informații obținute din experiența lor de cumpărături
online și critic asupra a ceea ce se întâmplă după ce cineva a plasat o comandă.
Majoritatea platformelor de e-commerce nu au acea vizibilitate pentru călătoriile de client
end-to-end. Adesea, întârzierile în transportul maritim sau alte preocupări pe care clienții
le pot avea după cumpărare nu sunt captate în detaliu sau integrate cu alte date privind
experiența clienților. Aici integrarea cu un lanț eficient de aprovizionare și o experiență
eficientă în domeniul transportului maritim pot câștiga clienți înapoi.

B. Provocările reaprovizionarii inventarului
De obicei, cele mai multe magazine de comerț electronic nu stochează inventarul
complet al produselor afișate. Este o provocare din ce în ce mai mare pentru a lua
deciziile corecte la momentul potrivit pentru a satisface cererea de vârf în timpul
perioadelor de creștere (de exemplu, sezonul festiv) sau a reducerii excedentului la orele
de întrerupere pentru a menține un bilanț sănătos. În ceea ce privește consumatorii,
acest lucru este și provocator, deoarece nu știu cât de mult este lăsată pe rafturi sau
când vor ajunge reaprovizionările. Și acest lucru duce adesea la oportunități de vânzări
sau cumpărări încrucișate ratate din teama de a pierde.

C. Operarea într-un ecosistem global

Un magazin online de comerțul electronic ar putea fi universal accesibil. Provocarea este

că canalele de achiziții și de transport trebuie să găzduiască diferite tarife de import și
export, control de reglementare personalizat, acorduri comerciale etc. Și, în același timp,
să mențină o structură competitivă a prețurilor pentru a rămâne relevante pentru
clientela lor exigentă.

D. Autenticitate și recenzii

Comerțul electronic este important și în creștere. Oamenii cumpără un produs pe baza

recomandărilor din rețeaua lor socială închisă. În prezent, mai mulți consumatori doresc

să cunoască originea unui produs și dacă acesta a fost fabricat în mod etic, dacă

consumatorul a plătit un preț echitabil și corect, dacă a fost deteriorat în vreun fel în

timpul transportului sau dacă este într-adevăr autentic? De asemenea, dorim să avem o

modalitate de a verifica autenticitatea recenziilor sau cel puțin o verificare autoritară că

au cumpărat și au folosit produsul respectiv. Acest lucru este important în epoca de știri

false, marketing viral, sau SEO negativ.

2.3 Tehnologia Blockchain în Lanțul de Aprovizionare și Comerțul Electronic

Credem că problemele descrise mai sus sunt abordate utilizând ultimele tehnologii Blockchain

și Soluția Vanig.

Cum se adresează Blockchain

Caracterul distribuit al topologiei ledger-ului și al blocurilor
Datele ascunse în silozurile
înlanțuite oferă traiectorie automată și depistare în orice punct.
verticale, nici o vizibilitate
pentru toate părțile

Managementul inventarului dinamic, datorită comenzilor
Inventarului Static
Cele mai multe informații sunt inteligente, auto execută ordine și se conectează la senzorii IoT
transmise după eveniment, nu (de exemplu, oracole) pentru relee de informații în timp real.
în timp real

Transparent Supply Chains Public blockchain architecture with peer-to-peer topology and
Origins and provenance immutable nature, allows for transparency of transactions, and
information is sparse historic traces for all nodes at any time.

e-commerce inefficiency
E2E Customer Journey Fully distributed ledger with real-time information on product
Little information available provenance providing peace-of-mind and visibility over
post purchase event
purchased items.

Replenish Inventory Effective track and trace providing valuable pattern data for
Stockpiling resulting on planning and analytics to aid decision making for just-in-time
overstock or understock replenishment of inventory.

Operating Globally Configurable ledger with chain participants automatically

Efficiency and cost- transacting at the point of value exchange – customs, tariffs –
effectiveness problems providing the e-commerce owners with efficient management
of operating capital.

To understand the benefits distributed ledger technology brings to a supply chain, let us

look at a very common supply chain scenario that e-commerce retailers handle day to day,

managing and controlling a complex chain of third-party vendors, logistics carrier providers

and suppliers.

A customer places an order, the order is passed on by the manufacturer to the retailers who

dropships the goods through a third-party logistics provider. The product is then transferred

by a long-haul carrier who passes it to a local carrier for final delivery.

This scenario is illustrated below, the green arrow depicts the flow of information (custom and

successive purchase orders through the supply chain) and the blue arrow shows the product


This long chain of delivering goods also include several parties, their commissions and

negotiated shipping rates. This starts from ordering the goods, the tendering of the

load, shipment tracking, delivery confirmation, and settlement of the extra charges in a

heterogeneous environment.

Today, therefore, to capture the ordering details, shipment confirmation, likely events of

return, and settle the charges with minimal opportunities for dispute, a blockchain of the

entire transaction, including the details, commission, and negotiated fees can be used. The

public-private nature of blockchain technology means that each participating merchant can

make data visible to the other members. Merchants have visibility into the transaction and no

custom interface is required between the participants.

The image below shows such a process. The blockchain is initiated by the online retailer

with a block for the order, the smart contracts are electronically signed to negotiate the fees,

rates or commissions by the parties to signify the approval. The parties involved then add
transactions and blocks to the blockchain since the bills of landing, load tender, and other new

documents are developed to keep the record of the shipment status.

The system of record for the whole transaction is the blockchain. It drives the whole process

and also records the transaction. The green block represents how the financial settlement

is initiated in the blockchain and a payment processor or bank carries out the transactions.

All participants are able to see the records of payments and reconcile against the smart

contracts in the original block.

3. The Vanig Solution
The Vanig solution uses blockchain technology to offer the world’s first integrated e-commerce

platform with supply chain. The integration of e-commerce and supply chain makes Vanig

unique. We target the inefficiencies of modern e-commerce and supply chains and will utilize

smart contracts and the reputable ledger of a blockchain. At its core, we have a proven

blockchain technology that has been developed by the world’s largest blockchain technology

consortium, Hyperledger.

The Vanig ecosystem is robust, scalable, permission-based decentralized blockchain. This

illustration below shows how different participants in the Vanig Ecosystem interact with each
other using Smart Contracts.

Vanig Ecosystem - Illustration

Vanig Process Flow

1. Consumer places an order using the Vanig Website or Vanig Mobile App.

2. Smart contract #1 gets written automatically and captures the details of the order between
the consumer and Vanig and is stored in Vanig’s blockchain ecosystem.

3. Manufacturer/retailer ships the product from their location which triggers another Smart
contract #2 between the manufacturer and its distribution agent.

4. Distribution agent picks up the order from manufacturer and delivers it to the consumer.

5. Delivery acknowledgment from the Consumer will trigger another Smart contract #3
between the distribution agent and the consumer.

6. Finally, Smart contract #4 is created to capture the transaction ledger between the

wholesaler and the manufacturer.

All these transactions are recorded and are linked as blocks in the Vanig ecosystem. This

creates a traceable chain of blocks that shortens the track and trace process in terms of recall

from weeks to just a few hours. Since all the blocks are interconnected we have real time

inventory visibility to both consumers and supply chain participants. The Vanig ecosystem

accommodates sensor tracking using IoT devices by providing regulatory compliance

information, and temperature, and product location during transport between end points in

the supply chain (e.g., between producer and consumer)..

Smart contract #1 meta data captured Smart contract #2 meta data captured

Consumer ID Number of units Consumer ID Number of units

Vendor ID Amount paid, delivery date Vendor ID Delivery address
Purchase Date Delivery address Distribution agent ID Set of hash keys
Product ID Set of hash keys Date shipped

Smart contract #3 meta data captured Smart contract #4 meta data captured
Consumer ID Set of hash keys Invoice # Date
Distribution agent ID Purchase # Retailer ID
Date shipped Quantity Retailer address
Acknowledgment Unit price
Number of units Tax %

Following architecture explains the implementation of Vanig ecosystem in Blockchain

Vanig Architecture explained

The Vanig Architecture has three main layers, the Presentation, Semantic and Application

layer, and Intelligence Data layers.

The Presentation layer has the Web, App and mobile UI that the various users of Vanig from

consumers to retailers/wholesalers use to interact with the Vanig platform. Interactions like

searching for a product, paying for a product, listing a product, providing a review etc.

The Semantic and Application layer houses the core Vanig e-commerce platform business

logic components, it handles all the transactions generated by the various users of the

platform. This layer also houses the Security Gateway, it establishes user identity and provides

capabilities for authentication, authorization, and integration. The security gateway ensures

that participating users have permission and have entitlements granted based on their

roles in the blockchain trading network. It interfaces to Private Vanig blockchain/Public for

Payment transactions and IPFS to retrieve additional business content like Product images,

descriptions, Customer reviews etc.

The Intelligence and Data layer houses the Blockchain technology, Hyperledger Sawtooth

services for Batch, Transaction, Consensus, Ledger, and Transaction Family & Policies

The Transaction Permissioning service validates the identities of all users using PKI certificates

and thus the permissioned nature of the Hyperledger Sawtooth technology. It addresses

scenarios where privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance using the following

Permission methods -

a) Configuring a validator to only accept based on predefined participants

b) Using Identity namespace algorithm.

The consensus service in Sawtooth is plug and play and can be changed at runtime to a
consensus mechanism of choice ex PoET. The Transaction (Smart Contract in Ethereum BC)

service is crucial to the Vanig ecosystem, it helps securely apply rules when transactions are

processed and automate validation steps and digital contracts in place of signed physical


Considering the nature of the Supply Chain, Participants and transactions, selected “private”

and proprietary transactions are kept off the public ledger. It is one of the reasons Vanig

chose to use Hyperledger, to enable off chain logic. The Vanig architecture will thus have both

on chain/ public and off chain/private transactions, that are accessible to users according to

their role.

Hyperledger Sawtooth
While utilizing blockchain technology is a step in the right direction, the choice of blockchain

technology itself is crucial here. Having carefully considered the desired functionality and

sensitivities with supply chain participants, we chose to work with the Hyperledger Sawtooth.

With Hyperledger we can take advantage of channels (or side-chains in other terms) that live

off the main chain and provide certain degrees of privacy to its admitted members.

Hyperledger Sawtooth also gives us the option to configure membership in the blockchain,

which is an important characteristic with supply chains (not everyone should have access to
the supply chain information). Finally, we can choose the consensus protocol of choice, at run

time without compromising speed and capacity, as with proof-of-work blockchains.

Hyperledger Sawtooth

Features of Hyperledger Sawtooth

• Private networks with the Sawtooth permissioning features

• On-chain governance – Utilize smart contracts to vote on blockchain configuration

settings such as the allowed participants and smart contracts.

• Advanced transaction execution engine – Process transactions in parallel to accelerate

block creation and validation.

• Support for Ethereum – – Run solidity smart contracts and integrate with Ethereum

• Dynamic consensus – Modify the blockchain consensus protocol on the fly as your network
grows, enabling you to integrate more scalable algorithms as they are available.

• Separation between the application level and the core system

• Broad Language Support – Program safe smart contracts in your preferred language,
with support including Java, JavaScript, Python, and more.

3.1 Key advantages of the Vanig ecosystem

A. Competitive Pricing
As a blockchain-powered ecosystem, Vanig doesn’t have the notion of an intermediary,

hence every key stakeholder in the supply chain - from the manufacturer to the end

consumer – will have a direct, peer-to-peer communication. That allows producers to cut

down costs on brokering fees, and the end consumer gets a better deal. Price is driven by

market demand and production cost rather than mark up to go above a break-even point.

B. Authentic Reviews
Fake reviews are one of the biggest problems faced by consumers today. Affecting

buyer’s confidence and trust when shopping online. A vast majority of products that are

top-rated are filled with fake reviews.

Our AI & ML algorithms detect fake reviews based on content of review, history of

orders, past reviews and many other factors to build a credibility score for the reviewer

and reviews they publish. This ensures buyer confidence on our platform.

C. Shorter recall process

When a recall needs to be initiated the whole experience is sleeker, faster, and cheaper.

Information about the recalled product is quickly propagated through the nodes in the

blockchain and registers in the immutable ledger to track and trace. This alleviates the
situation with information asymmetry which typically occurs when the recall process

information is not distributed equally, or on time, to stakeholders. This creates a

backlog of cases to be investigated and acted upon, higher cost of storage, re-shipping

and clearance, and ultimately a possible loss of business with dissatisfied customers.

A blockchain solution makes it possible to eliminate some of these unnecessary steps

during a recall.

D. Security
It goes without saying, that since we chose to use blockchain technology for Vanig, we get

the benefits of cryptographic hashes and secure transactions amongst participants in the

supply chain. It is worth noting that our smart contracts also live on the blockchain and

have their own encryption too. And finally, our choice of consensus mechanism enables

a permissioned blockchain, where only vetted participants can participate, instead

of everyone participating in public blockchain transactions. The combination of these

features makes Vanig a secure platform.

E. Real-time tracking
Manufacturers, wholesalers, retails and consumers can track the product in real time.

We have implemented an open ecosystem where external data feeds from sensors, data

oracles, and other popular trackers are easy to connect to via Vanig’s APIs. The journey of

a product has become open and visible in real time giving greater assurances about the

security of a transaction.

F. Transparency

Consumers are able to track products with ease and information about defects are

stored permanently in the blockchain, resulting in fraud detection and tamper proof

transactions. For example, if a defect or fraudulent product enters the marketplace, and

is detected, information pertinent to that product will be registered in the Vanig platform

and accessible to interested parties across the supply chain. Information transparency
gives greater confidence to consumers, sellers, and wholesalers which increases the

trust across the ecosystem.

G. Demand / Supply equilibrium

As consumers have full visibility on product availability and procurement; it provides a safety

mechanism for the marketplace to avoid artificial price adjustments - no more overstock

or empty shelves. Pushing out uncleared stock is unjustifiable with new blockchain based

inventory systems as these are open and visible to consumers. The decision to purchase is

based on transparency of inventory and price, creating a level market place and efficient

product flow. Swings in price based on supply demand are steadied.

H. Easy Product Listings
We operate one-click product listings from popular e-commerce stores such as Amazon,

Walmart, and platforms such as WooCommerce and Shopify and BigCommerce. This is

an important step for a quick onboarding process of products from other marketplaces

and gives consumers access to millions of products; this function enables a CSV File bulk

upload, a robust API connection and automatic retrieval and upload of products.

I. Multi-party contracts
Vanig is an ecosystem powered by blockchain smart contracts. Processes are faster as

a result of contracts between multiple parties executed on the blockchain with smart
contracts; for example, the smart contract between a consumer and the Vanig marketplace

(via website, mobile) is different from the smart contract between a manufacturer and the

wholesaler’s depot. They serve one purpose: to automate transactions and record terms

on immutable ledgers.

J. Provenance
Vanig enables full origin and trace information providing unique-in-class provenance

information. Interested parties can perform audit trails at a click of a button to trace a

product all the way back to its origins. As our provenance trace makes use of Internet

of Things (IoT) sensors, interested parties can inspect any modifications or changes that

could have taken place during its journey to a consumer.

K. Real time transactions

The Vanig ecosystem users make use of the native Vanig cryptocurrency, VANIG tokens

to make real time money transactions and money transfers. This is uniquely different from

current e-commerce platforms where the transactions aren’t real-time for all stakeholders;

for example, a consumer’s credit card might be charged at the point of sale however,

the retailer, manufacturer and distributor may have their funds clear days later. Clearing

funds on the Vanig ecosystem is instant with real time transparency.

3.2 Vanig e-commerce features comparison
In the table below, we list Vanig’s e-commerce features:

Vanig Vanig Fiat

Type Amazon Walmart Ebay
Cryptocurrency Currency

Per listing -
Ticker Symbol $0 to $40 $0 $0.05 to $0.20 $0 $0

Seller Fee 6% to 20% 6% to 20% 10% 8% 8%

Affiliate Referral
Commission 5% 4% 5% 5% 5%

Average Seller Fee

(Includes Referral Fee) 15% 15% 9% 7% 7%

15 to 20 days
Payment Cycle 15 to 20 days 15 to 20 days Real Time 2 to 4 days
(Excludes Paypal)

Seller or Amazon
Shipment Seller Seller Seller Seller

Established Verified Verified

Seller Criteria Anyone Anyone
Seller Seller(Anyone) Seller(Anyone)

1.5% to 3.5% 1.5% to 3.5% 1.5% to 6% ( 1.5% to 3.5% (

Competitive Price and
(Covered in average (Covered in NOT Covered in None NOT Covered in
Product Listing Incentive
fee) average fee) average fee) average fee)

Total Average Fee

17% to 20% 17% to 20% 15% to 20% 8% to 11% 10.5% to 12.5%
(Includes Shipping)

Competitive Price and

None None None VANIG Tokens VANIG Tokens
Product Listing Incentive

Real Time Shipment Yes (above $50 Yes (above $50

No No No
Tracking Purchase) Purchase)

Blockchain Protection No No No Yes Yes

Track and Trace

No No No Yes Yes

Product Listing Seller No Yes Yes

No No

Buyer Review Incentives No No No Yes Yes

4. Use Cases
One can consider a number of blockchain use cases pertinent to supply chains and e-commerce.

We have, in fact, a number of them on our pipeline for implementation. Below are noteworthy


4.1 Toys’ track and trace

The global toys’ market is growing constantly and is valued at over $90 billion. Especially,

the online toys’ market place is experiencing a period of rapid growth given the modern life

conveniences for e-commerce. However, as the toys’ market grows, so does the ever-complex

ecosystem of toys’ manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers. And with that

growth we have the ever-increasing parental oversight and alertness to the quality of toys

used by their children.

A toy that has hazardous plastic covers, for example, can cause havoc to a child’s health

and parents are becoming aware of these dangers thanks to the Internet and the speed

of information flow in our lives. For example, there have been reported cases of hazardous

chemicals, such as phthalates, present in toys. On other occasions hormone-altering

brominated flame retardants were used in significant proportion of toys, such as toy robots.

Although the use of fire retardants is welcome, the use of dangerous chemicals to achieve a

fire-proof status is not. The problem with these findings is that they are postmortem, that is, the

toys were already bought and used by children, an accident happened and then investigation

to the causes of the accident revealed the use of dangerous chemicals.

This where the Vanig platform comes in. We are leveraging the use of blockchain ledgers to

record and save, forever, every part, component, and ingredients that were used to produce

a toy or product. When materials are deemed to be dangerous – cross referencing scientific

information and national safety databases – then an automatic smart contract triggers an

exclusion clause whereby the toy product in question will be blocked from registration or

acceptance on Vanig due to its hazardous materials. So, we prevent an accident before it

even happens. This preventive action can be inspected at any time by prospective consumers

and the information can be shared with law enforcement.

4.2 Logistics’ universal track and trace

The logistics industry is accustomed to using high tech for track and trace. For example, RFID

(radio frequency identification) market has grown to an industry of well over $5 billion from a

mere couple of hundred million a few years back. There are well over 90 million RFID sensors

in use and the technology is constantly maturing. Although the technology provides an instant

checkpoint to track the position of the object that is affixed onto, it has its limitations. There

are many different vendors and types of RFID sensors. Some are not compatible with each

other’s platforms. Information permanency is a challenge as well as RFID signals and geo-

position information is not stored long term and the data formats tend to differ from platform

to platform.

This is where the Vanig blockchain platform comes in. We envisioned and implemented a

powerful synergy between existing RFID sensor networks, and the Vanig platform. As

products are shipped from place to place within the Vanig ecosystem (manufacturer to

wholesale depot, to distribution agent, to consumer), they are RFID tagged as with normal

logistics procedure. But, in addition, we store RFID tracking information on the blockchain so

that at any point in time, we can retrospectively trace back the journey of a particular product,

by way of piecing together the data records from each RFID sensor. This undisputed proof

of origins and whereabouts of product movements has brought about and will continue to

bring efficiencies and cost savings to the logistics industry as the Vanig ecosystems gains

widescale adoption.

4.3 Counterfeit product detection for delicate 3D printing raw materials

The International Trademark Association reported about $460 billion worth of counterfeit

goods were bought and sold in 2016. This is not surprising as most counterfeit products are

purchased over the internet. The Red Points, a leading research company in Barcelona, Spain,

revealed the top 10 lists of websites where fake products are often bought and sold using

the data provided by its custom-developed web crawlers. AliExpress, the leading Chinese

marketplace, tops the list.

Source: Red Points

In reality, six of the top 10 sites have their headquarters in the Far East—China, a region

known for its age-long reputation for counterfeit production and a relaxed attitude regarding

intellectual property. As the expensive products that draw much attention from the consumer,

handbags and footwear are also identified as the most often counterfeited products bought

and sold online.

This is where the Vanig blockchain platform comes in. Smart contracts governing the flow
of products and raw materials through the supply chain register and stores detailed product

information, thus the source of raw materials used for a product is captured and tracked and

traced. Stakeholders will know in advance the whereabouts of its component parts. Any part

that is not coming from a certified source information that can be fetched from and validated

through off-chain oracles – we flag it up and alert authorities, agencies and the stakeholders


5. Vanig e-commerce platform
Vanig makes the process of finding and choosing products for ordering convenient and simple

on the Vanig platform, all products traded on the Vanig platform are defined by detailed

parameters such as the name, description, price, volume, category assignment etc. which

catalogs the product and speeds searches.

There are varieties of products listed on the Vanig platform and consumers choose the type

of products to buy, select the details of delivery, and pay in ethereum (ETH), bitcoin (BTC), fiat,

or Vanig tokens (VANIG).

Vanig has the product listing and customer reviews as part of the information registered on

the blockchain which will enable a more trusted trading environment.

Product Search
We use the decentralized file storage network to manage the updated databases of products

listed on the Vanig platform. Through this, consumers use filters and product sorting to choose

what they want to buy. We understand the difficulties inherent in searching tens of thousands

of retail products and we aim to make your shopping experience easy and convenient. For

example, we have adopted the use of catalogue filters for the different product attributes and


Curated Products
Vanig identifies 200 top selling products each from the top 5 e-commerce sites from a
region using our machine learning and data mining algorithms.
The algorithm factors in key points like:
i. Number and frequency of reviews by verified buyers
ii. Detection of paid reviews
iii. Checking the product reviews and customer questions to extract and catalogue issues
faced by customers using Natural Language Processing.
In a similar fashion, we build a list of ideal sellers for each product and our outreach team
starts working on on-boarding those sellers into our program using incentives like:
i. Quick, hassle free import of inventory from their existing platform to Vanig.
ii. Offering Additional Vanig tokens as a bonus to onboard our platform.

Product Listing and seamless integration with major e-commerce platforms

One Click Product Listing

One-click product listings, and full product databases from current e-commerce platforms

such as Amazon, Alibaba and Walmart stores can be on-boarded to Vanig. Vanig enables

independent sellers, large and small to create their Vanig stores with just a single click and

ease of upload. This single click captures everything you need from existing e-commerce

platform databases creating a complete product listing in Vanig. Vanig sellers upload:

product descriptions, prices, and hi-resolution images, codes and a wealth of data about

the products. With this feature, Vanig can run parallel to existing seller channels and as

Vanig’s advantages are realized more sellers will be attracted to the Vanig platform.

CSV File Bulk Upload

Importing your products into the Vanig platform is useful if you switched to Vanig from

another e-commerce store or if you want to make many changes to your products or

inventory. When importing, Vanig converts the data from the CSV file into products.

API Connection
Through the integration of the Vanig platform using API, we are able to search the web for

the best product images and detailed descriptions. Using your own merchant identification

and signature, we make sure that your prices and ongoing inventory levels is synchronized

with your inventory at Vanig.

Integration with E-commerce platforms, Amazon and Walmart stores

Automatic retrieve and upload of products from Amazon store to Vanig.

Automatic retrieve and upload of products from Walmart store to Vanig.

Automatic retrieve and upload of products from Shopify, BigCommerce,


Today’s consumers have an array of e-commerce options to choose from and sellers need

to convince buyers with competitive rewards and discounts in order to win their trust and

loyalty. Especially in the competitive e-commerce environment, discount and reward programs

incentivizes consumers and gives them more reasons to come back. In the Vanig ecosystem,

our retailers use any of the smart contracts logics to develop bespoke reward and discount

programs for buyers shopping with the Vanig tokens.

Incentives for Sellers listing products

Seller activity Reward

Verified Product Listing

4 x VANIG token or $1 worth of VANIG tokens whichever
is lower.

Product listing and 100 x VANIG token or $6 worth of VANIG tokens whichever
complete 5 sales
is lower.

Product listing and lesser 100 x VANIG token or $6 worth of VANIG tokens whichever
than market price including
is lower.
shipping and complete 5 sales

Incentives for Buyers posting reviews

Seller activity Reward

Text Review
1 x VANIG tokens or $0.25 (whichever is lower) per verified

2 x VANIG or $0.50 (whichever is lower) tokens per verified

Review with images

Review with Video 4 x VANIG or $1 (whichever is lower) per verified purchase.

Loyalty Program
The Vanig e-commerce site rewards customers for purchases, through the Vanig Reward

Program. Every purchase by the customer earns that customer Vanig tokens. The accumulated

tokens can be used for purchase within the site once it reaches the threshold for spending.

Vanig has a detailed Rewards Program. Here is an illustration of the rewards program that

has implemented to reward customers for purchasing on Vanig.

Vanig Rewards Program

Buyer activity Reward

1st time purchase of

50 VANIG tokens.
products on Vanig

Every subsequent
2% of the transaction back in VANIG tokens.

Once customer makes 20 purchases (of $25 or more) in the site

Silver Customer Status in the current year, customer is given Silver status and rewarded
with 25 VANIG tokens.

Once customer makes 50 purchases (of $25 or more) in the site

in the current year, customer is given Gold status and rewarded
Gold Customer Status with 50 VANIG tokens.

Customer then starts earning 3% in VANIG tokens per transaction.

Once customer makes 100 purchases (of $25 or more) in the

site in the current year, customer is given Platinum status and
Platinum Customer Status rewarded with 50 VANIG tokens.

Customer then starts earning 4% in VANIG tokens per transaction.

Token redemption Once accumulated rewards is > 100 VANIG tokens, it can be
threshold redeemed in subsequent product purchase in the site.

Vanig Rewards App
Vanig is building a browser plugin and a mobile app to show the price comparison

between major ecommerce players and Vanig. This will help Vanig get more number

of people to purchase on the platform. On top of that, the users get cashback rewards in

Vanig tokens for all purchases made through the Vanig rewards app or through the plugin.

In case another platform offers better prices than Vanig, the users are linked to other platforms

using Vanig Reward App’s affiliate links and we pass the commissions back to the user

in form of Vanig tokens. Users can in-turn use Vanig tokens to purchase products through

Vanig. This helps to create demand for Vanig tokens, and is good for the entire platform.

These apps will also help us gather anonymized data about the shopping habits of users, and

will help us in improving our platform. These metrics will also help Vanig measure how we are

doing in comparison with our peers, and help us chalk our future strategy.

6. Vanig Token Sale
Vanig is an ambitious project aiming to revolutionize the world of e-commerce with a robust

supply chain support system. Vanig is conducting a token sale to allow stakeholders and

become part of the Vanig ecosystem.

All token buyers and contributors will receive ERC20 exchangeable Vanig tokens on the

Ethereum network. The ERC20 token is accepted for exchange to a new token on a one to

one basis with the VANIG token. The Vanig token is a core component of the Vanig ecosystem

and is designed to facilitate a wide variety of operations that make the token an integral part

of the ecosystem and the driver for its economy. It is fractionally divisible, transferable and

Token balances and transfers will be tracked by Vanig. To mitigate risk from unforeseen

circumstances such as large token theft, contract compromise, or a disrupting change in the

Ethereum protocol, Vanig may opt to freeze token transfers and issue a new token contract

with balances replacing that of the original token registry by a certain date. In the event of an

Ethereum fork, the Vanig team will timely announce which branch it will support.

6.1 Allocation / distribution

Ticker Symbol VANIG

Token Sale Start 23 July 2018

Token Sale End 25 Sep 2018

Total Amount of Tokens 225,000,000

Total Amount to be Sold 141,000,000 or 63% of total issuance

Token Private Sale 2 Million USD

Token Pre Sale 6 Million USD

Token Main Sale 12 Million USD

Soft Cap set at 2 Million USD

Hard Cap set at 20 Million USD

Accepted Crypto & FIAT Currencies ETH, BTC, LTC, USD

Minimum Purchase Limit 0.1 ETH

Ends on
Private Sale 22 July 2018


23 JULY 7 AUG 17 AUG

15 Days 10 Days 10 Days
30% Bonus 25% Bonus 20% Bonus


Hard Cap Hard Cap Hard Cap


27 AUG 6 SEP 16 SEP

10 Days 10 Days 10 Days
10% Bonus 5% Bonus 0% Bonus


Hard Cap Hard Cap Hard Cap

Token Distribution

63% Open Market

15% Team Tokens

12% Vanig Rewards and Incentives

5% Referral & Bounty Programs

3% Advisors & Partners

2% Legal

Lock down period for core team - 4 years with 15% of tokens released every 6 months, first release after 12 months.

Lock Period for Advisors - 25% every 3 months and takes up to 12 months.

Lock Period for Legal - 24 months lock down, 15% every 3 months.

Incentive is capped at 25% every year which runs for 4 years, arrived based on business plan and customer acquisition rate.

Operating Budget

30% Business Development & Ops

30% Marketing and Sales

20% Admin and Operation

10% Legal and Advisory

10% Research

6.2. Utility
The Vanig ecosystem serves a purpose with far reaching implications for our economic

systems. It aims to introduce a decentralized consumer marketplace to audiences that have

little experience with cryptocurrencies and likely to have little-to-no knowledge of blockchain.

The Vanig ecosystem has expanded beyond the crypto community and focuses its activity

on broader audiences. Providing services to everyone requires niche knowledge of the

e-commerce and supply chain industry and its specifics. We have made it very simple and

straightforward for consumers to buy, earn and use Vanig tokens. The complexities of opening

and maintaining a cryptocurrency wallet are made seamless through the Vanig website and


6.3. Bounty
We are selecting several bounty programs for use with early supporters and token buyers,

we aim to introduce bounties for leading channels including: Twitter, Facebook, Medium,

Telegram, YouTube, Reddit, and Instagram. Our bounty programs have signature and avatar

campaigns for maximum outreach effect.

7. Token Velocity & Demand
7.1. Vanig Dual Token Strategy Model
Decentralized Marketplace and Supply Chain network interactions between multiple business

and/or Consumers need a token model that:

1. Provides stable Cryptoeconomic approach to exchange of tokens, goods and money

between parties

2. Retain investors to receive benefits, and, therefore

3. Mitigate the volatility and inflationary environment and generate liquidity

Proposed Solution:

1. Exchange Tokens (VANIG) - Its ERC20 token that is tradeable at crytpo exchanges

2. Utility Tokens (VNG) - Mintable ERC20 derivate token. Can be used to purchase product

on Vanig marketplace. Supply chain players like brands, sellers and logistics companies

can use to transact between them. VNG utility token is not trade-able at any Crypto


Dual Token Issuance Mechanism & Model:

Vanig uses a dual token strategy to mint a derivative token (VNG) to insulate the consumers

from VANIG token volatility and also to allow the ecosystem participants like manufacturers

and suppliers to use the platform for B2B transactions. The derivative token VNG is generated

from VANIG through a staking smart contract that locks down the users VANIG token. There
is a variable number of VNG generated determined algorithmically based on several factors

like value of VANIG, platform activity, liquidity, volume etc. The consumers and other platform

users will have the opportunity to see how many VNG tokens they will receive prior to executing

the smart contract. There will be a distinct incentive for users to pay using VNG token but the

platform will also be accepting other cryptocurrencies that will be determined at the time of

platform deployment. The advantage of this model is to mitigate the volatility and inflationary

environment and generate liquidity that might arise because of over exposure of both digital

assets and commodities in the ecosystem.

The Vanig platform usage rights by manufacturers and suppliers will be based on the staking

contract that emits a variable amount of VNG for each VANIG token. The users will also be

able to pay in ETH or other ERC20 tokens that are acceptable. To prevent inflation of VNG, a

new VNG token will be generated after its consumed for specific transaction. The lockdown

period will be based on amount of the VANIG token that’s being staked and for the duration of

the transaction. This could be used to generate liquidity for the suppliers to purchase goods

from the manufacturers or loan an asset from other suppliers. This could also be used by

consumers to shop for products at an attractive price and there would be incentives for users

to stake VANIG tokens for VNG in addition to significant reduction of transaction fees. There

would be other benefits for using VNG like chargebacks , buying credits and being eligible for
specific promotions in the ecosystem.

7.2. Organic Growth

Vanig believes we are creating a great e-commerce platform and ecosystem that will turn

profitable in Year 2 and will have YoY growth of 20 to 25% over the next few years until we

reach a 2% market share over the years, and it also means token demand goes up as well.

Our primary focus is South East Asia which is one of the fastest growing internet business

regions across the world. If required, business financial plan can be shared that will justify

these numbers.

7.3. Vanig Rewards Program

We are launching a Vanig rewards program and app that will function like Ebates but offer
higher cashback to buyers as we pass on the entire affiliate commission to the buyers. The

commissions will be paid out as Vanig tokens, Vanig will purchase Vanig tokens using the

commissions paid out by the big retailers like Amazon, Lazada, walmart and 1000s of stores.

This means a continuous demand for Vanig tokens from Vanig itself to payout customers

without major costs to Vanig as we pass on Fiat payments from retailers to consumers as

Vanig tokens. For comparison, Ebates paid $800 Million in cashback so far.

7.4. Token Burn
Vanig will burn all unsold tokens post the Token Sale in a publicly verifiable way. This will

immediately reduce the total Vanig tokens supply and make it more attractive for investors

considering all the other ways listed here for Vanig token demand.

7.5. Token Buyback

Vanig will launch in 2 South East Asian countries each year starting with Philippines and

Malaysia in Year 1 and ending with Indonesia and India in year 4. We will be profitable in year 2

onwards with profit (before tax) of $8M, $10.2M and 13.8 M in 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Vanig will use 20% of the quarterly profits to buyback Vanig tokens from the most liquid

exchange. We will continue the buyback every quarter to ensure overall tokens in circulation

decreases and demand, price increase.

8. Team
The Vanig team is driven and have been working tirelessly to realize the idea that is Vanig into

a solution and hope to build it into the product and ecosystem we envisioned.

As Margaret Mead once said -

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens

can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Here is the Vanig Team.

Executive team

Prem Sekaran Vinod Kumar Dan Ramirez

Co-Founder Co-Founder CEO

Prem is an IT leader and Vinod is an Visionary, high performing, Dan has very strong experience
entrepreneur, with over a decade results-oriented Entrepreneur and scaling organizations in software
of experience in Retail and executive Leader that builds and and blockchain development.
E-Commerce. He is passionate inspires loyal, high performance, cross- Industries include security,
about Tech, Automation, AI, Process functional global teams that drive identity, financial, institutional and
efficiencies in the Retail space. for results who has over 10+ years of government for more than 20 years.

Philip Abraham Geofrey Rainey Lars Lima

Chief Strategy Officer CTO CCO

Phil has a long list of accomplishments Geof has over 15 years experience As CCO, Lars manages the overall
ranging from creating one of the architecting, designing, implementing marketing and go to market
world’s top supply chain management and supporting enterprise strategy for Vanig. Lars carries
systems — Manugistics to playing systems, a specialist in design and a MSc in International business
instrumental roles in companies like implementation of decentralized peer- management and has a history in
General Motors & Kmart. to-peer networks and technology. sales and marketing.

Brett Brodbeck Vishal Nigam

Don Quatiere
Chief Solution Architect BlockChain
VP Investor Relations

Don is a supply chain innovator whose Dr. Brodbeck is Physician, Vishal is serving as the Chairman of
products established high-value Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, the Indian Blockchain Council. He has
industry footholds for global leaders, and Educator with a passion for been working and designing products
SMEs, and disruptive entrants. He new advances in healthcare and which can leverage Blockchain
helps us build a sound Supply Chain technology. At Vanig, he helps us Technology and efficiently solve
ecosystem. build our investor relationships. problems while reducing costs.

Thomas Copeland
Digital Marketing

Thomas is a Digital Marketing

Director with a demonstrated
history of working in the marketing
and advertising industry. He is
skilled in team organization and


David Drake Paddy Tan Alan Wong

Board Advisor Product Strategist Market Strategist

David Drake is Founder and Paddy is a technology, startup and Alan is a respected ecosystem
Chairman at LDJ Capital, a multi- e-commerce strategist, with vast builder, business advisor and
family office which deals in funds experience working with startups serial entrepreneur with a unique
worldwide with over $1.5 trillion in mentoring and guiding them to combination of experiences in
assets. David holds an MBA in Finance success. both large organizations and
from George Washington University entrepreneurial start-ups.

Syed Ali Ridha

Jim Cocallas Hans Choi Madihid
PR Advisor Blockchain Expert Supply Chain
Strategist - Asia

Jim is involved with projects like Hans is a blockchain developer. His Ali is the head of Supply Chain
airport development, logistics, experience ranges from system Strategy - Asia at Vanig. Ali
crypto, and publishing. As a business analysis, design, development, to brings his vast Supply Chain and
owner he brings 30+ years of process modeling. Hans focuses on Operations expertise in Asia to Vanig
practical “hands on” experience to payment gateways, blockchains and guide us through the crucial
the Vanig team. with foreign companies. region for us.

Destiny Aigbe
Jeremy Khoo Glen Liu Zhenquan
General Counsel /
Retail Strategist Token Economist
Securities Counsel

Jeremy is the retail strategist at Glen has overseen business Destiny represents issuers,
Vanig. He is Group CEO of iFashion development, accounts servicing, underwriters, and placement agents in
Group, an entrepreneur and strategy planning and client private and public securities offerings.
a strategist. He will help Vanig acquisition for over 6+ years. As a Destiny specializes in securities and
manage and coordinate our retail token economist for Vanig he will advising securities law, guides Vanig
plans and strategy. help us at Vanig with maintaining the on all legal aspects.
demand of the vanig token.


Gaurav Bhadula Prashant Kandwal

Platform Development Lead Platform Architect

Mahendra Panchal Priyank Jani

Sr. Blockchain Developer Blockchain Consultant

Karan Shah Mukesh Bisht

Platform Developer Platform Developer

9. Our Partners
Token Sale Partners

Busniess Partners

10. Roadmap
Here are the key upcoming milestones in the roadmap, full roadmap view is shown in the next


Our MVP is getting ready, the whitepaper is ready and has been published in our


Our Token Generation Event and the public sale event is scheduled for July 2018.

In December 2018, we plan to release the Vanig 1.0 as an e-commerce platform; and

the mobile version will follow early next year.

The two major milestones for 2019 are onboarding of various players into the ecosystem

and launching the Pilot in Philippines & Malaysia by end of 2019.

MAR 2017
Vanig concept is born

MAY 2017
Core team was formed, Business process and
Technology solution framework created
JUN 2017
E-Commerce Development kicked off

DEC 2017
Build Smart Contract and Blockchain components
FEB 2018
Integration between E-Commerce and

JULY 2018
VANIG Token Generation Event
DEC 2018
Launch E-Commerce Alpha Version ecosystem
- Open up registration for Vanig team &
MAR 2019
Mobile App Launch and On-board up to 1000 Supply
JUN 2019 Chain Asia Manufacturers/Sellers to Ecosystem
Pilot Vanig e-Commerce to Asia -
Philippines & Malaysia Consumers for Health,
Home & Beauty Categories
SEP 2019
Expand categories to Apparels, Electronics & Toys;
On-board 5000 Sellers to ecosystem
DEC 2019
Launch Vanig to Malaysia;
Vanig 2.0 Product release

JUN 2020
Launch of Singapore 10,000 Sellers to Ecosystem

DEC 2020
Hong Kong Launch, Vanig 3.0 Product release

JUN 2021
Vanig Launch in Indonesia
DEC 2021
India Launch

JUN 2022
On-board 25,000 Sellers to Ecosystem

JUN 2024
On-board 100,000 Sellers followed by rest of world subsequent roll outs - US, UK, Germany,
France, South Korea, Canada, Russia, Brazil & Japan

11. Financial Projections
Vanig will be profitable in 2020 (year 2 of operation).

We aim to capture 1 % of the SEA e-commerce market by 2022, generating revenue of over

$32 M in 2022. The YoY growth once we are profitable would be 25-30%.

12. Conclusion
We built Vanig, the world’s first integrated supply chain e-commerce ecosystem powered by

blockchain technology. Vanig is set to change the world of supply chains and e-commerce by

simplifying processes, creating transparency, reducing costs and eliminating intermediaries,

and above all giving customers a very trustworthy shopping experience.

We are integrating and operating with major e-commerce stores and platforms. We are

integrating and connecting to major supply chains and bring onboard manufacturers,

wholesalers, distribution, and retailers.

Vanig has and will continue to help more players participate in the online e-commerce boom,

creating wealth and experiences for everyone.


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