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The Effect of Music on Cognitive Performance:

Insight From Neurobiological and Animal Studies

Article in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews · January 2006

DOI: 10.1177/1534582305285869 · Source: PubMed


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Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews

The Effect of Music on Cognitive Performance: Insight From Neurobiological and Animal Studies
Nikki S. Rickard, Samia R. Toukhsati and Simone E. Field
Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev 2005 4: 235
DOI: 10.1177/1534582305285869

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The Effect of Music on Cognitive Performance:

Insight From Neurobiological and Animal Studies

Nikki S. Rickard
Samia R. Toukhsati
Simone E. Field
School of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine, Monash University, Australia

The past 50 years have seen numerous claims that music expo- odological weaknesses. In the few cases where compel-
sure enhances human cognitive performance. Critical evalua- ling data have been obtained, there is urgent need of
tion of studies across a variety of contexts, however, reveals replication. There has also been extensive speculation
important methodological weaknesses. The current article on the mechanisms by which music might impact cogni-
argues that an interdisciplinary approach is required to ad- tive processes. This question has contributed to some of
vance this research. A case is made for the use of appropriate ani- the most exciting theoretical work in music psychology,
mal models to avoid many confounds associated with human with implications for topics ranging from neurobiology
music research. Although such research has validity limitations of emotions (Panksepp, 1998) to evolutionary psychol-
for humans, reductionist methodology enables a more controlled ogy (Wallin, Merker, & Brown, 2000). However, specific
exploration of music’s elementary effects. This article also ex- hypotheses on the neurobiological mechanisms medi-
plores candidate mechanisms for this putative effect. A review of ating cognitive-enhancing effects of music are rare.
neurobiological evidence from human and comparative animal The current article will review a selection of work per-
studies confirms that musical stimuli modify autonomic and taining to these issues within music neuroscience. A posi-
neurochemical arousal indices, and may also modify synaptic tion will be presented that animal research can shed
plasticity. It is proposed that understanding how music affects light on a number of shady impasses that currently exist,
animals provides a valuable conjunct to human research and providing a novel and innovative solution. It will be
may be vital in uncovering how music might be used to enhance argued that confounds inherent in much of the human
cognitive performance. music psychology work can—for specific research ques-
tions—be circumvented by using appropriate animal
models. Furthermore, exploration of mechanisms
Key Words: cognition, emotion, animal model, mem- underlying behavioral effects can often be more direct
ory, spatial performance, music therapy, music train- and controlled within the animal research paradigm.
ing, underlying mechanisms, arousal The conclusions drawn from such data are clearly lim-
ited in their ethological validity for humans. Nonethe-
The potential for music to influence cognitive perfor- less, it will be argued that this in itself is of considerable
value: How animals respond to music tells us much
mance has intrigued researchers, therapists, and educa-
tors. The appeal of a “treatment” that is enjoyable, has a about the more “direct” effects of music on the brain and
very low risk of side effects, and is in most scenarios inex- can distinguish what might be distinctively “human”
pensive is undeniable. Music has been used in an from more fundamental effects of music that we might
attempt to ameliorate memory loss in demented
patients, to assist language acquisition in learning- Authors’ Note: We would like to dedicate this review to Emeritus Pro-
impaired children, and to enhance students’ academic fessor Kim T. Ng. An inspirational mentor and friend; we are grateful
performance in examinations. Nevertheless, the claim for the rhythm he provided to which each of us now composes.
that music can have a significant impact on cognitive per- Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews
formance lacks stability on both empirical and theoreti- Volume 4 Number 4, December 2005 235-261
DOI: 10.1177/1534582305285869
cal grounds. To date, the data in support of the claim are © 2005 Sage Publications
sparse and, in many cases, unconvincing owing to meth-

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share with other species. A comparative discussion of Morricone for 5 min) in comparison to silence in under-
how animals respond to music will provide the basis for graduate students. More recently, Thompson, Moulin,
whether a “bottom-up” approach to this research Hayre, and Jones (2005) found that exposure to Vivaldi’s
question is feasible. Four Seasons (Winter) during a category fluency task im-
proved performance of both healthy older adults and
HUMAN STUDIES Alzheimer’s patients. It should be noted, however, that
appropriate controls (for instance, for different types of
Effect of Music on Cognitive music) were not incorporated into many of these
Performance in Humans studies, nor was the possible impact of music preference
Passive Exposure
Spatial performance. The most publicized, albeit highly
The effect of passive exposure to music on cognitive controversial, claim that exposure to stimulative music
performance has been explored for decades. Although facilitates cognitive performance derives from a tran-
deleterious effects have been observed (e.g., Fogelson, sient enhancement of spatial-temporal reasoning
1973; North & Hargreaves, 1999), the majority of studies observed following exposure to a specific Mozart piano
that have used music in a manner that does not compete sonata (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993, 1995). Rauscher and
for attentional resources have demonstrated either no colleagues found that a Mozart sonata for two pianos
impairment (e.g., Wolf & Weiner, 1972) or a facilitatory enhanced performance on an abstract/spatial reason-
effect of music on performance. Facilitatory effects have ing task from the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale when
been reported for a range of cognitive tasks, includ- compared with silence, a relaxation tape (Rauscher et
ing general intelligence tests (Cockerton, Moore, & al., 1993), a short story, minimalist music, or dance music
Norman, 1997), examination performance (Schreiber, (Rauscher et al., 1995). This finding was replicated in a
1988), arithmetic performance (Abikoff, Courtney, number of studies (Rideout, 1997; Rideout, Dougherty,
Szeibel, & Koplewicz, 1996; Hallam, Price, & Katsarou, & Wernert, 1998; Wilson & Brown, 1997; see review by
2002; Miller & Schyb, 1989), and reading comprehen- Hetland, 2000), and with similarly complex music by
sion (Etaugh & Michals, 1975; Etaugh & Ptasnik, 1982; other composers including Yanni (Rideout et al., 1998),
Hilliard & Tolin, 1979; Stanton, 1975). For instance, Bach (Ivanov & Geake, 2003), and Schubert (Nantais &
Abikoff et al. (1996) found a significant improvement Schellenberg, 1999). The effect also appears to have
in arithmetic performance in children with attention clinical significance because Alzheimer’s patients per-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder during exposure to pre- formed significantly better on a visual-spatial task follow-
ferred music relative to silence or speech conditions. ing exposure to a Mozart sonata than following silence
Schreiber (1988) found that college students exposed to (Johnson, Shaw, Vuong, Vuong, & Cotman, 2002) or
rock music for the first 20 min of each class achieved sig- 1930s popular tunes (Johnson, Cotman, Tasaki, & Shaw,
nificantly higher examination grades than did students 1998). Support for the “Mozart effect” has not, however,
in the silent control condition. Response time on a driv- been unanimous owing to equivocal replicability of the
ing simulation computer program was also significantly findings. Although it can be argued that some studies
faster in the presence of both high- and low-intensity (e.g., Carstens, Huskins, & Hounshell, 1995;
dance music (Beh & Hirst, 1999). McCutcheon, 2000; Newman et al., 1995; Stough,
Research has also demonstrated cognitive-enhancing Kerkin, Bates, & Mangan, 1994) have not adequately
effects of exposure to anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) or replicated the original methodology to challenge the
“sedative” music. For example, Stainback, Stainback, effect (Rauscher & Shaw, 1998), fairly strict adherence to
and Hallahan (1973) found that exposure to calming the procedure used in the original studies has also
background music (Air for the G String by J. S. Bach) yielded some null effects (Steele, 2001; Steele, Bass, &
enhanced learning in educable mild to moderately men- Crook, 1999; see review by Chabris, 1999).
tally challenged students. Davidson and Powell (1986) Thompson, Schellenberg, and Husain (2001) found
also found that exposure to “easy listening music” (char- that spatial performance was significantly better follow-
acterized by nonpercussive melodic sequences over ing exposure to Mozart’s piano sonata in comparison to
nondissonant choral structures) during a science class an Albinoni adagio or silence. However, they argued,
significantly increased the time fifth-grade children and later demonstrated, that this difference was due to
spent engaged in academic activities. In confirmation, differences in participants’ mood and arousal levels
Cockerton et al. (1997) found that cognitive perfor- (Schellenberg, Nakata, Hunter, & Tamoto, in press). In
mance was significantly enhanced during exposure to support of their hypothesis, spatial-temporal perfor-
background classical music (Chi Mai by Ennio mance was found to depend on the tempo (which is asso-

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ciated with arousal) and mode (which is associated with illustrate some evidence of an enhancing effect of expo-
mood) of the Mozart sonata, with better performance sure to music on memory in children with normal cogni-
following a fast rather than slow version, and when the tive capacity. For example, Morton, Kershner, and Siegel
sonata was in major rather than minor mode (Husain, (1990) found that exposure to popular music prior to
Thompson, & Schellenberg, 2002). A similar effect has learning facilitated memory capacity and reduced
also been reported when participants enjoyed listening distractability for a verbal dichotic listening task in male
to a Stephen King novel (Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999) children in comparison to performance following
or the popular music band Blur (Schellenberg & Hal- silence. Hallam et al. (2002) found that primary school
lam, in press). Finally, a similar improvement in a pro- children performed significantly better on a cued recall
cessing speed task was also observed following exposure memory task in the presence of background calming
to music by Mozart (Schellenberg, Nakata, et al., in music than in the presence of background music per-
press). This task generalization suggests that the effect is ceived as unpleasant and aggressive, or silence. Recall
not limited to spatial-temporal performance and may processes, however, appear to be generally impaired or
in fact simply be an interesting example of the well- unaffected by music presented prior to encoding
established arousal-performance relationship (Berlyne, (Hirokawa, 2004), during learning (Belsham &
1967; Naatanen, 1973). Harman, 1977; Boyle & Coltheart, 1996; Crawford &
As previously indicated, and in opposition to this Strapp, 1994; Furnham & Allass, 1999; Sousou, 1997;
arousal-mood hypothesis, cognitive performance (in- Thaut & de I’Etoile, 1993), or during retention testing
cluding spatial-temporal performance) can also be en- (Nittono, 1997), particularly if the music comprises a
hanced by anxiolytic music (Cockerton et al., 1997; vocal component (Salamé & Baddeley, 1989).
Hallam et al., 2002; Stainback et al., 1973; Thompson In contrast, music exposure appears to more consis-
et al., 2005). For instance, Borling (1981) found perfor- tently enhance memory in cognitively impaired popula-
mance on a paper-and-pencil maze test to be signifi- tions, with positive findings when the music stimulus is
cantly better following sedative music (Debussy’s G minor presented prior to (Isern, 1960; Lord & Garner, 1993;
String Quartet) than stimulative music (Wagner’s Ride of Prickett & Moore, 1991) and during (Shehan, 1981;
the Valkyries). Interestingly, coincident electroencephalo- Staples, 1968) learning, and with a range of music types.
graph (EEG) measurements showed no difference in For example, Foster and Valentine (1998, 2001) found
alpha band activity following exposure to the stimula- that exposure to music, regardless of whether it was
tive and sedative music. It is possible, therefore, that familiar or novel to participants, facilitated autobio-
some other attribute of the music, such as its capacity to graphical recall in individuals with mild to moderate
promote a positive mood, accounts for the cognitive- dementia in comparison to performance following
enhancing effect of nonarousing music. exposure to a quiet control condition or cafeteria noise.
Regardless of the explanation, the finding that music— Exposure to “Big Band” music has also been shown to
in certain conditions, such as when it is enjoyed—can improve autobiographical memory recall, mood, alert-
facilitate cognitive performance is undeniably of consid- ness, and sociability in Alzheimer’s patients (Lord &
erable psychological interest. Despite public misinter- Garner, 1993; Sambandham & Schirm, 1995). Moreover,
pretation and mythologizing about the “Mozart effect” those experiencing the severest impairments evidenced
(Bangerter & Heath, 2004), there has never been any the greatest improvements.
empirical claim that the effect is specific to music by Children with learning disabilities have also demon-
Mozart. The remaining scientific controversy surround- strated improvements in memory task performance fol-
ing this effect tends to relate to the underlying mecha- lowing music exposure. Shehan (1981) found that a
nism, rather than its existence (albeit of small effect combination of music/visual or verbal/visual teaching
size). (The evidence for affective and arousal-related strategies facilitated short-term retention of a paired-
mediation of music-induced cognitive benefits is further associate learning task in children with learning disabili-
explored in the section “Affective Mediation”). ties. Similarly, Staples (1968) investigated the effects of
Learning and memory. There has also been a keen inter- exposure to music on retention in 15 mild to moderately
est in the effect of music on learning and memory, learning-impaired children, using paired-associate tasks.
largely because of the reported benefits of music expo- The findings showed that recall for words embedded
sure or therapy for clinical populations with memory within an isochronous rhythm was significantly en-
impairments (see also the section “Music Therapy”). hanced in comparison to the quiet control condition.
Empirical research on such populations has not been Moderating factors. Music is a multidimensional stimu-
extensive and is largely confined to short-term memory lus, comprising a variety of musical elements (e.g.,
processes. The available literature does, however, rhythm, melody, harmony, timbre, form), as well as

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extra-musical variables relating to an individual’s inter- their basal arousal levels), inconsistencies across studies
action with the piece (e.g., personality, musical prefer- may be reduced and the facilitative effects of music on
ence, musical training, mood, and familiarity). It is not memory become more evident.
yet clear which characteristics of music are essential for There have also been efforts to determine whether
any cognitive-enhancing effects, and methodological certain characteristics of the music itself are responsible
variations in experimental procedure can influence this for the cognitive gains caused by music treatments. In
relationship. Inconsistencies in findings may, for fact, it has been suggested that research on effects of
instance, be the result of differences in (a) the extent to music would benefit from a more “pharmaceutical”
which music was presented obtrusively, (b) the time at approach, whereby the critical ingredients and dosage
which music was presented relative to the task, (c) the are sought (Spintge & Droh, 1992). For instance, the
type of music stimulus, with familiar music tending to be intensity (or “loudness”) at which music is presented has
related to distraction, and (d) characteristics specific to been found to influence task performance. Norton
the listener (Baugh & Baugh, 1965). Music can therefore (1971) found that sixth graders performed better on ver-
be an unwieldy stimulus to subject to rigorous scientific bal tasks when exposed to loud music (71-90 dB),
testing. A recurring limitation in human experimental whereas general academic and creative task perfor-
studies on the effect of music on cognitive performance mance was better in the presence of soft music (51-70
is the difficulty of controlling variables that are not of dB). Turner, Fernandez, and Nelson (1996) found that
central interest to that study. It is usually impossible to motor reaction time was quicker in the presence of
exclude them from the study, because music is at risk of music played at a “comfortable” (70 dBA) volume than at
losing its “musicality” if it is reduced to its component softer (60 dBA) or louder (80 dBA) volumes.
elements (e.g., rhythm, melody). Furthermore, extra- Tempo also appears to be a key component of
music factors such as familiarity and preference are cognitive-enhancing music. Mayfield and Moss (1989)
intrinsic to the human music experience, and it is unre- found that exposure to slow music (60 bpm) impaired
alistic to expect that the influence of such variables on performance of simple transposition and arithmetic
each participant will be identical. Human responses to problems, whereas performance in the presence of fast
music are highly idiosyncratic, and differences in rock music (140 bpm) was similar to that under silence.
preference for, emotional responses to, and associations In contrast, errors (violations) made on a driving simula-
with a music piece will inevitably differ across listeners. tion task were significantly greater in the presence of fast
One means of overcoming this limitation in human (120-140 bpm) music than in the presence of slow (40-70
studies is to give greater attention to the variety of music- bpm) music (Brodsky, 2002). Nittono, Tsuda, and
related and extra-musical variables that influence indi- Nakajima (2000) reported that cognitive performance
vidual responses to music (Hallam et al., 2002; Thaut, was significantly better when participants were exposed
1990). Accordingly, several studies have directly mea- to fast (158 bpm) in comparison to slow (60 bpm) classi-
sured potentially moderating variables in an effort to cal music. However, the effects of exposure to fast (158
account for their impact. The efficacy of this strategy is bpm) or slow (60 bpm) metronome tones on task perfor-
demonstrated well by studies that have measured how mance were undifferentiated, suggesting that tempo
personality interacts with the effect of music on perfor- interacts with other music factors, such as stimulus type
mance. Utilizing a mixed factorial design, Furnham and or preference. Finally, reading comprehension of high
Allass (1999) assessed extraversion/introversion using school students was found to be better in the presence of
Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire, and then pre- Vangelis’ To an Unknown Man, which is repetitive and has
sented complex rock music, simple rock music, or a limited tonal range, than in the presence of silence or
silence during a nonverbal learning task. Introverts Emerson, Lake, and Palmer’s Toccata, which is complex
recalled more during the no-music condition than dur- in terms of both dissonance and rhythm (Kiger, 1989).
ing either music condition. In contrast, extraverts re- The cognitive-enhancing effect of music therefore
called more with either type of music than during appears to also depend on music complexity, although
silence. Similarly, Crawford and Strapp (1994) found this factor is likely to interact with other factors, such as
that introverts preferred to study and displayed signifi- task complexity, as well.
cantly higher recall in silence than with popular music
Music Therapy
playing. This is consistent with Eysenck’s theory that
extraverts seek out further stimulation to perform at Music therapy is the planned application of music to
their optimum levels in that their level of cortical arousal improve social, emotional, physical, and/or intellectual
is lower than that of introverts (Eysenck, 1976). More- functioning in populations experiencing dysfunction of
over, these studies indicate that when participants are some type (Bright, 1992; Snyder & Chlan, 1999). It has
differentiated on the basis of personality (and indirectly, been used in conjunction with conventional medicines

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in a variety of clinical populations, particularly in special performance, particularly in the developing brain. The
education (Wager, 2000), gerontology, and rehabilita- effects of music training on academic abilities, such as lit-
tion programs (Aldridge, 1995), and is claimed to aid in eracy and numeracy, have been widely studied in chil-
the treatment and management of neurological dis- dren receiving regular music lessons compared with
orders (Smith, 1986). those who do not. The type of music training has typi-
Empirical support for the utility of music therapy in cally been either Kodály lessons (which emphasize sing-
challenging cognitive impairment is, however, limited ing and listening accurately, use of hand signals, and
(e.g., Aldridge, 1995), and much of the evidence to sup- structured learning of music notation and rhythmic pat-
port its use is derived from anecdotal reports, case stud- terns) or private instrumental lessons (chiefly key-
ies, or clinical observations (Brotons, Koger, & Pickett- board). Mathematical performance was found to be
Cooper, 1997). For example, using a single case study improved in 6-year-old children given Kodály music
design, Baur, Uttner, Ilmberger, and Gunther (2000) training for 7 months (Gardiner, Fox, Knowles, & Jeffrey,
found that a female participant with severe declarative 1996) and in second grade children given 6 months of
memory deficits showed strong recognition for song piano lessons (Graziano, Peterson, & Shaw, 1999).
titles that had been paired with their respective melo- Cheek and Smith (1999) also found mathematical per-
dies. Similarly, using a small sample of elderly individuals formance to be significantly better in students who had
diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Carruth had 2 years of private music lessons than those who had
(1997) suggested that music therapy improved face rec- not received music lessons. With regard to literacy, pri-
ognition ability. However, given that improvements were mary school children (mean age 7 years) receiving
observed in only 4 of the 7 participants exposed to Kodály classes 5 days a week for approximately 40 min
music, further confirmation is required. Therefore, per session were found to perform significantly better on
although such studies can provide a rich source of qual- reading tests than matched students not receiving
itative data that can complement interpretation of Kodály instruction (Hurwitz, Wolff, Bortnick, & Kokas,
quantitative findings, recommendations for the use of 1975). Prekindergarten children receiving regular
music therapy based solely on such studies would be music lessons performed better on prereading and
premature. writing skills compared to children who received no
Few rigorous experimental studies investigating the music lessons (Standley & Hughes, 1997).
utility of music as a therapeutic intervention have been An increase in general intelligence (IQ) has also been
undertaken. Smith (1986) found that performance on associated with music training (Costa-Giomi, 1999;
the Mini-Mental State Examination by female partici- Lynn, Wilson, & Gault, 1989; Schellenberg, 2004). In
pants diagnosed with AD was significantly improved fol- one of the most convincing studies in this field,
lowing musically cued reminiscence, verbally cued remi- Schellenberg (2004) evaluated the effects of a 36-week
niscence, or music activity. Kumar et al. (1999) found a music program (keyboard or voice) on general IQ in 6-
reduction in stress, as indexed by blood serum levels of year-old children. Children were randomly allocated to
arousal hormones, following 20 music therapy sessions groups, and control groups received either no addi-
in male participants diagnosed with AD. However, nei- tional lessons or drama lessons, which involved similar
ther study included nontherapeutic controls with which nonmusic skills as the music lessons (for instance, with
to compare the effects of the intervention, making it dif- students having to devote time to practice and develop
ficult to exclude a Hawthorne effect (that is, where intro- their memorization ability). The findings revealed that
duction of nonspecific factors relating to the research is children receiving either keyboard music lessons or
responsible for the observed change). In addition, Kodály voice training lessons showed significantly
music therapy research has suffered from poorly oper- greater improvements in general IQ than did children
ationalized dependent variables and insufficient control receiving drama lessons or no lessons. Children with
of moderating variables that relate to the population learning disabilities have also demonstrated improve-
receiving therapy (Koger, Chapin, & Brotons, 1999). ments in memory following music training. For exam-
Nevertheless, there seems to be a sufficient groundswell ple, Ross (1971) found that involvement in a 6-week spe-
of positive findings in this field to justify further research cialized music education program utilizing Kodály
of this type (Brotons & Marti, 2003; Hanser, 1985; methods significantly facilitated paired-associate learn-
Sambandham & Schirm, 1995; Savarimuthu & Bunnell, ing in learning-impaired children. Keyboard instruction
2002; Watkins, 1997). has been shown to enhance spatial-temporal task perfor-
mance in children enrolled in kindergarten to third
Music Training grade (Graziano et al., 1999; Rauscher, 2002), bene-
fits from which were shown to persist for up to 2 years
A substantive body of research has accumulated on
(Costa-Giomi, 1999). Interestingly, the type of cognitive
the impact of music training and education on cognitive

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task amenable to improvement by music instruction has Neurobiological Mechanisms

been shown to vary. For example, children aged between Underlying the Effect of Music on
4 and 6 years who received 30 weeks of Kindermusik for Cognitive Performance in Humans
Young Children performed significantly better than con-
The claim that music enhances cognitive perfor-
trol children in abstract reasoning, but not in pattern
mance can also be explored via an examination of poten-
analysis or vocabulary scores (Bilhartz, Bruhn, & Olson,
tial mediators. If music can be shown to influence physi-
1999), and therefore it is advisable that researchers
ological or psychological mechanisms that are known to
adopt multiple dependent measures in studies of this
affect cognitive performance, then it can be inferred
that music has at least the potential to influence cogni-
Although this avenue of research is promising, there
tive performance. Although there are numerous psycho-
are major caveats that limit the conclusions that can be
logical explanations for this relationship, for instance,
drawn from the majority of music training studies. First,
exposure to music might focus attention, reduce distrac-
many of the designs are correlational, generating spuri-
tion, or enhance motivation for performing a certain
ous relationships between music training and cognitive
task, a primarily neurobiological approach will be taken
performance. Accordingly, better performance of
to address this question here.
music-trained children than musically untrained coun-
terparts may be due to a third common factor, such as Affective Mediation
higher socioeconomic status of parents, advanced
resources or extracurricular activities provided by the One of the most defining features of music is its capac-
school, or higher prior IQ, rather than to music training. ity to induce strong emotions in listeners (Abeles &
As with research that explores passive music exposure Chung, 1996; Gabrielsson, 2001), the impact of which is
and music therapy, research on the potential benefits of perceived both physically and mentally (Panzarella,
music training must either exclude the contribution of 1980). The central method of expression in music tends
such potentially confounding factors or use an experi- to be affective rather than referential, and modulation
mental design in which children of similar socio- or experience of emotion is one of the primary reasons
economic status, baseline ability, and curriculum are people give for listening to music (Konecni, 1982;
a l l o c a t e d to th e m u s i c an d c o n t r o l g r o u p s Sloboda, 1992; Sloboda & O’Neill, 2001). Whereas
(Schellenberg, 2004). Tolstoy labeled music “the shorthand of emotion,”
Second, many of the experimental studies have inade- cognitivists deny that music actually induces emotions in
quate control conditions. That is, they provide music les- listeners (Kivy, 1989, 1990; Langer, 1942). The evidence
sons to some children and compare their performance from lesion, imaging, EEG, and dichotic listening tasks,
with that of children not given music lessons (e.g., Costa- however, challenges this position, suggesting that musi-
Giomi, 1999; Hetland, 2000; Hietolahti-Ansten & cally induced emotions are real and processed in a simi-
Kalliopuska, 1990). Any difference could be attributable lar way to nonmusical emotions. In particular, the right
to a Hawthorne effect, whereby introduction of a new hemisphere appears to play a greater role than the left
teacher, an increase in teacher attention, or motivation hemisphere in the interpretation of emotions in music
to work toward a performance goal is responsible for the (Blood, Zatorre, Bermudez, & Evans, 1999) as observed
change rather than the music training per se. It is impor- with nonmusic emotions (e.g., Adolphs, Damasio,
tant that control conditions comprise similarly engaging Tranel, & Damasio, 1996; Blonder, Bowers, & Heilman,
and novel activities to enable exclusion of such con- 1991; Ley & Bryden, 1979, 1982; McKeever & Dixon,
founds in interpretation (Schellenberg, 2001). The use 1981; Safer & Leventhal, 1977; Tucker, Watson, &
of appropriate controls also enables conclusions to be Heilman, 1977). As with processing of nonmusical emo-
drawn about the mechanism underlying any effect. For tions (Gainotti, 1972; Silberman & Weingarter, 1986),
instance, many of the skills associated with music train- there are also data indicating that lateralization of pro-
ing (e.g., disciplined practice, memory, teamwork, cessing musical emotions may depend on valence
pride, and so on) are likely to be shared by a suitable con- (Altenmüller, Schürmann, Lim, & Parlitz, 2002; Blood &
trol activity. Should music training produce benefits not Zatorre, 2001; Gagnon & Peretz, 2000; Schmidt &
shared by another similarly engaging activity, then sup- Trainor, 2001; Tsang, Trainor, Santesso, Tasker, &
port is lent to theories of more “direct” effects of the Schmidt, 2001), particularly when participants are asked
music on cognitive processes (see Leng & Shaw, 1991; to focus on the experienced feeling evoked by the music
and “Neuronal Network Priming”). (Blood & Zatorre, 2001; Schmidt & Trainor, 2001).
If music enhances cognitive performance via affective
modification, then concomitant changes should also be

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observed in autonomic indices of arousal (Rickard, logical responses (Abeles & Chung, 1996; Gabrielsson,
2004; Scherer & Zentner, 2001; Trainor & Schmidt, 2001; McMullen, 1996). This has been attempted in iso-
2003). Arousal is a primary dimension of emotion in lated cases, for instance, with regard to personality
both nonmusical (Russell, 1979, 1980) and musical emo- (Crawford & Strapp, 1994; Furnham & Allass, 1999; Ries,
tions (North & Hargreaves, 1997; Ritossa & Rickard, 1969), musical training (Vanderark & Ely, 1992), and
2004; Schubert, 1999). The effect of emotional arousal features of the music itself (Panksepp, 1995; Sloboda,
on cognitive performance has been well established in 1991). Sloboda, for instance, lists melodic appoggiaturas
the nonmusical domain (e.g., Cahill, Gorski, & Le, 2003; (or “leaning notes”) and new harmonies as important
Cahill & McGaugh, 1998; Cahill, Prins, Weber, & predictors of emotional response in listeners. The prac-
McGaugh, 1994; Hamann, Ely, Grafton, & Kilts, 1999; ticality, however, of measuring an adequate range of
O’Carroll, Drysdale, Cahill, Shajahan, & Ebmeier, 1999; such variables is countered by the sample size that would
Quevedo et al., 2003). For example, recall of material is be required for meaningful statistical analysis. A second
significantly improved when associated with emotional approach to limiting the impact of the overwhelming
arousal in both normal (Cahill et al., 2003) and memory- variability between listeners is to enhance the signal-to-
impaired participants (Kazui et al., 2000). The level of noise ratio, so that the emotional response to music is
arousal at both the time of learning (e.g., Humphreys & salient among other responses. Utilizing pieces of music
Revelle, 1984) and retrieval (Eysenck, 1976) is thought selected by the participants rather than experimenters
to be critical in memory processing. Schellenberg and increases the likelihood that the participant will elicit
colleagues convincingly demonstrated that improve- an intense emotional response that may be sufficiently
ments in spatial temporal performance following passive marked to stand out, despite interactions with other vari-
exposure to music (see “Spatial Performance” section) ables. This approach has been used with some success in
are likely to be attributable to listeners’ enjoyment of the a limited number of studies. Rickard (2004), for
piece, and thus mediated by increased arousal (Husain instance, found significant increases in skin conduc-
et al., 2002; Nantais & Schellenberg, 1999; Schellenberg, tance and number of chills in response to participant-
2001; Schellenberg & Hallam, in press; Schellenberg, selected “emotionally powerful” pieces. Much smaller
Nakata, et al., in press; Thompson et al., 2001). It is possi- increases in these measures were observed in response
ble then that the increased physiological arousal associ- to a nonemotional, but arousing, music piece or an emo-
ated with experiencing emotions is responsible for any tionally powerful nonmusical piece (film scene), sug-
effects of music on cognitive performance. gesting that music may indeed be an extremely powerful
Autonomic nervous system responses. Numerous studies elicitor of emotions. “Chills” (or goosebumps, an index
have demonstrated autonomic nervous system re- of autonomic arousal) appear to be robustly elicited
sponses to a range of emotion-inducing pieces of music when the methodology enables participants to select
(see Bartlett, 1996, for review). Skin conductance, in their own piece of music (Blood & Zatorre, 2001;
particular, appears to be a useful indicator of musically Gabrielsson, 2001; Goldstein, 1980; Panksepp, 1995;
induced emotional arousal (Khalfa, Peretz, Blondin, & Rickard, 2004). On the other hand, the use of participant-
Manon, 2002; Rickard, 2004; Vanderark & Ely, 1992, selected music greatly reduces the opportunity to
1993). Despite some promising findings, however, the observe the impact of various music elements in any sys-
weight of contradictory or null findings is of concern. tematic way, because the combination of these elements
Given the limited sensitivity of autonomic indices as will differ widely across participants.
measures of emotion, particularly because many studies A third approach is to explore a wide range of auto-
average responses over time, it is not surprising that the nomic indices across a great number of musical stimuli
impact of extraneous variables might often be larger varying in affective tone. Using this methodology,
than that of the music. On the other hand, owing to their Krumhansl (1997) observed a different pattern of auto-
immediacy, these indices are quite specific to emotional nomic responses depending on the type of emotional
responses. This is in contrast to measurement of emo- response elicited by the music. She found that “sad”
tional processing in the brain, which is subject to greater musical excerpts were associated with decreases in
interference from nonaffective processing, such as theo- skin conductance level, increased blood pressure,
retical analysis of the music or recall of associations with and slower heart rate, whereas “happy” pieces caused
the piece (Peretz, 2001). greater changes in respiration measures. Importantly,
There is still a clear need for improved methodology Krumhansl monitored physiological responses to music
in this area of research. One solution has been to mea- excerpts continuously (second-by-second), which is an
sure extraneous variables (personal, musical, and situa- additional means of enhancing data accuracy (see also
tional) that may interact with music to influence physio- Harrer & Harrer, 1977). Nyklicek, Thayer, and Van

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Doornen (1997) also found that “happy,” “sad,” music. However, because the detail of this component of
“serene,” and “agitated” music could be differentiated Harrer and Harrer’s research is minimal, it is difficult to
by respiratory and chronotropic indices. These “auto- evaluate its conclusiveness.
nomic signatures” (Trainor & Schmidt, 2003) are consis- A number of studies have measured transmitters or
tent with findings from research with nonmusical emo- their metabolites in urine, blood, or saliva during or fol-
tional stimuli, where sympathetic nervous system indices lowing music exposure (e.g., Bartlett, Kaufman, &
such as heart rate and finger temperature have been Smeltekop, 1993; Möckel et al., 1994; see Bartlett, 1996,
found to differentiate the primary emotions in facial ex- for a review). However, few have isolated the neuro-
pressions to some extent (Levenson, Ekman, & Friesen, chemical responses underpinning the emotional re-
1990). Khalfa et al. (2002) demonstrated greater sponse to music. Rickard (2004) measured salivary
increases in skin conductance in participants exposed to cortisol in response to emotionally powerful music but
“fearful” or “happy” musical excerpts than to “sad” or found no significant difference when compared with
“peaceful” excerpts, which appears to confirm the sug- relaxing or arousing music. Vanderark and Ely (1992,
gestion from nonmusic emotion literature that skin con- 1993) measured noradrenaline, adrenaline, and cortisol
ductance is an index of arousal, rather than valence responses following exposure to “joyful” (Jupiter from
(Bradley & Lang, 2000). There is also some consistency Holst’s The Planets) or “horrific” (Penderecki’s Threnody
with the actual pattern of changes across musical and for the Victims of Hiroshima) music. Although the format in
nonemotional stimuli, with differences potentially which these studies is reported is somewhat incomplete,
attributable to methodological issues (see Krumhansl, the overall results appear to suggest that music produced
1997). significant decreases in plasma noradrenaline, regard-
Neurochemical responses. Emotional arousal is accompa- less of the type of music presented or participants’ musi-
nied by the release of a number of neurochemicals, cal background. In contrast, both types of music pro-
which are known to moderate cognitive performance. duced increases in cortisol in musically trained
These include transmitters and hormones involved in participants only. Hirokawa and Ohira (2003) compared
generalized arousal control systems, such as the cate- noradrenaline responses to music that was described by
cholamines noradrenaline and adrenaline, the hor- participants as having high or low “uplifting” qualities
mones cortisol and ACTH, and neurotransmitters and found no difference. Gerra et al. (1998) found that
involved in reward and pleasure (e.g., Ashby, Isen, & although exposure to classical music enhanced partici-
Turken, 1999; Cahill et al., 1994; Gibbs & Summers, pants’ emotional state, there was no associated change in
2002; McIntyre, Hatfield, & McGaugh, 2002; O’Carroll beta-endorphin, noradrenaline, or cortisol levels. In
et al., 1999; Sara, 1991). Music may therefore affect cog- contrast, exposure to “techno” music was associated with
nitive performance via neurochemical changes that worsening of emotional state and an increase in beta
result from an emotional response. For example, dopa- endorphin, noradrenaline, and cortisol. In summary,
mine and beta-endorphin have been implicated in the available data do not provide sufficient evidence of a
responses to music (Hodges, 1996; Panksepp & consistent change in the release of any neurochemicals
Bernatzky, 2002). However, empirically derived evi- following exposure to emotion-inducing music. Never-
dence that music can stimulate release or inhibition of theless, the methodology is promising and the results to
these chemicals is currently limited, partly because of date suggest that noradrenaline, dopamine, and cortisol
ethical constraints preventing psychopharmacological are all worthy candidates for future research.
manipulations with humans. Preliminary data, however, Nonaffective Mediation
suggest that administration of the opiate receptor antag-
onist naloxone reduces the number of chills experi- Neuronal network priming. Extensive research on the
enced by listeners in response to emotionally powerful perception of music suggests that there are specialized
music (Goldstein, 1980). This suggests that endorphins brain structures (modularity) for music processing (see
may play an important role in the strong emotional Altenmüller, 2003; Peretz & Coltheart, 2003). A second
response to music. Interestingly, Harrer and Harrer major hypothesis as to how music might enhance cogni-
(1977) found that participants retained their emotional tive performance is by direct activation of similar
responses to music following administration of a moder- neuronal networks (independent of emotional
ate dose of tranquilizers that completely suppressed response). This mechanism is consistent with the con-
autonomic responses to music. This is inconsistent with cept of “priming,” in which exposure to one type of
the considerable literature suggesting that autonomic material improves learning or identification of another
arousal underlies intensity of the emotional response to related type of material (Tulving & Schachter, 1990). For
instance, inducing positive affect can enhance recall of

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“happy” information (Bower, 1981; Nasby & Yando, ence patterns during spatial performance preceded by
1982; Teasdale & Fogarty, 1979). However, the stimuli to exposure to Mozart and examined the difference in pat-
be recalled do not have to be affective in nature, and terns during the two task performances. In 3 of 7 partici-
there is considerable evidence for priming of nonaffec- pants, a pattern of coherence involving prefrontal and
tive visual or verbal material (see Schellenberg, 2001). temporo-parietal regions was present both during music
This framework has been applied to music-related exposure and during task performance that followed
effects in an attempt to explain how exposure to music music exposure. They concluded that the coherent activ-
might enhance performance on a cognitive task. ity induced by music extended several minutes and was
Rauscher et al. (1995) argued that the short-term even “carried over” into the performance of the spatial
increase in spatial-temporal scores observed following temporal task. Theoretically, outright rejection of the
exposure to 10 min of a Mozart sonata was due to coinci- neuronal network priming hypothesis may therefore be
dent activation of neuronal “trions”; “musical activity premature. Although at a cognitive level, preferred
strengthens inherent neural firing patterns that are also music (or other enjoyed stimuli) and a spatial task do not
utilized by spatial-temporal tasks” (p. 427). In other appear to be associated, at a neurophysiological level,
words, prior exposure to complex music “primed” the they may well be.
neuronal networks that would also be recruited to per- Synaptic plasticity. The mechanisms underlying any
form the spatial-temporal mental manipulations longer term effect of music exposure (particularly music
required to complete the Paper Folding and Cutting training) are of considerable interest. However, to date,
(PFC) task from the Stanford-Binet IQ test. such mechanisms have not been widely sought within
Despite a rather abstruse presentation, there is some music neuroscience research. Many skills and experi-
gross appeal in this hypothesis. It has been established ences are associated with music training, including time
that the brain can be permanently modified by music spent with a nonparental adult, disciplined practice, fine
training (e.g., see “Synaptic Plasticity” section), so short- tuning of sensorimotor coordination, extensive
term plasticity in response to passive exposure is not memorization and sustained attention, spatial-temporal
unreasonable. The concept is also reminiscent of Hebb’s visualization, pride in achievements and performance,
“reverberating” circuits, in which neuronal connections exploration of emotions, and team work (Schellenberg,
are temporarily strengthened by learning. Schellenberg 2001). Any of these could transfer to benefits in other
(2001), however, discounts priming (or the related pro- aspects of cognitive performance. Music training also
cess “transfer” of learning) as a likely explanation for the develops pitch and rhythm discrimination, each of
Mozart effect. He argues that music and spatial-temporal which has been claimed to benefit reading performance
performance are too dissimilar. In particular, although (Douglas & Willats, 1994; Lamb & Gregory, 1993).
cross-modal priming is known to occur, instances Music may also provide environmental enrichment.
whereby pre-exposure to auditory stimuli primes recog- Nonmusic research has established that environmental
nition of visual stimuli have not been demonstrated (see enrichment has significant and long-lasting effects on
Husain et al., 2002). Nonetheless, enhancement of ver- the brain, increasing the potential for future learning via
bal learning has previously been observed following increased neuronal growth (Rosenzweig, 1984) or
music (Chan, Ho, & Cheung, 1998; Morton et al., 1990), enhanced cortical maturation (Raine et al., 2001). Con-
despite the dissimilarity of these two stimuli types. Fur- sistent with this possibility, music training has been
thermore, there is a range of skills that are arguably found to modify brain plasticity. For instance, areas of
involved in processing of both music and spatial- the cortex associated with finger control are larger in
temporal tasks, including abstraction and transforma- string players (Elbert, Pantev, Wienbruch, Rockstroh, &
tion (Serafine, 1988). Rauscher et al. (1995) argued that Taub, 1995) and the size of the corpus callosum is larger
when listening to Mozart’s sonata, the brain must pro- in musicians, particularly those who began lessons be-
cess the pattern of spatial intervals as they change over fore 7 years (Schlaug, Jancke, Huang, & Steinmetz,
time; this type of mental manipulation bears some simi- 1995). It is possible that either of these concomitants
larity to that performed in the PFC task. In support, (associated skill enhancement or environmental enrich-
Rideout and Laubach (1996) found that music exposure ment) could be responsible for improvement in other
enhanced spatial temporal performance and that im- cognitive functions. Nevertheless, further systematic and
proved performance correlated significantly with well-controlled research is required to establish whether
increases in EEG power recorded in temporal and fron- music training does in fact have any positive effect on
tal brain regions during task performance. Sarnthein academic or other cognitive performance. Unfortu-
et al. (1997) explored EEG coherence patterns during nately, it is difficult to examine changes in synaptic plas-
performance of a spatial-temporal task and during expo- ticity at the neuronal level in humans, although postmor-
sure to the Mozart sonata. They then measured coher-

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tem examination of acoustically enriched compared to ficult to dissociate specific from nonspecific (such as
“normal” brains would be informative in this respect. attention and retrieval) effects, or to conclusively dem-
onstrate the direction of causality. The lack of temporal
Summary and Additional Limitations
resolution in popular imaging techniques (such as PET)
of Human Studies
may also dilute significant effects. On the other hand,
In the section “Effect of Music on Cognitive Perfor- EEG has poor spatial resolution and is of limited use for
mance in Humans,” evidence of music’s impact on cog- measuring subcortical activation (unless depth elec-
nitive performance was reviewed. Although there is trodes are used). More direct neurophysiological or
some evidence that music might improve spatial perfor- neurobiological examination of responses to music is
mance and learning, it must be concluded that the lit- used less often in human participants. When such mea-
erature on the effects of music on physiology and cogni- sures are obtained (for instance, salivary cortisol levels
tion remains characterized by its inconsistencies (see are measured or opioid antagonists administered), the
Bartlett, 1996; Schellenberg, 2001). There is little defini- data are fascinating but still limited by confounds and
tive evidence that music enhances cognitive perfor- variability, which are difficult to exclude. In the next sec-
mance in humans. The lack of conviction in the data tion, we explore whether some of the methodological
might simply indicate that cognitive performance can- constraints of human music psychology research can be
not be improved by musical treatments. However, in the overcome by using animal models.
section “Neurobiological Mechanisms Underlying the
Effect of Music on Cognitive Performance in Humans,” ANIMAL STUDIES
several means by which music could have a cognitive-
enhancing effect were reviewed. A strong candidate is Are Animal Models Appropriate for
emotion induction, which subsequently increases physi- Music Psychology Research?
ological arousal. Evidence is accumulating that release
The call to explore the effects of music on physiology,
of arousal-related neurochemicals (such as catechola-
emotion, and cognition via animal studies is not entirely
mines and corticosteroids)—which are believed to
novel. A number of prominent researchers have argued
mediate enhancements in cognitive performance—also
that there are compelling reasons for this approach
accompanies listening to music.
because there are many similarities in how animals and
Given the potential of music to stimulate emotions,
humans process complex sounds (Hodges, 1996;
physiological arousal, and shared neuronal networks, it
Mikiten, 1996; Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002). In the fol-
would be surprising if music did not influence cognitive
lowing sections, we review what has been learned about
performance, if only transiently. It is possible then that
the effects of music on cognitive performance via non-
the effects of music on cognitive performance are often
human animal (hereafter referred to as “animal”)
masked by methodological problems. It has been argued
research. Such findings should not be interpreted with-
that inconsistencies in research findings are partly due
out first having considered the utility of animals as mod-
to the difficulty in controlling, or accounting for, all
els of human music experience.
extraneous variables that could potentially moderate or
confound the results (Hallam et al., 2002; Spintge & The Utility of Animal Models
Droh, 1992). However, there are other realities of hu-
man research that also limit the extent to which con- In comparison to human research, adherence to
clusions can be drawn from these data. systematic experimental design is generally easier in
First, it is all but impossible to obtain participants who animal research. Animals can be randomly allocated to
have had no prior exposure to music. Human fetuses appropriate experimental and control groups with less
have been shown to respond to music from as early as the concern for time or repetition demanded of participants
second trimester (Gagnon, Hunse, Carmichael, Fellows, (although this should still be constrained by ethical prin-
& Patrick, 1987), and babies are regularly exposed to ciples of refinement, replacement, and reduction of ani-
hummed tunes and lullabies in all cultures. It will there- mal use) and superior control of extraneous variables,
fore always be difficult to attribute any effects of music to such as testing environment and time of testing. Rightly
the music itself, rather than to related factors such as or not, more direct methods (psychopharmacological
stimulus familiarity or preference. Second, many tech- experiments, invasive recording techniques, and experi-
niques exploring underlying mechanisms are corre- mental lesions) are often used with animal subjects that
lational or indirect. For instance, although studies dem- are typically prohibited or impractical with human par-
onstrating that similar brain regions are activated by ticipants. If required, animals can be isolated entirely
music and cognitive performance are intriguing, causal from music exposure (including prenatally), or the
inferences can only be made with caution. It remains dif- music to which they are exposed can be systematically
controlled, enabling some distinction of innate, as

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opposed to learned, “musical” faculties (Hauser & these brain areas probably subserve more generalized
McDermott, 2003). Within-group variation is also con- auditory functions (Hauser & McDermott, 2003;
siderably reduced, in that individual musical prefer- Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002; Weinberger, 1999). For
ences, tastes, musical training/knowledge, and associa- instance, it is well established that prosody in both ani-
tions with particular pieces of music, personality, and so mal and human vocalizations reflects the communica-
on are all but excluded in animal species. The auditory tor’s emotional state. Panksepp and Bernatzky (2002)
stimulus can be more easily deconstructed to ascertain suggested that music may have developed from the
the effects of stimuli that vary only on pitch, amplitude, “intrinsic emotional sounds we make” (p. 134). Animals
timbre, rhythm, meter, harmony, scale, or form (Hulse & also appear to use tempo, pitch variations, accents, and
Page, 1988). Although such oddities may introduce a so forth to communicate fear, anger, and happiness. It
new batch of confounding variables in human partici- has been argued that humans probably utilized this
pants (such as novelty, dislike, and boredom), these fac- capacity of the brain for music in a similar way as
tors are less likely to influence animal responses to audi- nonlanguage areas of the brain are thought to have been
tory stimuli because animals have not typically become utilized for language (Hauser & McDermott, 2003;
acculturated to more complex music. This methodology Weinberger, 1999). Despite animals being nonlinguistic,
enables considerably more rigorous, systematic, and several mechanisms underlying speech perception are
insightful studies to be performed than is generally shared by animals (Hauser, Chomsky, & Fitch, 2002;
feasible with humans. Kuhl, 1986), allowing much to be learned about human
Many will argue that by excluding these characteris- language from animals. The elements that are not found
tics, the essence of music is lost; that is, the richness of the in nonhuman species, of course, also tell us much about
music experience depends on these socioemotional fac- “what makes human music perception unique” (Hulse &
tors. However, the remnants once these factors have Page, 1988, p. 427).
been excluded can be equally informative—these funda- Sensation and perception. First we will focus on sensitiv-
mental responses that we share with animals arguably ity and then on perception and discrimination. Sensitiv-
form the foundation of our elementary responses to ity: Hearing range (the sensation of sound) varies enor-
music (see “Input From Comparative Psychology” mously across species and can be defined in terms of
section). The auditory elements that produce such frequency, sound pressure, and duration. Although
responses in animals may be the ultimate music “univer- hearing range does not dictate whether an animal brain
sals” (see Hulse & Page, 1988), common across all has music-processing capabilities, it does constrain ex-
human cultures, all subpopulations and ages, and pres- perimental design and interpretations that can be drawn
ent even in compromised individuals (due to illness, from animal research, given that human music is
dementia, and perhaps even coma; e.g., Hughes, designed for human ears. Humans are able to hear fre-
Daaboul, Fino, & Shaw, 1998; Swartz, Hantz, Crummer, quencies ranging from approximately 20 Hz (which is
Walton, & Frisina, 1989). very close to the frequency of the lowest note on a piano
keyboard) up to 20 kHz. However, humans are most sen-
Input From Comparative Psychology
sitive to frequencies between 200 Hz and 8 kHz, particu-
An assumption implicit in animal research in this con- larly those between 2 and 4 kHz (Jackson, Heffner, &
text is that there is some level on which animal responses Heffner, 1999). The frequency range of our greatest sen-
can be generalized back to human responses to music. sitivity (around 4 kHz) corresponds to the top octave of
For this to be possible, there must be some commonality the piano keyboard, and frequencies above this range
in how animals and humans react to musical stimuli. are not typically perceived as “musical” pitches
Although any similarity of animal calls and songs to (Carterette & Kendall, 1999). The lowest perceptible
human music is likely to be coincidental (Hauser & sound is typically 0 decibels, and 140 dB sounds are pain-
Konishi, 1999; Hauser & McDermott, 2003; Wallin et al., ful (e.g., jet airplane taking off). The shortest duration of
2000), there is good reason to believe homologies exist sounds we can usually detect is approximately 100 ms
across humans and other animals in the perception of (Krumhansl, 2000).
musical sounds. In the remainder of this section, we Although there is considerable overlap between the
review the research on animal perception of human hearing ranges of many animals and humans, animal
music. The focus will be on identifying which musical audiograms often reveal differences in peak sensitivity
faculties animals do have, such that there can be clear and frequency thresholds. Rodents’ audiograms, for
demarcation with regard to the scope of comparison example, are shifted considerably to the right, with labo-
from animals to humans. Musical faculties found in ani- ratory rats’ greatest sensitivity between 8 and 32 kHz
mals indicate that the underlying brain substrates are (Heffner, Heffner, Contos, & Ott, 1994). Rhesus mon-
unlikely to have adapted specifically for music. Instead, keys have similar sensitivity to humans, whereas chim-

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panzees have a narrower range of sensitivity. Dogs tend Hulse and colleagues found that, with regard to pitch
to have much broader ranges of sensitivity (Sales & Pye, processing, starlings could not discriminate when the
1974; Warfield, 1973). The hearing range of many birds pitches were transposed beyond the range used in train-
is quite comparable to humans, ranging from 100 Hz to ing, nor could they generalize recognition to notes an
29 kHz (depending on the species), with peak sensitivi- octave apart. This suggests that birds rely on local cues
ties between 2 and 4 kHz (although sound pressure lev- rather than melodic contour to perform pitch-related
els may need to be somewhat higher than for humans for discrimination. It has been concluded that, unlike
these frequencies to be heard). Many animals are, how- humans, birds tend to rely on absolute pitch processing
ever, more sensitive to lower sound pressures than are (or perfect pitch) more than relative pitch processing
humans and may have greater temporal resolution. For (i.e., the pattern of intervals between pitches).
instance, birds can discriminate notes lasting only 5 ms Nonhuman primates, our closest ancestors, also fail
(20 times shorter than humans), and only a few millisec- to demonstrate perceptual invariance for melodies.
onds apart, whereas humans discriminate sounds when Monkeys can discriminate complex acoustic patterns
between only 12 and 50 ms apart (Wilkinson & Howse, but do so by focusing on local pitch features (e.g., the last
1975). two notes), rather than the entire melody (D’Amato,
Perception and discrimination: There is no doubt that 1988; D’Amato & Salmon, 1984). This discrimination is
animals are able to perceive complex species-specific on the basis of absolute rather than relative pitch (Hulse
vocalizations (e.g., Dooling, 1989). However, it is diffi- et al., 1992). When transposed to new frequencies, or
cult to assess whether animals perceive musical sounds in even an entire octave, monkeys no longer recognize the
a similar way as do humans. Weinberger and McKenna melody (D’Amato, 1988). In sum, animals appear to per-
(1988) demonstrated that the auditory neurons of anes- ceive perceptual invariance in the majority of musical
thetized cats responded to tonal contour. Even so, this structures, except melody.
direct neurophysiological approach has not been Despite a preference for utilizing absolute pitch, star-
explored sufficiently to provide further insight into this lings appear to be capable of processing relative pitch
issue. One method that has been illuminating in this information as well as absolute pitch in their initial learn-
respect is the examination of perceptual invariance (see ing (MacDougall-Shackleton & Hulse, 1996). Demon-
Carterette & Kendall, 1999; Hulse & Page, 1988; Hulse, stration of relative pitch knowledge in starlings requires
Takeuchi, & Braaten, 1992, for reviews). Perceptual specific training, which is not true in human adults. Simi-
invariance refers to a structural characteristic that is per- larly, monkeys can be trained to utilize relative pitch if
ceived as the same even when transformed. For instance, absolute pitch cues are not available (Brosch, Selezneva,
a melody is perceived by humans to be the same even Bucks, & Scheich, 2004). It is therefore also of interest
when transposed into another key or up several octaves that there is some evidence that children (3 to 5 years of
(Deutsch, 1999; Dowling & Harwood, 1986). This is age) are better at absolute than relative pitch processing
because we encode the pitch intervallic relations (or (e.g., Saffran & Griepentrog, 2001; White, Dale, &
melodic contour) rather than the absolute pitches them- Carlsen, 1990; see also Hulse et al., 1992). However, con-
selves. Humans demonstrate perceptual invariance for flicting evidence (Trehub, Bull, & Thorpe, 1984;
frequency structures (pitch, melody, harmony, and tim- Trehub, Thorpe, & Morrongiello, 1987) indicates that
bre), intensity (loudness), and time structures (rhythm infants preferentially use relative pitch processing.
and meter) (see Hulse et al., 1992, for review). If animals Regardless, children’s capacity for using relative pitch
also demonstrate perceptual invariance for these musi- appears to improve with training (e.g., Sergeant &
cal structures, then there is a prima facie case that animals Roche, 1973), which is not entirely inconsistent with the
have the necessary perceptual apparatus for hearing findings in starlings.
music. Indeed, several studies challenge the claim that ani-
The most detailed investigations of perceptual mals do not demonstrate perceptual invariance for mel-
invariance have occurred with the European starling odies. Ratcliffe and Weisman (1985) reported that chick-
songbird. A classic operant task is used in which the birds adees occasionally shift their two-tone song in a ratio
peck at different disks to demonstrate discrimination of manner, suggesting relative pitch. Gerbils can discrimi-
presented sounds. Using this methodology, Hulse and nate rising from falling frequency-modulated tones
colleagues have demonstrated that starlings are able to (Wetzel, Wagner, Ohl, & Scheich, 1998). Interestingly,
discriminate different timbres (Braaten & Hulse, 1991), right hemisphere lesions impair this discrimination,
intensities (Bernard & Hulse, 1992), rhythms (Hulse, whereas no impairment is observed with left hemisphere
Humpal, & Cynx, 1984), pitches, and pitch patterns lesions (Wetzel, Ohl, Wagner, & Scheich, 1998). The
(Hulse, 1989) and perceive the missing fundamental in underlying neural substrate required for this task in the
harmonic complexes (Cynx & Shapiro, 1986). However, gerbil is not known; however, it is intriguing that right

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hemisphere lesions also impair melody discrimination study, they found that 4 out of the 5 pigeons tested could
(Zatorre, 1985) and interpretation of emotions in music categorize novel excerpts by Baroque and 20th century
in humans (Blood et al., 1999; Blood & Zatorre, 2001; composers as belonging to either the “Bach” category or
Bryden, Ley, & Sugarman, 1982). Moreover, there are the “Stravinsky” category. This apparent ability to per-
several findings that suggest that at least some mammals ceive musical genre was also observed in Java sparrows
may demonstrate octave equivalence. Bottlenose dol- (Watanabe & Sato, 1999). Can we conclude from such
phins have been heard to spontaneously shift pitches an findings that animals can also perceive musical styles or
octave in their production of a learned pitch pattern form? It is difficult to fully interpret these findings be-
(Richards, Wolz, & Herman, 1984). Rats have also been cause there are many music features (such as timbre and
claimed to show octave generalization of a single pitch tempo) that would differ across genres, any one of which
(Blackwell & Schlosberg, 1943), although the method- the animals may have been utilizing for discrimination.
ology of this very early study may not have been that Nevertheless, the capacity of some bird species indi-
rigorous. cates that there may be greater similarity in the way that
Most intriguingly, Wright, Rivera, Hulse, Shyan, and animals and humans hear human music than is often
Neiworth (2000) found evidence of octave generaliza- assumed.
tion of melodies in rhesus monkeys. These monkeys Affective responses to music? In the absence of subjective
judged a melody as the same when transposed by one or report, behavioral and physiological concomitants of
two octaves. This indicates the use of relative pitch, human affective responses have been used to infer affec-
although to a lesser extent than humans because the tive state in animals. Much of the relevant research has
monkeys did not recognize a melody as the same when it been performed in the context of environmental enrich-
was shifted to a different key (that is, less than an octave ment for agricultural or laboratory animals, although
translation). Furthermore, this effect was only observed anecdotal claims of companion animals “enjoying”
when tonal melodies were used (i.e., consisting of tones human music are abundant. Although such investiga-
from the diatonic scale), but not when random-synthetic tion has been criticized as anthropomorphic in that it
melodies or atonal melodies were used. This raises the assumes animals “hear” music in the same way as humans
possibility that the monkey’s brain is innately wired to do (see Newberry, 1995), the above review of animal
respond to tonal melodies. Rats (Cross, Halcomb, & capabilities suggests that many animals share at least
Matter, 1967) and birds (Watanabe & Nemoto, 1998) basic perceptual abilities with humans. Given their past
have also been reported to show a preference for clas- experience and associations with music, personalities,
sical over atonal music (see “Affective Responses to and cultural embeddedness, humans will have addi-
Music?” section). This claim is quite extraordinary and tional affective responses to music over and above those
would strongly justify generalization of findings on ani- of animals. Nevertheless, given that (a) at least some
mal responses to music to humans. However, in addition aspects of emotion are governed by evolutionarily primi-
to the use of small sample sizes (e.g., two in the study by tive parts of the brain that are functionally homolo-
Wright et al., 2000), it is possible that these animals had gous to those in other nonhuman mammalian brains
been exposed to Western music and thus learned our (Panksepp, 2003; Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002) and (b)
tonal system. Indeed, McDermott and Hauser (2004) affective responses may prove to be the major mediator
ensured that five cottontop tamarins were not exposed of music’s facilitatory effect on cognitive performance in
to any music prior to testing and found that the monkeys humans (see “Affective Mediation” section), it is clearly
showed no preference for consonant over dissonant of interest to explore whether animals demonstrate any
melodies, casting doubt on animal perception of the affective response to music. In the context of emotional
human tonal system. It is interesting to note, however, syntax theories of music, it may even be useful to con-
that both birds (Hulse, Bernard, & Braaten, 1995) and sider animals’ affective responses to music as the most
monkeys (Izumi, 2000) can be trained to discriminate basic of the bottom-up processes, which in humans are
consonant from dissonant intervals. described as “automatic, unconscious, preprogrammed,
Birds also appear capable of discriminating between [and] ‘brute’” (Narmour, 1991, p. 3). A propensity for
larger scale musical characteristics. Porter and Neuringer such responses does not seem unreasonable given ani-
(1984) trained pigeons to discriminate between 1 min mals’ perceptual capacity is subject to some of the same
excerpts from a piece by Bach from 1 min excerpts by basic gestalt principles that can manipulate expectation
Hindemith, using a peck-disk reinforcement schedule and confirmation (or violation of), and thus emotional
procedure. This discriminative ability could not be response, in humans.
attributed to any single note or phrase in the pieces, A commonly used measure of affective response in
because it persisted even when the 1 min excerpts were human listeners is preference (Berlyne, 1971; Konecni,
drawn randomly from 20 min excerpts. In a further 1979; Miller, 1992; North & Hargreaves, 1997). Prefer-

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ence for auditory stimuli can be directly measured in ani- (Peretti & Kippschull, 1991). “Stereo music” (which
mals using an apparatus in which the animal can control included classical, country, ethnic, “oldies,” and soft
the onset of different sounds (Blom et al., 1992; Park & music) reduced agitated and aggressive behaviors in cap-
Balaban, 1991). In a preliminary study, two javabirds tive chimpanzees (Howell, Schwandt, Fritz, Roeder, &
that were given the choice of three perches spent signifi- Nelson, 2003), although the effectiveness of the various
cantly more time on a perch that triggered music by types of music was not formally compared.
Bach than on perches that triggered music by Schoen- Decreased withdrawal, anxious, or aggressive behav-
berg or silence (Watanabe & Nemoto, 1998). (The ior is also consistent with an increase in positive affect, or
music piece triggered by each perch was reversed preference. For instance, dogs in a rescue shelter
between trials to control for nonspecific factors that appeared to prefer (spent more time resting, less time
could influence preference.) These same birds also standing and barking) classical music over silence, and
spent more time on a perch that triggered music by silence over heavy metal music (Wells, Graham, &
Bach’s contemporary Vivaldi than on a perch that trig- Hepper, 2002). The authors speculate that the “dislike”
gered music by Schoenberg’s contemporary Carter, sug- of heavy metal music (inferred from increased time
gesting that the birds preferred classical to 20th century spent barking) was due to dogs’ arousal levels being
music. Rats also appear to imprint more easily to classical increased above optimal levels, whereas classical music
than atonal music. When given a choice between com- decreased their arousal to a calmer state. Adult caged
partments that triggered music by either Mozart or hens reared with visual and auditory (radio) stimulation
Schoenberg, rats that had been reared on Mozart’s showed decreased fear reactions (Reed, Wilkins, Austin,
music spent more time in the former compartment. In & Gregory, 1993), although the visual and auditory com-
contrast, rats reared on Schoenberg’s music showed no ponents were not separated in this study. Physiological
compartment preference (Cross et al., 1967). The indices of fear or stress were also reduced more in laying
authors suggested that Schoenberg’s atonal music may hens by country music than by classical/jazz/no music
be too complex for rats to form an attachment. Fi- (Ladd et al., 1992), whereas Campo, Gil, and Davila
nally, although nonhuman primates demonstrated no (2005) found that classical music had no effect on the
preference for consonant over dissonant intervals same stress index (heterophil-lymphocyte ratio). The
(McDermott & Hauser, 2004), preliminary findings indi- heart rate of singly housed baboons exposed to “oldies
cate that they may show a preference for slow over fast type” radio music was significantly lower than in its
stimuli (60 vs. 400 clicks/min) and for lullabies over fast absence (Brent & Weaver, 1996), although behavior and
technomusic (McDermott, 2005). It is of note, however, blood pressure were not affected. Monkeys also showed
that the sample sizes in these studies were exceptionally a decrease in plasma cortisol levels and abnormal behav-
small (4 in Watanabe & Nemoto, 1998, and 5 in iors when they were able to control presentation of pop-
McDermott & Hauser, 2004) and that only 2 of the java- ular music (Line, Markowitz, Morgan, & Strong, 1991).
birds in the former study showed a preference for the The sensitivity to music type apparent in this litera-
music (the other 2 showed no preference for any perch). ture raises the possibility of an interaction between ani-
Thus, replication is required to ensure these results did mal handler music preference and animal behavior.
not occur by chance. That is, perhaps handlers who listen to country or classi-
Preference can also be implied via certain behaviors, cal music become more relaxed, and it is the subsequent
such as increased approach or social activity. Exposure to change in handler behavior that affects the animals
classical music has been claimed to increase the growth (Tosi, Mattiello, Ferrante, & Canali, 2003). Alternatively,
rate and/or feeding behavior in a range of species, the music to which handlers usually listen will also be
including poultry (Gvaryahu, Cunningham, & van commonly heard by their animals; a “preference” may
Tienhoven, 1989; Ladd, Albright, Beck, & Ladd, 1992), therefore develop due to prior exposure or familiarity
cattle (Zhuchzhu & Andonov, 1995), horses (Houpt, rather than any innate musical preference. However,
Marrow, & Seeliger, 2000), and fish (Vasantha, familiarity and prior exposure are also major determi-
Jeyakumar, & Pitchai, 2003), although further replica- nants of musical preferences of human listeners, so this
tion is still required. Country music exposure enhanced possibility simply supports the utility of animal models in
dairy cows’ behavioral readiness to access milking com- this context and indicates that ecological validity is not a
partments of an automated milking system (Uetake, requirement for auditory-induced effects on animals. It
Hurnik, & Johnson, 1997). The social activity of labora- is noteworthy, however, that when given the choice be-
tory mice, attraction to other mice, huddling, and sexual tween ethologically relevant sounds (including silence)
behavior were all significantly enhanced by classical or music, animals will often prefer the former (Newberry,
music, whereas rock music produced a decrease in sex- 1995). For instance, chicks exposed to maternal hen
ual activity and an increase in aggressive huddling calls, slow music, or fast music prehatch all showed

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a preference for maternal hen calls posthatch (Jain, mals. Moreover, personal and cultural associations with
Sharma, & Wadhwa, 2004). music are unlikely to occur in animals, and as long as
It cannot be concluded with certainty that the they have not been exposed to human music prior to the
changes in approach or avoidance behaviors described experiment, animals are unlikely to develop preferences
above actually reflect a positive affective response to for certain types of music. Animal models therefore pro-
music. In addition, many of these studies are subject to vide an exciting and novel approach to explore the
the same criticisms of human studies reviewed in the first Mozart effect, as well as other findings of music-induced
section of this article, particularly with regard to the cognitive enhancement.
absence of suitable auditory control groups and the use Carlson, Rama, Artchakov, and Linnankoski (1997)
of small sample sizes. Nevertheless, there is a broad trained 8 macaques on a delayed response task that mea-
range of animal behaviors and physiological indices that sured working memory. They were then exposed to
are influenced by music that overlap in animals and silence, white noise, a simple rhythm (repetitions of a 5 s
humans, particularly with regard to perception of musi- epoch) or Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 21 in C. The audi-
cal features, such as rhythm and timbre. At the very least, tory treatment was delivered either 15 min before, or
music has been shown to influence animals’ behaviors in during, the test session (although the duration is not
ways that are relevant to their well-being. Given the reported). There was no effect of any auditory treatment
uncertainty that still surrounds the nature of emotion in given pretest. However, when given during the test ses-
animals in general, this is perhaps the most we can ex- sion, music by Mozart significantly impaired perfor-
pect to conclude at this time. mance, whereas white noise significantly enhanced per-
formance, compared with silence controls. The authors
Effect of Music on Cognitive argued that these effects are likely to be due to distrac-
Performance in Animals tion caused by the complexity of the Mozart piece. In
The use of animals to model aspects of human perfor- contrast, they argued that white noise may mask disrup-
mance is commonplace in neuroscience, and animals tive noises in the laboratory. The simple rhythm treat-
have been used extensively in studies on auditory per- ment had no effect on performance even when given
ception and cognition. However, animal models have during the test session, possibly because it was approxi-
been rarely utilized to investigate the effect of music on mately 6 dB SPL quieter than the other auditory
cognitive performance. The limited literature is re- treatments.
viewed below. Inasmuch as the effect was not replicated in a nonhu-
man species, it could be argued that the Mozart effect is
Spatial Performance mediated by exclusively human characteristics, such as
enhanced mood, rather than by direct neurophysiologi-
One area in which the utility of animal studies has
cal priming, which should also influence animal perfor-
been insightful is the exploration of the so-called Mozart
mance. Although this study is a good illustration of the
effect phenomenon (see “Spatial Per formance”
utility of animal models in exploring the effects of music
section). In fact, it is possible that the debate regarding
on cognitive performance, the methodology used by
the mechanisms underlying the effect may ultimately be
Carlson et al. (1997) deviated significantly from the rec-
answered via animal research. The major competitor to
ommended methodology (Rauscher, 1998). In particu-
the arousal-mood hypothesis is the neurophysiological
lar, a working memory task was used despite Rauscher’s
priming effect, whereby cortical neuronal networks acti-
(1998) emphasis that the effect appeared to be specific
vated during spatial-temporal reasoning are proposed to
to spatial-temporal tasks. A different piece of music was
be primed by exposure to complex music (Leng & Shaw,
used in the human studies, and the sample size was very
1991; Rauscher et al., 1995; see “Neuronal Network
Priming” section). Demonstration of a Mozart effect in a
These limitations were partially addressed by
nonhuman species would provide some support for the
Rauscher, Robinson, and Jens (1998) in a study utilizing
neurophysiological priming hypothesis, in that it is gen-
Long-Evans rats. They used the same piece of music as
erally regarded that animals are less likely to experience
in the original human studies and measured spatial-
changes in arousal as a result of music-related mood or
temporal task performance (a T-maze). Rats (30 per con-
preference. Although there are grounds on which to
dition) were exposed to silence, white noise, a minimal-
appeal this logic (see “Affective Responses to Music”
ist piece of music (8:24 of a piece by composer Philip
section), there remains a clear difference in the degree
Glass) or Mozart’s sonata (K448; duration 8:24). The
to which animals and humans are likely to experience
auditory treatments were administered in utero as well as
more complex, cognitively mediated forms of emotional
60 days postpartum for 12 hr per day (during their active
processing in response to music exposure. This is at least
phase) at 65 to 70 dB (although background noise levels
partly because music is not ethologically relevant to ani-

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100 that of humans (see Figure 1). Steele notes that the hear-
ing threshold at 65 to 70 dB reported in Rauscher’s study
for adult Long-Evans (hooded) rats would be around
Intensity (dB SPL)

500 Hz. Therefore, the lower four octaves of the piano

keyboard (which contribute to more than two thirds of
the notes in the piano piece used) would not be heard.
Furthermore, rats are born deaf and therefore would
25 not have benefited from the in utero exposure to music.
human Second, despite claims that animals were randomly
0 assigned to conditions, litters were kept together, thus
auditory exposure was confounded with litter effects.
-25 Third, the duration of auditory exposure (12 hr per day
10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0
in utero and 65 days postpartum) was considerably
Frequency (Hz) greater than that used in the human studies (8:24 once
Figure 1: Sample Audiograms for Domestic Chick (Fay, 1988), Rat prior to training). That such chronic exposure during
(Heffner, Heffner, Contos, & Ott, 1994), and Human development is analogous to acute single exposure in a
(Jackson, Heffner, & Heffner, 1999). mature adult is unlikely. The rat data may in fact be more
NOTE: The most sensitive frequency range for each species is shown by
the trough of the graph, where sounds are audible at lowest stimulus analogous to long-term music education programs in
intensities. children, for which there is also some positive (though
largely correlational) evidence of cognitive-enhancing
were not reported, so it is not clear how salient the sound effects in humans (see “Music Training” section).
was to the animals). Testing occurred over 5 consecutive In an attempt to address the limitations of previous
days, with three trials per day, and music was presented animal studies into the Mozart effect, Macdonald and
both prior to and during test sessions. Performance of Rickard (2005) performed a series of studies with the
rats was not affected by the type of music presented dur- domestic chick. Audiograms reveal that, unlike rats, neo-
ing the task (i.e., while in the maze), indicating that they nate chicks are able to hear frequencies between 100 and
were not distracted by it as presumed for the monkeys in 1,000 Hz at moderate intensities (see Figure 1). Chicks
the study by Carlson et al. (1997). In contrast, the rats would therefore be able to perceive the majority (at least
exposed to the Mozart sonata prior to the task com- 90%) of the Mozart sonata when played at intensities
pleted the maze faster, and made fewer errors, than did above 55 dB, although the lower notes (i.e., below G#2)
rats exposed to either minimalist music or white noise may have been inaudible.
prior to the task. In addition, rats exposed to silence per- Performance on both spatial-temporal (a simple
formed similarly to those exposed to white noise, which maze) and passive avoidance learning was tested to de-
excludes the possibility that the difference between the termine if any effect was generalized to nonspatial per-
white noise (or minimalist music) and Mozart-exposed formance. Macdonald and Rickard (2005) exposed
rats was due to the former performing worse (e.g., due to chicks to either silence, minimalist music, or the Mozart
either stress or overly low arousal levels). These findings sonata immediately prior to the training session, or
suggest that the Mozart effect generalizes to an animal immediately prior to the testing session. To avoid any
species, which argues against the mechanism being potential “distraction” effects, music was not played dur-
solely due to musical preference or mood. In particular, ing testing sessions on either task. The duration of the
the authors interpret the findings as consistent with stud- auditory treatments was reduced to 1 min, because pre-
ies that have shown increased hippocampal plasticity vious studies had shown that retention of chicks was
due to environmental enrichment. In addition, they ini- enhanced by auditory treatments lasting less than 2 min
tially set their study within the same neurophysiological (Toukhsati & Rickard, 2001) and it is important to
framework as their human studies (Rauscher et al., ensure the presentation of the auditory stimuli is species-
1995); that is, that music strengthens neural networks in appropriate (Steele, 2003). Neither pretraining nor pre-
the temporal lobe, which are also required for spatial test exposure to the Mozart sonata or minimalist music
performance. It would be valuable, however, to test ani- enhanced either spatial or passive avoidance perfor-
mals’ preference to the different auditory treatments, or mance of young chicks (Macdonald & Rickard, 2005).
to measure physiological arousal levels, to more con- This finding would seem to lend support to the arousal-
clusively reject the mood-arousal hypothesis. mood theory of the Mozart effect literature in humans,
A number of concerns have been raised about the as no direct neurophysiological priming effect was ob-
interpretation of this study (Steele, 2003). First, the rat’s served. In addition, it persuasively demonstrates the util-
perceptual frequency range is significantly higher than ity of animal models in music neuroscience research.

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Learning and Memory 1.0

A *
One other area in which animal models have pro-

Mean Discrimination Ratio

vided insight is in relation to the effect of musical stimuli
on learning and memory. Bates and Horvath (1971)
demonstrated that rats’ performance on a visual discrim-
ination task was impaired by a nonrhythmic chamber
symphony piece by Schoenberg. The impairment fol-
lowed presentation of either a melodic or monotonic
version of this piece, suggesting that rhythmicity was
more critical to rats’ performance than its melodic con-
tour. In support, exposure to a (rhythmic) Mozart sym- C-R I-R W-N H-E-N Control
T ype of auditory stimulus
phony had no deleterious effect on performance, 1.0

regardless of whether it was presented in melodic or B *

monotonal form. * +5 m

Mean Discrimination Ratio


Schreckenberg and Bird (1987) found that exposing

mice to nonrhythmic music also produced impair- 0.8

ments on a spatial learning task. Music that was “non-

synchronized” (that is, consisting of tones that were not 0.7

aligned with the dominant beat) produced learning and

memory deficits on a maze task, whereas no such deficits 0.6

were observed following exposure to synchronized

music. However, in both these studies, other manipula- 0.5
Control 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
tions of the music were not explored. For instance, it is 1.0
Duration of stimulus (mins)
not known upon which musical properties (e.g., loud- C * *
ness, accent, tempo, time of administration, duration) * *
Mean Discrimination Ratio

* * *
the effect was dependent. Furthermore, Cross et al. * *
(1967) attributed rats’ preference for music by Mozart 0.8 *
over that of Schoenberg to the difference in rhythmicity,
but there remains a number of other musical properties 0.7

(e.g., timbre) that differ across pieces. Clearly, there is a

need for potential confounding factors to be excluded 0.6

in animal as well as human studies for conclusions to be

drawn with greater confidence. 0.5
Cntrl. -30 -10 -5 -2 -1 0 1 2 5 10 20 40
By reducing music to component elements (such as Time of presentation (mins after training)

basic rhythms with pure tones), many confounds of the

abovementioned studies can be excluded. In humans, Figure 2
NOTE: Memory-enhancing effects of a synthesized rhythmic auditory
an examination of the individual musical elements re- stimulus in chicks are dependent on type of auditory stimulus, dura-
sponsible for memory-enhancing effects is problematic, tion, and time of presentation relative to passive avoidance training
as this approach risks producing overly simple and un- (from Toukhsati & Rickard, 2001). C-R = complex rhythmic stimulus; I-
R = isochronous stimulus; W-N = white noise; H-E-N = human environ-
interesting stimuli that may be disliked (Steck & mental noise; Control = no systematic noise. (*Significantly different,
Machotka, 1975). In contrast, such stimuli—particularly p < .05).
if melodically simple—may be more appropriately
within animals’ perceptual and preferential range. Ani-
mal models may therefore be ideal for investigating the noise had no such memory-facilitating effects (see Fig-
impact of varying one music element on learning or ure 2A). Systematic investigation into the optimum
memory while holding all other elements constant. memory-enhancing acoustic parameters of the rhythmic
Using this approach, Toukhsati and Rickard (2001) stimulus revealed that retention was best facilitated
presented a range of auditory stimuli to neonate chicks when the rhythmic stimulus was presented at intensities
(1- to 2-day-old) in an attempt to improve memory for a between 5 and 15 dBA above background laboratory
discriminated passive avoidance task. Although a com- noise, and at a frequency of 1 kHz. The effect was not
plex rhythmic stimulus (a 1,920 ms sequence comprising moderated by the removal or addition of an accent
tones set at 120 and 240 ms intervals) presented 5 min (Toukhsati & Rickard, 2004). Enhancement was also
after training significantly enhanced long-term memory, dependent on the duration and presentation time of the
an isochronous rhythm, white noise, or background auditory stimulus. Retention was enhanced by exposure

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Neurobiological Mechanisms
Ethologically relevant
Rhythmic Underlying the Effect of Music on
1.0 Cognitive Performance in Animals
Approach calls
Task-relat ed Research on potential mediators of music’s cognitive-
long-term memory index

0.9 enhancing effect in humans has generated numerous

testable hypotheses. Although some insight has certainly
been gained into the mechanisms underlying this effect,
animal research provides a highly complementary ap-
proach to this investigation (Hodges, 1996; Panksepp &
0.7 Avoidance Bernatzky, 2002; Weinberger, 1999).
Physiological Arousal and
0.6 Neurochemical Mediation
As with humans, arousal plays a major mediating role
in the effect of music on task performance in ani-
mals. Increased arousal levels are at least one means by
Auditory stimulus which treatments can enhance memory, with a range of
arousal-inducing manipulations (e.g., administration
Figure 3: The Effects of Various Auditory Stimuli on Long-Term of arousal hormones, isolation stress, retraining trials)
Memory for the Passive Avoidance Task in Neonate Chicks.
NOTE: Each stimulus was presented for 1 min within 10 after training. improving consolidation of long-term memory in ani-
NSN = no systematic noise control; ICS = isochronous rhythm; Asy = mals (Bianchin, Mello e Souza, Medina, & Izquierdo,
asynchronous version of the CRS; CRS = complex rhythmic stimulus; 1999; Crowe, Ng, & Gibbs, 1990; Kobayashi & Kobayashi,
Fear = species-specific fear call; PC = species-specific predator call; RC =
species-specific roosting call; FM = species-specific follow-me call; FC = 2001; Sandi & Rose, 1994). These findings are consistent
species-specific food call; 1 kHz = monotonic (1 kHz) transposition of with human literature in which memory is thought to be
FC. modulated via the actions of certain adrenal stress hor-
mones and neurotransmitters (for reviews, see Cahill &
McGaugh, 1998; Castellano, Cabib, & Puglisi-Allegra,
to 30 s or 1 min of the rhythmic stimulus, but not by lon-
1996; McGaugh, 1989, 2000), with noradrenaline being
ger duration periods (2 to 5 min; see Figure 2B). The
identified as a particularly important memory modula-
treatment enhanced memory if presented between 10
tor in both animals and humans (see Gibbs & Summers,
min before and 20 min after training but was not effec-
2002; Sara, 1991; Tiplady, Bowness, Stien, & Drummond,
tive beyond this time window (Toukhsati & Rickard,
2001; see Figure 2C). The rhythmic element of the stim-
Evidence that exposure to music can also modify
ulus was also manipulated in various ways by modifying
physiological arousal levels in animals has been accumu-
the degree of synchronicity, metricity, and repetitiveness
lating (see “Affective Responses to Music” section). For
of the stimulus, and by comparing rhythmic and non-
instance, Ladd et al. (1992) exposed different groups of
rhythmic maternal hen calls (Rickard, 2005; Toukhsati &
caged white Leghorn laying hens in an environmentally
Rickard, 2005). When viewed together, the most parsi-
controlled facility to one of three auditory treatments.
monious explanation of the memory-enhancing proper-
For 8 hours per day, birds heard either country music or
ties of certain auditory stimuli is that they tend to be
jazz/classical while the control groups received no
rhythmic (see Figure 3). The high degree of control and
music. Compared to the control group, hens exposed
statistical power possible in this experimental design
to country music had significantly lower heterophil-
appears to be responsible for the clearer, more repli-
lymphocyte ratios, reflecting significantly lower physio-
cable set of findings than is typical in human studies on
logical stress levels. In addition, control hens demon-
this topic. “Music” could also be designed with species-
strated nearly twice as many grooming behaviors as
specific emotional vocalizations and auditory prefer-
either music group. Such behavior in excess is also
ence in mind. The potential for such auditory stimuli,
thought to reflect stress. More recently, Sutoo and
which have greater meaning to the animal, to have an
Akiyama (2004) investigated the impact of music on sys-
even more powerful effect on cognitive performance is
tolic blood pressure in hypertensive rats. They found
intriguing (see Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002). However,
that 2 hr exposure to Mozart’s Adagio from Divertimento No
the purpose of this review is to explore the utility of
7 in D Major (K205) (average 65 dB) produced a signifi-
animal models in examining the effects of human music,
cant decrease in systolic blood pressure and significantly
and therefore this question is peripheral to the current
increased serum calcium and neostriatal dopamine lev-
els pre- to postmusic intervention. These changes were

Downloaded from at Monash University on June 12, 2013


not present in animals that were not exposed to the et al., 1998; Landreth & Landreth, 1974), respiration
music. The authors concluded that music may affect ani- rate (e.g., Iwanaga & Moroki, 1999), skin conductance
mals’ arousal levels and brain function via a calcium/ (e.g., Henkin, 1957), and neuroendocrine release (e.g.,
calmodulin-dependent dopaminergic mediation. Gerra et al., 1998). We therefore explored whether
If music modifies neurotransmitters that are also noradrenergic activation accounted for the memory-
known to influence performance, a substantial case can enhancing effects of rhythmic stimuli previously
be made that music can, albeit indirectly, affect cogni- observed (see “Learning and Memory” section). Consis-
tion. Avian studies, in particular, have consistently con- tent with Bernatzky et al.’s (1997, 1998) findings that
firmed that musical stimuli can alter neurotransmitter musical stimuli increased whole brain noradrenaline
levels, with noradrenaline being specifically identified. levels in neonate chicks, a higher dose of the b-
Bernatzky, Panksepp, Rossi, and Narayanan (1997) adrenergic receptor antagonist, propranolol, was
exposed 2-day-old chicks to either popular instrumental required to block memory in the presence of a rhythmic
music or human speech for 30 min twice daily for 10 auditory stimulus than in its absence (Toukhsati,
days. A control group of chicks were exposed to no sys- Rickard, Perini, Ng, & Gibbs, 2005). Furthermore, the
tematic sounds. Whole brain neurochemical levels were duration of an intermediate phase of memory forma-
then assessed 1 to 2 days following the treatment and tion, typically sensitive to arousal levels, was extended in
compared with control group levels. Chicks exposed to the presence of the rhythmic stimulus. The memory-
music displayed increased levels of noradrenaline enhancing effect of a rhythmic maternal hen call was
(400%), the noradrenaline metabolite monohydroxy- also prevented by blockade of b-adrenoceptors (Field,
phenylglycol (600%), dopamine (200%), and its metab- Rickard, Toukhsati, & Gibbs, 2005). Taken together, this
olite, homovanillic acid (200%). In contrast, no sig- series of experiments provides strong evidence that com-
nificant neurochemical changes were seen in chicks plex rhythmic auditory stimuli enhance memory by pro-
exposed to human speech. moting moderate levels of physiological arousal through
Bernatzky, Panksepp, Burgdorf, Nordholm, and Jung m o d u l a t i o n o f no r a d r e n a l i n e ac t i v i t y at b -
(1998) extended these findings by investigating whether adrenoceptors. In addition, these studies highlight the
the neurochemical effects following exposure to popu- efficacy of using an animal model to investigate the
lar instrumental music could be replicated using classi- effects that exposure to musical stimuli can have on
cal music (Mozart’s Kroenungskonzert). Chicks were cognitive performance.
exposed to 30 min of either music or human speech
Neural Plasticity
twice a day for 10 days. Although the effects were attenu-
ated, whole brain noradrenaline levels of the chicks Animal models also provide an opportunity to
exposed to music were still significantly elevated (31%), explore the speculation that music might enhance cog-
compared to those exposed to human speech. In addi- nition independently of the emotion/arousal path-
tion, Panksepp and Bernatzky (2002) found that expo- way. It has, after all, been shown that environmental
sure to both popular music and classical music (Beetho- enrichment can induce neuronal plasticity in animals
ven’s Hammerklavier) elicited behavioral responses (an (Greenough, McDonald, Parnisari, & Camel, 1986;
increase in head shakes and yawns) similar to those Meaney, Aitken, Bhatnagar, vanBerkel, & Sapolsky, 1988;
evoked by infusions of neurochemical agents, which are Rosenzweig, 1984; Rosenzweig & Bennett, 1996) and
known to reduce separation distress in birds. Although possibly humans (Raine et al., 2001; Schaie, 1994). In
their hypothesis is yet to be directly tested, Panksepp and support, Wadhwa and colleagues observed a number of
Bernatzky postulate that these behavioral responses may neuroanatomical changes in the chick brain in response
reflect the modulatory effects of music on the chick to auditory stimuli. Prenatal exposure to musical (sitar)
neuropeptide system. or species-specific stimuli resulted in larger nuclei of
Given the marked differences in chick noradrenergic medio-rostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale
levels following exposure to either popular or classical neurons than in the presence of background noise
music in Bernatzky et al.’s experiments (1997, 1998), the (Panicker, Wadhwa, & Roy, 2002). This region has been
specific contribution of various musical elements such as implicated in learning and memory in the young chick
pitch, rhythm, tempo, or timbre in this context is also of (Rose & Csillag, 1985; Sedman, O’Dowd, Rickard, Gibbs,
interest. Of all the components of music, rhythm is his- & Ng, 1992). Panicker et al. (2002) also found a greater
torically the most physiologically arousing (Gaston, number of PV- and CaBP-staining neurons in music-
1951) and the best predictor of changes in arousal exposed animals than in control animals; these proteins
(Weigl, 1959). In humans, exposure to highly rhythmic act as intracellular buffers, enabling neurons to display
music has resulted in changes in heart rate (e.g., Gerra high electrical activity without calcium overload. The

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authors hypothesized that this may enhance potential Summary

for long-term potentiation, which is widely believed to
The material reviewed in this section indicates that
underlie some forms of memory formation.
animal models provide a genuine contribution to under-
Prenatal exposure to either species-specific or musi-
standing the cognitive and physiological effects of musi-
cal auditory stimuli increased the length, number, and
cal stimuli. Although there are important differences in
size of brainstem auditory nuclei, as well as the number
the way that relations between pitches are perceived, ani-
of glia and neuropil, and the normal pattern of synaptic
mals do appear to hear at least the basic features of
protein expression (syntaxin, synaptophysin) in
music, including pitch, loudness, and temporal patterns.
brainstem nuclei (Alladi, Wadhwa, & Singh, 2002;
Differences between human and animal perception may
Wadhwa, Anand, & Bhowmick, 1999). Exposure to audi-
be partly due to lack of exposure, as further training can
tory stimuli can also result in neurophysiological
result in the use of relative pitch in animals, as occurs
changes in synaptic plasticity. Engineer et al. (2004)
with developing humans. Nonetheless, it reflects a major
exposed rats to a standard or a visually and acoustically
difference of which researchers should be aware when
enriched environment for 8 weeks. Auditory stimuli in
using animal models in music neuroscience research.
the enriched condition included wind chimes, bells, sim-
There has been limited demonstration to date of
ple tones of various frequencies, noise bursts, classical
cognitive-enhancing effects of music in animals.
music, and other complex sounds such as rat vocaliza-
Reduced forms of music, such as the monotonic but
tions and rustling leaves. Enrichment was found to
rhythmic stimuli used in our laboratory, have, however,
increase a number of indices of auditory cortex
consistently yielded significant improvements in perfor-
response, including amplitude, sensitivity, and number.
mance on a memory task in birds. The utility of animal
The possibility that the benefits of auditory enrichment
models is most cogently demonstrated in the search for
on synaptic plasticity might translate to humans, or that
potential underlying mechanisms of such effects. A con-
nonauditory cortex might also be modified, has not
sistent conclusion across laboratories is that musical
been explored. This research has exciting implications
stimuli, particularly the temporal components such as
for populations (such as the aged) who experience
rhythm and tempo, are arousing and subsequently mod-
cognitive deficits as a result of gradually declining
ify catecholamine levels. Taken together with the dem-
neuronal efficacy.
onstrated effects of music on synaptic plasticity in avian
Schreckenberg and Bird (1987) explored the effect
brains, there is a substantial case for the potential of
of nonsynchronized and synchronized rhythmic music
music to modify cognitive performance.
on hippocampal pyramidal and glial cell morphology
Music perception in humans is hierarchical, with
and cognitive performance in mice. Animals were
higher levels recruiting more advanced perceptual and
exposed to one type of music or silence from birth until 2
cognitive processes (Swartz et al., 1989; Umemoto,
months of age (80-86 dB). They found that exposure to
1990). The basic levels comprise perception, identifica-
nonsynchronized rhythmic music produced a number
tion, and discrimination of changes in pitch, timbre, and
of significant changes in mouse hippocampi: Neuronal
intensity. The middle levels involve perception of mel-
dendrites exhibited abnormal sprouting and branching,
ody, rhythm, and harmony, and higher still is compre-
astroglia were increased in size and number, and
hension of form and structure. An emotional appre-
increased levels of mRNA were also observed relative to
ciation of music may be the highest level of music
the other two groups. No significant morphological
perception (Umemoto, 1990), although some of the
changes occurred in the hippocampi of mice exposed to
most powerful affective responses to music may actually
synchronized rhythmic music or to silence. Mice ex-
be—in neurobiological terms—quite basic and there-
posed to the nonsynchronized rhythmic music also per-
fore could be shared by animals (Panksepp, 2003;
formed worse on a spatial learning task than did mice
Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002). There is no doubt that
exposed to synchronized rhythmic music or to silence.
human interaction with music produces other experi-
The authors speculated that abnormal branching and
ences, which are more cognitive in nature and not
excessive glial growth may underlie disturbances of nor-
known to occur in animals (Panksepp & Bernatzky,
mal learning and memory. In this context, it is interest-
2002). Nevertheless, a comparative psychology ap-
ing that exposure to uncontrollable noise (which may be
proach to the perception of music reveals that animals
how animals interpret the irregular music) also impairs
do perceive at least the basic components of music in a
human performance on many tasks (Broadbent, 1979;
similar way as we do. Moreover, animal research has been
Eschenbrenner, 1971). Such findings demonstrate that,
valuable in defining those responses that might be
whether the effect is facilitatory or deleterious to cogni-
unique to humans. As long as music research utilizing
tive performance, auditory stimuli can indeed have a
animal models acknowledges this bottom-up approach,
significant impact on brain plasticity.
there is no reason why generalizable conclusions cannot

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be drawn. An interesting aside is that some neuro- fore, seem to be lacking. This avenue of research
degenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, requires extension such that the fundamental and more
probably strip humans of the higher levels of music complex features of music treatments responsible for
appreciation also (Aldridge, 1995; Swartz et al., 1989). In cognitive enhancement are identified. This endeavor
this context, animal models may even offer a unique promises to shed light on the components of music that
insight into human cognitive performance. are critical for particular purposes (e.g., music therapy,
commercial selling, background relaxing music), and
Well constructed music is uniquely efficacious in reso- conclusions are likely to be drawn from both human and
nating with our basic emotional systems, bringing to life animal domains.
many affective proclivities that may be encoded as birth- Although clearly a complete understanding of the
rights, within ancient neural circuits constructed by our effects of music cannot be obtained by observing animal
genes, many of which we share homologously with other responses, knowledge of the more fundamental or
mammals. (Panksepp & Bernatzky, 2002, p. 136)
“direct” effects of music may be enhanced by including
a bottom-up approach. Once these truly universal
CONCLUSION responses to music are better defined, a firmer founda-
tion will be available, upon which the more complex
The claim that music can enhance human cognitive
effects of music on humans can be investigated. Empiri-
performance is enticing but remains controversial. It
cal research can be guided by having separated those
would appear that substantial benefits can result from
generic features of music that produce cognitive, affec-
several different types of music treatment (passive expo-
tive, and physiological responses from those that are
sure, music therapy, and music training), particularly in
dependent on more complex constructs that vary from
relation to spatial performance and learning and mem-
person to person. These more complex layers can,
ory. However, much of this research can be disputed on
clearly, only be studied in humans.
the grounds that inadequate experimental designs were
used. Innovative approaches are required to make sub- REFERENCES
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