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2/26/13 Substati on

on Contr ol
ol Sy
System GSC 10
1000 & Contr ol
ol : Soci al
al In
Infr as
astr uc
uctur e Systems Company : Toshi ba

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Substation Control System GSC1000

Product Overvie

The new Substation Automation System (SAS) GSC1000 has been introduced to Toshiba Protection &
Control System products line up. It is especially characterized by IEC61850 standard compliant from
application point of view point. The well known substation network protocol IEC61850 for utility systems
is getting accepted and adopted gradually amongst many utilities in the world. The new system has
been certificated by KEMA regarding IEC61850 standard in 2007.

Further environmen
environmentt surround
ing computerized sys tem and its rapid changes and advancement
advancement make
innovation of products perf
ormance possible as well as productive efficiency.
efficiency. Adaptation to this
innovating technology is investigated and improvements are accomplished in the new design too.

The overall system configuration of the GSC1000 is shown below.

The Substation Computer (SC) is the server of the GSC1000 and the core of the system on which the
main programs of the system run. The Gateway (GW) is integrated in the SC rack, in order to secure
he future supply of the spares appropriate for utility equipment lifetime by employing the similar 
hardware architecture
architect ure design with S C.

The Operator workstation (OWS) is a human machine interface (HMI) of the SAS for the operator to
control and monitor the substation. Industrial PC with Windows-XP that is deemed widely accustomed
o many end-users is employed for providing easier and familiar operability for the operator.

In order to realize bay oriented distributed system architecture of the SAS, the multi-functional Bay
Control Units (BCU) Type GBU100 are allocated in the individual local control panel of the switchgears.
The new GBU100 is IEC61850 compliant and communicates with SC and other IEDs on station ring
opology LAN through dedicated Ethernet switch.

co ndition encompassing
encompassing IEC61850 standard is still transitional. Many IEDs are under progress to
implement communication
communication hardware and software to support the standard at present. To cope with
hose circumstances, the dedicated Interface Unit (IFU) is provided so that the new substation
automation system is able to communicate with the IEDs supporting IEC60870-5-103 that is widely
available in the market. The Interface Unit Type G1IF4 has a communication port for IEC60870-5-103
protocol and a IEC61850's for intermediating IEC60870-5-103 equipment to IEC61850 station system
bus. Up to ten of IEC60870-5-103 IEDs are connected to IFU by daisy chain topology. s/en/tands/pr otect/g sc1000.htm 1/3

2/26/13 Substati on Contr ol System GSC 1000 & Contr ol : Soci al Infr astr uctur e Systems Company : Toshi ba

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Technical Description

Main Features

IEC61850 Minimized life cycle cost

Standardized information models Optimized maintenance cycle

Information exchange methods Comprehensive support
 Acc ess standardized data models
Unified system configuration language (XML Applications
 All s ubstation voltage ranges

Open system architecture GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) substation

 AIS (Air Insulated Switc hgear) subst ation
IEC 61850 compliant open system Refurbishment of existing systems
Client / Server system architecture
Bay oriented distributed system

Flexible system configuration

Flexible configuration for all voltage levels

Redundant configuration
Integration of protection relays and other IEC
61850 compliant IEDs
Integration of non-IEC 61850 IEDs

Advance d functions Safety operation

 Automation Password security sy stem

Power apparatus monitoring Select Before Operation (SBO) for control 2/3

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