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Training #8

What Are Probiotics?

The term probiotic means “for life” and according to Health Canada, has a definition of
“Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health
benefit on the host”.

Bacteria are classified according to Species, then Genus, then Strain.

• Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122)

• Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132)

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Human Intestinal Bacteria

• The average human body has about ten trillion cells and about ten times that amount
of microorganisms in the intestinal tract. (100 trillion).

• It has one of the highest densities of microorganisms on earth.

• There are between 300 and 1000 different species of bacteria that live in the gut but
current research is now showing that number to be many thousand different species.

• Bacteria grow naturally in the intestinal tract and aid in the nourishment and defense
not only of the digestive tract but of the whole body.

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Distribution In Adults

• Mouth – Between ten thousand and ten million bacteria.

• Stomach – Between almost zero to one thousand bacteria.

• Upper Small Intestine – Between one hundred thousand and one million bacteria.

• Lower Small Intestine – Between ten million and one trillion bacteria.

• Large Intestine – Between one hundred billion and 99 trillion bacteria.

Note: Per ml of gastric fluid or gram of feces

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Acquisition As Infants

• The intestinal system of a fetus is sterile; with no bacteria present.

• The vaginal delivery introduces the baby to numerous strains of bacteria.

• Vaginally born infants have well established intestinal bacteria usually within 1 month
after birth and have over 1000 completely colonized intestinal bacteria species by the
end of the first year.

• Caesarean born infants are not introduced to the same type or amount of bacteria as
vaginally born infants.

• The intestinal flora may be disturbed and not well established even after 6 months in
cesarean born infants.

• Research has shown those born via C-section have lower numbers of bifidobacteria
& bacteroides (both beneficial bacteria) and more C. difficile bacteria (a pathogenic
bacteria that can cause severe diarrhea) than vaginally born infants.

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What Affects The Gut Bacteria Of
A number of things can interfere with the healthy colonization of gut bacteria in infants:

• Premature delivery

• Delivery by caesarean section

• Excessive use of perinatal antibiotics

All of the above can result in the absence of adequate bacterial colonization which can
lead to an increase in diseases such as asthma, allergies in general and necrotizing
enterocolitis (NEC)

It is possible for infants to be restored to a healthy bacterial balance with the intake of
the right type of probiotics. This has been shown to prevent debilitating diseases such
as NEC.

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The Importance Of Breastfeeding

• There is much research to show that breastfed infants initially establish a different
bacterial composition than formula fed infants.

• When viable counts from one week old infants were analyzed, bifidobacteria occurred
in larger numbers in feces of breastfed infants when compared with formula-fed

• The prebiotic oligosaccharide (found in breast milk) is what feeds healthy intestinal
bacteria. By providing gut bacteria with the food they require, they are able to colonize.

• The incidence of C. difficile was higher (49-66%) in formula-fed than breast-fed infants

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We Are Not All The Same

• One’s intestinal bacteria composition is based on their environment, their experiences

and their exposure.

• The bacterium that is established within the intestinal tract within the first two years of
life is what a person will have into adulthood.

• This will be their microbial “footprint”. This may dictate the difference between
someone who has strong intestinal health and someone who does not.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Manufacture Vitamins & Support Nutrition Digestion

• The intestinal bacteria help to manufacture some B vitamins, especially B12 and they
produce vitamin K.

• Some bacteria produce enzymes that the body then uses to break down food particles
to allow for nutrient absorption.

• Our bacteria are especially helpful in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
such as starches, fibres and sugars.

• Bacteria also produce the enzyme lactase that digests the lactose found in dairy

• Evidence also suggests that bacteria enhance the absorption and storage of lipids and
absorption of calcium, magnesium and iron.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Produce Short Chain Fatty Acids

• Bacteria turn soluble fibre (inulin, artichoke, FOS) into Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)
through fermentation.

• These short chain fatty acids - butyrate, valerate and propionate - are used as the main
source of energy to produce healthy colon cells.

• SCFAs also increase the gut’s absorption of water, reduce counts of damaging
bacteria, and encourage the growth of good bacteria.

• When is fermentation too much? – When it causes excess gas, bloating, and
abdominal pain.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Support Immunity

“Approximately 70% of the immune system is situated along the intestinal tract as
GALT (gut associated lymphoid tissue); a crucial component of the immune system.
A relationship between the intestinal microbiota and host immunity has been widely
investigated playing an important role in maintaining host immunity through activation of
the immune response during periods of stress, for example against pathogenic threats.
Dysbiosis of the endogenous microbiota can lead to compromised immune responses
and contribute to the manifestation of diabetes and other autoimmune diseases”.
(Howarth & Wang, 2013)

• The intestinal mucosa contains at least 80% of the body’s activated B cells
(Brandtzaeg, 2011).

• About 80% of plasma cells mostly immunoglobulin A (IgA)-bearing cells reside in GALT.
(Vighi, G. et al, 2008).

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Most Of The Immune System Is Found In
The Gut
• This means that the gut is the body’s primary defense system.

• Take a virus, for example. Friendly bacteria will fight off that virus on three different

• Level 1 - While the virus is still in the intestinal tract, good bacteria surround and
neutralize the virus.

• Level 2 - The good bacteria form a barrier along the intestinal lining to prevent the virus
from passing through into the bloodstream.

• Level 3 - Friendly bacteria actually communicate with the body to produce substances
that neutralize the virus before it causes damage.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Protect Against Pathogens

• A proper amount of our beneficial bacteria will work by competing for nutrition and
attachment sites to the epithelium of the intestines.

• Harmful bacteria will then have too much competition in order for them to adhere and

• Indigenous gut bacteria also produce bacteriocins which are toxins that inhibit the
growth of and kill harmful microbes.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Reduce Inflammation

• Beneficial bacteria have the ability to inhibit chemical pathways responsible for the
inflammatory process in our body.

• They are extremely useful in the control of inflammation, which leads to many

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Maintain Intestinal Barrier Function

• The intestinal barrier protects humans from pathogenic organisms, as well as parasites
and unwanted proteins from entering the bloodstream, causing an immune reaction.

• Keeping a healthy and tight barrier is crucial.

• Probiotics improve our gut mucosal barrier function by stimulating the production of
certain proteins and chemicals responsible for intestinal cell growth and strength of
this barrier.

• Probiotic bacteria prevent injury to the gut mucosa and assist in the production of
mucous and IgA antibodies.

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What Do These Bacteria Do?

Affect Behaviour & Cognition

There is “rapidly increasing evidence for host-microbe interaction at virtually all levels of complexity,
ranging from direct cell-to-cell communication to extensive systemic signalling, and involving
various organs and organ systems, including the central nervous system” (Stilling, Dinan and Cryan,
How does this happen? Gut microbes produce metabolites such as:
• Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs)
• Neuroactive substances including GABA, tryptophan, serotonin and catecholamines
• Metabolites of bile acids and neurotransmitters
“Cytokines released in response to microbe host interactions can signal via specific receptors on
local cells within the gut, or signal by neurocrine …and endocrine mechanisms to long distance
targets beyond the GI tract, including vagal afferents in the portal vein, and the brain”(Mayer,
Savidge & Shulman, 2014).
With the current knowledge that bacteria can interact in all of these different ways, it is not
surprising that research is showing that gut bacteria is associated with alterations in behaviour and
cognition “ranging from stress-related disorders such as depression, anxiety and irritable bowel
syndrome to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism” (Stilling, Dinan and Cryan, 2014).

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A decline in beneficial microorganisms and a corresponding increase in pathogenic

bacteria is called dysbiosis. There are many things that can set up an imbalance of good
and bad bacteria in the body.
Causes of Dysbiosis
• Aging (as we age, our populations of good bacteria naturally decrease)
• Antacids (change the pH of the intestines)
• Antibiotic exposure including water and food sources
• Chronic intestinal disease
• Dietary factors (sugar, alcohol and simple carbohydrates feed bad bacteria)
• Lifestyle factors
• Stress

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Long-Term Effects Of Dysbiosis

• Candida/yeast overgrowth

• Celiac disease

• Chronic constipation or diarrhea

• Compromised immune system

• Food sensitivities

• Hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance

• Intestinal inflammation leading to Leaky Gut

• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

• Liver dysfunction

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What Is The Solution?

• The great news is that we can increase the friendly bacteria in our bodies by adding
certain foods to our diet.

• Cultured foods are important and have been around for thousands of years.

• Naturally cultured or lactofermented foods contain enzymes and bacteria that help
digest food and eliminate waste.

• Some examples of naturally fermented foods include cultured dairy products such as
buttermilk, yogurt, kefir and cheese; sauerkraut, pickles, Greek olives, kimchee, and

• Most of us do not eat enough of these foods so supplementation is necessary.

• Think of supplemental probiotics like a multivitamin for the gut.

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Yogurt vs. Probiotics

• This is probably the most common statement that you will hear when dealing with a
customer about probiotics: “I’m eating yogurt every day, I don’t need a probiotic”.
• Eating yogurt is a convenient and cost-effective way of introducing probiotics into the
body but it’s important to check labels since a lot of products have no active bacteria
at all.
• Probiotic viability is also negatively
affected by heat and exposure to other
ingredients such as flavors and sugars.
• On the other hand, probiotic
supplements contain high doses of
multiple strains of bacteria and clearly
list the specific strains on the label.
• For example, each capsule of Ultimate
Flora Critical Care 50 Billion is 50 times
more potent than a serving of yogurt
and guaranteed until date of expiry.

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5 Important Things To Look For When
Choosing A Probiotic Supplement
1. Culture count

2. Multiple strains

3. Delayed release

4. Potency at time of expiration

5. Targeted formulas - more Bifidobacteria than Lactobacillus for certain conditions such
as constipation and if there are issues with the lower colon.

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1. Culture Count

• Probiotics are measured in colony forming units (CFU). CFUs are generally measured
in the millions or billions per serving.

• The amount on the label refers to the total amount of bacteria per serving. This is
important to remember when comparing brands for cost efficiency.

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2. Number & Type Of Strains

• Since we all have a different microbial make-up in our body, it is important to choose a
probiotic supplement with multiple strains.
• Probiotic supplements should include many different strains of bacteria including
bifidobacteria for the large intestine and lactobacilli for the small intestine.
• It is also important to look for a formula that delivers both resident (human strain) and
transient bacteria.
• Transient bacteria do not populate the gut but exert a positive benefit, such as
protecting against harmful bacteria or reducing inflammation, while travelling through
the digestive tract.
• Bifidobacteria is expensive and not very stable so companies do not use as much as
Renew Life.
• It is the bifidobacteria strains in particular that live in the large intestine which is where
most imbalances occur (i.e. constipation, diarrhea, Crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis etc.)
• Higher amounts of bifidobacteria are important for treating issues of the large intestine.

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Resident vs. Transient Strains

• Both resident and transient strains are useful in promoting digestive health.

• Resident strains are strains that are found in the digestive tracts of most people and

• Transient strains are found outside the human intestinal tract but are extremely
beneficial in maintaining its health as they pass through.

• Transient strains live symbiotically on plants, including many vegetables (if they have
not been destroyed by pesticides).

• They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, therefore it is necessary to consume

them by either eating organic vegetables or taking probiotic supplements.

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3. Delayed Release

• Most bacteria cannot survive the high acid environment of the stomach. Even so-
called acid resistant strains may be resistant at a pH of 4 but degrade at the pH of the
stomach which can be anywhere from 1-5 depending on many factors.

• Enteric coating is a barrier applied to oral supplements that controls where it is

absorbed in the digestive system.

• Most enteric coatings work by presenting a surface that is stable at the highly acidic
pH found in the stomach, but breaks down rapidly at a less acidic pH.

• For example, they will not dissolve in the acidic juices of the stomach (pH ~3), but they
will in the alkaline (pH 7-9) environment present in the small intestine.

• Please note, when probiotics include an enteric coating they cannot be used as a

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Ultimate Flora Delivery System

Ultimate Flora vegetable capsules are sprayed with a unique water-based enteric coating
made up of:

• ethylcellulose

• hypromellose

• medium chain triglycerides

• oleic acid

• sodium alginate

• stearic acid

• water

This coating protects the probiotics from the acidic environment in the stomach, yet still
allows them to populate in the intestinal tract.

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FloraSMART & FloraSMART Extra
Strength Delivery System
Both FloraSMART products use BIO-tract delivery technology made up of:
• cellulose • sodium bicarbonate
• hypromellose • sodium carbonate
• pectin • stearic acid
• silicon dioxide (mineral source) • turmeric

• After swallowing the FloraSMART tablet, a protective gel layer surrounds the tablet and
effectively isolates the probiotics to reduce interaction with the acidic environment in
the stomach.

• Once passing through the stomach, it releases the probiotics in a controlled fashion
over time, delivering the living bacteria to the small intestines so that it can populate
throughout the intestinal tract.

• Due to the probiotics being freeze dried within the tablet’s core and the BIO-tract
coating, both FloraSMART products are shelf stable.

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When Should Probiotics Be Taken?

While probiotics can be taken anytime, there are various opinions on when is the best

• If there is a protective coating such as BIO-Tract or enteric coating then they can be
taken at any time as stomach acid will not affect them. Take them when you remember

• If there is no protective coating, some experts suggest taking probiotics on an empty

stomach to get the probiotics through the stomach more quickly while others suggest
taking a probiotic two or three times a day after meals or with a large glass of water to
dilute stomach acid or 2 hours after eating when stomach acid is at its lowest. If there’s
no protective coating, select the most appropriate one based on individual needs.

• If someone is on antibiotics, it’s important to “plant good seeds as you are pulling bad
weeds.” Probiotics will help crowd out bad bacteria and support the immune system.

• Take probiotics 2-3 hours away from antibiotics.

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4. Guaranteed Potency At Time Of
• Always ensure that the product packaging states that the potency is guaranteed at
expiry, not at the date of manufacture.

• Guaranteeing potency at expiry means that a person is getting what they paid for and
more importantly, the health benefits of the probiotic itself.

• All Renew Life probiotics are guaranteed active when you take it, not when we make it.

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5. Targeted Formulas

• Most people would benefit from a high potency, multi-strain formula.

• If needed, one can choose formulas that are specific to certain areas of concern such
as colon health or vaginal support.

• While one should choose a child-specific formula for kids, adults do not need age-
specific formulas.

• Older adults would benefit from a multi-strain formula with at least 30 billion

• After the age of 50, the levels of probiotics (specifically bifidobacteria) begin to decline
so it is important for seniors to be taking probiotics as well.

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A Note About The Dairy & Soy Allergy
Warning On Probiotics
• There is a warning on probiotics stating: “This product has come into contact with milk
and soy from fermentation ingredients. Do not use this product if you have a milk or
soy allergy.”

• Probiotics are grown on a dairy or soy medium and extracted. There is no dairy or
soy in the finished product but due to the fact that it was the growth medium,
Health Canada has required the warning on the label.

• Renew Life does not use genetically modified ingredients. All ingredients are

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Renew Life’s Line Of Probiotics For The
Whole Family
• Being a leader in the digestive care field, Renew Life has the best-selling probiotics in
North America.

• With everyone having their own microbial footprint, Renew Life has multiple formulas
to address every need for both younger and older populations.

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Which Probiotic Is Right For You?
Ultimate Flora Ultimate Flora Ultimate Flora Ultimate Flora
Ultra Potent Colon Care Critical Care VS For Women
100 Billion Probiotics 80 Billion Probiotics 50 Billion Probiotics 50 Billion Probiotics
Choose if you: Choose if you: Choose if you: Choose if you:

• Have severe • Suffer from Crohn’s • Have digestive issues

• Have vaginal yeast
digestive issues disease, colitis or IBS such as gas and
infections and candida
• Are using, or have • Have chronic bloating
• Suffer from recurring
recently used, constipation and/or • Want to boost your
urinary tract infections
antibiotics diarrhea immune system

Ultimate Flora FloraBABY FloraBEAR

Kids Probiotic Powder Chewable Tablet
10 Billion Probiotics 4 Billion Probiotics 1 Billion Probiotics
Choose if you: Choose if you: Choose if you:

• Have a child 3 years • Have a child (newborn • Have a child 4 years
Probiotic or older to help boost
immunity, improve
or older) to improve
digestion, ease
or older to help boost
immunity, ease mild

Products digestion, and ease

constipation &
populate a healthy gut
digestive complaints &
maintain good health

FloraSMART BoulardiiMAX
Extra Strength
2 Billion Probiotics 6 Billion Probiotics 10 Billion Probiotics
Choose if you: Choose if you: Choose if you:
Does Not
Require • You are travelling • Are at risk of
• You are looking for an developing c-difficile
Refrigeration everyday probiotic for
and want to protect
yourself against bacteria
the maintenance of
parasites and • Have H-pylori bacteria
good digestive health
travellers’ diarrhea overgrowth

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Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent - 100 Billion
• Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent is a 100 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula designed
for treating severe digestive issues in both the small and large intestine.

• It is an ultra-high potency probiotic in a convenient ‘once a day’ serving

Ideal for people who:

• Have severe digestive issues

• Are on or completed multiple rounds of antibiotics

• Want the strongest probiotic available

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Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent

Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent - Each capsule contains

Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) – Whole cell 21.25 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) – Whole cell 20 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) – Whole cell 20 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) – Whole cell 15.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA–122) – Whole cell 12 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) – Whole cell 10 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA -111) – Whole cell 500 Million CFU
Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) – Whole cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA -114) – Whole cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) – Whole cell 250 Million CFU

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Ultimate Flora Colon Care - 80 Billion
• Ultimate Flora Critical Care is an 80 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula designed
for treating chronic intestinal ailments in both the small and large intestine.

• It is a high potency probiotic in a convenient ‘once a day’ serving.

Ideal for those who:

• Have IBS, Crohn’s, and Colitis (except those undergoing long-term corticosteroid

• Have constipation or diarrhea

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Ultimate Flora Colon Care

Ultimate Flora Colon Care - Each capsule contains

Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) - Whole Cell 23.8 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) - Whole Cell 12 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) - Whole Cell 12 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis (HA-116) - Whole Cell 200 Million CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) - Whole Cell 12 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) - Whole Cell 8.4 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) - Whole Cell 5.4 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus paracasei (HA-196) - Whole Cell 4.8 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) - Whole Cell 1.2 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) - Whole Cell 200 Million CFU

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Ultimate Flora Critical Care - 50 Billion
• North America’s top selling probiotic!

• Ultimate Flora Critical Care is a 50 billion culture, 10 strain probiotic formula designed
for treating chronic intestinal ailments in both the small and large intestine.

• It is a high potency probiotic in a convenient ‘once a day’ serving.

Ideal for those who:

• Are using or have recently used antibiotics

• Have digestive issues

• Want to boost their immune system

• Want a high potency daily probiotic

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Ultimate Flora Critical Care

Ultimate Flora Critical Care - Each capsule contains

Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) - Whole Cell 25 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) - Whole Cell 10 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) - Whole Cell 8.875 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) - Whole Cell 4 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) - Whole Cell 1 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA -111) - Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-114) - Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) - Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) - Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) - Whole Cell 125 Million CFU

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Ultimate Flora VS - 50 Billion CFU

• Ultimate Flora VS is a 50 billion culture, 9 strain probiotic formula designed to help

maintain a healthy balance of vaginal and urinary tract bacteria.

• Each capsule contains 45 billion live lactobacillus cultures and 5 billion live
bifidobacteria, mirroring the prevalence of lactobacilli and the lesser numbers of
bifidobacteria in the vagina.

• It is enteric coated and due to the enteric coating, one cannot use Ultimate Flora VS as
a suppository.

Ideal for those who:

• Are prone to yeast infections

• Are prone to urinary tract infections

• Are prone to bladder infections

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Ultimate Flora VS

Ultimate Flora VS - Each capsule contains

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) - Whole Cell 17.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus casei (HA-108) - Whole Cell 11.75 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum (HA-119) - Whole Cell 7.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) - Whole Cell 5 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) - Whole Cell 2.5 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) - Whole Cell 2.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus fermentum (HA-179) - Whole Cell 2.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus salivarius (HA-118) - Whole Cell 500 Million CFU
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (HA-137) - Whole Cell 250 Million CFU

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FloraSMART Extra Strength - 6 Billion CFU

• FloraSMART Extra Strength is a 6 billion culture, 6 strain probiotic formula which helps
to ensure a healthy microbacterial environment in the intestinal tract and colon.

• It includes 2.4 billion bifidobacteria and 3.6 billion lactobacillus.

• FloraSMART Extra Strength uses BIO-tract delivery technology, an enteric coating that
helps to ensure shelf stability.

Ideal for those who:

• Are trying to avoid travellers’ diarrhea

• Have mild digestive complaints that are under control

• Need a probiotic that does not require refrigeration

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FloraSMART Extra Strength

FloraSMART Extra Strength - Each tablet contains

Proprietary Blend 6 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (Nx5864) 2.7 Billion
Bifidobacterium bifidum (Nx 5857) 2.1 Billion
Bifidobacterium longum (Nx5846) 300 Million
Lactobacillus casei (Nx5858) 300 Million
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Nx5839) 300 Million
Lactobacillus salivarius (Nx5863) 300 Million

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FloraSMART - 2 Billion CFU

• FloraSMART is a 2 billion culture, 6 strain probiotic formula which helps to ensure a

healthy microbacterial environment in the intestinal tract and colon.

• It includes 1.4 billion bifidobacteria and 800 million lactobacillus.

• FloraSMART uses BIO-tract delivery technology, an enteric coating that helps to

ensure shelf stability.

Ideal for those who:

• Require a daily dose of probiotics

• Cannot tolerate high doses of probiotics

• Need a probiotic that does not require refrigeration

- 44 - Probiotics

FloraSMART - Each tablet contains

Proprietary Blend 2 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (Nx5864) 900 Million
Bifidobacterium bifidum (Nx5857) 700 Million
Bifidobacterium longum (Nx5846) 100 Million
Lactobacillus casei (Nx5858) 100 Million
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Nx5839) 100 Million
Lactobacillus salivarius (Nx5863) 100 Million

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BoulardiiMAX - 10 Billion CFU

• BoulardiiMAX is a probiotic supplement containing 10 Billion cultures of

Saccharomyces boulardii, a non-colonizing yeast species.

• It is a non-pathogenic yeast strain that is not related to the yeast group to which
Candida Albicans belongs.

• It is shelf stable so it does not have to be refrigerated but it is ok if it is left in the fridge.

• It is stomach acid resistant so it can be taken any time.

• It is antibiotic resistant so it can be taken at the same moment as

antibiotics which is ideal because many people get diarrhea when
they take antibiotics.

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Many human research studies have shown the benefits of Saccharomyces boulardii to:

1. Help treat serious bacterial infections such as Clostridium difficile.

2. Increase the eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) bacteria which can cause
heartburn, nausea, bloating, belching and in serious cases, peptic ulcers.

3. Effectively treat and prevent diarrhea due to antibiotic use, bacterial infections,
travelling and inflammation in the bowel.

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There are a number of different mechanisms by which Saccharomyces boulardii works within the
intestinal tract:
• It improves the fecal biostructure in patients with diarrhea.
• It inhibits pathogenic bacteria adhesion to the intestinal wall, thereby stopping an overgrowth of
• It produces an enzyme that breaks down pathogenic bacteria such as C. difficile toxin A, and
stimulates an antibody production against this diarrhea causing toxin.
• Saccharomyces boulardii suppresses bacterial infection in 3 ways; by inhibiting adhesion and/
or overgrowth of bacteria, by producing a serine protease that cleaves C. difficile toxin A, and by
stimulating antibody production against this toxin.
• It inhibits the main inflammation regulators by changing the signaling pathways involved in
inflammatory intestinal diseases.
• It acts on T cells which may interfere with the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
• New research shows that Saccharomyces boulardii is an effective addition to H. Pylori treatment.
It also helps to prevent diarrhea from standard H. Pylori antibiotic treatment, which is a common
side effect.

- 48 - Probiotics

Ideal for those who:

• Have diarrhea related to antibiotic use, travelling, bacterial infections or inflammation
in the bowel (I.B.S., Crohn’s and Colitis)
• Have C. difficile, or are in a hospital or a long term care facility as prevention
• Have H. pylori
• Can be used by adults, adolescents and children 1 year and older
• Can be taken alongside any other probiotic
• Can start taking it 3 days prior to travel to prevent travellers’ diarrhea

BoulardiiMAX - Each capsule contains

Saccharomyces boulardii (DBVPG-6763) – Whole Cell 10 Billion CFU

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Probiotics For Children

• It is equally important to add probiotics to a child’s daily routine.

• As most of us know, children tend to have less than favourable hygiene habits and
supporting their immune systems with probiotics is important.

• Probiotics are also very beneficial for children who were born C-section or have not
been breastfed.

• Renew Life carries probiotic products for children, which help to promote regularity in
the bowel as well as strengthen their immune system and improve digestion overall.

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Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic - 10 Billion
• Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic is a 10 billion culture, 9 strain probiotic formula
specifically formulated for the intestinal tract and colon of children.
• Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic is a chewable tablet with berry flavour from real berries
and fruit for a taste that children will love.
• There is no enteric coating due to the fact that it is a chewable probiotic.
Ideal for children:
• To improve digestion
• To ease constipation and/or diarrhea
• To improve and increase immune system health
• To rebalance the gut bacteria during and after antibiotic use
• To address issues with Candida/yeast, fungus and parasites
• For everyday use to maintain optimal gut health

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Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic

Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic - Each Chewable Tablet contains

Bifidobacterium bifidum (BB-02) – Whole Cell 3 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium infantis (BI-26) – Whole Cell 2 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (BB-03) – Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum (BL-05) – Whole Cell 250 Million CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-14) – Whole Cell 2.5 Billion CFU
Lactobacillus fermentum (LF-33) – Whole Cell 500 Million CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LR-32) – Whole Cell 500 Million CFU
Lactobacillus salvarius (LS-33) – Whole Cell 500 Million CFU
Lactobacillus casei (LC-11) – Whole Cell 500 Million CFU

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FloraBEAR - 1 Billion CFU

• FloraBEAR is a 1 billion culture, 4 strain probiotic designed specifically for children to

help maintain a healthy microbacterial environment in the intestinal tract and colon.

• FloraBEAR is a chewable probiotic tablet with citrus flavour from natural tangerine and
orange juice crystals for a taste that children will enjoy.

• There is no enteric coating due to the fact that it is a chewable probiotic.

Ideal for children:

• With mild digestive complaints

• To improve immune system health

• For the maintenance of good health

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FloraBEAR - Each tablet contains

Probiotic Proprietary Blend 1 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) 550 Million CFU
Lactobacillus acidophilus (HA-122) 300 Million CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) 100 Million CFU
Bifidobacterium infantis subsp. infantis (HA-116) 50 Million CFU

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FloraBABY - 4 Billion CFU

• FloraBABY is a 4 billion culture, 5 strain probiotic formula specifically formulated to help

ensure a healthy microbacterial environment in the intestinal tract of infants and children.
• It is a flavourless powder which can easily be mixed into warm or cool drinks such as infant
formula, water, juice and milk, or soft foods such as yogurt and apple sauce.
• It can also be made into a paste and applied to the nipple while a child is breastfeeding.
• Using a powdered probiotic allows parents to provide probiotics to children who do not like,
or have a difficult time, taking supplements in pill form.
• FloraBABY should not be mixed with hot liquids or hot foods and should be consumed
immediately after mixing.
• There is no enteric coating due to the fact that it is a powdered probiotic.
Ideal for children:
• From birth for moderate digestive complaints
• To ease constipation
• Who have been cesarean born or were not breastfed

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FloraBABY Studies

• GREAT NEWS! The directions for use for FloraBABY have changed and it can now be taken from

• The decision by Health Canada to change the warning on FloraBABY was based on a cohort
study at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine, Montréal, Quebec regarding
Necrotizing Enterocolitis and published in the Journal of Pediatrics.

“Two hundred ninety-four infants of <32 weeks ‘gestational age were admitted in the probiotic
cohort. There was a significant reduction in the incidence of NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis),
a nonsignificant reduction in death, and a significant reduction in the proportion of infants
who either died or developed NEC in comparing periods… A product that is readily available
in North America, that has excellent quality control, and that contains strains similar to those
that have been shown effective in randomized controlled trials substantially reduced the
frequency of NEC in our neonatal intensive care unit” (Janvier et al., 2014).

• The product they used in the study was FloraBABY.

• Research on combinations of probiotic strains including those in FloraBABY have also been
shown to be of benefit for the common cold, constipation, diarrhea and eczema.

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1 Scoop (500mg) 2 Scoops (1g)
(ages 0-1 year) (ages 1 and up)
Probiotic Proprietary Blend 2 Billion CFU 4 Billion CFU
Bifidobacterium breve (HA-129) 600 million CFU 1.2 billion CFU
Lactobacillus rhamnosus (HA-111) 500 million CFU 1 billion CFU
Bifidobacterium bifidum (HA-132) 400 million CFU 800 million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis (HA-116) 300 million CFU 600 million CFU
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum (HA-135) 200 million CFU 400 million CFU

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Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent Ingredients
Ultimate Flora Ultra Potent Lactobacillus acidophilus
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient • The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
strains. Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re- reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
(beneficial bacterial balance). These are commonly referred to as “human of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
strain” bacteria. folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but prevalent strain in the body.
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living Lactobacillus casei
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been • Inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, infections.
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables Lactobacillus rhamnosus
or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass • It is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
through the digestive tract. the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
Resident strains: Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
Bifidobacterium bifidum Lactobacillus salivarius
• Studies show that disturbances of intestinal flora in connection with • Is useful in helping impair the growth and activity of harmful pathogenic
peristalsis disorders and liver problems are usually related to the restriction bacteria, including H. pylori and salmonella. It also helps break down
or disappearance of B. bifidum. It has the ability to protect the body against undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein
the devastation of rotavirus diarrhea and it modifies the gut flora and is a putrefaction.
supportive therapy for intestinal infections and intestinal disturbances. Even Transient strains:
more importantly, immune strengthening properties have been reported in Lactobacillus fermentum
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition especially in relation to colon • Is capable of releasing glutathione and has been shown to prevent colonic
health and its suppressive effect on tumors. It reports that B. bifidum is inflammation such as colitis in animal studies.
well tolerated without side effects, reducing the inflammatory response of Lactobacillus plantarum
the colon and stimulating the body’s fluid immunity. • Is an excellent alternative to antibiotics, and makes use of its potential to
Bifidobacterium breve block receptor sites for gram- negative bacteria. L. plantarum is capable of
• Helps decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora, and metabolizing semiresistant fibres, such as onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat,
has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system. oat, rye, bananas, and yeast. It is also an important tool in antimicrobial
Bifidobacterium longum defense and its effect both against extra and intercellular pathogens.
• Helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small amounts of formic
acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the
region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer of
B vitamins.

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Ultimate Flora Colon Care Ingredients
Ultimate Flora Colon Care Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient • Helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small amounts of formic
strains. Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the
re-establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer of
flora (beneficial bacterial balance). These are commonly referred to as B vitamins.
“human strain” bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but • The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass prevalent strain in the body.
through the digestive tract. Lactobacillus casei
Resident strains: • Inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract
Bifidobacterium bifidum infections.
• Studies show that disturbances of intestinal flora in connection with Lactobacillus paracasei
peristalsis disorders and liver problems are usually related to the restriction • Expands the natural killer cell population, therefore may enhance immune
or disappearance of B. bifidum. It has the ability to protect the body against defence against viral infections or tumours. Also has an anti-inflammatory
the devastation of rotavirus diarrhea and it modifies the gut flora and is a effect.
supportive therapy for intestinal infections and intestinal disturbances. Even Lactobacillus rhamnosus
more importantly, immune strengthening properties have been reported in • It is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition especially in relation to colon the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
health and its suppressive effect on tumors. It reports that B. bifidum is Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
well tolerated without side effects, reducing the inflammatory response of Lactobacillus salivarius
the colon and stimulating the body’s fluid immunity. • Is useful in helping impair the growth and activity of harmful pathogenic
Bifidobacterium breve bacteria, including H. pylori and salmonella. It also helps break down
• Helps decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora, and undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein
has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system. putrefaction.
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis Transient strains:
• A main inhabitant in the intestines of children, bifidobacterium infantis Lactobacillus plantarum
also has benefits into adulthood. It has been shown to help reduce the • Is an excellent alternative to antibiotics, and makes use of its potential to
symptoms associated with IBS. block receptor sites for gram- negative bacteria. L. plantarum is capable of
metabolizing semiresistant fibres, such as onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat,
oat, rye, bananas, and yeast. It is also an important tool in antimicrobial
defense and its effect both against extra- and intercellular pathogens.
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Ultimate Flora Critical Care Ingredients
Ultimate Flora Critical Care Lactobacillus acidophilus
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient • The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
strains. Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re- reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
(beneficial bacterial balance). These are commonly referred to as “human of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
strain” bacteria. folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but prevalent strain in the body.
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living Lactobacillus casei
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been • Inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, infections.
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables Lactobacillus rhamnosus
or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass • It is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
through the digestive tract. the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
Resident strains: Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
Bifidobacterium bifidum Lactobacillus salivarius
• Studies show that disturbances of intestinal flora in connection with • Expands the natural killer cell population, therefore may enhance immune
peristalsis disorders and liver problems are usually related to the restriction defence against viral infections or tumours. Also has an anti-inflammatory
or disappearance of B. bifidum. It has the ability to protect the body against effect.
the devastation of rotavirus diarrhea and it modifies the gut flora and is a Transient strains:
supportive therapy for intestinal infections and intestinal disturbances. Even Lactobacillus fermentum
more importantly, immune strengthening properties have been reported in • Is capable of releasing glutathione and has been shown to prevent colonic
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition especially in relation to colon inflammation such as colitis in animal studies.
health and its suppressive effect on tumors. It reports that B. bifidum is Lactobacillus plantarum
well tolerated without side effects, reducing the inflammatory response of • Is an excellent alternative to antibiotics, and makes use of its potential to
the colon and stimulating the body’s fluid immunity. block receptor sites for gram- negative bacteria. L. plantarum is capable of
Bifidobacterium breve metabolizing semi-resistant fibres, such as onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat,
• Helps decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora, and oat, rye, bananas, and yeast. It is also an important tool in antimicrobial
has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system. defense and its effect both against extra- and intercellular pathogens.
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis
• Helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small amounts of formic
acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the region
undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer of B

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Ultimate Flora VS Ingredients
Ultimate Flora VS Lactobacillus casei
Ultimate Flora VS is a 50 Billion Strength probiotic formulated to help • Inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against Candida
eliminate and prevent recurring vaginal yeast infections.. overgrowth and urinary tract infections.
Resident strains: Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum
Lactobacillus acidophilus • Helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small amounts of formic
• The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the region
reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer of B
and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion vitamins.
of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin, Lactobacillus rhamnosus
folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most • Is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
prevalent strain in the body. the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
Bifidobacterium bifidum Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
• Studies show that disturbances of intestinal flora in connection with Lactobacillus salivarius
peristalsis disorders and liver problems are usually related to the restriction • Is useful in helping impair the growth and activity of harmful pathogenic
or disappearance of B. bifidum. It has the ability to protect the body against bacteria, including H. pylori and salmonella. It also helps break down
the devastation of rotavirus diarrhea and it modifies the gut flora and is a undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein
supportive therapy for intestinal infections and intestinal disturbances. Even putrefaction.
more importantly, immune strengthening properties have been reported in Transient strains:
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition especially in relation to colon Lactobacillus fermentum
health and its suppressive effect on tumors. It reports that B. bifidum is • Is capable of releasing glutathione and has been shown to prevent colonic
well tolerated without side effects, reducing the inflammatory response of inflammation such as colitis in animal studies.
the colon and stimulating the body’s fluid immunity.
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus • Is an excellent alternative to antibiotics, and makes use of its potential to
• Lactobacillus is a genus of beneficial micro-bacteria that live in the human block receptor sites for gram- negative bacteria. L. plantarum is capable of
body and are usually present in the gastrointestinal tracts and the vagina. metabolizing semi-resistant fibres, such as onion, garlic, artichoke, wheat,
Lactobacillus bulgaricus is a lactic acid producing bacteria found in yogurt oat, rye, bananas, and yeast. It is also an important tool in antimicrobial
that is helpful for lactose intolerance, diarrhea and immunity. It also helps defense and its effect both against extra- and intercellular pathogens.
to promote the growth of other beneficial bacteria and as a result helps to
maintain a healthy immune system. It may also help the body to metabolize
lipids and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Because L. bulgaricus
has antibiotic properties, it can help prevent infections and prevent the
proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the gut.

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FloraSMART Extra Strength Ingredients
FloraSMART Extra Strength Lactobacillus salivarius
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient • It is useful in helping impair the growth and activity of harmful pathogenic
strains. Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re- bacteria, including H. pylori and salmonella. It also helps break down
establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein
(beneficial bacterial balance). putrefaction.
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living Transient strains:
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been Lactobacillus casei
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, • It inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables infections.
or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass Lactobacillus rhamnosus
through the digestive tract. • It is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
Proprietary Probiotic Blend (6 Billion CFU per tablet): Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
Resident strains:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
• The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
prevalent strain in the body.
Bifidobacterium bifidum
• It is important for the production of B vitamins and is also particularly good
at enhancing the body’s immune response. This is the next most prevalent
strain in the body.
Bifidobacterium longum
• It helps in the formation of acidic and lactic acid along with small amounts
of formic acid.These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making
the region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer
of B vitamins.

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FloraSMART Ingredients
FloraSMART Lactobacillus salivarius
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient • It is useful in helping impair the growth and activity of harmful pathogenic
strains. Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re- bacteria, including H. pylori and salmonella. It also helps break down
establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora undigested protein and disengage the toxins produced by protein
(beneficial bacterial balance). putrefaction.
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but Transient strains:
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living Lactobacillus casei
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been • It inhibits growth of E.coli, as well as being effective against urinary tract
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, infections.
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables
or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass Lactobacillus rhamnosus
through the digestive tract. • It is useful for the inhibition of vaginal and urinary tract infections. It helps
the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or
Proprietary Probiotic Blend (2 Billion CFU per tablet): Clostrididium difficile induced diarrhea.
Resident strains:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
• The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
prevalent strain in the body.
Bifidobacterium bifidum
• It is important for the production of B vitamins and is also particularly good
at enhancing the body’s immune response. This is the next most prevalent
strain in the body.
Bifidobacterium longum
• It helps in the formation of acidic and lactic acid along with small amounts
of formic acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making
the region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer
of B vitamins.

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BoulardiiMAX Ingredients
Saccharomyces boulardii Whole Cell (DBVPG-6763)

There are a number of different mechanisms by which S. boulardii works within the intestinal tract:

1. It inhibits pathogenic bacteria adhesion to the intestinal wall, thereby stopping an overgrowth of bacteria.

2. It produces an enzyme that breaks down pathogenic / bad bacteria such as C. difficile toxin A, and stimulates an antibody production against this
diarrhea causing toxin.

3. It inhibits the main inflammation regulators by changing the signaling pathways involved in inflammatory intestinal diseases.

4. It acts on T cells which may interfere with the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

5. It improves the fecal biostructure in patients with diarrhea.

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Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic Ingredients
Ultimate Flora Kids Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum
There are two major types of probiotics, resident strains and transient strains. • Bifidobacterium longum is the most frequently found species in healthy
Resident strains are naturally found in the human intestine. They re- breast fed infants. It helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small
establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora amounts of formic acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby
(beneficial bacterial balance). These are commonly referred to as “human making the region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial
strain” bacteria. producer of B vitamins.
Transient strains are found outside of the human intestinal system, but Lactobacillus acidophilus
are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living • The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps
symbiotically on plants including many vegetables (if they have not been reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine
destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, and also produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion
therefore it is necessary to consume them by either eating organic vegetables of milk. Acidophilus is involved in the production of B vitamins (niacin,
or taking supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process. This is the most
through the digestive tract. prevalent strain in the body.
Lactobacillus casei
Resident strains:
• Early colonization of L. casei seems to decrease the risk of allergy at five
Bifidobacterium bifidum
years of age, even in those whose parents have allergies.
• One of the main resident bacteria of the colon in infants and children. It is
important for the production of B vitamins. It is also particularly good at Lactobacillus rhamnosus
enhancing the body’s immune response and inhibiting harmful bacteria. • Has a positive immunomodulatory effect and may be useful in decreasing
repeated episodes of rotavirus diarrhea. Research has shown that it
Bifidobacterium infantis
improves intestinal function and permeability in children with rotavirus and
• A main inhabitant in the intestines of infants, particularly in those who have
cryptosporidial gastroenteritis and emphasizes the role of rhamnosus in
been breastfed. Research has shown infantis has the most anti-inflammatory
treating intestinal impairment after infection. Research has also showed
profile of all of the probiotics, and has strong immunomodulatory potential.
healthy children aged 1–6 years from day care centres had a lower number
Bifidobacterium breve of days with respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms when taking
• This probiotic is highest in those who have been breastfed. It has been shown L. rhamnosus over a 7 month period than in those taking a placebo.
to help decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora,
Lactobacillus salivarius
and has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system. It is effective in
• Research has shown that Lactobacillus salivarius treatment reduces rhinitis
increasing stool frequency in children with functional constipation. It also
symptoms and drug usage in children with allergic rhinitis (particularly
has a positive effect on stool consistency, decreasing the number of fecal
those with dust allergies).
incontinence episodes and in diminishing abdominal pain.
Transient strains:
Lactobacillus fermentum
• Found in breastmilk and is transferred to the gut of breastfed infants.
Children ages 1-18 with moderate-to-severe Atopic dermatitis showed
clinical improvements after 3 months of taking L. fermentum.

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FloraBEAR Ingredients
Proprietary Probiotic Blend (1 Billion Active CFU per tablet):

Bifidobacterium longum
• Bifidobacterium longum is the most frequently found species in healthy breast fed infants. It helps in the formation of lactic acid along with small amounts
of formic acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the region undesirable for harmful bacteria. It is also a substantial producer of
B vitamins.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
• The predominant friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It helps reduce thelevels of harmful bacteria and yeasts in the small intestine and also
produces lactase, an enzyme which is important in the digestion of milk and milk products. L. Acidophilus is also involved in the production of B vitamins
(niacin, folic acid, and pyridoxine) during the digestive process.

Bifidobacterium breve
• This probiotic is highest in those who have been breastfed. It has been shown to help decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora,
and has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system. It is effective in increasing stool frequency in children with functional constipation. It also has a
positive effect on stool consistency, decreasing the number of fecal incontinence episodes and in diminishing abdominal pain.

Bifidobacterium infantis
• A main inhabitant in the intestines of infants, particularly in those who have been breastfed. Research has shown infantis has the most anti-inflammatory
profile of all of the probiotics, and has strong immunomodulatory potential.

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
• Works to help Bifidobacterium colonize (reproduce) in the intestinal tract and colon. This is extremely important for a children’s probiotic; as Bifidobacterium
should be the most prevalent probiotic in a child’s intestinal tract.

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FloraBABY Ingredients
There are two major types of probiotics, autochthonous (resident / indigenous) and allochthonous (transient) species. Resident strains are naturally found in
the human intestine. They re-establish and adhere to the intestinal tract to repair the body’s intestinal flora (beneficial bacterial balance). Transient strains are
found outside of the human intestinal system, but are extremely beneficial in maintaining its health. They are found living symbiotically on plants including
many vegetables (if they have not been destroyed by pesticides). They do not re-establish in the intestinal tract, therefore it is necessary to consume them
by either eating organic vegetables or take supplements. They provide numerous health benefits as they pass through the digestive tract.

Proprietary Probiotic Blend

Resident strains:
Bifidobacterium breve
The oral administration of B. breve in infants significantly decreased rotavirus shedding in stool samples and prevented rotavirus infection. It has also been
shown to help decrease intestinal permeability, improves intestinal microflora, and has a positive effect on the intestinal immune system.

Bifidobacterium bifidum
• The resident symbiotic bacteria of the colon. It is important for the production of B vitamins. It is also particularly good at enhancing the body’s immune
response and inhibiting harmful bacteria.

Bifidobacterium infantis
• A main inhabitant in the intestines of infants, but only in those who have been breast fed. Children who have not been breast fed, do not receive the
benefits of this probiotic. When it is lacking, allergies and malabsorption of nutrients can become a problem, which can continue on throughout childhood.

Bifidobacterium longum
• Bifidobacterium longum is the most frequently found species in healthy breast fed infants (between 54 -71% of the samples). It helps in the formation of
lactic acid along with small amounts of formic acid. These acids lower the PH of the intestines, thereby making the region undesirable for harmful bacteria.
It is also a substantial producer of B vitamins.

Transient strains:
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
• It helps the body resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and prevents rotoviral or Clostridium difficile induced diarrhea. It is also useful for the inhibition
of vaginal and urinary tract infections, which are also common during early childhood.

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Thank You
for your time & involvement!

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