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The poet;

William Brighty Rands was born in London for a poor family.

He showed an amazing ability to read and write at his early
childhood. His family could not afford sending to school regularly
but he could learn Latin and Greek before he started school. He
depended on himself to have a good education.

He was awarded the poet Laureate of the nursery for his great
works for the children. His great love for children and nature made
his poetry popular till now.

1st Stanza;
Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world,
With the wonderful water around you curled,
And the wonderful grass on your breast,
World, you are beautifully dressed.
The poet describes the world showing its greatness as it is so
big, wide, beautiful and amazing. It has water running beautifully
around it and beautiful grass on it which looks like a beautiful
green dress.
Rhyme scheme ( a a b b )
Figures of speech
1-Personification; “on your breast,"
The poet gives the world the image of a person who has a

Middle 1 Poetry Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World 1

2- Personification; " you are beautifully dressed"
The poet gives the world the image of a person who is wearing
a dress.
3- Metaphor; " you are beautifully dressed"
The poet gives the grass the image of a dress.
2nd Stanza

Ah, you are so great, and I am so small,

I tremble to think of you world, at all;
And yet, when I said my prayers to-day,
A whisper inside me seemed to say,
You are more than earth though you are such a dot;
You can love and think but the earth cannot!
The poets compares himself to the world to find that the
world is so big and he is so small that he feels frightened on
looking at his small size but while praying he hears a faint voice
inside of him telling him that he is greater than the earth although
he is as small as a point because he can love and think but the
earth cannot.
Rhyme scheme ( c c d d e e )
Alliteration ; ( wide- wonderful- world)
( with- wonderful- water)
( tremble- to - think )
( seemed - say )
To give music to appeal our sense of hearing.
Contrast ; ( great x small )

Middle 1 Poetry Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World 2

Questions & Answers

1-How does W. B. Rands emphasise the greatness of the world?

2-Why does W.B. Rands use many adjectives to describe the
3- How does W.B. Rands draw a beautiful picture for the world?
4- What is the main theme of the poem?
5- What is the main comparison in the poem?
6- Why does the poet feel frightened?
7- What does the poet hear while praying?

Middle 1 Poetry Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World 3

8- Why is man greater than the earth?

Middle 1 Poetry Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful World 4

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