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SCH4U – Chemistry Lesson 17

CaCO3(s) ļ CaO(s) + CO2(g)

(Notice the arrow indicates both the forward and reverse direction)

Allowing the reaction to reach equilibrium limits the amount of product produced.

Let’s consider another reaction in a closed system that can also reach equilibrium

N2O4(g) ļ2NO2(g)

Suppose you conducted two experiments, one which began with N2O4(g) molecules in a
closed reaction vessel, and another that began with NO2(g), in a reaction vessel. Would
the system still reach equilibrium in both cases?

Table 17.1: N2O4/NO2 equilibrium concentrations

Initial Concentrations (mol/L) Final Concentrations (mol/L)
N2O4(g NO2 N2O4(g NO2
Experiment 1 0.75 0 .721 0.058
Experiment 2 0 1.50 .721 0.058

According to the data above, equal ratios of N2O4(g) and NO2(g) were present regardless
of whether the reaction started in the forward or the reverse direction. Also note that
equilibrium does not mean that the concentrations are equal, rather that the rates of the
forward and reverse reactions are equal.
Percent Reaction at Chemical Equilibrium

Example 1:

Consider the following equation for the formation of hydrogen fluoride from its elements

H2(g) + F2(g) ļ2HF(g)

If the reaction begins with 1.00 mol/L concentrations of H2(g) and F2(g) and no HF(g),
calculate the concentrations of H2(g) and HF(g) at equilibrium if the equilibrium
concentration of F2(g) is measured to be 0.24mol/L.

Solution 1:

Let’s start off by stating our givens:

[H2(g)]initial = 1.00 mol/L
[F2(g)]initial = 1.00 mol/L
[HF(g)]initial = 0.00 mol/L
[F2(g)]equilibrium = 0.24 mol/L

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