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The Truth About Vaccines -

Vaccine Experts - including top doctors, scientists,
researchers and investigative reporters.

June 18, 2018 - "The occult archetype called vaccination" -
By Jon Rappoport -
...The psychological and occult and archetypal impact of
vaccination is key: modern parents are given the opportunity to
feel, on a subconscious level, a return to older times, when life
was more bracing and immediate and vital. That is the mythology.
Modern life, for basic consumers, has fewer dimensions—but
vaccination awakens sleeping memories of an age when ritual
and ceremony were essential to the future of the group. No one
would defect from these moments. Refusal was unthinkable.
Survival was All. The mandate was powerful. On a deep level,
parents today can experience that power. It is satisfying.
The doctor giving the injections is, of course, the priest of the
tribe, the medicine man, the holder of secrets. He is the spiritual
source of, and connection to, “unseen realms” where opposing
spirits carry out warfare and struggle for supremacy. Without the
medicine man, the tribe would disintegrate.
The medicine man is permitted to say and do anything. He can
tell lies if lies serve a noble purpose and effect greater strength of
the tribe. He can manipulate language and truth and meaning. He
can turn day into night. He can present paradox and contradiction.
No one can question his pronouncements.
Loyalty to the medicine man is absolute. In this regard, a rebel is
exiled or destroyed.
People living today in industrial and technological societies are
relatively numb. Their options and choices seem confined to a

range of products they can buy. They yearn for absolutes. They
want a command, from the medicine man, which taps into the
adrenaline-stimulating need for, and risk to, survival.
The demand for vaccination, along with the ever-present threat of
illness and outbreak and pandemic, awakens that need and
risk. ..."[11]

Editor’s Comment: “The whole article (By: Jon Rappoport)
deserves to be spoken live in as many expressive art forms as
can honor the power of this!” 


May 1, 2018 - "... the most needful and the most appropriate
caustic comment that is directed right where it is most deserved!”
- Regarding: "Bill Gates Opinions on Pandemics”[10] 


March 30, 2018 - A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution
- by Jon Rappoport
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people
from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.
Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that
vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the
moment and follow the bouncing ball.
Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has
introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars
toward the universal flu-vaccine project. You like something, it
sounds good, you know nothing about the details, throw money at

Here is a paragraph from an NIAID press release[8] that mentions

one of several research approaches:
“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase
1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an
investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)...”
This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase “DNA vaccine”
means. It refers to what the experts are touting as the next
generation of immunizations.
Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to
stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot
into the body. This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s
“protective gene therapy”.
In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no
matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended
consequences,” to use their polite phrase. The ripple effects
scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.
Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines—
They will permanently alter your DNA. ...[9] -
Highly recommended!: [1] 


April 13, 2017 -
"Did you know... in 1960, there were 5 doses of 3 vaccines given
to children. By 1983, it was up to 24 doses.
And now, in 2017, we’re up to 69 doses of 14 vaccines given to
children here in the U.S from birth to 18 years."[2]


April 18, 2017 -
Just watched the final episode of "The Truth About Vaccines"
which essentially concluded with the following statement:
"I'm driven by a divine mission. My spirit is bulletproof; as is yours.
You can not kill an idea with violence. You can not kill truth with
threats. ... Every single truth lives on. We've already won! It's just
a matter of time before it all comes out. The light of truth always
Just before this declaration there was the heart-felt personal
account of Heidi Bonaroti that embraced the very human
emotional side of being a mother to a child who was diagnosed
with autism after having the MMR vaccine.
Before Heidi was Nico and Davi Lahood who referred to Hosea
4:6 - " My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge."

April 19, 2017 -
Ideally - I'd like to see the last episode again while it's available as
a replay. I'd especially like to quote the several statements made
by the professionals in the health field who identified the
vaccination fraud as "criminal".
It appears to me that we (the people) are in a process of realizing
(more and more) that we have an acute crisis with vaccine
manufacturers who are "coupled" with government rather than
having government act as our "watchdog" on alert for
"trespassers" from the corporate world. It's an acute crisis now
that needs our immediate correction. Otherwise what is now acute
may become chronic or worse!

However this "acute" condition does have a history that needs to

be known and understood so we can better support the correction
process. The problem at hand now appears to be primarily with
corporate pharmaceutical manufacturers yet the legal history
goes back about a hundred and fifty years with certain acts that
allowed for "corporate personhood" to become an established
legal status. Original limited corporate charters were issued by the
state governments that permitted the corporation to provide a
service/accomplish a task for the public good. These charters
were subject to review after a designated period of time typically
of a few years. If the corporate mission was fulfilled then the
charter was not extended. The state determined this on behalf of
the public good. The nature of this relationship changed
dramatically in the late 1800s as of a certain supreme court
decision where the clerk of the court played a "deceptive" role in
his writing of the court decision in favor of what we now know as
"corporate personhood".:
"When California officials levied a special tax on the Southern
Pacific Railroad, the railroad sued, arguing that singling out the
company violated its rights to equal protection under the 14th
Amendment, which was intended to protect freed slaves. In a
strange twist, the court reporter—a former railroad man—wrote in
the published notes on the case that the 14th Amendment did, in
fact, apply to the company. Even though this notion appeared
nowhere in the high court's actual ruling, 11 years later the court
declared it was 'well settled' that 'corporations are persons within
the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment,' citing Santa
In addition to this legal history we also have a declining health
history consequential to the loss of nutrition from commercial food
(also by way of corporate manufacturing) on top of corporate
Rudolf Steiner responded to the problem of corporate agriculture
by delivering a new agricultural course for the European farmers

in the early 1920s. Steiner opened the course saying: '...the

interests of agriculture are bound up, in all directions, with the
widest spheres of life. Indeed there is scarcely a realm of human
life which lies outside our subject. From one aspect or another, all
interests of human life belong to agriculture.'"[4] I whole heartedly
Now the insights we are building that directly pertain to (what I
have called) the "gut- brain-mind-body" matrix of life (that we
inhabit as our earthly form) awakens us to the interconnectedness
we have with nature and which we urgently need to care for. Sally
Fallon Morell says: "there’s basically two forces at work here: One
is industrial agriculture and the other is the food processing
industry itself, which wants to keep its ingredients as cheap as
possible, and so uses vegetable oils. These two forces together
have demonised the animal fats while putting animals in
confinement. They have created a system where the vitamins we
should be getting from those fats— vitamins A, D and K2– simply
aren’t there anymore, and these fats are critical for building a
healthy gut and healthy brain."[5]
The immune-building for health that parents want for their children
can really only be had through real nourishment right where the
foundation of health is built: in the gut. However an estimated
90% of the commercial food products consumed by Americans do
not retain the full nourishing potential that the home-made
versions of these foods once had. Underneath that is the fact that
the agricultural crops have lost most of their nourishing potential
due to to the extreme abuse of soils that if they weren't
intercepted with pesticides and the like would overtake the
farmland with "weeds" as nature's attempt to heal the ill soils! But
corporate agriculture has intervened and prevented the healing of
the soil. The "cure" is to reconnect with our original, traditional
roots of local family farms and essentially avoid the entire market
of processed foods of commerce.

That is a start. Ideally we need to continue "reconnecting" by

making new connections with small family farms that go beyond
just avoiding adding to the destruction of the soil and are
dedicated to rebuilding the soil all the way back to the heights of
its fertility. From this height life and health for all will return. The
nutrient-density will return to everything that grows and lives on
the land. The same nutrient-density will extend to the community
supporting the farm. The diversity of soil organisms will nourish
the diversity of healthy gut organisms. The perceived need for
vaccinations will be minimized and eventually vanish.
But we're not there yet. In fact we are at a real critical point now
that can determine the fate of corporate personhood:
"The Future: If a corporation has First Amendment rights, could it
also claim Second Amendment protections? Amazingly, this is a
question some scholars are seriously pondering. As Darrell A.H.
Miller wrote in his 2011 article 'Guns, Inc.' in the NYU Law
Review,[7] 'If Citizens United is taken seriously, the Second
Amendment, like the First Amendment and like many other
provisions of the Bill of Rights, guarantees liberties to natural and
corporate persons alike.'"
The "Second Amendment”: 

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be
I do not see anything in this amendment (originally insisted upon
by the several states) that corporations can claim for their own
In addition to the transformation of the legal nature of corporations
(from legal fiction to legal "citizen") we also have to contend with
the transformation of the Lawful nature of government (from
dejure constitutional republic to the transformed corporate status).
Now corporations and government share the same nature. They

are the same "species" and can "mate". The "offspring" of this
"mating" is a beast.

August 20, 2017 -
Just sent an inquiry to the International BodyTalk Association
"... to know what you may have to offer for infant BodyTalk. I'm
inspired to inquire (and if possible to learn) what you have on this
topic both generally and especially specifically regarding the use
of BodyTalk to assess whether certain vaccinations are a "yes" or
"no" for the infant. I'd also like to know of any efforts toward
supporting parents in their assessments for their children."
ref=999f450a-4ab2-495c-b8a2- b7d4d3dd1
truth-about-vaccines- free-docu-series-begins-tomorrow-april-12-
[3] Mike Adams, April 18, 2017 in: “The Truth About Vaccinations”,
episode #7.

with-sally-fallon- morell/

guns-inc-citizens-united- mcdonald-and-future-corporate-
Also see: "Robert F. Kennedy Best To Chair Vaccine Safety
Commission" blog at:
influenza-vaccine-research [9] https://

archetype-called- vaccination-3/

Truth About Vaccines, people parish without knowledge, corporate
personhood, universal flu vaccine, investigational DNA-based
vaccine, DNA prime, DNA vaccine, protective gene therapy


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