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Leadership Cycle 1

Planning for School Improvement and Promoting Equity Template

Step 3: Act
Planning for School Improvement and Promoting
Equity Template
Directions: Respond to the prompts below. Type your responses within the brackets following each prompt. Do
not delete or alter the prompts.

1. Describe the potential strategies you have identified for equitable school improvement and
how they are to be used.
[ Being that the data shows that specific sub groups more than others stand out as far as
discipline, we need add additional specific lessons on behavior improvement in our English
Language Learner class as well as our Indian Education Class. Other than the white sub-group,
these two groups have the highest overall percentage of students with discipline problems
according to multiple forms of data. Since we already have specific classes that specifically
teach these groups, we need to reformat the class to address the concerns that we are seeing
in the data. We also need to add this data to our Indian Education Parent night to help the
parents see what we are having issues with so they can better support them at home. ]
2. Explain how the potential strategies address the equity issue described in your problem
statement and the student learning and/or well-being need found in your equity gap
[ My strategy is to provide additional targeted behavior lessons in the Indian Education class as
well at the English Language Learner class. This address the equity issue because the
students would receive the additional support related to the problem at our school. The
teachers were unaware of this issue in the past because no one has ever looked at the data like
this to discover this problem. Another strategy is for our school to address the trauma and
experiences our students are dealing with by adopting some mindfulness and social-emotional
curriculum that all teachers can teach on a daily basis to support all the sub-groups be better
students. In turn, this would help our American Indian and Hispanic groups behave better and
not get in trouble because their needs would be addressed or they would have the tools to
handle situations better. ]
3. Explain how your potential strategies for improvement address or take into account the
potential causal factors—including institutional and/or structural factors—contributing to the
equity gap, and align with the school and district vision, mission, and/or goals.
[ Our schools goals is to get our students to graduate and be prepared for high school. By
providing specific groups of students additional support by teaching them additional targeted
behavior lessons, we would see a decrease in behavior problems and more students paying
attention in class, which would increase their knowledge and make them more prepared for high
school. ]
4. Describe the feedback you received from the school site or district-level supervisor or other
key stakeholder(s), and explain how the feedback impacted your proposed strategies for
equitable school improvement.
[ My principal was surprised at the data regarding the American Indian sub-group.
Unfortunately, our district has always had a high percentage of Hispanic students with behavior
problems. My proposal is for the Indian Education teacher to add character and behavior
Copyright © 2017 by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811 Page 1 of 2
All rights reserved. FT_17-18
Leadership Cycle 1
Planning for School Improvement and Promoting Equity Template

lessons that address specific issues related to the American Indian sub-group. For instance,
they have a higher percentage of bus violations and for attempted harm than the Hispanic sub-
group. She would need to address this issue in her weekly classes with the students. I am not
sure how receptive she will be to this because she considers her class a cultural class, but the
data should support my reasons. The EL teacher also needs to incorporate lessons/projects
that address these behavior concerns. The Hispanic sub-group has a high percentage of
disrupting school. Not all, but her lessons need to weave in some respect and caring about the
classroom. Having the students take on some school improvement projects or complete some
character education projects should make a difference with their behavior and this will lead to a
decrease in the percent of students in this group. ]
5. Given what you learned from the feedback and your understanding of causal factors,
including institutional and/or structural factors, describe steps you would take to
(1) create stakeholder buy-in for the proposed strategies, (2) communicate the strategies
with the broader stakeholder group, and (3) address challenges you may encounter.
[ 1.) Communication is the number one thing when it comes to getting our stakeholders on
board. Informing the teachers about these gaps at staff meetings. Informing parents at our
parent nights that we want to have. Discussing these gaps in our PBIS tier 2 and tier 1
meetings with teachers to have deeper discussions about it.
2.) The best way to really address these issues would be to meet with the casinos and explain
what we are seeing as far as behavior and find out how they can support us. They might be
able to support us by providing the money to purchase curriculum. We also need to express
this at our ELAC/DELAC meeting with our parents who are mainly Hispanic. By discussing this
with them, they can talk to other families and get the word out there that the school has these
concerns and are working on making it better, but we need their help and support at home.
3.) Challenges will be addressed by always keeping what is best for the students as the focus.
Any challenge can be addressed by having an open forum of communication to where anyone
can offer support, ideas or constructive criticism to make it better for everyone. ]

Copyright © 2017 by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

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All rights reserved. FT_17-18

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