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Video: Lesson 0 2 Lesson Walkthrough (1:39)

2. SPEAKER Clay Cook 1: I want to give you a clue about how to complete each
3. Each lesson is organized in a particular sequence.
4. So you'll actually engage in particular things in a step wise fashion
5. in order to complete the lesson and move on to the next one.
6. Every lesson begins with the actual lecture, which is the video,
7. and consists of you watching and listening.
8. Immediately after the lecture, you'll partake in a quiz.
9. And the quiz is designed to actually assess your understanding
10. and make sure you're walking away from the lesson with the key points.
11. Following the quiz, you'll engage in an interaction with an identified practice
12. partner.
13. And I'll talk more about what that is.
14. The practice partner is designed to help deepen your understanding
15. of the material, so then you can move to the next part.
16. And the next part is actually applying the skill, habit, or routine
17. in your life so you can gain first hand experience with its benefits
18. or some of the challenges about integrating it into your life.
19. The last part of each lesson is going to be to engage in the discussion forum.
20. And the discussion forum will have particular questions for you
21. to respond to and ultimately assess how it went when you tried out or applied
22. the skill, practice, or routine in your life.
23. So collectively, the lesson is about doing a lesson, doing a quiz,
24. engaging in the practice partner, applying the skill,
25. and ultimately partaking in the discussion forum.

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