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Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the perception of Junior High School Students towards

Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions:

1.What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.1 Gender

2. What are the forms of technology used by the students?

3. How often do the respondents use different forms of technology?

4. What is the perception of Junior High School respondents to gadgets?

Letter to Respondents

Dear Respondent,

Greetings, I am Mark Odron, a grade 12 student GAS studying in Christ’s Achievers

Montessori. I ask for your cooperation to participate in the survey that I am doing as part
of our subject requirement. I will be asking you some questions regarding technology
and physical health. The information collected for the survey will be kept confidential
and only the information that is aggregate will be published.

Thank you so much for your willingness to participate in the survey.

Signature of the Researcher

I will be giving an information as asked by the researcher. I am willing to take

part on the survey.

Signature of the Respondent


Name: __________________________ (optional)

Age: __12__13__14



__M __F

Year Level: ____________________

A. What forms of technology devices and services are you using? Check ( √) the

Devices: Services:

___ Mobile phones/Cellphones ___ Internet

___ Tablets ___ Social Networking
___ Computers or Laptops ___ Music/Videos
___ Earphones/Headsets ___ Youtube
___ Others (please specify) ___ Google
___ Others (please specify)

How often do you spend on technological devices and services? Put a Check (√)
below. Be honest.

Technological Devices Always Sometimes Occasionally Never

and Services




Computers or Laptops

Social Networking


Others (please specify)

B. Rate the following statements given below.

4-Strongly Agree 3- Agree 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Disagree

4 3 2 1

1. Technology is a good example of entertainment.

2. Technology makes the children smart and


3. Too much use of technology is bad for your


4. Internet services are the best source to obtain


5. Music relieves your stress.

6. Technology has made you aware of your


7. Using earphones too much can cause hearing


C. Answer the following questions.

Answer the following statements. Put a check (√) on the parenthesis.

1. Can you hear clearly? (with or without hearing aid)

( ) Yes
( ) No

2. Can you read newspapers and information seen on TV (with or without glasses)
( ) Having difficulty
( ) I can see clearly
( ) I can’t see

3. How is your breathing?

( ) I’m just fine
( ) I have shortness of breath when I work or sports
( ) I get shortness of breath even doing light activities

4. How’s your speech?

( ) I can speak clearly and fluently
( ) I have a slight difficulty when it comes to speaking
( ) Other people do not understand what I am saying

5. Do you often forget what you're thinking?

( ) Yes
( ) No

Please answer the following questions. Choose your answer below:

1. Do you have a difficulty in falling asleep?

( ) Yes
( ) No

2. Do you often feel pain in your neck and shoulders?

( ) Yes
( ) No
3. Do you suffer from Diarrhea, constipation, headaches or stomachaches ?
( )Yes
( ) No

4. Are you having a difficulty when making decisions?

( )Yes
( )No

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