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Course:  _________________ LESSON PLAN Date: ________________________

Lesson: Unit:

3.2 Exposure Through Air Lesson and Webquest (2 Days) Human Health
Learning Goals / Success Criteria: Catholic Graduate Expectations Strategies
○ discerning believer ○ direct instruc on
- be able to describe the effects air pollution has on ○ effec ve communicator
human health, and locations of potential air pollution ○ reflec ve thinker ○ PowerPoint ○ Socra c dialogue
○ responsible learner ○ board work ○ textbook
exposure (home, outdoors, and workplace) ○ collabora ve contributor ○ demonstra on ○ overhead
○ caring family member ○ worksheet ○ lecture
○ responsible ci zen ○ review ○ SmartBoard

Timing Lesson Outline: ○ co-opera ve

Bell Work / MINDS ON: Science on Twitter!
○ think/pair/share ○ snowball
○ jigsaw ○ place mat
Lesson: ○ group discussion ○ game
1. Attendance ○ numbered heads ○ four corners
○ peer teaching ○ ac vity

2. Minds On (as above) ○ independent ○ note-making

○ reading ○ homework
○ graphic organizer
DAY 1 ○ graphing
3. Powerpoint lesson: students to be given handouts with notes, ○ mathema cal problem solving
○ problem-based models
and embedded questions with fill-in-the-blanks responses ○ calculator
○ mind-map
○ inves ga on / lab
○ video
DAY 2 ○ independent reading / study
4. Activity: The Healthy Home Audit Webquest ○ case study ○ presenta on
○ guest speaker ○ CPT
Students will be directed to the Healthy Home Audit website. ○ manipula ves ○ test ○ computer
They will receive a worksheet and follow the directions on which ○ other:

web links to visit. Accommodations

Questions are also located on the worksheet and students are to
○ increased  me ○ other:
answer the questions as they are to work through the Webquest. ○ increased space ○ 
○ chunk work ○ 
5. Once Complete, students will be asked to create a poster. ○ reference sheet ○ 
○ manipula ve ○ 
Choosing one room of their home, they are to create a poster Assessment
displaying methods that will help to ensure clean air in the home.
Students may use their notes. Options for creating their poster: ○ observa on ○ presenta on
○ performance 
paint/paper, Glogster, Canva, or student choice. ○ checklist     problem
○ homework check ○ peer evalua on
○ anecdotal records ○ self-evalua on
Consolidation: ○ ra ng scale ○ CPT
○ rubric ○ test
Name three ways you can take action to enhance the indoor air quality in ○ other: ○ quiz
your home. Fill in your answer on the hyperdoc (link with QR Code)
Seatwork / Homework: Resources / Materials/File(s)

Webquest, worksheet ppt (incl video)

video (embedded in


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