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1~'IIJI~IIIIII'~Nrl'l'lj Irl~l'I,~"rl~l'IJCINS f)'l~ 'I'B'I~~ ',ITI~II~ll)lll(~'Ilrl'Pi\II'I' 2

SJ'll,rl~N)ll'I(~:IIIJ]~'Nlil'N(INEN 'ItYII":J + ~I 1~1~1i1~\NZ]!lt IV .,,1l11GI~I .. III;tI'I'Z"Q

I· IT Irl'I~I'farl';' I. '. ,lrl~llrGI~lllqlll S'I' i'·

." ~ ~ . _ JL7 .". .. .~ ~ -x , __

Mt:~ifl:er F., Dttske • Ttl~jt Greenland • Frank Schulz ec.hnicalAs;sls.t13nce: Fiarl R. Pawlas &'Fht.:)maS 2\ndersdr

~ '_" " . .. ~ --.

s.t1v l)nlHt;;chj:n "nk!rlUi'(c"n .3 + 'I ~I' I he Pokl(Jn n<I~"';! .' ;Or~l (\!j' 'lory I );II'k), IVI {),c;CU;'V, Tht; vch lclc I erween Lhe l,,"'CI gons 1s a Czech OT 810 (converted Sd.Kfz, 2,,'11,

Salvenm rsohlnenkar: nell' .;3-1 4 irn Poklonnuva Gors .IY;.Jrk, Mosk~1 J. U:.Jz\Y/:.:,cht'f! steht eln tchechlscher ,";cJnJI'z. "Il( ;lft2 ~n'\lii'il'Gi! 01~ l:J.l () (tJm,,{;,'l1<HHt.~<; Sd.I~:l';;;. 25.1) ..

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·S·' ·U·. '. ·JI:rN\T~I· .. " S'(.·· "0' I·"I~ IilI"' .. '.:rl("I.i':JI:r1! '1"1'1-') "1- +ll ... J _ .~I' ....1· li'l 1 .Io.:.j .1. .:.J"I. , • .1: 1. _ ,f. oil ~,"I • . I' ~.

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,,,j,.r. ,:.. J"JL. .:..1'" .. ." ... . J .o! _. ~ _

'LI" '. ,., , " "~' '1:" ']')"._ '~ .. -- "·I·~·. ~ .• G-_' re= "'I~' '~i ., 1l; .• 'I! 'S"" .t ulz 'l_eln~~ _. ~ llSl<e .,onv ". leen~an II 11 anJ{. C.~111 Z


Techn ica~ Assis: anceKarl 1\,. Pawlas & Thomas Anderson

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OJ bl i Q zra ph y

~ I 4.

I, Arch i v Pl~W la~

, Wal~fen R~v1!'.a Vnl. :Ii .. 56·, mt, 1m. I m,.] 09, ,hjlJ!"l:ial V~rlag

3. V~dugll ng Nr, ~ j7i3~"i g., t(:dUN. \"/1.1 PI"W I .',mi· 14, I ~ ; J ~J ~

4. V~d,[lgling Nr, 9%l36 g,KdrH. Ahw (Il 1 Wj-\V) .... oin 11'2.08,19%

s. VurfuglLllgNr.1 nR2.!:lG g_. r dos, \"/:1 A rv \' im2;:I.OLI9JtJ

6. Ve,d(lgullg. NI', 15~i'l36 g.Kdos. Ahw (111 \VirO) vorn 2.7.01, 11:J37i.Vridrilldung mil

"'l; VCl'fUgllllg Nr, 31 ~2/ I O.3b .g.Ahw, (' IH w.o: vom 27.0 I, J 937

H. Cluunbcrlnin I Doylu, Encyclopedia 'Cd' German Tanks of world War T:wu" Arms 8:.. A I'll) 0 ur PreSN g. Sni "I berger, 0 utsche 'I<lkpallzer hi.:.; I {)45. Bernard & Grafe

I O.Spi elbcrgcr, Dcr J~'~u[,)~.t,;,rknmpf',~'ag,_:.n .I V und .~oine A bnrte n, j'vl otorbuc b 1 l.Rue, The 11Iakp:IlI.-;c,;rs. World \V:tr '1"\';'0, lSQ Publlcations

I~" Archi \! Or<lfV'~l'll Seherr- Thnss-

RegiJlar m~'fi:ttrjbQ,Wn .sttlhdlge--Mj t'a'tbe:l te.t' r0llrl 'l~ "R~~('

'DJi<!~Jev T~d.isrl:H

Klll't It PllWlf[S

~~~!.ru.ifa:<;tU1:er ~,e:~o~rot~~a~cllmig Pr:lnk S :hlJl~, ['1 "~;t(;ln'

1~.Xl·l~ IIIlYll~~ '1'1\1 .. If IJlll .. ~"r .1~l"I·"J l' ~ () I~ rrlll~ "rl~ Illl)ll'(~11 'I' 1'1'.11'1' 2


hl :lI~diliOIl III N uts &'~olts Vol. -3 "Expt~rim.enl~\1 FlakW~li I)OM· oJ l Ii!! \\<I!']! njU:Ii;; II t :P:U'j 1" we pre!:e 11 t teduy PrLrt t, ·W:c detail the pl'ew.!u Salveumnseblnealcnnoncn T;i'jJ 3 nml ~. w,*re found 19% and 'WE,['I;l not Included ill Purl (:. Funhe rmure We have. added ln Part 2 the: turret of UwFhll1:· iilln7.ct" l(ugclh.~it1. arid line' 'LlInraust, Jl1lCr Iauat, [we) i.ntcrcstill~ Gumr:l'n. weapon ~ll:yeliJPtijei1ts from the last year of WWIL

P~rtlicr jill \'CS r i g~~ti 011 :>;, nee Uj·~ p~j b ~i c fl Q.j on ~l f Pa I" 1 ~ bou t l he history of the S~lh'I;;lim .. ~chii1,e!lkiHl(lu{!·n l'rom the Pok lonnavu Gum (Viclory Purl.;) in ~'l():;:;cow were not verv :>lICCCSsfuU; It'is i:llid Ihm lhe~e tour gUlls i'e.fe stored ill' a. secret weapon l11i11.!i.:l:r,li1e ue a I' Moscow, called LOI':iIHlyl Osirov, until they were luo ... ed W their location in the V1cton' Park ln 1995. There are ,~J; present no other detni L~, b~l1cr i~lformaLDol1 al ~~} ~li!lgt%I,~ that th;e ol+gi uu] 'col lection of Kublnku Or 1_".ouI300 GennEl~l arrfu:illl red vchic I es from WWII. WaS IJ u rln f the i:l i g axp o ~,Hi (l11 In 'MO~80W'~ GorkiP~r~ up tu 1954 aml Lhen (,(I kubililkn. !SIn'laJi of I,he c~}]Je~rioli. WH$' lhrow!1~~HQ LI;e J';:; 'fi:imjiCC~ ~lf the SfwhH i!lclIlS~fY 8~ nrdererd cluring l.b~ Khrushchew era, i:lu~. $~~r~Uy Ilidden i 1'1 a well canrou rlllgGd army cump, HOI~efully this version. i~ near l(l rellt!.t)', then 8i.Hlll.:d'!j'~ ,~(lmeoue wi II reye:!J.1 the .~.tol'y bgbilld these weapons. The Snl\'eillmUH!hine[lbnonel~ were captured by. the RU55iiHI troops 1945 ,ehh!H In the' f'actories or tbe.· de .... elopment companies or on Wehrmucht rralning 5H~s. They were 'nl:!~rei' d~plo)'Gd with fi~hli 11£ troops. u~ impOi'lfIJl'! rll~i~~~Dqll:d 1~'.Hts ~.ra. missi Il¥ and lhe (k,~'elo!Hllcnl. h:~,1 Uf.\\'er pa~~ed the. lrlal ~~~lc:

~Wc h:l'!'\: f~ml1d sume frHI~Hj l'actu J'1 ng label ~ and f:ihi':i'J.cti Oil iI~nlhe~~. bu! these illrOfll1:lliD.n:s am IlJH: sufl'iclent 19' ld,cntify ,~eipOIl ~ 2 .~ 4 on the ph otos w hh weapons .3- E d escri bed j n ,German documents: Despite of ~jll lHi~llc;~~~l:!dllll i,nr~~Li·g.N~i(lil~ we are surn that ~omo:thiy the ~~~I'ct uf these wej.pLl!1~wal ¢r,ill'Ie !O n~hi.

~:ck now led gem C: II. t S

')/~ ~We ill(l~bt.e.d ·to' IVk Kffil"l H. P~nYhis for the troll ok mHI .::\lrfort in rese:~lrch~ng I:he lilistDr, of rhe Slllvcnl1i:u;chllilo:il,~~.u'ollen for Nuts & BoHs.Fj"o]il ciur sc.anLlTIl;·:I~Urel1leiW>, ,lohnL. Utili) has pcrl'ormcd hls 11 'u-nl mincles with the PC .dmvtillf,1; 'board alld produced flCCUl'flle ,1'!,:J\!'·il,g~. ~FIII.thcn:norc w~ wIs'11 ~I) 1h'i!.iik tHit' friend~ VIctor Kulilww ~l'i.n~ Tfilb l~hmJing, 11"'10' lO.Q:r:: ~ ~ecor.d,· ~el'ie~ 01' plHHO'S fmm tlilTi;i'CiH. mngh;:s. l~l;~t we- missed nil ~hat mi:ny d~y In May 1996 .m,II(J\ ··r,..Jrs. Gnhrielc l{" R(lsmck I'QI',slati:ng cerl~Llll

'l'l.lssi,.[I n I.e Xl,

'~{Ii~l.nksa.f~t-l to:(Hlr ·fl'icna Tho:nms i\.J;ftl~ts:(ln. wlw I1Ml 1Un~cl.'taken· some oli Un: l::;llikpnlil,~I" KlIg~~I~lil:<':, l~iHj ,-captl.Oll'l'ld. the ph(ll!),g.rapl~~ or t1ijs~dlichl, I Cli1n~O! I), I~, (kif V011 Schcr·Tlros~, who comlflsJ1cled q~1:h~u-S~.gaJt, ~

'!1111in,lenai1!ge (mil tinde·r COh!TO·1 01' Illf:pekleLlI·. del' Pa'l12;ert!.'up. p-ell, IN 6, reSIlO!1sihle 1'01' the development of theWirbdwlnd ~~( Q~twind, gave, us .iiuportant oe,t;,lils of th,a Kug!:lbli l·z, hi~tQr)r~ lhe fO[Q~ 01' the K~geJblHz Hlrrct w!;rc. lakpi ...... ilh kind 'I?~rll~i:s~:ion (lJ O!Jr Illodcller fdcml. H~llirdma!ln Ilodo Hurt· ·mmm{ ·wlw ls~n c.lmrgc of the of rlnk \~'e,qKi!~~ or ths:: .ihinde~wuhr ul the R.i.l'dcl tGls~fl1e. Reni~~h\IJ'g; l'~e

f~~~'iii~~.~ W(l~~ ~tt)d\I~~d~Y3' L. R~I.e: _. . _ . . ..... JJa;j:il., bUl riOt len.s~, m~!lY Lh.ll!lkS to MI. I{.,nl IL w.l1o

~!lowed us ~,c;I repri!ll' the ,miele on the FI iegerfausl: from bb

. prii(gtLz'ir:ie "'\Vi1,i'l'Bn r:ev ne VoL:; 6" .. Til g pll(HO~ Were wken wl11i K:~;].i:I permissihn 'of Cui. Alcx~mdcr K. Ni.kcmol', atlli1m'Iii,~I~r . tl( I:he Cellti.'ul .M'Useum of dm AL'lllCd Forcc~·. wlmr~o,w;


In lfl'J1iil!<.WilJ .,~11 Nut» & Dolts V(ii. J "lex.p.erimlwtai Flak· lli(!'llJUIIJ.S Ilf till! Wllhrm~II;:M Par) I" neile« ,I.,rr hetu« i:k'l .2', Tei! lIQ~. der (iii t996 1.i'i.('t:i!;I'i!llttiecA:lel1' »nd trcm;fi nldrr beJ'c/rl'i(JiU!IHUr !!Oh#1!'eji"ii~.~dd,umklUtrmlm T},p 3 urui ·4 au« de" . Zert wn 193:9 bdwlicJ.e/t wr{l J{.Ii'Ub~'l'hfrl01~.I' mit cf{!11J Trrrm

flit .dC:IJ Fltlktumi~J' ,Krl,gd~lf~z: uml (lift t~ltf(ft!l.:/~s.r'. .~pdff1I' #nr:h FU(!f:§Iu::!.msi Me.1'Ianl'u,zwe.r wdt~r{:', hf'~'Mlit{!.res.\·.IMI!' W~iffe i'J ~IJ twiok! UJJ./i elJ arts .deur rei ae n Jrd'~ I' rI~'h' :.2, We1tk ril:' fl.!'ll'S

dmM{!II~, ..-

~Vehel'C- -Reciterehen. iihtJ:r die (~~~'sdJich~t' der SaI.IN!frmrm::li;n~nk(JIH!'IWJJlJlr:I' .drml· Pok.l'01l1iP')'tJ; GMtJ· Mt!:I'lwl·.ltlf (VIctory Phl'k) ill Maskew IUI/JlJiJ fedigfh:h ergi!be)l;, dull dies» WaJ.l'eJ1 bis zur AUJ:i'J.(~llJ,rJ'tg in e:l;Nm diesem Park. ill r::ilwm gd!{~.imI!Ji Wlljfe!t[dr.feIW' </f!r e/rem.r1litP:n sowjetischen "trn:I'&l' (.l...(J:;imlyi ChiWL:, sut.« J~r(lJ'krl1l) (Jfrjb(MUr!·r.r ·li!t!l'den. Sdbst E.inlfewdille.rr Ist dleses. Cmnp rrrrb·e.hmrrf; ge.~dl1!'.~.i8i.· d~lllj, ilaJ! es M.~hBr .1(1- mtmd .b.~I·nin~IJ k:IJIUJ!~, We]' 1'I'!!i/J, ;'I'CU': a~ nuel: alies _\'CMIWIiIj~;!7't. Vi'd/e.idH is! ~t('1' dr.emaf.i· l:ieMmgtu:/Je Bestand d.i~,v J),.m<'.t!I'. /'rn,u r::l,W~ ,I' reub i rl ~~. r m~r n "p ddu VOl! nJ dr /' .11'~· :'00 IWP'(iltr:i:r: r/{!Jj FoljrU1lg(m der H'il!'hrmlldii, {Jit! .r~U~~)er;s~> auel: cms' d{Jr bis J 954 fm Cork! Park vOlj I'j,ito.dl,m~ gia.e:.fg!f!iJ B/:w.eumwrJrmN d~!II.I·(.'hi~)~ gt£JnllJ~ene:r F(1}'n'z(!uge ,\:l'mmrN), bi« 1;1.t(l den. Irt'u· .t~ (.i:iti\·g(!str!lhtNl kieinen Rerr, t!m~1J niciu, lIIi~ wiihnMd der Chrutsctsow Ae-'rr! befohl~<J'l. Ln die: l-1oehajel'J g~wml{ie."t, ,HHIdern hier nocb vO'lIziiMfg ode" auc]: udlweise erholten. Wit ki'Jmwrr IJlII" haffi!Il., (lajl die Zrdt,wr.O t,idH ill dii!.H! m)'"ff(!l'ifj.~e Gw;chi~hll.' bring],

Die hii~I' /J.dwrt£fdru/l Salv.elwwschlmmkfrlWllim .~·f1ici mil Si(~lWfrli!it ",m dim R~.,~.I'~11 ./9'45 onsweder 11~ dell HersteliorfcdJrlkt!.R oder au] /hm Ver,~·j.{.'hsgdlh'j{htlldi!l' W'e!u'nwdJl 8/'beuset worden. 51!! W(UTII~ nrr;hi 1m P;1:ij;l'at~" (ia l.Ii'dll 1'.11.1' ~i.\idr-· If;gfj Fw~krIvrt.~h~rk feMell, sondom dies« \iWtl'/(.:olf gar nidll eifl'· .I·lntj'rtnig ~u .E)'ttie tmtw'kkdl' Ifl'1lrd~rr.

Weiil!r:e Ni!~·h~r,li~·IJ h.a{}i!)·.I.!wOi" n(}d~ .td'nigl! Nrw~m(;!m uutl .fhjr.'l.r'd/eTI.~ftz(';i:(.:!mwf/jp.-n· .1';fi 'J(l'~(! Re.,f'Onlt'11'r, J:edoch "vi1i~f(1it,! Hinweiso zu rwb~dguf,wm" )1111. (trrW' wii! inTel! J besehrlebe/le· Z~/(udlHmg der JiJh~gr{4'ier'Utri Sahreil/llllsdiilieJ·d,aru:mtm .2 M,~ 4. ::11 den ill del'. eilbcMlig·igl.m LiIf!l'#llr 'erW'iilmtcll W~f" J.("1'r [J .- E 1.'{JmehJiu!.IJ :[11 kjjnlf,(!lI.

Nru:h H'i'f! \'m' ,~fru' M'rl" !!r·ZCfJgI. dajJ drri.:s logo/iS Dr}k1ol1Iwllll! all.#mrdum, die ded Gelieim!!l.\· di~'.\·i!1' W(ljjiel1 Ulfferr we!'(h~ll.


l.hU·!!f D~mk ,!((!}il ri'7~r,\'f '.(.111 Hernl [(n'd R. PffHlhl'~ fur de,! iu_rJ'J'Jt!n~'{'n ~[l~r~rcm.d, dtl'i .~~ij· Ulm .r~fch!.\.a.~n~1Jt'1 mit Jw.~ere'r' Bt!'h~ fIll' dJe.. ()bpJ'rmfmUl .d.~r f~~i;hfm:fWI~ fiu'!. Hi!}M Nufs & Unlt.. tm!r;e:r){IrtlN flabclIl. Ala rm.'i&nm Im:;;ulilrlg-JJ(1wfJ Sk1£· lim W!~ jlili;!.~'sim¥ejj 11m 101m L. Rue 'sich wi'f:! l:mrJIer .·(iL~ ;MdSr!!J" (Ie,s dd,/mrii,rr:/WII Zdi:he:ll,bl'~rtI1R fll"wiesell imcf d;.~·lib ;i'ar.I:Y ll!1,I'c.luwt.icIH!Ir Z!n'th'IlIlIi'r;;(nl dit!;.~llr kompfiz.ier/i(!11 U~f.r~·II~.~"H1W)i.' ··Ril..!'l!rlifjl .. We.iu.:'rl!in In:!dan.k~1I wi!" UII.~ l:rd IIIH,[~' rtW 1;;rf;Jurd.e'1 \c'idor KlIlik",w, j~iJo~'f.ltW lind !f(J~' (tleudll'fj, rm,H"r~m Rd,\·t!:!t;!.irl!·r~ df~' spiller e.irr.ell ~11'einm Sat~. FOj'IJ,~ ,t/.,Jit1!U~rm, mn J'eMimdeii Ih1,~idH:e'lr rrIJ.l'(!n::r eig4?n,fJll FOrorl!!Uu'! jaJj(!,\' l."lcd!ag.e .. ~ J 996 2.11 rrgii.'i~.~lj ,~o1!'ic. hd Frau Garn·jt;!le K;'b~gel', Ho.~·tud:. ffll' Vbersd,~ung,(m an;$' J~m Rri.\·.d.~ctJl!f1. UrJSIit.r' Fr(~~m~f Thmnas il.mler.w;1. d,er 111/'eJH1" ,lhl (;$.~i;Mc:·h· il! #(!S "~f:i;lkpi.lJw!" K!igdbJiIZ l'e·r:ljel'cM~rt r~r,Jt, Ilt)!f1m .i:ieh ,1f~' Zdt, dh/ FtH(),~ di~k«;~ fa/H'1.O'1ufjil.l' ~[.r Liiumam' U. D,. Ora/' n'n Sd1r!rf- rho,~,\:, d(ti' tias {(wm'm'Uld!.') fUJcl'eine We"!l:,I'rm'; JUJlc:'I' dhif.ikwr".'l r.if,fidn de,f 'ij·'~/}l!k!ew'.~ 'del' Ptrnzerll'up" JUII, IN 6 halte .(O.'ltlum-'sagwi)·lI/rd·4{ol"l ditJ Flak.ptmzl!!' ~I\,j'j". bdwflUJ .w'ttl' Osn"i!!d ellflvickelle, f1(,ll~· Uf!," "iek Jilltll·t>l':;t1 iiber die Chl.l·chidlle cl~'"f KU{;f!tbfiif,. D-rl'lt'THmr d!!/;ji:eli i.iijr mU frrHm'1li()M:I~ .. Gelllljrmietm;o/ '1m,wres M{Hld'l.muftrJiIjHJe.~· !l{U~plm(jm~ lJodQ Narmumn, Lrli'[.('1' del' Lehl'!f(ul1wfmlg det He~ie,~11.rrg(]f}!1't:d.lT.\,th~l,r. df!.f' Hrt.riJliswi!ltr I'JI dl'l' RthJet.· ktHllj"rW, l?t1Iul.~,lmr·g arljndmrlln (lwjicm., J{)hn 1 •. nr.U1. 'WI die Zd.(:hl~w.geft (JU.f St!hl~l (dgcmell \lerf)ff(!mnr;ri.I;~ljg Jilr dh~.i'01.\· U e,t:r Ul).e ftl rh(}. fi(! I.

lJ{~y.figNdr drtr FU~1i(irfau.l't fjf;L\·'tm/(;'/t! ml~' .l:hm· 1((0·1 ./t .P{Mh~!tj :;:efl1e1f II 1·tfke1 cWs ·(j·e'l" "W(,~!.J'~n J?imM! Hr,. 56" .old )U)erneflJ'J'J{!li., FlIt die, Gt'11(!'dmfgllff.~. dffJ.~~· WiljJlJ. 1m Z(!f!II'(Jt MOlIS . .::'W'J'1 del' l?ot(w A I'm~'eZJl fIJW1~l"afhH(!Il. dauk(!'lr Ivh (lem Km1i.Jtt(ilUhJo' /-IeI'm Ob(J"s/ Aft!.l;(JmUJr K, NikmHw.

Beside the Salvenrnaschinenkanoneu 1 and 2 against ' aircraft, whichwere introduced in Nuts &. Bolts \'01,3, :~."'I, F, Duske and T::-Greenbn.d Ibu.nd two rnorevarlants of S'ah'enmas.chi.fl.e.nk~nOften, called version 3: and <I ln the:

Victory Park. In MOBCO\\', which were completely diffe· renrfrom the versions L'and 2. On these twoweapons rmportantfunralonal part .. <; are missing, and therefore the fu n~ti:D n of the n:: mainder i So not clearly u nd erstood, onlv 'a brlefdescriptlon Is thereforegiven, .... ' .•

The '''FlaJ.u:vaffe 3~ has like the "'Flakwafre .1" one lOW of 8 tubes horizontallyallgned, but. the construceionls completely different. The brake cylinders ,,1rI~ much higger in.slze than on weapon L .At the rear of the gun above the box with the misslng breech block is an incomplete loading table, but it i ... unclear whether the rounds were IQ~dcd lndividually, ln.nmrmtnnioncllps or magazlnes,

Thesigh! ii15w~1l as rhe layer's seaton the right stde, where the h~m(j\'l.dl eels for traveraing and elevari rtg art: mounted, On 1 he left side of'rlre weapDp. is moimted 'n hlnged platform, whlch would have been used bv.the

~~~ . -

The lower carriage looks 1,1l1usl:1i.I1 as It Is formed in the 'shape of a klre, which is resting 0.11 lion-adjustable ba-se plates, These werewelded to theplatform on the left and rlght stdelnthe middle of the longliudonal frame .. The ()nlradju$tm~nts rnigbt be installed through the openings at front <liltl rear of the lower ci:ln'.i~lge .. Probably the weapon was intended to be placed (. n '[it concrete pl~ILlqnn, so that no adjustment weds would beuecessary,

The "Flakwaffe 4~ has B barrels too" wluch ate mounted Identical. to "Flakwaffe 2.'! vertlcallv in two rows with four barrels each. But the other functional parts-are very dlfferenr lrorn the other I 'lakwaffen. The barrels are su rrounded with. perforared rna n dets for ai r :cQol ing very sirnilar as on the MG 17 and 1\OlG 34~. The brake cylinders are mounted on the outside between the 2,,,I:;ln<;1 31<1 barre is .. The recoil, cylinders are mounted' on '[he'upper

carriageunderneath the barrel block .

Tile fUI1l:rLof'! of the breech block arid the means of OP~'1";LtiOp, are unclear, due '1;0 .~11 functional parts being missing.

The weapon shows another very unusual tletall, On the phoros one can see that there are two seats mounted one d! behind the mheron Ibe righ~sicleof[heweapol1. 'The au ter seatwus used by a laye (\\,1 ... 0 0 P cn1 k d t he foot

ft rl fig system. The j il ner :sen t .~1'l mysteri ti-tl s~ be<;atl~c'j n from of this 8e~H is a box, ..... ·~1k:h· .~eemed to i"iou,se' m.i.s~ instruments amJ panel::;.

On tl~e left s.kle of the. upper e;;lni<lge there is a crate mOlil"He>t! on the cradle fn:une fO'f n LTi:iSKing instru.menl. Th'e functiQri of th~. 1'O.d wah I:b(:: .... pring and. lever 'are

UJl~l1ciwri. .

"111C bo"X which. housed the breech block ~','as very heavy, becaus~ at the rear W·].'i a locking frame .. It .is fold~d her.e Hnd barb parts are pfiinltive:!v seCll.redw.ith wire. Tl"le lower cnrrirlge i.s·.identkalwitli the· "Fl~11{Vr~lfi'e ]" and th.e 3.7~m, 18.

Oile only can r~grct, I h~H all rouI: ·!:::n~ lmnoneri are in a veJy~h::(Oi'"i<u'ed stale; ~'h.idl wilt worsen by I.he .!lxpo~uL'e to the .')-c:verit}i' of rhe Rtlssu.un di!1·l!OltC. l1,le WCap611t1 w;qre CDfnp!Ndy sprayed .in. 199.5 but you tan ob$erve soong wydmlorl and rust Althoughthese r:l~lkcv.o'etllx:ms "l,v'e're never used in action, they shoul.d be COIlSeive('la.'i example..'i of German engineel"ing.

Kat.1 R.Pa.wlasj April 1998

AuMer dell beid~n ,'ii;llirC11f?msehil1enlmI10nel1 f und 2 zur Fl.i:~gC'ml.Hveh:I'. die Jh i\'WS &' Bolt.~. VnL.3 I,Qrge,[lt wur·' clen,korwtC=HH. F./~w~ke urid T .. GI."eenltrndJrufdem Y',,'l.!1ll"; de des Vi¢~oty MU8elUJ15 in .Ai o,~!Unl fl{"J(h z'VIlei weJteJ'€' Va·· ;'limen eatdeckes: tlte sicl» abe» gmlzvllt::semlich von dea belden Ij~ V61.3 besdutebenen W"alT'el1 ume..r . scbeiden. ""'ei'l· eber suet: bei diesel) beir!fjn, die im \veiteren als"Ffaklill.rfn . 3'"' und "'rfffkw'iilr~ .{." bezeicnne: werden sotte», tI'csemJicn(;! lir1Hefehlotm um1"d.ieiFlmkl;km dr;!tv:ed)lieb~l1d]vRnr"dJr eiLlw.:mdHei gedeiue:r IV€!'l"del] konttes: ist l1tjl-. eine'gi·o"be. ,jJ(;!SChft!!.ibuJl15 mogliah:

Die'Plakwaffe 3" br;!!ilt2:f:;mmr, .. ebeaso wie di.e ":FJekwMfe 1:" m:·hr\:,\.'.1;.lgel'cdJ r iiehelJ eiI1tw.det gel(ib~I'tcJ:. Ro~'re, :is.t\!ber gitliz1iciJ '~mders konsti~j.iE·r!_ puwkhst .f.l.llt ~mt: (h~~ dffl' .Brem.'fzyli(] dC;!r tiini;:',f} vie.lgrd.!sere.rl Dw·dlme,.;.:."e.,.·h,,1he:.rJ, ~Hj.~}" tc n erkennt mnfl itbe« dew GehihJ.<;e [Or den f'ehlendel] Ver~ BchlLJ13' eiaen L,jdeclsch, wobe! nichi erkenabu« ist, ob·die P;lIJO(ll$1 elozcln, in L,jde.stfeiii:n order ill Nrl1.:fj~,zlnt.."j] zvgefiibrt Pi·'l.Jn:f.~fl,; nrei1 diese VO.(I'id]itmg ehenMls nidu ,«JflsrltnrJIg I.'$t Bille Visi(";'reimldm,mq is: nicbt vodmnden, '''~nsC) leh(r aln"e .~/L£;gelegenh eft /"51" de' n R ie.!; f.schQ r.ze~] {J utder rech~c,~ . Sette bel den FI~mdr;h..1ri!rn fa.!' die Hollen- und :XdtenrJ'i;;b. ((,lng, [)~lgegell beBndet8ich nutderlioken Seit:e elm: klapp.· bsre .B:edienplilrt/otTll; die won! .far elnejlLlde'Sch(i(~ejl b,e~nm,m r !;,~, wese n ;'.;'.[:[1] m wstc.

Chm2 Llf~gel1irQhnUcb iM ~iudl die In Porn:! eities DI'<lcne111t hU5gebi/d,et:t! V~1t~rhli{?Cfe, die finks IIlld recbts et'l,"fj:Jil def llif.i~te, . <"l ut' Ie ett: e nr: nicht j~l$tJ~'r['JM (C;.J11, ~HJgesch w~jiBtelll:

Teller{uti milt uadaur FO.t/_] lurd hinten if) den .Ui"tl.gS.c. !'rilgefn je.eine ,Omwng ul1(Vlrei5I, in dt!f!(;;m fi'gendl~'elcfl , ]wwrgevr;)1:rich IJJ,ng,en m1 ferbrei)nycl1[ mO I' fen. ,M9Wi('hen.v'r;/:;:t;: wsrdiese Y!>,'?£~fTe aber m.1dl zum A~Jls~dUe,[1

11 at" eine« vorbeteil:eten Betol1 phth! heSrj1~1m t: ,

Die '-'Flalrnlaffe 4~ ha r, wtederu In & Rohre, die ·el'tN1SQ w~~ bei de!" ;;F1f/kwaffe 2" in ;t,\",\iei senkrecbten J"eihen ~lJ j vier Rohten .oH1gf;!.ordnel'Sind; ansonsren ksnn m:i.o ;,l1;u!:ft

.~t:;Jlr NrQ[~e VJH:et:sdiici"l.ele~.mhf;'Uen~ ..

Die J~.ohu: :;;iI" durcM:nJhr[en KOhlmtfnrdn [;ltng(;'ktr;,J'J )vi(; m<iri sf!;" z. B. ouch vorn JHG 34 oC/(:!"M G 17 k~nnr.· D'l'fl' Bremzylinder beiittden sich em den A1l8e.nsei{en in de, H6he zwiscl1'11 dem 2, und 3. uohr. Die Ausghddlttr .'ilna' :m der Obt:rI~1rette unterh:~rb des Hqhd locks flflgebmq1Jl .. "Wrie de.l' \/ef~ThJuSok)(.:k H irkr und wle die llVatre g(;;,t;J~li;:r.l, wirt/" lwrm l.eddeJ' riidu les.rgestellt wetde». VIN,'!H :lw:oh .Mef we.semJiciIe :re ile fehleu. Die W)ll7'e\~ ei.~t noel; einehocbs: iJJ:[ef~.'':::5sunte Be;~1)tldeJ:hlir '1!Jf.. \:\'llq n]~In. ~r~lf den Haws gm erkeanea kaHl!, be:l:l'Ji~Ji.~· "'fen n.uf der [rf;!dHcn Sdtc.' ./!in.ten zwei Situ;:. {lit dr Bt'(Ji'!!:! mli.rrm.8chati .sd~f'jg hi.mereina 11 clef. A tlf dr:#H iiuJife!'&n $UZ nwg wahl ein Ric1usdiO tz(;' .~~·,~'e':J,~en htr.ben; def ,'ilw:h .cite' Abteu(~rLmg del(' w~~rk vomnhm, w~rE dwm den t-kibcl',l1:r dr;:r' FllB:stLitze :ZlJ' erkenlJ n j~5I;. Det zwt:dw i!?,nete Siti gi~'t a/Jerdil1go; lULt'S~J f.luf Er bdhu;Jet:sidl hiJ]I"f.·reim:m··Oehfius.~, in cl~m h:f,'C:ndcillt.· VOf!'iclJ w.nggewesen ::;r;:ifJ UJlJfi:' abet' ~lci!l~ A.ri dei" H1Jkcm Seitedet Ob.eri'1fc;!fre·,erkelli]t tn,'Jh·rm:r W~~b'Un-' ,r[{j~wJ' (t;.ir(;)~,,{!)nW;liJd) e.inef~ RMJmen ti1r.~itr fi::hlrenF!tg_s£ Gel·fit. \V:eJdJe.FtmKtion dh:·mh' elnt::r KW':bd'Ulld _eJn.;el,r~ ctenJ17g vet:~··ef.]r;;ne QUci:<;I;mge geJ:iabr h:'l.f, kmmmitj~ /lA:dlrJ,. t;'imi1~11 IlhiJe11. .D'lsGeh~fu!~e mit dem V"erschluEblockmuBiJ.em!.I.d)·;oich W'f! WC.'t¢ll seinj 'i'i'esh[Jlb rna n hi.l1·t~t'J ei n ZUJ'I'fJt.':sUif bJ";;:lchf·.hm; wekhelj tmm .hier; pdm.itiv mit eJ.uG'm_ D.nt SW0111e11Qeha}teh, zusaiw]]e:ngekl<tppt: .. ~&llc;:!n ka/JiJ. Ole tei-fe jst Jdentij;d::J mit de.!" t<'(Jrl d&:r "Flnl(\Jr.~tfe 1 ";'. ~ . liS'

,mil del 3~"7 c.ri.l Fla:l, .1S, .' "

Mill] kalW_l]Ur imtner \'vide! ·t h~dfltJt::t'l1, cl[l~' sieb. f!l1~.

Sfl1'lrt~rlln<1schin~nka.tlOfU:i'fl i.n einem h6cJJ5t desc#at:e ~

;';il.and bfdlndeI1, rJeJ'dmch die AM t:M.~.fJW'..Jg .1m Pril j}~.lIs bes;ser wird Sc::hcm J"lZf, kUl"2.e Z·ei.t, n;lchde.m . ·~tl1lo/iJt:' F J) 1',g)ri[Zl;·lillllfde1]. is.tein tum J;~il ~oiFl1're'" l~ostrwl1L1g ,ttl erk(;fJll~o" \Venn dfese WJlter.:l.~ .... t! ktif.:lg;..'<t(.·',dmi.':Jche Bcrlt!:~mmg erkmgt lu.!be.n, sO'solkef) ,Ide daicl) ZelJge.n deu t'5cher higemieurk~~ nst e:d~'lhel1 lilelaeJJ,. Karllt P'awiasJ, ApriJ 1998

Sl\I~'TI~N)ll'S,(~11 INI!NI{l',Nf)NI~ (SIll,) ~rtl) :1

Mafsstab/Scale 1:35

..., ~
I -"'?- "II " I
f'oI" ;;; .
I :
~' ""
J= UL 11,'"-1
'" =" _I
I ~ j'
l r; J.~;~ ti

5~ =- ~~~ ~~ ~

Cradle Details Details del" Wiege


. ;


Mounting Details Details clef Lafette

IS/'ll I ~

Hundwhe ,I " t' I rnv 'J'sl nv; X<,.:':M J-r~lndJ'::ld d r'

Seit« sui ,t"JtrJ1;,fsc!line

(Coml inal iun ,I.:i,~ar fL J I' '~1.t:vatl :ll.g ;.111 d t~:we rsln ~

Ku rn bJ1J li(: l"ll' Hf'i]wn· ruJ(f :Jeirl:'llfidwnasciJiI1 e

\....It!'1 U-'IIH !j, H~~'i '~H 1~1!~fiJ..'t"irLII p .. } ; ~

I"fOL) 1 (I ~ngl1I):LI l'jghl front, N[)~.'· ! I!',::' ,~~ ~I id h}L~cpl~i u in LIlt" shape lIra Idtl2 ~ ..... hich wafi i,1.'t xl Insle~l.d nf ~I ci'uc-i form • . ics:l'1nr.;rfMiL'i!I, tlL'l' Fi:lk.w;JlJi...· 3 1'0/1 schrfJ;r{ rertu. ..

vorne. U:':H;!Jre dk.' m;!,' 'h~L' d"-,:1ChL:'nf("Jnnip,e godenn}nl«: dh: :rn,'ilc'/l:c J~:J' OhficF1e1.! Kf'euxbfL·tt~~ 1/(:;,J'tvt'nd '!lvm· dc:,

Fron l h:I$' 'pi :1((:: \lo.rderc[' Umg:il rJgt"r des L.JJt,.uf:.nkre~lzes

1-1 ok fl r1J ie rl"vl1ll hu( Igit' 01' i he ~kmdel;~mh~ingt:r AollriinU'llHk .n h r vurtlcre« If,'; hly:",.~:i'dr rJt,~~' ;:loml!':·'l'<IIl· hijnlJ,er,~

TI-mt~[",1' 1-;11;;11'1 from

trave rsl L'1 ~ g~a r W lI)ok' revolvl ngo upper c!lrrbgc nhc1"l,T~v~m~~8m:;h"3e Iur Jje S ·ilCJltl. 'hUill't{ ,'Hit die

1 il~·/lh·'JJ' r,>, ~'I'j';','rl'" .. I) 'r"-

,_i _..... _" I .. '=! . '~t"=! "" _ L"- ~.


Chain hook f· r the ::'cmdentnhanger KeU'{:I1:fJ,~d(en Uk ,','ow ler'J IJ tJ~ingt:'(


NclO[ lD1' LnJs~JJl,~1 al i Ll~llg Lll'\'id: "fr;igl'/" fUr ~ li.~ hi or HtMend • \-,j"ierefioJtldHlIl IN

I j;1g',)IUl view on I'iglu Hf'i er curriage

,<"d]J'fi~:IIl:'>h hi dt"8 n .. "cliten \'\'?i ·.uZ'nll'{j,~· '1'."i IJ -r OIJcrhdt'flt'

Handwheel or d~ 'v;ltDng·~e~1 r }-hntSr;)J der I-Wbt'IJt'idJ[.'n.~I::;chj.hc'

Coiublnation gC~ll' f r ~I 'v:fllng and 1 11':) \"""!':-, I ng Ko·muinjetl:f .. ' H6h(:'I7- i.iJ~d ,"'eitenn'd)tnJ;~'N-hiri-(:'

General view ~ ~r]ll:JkwarFe.3 from riulu, Oh,St;l'vt: nK' ..;11 ;lj)' of I he base plat " The eight hurrels ;.li"c· pn,iriflli·7J id '111, r<bkw[dTe I lrc i I'iz,!,)flull.y p.rral lel (HUIt' Nu ts &. Hull., \Iol. j. Lixpel"illlt'nt;~1 F]; rk \\Y; I. un I), Gt:~;rrm:ln~idll dl;r Nal.wal1"f.:,' von ,~'dtlic,r] rectus. H« .. 't ,;;,/ di r;orw der B,)(lcnpl,r!I ~ deutticl: ;.;u erkcnllen: Die ;i("ll Nr hte l.legen W1{:' bs» d 'I' Fhi./..:-n "lh_~ t (sN;fhe Nllr,~' S: 1Joif~ N~Lj.. H;\~pe1-jment;d F'tah wC.':JPU!1S, lJ;JI'I J) j),:II~d,i\,t neben t:'lmlf] cfr..:t":

.CQJllI)j nation gear I(~I· tl 'V;nLi i 19 urul lL·llIV"l~r5,Tflg T\Cm.Jf,)infc1'1e Llohett- ww' S('ilt'm'idwwJsl'i7lm .. •

Hantlwhcel of clevu rlnt; ge.ll' l.!,.ul(_h~,ld der Ni')J)'L:rirh;'{ltlJ],cr.::;(;1.1iIN:'

. _,

~ [-I:Llld'v\'lwd 1)[" rruv erslng g .ar

H<Jll'tlmd (h:J' S·dU,'nl·id1tm~1.~ 'hine ;r;




r.i!:l Tru !)s.i~:1' ;"harr fr\111 traversing

::ll ~e:H U the r\_·v~ ~'Ivin~ upper ~

~ curri .. igL'

~ O"(~r'tr~l!:i 1 ,i ngb~;rc:,1 },O;(:, (ll r dfto ,,:t'i/<;,;0 rich rnn,g uut Jie d.r:!..:'J'.Jhari .. ~'dlgenr.' ohG'j'hll(~IJC

Clr~mp,s Ihl' , be tliH(:rellL ,llmi"ng tll'yi '(,;;';

U 'mmell aIr slie dl\'·'J>t::1.l Z.ieiwJH'i ·jHWJ,i.; ~n

Burrel }\' o! Ii'

l~l';-.l fur II) aim trig device Tr:':fger (Or ~ Ji· hh·'f r1·f1'lt'll(h~ vislereiur! :hl UI1M

~()1, Ihi !1~ll lou ge~L1' f'r r

'I('!V~IJhlg ;llld

I r~,V(:j''''ii Ig Kombi, )h'f,lC

I rotlel.l- urn! ;"iCJ'll::11I.fdw rul.<;['} l.ilk!

F.l:i 11 '.t' f lr 1lIi~sin~I·!'.'k\'p ling '1('W!' he I ween raul ':1 nd ~Ii 1 ni i"I~ !'vi~'l:

I,:hmsl;/! l~lir u teh! ·ntil!·,)'It"m-'I'- 8l;rll,W' I ft.-'J' ! IrShL'Iln'i'"rUun,~ 7.wlsL'ht,.'o\FiotiQ\' Ui'Jt/ Vf,~f~.'r


111' n\!llllo~'k Ii (I) l/'b1uc~-

flal'lg<.e fur n lL<;sing 'il''l/.UW1,!.\ I ~ v 'J' bel INC en crudle :1 ml ui m i ng de vice

Fhllt.,ch {·it" 1£ ~ fehlendt. St uers.t:wb" d· r l-jr'11 ','Iricllwllg zwisc/. '[7 W-k,!<t' [ioc..! \/isl '!'

{~~~~,,' riru for de"~,lting :t.::'Ji'mhup;f"n fr.lI" Il(iI !;.'IlJ'ii.~1 t.wg

[{eAt f )1' 111br;i Ilg u i mln,~ device

i'r,l!.{t:'t li'JJ"' die' f~h.·;· fi:.:M~ru.J

llandwheel (11' clcvurl ng .ge~l.r N~~ndnja ,h:r

I ji·1JeilrIthlr I }:'I..~ nj' It-

I~ighl heU of pi\!r)1. Rc·(.'b~t,t.,St:hiJdL.apJ!:.'fJJ,'Jgef

:'lJinlng I oVa _ ' F};W8J(:,11 l~Ir die N-'hlt.'l1de Steuer .. $r.ji;l.~e rJt_:!f r.tnflt'flridUlfng ~wl',~:(,:h~i~ W/kYI;. I,,'.nd l'i8lr.:1'

·.5RI~. \11 'won Irihl1t upper GII'r'bgu S:eht'mUJsiciJ.t dc" . I'e Iuer: ''''icgcnn"fi,qt.1' der ( herblcm~

Cnld~l' \r:irt~:·

I}\;")x for'l he hreech blud~ fJei)itU8c iifr dt'n VL'(;1(~h!m~~N(~ck

I ~ n 'l:~' h.b ti l(:L. I CVl"]' ~ 1] I r ~ IJ h~ 0.;] de r J,~ik!WN'& i~Jt Fi~l'~cMl!~'b:fo('!( '. __ ~;:=-::,,:~....,...,~~ n.'clt4-' ,..,'ell~·

mgll~ I wd ()f pivt)[

/(cchte5· ,1..i,-·IJiltlz:JP(t'n/'I{{~T

K*~ !";J rt \ If f~]of :~~~I !-, ridg{'fi

r iW,'/t'n2il,:.~fJ(~r mr :n:hi' Dr,:w:w::'.n

Cradle W!i'\:.:Q~

I ,f.):.lding 1 ubie 1,,fl(kr isd7

l10x for the breech block c.;ch:"iU$e nit den Vei':-'(.'hhH:?{)-}t')C/(

i\'l'i'iLl.[lthtg t.~r ~l.ppe'rl~jL.nt'iJ·W umu ~u'(·vl~r ~':I.!.'i'i:~~t'

r.~I,!(~(LII1',~· t:1n' O{J:c"T,tdt'H"t, :wf slcsu .U1"~'hring der I i'mt'r!~Jit"ne

i"\lf 11.'}l'iJ~_g :"i't:.I'\~\"lS ql" L! pope!" ~'Li'ri~lgt: on h lWC'f C'rlf!"bQ:~

~lnl~i ilg l !'avd ,c·

1\ rr011i,t' r'unJ,I"8r~hl(!t.'1 J1 hir d it' Oberbt'c.'fI:e ~Jn iles Unter-

1:J leIit' nr;:I h rCI:] d M':J!'b"t'h t~! i1 f~

~T$ilo1~ .. rhe rear boogie of~\he.fSond eranh ~?lg~r 1Ji.'r:Jfbmwe:halre:n IH r ftl,ll]l~rren Son det"jJJh;,rn~Q:e!"

n,fii f;1l I vtew of Flakwnffe 3 ',[go'n~d right rear, Nelle "" fLmdfol1~lJ parts are I~' s:!!] OS: e,gJ<l Y0r',s se ~t w II h ! hl:' &~l'll:l~~ever, the breech block, tire aim1ng devices ~tc.

~Mm wm;lchf tier F!rJ 1{\'\"~1 (/('> .1 rrertBcJw:fg himeu tedu.~~ fk'Hd.7- ~fJ.j':d,~{(; vide F[lnkd()n.~(·.rdle reh, Je £ler .1UchrschiIrzc'

I' Ahk~Jcr.(d[H"irflwn,gi dr:J" T(er,'~.cflllfBblCl(:k, die' Visirtr-

1"- ,_ .

. ~jn.ri[JjWJ1g ere.

n'Jck of base phHt'

{{ j 1] let'e.!' Tei'Jdes JJt)d~' npla tie

Ch~tln ITClOk frif the SOI:ldel~lnJl~.i.nget

Kerwnlwkt'n fiiI" ,!jondt~rcm' hdnger'

!\ '

Combination gear rc:,K elevating and traversing KombJni0rtc: Hl1/:n:i). u'n~f Sef[el]dchU7l.r~.chjnt~

C!'Ht.lJe \lVi(:_.(l"c

LG)[l(Un~ table L,mJc.UBdl

F.lQ:¥ fer the breech block

(ie hihl,se nt f' (feri .

\I C:I:~( 'rl'luBhk)( ... ~k

General view of the barrel block WiE h LWD brake cylinders ~ll:ld the recoll cylinder in the rntddle y.rltb~.oad{i'9g t;ible

frQ~.l rear dl;;lgt)i1al right .'

qe,s')ltJ':lt,'u~$kjlt d~81?o17If~.1ock$ mi« pv:ej BreiJJszrlipde:ro ufld;lliUig <li1.gedrdl]ef~m'ROckh9fz.yJft)der t.iIitlfJr?~[j$~·h vb!] mnre'in st/Idig J"Ci;:.:Jw~:

Gerieral view of the llakwnffe 3 fro nn heh.i ud, Nate thar ~_he u p per C<1 r ["iag~i . s 11(l ~ adjusted W the longimdinal axle of the: crucrform. NOte ~l)~~ rile breech bld(k~s miss] i"ig, wh Ich was- moun r~d under thelD~Ldiilg table, GeM.unmn~';J'chr (,fef Flakwalfe j ·yun hlnten:

Deustict: 8iG.htb~H' ist. cl~11S· dir;VberhdetJe: nich 1: exect iJxial ",lllil Ld"etU:lHr,~fge[ ,I usgetichtc: tst, Deutlicb C(l~eflnJ>l'U tr;jMt der \1ef,s"r!.'hhli$bloclr, (.Jet u 1~· tr=draJJj ·rle'S. Lf{;;leii.'i(-'he~ .';lnge(~rdo 9~'W"$li',

LQl:ldLng lnble tW::/.r;;'ltS"ch

Box for rhebreech bh:lck GtJ1iip~:e fOr den \lt~l":"!chJuB,bfr!Ck

f,,1 ovable pi atform fq r the loader

Kl<1ppbJ~ f'!;,~8 $rc' hb!cch fUr tlen L;ldClschOI,t(3'rJ

View lroru front (}Jl[C) the extractor krr CHt!'kLgc~ DHd~ HJn ()hen <wt dielh"i},s&oz.ieherttir Pnrronen

General view oFl"I~LIn1y';iIJe 3 horn diagoJ1ia~ rear f1gl1l1. KdT.e the nf0fVll,ble pi atform [) r the 1 O~l (11,;1'.

Oe,~·.~Jmhtnsichr der Fbk,li/,'ri7e.3 yon himtm $chdig links .. Gw ZtJ ('d~('nn(:'n .(/.;18 A~l"ljYpJ.),~rrt;' Ssarulbiect: des Lade-

{lch t'Hz,e'J:). .

[~e«Jil cvltnder

1~ ikkbo.uyHru:Jer

LO<ldln~ ~,lbk: l.~ldefif;ch

(llaill I H H )·k I~)I' rln- SI .ndvrunh.illgL'r

I,· d tc 'ilhl/;·L'1l rOr ,"'pn(/c 'r:lnii;ifJ,l.:( 'r' :lIj{ Lh'f" Ifnfi"l.:'!I Scirt' ~/( '.~ L:i'f(··,' rl '11/, ]"\'1 ,;/.~·s

I ~r;!kt.' (yl inlier J ~!-"t'!1 JS/.) "fii i(/ t' r

Cr~ldk' Yt.'it::~t'

l;~L.~t~ pbtl' .

F{J,~spl:urc .,:w/"tA'I" Ii! d,,'n ,~idrt' dt~,~, Lilt :fI~ ~nkrt'1Jz.t's

C'l'n!..'r~d VifW of FI:llm.',tff.._, .-l fro]]"1 .1d't. silk,.

(it'S,11U ullr,~it11rdL'-" l'I;um0dtl' J ·nJll 8~.'irN(,!1 /iuh.

elf) I! It' Idt hnL of pivor

t.) 17 t~ l' r ,"ic 11.i k lZ;~I) (L'r l /; J~:C.' vil« ·d~ L '/

Left side: of Iloading table iinke Sette tl ... l.l.f tettscbe»

I-cV(~~' of breed) block len side H~~r.:;'/\.)f{;'rk Wt V:et',~ch'uBb.tock linice Seife

Nk.U!nfi~rg brucker of loader's platform

5irehen nil" kbppb~H·O$ Smnd· bhx:h des Liu 'e~rh D tzen

Left bed of pivot

Linke • s ;.)~cJijJdz[!pf'e1]l:lgef

Leve r D f b reech b lod< left slde

Fivbehvcrl\ mrl/t.."1:se.:hhll.shJoc?k Jilll<.[~ St.iT '

·Cnldle Wi~e


1\1 and uDgsFeueJ'(liItrJpf -'f

Muzzle locked on barrel \ler8chJ u r.5 der A1fi.t:idtlng8leuerdiitnpfeJ" zwn uotn:

Lod{ i ugmechu nisrn du rl n.g transport be.~,vee.n upper' . e"l[ri<ige .and undercarrt ~~ge .

VerZUtmW"' Wi' iVr'm'/c'hhlH"[

• '. - ".' "." .'c;1i I ' '. ~f; c' J; . L .. ,;fJ ,

iwisdlen OberlMetl:e un d Lniettt=l11,jeuz'. . ,

He:coil mechamsrn BremszyJ.inder

13 arrel block R6iIri)/ooc/(

CratlJc \t"legc-

Gellera~. vLe\lv;ofF~akw<lfJX:~'3 from d.i',lgoJ,ul front left, NOL'C that die gear· rrn] fOl: elevati ng ts n1 oun ted outside ~_h!;:

nriddle of the cradle, r

Ges"ltn m nsic:h t ' del' Flak ¥v"rB~ 3 vo./1 schriig lirJf!7e Ilnb.· B&~ld:Ue, .d;JB riel :Z~lhnbogen. del' J-:lDllem:ichtWJg .DieM fllii:dg!ln cHit ~Wjege 1~eft;;gt!.gli8r.

Gear to transferthe tl'Hver:t;itlg Onto thelJ pp(;:r carrtage Cie.t1~d){;.·. rUr Obt'.m~gwW der ,:'h~ftcn ['id~ IlllJM au f die Obe J'hl{er!!!;,

Con n ec ljOg tube between barrel blo"c.'k locker uud upper carriage locker

V&I;h!iJdu 1l$:$8fang!t:;"f.fwischel1 der Up.hrb[ockve.fZlUTW1j:J 1J'od der ObeiFlaf:eftemlt;1ZU f1"Utlg

Lt;;:v I> I' of breech block I'e: h side Hebe lwe rk fil r Vet,:jchlll Bblock I.inkeSeite

L~ f¢ t L P per carri ~lg~ Linker \xliegex:itniger der

Oberlafene '

Elevaring scale in Gnul .r:urH6bt.'.Ilrk:htww

Pointer 11;>j· elevating scale Anze.ige r lOr G tudd« r .f-16hc nrichtung

.Sprockcit f'OI' t:l~vatililf.l OhennJfWH!ii.5fif3el c.ldt H()henr.rc!i!'wlg auf den . Z'll'lnbogen

·4c>c[:i;w during transport between cradl e and upper earriage

Verzurnmg n:lr Mw'&cbR~hrt

. Z!ivisch en\1{:riege 1I tsd Oberlafette

Riest f'bi'.Injs~"ing aiinhtg device from left'·· Trilgetf[itr:.lie.hief teiJientie V'i,51t:J.'einriciItung von.Haks

Combination gear for 'elevating 2t1~1 traversing Kotl] Hoben- (mel Seite.1lridl mla ... cbine von links

He,co i [ mechanism BJ-enlszylindel-

SW'rd block' Rohrblo~:k

Two "f~qu 3d i zers Zwe.f A tli~:f:k::idu:;!"

enId le from \md~rhe~ith W'tege W~n Ulltc'o

Upper pan oftransport locker between cradle and LI pper l;arri,'ig>e Zl~.rfbagel

) Cap Q f bnJ:ke cyHndet Ve.r:stthluB1mppe.n dec B.!"e.IJ!$zyli.ncte.r

General v,ie.w lay the .Fhkw?Jffe3 from front :qes}JIJ_iITm,~jtht der}.j"~kWidfe:.3 trbn 1!orfIt;:'

Go1.p 0 r equatizer .


Sill .. 'TII~N'.)llliS(;:IIINI~NI')lN()NI~ ,(S.III["flTIJ ·~1

M:a.tsstablSoale 1:35

"~1 t;l e V1~ \'1 Q L LUC;J11lC'L K~ .waffe '4-; 'No~e' the m:issing handwheel s for 'elevation and traversing ~l~d ~hfi mis$i!'l£:4l:h"nlng .~le:V:l.te~, Ul1uStji~.I. are the ~wo .. si:',lt~ ?n the r"l"ghr side one beh i nd the. debet:; which could

.mean that there were I poss.ib.I.~r two loaders. Se#emi11siCh t del' !'1ak~· v\/<1tr~ " Be<Jcim:: die fehlender: Hal1drfider lilt die J:laheIl- sutd Seiter» I'Jdh'nmg .sowle die Fehlen de:7i elei tJ deb f,tj ng,. ~emerken.~·wert sind qle. zwei h iI] rereJn,m der ',11l" geordtieuu: Sitze:, die' .!1H5gliabenve:lse m//" lwei Rich fschO tze n binwr::lc'ie!t

Bed' of' rlgbtcf.lldlbtm ~~nn, H~jlbl.'1ge.r des j',c.'!clltelfl AuslegerS del'I(l'euiblfette_

Two equahzer, Zlivei Jlusgiei(.:her Combj"jT~]tion g~:aj' for elevating and traversi ng, the g'enr cover is missing

Kombiniette Hoben- und "ieite/]e ridlwmst;hine ohne die iehlena« votdete Ge[f'i.eheal,,!J;ckhaube

Lever fo!' foot firing mechanism oflaver 1

Fleb'e.lwerlt ftf.r elk" Pui::)tJh~ fetJ'e"J'mW de. s Rich[schOr.zen t

F~Qnl cross beam of the cruciform Vordel'er Quer£riige.rde.~ hdetten-

kreuzes ..

. ' of foot rest

'Tr<lg<.Jrme (at l''I./.Pf$.n'l!;;ten

FOOL rest for the seat of laver 1 fi;t,l%'f$!iSb!J] fiir clem R..ichfscHof~en 1

Seat oHayer 1

Sitz des Rjd](:8~hij.rzen 1

Missing' right folding Hide arm Am HalbJa:ger lehl~ndeJi k/aJ?:~ -~~- barer Seitenholm

Com binadon gear fD releva til'bg: and traverslng, gear cover missing

J(omblnierre Hoheu- W1Cl

0: .seiten.richtm~lt.'chine ohne die ~. .fehfellde vordere Getn'ebe~ibIii"- deckha. !lhe.






Flange for the m~ssil"lg elevanng and traversing handwheels

Die reMe.nden B 11f] drii der .nil" die Hollen- und Sdtenricbtullg· w[!l'deJ] bler ang:efhmschr



BrHJ~ cyllnder, mou l:v~ed "~$lde the b~~ rfels Zwel /wf$clrd{ggf:nde Bfej1~6'zy:l!fidt;_i

~1;;.,ill!l~U:~:I; "-"11 "If J~~'''''' I' .. n, .L.·JlihH'ji,'''i''1';~J;'~ ~~] ,_,!; v,~ u

,lhtgon~~1 righL frol1<k NDl~ the CJ:udformwhic;hus Iderrtical .to' FlalClVaffe 1- (see Nu ts ,& ]301ts :3) Expe.rimein.a.lFlak~ ports ofthe W'ehrm.ac1ht Parr and the 3;7 em Flak 18 o:r th e ly rhirHes,. 11.'}:r~ gener~ll<lyQu.t is: very .similAr lAP t~~e F~~$:~w~a!joil '2 (see the.same Nuts & Bolts VbL) with 'tworO'%'s DE four barrels 'yeh~c'a~ lined,

Gessu: t-apsIc1u d~1" FhthVdff? 4 Vbnsdu:fig J"edus·vorne, Br8m:j].~ re die. KH.~b:d,'1fer~e, clle kfenrJ.sciJ Jsr !nU, din: Lilf~trlf:d([1,t' /':'laf.:"iWlffe 1 (si~h¢ Nuts & Bohs' Vol,.71 E;(j;H;;J'h~]ItJ]xal :Flak:,weapon6~of Ch~' Wehml:f;tcj1t Pa.rt.12 und der o,'70:m P/tJk .11f3 'tIer f.r:uhen jOer J:1hle. DIe 2 Rei· :li@ \'On 4 senkrecht Obereiniim· derJj,egende.n Rohres: ist sebr 'iilltllJrill clet FlaJ( wafta :l (sieJJe ·48's ;iJJe.ich'e. Nfl: 1'8 .~~ .Bolts Hem,

M~~zzk;1 n6r~ die. unJJ;SU a~ c~;1ihclffc~~l shepe M(.tndwlgs{euerGamp.feFj be.~i.JJte die ungew6:l:m]iche,

'z,y1indr:i;s'che Fo.f:m .,

Ail'-oonling mantlet; note the holes for ventilation Dutdibrocl: e:aer Manre11~'lr Lui' del' Rohre

IUgh r bed, pfr1vo[ Rr:ditCs.5ch ffd?{;l/''$.ger

Di.;lgp~ ~11 viewon fight upper cartlag€ Sdi{;'"ig,i,tJ:Ejici11,; des rechlen WI'efJ~nujigetS'f:ler Ober~

lafeu~ ..

Twoeq(wlize rs Zwei A U.5fJJeicher

Combinatlcn gear for elevating arid tr::l1ver.sing KOlnbiniencHohen~ !Jnd Seitel),idH1.n .. lsd2lne

:sox.Which hCll;J$e&"t"he·bv,n-e1 bkid~ and the oo"eet:h block

W:<rff~ng'Ehiipse fiji-·qen VeiNclTJ:r.J1$blb_ckJ _:an ¢'le

iier'l?dhrbJr:rck mon"ried:it.'c '

-.-. - . ~ . - - ~ - .

.. Genet-ill vi~v·oHhe'F~~.k\Vaffe ,4 ·from dbg6rl:a~dg~'JJtt~ Note' rh,e'sli ap-e· QfXh eicrU';lforrnarl!(rt[~:(:upper c:a:r.rEl ,,",,'hich· is [LImos ~ Idendcal eo [he, 3;7 em Fbk ~!R Note r- I 'WOl'k"5~~Itj.Q;n·,cij:·th~ layer·2" who's: positlonwas l)gllt :~r.c)l~t of th;er0Q.mbl.~]e:~[";eteV<ll.ting. ~te)d ~t~r,:;ref~inRgeaL .1 -.I:qmdaa nd foot fnS[run.1&nt~ HXe corn 1~!t:ltdyjnOi~5j Ilg~ .

Gesan:l [;;I.ii. .. ./cn t der Flnk1i("tlf{ei4 ·von schro'igJlln ~en.r:ed Del1 r1.1_dJ erk¢'l1 n BOll'· dii: F:Cij.~fn·;"derI(re;UNJltd Ober.hrfe di~ l.hir i¢i¢b.lver~lJ~ll"l"t von der 31 Flak 1.9 Ub~rIl( _Ll:ie:n ~Y.m:-den.. GtiJ ZU _ efk~.iuu~f.l is.t,Wlt'fl clef 'Arb" Its reIch-des Rkht.',:iGHi.ig@:lJ' 2. ,der.I11Jmit.tJfdb[U' vor del' kc blrlJertfin 'ii:!;'jjJen· ui~r1 Se1.tendchwl:J'.'Jchfne ·,s·~~8. J Harij~ mlt/ Ft~Belet1:1@n te, die er b6ffieI1,te,. sind r .ml vorbsnde»: .

~ . ·~I -

$haft !:!u0'tiJe··OGfltbinC'd box" bu r '.it is fLOt I",no\wrI\vI'HilHii'er nH~ was. for-amm II nition

. tl)fl_g:a.zln~~. . .

$'~ifJch ',' .ill (;ll~S· .\'VUtli::ng.t'll{JXiS~. 'Wt?_beJ unNh1.f isi; Q.b e.sL,;J:p:t A:l1{t1illI1ile "de·~;,~4uf]Hiorr qit:;{Ue-

Tr<I.I.;t"spau h)_d~ ·of the C rild: on. therear crcssbeaer of t'

crucH'onn· .

Ve:rz'' cl~1'"\:Vl~'g~· .wl dern binteres: Quenr"Iiger der Kreu.zlafette


Flang e on the breech block for [~

= the ph:m.ger of 'the right brake

~ cvlinder

iZI Fhil1;~ch des VrerschluSblod,cs ~

is Iiitdie Ko1bellt'ltange des

1=1 recbten Bf'£;~"

~ IZi Iiiioi

~ ~ Plunger of the right equalizer

Kolbens~.lrlge des recb ref] i\ usgleichers

24 Cradle !\Vlcge

:_(:;ombhl.a:tl on'. geal' for:

, ·el6i;:Ui.n.g '~'JlQ traversing .Kd.r:qbil1Le(te H(JJlel1- ul1d Seitc 11 riels mJ uschin e

Seat of laver :2

su» d(J~. 1UclUsc/l;utz,en 2

Ai rcooling mantlet, note _---~~~~;;r~t:'uii

the holes faJ' ventllanon .~

Du rcbbtoctu: n er Afan.te:! mr [UPtklihhl,ng 'der

RO.Jwe .

Box. which houses the barrel block and the breech. block 'W''l]ause fOr den Veli.'ichTuRblockJ' a1] dem'det RolU'block motuierttst

Sha:ft into-the combined "box. but it is not known whether this W~LS' For ammunition .In~guzi.nd .

Schadl [ 111 das·W;..lfteJ2gei}a lJ'.sC', w~il~el un k/:iJl' i51, ob es zu r Auih:'kb m eo del" Nltwit:JoJ]' dieme

Right bed.:bf pivqt . "Red:ues SCll ildzaplelJ}l1$e'r

Righ t pivot .

Redue.r Schi,tdz<.ipfcn

D]tlgOl1H~ view 9:1;1. i-ight upper carrlage

Sdili:ic.ansicht ties recbte n Wiegen.triigers deJ'·OberlHt~tte

PhJ1]ger of the right brake cvltnder

[':olbe::rWHnge des rccnten Bre mszylil1 dei'S'

:g;'~l1eral vl~w·qfElak.v/aff~ 4 pi!=c~se1}· fl'QJ.'n r4:;.a·~". Nq~e~the le:,rr on..ldfprrn and tbe .trasSl)t::aOl tvith the lqdre'r fqr transport

Gesmnml1sidn dee F.fakw~;rFfe 4' ge.fUHl Von hiatcn, Be,.1ch teden hiutereu Liing.s,tr;iger der .Knznzlalet:temic dem Qlu:'rtr,lgeJ- unci der Ve12umw8 die 1\!.I~~I'"5:,hi~lhJ.T

·U1.':i'11t:',,'U '\f,IQW t:!J ,L' 1,[lK'W.';,Ll t!;.t from diHgo.lUd fear dgbl G~$tlm mmiicht dii.r J!JlA"'i'j!::Ilfe V'P!1 ;5{::.h/iJg-l1inlr!f:r:l recil{'S

1v;oun"ting·pof Uil~pe;~" 00l'rH~ge on lower ~dlj'ri~i

_Ugii!TLlll,ff. det- h1!ef.l'e '~I"lJ_t

dem Dreh.'rhig del' Un te.r~

_. ·ii· _. ', .. /~... . .

lafeue . .

v:few.:fmm.· aboy¢ 0 n the:box wiltd11:~0.tlses,;tl'le .l1cti"fel Bt0d~:a.nd ~he> l?i~·~ch:blpck~ilrtd.Jh~ bad,:el{ wit~i the. I bra1,C: . cvlinders "01:1 eitlleJ side, -No~e;.the bnwk.e(on thb;:igl~-i_bhlk~~c~:i~nde:r: .. - ." _.. -_ _. ,

Bli~'k> VQ11 .01:;'0 Ii lidnten ,J tJ.f des W!affe,1Jgehf{us{t=- Jij r ::Vej.5chhiBblock'.~J:l1(/ ROhl"block .so_wit!: dIe R"Q,hre mit

den- ,5.eIlHc:li imgebnlchl:~n -. .. - , i3~~!.c11te.

:de'il Zahfen am·· .. :. . ' .. .

_.I-. I I

V·Sh<l'ftj~ito·:tb.e·: c6mblned !:ioi; but jt~~ffl;6t kn'o\>,71{ whetber ~h~ls.Was Jcw -arn j.-i~uiii.t~·Dii magazines 'S chach.t "in' das W·al1engeiH'ltlse, wobe! 1,lNkl"fl1' "i8f,:ob eszur A uliwi:1me·

der-1VLUIjiuon -dies: te


V1 evi f.rpnJ ,abp\~: .q#~~ij~, box wh j ch 11 ouses the' ba rrel block and "the bre eeh blo·tk ,~

Blick· von b"ben .hin,ten cW/.dilS Wa.ffengej11iuse Iurden Vel'scbJl.113bJoek,

Ge.nenil,I'''iew of FlakwvV';:iJfe 4 l·6 ·:Ges.imumsid1t der Flakf.;l,-'<tfl"'e <1 VO:,IJi:'SCll.l

Chain liciOk for the: SQncle,[all.~ hfLnger l{fettcnh<d{cn a·m Querm;1ger ftJr S()nder'}.uh~in!t:t!r

tev~Jlin,g jack isrn issi ng l1ori,z9h trjer.J{riH tchir,

PI.q'g connecto I' $tt'i;kdost!

S'ast! plate j:i'lJ8sp!t{rte

Hook for the rear 'boogie of

[he':So'nd~r~u)hiinger '

AtJ fll:WgeJwke I~m t 121'nte res P<lhl'ges.r:e/J des Sorulernnhiil,Jge1:5

J'I;[!:ngt:'Ol1 nU:::Dl'~~,t'l:i tl~t'l~H:: ~'or the plu l1ger of the left brake cyltnd~f

B;cfes.tigllngdel' Ko~b£.':ljl;ft<tngc des,)inken 13rem<~z!f~lindej-S .im

Ved~thluf.?blcrck -

.~ - . .".

Boxwhich houses the .barrel block and the.breech block w'iJf~i;g(;!hiiUSE far ;den

Ver -, sdJlufiJ.b!ock, an deJi, dr:j" 1?6MDlock mVJ\l'ft i81'

Bfeechb~od(! Vr::~"Sd}JfjRblod:

Diagonel vk:wof the left side o,f the upPJH.::r carrbge $r:Jl,iiJ'g.i!ms/cnt des. 1ink~l] Wi(:' der Ob(:!rJHfe(te

21unger of the left eq llH [bier ftQltJ,e1i.~range des Iinket: Au,,'!-

, g,feicheJ'S

Gear 1'i m for eleva ting bp,l:nbogen Rif Hfj1rcllrich 1:m1,f

Cradle /\<Wiege

Guh:bnce hole .fCN' stakes [)rt;ie;f,.:kfnhwng. I11t E.rd~ niigt:J

ne~r part of qudfO.rri:

Jfin1.en~r Tei! de.5I' Liing striigef,~; des Lafettenkreii'zBs

Movable transport locker for cnadle with {J°eleva Hcm Zw.e:icd1:ige sdJwt'nlitbare VetZm:nU:ig {fjr lvl~m;ehFahJt m.r die W'Jege bel () Q Ethoh ung'

lJi.l..!Ig connector SreckdO$e

Chain hook.for the Scnderanh~.nge[

lr ettenh:Jken. ail- SmJ de1.'.::~n" litJ.ngeJ'

General view of Flilk~ waffe ftf.Jltllen side Ge.sfilmt<msidlt dei'FlaJr~ waRe. 4 ,ronsddich Jirik.'>,

S:h<lft for til lTHUU Won feedtng 01' cartrldge ejection

'icbadu luI' Munitionszu-

tilh rung oderHiJLr,enatISWlld

Cap for left bed of pivOI. f.inker Scl.liidzapi'em!<igerded~(;Jl

Breech block. Vel'sch:Ju.fSbiock

Left pivot

Linker (3chJldz3.pFen

. Gracile ~fiege'

Left. upper carriage Hnker \viegentl'ttger "det Ob.ediifelt.:e

S't,,~Jl fQr amrnuition f~~di11g 'OJ:' _t~nrjdg:e·~.(:)cltiCiri 'Sc:hdtht rur ,j\Ju1l1ti;on:5zu-

{(ihn.::ng odet i.-{iiJisen<lu~wurf

MQ'Ll mi.n,g of the, I.Me e~qnanzer -= .on ~he left side wall of the

,J upper carrillae . .

~£igl1ng-des li1l.lreiJ JI!J .A.usgJeic!lers im der .flJlkC/J

~ SeiteI]W~l1jd des Oberl.a.fer.:"te ;-





~ "2:

Clam p: fOT am m uni tlon btl.xe$ "or fOT foot fest, note the locker .fhlll,er;.evrf, tl1r ~11mjUon~kil.'Jte.n oderSte.llblecn, be~ipite den Verscil/.uf3.,


General view of the FbkwJJfe 4 from diagonal k:ft fronr :G~~8.u,nl,~~I)~jehl: dt!!." Hakm"lff'e 4 \':"QlJ ~ichrijgvome links,

l~'o eq u altzer Z'tv,ej' Ausg!Eicher

General view of the. Flakvr~J.ft: ~i fron: diagonal left front Gesemtsnsich: de, JlJa!rwi;l:fI'e -4 VDr sell i'ii,{fsefr:1ich lin k.:

Bnl,ke.cyI:inder Bre:J]]sfty:!,[

Box whiCh houses the barrel. bloek <\1':1(:1 rhe breech 1;),I.oc1: :W<l!fEij]g~Jlii1$e H~.t des: .. Ve.t'schlu8blocki jU1 dej1] del' Roh rNock tl~(m tien tst

.Gear rim for elevating ZaJ1i1boger:i Far Hql'1en-

sicbtu ntf "

Diagonal view of the left

s,i de of the u t1.j:l.per carriage Sch hJg;:l nsldll de$. linken Vfieg,E'l] rdig,ets der Obeshifeue

Sprocket for.elevating lid/l etutchiruzel

Gl:!lleml view orFlakw~ffe 4- (Urec'tlv from Dum .

. GesN mt<iI1t,:_ich t eer FJn kwaffe 4 dJ.I'~.kt von vorne

Bed. 'of right cructform arm H;.Jbiff{,rer -des 1inke:n

. Au,"'f~gefs clef l(reu.:d~-1felte

Mhsin.g right folding l\iide arm Am Ha.lIJ1<lgcr iehlen.der. l"l<;lP'Pbarer S:eiwnholm

Chain hook for the Sqll(Je·t"oIJlh~·\nger KeUenhakel1 Jtll" Sondemt1h;~ingcl'

Fi"Ol'U crossbream of cruciform 'Vqtde:ref"Qtf~i~lig~.( ~les L,;rn;:-ttenlueu2'~~s


Levelling jack is H":li:5sing

~ HorliolJtriergdff feJ:dl' .

Base plate F'usspb:ure



:e Hook for the front boogie of the. Sonderanhanger .

;;; ilun.H~nfielwkt;n tnr vorde-res.HJhtgesreU de.s S6n,der·'

!I.:i ~~.nh{jngef.'; .

,!"I ';il' ;i!C

'Guidance hole for stakes l)I:e.ieckflihrung fOr Erdn'igel


Control hox

~_;:;:==="_ .. Two eq ualizers Zi;"vei r1u.~Q1eicher

Gear rim fa [ elevating. Z~Jwhogef] I'Llr H6henrichrung

Tr.nn$I'er shaft from ek!VaLlng ·gear to the-sprocket and rhe gt:~ll' rim

.9bel'fl';lglJngR.i~_·b,<;.e fDr'die H6/ien.t'icfnung .iltJ'i' d~rs Ub~rtJ'::lglingslltz ./ und den Z"lhnbogen

S_pmckt!t f Oi'C levatt »s

-VheItnJgung.ti.1'il7.e~.l del' Hohcsuicluung auf den Z<!hnbogen

M(~Utll:fl1.g oftheleft equallzeron rhe left ssde wall of the

i..Lppeir'c<'U·i'iage , " _

Belestigu1Jg.dr:,$ J.ill/u::m lind r~ciIt~J] AusgJeicJ.let;;<;.1n der jewejhgl;:u Seitei1wam! eier Ob'e:r!.~fe(te

Sie:at,oflayel' 1

',fjj:tz des Rich I)._~C h (j tzen 1

Cornblnatlon gear fQJ: ~Ie\"~lting and traversmg _ Kombiniene H('jhe.1]~ w:ld $~Jti~tir:i(Jl[m~Hchh]e

. Snpport 0 r foot res E TI:ag'~lnne fill' FUS'8,n.lsr:en

J.ev~r for foot fi,ring mechanism of gunner 'I. Hebdi wer:k.n~ r die FUss.<'1b.fe llel1mg de.:)' Rf(,:/1tb'ciJurzen .1

Foot rest for the layer J F'u.s:.5riisten .fUr dell Ric1l[',slchfjtze,n 1

The Flaki)an:l:er Kug~,lblitf: was ~a late wa_rdevt;l9pm,ent, Forced by fi~,K-e:, togses -from Allied and RlJ~si'(xi) fjg;!1 L~r bomberstlre il1[fdaeql,.l ;i~e' developments of s~lf:..ptopeUed If1Ia:K. weapo It$ , for defendtng ~J'11I10ure~ 'troops . i~g~dnst:

low flying airplanes became .el1.(i.ellt.· . ,

AU vehicles. ltcked to p urmom; wb:idh eouldp rorectrhe .crew H8weH as the vehicle hself. LiW;;( developrneneswere only bullet-proo f '<1ga.l nst machine-gun and rifle g!'..o\;!!1.'Ihr~; Therefore the .Genef-al~nsp~kt:eur of Armoured l'Ib0p$"· H ern.z Guderian c~emal1\l~d ~l new !Flakpan:ze:t; concept, whkb w<is's\Jprio'sed·to[eg~Hh Lh'e l,.u:gehdy n:e(;;cjed ln6~Uity for the C;er:LTtitn, arn.'iq1;ilI!=,d !roQI)S but protectthe F~~IKydlkle;a:n"ptr~w:; The ted"lnicnl :dre .. :.~19plnent of the. J<LlS~llJ,.litz wG"a,s:gtveJ:l' to l)~riJnler"Ben;t Iorthe vehicle and Rh-einmeta.ll fqr'rl!l.e: weapon, Bo~hwere de\~k;pe;d ~~f~e{p~~ms ofthe..tns,~)e<k~ teur der Panzer H:U ppen, " INij (l? ip~, I n.g.. Oblt, Glome:r· Gotz) .. 170'1" the vehicle H:s·€lfa Panzer· IV chassis .was' chosen, bMti:( re.ceived a eempletenew ~pp.e.r hull WiLlI the ruJfeit ril'lg 'f:ro~n the/rige-r I, w:~th···lSl: I'll d ~at'lletel' to give e.r1pl,.lgh.I'JJOniJQ;f dl¢· r,mnet.-:This was ,C'(:tn.~liuGced 'flS ~t;isphete, Wlli~h tIi .. is.fhlt'~ened on both skl.€'s: 'in:cl~.i.Yilig dh-eC'Jibn ... Ou Ib;e'~'~, s.idelith:er~·w~te f;\Vq H~,p"l?~wit1]'whi~ht.h~·sphel;_'e W<i~' ll,e~~nil a rotaldhg:.n%l.lltier 'O'f ~tn'lQ~lrin ch~' f9iID.r4ya. tl.'un,co:~ted '("One, The sphere: wasinOOfn~PJi13,(l0n the uppt.rside by m'o hatches d.n. each "Side ['Or- the layers.aad ode ~ cfQ1,~ble li,a.tth ~1.theFe",f fQl the ml11rnander, 'Because. the<pl'9(;lnc~(H'1 of the chassls for the-P:arl;ze.r IV and III/JVw'Ouldc:::nd,in the summerof 1945t further researches for a, "Kugelhlitz 2" were U nd.ertakl'i:fl on the ChH:ssis~oJ the PairJ.zer}8(rl), the turret

i:tSelfUl;!,derv"reo! .oi:eve.f.@l,0.h 't- ." la£),' ..' . . .. , .

Tliea:l"ri1~H~e[),t o1~ -rJ);~,©~~1grtlfiL ". . ';tz:cql1.&J£~ett·o.f two 3 .r.lm:M~Sd"ltne:nkfnl:d.nen ~fT$]'{)~~lP~,.'(P'qrl'z,er)lJVhi:Ch were

deVeLofie~d .6r.iginaVY};", ~~ircr'ijft ,. .1$,' ~hey w.~['e.

Ebange:d ,slig.hdY fpf the t':!,~ .. , . ,.'. u seel bel~~d'

~!~Jlt!l!.lnition _with ~, renE fife·pr~'L·. 58 G ~rpm., There were 11.200 roundsln belts·:'with 200 .roliil.ds"ead~ onhoard .. The layi ' "~:'i, or.igil:i;~.ltY, manually ~lone. by a, .red~lic~lon:ge~{; , , _ aHowed a ~m\re(s}~ speed cf'ca, ],0°; sec a~ld an. el~wati~g. sp~.ed- or:Ga~ 9,.8~/.s·eG. These laying. 'sp~.eds, w~re, nat :S:J,]'ffiCj~n~ to figh~ 1.QW .fi.yIng ,fighter ,bdl119~riJ j;uQc,e~s!qlly;, .cfr~fef;Q~~ '!~ .liyd,;a lfUC:_gear . , .. ,.~~s de'V~lql::l)~,cL~0 I:l~' lJ,S~a in Jh~ m::ls..sJ;!tb~Juclion.~ "~hich ~llo'Weld, rrJjuchllighet·.spe¢dsuptb GOo/sec,

The: production ]JJa.n 'qa]]_ed for' 3~O vehicl¢~;)l hI9.n.t:1':l. stal.':tj,ll~ fWl'll ·P'ebnJ"i"ry. '194~~ Vlhjd'l:,shp:i:lt~~ ·t:epr~fc.e theFlukpa,nzet "O~(wind~., Pmdl,uctial1 ;of ~he' 'cbass'i:if' and turret w<is gNe,rI to Daimlel'-B'eaz,1'.fa;lenfelde,works'aritl Deu£sche EL">el!liVerke AG 1 DtllSburg:rv(;rrks; wtio'd~l{veted 5 preproduction :vehic.les in .lwritlary .194.5 uQ, a newly raj;sedarrnouredFlak U'nining and rep.l:acel~enlt bi'tUl.llieH:, (1}'Hil,ze(, und A"-l.';bild1..l:l1gqapteHung) at Ohrdruf/Thu.dng i\l, 'One <;:ompan:y 'Uindciir CQ11l m1md of l:raup~:rn a.o,n. iq ausa W'·as. organized' fnL%) r.b.r:e,~ p~.:H.a_6n.:s,

= ~h". l''':plH~c"On. W~lS ~qp.ipped with' 'Wirbe1Win.Qj. "the'::2.~d ~ p~atoqn with .and the 3~' p["ci(Q.cmv,llth' ~pet'i~ ~ m,len:tal Yebjcle~ lik~ th,e' I(ugel'bHtz~ BeI')orts' 'fl1e;r~,tior(-2~ 'J at aln~xiili)\.uTI fYve}.ljqe-.'{ to' be u S'~do:r-L '"[he \'Y'esrfrqnl·iJi·


ill :e'<lfW 1945.,·]jur no phOi~()S confirm this... '

i: After the'i'l'llLf ended' Dl=1e .turretw"a5ca IJt1..ued ,by Jh:e, M~ = lied tmDpsund this WiL\5- Q n ell-splay at' rhe :eolletthJ\f.l0f !:;. dIe l~oyaJ f,,'ml'~'lfyO;)Jleg~ oJSci;enc(i,·~<,u'$htiven.h~lm !UK4 ill Until the seVl;3:nt~es. It W<.IS. g£ven to ~heB.11.ln,de""';lehr '~llld ; i~ 11ow'pnrt of me deni.oil~tr~tk;n 90nec;t1;o'n of't~ie:~Udr.'il

K~~erne:~. *~nd5b:Ul;g whi(Ji h6us~stn}e A~·mhij.s ;;tilt]~ aircraft ~chpbl.

~ Heiner F. J;)tlsk{i,~ Marl' .1998

l}(fr Ku,geltrritz wa~',t:!.l'nt: St!!ll",pm~' Krle'[j:~(mfwi..ckluJlg. G:e· <:wmlgr/lt .hitch .,<dli,ll.ictzhajh;. Ve·l'lu.~le" i~{)wor~l·dil.y"{;"l N(iwj-eo t i.r-c1li',ais.' (~r,i d~ am ie/.k :Sthla.Qh.ift'I,J;g'&l!,r~.r;~ .l,mtl:J.(jgdMm" ber,~ "W~u~~1~1l iJ}e VI'U),tj?lfJ iJ.llChk~l tfi!l il'P 1: .j'/i .• ~ dil;h in ff(r teN 11

LujJ;~rlHlli . f.;:,e,l'le.r 1i1erban{jc i:'fllge,!rel~teh ·Wtlfjen IUttl

• • .~:'-;-I -) - • ~ - ".... - t:. .

,Fa!~l'<';l)~g(!, " , J)tV,', ,,' , " " ,". ., c

A/hril ,~Oll,~!l'.It.,I[~io;n:~j·l VD,ll., !,1'~~}~9J}e.r! o\Hif.r S,~ ~~s(j(~br,l,( ~mfr f1J.f tla./m~ ~d~r {l'ach ~o/fen lrr~,g~c,'i~'hfU:r.t.~ 'Kampjr.(l.cUl1! :gel7l,c:d'lt.~'.lufi, '{i.e'i\ sp ~rf,ili:lt1ie" B (:1di:e~~!trlg"Ymltil'lU',~cJji.ffl 'aL~

.fu:wrL(l-a.~ F'. :is.elb~~?,fl~er {iJdNdMll:' G:&ftlh~\ Ulti!l,~et~M.

,iV~u'geg.en '. W(y"e~l {1L!t.S:f4 Fqhrr.ttl,jff.6,cspl1l~r

MellI' .Geter wC"l'tig~:I' sChill:.t,. Dei ,G~merCliJn~pi::Jd'i!,u'l'

ilij,' ~(1.1i'f,e rt l'i~i}p I! 11· "fner"(:lf' Ii eiii.~·: G.~~,dg ri<lr{ fo rd ~.1'!e' tJf:.~ her.<d{e Ent,,?icklu,ng -eit!FS rehNIl "FlWr,p(lm;e,r'~i d~1' ,~.owo'll iJJr ~i~\~ttt;illng. ~UJJl:{ti 4h~flfl §e;:liufz~i.etiJ"lj,~O:{,lr~, al§. mi'i;!l: .die· gJ!PtI1~t.d~d·1 u'n:-d ~i{(jtp.ri,~i"~rigr~V~:rf~iil!df M~r111 che'r~d 'g~g~{ {~U~· B~dwh,Nng_ {IU,S der l..,rift .e:II_ .'I'C:{1Ctltze.n Vll!~lj!oc!!t'e:-u~ld 1h· J~t:'fl uli.¢,. ru,});,H~e~u/lge~ B rweJ£·urr,gifl;dh!!ii·.l!~r.sdu;iff~1.1. soWe" l)1.C!:' Entwi:&klun;g; .des .Kiig"dblirz.· rlaiCfl Pliil'Jc(PJt" de; ..... "h ,,' tiiitJc;tler P~mzif:i1;ruplje.n. II',,,r6'Y·[)ip.I. 'itig~ qlm, :auid . '\1If:l}(}"r!: an DiUj~l.h.w~lienY..' 'ffif cl(lS Frih t;;,iU,1{ mid"! uxll j'{k dte Wajj6! geaeben, AIls lJa,s.i.1i 17"allr.f..~ug. ,dlellh:: eln Panzer IV .F(.I~Jrg_e-.~tBn (J1hmdlng.§ w~m'l.e I.ll r!.fj.<' ·k(,eH ~eWnderte, P,ilM,~rkaslimQb~'rjdl Nn 1'urmr./r'ehki'an, mit I.P III Dlll'r;.Jmll.?s"s~1' nnu Tige» Jdng?bmjf, um den "l'imn tJI!f" ~wle#liHNI, l)fe,~!J).r Iuute dili! ppmi .!liner K~~gd,. di~'nj .Q~f.,. den. .Seiie71 in .F~fThrt rIc ht!i'ng . [1 b 8 Wlj-i! '[f(';:r:t lJll~t"'

ell 101T einer lNltllritf(mdell .M(J11;~·du;t-te t1U.~ Pcmt:di~'l.llihl fIJ'rmebl13,i} Ke-gels·t~,~,.llf~fes hi11;g, . die .. ddl,. mci'l d&m til~JI~~ drehte. l).le K.u·g.e.ljtJrm W{U _(m tier Ilf.:W·h. oben wd~tmd{;)l1;~ SeifedMCh Ef.IH;chn-ltte' wuerbro.Bhen, :Jle dt~~l'():n;liiren· Lr,~ken-!tir di~ Ri()l~rs.chfI'(Un als'auch die hiiitete DOj)pdl~.~e~ .fti,i·d~n Kam1'YUlnJamen Ouflulhnlell. Weg.1n, d(!.,~· jiJl' :dp~ Soml;n~ r . .1945 .g"ftp lanNm Prodldlfto.lai~'tJ. ~cslG uj~:.'; ifer' l!rli1:· ge'~'~dlti! Fi;m}..!!!' IV' lim! IllIIV~Y!l1ilen wdferlfeil{m:dtt (jil1I1r·· ~wch U'~g(mLJO ~li~m6' 11 ,: :den K ugdb UI'Z TJ:~1'In a.!lf. 4e111 FaMp:iis..reil ,) l.u.~f,erzubdn8e.1_l;. De« im ZU.!j.J! ~U~ser l,hi::-

fr:ir·,fut!nmgeneb.e' 1ll!g(fr1ndette 'Kugdbliu,ru'rm ei"!i~~ll

df'e iJ"{!<..,eh:h I'J.UUri lir~ 2". .

Ilk ll_r.(Ii1>'aJt..In'Ml difmie1:1 lwei .J em MK.l 03. PIZ (Pa9.,z,e·I~)

Mtd§('i1iii!~~"kqi'~o'n'~~~J' die .~l~ f.Mg.~e u glJe WrijJI1U iM' .

ldt ... 'd;/n n;;Q:.J~e.i{ ~ind 'JUI1n fi~'r'··.dff!;~.e ·il~·~ .. lai" . :~iilj.dg·d w1ird"en~ .me MaM;/l'imln :!f~{wJi,~'eri ~[,i,~~{;te: . Munition .mil. ein e r therH'(t gf!,~J'h;WilfdkfJi,t ypn .ca,. 500 spluijJ!n~ill.

l?Oq;'· ~tl G.u:t:/2n ml:, je 'lOa P{f,.It(}Jiert·

de7l. . . . - pjHi' SelUhldchUj I~g'\el-:f(j(g_

nell Ub'e4' eil:le l{ichtma.~d~lne mit ein-em get r.'.elle;, ;dajJ ein(!. Sdt!!JI'lridu;rujg v.()J~ . .(;'(1. I

H:~lre'triphIW),g yon ~ ca, '7" 8°/:\'·-ec ~£tni6~ Ii ehie. gi1:~',':hwi,IJtgkcium· ~m' .4.ifwe:hl' J'chrrdl:(li(!. .

f;el' ·nich t aus,t:o icht~ 11.,:. ,'m.Ute jUr :die ~.Sd liyt~tuj~i.scli;es . Geifie/);e ·~!"l.f'ijrkk€lf W~f.J~rl, l"

m/1 ,,50{s:c:~c jj.c/n~i!ltltJf:.. .,' , ,

:Dt~· .PrCI.(h~!r,li'()-li8 pla.lui~.n,g. ,~'(:J h 3"0 rtrhrl..e ug gt. iIIY:myfllU!fJr {to - 194;i(iyul, .~ie den hCi,~ dQhi:n ge, '

'~~ef ,JbUtf1~L Al~1'I1{{r:it'e,tM

J~ r.IJim ,AJ:i, '. ~ lWriri ~fiteUie j~n-d iU"dr'

k:i!:t\:G,'.lV~'~k-c ,DI(j.'~~HrM be~,timmh di .. :reilge im .lan£l«r· Yj)45 al1'~dne neu.aiif. U! .t'r;~al;·:,-:·i,~;~{r{.l. i~~~~g~a!Jtidi,~I~'8" fn ':0'

Ut!~rw"1., Bing",: ,', ie 1r'1Jl:r~'r Bgt~Jt~

J(lau,T,wwCl'r i.I~ d~~'f .?ug~n '~r.8 e'r,r.-;'.

:Wir~'eJwind ,,~rfJi"tlt •. ,4ir: ~?:; ~rf l~1!~l

V(!'j',~Uitb'~fahr,_~f·ff,;g:e. ~'d.wuIWh 5.. U!g(en~ IJel"icdw,ni: '~Qn-e1i ·11~{~I:ide.sJ"#!'t:SJ . F.(jJ~r,z.{!ug,e,,(I.!l~h ~Ij()t;li .:!lr~ Begfnn d/!..~. ','1 ~i~il :,?i'um E~ns.~f~,:gti~o:np~i~n .te:iJj, W~J j dutdh F 610s b,ctlegl ~liIife:rtll;:li. Ji;eui,n, Ern, .·Tf~.;:m ) [;t den>::el~S lL~;hen 'YtUPPM,:jJe1' 1faifd_ed}/j~l,lleIHil~(J fils' ;'BPC1

S ammlun:~T' de.1i M

skrtv'e'nhtuil /a K •. ' rlif.r

i~be.l!· Yl'.'uRie.: Heme' JH~ht ;I_.~tf-r ~~mn "iD.f!


1~IA.I'l~llNZI:~IIIV "Il (J C~ 1~1 .. IJI .. lrl'Z':'

MaYSsrab/Scale 1 :3'5

Arm:!LIIH'lht" I .B_0MI<1f}j~fflg ~

Llimg t.h ef bnrrel 1 Rohditn:g.e:.

Traverse & :Ell:Bvlllio;n 1,!:,'C-hwlmk.bl1fdd!:

Sight ! lUt;f~.I" !~~d Sfdtlm£Ud; .-

L"tila:;r I .~pqfer:

~NJ! 11Jl~ CT 'of mil nd~.~! ·M.ra~ ir:im~svo-r·.r'(j:i:' TypeQ"f l'OU!.HI~' I MuliirtM!,ta Fl:~i'1:

Rfil:c·· o(Flir"c I .F eu;e'r"8e:~'d~w:il1digkei,t:

Thr!'~r Arriu:f[l; I .P-an:t.eru n,8 r~ rm; q~'i'" tw~r.cL 1 Tunnb e saUu n:l]:

£~ety \'~b~d ~ iF all I'w!glre~'atzJI:r-iJj~ Rli.tiJg~ .norhtJn cal. I Max, Scjt.rJ!J ~~.e·i~-d:' vtl:~ica:1 I MaX.,Sc!l,fj..fihObe:

f .:x 3 c:lll' Ma,ic:hi he_t.iJ::in.&Ij·e·~ ~K-1 OJ .Pi Rhe:i.·n~;BJ:ln~B~rkig

• • ~ . -.' <"'.' r-, 2"3" m

Mo" hhnw.nlal ".frOm ::,;1Q '(0. +S(lD v'e:rti~at Slerebscoplc~'g~ll$i::ghta!Qd. fo_llaWcr' u)'rif t ~S;~t)'ro"dskYIp ~ij(ll: Fo.lrliger.iit.

Pe~j;~~pop~ iandl 1}'>Y .' ". .~ic f1ITIgc- ifi.rtd:jlr)

" PftN.fil .... p-p :un! Wi:r~,~' ... . .e.h;if:~r'/1 . ,~11[e,~~.e·r

.1 2(1)"·.f01l1\ld's· , .P.:a (rt;m,I1.n., I g~gu..,tI1J :2 0 i;tIi' 'at,rO,1:l'e,l~

I'iB . itln'! :atiuo:r p.ler~{~g.!· (-¥l'nf;n:g~JC/lr.fS). iif·iil.iJ• ·~gi;'jthai~

/ ,. '. ..',. ;}'.. 4Z5~50b r m I ':SdIHi1t~i1iln

buter"sl~eved MitiI:sahetl~ 3(}.m.m; Tllfr: I' t:lirm :ZO,mm 2.t:iy.ed Rii':ji~~·iih·.~:t . ' •. 1 Com~"ll:nd~rl ,'¥'O{unian'dqnt

'"'~ l D I !!ariffer,1 radio: (,me!~;Of' I . .

, '" . . ~ ~..o~



'. ;
.3 Hie j em ~'.I<L!'''':\YH!jU~ WJ J'].,Ugel blitz" wea pons system in rhe (Jerman anti :.lirCFaft \5dl001 at Reudsbu rg. It ' ,!; very compact construction arid limited dtmenalons theoretically allowed adaption on manydlfferent velucles.

Dn« W'aFfi;'I.lsysrem 3 em FlakzfviHing .lOj "ICuge1blitz" in der Uecres-I"'Jugn h web.r!i ch ul e Relldsilurg . .ole sehr komp~1kte B~~ tiwve.i.5(;, LInd ge(ing~ Gr6f,~(! e:rhwbten theoretlscl: d~11 Elnb;lU in eine VieJ.zahl vo.n FshrteLlgCO{),


I, ,

The in rret f ro J:11 le f~re.~,r> The rear pail (if the man ne~ lsraj_se.d" probably [0' protect the coni 01 ander j n h L~ double ha tch 'jl1 front of the ral sed part, DetTutm von hiaten links. Der binter« Tei! des M,!nteis' lst e{" hl5jl t trod scb CltZr. dauu: den K0111!:ll.mdant'eof) 111 setner d:a· vo_r ge legen E"n doppeJseitige /1 !.tike,


!I ;1





This view shows the ·CDn~ stru ctlon of the tl1 rret, 'I11e co neshaped mantlet protected the tntertor sphere. The crew followed any movement of [he .weapon itse if, fbll owed thus th e

line. of sight. The "Kug"'elb!ltz~

I'.' • .: ~

turret was neither water- nor

gastfgh 1. Bu relv ~i resul ( 0 f the veqr hasty development, but m.6it probably this was not posslble due to the nature of canst" uc tl Q!1,

Dlese: Ansich: zeigl' den Awfh'TU des Plukturme s. " Der lcege.l:.. $~wmpnOl'm;ge Scln.JtZJ'}J811 fel und dss inuet; l1ege(:'fd{: [(~lge~~ geha.use. Dte E,es<l tZu tJg In aeh t~ jede .Bew',t, fb~g_~e somfl (ierV's.,kf! rJiMe, Of: 1:" "J( ugelbli tz" Turtn>'il.'lf weder \iW,rS$c.":I~ nodl gasdicht. .5k:.her-lich ein ResuitM del' t]bel"h'1o'i'tetcn [Jntwickhmg; J,VOlT dies 1renm:'1 rJkh a tICn kO,n,s.rnllaiolJ5bedingr nicl~l

mag-Hell. I

~ ~ !"I • .'! ''!' I''? ...... ' ".,;.I: .... II;!II 1.:1' ~I!\I'!.-.) ""'~!' I.~,I·'_ I ".:..;LlU

urUl).g_ '. ioor), T!i~, ,a.I.'.L1l.0f shl~icl, prorected Q nlythe lower part of the sph ere, any flre from b Cia-V}" h'lG or ATrlfles would threaten the, e rew,

Die [-k-x:k'lrf:5ichr. 2cugt .. die hinteF¢! f'J('tiiS"Jse., Dril! P.mzeJ'geiJ,iluse SC:l1PJUtt .nqJ" clel~ tiDle.I'en T?i1 rltt.~ Kug~;segmenf~! /c'cleJ.' .l3e8('.hwK dCJrch 's MG odd.P<'WZt:Tb"l1d~st3n b~J,:h'Ohfe:- d(e B e~'~J'~zu 11£:;.

T.lle arm 0 r .lunnt] et consisted of t11 L'~~ CU rvee! steel p la tes Q f welded 'fiUl11'ltruc LIon " . the pqsiri 011 0 f the, comm "U1Cl.~J" ' :,~ ~~ttc,h·es .. i.mi.dera_Flid escape ",It ,11 !gh eli::V;ltiori O(,.':H r~yl'lU p0~S ibk, )?!is .P~mieI"ir&h{j~/se· bes.t<wd. ,I ~lS ;~b.iH /gerv.qJ.l;J 1"e 1] .Bledien, mit:e.'idaJu:;J~n'(:l:iAc.h'i),!:(i:it.*t w;1n:m, DIe ,i4ge der J{6mm;lddJnl~'Dhrj(e IlMchre den tifc.JUleIiL"'1'J. Elussffeg

b,e"lgmRer Er11o.lwnghst u1Hm':ig~

':1Jch. .

·.8fn:ili~J}.lner ~n;l:e ~fth:e:01~:~ned 1:~tg)it'!l~Y~f~"h)~tch¥¢l]'>;7~,ri:',,see' ;th'"t: !'hi\lgY,'s': B~id 'to-c.l.eer

~nitis.h~;1~i~j1J;a§;:~~.1.f as·: ,~)ie,,$d~atl, :rmllid. hat~l1!f.'q(-<rSl£htir:ig 4(;Wl ce

m.'dh-e2t)iig.htiflg.~ ,'. ,.'.« Co

An T'Rnr::n'f!eithJ!,1 redu:e.n ,B.lch tscb u-rienJu'ke..3s.t ·cit e V.erriegelu:ng; 211 el:k'CfIl;q:eila1r; ,a.ud~ die FUl,lCfe .~ichqn}it?1" hlk¢.

,I UG U Ui.:: HUytl,I,H~L!!fit: ~J.I L.n~ .gloD~d]ar tU.;'.re:[ W:t.IS rh.e f~I\lD.1..Ifj;lbJe· ~.m:vl ~lg bll' space, . Qll1J:1iSiol1 'of mnny components 'of gu n 11lcm ]]t;irug arid tt:Lve~:se [nachln:~fT resulted in 'a rd11tively $111) all tLJ rre~~

DI.i:J' klw'e V{)rteiJ des kugeJ!Gr .. miSell TW11'Wsltq; i1"r del" ¥On~ stfge.I'1' Pin tZ~1 US1] lI.1zung Drn::h den \;V(cgn'Jll VOll ·Gti:~.,I]BtZ,. bg.e ftl ng unci [{ompon t'n len -det: RiclnBj~1~i~Mnerie k(J.n.~:ue

de}' TurIn relativ-k:/ei1J Jreh:ahen \verden,

"The unusually -, ~hllped muszle brake of the NU< 103,

Die ejgeut{ill~lich getorm te MDn dung~bremse d~r lHK 103.

..... I

Av lew f:in to the gt:1 n adi];lsw~.en.i screws,

Ell] Blick "wI" die }ll$Uenm;g8' sciueuben der M;m~cblnen. k~mqne'n,

TI1~ MJ{ 1'0$" s barrels were .centredand ,)di'll..;':\led by three screws .. ea:ch. Here some de~~uJls oJ the t:urf~~·.iii cp't:]",'in:t'lcHbn ~eccin'l.C vl~ibl~, The .eonteal man uer ·\. ... ·tf:O:;. fern fUJ.1;rzd tly small 1 ri:;~ l1gula r platefli.

Die l?ohf~~ der MK 103 wW'(i;e n dw.cch ie we U!iJ df~i .'iCh.i',;1 u be n zcmrie.rf ~m cl fusUerr~ Hie: \Ver~ del~ ,einige Der:ai.Js .. des Schn~z, jn~m:tels.$.icbtf~w': RJeine dre:k;k· Riifi; l1fe.che '!f~.r$/~lIte1i den Ia» ft~~c?J1 ~IJ ,K1.m1 {e1 rilJg.slli=rliih.

.~ .I:U~ ~ u::::\'V .IlUUW;'; un.:: .11l1H LlIU

weldlng.seam JL[ld. the lift-trig loop, Tl:te."beUJi pj~t{e" of tlie sph e re '\Vt~ s of !' i_v:eterq consreuctton. it \s 2:0 mm armour Was resls ten t to, heavy h1(;' fin;,' ~.

Die FrcmmnsJcht zeigt die VO~:· dere Scl: ¥.'eiJih!~lln Ji;owi-e die I-1:el15fjs-e.. Die .. a:u.t;~·em.ietete j'H.1 ucbpJv:J tee" des lfuge1c geh,J u$e'j tst 2.rJ m:m stark', U nd ·\Y.W ISQrili.1.' SwK.-siclJer,

" .

A ·View tnro rbe open .. right layer "s hatch. BO<tl'dh1&\ and bailing ou t 'were' obviously trmaJ:il~s".:n).] of the 'intercom flit: ylshte.

Eln BUdi clurch ,fie- ·ofrene r:&cb· ~e Riij} l~ch Wz.e.nitfke. E.f:n·· un d .A.ustieg waren sieher1.ich his~h werIir:5h. TeiJ~ clef Bord,~pte;c:lNrniage sm d ;EiJ&Jltlxu:.

The lavers ' batches had small round apertures, which most probably allox ..... ed dtrect sigln contact to the aim Of housed a ipeclal sigh'rlnj:l device,

Die Luken der Rid1r~'icJHW~d] luutet: kli:~ine mnde'OftiwngeJ), die vettnutiici: den direkren S4'ciukollwla zurn ziet ertnog- 1ich ten odes nit ei n Rich I mJtf~~[ ged~1r:h r ·\?imren.

This top view shows, the' nrmarment" ~ roof arrn cu r, I.h(:' (:111Cj'g • .11 cy/ mal rue nu 11 ce hatches ~Ind the ventfla I Ion '.'1 apertures. The right ha tch is open,

Diese Draufsk./n zefg[ den Deckenp'lm~er de.r '~v~~n'e~n, die NOl<IHBsrlc;g5"/ :\V.H:r uf.lgsh~kcn [Uld die Of6wDge:n del Veri ti,hUl(J 11. [He recbte Lui«: Lt;t geo:m1eL

TheleJt turret half 'I'he Iavers " hatches served OlS emergency exits.and were used for .maintenance .and refilling of ammunition .. The small gap betweenthe flattened pole of the sphere and the armor m:-.l,nttetV1~~. cove fed DV th is .n arrow sheet metal.

Die.links: rurtl'lM1Jte. Die Luke f] der RJchtsch i1 tzen dien~ 'ten .ds NQt.~ws,~r,ieg und zur W{fuwng bz'W. Nirch...ilIHlniti~llieru1J.g. Die L~icke.z."ivi$Gh.en den: "1bge.fJ~lchtel1 e

''''- ,pol der I(~lgel und des' Schutzmsntels wst: third"! ein

,r/J scltmale-s Blcch 'Jbgc."<.ieckr:

:t; . ~.


== .~.

~ ~ :. ~


Th~ left hatch can-led a per'tscope tdisnioun~ed lrere). pie Hn1((/! Lukrenh.1Uht' t.rug ein Pr;;ri!JJmp 02 if:r :~tI:,~eb:1 u r).

j, ne comrnunxusr nau a (:"wD·plecli' split hatch, Be.! ow the venrtlator -apertures J he ou d e rs f or rhe sfel'~.6scopic ral~ge flnder are vi~.i ble, The mass rve block rn;5:~<;le thctu rret :[15.' theca psnled weapon i"y,

nee P<JoiIrzel.1g£cUm:'J 1J,Ut(::"I'::i.tle zweig .te.mge Luke. tImer .cleti Venti.1atoT~ otrjJvtig¢n ,,,i nd lJndeutli'ch die A.UBtfine des sre.I'(3oskopf$chen F·NJe.<;;,">(!!rs erken.nbar,. 1m Turm ist tier msssive Block clergeka,);.~e1ten Wnf'iemml"lge

·.sichtb;tr, .

ni~ p¢~l'iCOP:(;.{g~Udahce. in detail

Di.e H~lt~{ti.I1g-tle~Y pe.riskQpes lm Det~],1l:

Th.~ rtgll.t 11 mlf et the cdr ,:~. n~u,cti. The rear armour W<lS .sljgbt!y ratsed and served as ~~ neck protection.

Dtcrecbte l~l1.knhMhe des Fail rzetigffif1 reI's. per fleckpanzet war sis. Nackenschutz. iw.c:hzogen.

The MK 103 iil it" g capsule. This view shows the trigge r ch ain, w h teh led toa foot ped~IL The

O:r three tubes in the background :1 carryemergency respiratory il= equipment.

!Z: Or;'Y[K seiner ~ Die Abz.,ug.;ke ne ist sidUb'J t, sie Ii _fijhrt ll:;wn vnten tu einen: Pe_, '. dsl: Die dsei R6hren 11n Hinter-

~."_,':. grund beinh~lheum· die NQrIi B~~<U.m u ngsct u.shJst u ng,


The complete gun assernblywas capsuled, (ho~ .... ever f1.or gas tighr) .. The rtght maintenance hare h Is opened,

Die kompiett« W".dfen"Ull.age tl!::w gek •. tpsel; .. pie l(flp~<;~~Jt.wg wur 1/i::.rm utlich iedocb .I'1ichfg;JI'!o'dictu. I)f.' rccb re V(/tlrtUllgSkl;~ ppe ist getJIFJ2 cr.

Tltls is the place.of the dgh Hayer. Hili seat is howeve r rflissing,~e:ilving only the adiustment ralls ,oil the amrnoconteincr visible, 'Tb hts right the,:~k:v.1tFin' tnechanlsm ]8 located, the handw heelwas however

removed, "

.Dies isr, clef' Ph, rz des r~dj t'eli U.ichtEd1 {ftz~ll, Del'Sirz ~ej]lt .l,e,afgliclf cU.e Suzschienen :wfde.m Ml.jjjitiOli.<;ibel~lil~el' siiu! 8ic/ubar, Zu seine.r [',ecluel1 1st· der R,..rJ.JJ~.ritJ·Ieh sichl'b<.IJ'; . das j-l;mdt;'ld -11'urde jedoch :.~h.~ertl t:

The switch box ofthe intercom is visible at the extreme right. The so-called "Panaerkasten" t the connector sets for layer and

-commander are' connected to :it .

D t: 5dluJtk~!8tf~11tl,ef .Brird;5pl'edwnb,!gc .1,<;[ .link_s huuen sichhM~.tuir clk:,~c m ve rbl,mdcn sinil d Fe ,v Pa ilzerkiJs feil ~ (Ans,cbhlf$s,relJfm) des WdH~<;cbi1tzen 'und des Gest'hOtzfiih.rel's-

'~Ire dght nUitlg:of the stereoscopic range n:nd,e:r. Th:e:,t1il'lbll aper:111re'wOls ,JuodifieFI repea, Elms shqwlng "thin [:[~is, was W;PIlJ,to , t~t:rl'et. :mrecu:y belcw tbe fOUQd' observarlcn I:lle.,

ulh'othIlle',aes:/;"rei'eotikop:JsdleJ.1 Etitfertlungs,rnesJEn wlg ii2J tt,(j:m wuid~' i11'ehtmals·',?i;oriir.itIl einen 'jUn. Direkr:damn-

ffAusDlfckJuk.e, ei1reI1r.1Dar. '

~ - . ""':'. . ~ .~. .

'l'b~ ti-,igger chain' 5 CCRI,n;e.g lves ~L rarher provisional imJir¢s.sion, On the l.'igJ1Ji hand side the' ammo -ccntalnerts vislble, in the background the curved belt chute led to the M K 103, Well below the ;""e~11;6ns' dp.5_Ole the emprv shellcase is mounted. De}: 'Vt:rl8.[]fde~· il.bzugkette rH.'lcht ei.NC!1J eberprovisotiscben Eindt'Hck, . .4n del" reciuen Seite .k .. t dei .Mu'n!l:ionsktl8tel] sid t'b<M~ .in1 .Hi.ntergrund Iuhrt '(tin (JW'tl(:;M~ll zur AfN.'103, [Inter de: 'itl;,lft(mkilpsel bef1n.det sicls del' Behii.1&etfUl', die a~r;:.lw.811Wsen.

The ammo container 'was n~ed to,the .open bQnDt.TI of the tl)rret ~pher.~, -, ' Del'MunitioH±;beJltNte:r war ill deal ,IWf,~·11 ]{ugeJ~ ,gehJi1~e .rJ~cg(f[jnu::h t.


---~.i-.~ ~!. ~--~,


,]:,11,0- commander ffred the gu ns, The .iJneri0i" foot rests ::1 nd the, U'fgger ri~dnls an::i .dJ:arly vl~il~le., 'The; s:.irl,~nf.lri pile gi1re.s acce~s to the sheWblse,

Del' Ge~ch.ntzfiiJJ1~:rleuciJ't~£Ue ;i;ei~chjj t2.,ii .;l,h .. , Die .mtul eren 'l:'1ffSsW t.ten ~~Nvi~, di~ Abzl~8S'! ,'p'Bd~r1e sin ct ek:'! u tfiC.h sli:h tbsr.

Die lde}ne Jflappe fliittt@,::::;um Fffjl"'eJ~behti1tel~

The hru"ldw heel f~r J:i1e s'ide traverse w.nnJpen~ tr;'!d fw the lefflarer,: - ,,- '" -

.1J:ij,~"Iil!1nd['ad {iir den Seiten.r;rieb ... v/urd« vom linken /':Uch rschG tzt:ll bedJemi


Tht~ fine view shows the adj,uslment rails of rhe ml~i;lIi1g len J aye 1< S" seal- 'file seatitself W01S sltuated on the lid of

the ammunluon refill opening, .

1)iE-8eS Bild zeigt die R<1;;tersi:.'hiefJetrdes fehj{~nden linke» Rid:u:s.cbiltz:elJsil;zes, Del' Sit» ,St'Jb8Iw'lf auf dem Decke1 de:r ·i\~tinid01':r5.!'Yi.JC hnW6fJ:!1 ung <11J,gebl'.a(j~ t

This view shov ... 's the three connector l'lq~e,s,.in the centre the h~[.Id res~ ·of

I - comrnander; .

~:;;~·itldcl1e r.;lj'e.iA.llsd1'Juf.?sl:ell~n der ". ~1'edI<ll1hlge sldj_tbiuj :dal'wi· , d,lls KopfpoJster des F~.1h1,2erJg~ :ri11tfet.s,

The lef( l~tVef'-S head rest.

Da,~' Kop.fjmiste.r des iuucen R-id~ well;O ~'zcn

Hete .tb~~ side traverse ge'~lr is v~siblr;- The shock absorber balancetl tIlt, Jnrerual HI rret sphere,

.r-Her w1rd deI'S eire 1] trfc:h skhr:fiat. Det :5p)]Ul/i.mpiij;f h~~ejt ('} Ttl r{ng~hn lj$~ im G/f'Ii::'i:tgewft!}j t;



.. !: The frontalaruior of the. i 111e(11.JI s~her~,

~ J)I1.'> vorder« PallZf:1Nr;cl] des lCllg.fd£fe1Wu.,?lJ;s,


= ~

~ ~ :jI!!:

The turret sphereshow some v.eql s~Hlp(e CLlJeJU' for the -ammo c:()n ~aineH l);;j fii ,Kuge'gehii,u$e zeij rect: t ~jnlac/1elm~st;hnItJ Rt:11" (f{~ Nlul'


The Luftfaust for anti-aircraft defence (Pllegerfaust)

Th:~s weaporrwas developed from Waffenpr[1 farn.~ on .l he strlet orders 0 f H HIe!:_ So s ecret th at only a verv. few docu ments exisred and therefore vety'htdein'fonnatJoB is available today. Another reason for the-lack of detalls are its late war developmeru and therefore only a short period of time was left for tests, trials and evaluation, The basis for [he development of The Luftfaus; were a solid knowledge of the function <H1d chemical processes _;:if two other weapons, the=Panzerschreck' (see wafren~{ev:ue VoL 4) and the ":t{Z:6S:" (Ranchzylinder) (see 'Waffen-Revue Vol. .30··~lrrCl 31), From the "l{Z65J' derived the idea to fire small calibre rockets and from t1"H~ "Panzerschreck'; Wi~ntte the rockets by. means of a thrust .generato.r, which. will be described 1 <1,

the most rellable Informations carne from the ~,4fb.efts-, !l{lC:i1 tichten Wf:l. PI'IUt: (BIJAI)!I (Develo pment News cf'the W::tHellptuf<ln1t), which has proved a~l. to often a .sound source of Information fat the \'Ihlffeil--Hevue, Tb.ifi infonUij't1PI1\vas as sent ast'top secret" to dtfferent services or theWehrrnacht and industryand Informed -itl!lo,p t rhe tests :61' new weapon systems under tI~velop meat. Here one' can read on the 26.1-1, 1~44 as -f~\~O'l~lS: ..,

Order of producdcn was given for Ovserles of W,OOO we~.pO.L;;5 and 4.000;0(10 rounds of ammunition. \'I;then the-development 1,s. flnished as supposed for beginning '~Iillecembel'_ 19.44 the .ZOnE ofdispersion should be f.~Jluc~d 10 lO'X" on the fighting distance. Begin mass

]iU;p~lli~tiO-IlJant!;uy 'iNS,. tl/W,-Obh;.)i:')rg 128054," rh,e names "Luftfausr" (Air Fist) and the later name ,n·P,l(ege.r.faust" (Aircraft .Fist) roo were misnomers, Their h1oomion WHH simjlar to the name "Panzerfaust' (Tank

. but to characterize uie d epl oyme n t .IS an anthl.ll',craft PC)11, 13m this weapon should better carry the mU11~

\P~ie~er~'chl·ecIl;~ (Aircraft ]71"~gth), Psychological {his \~'it1m.eWfl$ aot adopred, because to :;frlghten an aircraft" ~ lr,mdaqu:ate, the real· threat was tu shoot it. down. FOl" tl~Snj~le reason ltwas discussed to delete the name=Panzer-

I'e~~" and re p 1<1(.'C it with "Raketen-Pa nzerbirdrse", but

. v'. naltles oncetn u~e, are hard to change,

'Il'iieA11.ieds had .. no lnformartons about weapon-and th~ lnvesUg a tion Service was content, when. soldiers of I:h1i~~""U5 t: Army captured the abovementioned Oblt.Jorg near Nuremberg, who gave tnformanons about. the ::ev lqprnent; techntcal data, production and first ( nrs of {he tLlftfaust- SQ me of the Luftfaustawere ctIeliivered in the ea.rll'- days of janu ary J9~5 to a. unit -at

. rCidken for field .u1.d fW.n.t trials, 'Unrortunateiy

.. ,.t;L~l'd.faint received .no repouf::1-qfthese ~rials,Obli:. j~l'g tnfQrmedthe AHledg~ that 10,000 s):"stem.s (pi<Jbabty ~L1C: ,r~u n.'~I$ pr ~he magazines) wei'e produced by HASAG ~Il 'L.1P:d& an.d I:IASAY'in .Altenburg (?); The j .1, U~A1:my ,~ $"onie' s}'''';t'enis 'w·.ith. [he adja.cefl't .tmtlll.ltiidOri nH'gtI.zin'e5 ~t th~ WQ,rks of H\'lgO Schneider, le.i.pz.ig· I !~-s~etl th~ in t1"lo'l'(J-u~hly.


!LJ:ttIfov'ctlflotely lio,de~; of the d,.iffer.ence .are lWlown ~lW'~~ the ,1'tuftr~llJ_stNand.thr; l'Luftf~lust B~; 1i',/hidlj.~ 'here,

~qt1,~.!sted. of two m.< par'ts., rh:e \.",'eal~o I~.wl III 5:1 d -!he r:nugazine wi[ki 9 tockets, which always '.e 'replaced,w:l1e:t:1 che one:in 1J:5'e was ernpty .. 'm~.refQre_~thei.',e<ipon_ wa,., s!:!.m in~l crace wil:h oil,e

la.!:lI1~ll~~ran:d. 8 IMl~'aline:~,

..L- _

Die Luftfau'St zur Eliegerabwehr (Fliegerfaust}

Die-se lVa, ·wurde a-ul p-ers.rJI1.liche AnordJiung_ Hitters so gdmini -vom Wil.Priit; eniwickel», ·(}a}J. nur wenige. Unrerr.a,g(m da.r~lber vorlumden ,dnd l'mJ. m£~n 111 (I.e.!" Nachkl~I'.eg.r.Lileratru~ nur gem.:: ~.·'enig .d(;ll'tiber le,ser1 kann, E1n weiterer Gnwd fur das Fehlen umfangreicher lnjrl·'l'l;ucrmlf.n:I ist GII(,:li tlarin ltd suehen, dqfi die Entwlckltlngersl 4ie.mlich spiil iiI Angriif g~lwmm8ti ~ljfurde mul dar Beriehiszeitraum zl';·'ang,\'lii~(f'ig mit kur; ist. ,me VortH-ril'sdtZLt1igen fiir. dle Elllwfckl.!mg .di:'1" "Luj{t'aU.I'I" waren .fli:lmlich erst dann gegeben, als man geni4geJui Ei/uhnmgE:ll mit -dem RZ65 (RuuchzyllndeJ-) (si,elw Wa1!im-Rellu,fl! .rl.eft 30 und 31) und dem Paneersehreck (~'l(Jhe Prkf;f!en·Re'pue He/I 1/.) hutte sammeln Mnl1en. \10m J?Z65 kam die tdee Jiir die Schaibmg khn;daUlj1'{~ ger Rakete» und. vom Panzersehreck -die V~n~Jendtmg_ etne» ,Srojfge!,!el'ator;~ ;,:u·m A. b..>chuj3' w:m RaJr.ete'f1 t'm8 Nmu(f'et.tenvaff-'en. woruber wii' 11ii;ch welter hlnten be-

I"ichteJL -

Die tl_lvetW;\:jig:io'tl!!I, lJl/ormlltif'men IdJlJ/w!! wir aus den in der li'af!ell·RellllrZ sehan oft zi;tietttm "Arbeitsnach!-i:cJiiCfI ~Kl,.P..,.tlj, (BUM),' entnehmen; die 'in gerhiger A~J1ti·,ie ais gehelmii' ,l{.{)ml'la,,~d/oJ'adle. a~',dzit!'!u!1l wtd die 'einigc' ·'l.U;~.tlUltNg(!,Sle.Ul'm f:iber den Sfcmd clef' Ver.~Il· che. Im:t i'~eu~n _ Wallen.: die s-ldl in der .Entw.k.k,IUf1,g Imd !J;i:p.lvbunrg befan~den, 'I,mi'~n'lc:hrcn sollte. flier lest!Jl; ·~Ii.l'

aJ~;(J, (W'r 26,.1.1, 194.4wie tblgf,: .

.. O-$e.l'h-: lJOn J O. (JoO Ger1Jten ~lI'i4 -(0'0(1. GQO' Sih~(fj . fn A~l;ftl'ag .g{?g(1)en. lJ~:j' Abs~hlliJ3' der!kful't:~ .f\'~fang Dezember 1944 soil erne Str(uHing wm },o% Kampf: eli~fer.ll1,wg erreicht sein. Alliiu~l' der Mas.sI!11jfl,i'tigtOlg Januar 1945., !1/lib Obh, .Iij·11I . .{2 805r'

Der Name "'Luftj'aus!" unl/ (iuch del' spiUe'te "Flieger[aus; ", vezeidmell .dl:? Wc:tffe eigemUch n.tch, t;lchtlg. Sie sollte» ~v.ohl. als An}ehnu,ng .In die n Pa:nl,:erfomst ", den Elluan.. dieser W~ttJe. V,lr. Flug.("e,Mgb,eki~mpjlmfl«, bezekJu~eIel] abel" d.i,,~ Sy;\:tf!m uR,?,,r,urejler.ul. "Fliege I',\'cn reck" oder. ouch "Flug:u:u.gsch reek" wtire woM richtiger geweslm, Wll~ abel' PJ!:)!clwlo,~.i,~ch nachtc{Hg wal~, WiS'i7 mall Plug",(t!ige nYdV nur erschrecken •. sondem ste allch' abJ>chie,/fen wollte, Au~: dem glt!l(jnel'i; Gnwllti ~wdJu llilH! den Namen "Panzerschreck" mt(','h wieder lIbscllajJ'en I,md ii'u:lir 'liJ! die t)fflzielle Tiezei-i;:!mrmg .. Raketen-.PcmzerbiiChse" legen, (liter \'va,\~ ·slr:h -e/nmal im SpracAgebtmwh· 'dngebUrg~rt hat; iss ma' .~chlecht wiedel" aln,(,,'c.h(~ffM,

Die AUiferum haue» von dieser W~jJ;:e kein« Kenntni«; und waren fl"' ,e~' del' ], US-Arme,~ gt;!l{PI.[§. lten it:! den Bef'icMeu genmw.~elj; _'Obel'leutnam ,l6r:rl i'n del' lllli/w 1I0J'1 Ntirnb(!pg ·ge.f4ngIJlJ ZIJ ru!ill'tu.m" (fer etnige.~ Jib.e,· dfc L,~r~falls;l' (.W$Sqggl1, ki)iwle: So er.:flilhrr!.1l .~ie, 'dajJ eine Ant.ahl dle,\'e.r '''L~ififamd'' ·AII!cmg Janu{)I-' 1945 lUi" FlmUerp:J'o./Jtm,g l:tach Sfw:r/)rtU:kelt kam, das W(!"Ptii!. abet nklits' fibClr :die"ErJ€Jlge .r:11.fiihtell habe. Sic 'elfuhr,e"j' tJuch, dujl lO.QOO dieser -Sy;~.t:e·m.e (gemdnt is! wold die' MUlIUiol~ bz,w. ·die Ma#.6ltine) bet HASMi In Leipdg Imd HA:SAY in-:Alte..lalmrg (?)_',ge!ertfgt't'Hm'den J':ein ,wUft,n. Die )" usA.rm(!~ ,,"0I111:te ~!~ den Wel"kst.aUe.n 1101'1 . .f{,ugo Sdmdt;tcr h~ Lelpzl¥ Gerate wld M;~t!:J:ahm f:;1'beut,ed ,u1ttl~iner eln·. gehemie:n Prii:fin~g tmt,erf,ichen,


,LMder iSf 'nidu btkannt, ··H/tJI:in sioh die "'Lui~j(;w"\~t A I' win. ller "Llfft!aI.lS/·· B" lillt,el''scheidftll, tHe. 1llu...'il.iJ'ehen,d

/Jaschiiebfm wii"d, .

Das Gtr(U beNI'r.:ht (HI,\' i~v'ei fla up r.M,fle.n , Il,t~mlich '(Itu··

The lavnch.ill:g sy.s:tem

Thetauncher \"\;~lS' constn . .K(I;;d frOTH Stubes which are su rround i ng the 9~'l tube fill the .cente r: The bun r.Jle oJ tu be'S were ~i.ligned by fOLl r platt':~. The front plate contains the muzzles oftl.i'embe$; tllgn'lhereme twcrcentral phones, on whii~h" thG: 11 d~igJtlcidi<ln:iinl i~'pjlOiUfi~d arid the base plate, which holds,U1J::'ig,nltio.11 oorH~'c~ ariO Ihefl1~lg(.l%h1~: guidance wlth.rhe filled ri'la:g~lzilJe,

In the' fir-i:ng posirion, under the r.wbe3 are mounted (he: handle, rhci:~ safety plri, ('l'v"bjc;h avoids the: ign.Hion of the fodmms), Once releasedthe rhrust rod is cperahle, Next is the; thrust generator, the thrusr rod. with coc.kit!i;g·lever; the coil ,~p dng of the thrust rod, the firing. mechanism find the .sboulder rest Handle; .Il!1ng :mer;h~nijiln and .shoulder rest .are IDlc.l.ed. dOWfl orr the .mbes.,durUig tr';'l.n.Sj.'lQ.I't. On the Front lian of the rnbe bundle tber~is,a

$in~.J;k ~tght. . . . . . .' .. '

The :ign.i(io'n'cabJe run~ in' a 111eLid rail from Ui.e.. tlrrust

,gener~utbT~O the' n;:~~t"Oft:h~weap{m,~ sllHcmr'ldhlgiprfe of the tnbes on the lastthird ¢fJl::s lerrgth. On [bis[~li~ 'the

shoulder restis mourned. TJ'H:: base plate k'l very shnH~if w . the' "Parrzesschreck",

Themag@ine .

is constructed froru 2' dt~csJ. which wene o,dg.i.tully produced ftoI'll sheet metaland later from cen.lnlicslI'hdJ; Iunctlonwas to align the '9 reekers in the sarue ecnstellatlon ,;IS the·)! tubes were.aHgnedby thee adjac.eJJ1t plau:s of rlre iiauriC!le[:, ]t ls ll/n lte,dto only erie stibm arid 'W~I$':LeptaqM try it n~w ri'i~,g~'ZJJ~e, wltioql was carried (in the side;bflheo.pel:atO".L in ¥ s.!D.ecfal b,),g.


lsa .2 Ci11 ¢Iji(' projectlle wi ttl -au iJTip~~ct"-;micl se~f· d.·~struCth'lg· .~IZ~·~ '.J::hi~ Jilz~: ig:ntWdthe.'I,"O;ol~efto/b s¢·co·!."lPs ~rnef .It had 1~ft thcl.. tttbeti ~tn;c[ . then ]J:<ilss~d·l;y:,<l.n" ~iiJcnl ft. F'lirtbennore in the (o(:l~et'tube therewas-a pn"JpelhulI andignJ.ti.on fuze, Wl1i0hW\;1,s. operated electL"kally:


Tt1:e weapc ll" is taken From. the U\tfi.'SPOl"t crate: handle, mechanism \\urd shoulder rest are fDkt~d 'Out The m~azine Is Inserted iruo the .magazine guldancesc thar the rockets.are gUdlng into rh~ tubes. The front m~igning phl.l:e. of the. magazfne. Is gliding back onto the rear gu.idmnce plate :'lfld both are locked wtth theweapon, Simri~~r to the "Panzersclrreck" th;e plug:isc;qn:n.etted wil:h the socket and the electrtcal d,l'ei.lh. j~ dos.ecr. Th{w~~~pOnW815 flOW c:'Lnk~d on the :rigll t. ;5hQuJ.der, .the ~eft hun.~, mt')~;;_- the' hJ.ntlk~·t!t t.lle fn::il1~, nI1.d ·airned. To f.i fe tlJe we~lpo.nj 'the 't1.l1'l.~st .rod h~ld to he P9lted hack witlj ~he riglu hHfLd, ~HnU it Is locked-wIth the fi.Pin.g 1.1.1ec.lTan.i.srn. \Yhen d'le ~rlgger 'w~"I'sen~agedt theth rust

~ (Od unde.r.t~i'I.e prers:s:ure of the §pira] $;pdl1g j~fksco the i' r~~o.nt, s~lfety. pin i!:i pus.bed back, -f:l.nd .Il.its the th.tust Ii" genen'llto:r; wh k:b J1QW gene fa tes ,an electrica~. impuhse,. ~ W:I$ lransnliu-ec!.,by the ignition c.<1h~e.stP the' rear, !:3! 'Tilere theiignitidn fLl:i'.e~ and the prop~n~m ttil we f~e·~gnited :i <1nd 5- rod::el;s wej~ lau m:h¢d from th~ we:;ipon, the' mh\~:r • 4 .fallawed afcei·a.~l¢t{l.Y9J..o..,Z £ This'W~t'i t6 f~quce the I;Il vibr~~t.ionr~j bf [he weapon .• mdl)}, the dispersion 'Xorlie ~ qf th.e mcken>, ,]'h,e enlp:ty m~lgazifict·w.<ls re·l'ijo'i/e~l. :aiLd ;; t"epl~loed by ~l ne'w one, Thecharac(eristrcs -ofdli,swe"tptni

needed H · cli5pen;tan zo:ne for best .esuhs bm I~ is unsure:: 'whether the- su:ong vibrHtlons reduced enough to: hwve an ideal cH;spe.rsio.n.wne. befure ffimss·

4 <5 prod.ilcti0l'! WOl1ld.l'l.ave<st~rrod.

e.ig'itnl'(lchen, WHUe mil ,9 R'ohrell fwd dem ,M-agatilii' m$l 9.Rakrnel:r, weldws hmlHN' w.riedel' -en~er'1:l weNlen konnla, lVig.n.11 ([.IXS .einr.r.eftihrtrt leergeschossen. lV.t!l~ )\11:S dt(!!·,~er.n .Gnmde WHI~dftJa;~ 'Gerilt Cl-q,"ch in einer 'J'ranspoNkl.~·te versandt, ,fn del' Jidl J A..bsqh.ujrge.r{lt tg~f(.8 Mag{!7;tne. b¢J(1f!(Un.

'Q~s Ahsc bu~g.erLlt

Die ~i'$ffn1li('h"(f. W[~tr~· b(),~~telu 'Clu8d~Htm Rdhl~bt{nde.'l li:l# '9 . R:o/>r ren. die 8'0 (In8Wlrdi:r~t s Md:, cia}] ,~idt um da..r mit~ 1 b:Jre RalW die S' wdwren gruppienm, Di~~~~~,vl!1'th~~l' an .4 SIdler! m tfJmim Btimlel ~lJl,%lml.IUtf~geh.alten., In dl;!l'~(}1'~ tieren. Platte. sind doit ',9 ./{on.r.miin.dungen &i~rg,er'IS~:Bn. l~alJla r1:h fa ~rgem ';cJ;z e bel de: N. PhI "te}:~u~ i:~~1 j'iU·. d~e ~A b~ j~.r;.f!,n.(l~gSt;:d~il"i(JJHH.llcg, dk e.b.enlaLli';""al~' Halr'el~{jl:lg f'iJi~ 4le R;'ohte (l.jen~!h'~01(t 8GhH~jfJ,l~h: SlJui dYe·. Rphl"ellOcnnud-s hi~"rfim 'i~ll BQ.tle1'l ;:pi.simunen.gq4h.r, .lil de_m sich 'll!wA~ "ltd ·Zit[i(lk( tl~e .MagazJ1l.:Ft[hnrng 'ulttl -fic~lt.e.'· r11l'1jl fje.fl}.~(d.~.1'l.,

.II'! Sch~l,;{Jsr~Uung slnd ~wh:r d"em N'ohrh:iiiulel wie folffl turg·eaM:ehr," gan.': v.ortl de,.' Fialul,gl"{j];. (tc(1j'ld, fi;}~gJ 'ntufh 'linfdn >;ir .#'12:1" $i(:;hf1ni11}I~~'h8brd; :del·.~ol{'/H~·e: eiti ,A.bschlt;t· /3en ·'lte-rflill,dr::rt., bi« en hue.i1'1g·e.drih:fa! ~iri~'tl unci dmni:l '·dell W~g '.Wl" Sto!L~tan8e ./r(f..h.:iiJt: «.y falgen' der SlojJgen.(11:Mol',. :die Su.ffJf.ilange mil 5'p.unn.l.rabe.l, ·,die Feder- del' ·StiJj];star~ge:, (l~t' Abzug. und ,f1.chU{JjJlich me !SchidwrJUUZl$> f:IalliagrifJ: Abzug ~tnd SChUU.(:!I·.\'tuI;~{! lWJrd~li "eim 'Trensport ,an ~clas ·.R:ohrba1~dd §Cldf)ppL A. L~r (t~m~w!,de tem T@fl ·(.k~ It(dlJ,:b:ii'tldd,~; liJ,fhJd,eI .~lefl erne e.h~f~c.he Vi:'fhir.€~·I'!·

.. -


Pk Ziiihf}iii.mns ~I/itd in :~inem .~~chJ~.niJnartigiN:/ GitMiu:s'e ~p·n.l $.t{)ftgi~.I'locn'(j!W.l··;'~un Waitim«llc,j,¢". d.cim Bodelx' gefiihn: Ar t:UeiNuli O(!~~l"use, ~vekhej ·uuch €inSllero 9 Roh~

~(~ n'h IH'nte1'lHl J:Jrittei .rltn,r;(;hlfe/J.t, ist die S:chulte.I'~~riil'u! U~l'!U!l:!JejnYjcJw 'ihM' WaJJt>J.n:.mae. is! linltRch wit: beim 'j.'P:an1.Brsdwec-k .... ·se,'ta/',e:t.


u'.~g.r atjjl ·Nmn:e.n eig&mi"l:ch .'fJ,ql1n:t~'U. E,t beste/it lruHg~ lkhat,I1\:',£ l'i!Jt;,f'~rmIge.IJ Sdr(ijjrm, die a.I'~fang1iJl.u,\' Bleich, .~p&re.~!·.ii!i;~ Kehoh:fW~ge.fe'rt'i8t "~filn'tel:r R!'ld dle.;\I(lgabfi htibelJ~: 'diie fj /?cda'l1if ill der Jtleiche)l, Ar~onil~~II.~g t"f3:am~ dielt!Z-ErJu;dten, wie- die.. 9 R-olir~ des ll¢l'iit;v, E,~ IR! m,i:rAJiI'F ma(;1el."wdndlJa"r· wul winl.mtch 'tle-in AtMChujJ (.hm;:h ain ne·u.g~~~'S(,t(r..r. "£1.idc:ke:!/ sidr . .im, li1.mhtJngba.n:m TraHf" 1)&hmMr belindet.


me Racit.ete

.b,~~j~jir qii;, e.i}J,f~m :? em (te>j'th{~Jj mtt A uj~dflagz'£lnder um4Zerie,g(N:, pfe.~e.t .bi-i.1igfqf;i.s: G(j,~t;ho]J; wen.!'l/{!~' t[nl 7}Jd W)rbeif#i[J); i:i~<;,;'h e~{. :i ,wui: ~ur "Sfi.lbst.'lie:rl8jJl,mg, FW:·, n/:i· lieJihdl!(l kk'h fll del' Raketel~/l'ah'(1 eM R{[lke1eIT"TI'i!ib~ sar~ '~f;tt ei;i";Ziinas?ut, FLfeti·,;cr ldek.lr4sc;h 8e2;al:l(le~ ,wil'ik

~. A·· . ~ - ... .


.ph~ . W'lofff;.~ w'ir11{ju1~ del.l); 'l'ransp@rkns.wn. el'!.tnomm(m; H(;mdgi~.~fX' ,AVlUg ~Z11d _-:::;ch~ft.ter.>liit!,(Jwe.J\'den a:usge· tJapp.i': l'ihin' wi rd (la~ M;a'lJaz.iJ.l von MI'1 ten in thm· IJaden ~ingttf!lh~:~, tiU~d·>'.zk1~-ai·J ~O:, di~f:{-die :G-e.:SCho.!i$fldr;r Ra,kefc~il bl die"RIJ.lde, h!~ndn.gldUm., W'lrc[ nun das Maga.zin voU. ,e/~d~:'·j!i·' .'. ',' r.d§~~: Ub.il1i '~'d~ie'~1' .sfch. (b~ )!d.i~le!~ fitp.i#.,

pj,hU8 it!('I ,~~o~;v.eJi il.ClC/1 hi~~ U;'J~:' bi:~ 'i~ ie:. ':1tel'~

tett.ii~· ':en"zu snl1l ill ell mil dtJl' Iftlit~rlJr! Hait(/f

liltrU,i i,ok B,(~dcl'l d~;fI Apscn 'ales dntit~;wt. Nun:·'witd, wtii ·,[l);eiiu Pi:i'ri';~(!iii'hrelt Stecker' d{Y.~, Ma.t;"azitt:s.. if! iUe fmt:U)l"ec.lvi~~d.e Buch~'·(r de-.J.·Ocl'ii1'.~ gested(t :Mftl'l,ilar-.

mit tl'{!;i' ,[(f)IU'Clk.! hel7J(1stem~ . '

Jet'!,. wlnUnf.! Wafje m~f die $c1~lidier .gesetv, 'l!(n~u mit de}· l i nken Ha ncl tlm r.iff (! 1j'(dJt uHd f n,~' ,Z~e.l g~.


T,he' baslc idea DJ the "Luftfaust" was without doubt :~u.rgpificenl. The principle had proven its success tbo'l!sands. 'of times with the "Panzerschreck". H is dati bttul whether one person would have been sflfficient to: operate. the weapon successfully, Although. there are :m~ .rcep.o,:r.w u seems l.ogic, that: another crewman would l?e'Ve.l'Y helpfu! ii1 replacing the magazmes, otherwise th e l~l)rer had to-dismount the weaponafterfts use .. The-very short operational range of 3.00- 500 mwas '3. great 'oi.iJadyant'age. wouldhave the courage, lO'W;11LtuntU ~ Ilyin,g aiftrgfr i5:~nJ range .of the '!Lt:lft~<'l.u'l3t'· while • he- operator aws probably the targetofthe pilot with his m.achine-guns; It is also very difficult to calculate dtsrances, especially a head-on planet Probably the' chances to hi ~ all aircraft we re increased if it was showing its profile. From the design of a system U). a perfected .:we.a,ponit is a longway!

Karl. R. P~~)~~ "laUcH Revue Nr. 56~ 1!l~8S

br{lC-iH'. ZU~1! Scntej3en 11"[1'4 di:e SW_#_itcmge mit del' reehten Hand am $pan.rrhebel zuritckgel:Og~n, his sie beim .Abzug einrastet, Beim.Durchsiehen des Ah,;:ugs ,~'clm,em -die Sto/Js.ran:g.e unter clem Druck tier. Feder nach \>',O'I.'I!" Jfc'hliigt (fidls eJU&khert) auf den. StolJgelJ,erawr; an tum. €lin,en Stromf\'.to:per.~eugt" D.ieserwiJ\d iJber dle ZI~[jdlel(un8 m:ic:,Il ~N.feif1 ~Nfahrl., wo a dte Ziln.diihe und iibe1' diese die Treios.lJti"a de« Raketen' Z}indct, did flUl1i helm. 'Abhre'nrum die Geschosse a,ul' dent Rahr schleltdem- .Z!U:!7'SI werdfm :; Raketen !ll~d 1m Absumd ~mf 0, '2 MtC die wdt~r,en" 4 ··getf.Ulde.t. Dunaci: wird des leere Ml:i:g'Q;:in entnommen luul .. ·e1n INu~es in das Gerii~ el'n.g~fu.hrt .

n~enn auch, del" Eigeullrt der Walf'l'. entJpr~G.h:~md, ein. .. Sr:nrotsc.hujJ" durchaus beabsfchagJ war, so well: wi4 man berdt~, lesen konnte die Streuung der Geschosse zi'ewUch groj); Ob mm::l die s:rarke Sdl" 'der R_ohre hei c« l''iUen liac'h de rersMn OSe rie 1.-'on 100 Stuck: mJdJ

be,~eitigen konnte, ist Leider nicht bekanltl': .


Di:e .idee zur Sc.haJf.un.tJ die,rer "Luj"'t;.fmm" war onne Zwei-

./e,l g.rqf)artig. Das Prht~ip harre sid beim , "Panzerschreck" IUJ{,tiblb~FC Ma.le bestens bewdhrt, Sh' WQren euch hier; wariiber aber kelne lnformetionen VOl': liegen, _zur- Bedienung: "2 M'tmn erforderlieh; Das Wilrde bedeu,ten,dafi da» Ei.njahre'f.l de,~' ,M~lg(lZ,(n.s 'durcli den. zw,eit~n ,~tlrm, erfolgUt, nlulhdem das Ger(it ,aq[dir. Schu:lter ge-1!QmJfH:'!n w.~rde; ·Aj§ n.tu:ht,eiUg ;P'n.ujJ .di« kurze s.chuj3cf!.!lferm(il.g v..on- 300-$OOm g;ewertef fl,,:e:rden. Wer hat .j.{:#oit ·8e.~ilgg.~I,d Nerven, ;I:f~n: eil'l "sd1.nell heranfUeg;endes Flug,'l.e,ilg, -das vieUe:ii.:ht ,uuch nlJ'(:h iVO/1: seinen Botd_wafferl GelJrauch' machre, {lut ca, 500. m;. an. sich .hey,an!u.lllBs.e)"l, urn d.w'rl n(n~h' dasGer~tr !jez' ·abfu>·

j'eu,ft:r:n, I ._ , '.

AujJ'fadem ·dUr!te -es fast unmtJsJich gewc';\,e·n sein, die En:ifernung eines src;"li frontal 71.ahemden Flu8uug~s ab, .. ~c.tiiitl.en·, Z!. idJm'um und dieses t;!1lch 1I0C:h mit del' einJad:j en, W$iCt!;lngdlnd bei: 'det k!~{ne1i SU !1ouetu ·.'on 110 rri auf gerztlu diese .'E:"rltftt1':lttu~g z:u (reffim~ . Besser waren da schan die. A..I£s8icJuen, ein seltlkhvor. h:e.iJU~gendes FlltgZ.;fHtg ,i;U trefj~n.. wel'Ut n sien eben in: der En.rfcl"mmg :VCi1i 300-500 rli vorbeiwagt« and der SCh{U,Ul die Nerve« daz.l~ haste, dieses sicn ,iichnell bewege>nd,lf Zif!l milder Waffe ,a1"1,l.~visiere11..

Von :aer N!dlnerisr:hen~Projekde.nmg bi,~' .-::;ur prakUschen Nutzallwendung ,dIlCJ- iVa:ffe lsi eben doch ein riesenlanger. We8. .

Karl R. Pawl~~, W:affen Re:vue Nr. '5~ J/1985

; "ellglli (l'l''e.(ldl I -Ge$~l~ll.iinge:

n ~weigh t 1 Ge·,~t1.mtg"l':!w ielu: of ammunition I G«scliojJartc h of round I GescnojJlan,g,e.;

E"mrig. mechanism { Abfeueru'Ilg:

.. e 'Velccity I MUn.dl.mgl1ge"8chwlnd:igkeft,:

I "lC amp/etl tfer_null s:

Eiii:·Marm- Waffetur Ti,.effl.i~·ttrbek,amp!Jil!g, 9 .Ro:hre, Kalibe» .2 em Oneperson weapon' a.g'at"-sl. low fly ins planes, 9 'tubes. calibre: 2 em 140 .cm; davon "1 S em j'iJ.;r .Magazin ea, 6,5 kg' (with- imuled magazine Iln:lt geiaiie'lem 9~Schufi-Magazlf1-) 2: em. vk IAlpur ("$pin. ·stabHized l dra:U;st(fbitisic:rr) 2.50 mm with burning chamber / mit /3 rennkammer, electric, with thrust generator I elektriscn mit $, -350 m/:sec :B06· ~OOm

~ I

Ba;S~ prate and .m~l,ga?:flle g:uldariq::

.Hr~den mit M; U/] d ~fwJtef'wjg

The L1Jftf"nl:S~ with folded out opeb:lting de~tic:e:S'

Die LuNta~t$t mit·.1psgeklapptiin IkdFenhef::u$ln

8lgh[ Visl:er

Ce.nterpla t~· M'lt~elplaue

M~z:z1E' s·~ghr .K.Q.!'tJ

,,1~J~ll~IJI~lll~'IJsrl' "

'Al! d rawil'Igs nul. to sC:<I[e', Alle Zddin IJ ngeh olme M~jg~l~:a.h .~ Karl1?: P~Jwla,~

Firi ng lever AbzuB"

Shoulder fest Schultersr1'lt""ze

:1't1 fUN g'!=n.el,umf SLOfS:ftern~l'fj toe

Holder left hand S~~fty pin IdJrut,:;:g1'.i.f'f'

Sir:;:hefU lJg

MHz:~Je rIng

Mil nd[H"ig,~pl;ltte

.$ide dqwJngof the ma:gazJne and ~! ignemeI1.t oftu bes Zefc.'ium.n"gen diJii .M~~g:~zi.m,' VOrl del Se}te undAoordnl,mg de. Rc.ihfe

. - ~ ... .

All measurements in mm,

taken at Cenn1iLArrned· Fbh:es M1Js~um~i\-toscaw by 11, F. Duske

, .AUt";: MaiSei)) .mm"gelI}(;o.%:c.n von H. J~ f)!]sk:e 1m G€lJ md .!:I,rI:l1ecl Fofc&s AtuS'eum in A1o.s1i .. w

1<----------$15 ~---"">i


Wew"Oo lTIL1Zile :aJkk ;li LJJ die. Ml~n.c!ung

Cenp;:r pla~e fbI' '9 tubes

. Inne,i~ Piillfll,Rg$' lJ:l} e: fi1i dIe 9 Rohrt:

Moo/able handle Jor'the'lef:r.ham:1 J{h,lppbun::r J-i.lltegtiFf nir die linke Bend

Mb1(:"lp:~e handle for tht left hand Kl~lppb •. l r~r H~J:l1:e:grlf[ .fn r die li.nke H[~nd

Safet'l ph,' ,3:ndcoddng l,ever are 1.'l1is$,i,9g Stefl ~rturgs" ui~d'Spam)hf;bf'j {dl1f!:l'J fjjer

Ce:tlcer pfgu¢I'~1J [bi'?"t1l,b:es.o !.'tirfet.e:I\fJ12r,~fn:~sf?Hll* .h£iJ fif(n fq.'i;;qi,e;SJ l?:,o./lre

Movable shoulder rest Kl.appl).lre Sd.1 ui tC'.r8Wtze

Center plate rear for- 9 tubes

[nn ere .FOJuHngspJ'lrte hfnte:n ir:lI' die 9 Roilre"

Base plane andmagazine guidance J30Qenpfatte und"LlhnJ 113

MDvable:h<tndl~ For theJcfrlrand K1fJpp/Jaret Ha.fregriff f'l1t di~ I inlre l~hafd


Hear guidance for. thrust rod I-lintel'e.-.FiJh'l' fiJr die StolS..5tange

Base plate and ma_gazine_guklaoc:e B6denplatre .[~od Maf;a:zJnfu.hmng

Sigh V Vl.5jer.

1~;:tY: Carlton Is sho1.llderiri:g rheweapem _from. the collection of the Gentn_ll M'OIed t<of.c;e::;·NIl,]sueult Mo:sco w -; Ullfdl'tunately he 15 left handed, Notm~nythe weapon should be shouldered 'rlghr, the left hand holding the front

handle; the righ t h.~l1'1~l the' firing lever, .' . Y

R2ry Crtrltm] schulter: die. WEIHe aus" dem .. Cemrilll!iJuS!l:'W.11 de» Russlschen 5ueitkJ'tif'te e • []ng1[j.ckhr:beHvd5~ tst.e: .fJnkshtfnder, Nonm~1e'ry;v.dse sol!.die .. 'Wa.ft:e :;nrFder rechte.J]Schuiter Hlhefl" dIe linkl!! Hand tlmt[jg-r: deJJmrde.reti li·aheg)1if tlt]:d dl,e. ted: te t:!f<wd de(Li'l6ztJgs.l~ebre.l.

G~ear to see how tlre-shoulder rest is positioned,

KJa.r .Zll erkem2en '\'VIe iNJ,e Sch u1teisW tze angeo1"dn~t i,sr,

. The "¢QJlll~~q{~W~~po .. n, base plate on tile ground, muzzleat the top "

Die komplene, y..;{lI{f~r'(tj~'B.Qde~fM~!~'[e .~~tlfrl~~liFuSpQde1Jj die 1\ oben weisend

• I ".r ~'f">c' _.;: .~. t·:'t_ .. :.'.~. .", ..

COin! nc :SJJnil Demnada s:[ e:~hnllHch

l' .,3!i?Ml 11,"1 tIOl.·

.. QAIJPlllllSllllim'Jl1lB lIST RIO I(Sr.)

·11·lrllll.I~L C,SD.1In. Ut5)

S-ar putea să vă placă și