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Time : 3hrs. Total Marks : 80


Note: Answer any Ten of the following.

4 × 10 = 40 M
1. Explain about epithelical tissue?
2. Explain about large intestine?
3. Explain about urine chemical analysis?
4. Write about sharpening of microtome knife?
5. Write about decalcification?
6. What is cryostat?
7. Write about the infarction and shock?
8. Write about the preparation and use of whole
blood and blood components?
9. What are the bones in upper extremity?
10. Explain the formation of urine?
11. Write about human pelvis?
12. What is the composition & function of blood.
1. Anticoagulanta
2. Blood cell count.

Medical Lab Technician


1. Explain about epithelical tissue?
Ans : Epithelial tissue: It covers body surfaces
and lines hollow organs, body cavities and
ducts. It allows the body to interact with
internal and external environment.
• Epithelial tissue consists of cells arranged in
continuous sheets in single or multiple lay-
• It has three major functions. They serve as:
- Selective barriers that transfer substances in
and out of the body.
- Secretory surfaces that release products pro-
duced by the cells.
- Protective surfaces.
Structure of Epithelial Tissue:
• Apical surface of an epithelial cell faces the
body surface, body cavity, lumen of an in-
ternal organ recieves cell secretions.
• The lateral surfaces of an epithelial cell fac-
ing the adjacent cells on either side may con-
tain tight junctions and desmosomes.
• The basal surface of an epithelial cell is op-
posite to the apical surface.
• Apical layer refers to most superficial layer
and basal layer is the deepest layer.
• Basement membrane is a thin extracellular
layer commonly consists of two layers. The
basal lamina and reticular lamina.

Fig : Epithelial Tissue.

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• Basal lamina contains proteins such as gly-

coproteins, proteoglycons and collagen.
• Reticular lamina contains collagen callec fi-
Basement membranes have functions during
wound healing and participate in filteration of
blood in kidneys.
Fig : Simple squamous epithelium
• Epithelial tissues play many different roles
in the body such as protection, filteration, ii. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium : Single layer
secretion, absorption and excretion. of cube-shaped cells, centrally located
• In addition epithelial tissues combine with nucleus.
nervous tissue to form special organs for Location : Covers surface of ovary, secret-
smell, hearing, vision and touch. ing portion of some glands.
• Epithelial tissues may be divided into two Function: Secretion and Absorption
1. Covering epithelium : Forms outer cover-
ing of the skin and some internal organs.
Two characteristics of covering epithelium
• Arrangement of cells in layers.
• Cell shape.
Fig : Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
2. Glandular epithelium: Makes up the se-
iii.Simple Columnar Epithelium (non-cili-
creting portion of glands such as thyroid,
ated): Single layer of columnar cells with
adrenal and sweat glands. All the glands are
oval nuclei near base of cells. It contains
classified into exocrine and endocrine glands.
goblet cells.
Combining the two characteristics in the type
of covering epithelium are: Location: Lines gastro intestinal tract, gall
a. Simple Epithelium.
Function: Secretion and absorption.
b. Stratified Epithelium.
a. Simple-epithelium:
i. Simple Squamous Epithelium : It is a single
layered with centrally located nucleus and
is flattened, oval or spherical in shape.
Location: Cardiovascular system and lym-
phatic vessel, kidneys.
• Blood filteration in kidneys.
Fig : Simple Columnar Epithelium
• Diffusion of O, into blood vessels of lungs

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iv. Pseudo Stratified Columnar Epithelium: Function : Secretes mucus traps foreign par-
It appears to have several layers. Pseudo ticles, absorption and protection.
stratified ciliated columnar epithelium con- b. Stratified epithelium:
tain cells extend to surface and secrete mu-
i. Stratified Squamous Epithelium: It
consists of two or more layers of cells:
• Stratified squamous keratinised epithelium
develops tough layer of keratin in apical layer
of cells and several layers deep to it.
• Stratified squamous non-keratinised epithe-
lium does not contain large amounts of kera-
tin in apical layer and several layers deep
and is constantly moistened by mucus from
salivary and mucous glands.
Location : Keratinised is seen in skin. Non-
Fig : Pseudo Stratified Columnar Eoithelium
keratinised is seen in oesophagus, tongue
v. Pseudo stratified nonciliated columnar and vagina.
epithelium : It contains cells without cilia
Function: Protection, water loss and de-
and lacks goblet cells.
Location : Upper respiratory tract and epi-

Fig : Stratified Squamous Epithelium

ii. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium : It consists of two or more layers of cells.

Location : Ducts of adult sweat gland.
Function : Protection, secretion and absorption

Fig : Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium

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iii. Stratified Columnar Epithelium : Basal Ileocecal Valve : The lower end of the ileum
layers usually consist of shortened irregular opens on the posteromedial aspect of the
shaped cells, Apical layer has columnar cell. cecocolic junction. The ileocecal opening is
Location : Lines part of male urethra, guarded by the ileocecal valve.
conjuctiva of eye and esophageal glands.
Functions : Protection and secretion

Fig : Stratified Columnar Epithelium

Fig : Caecum
iv. Transitional Epithelium : When relaxed
Arterial Supply: It is supplied by anterior and
looks like stratified cuboidal epithelium,
posterior caecal arteries.
Apical layer is large and umbrella-shaped.
When stretched, cell becomes flattened and • Venous Drainage : Ileocolic vein in the
multiple layers are seen portal system
Location: Lines urinary bladder, ureters and Lymphatic Drainage: Ileocolic group of
urethra. lymph nodes
Function: Allows urinary organs to stretch Nerve Supply:
and maintain protective lining. • Sympathetic Supply: Pregnanglionic fibers
2. Explain about large intestine? T10 - L1 segments of spmal cord.
Ans : Large Intestine : Large intestine extends • Parasympathetic Supply: By vagus nerve.
from the ileocecal junction to the anus. It is Appendix : It is also known as vermiform
about 1.5 metres long and is divided into. appendix.
1. Cecum with vermiform appendix Appendix is worm-like diverticulum, extend-
2. Ascending colon. 3. Transverse colon. ing from die posteromedial wall of caecum.
4. Descending colon. 5. Sigmoid colon. • Length : 2- 20 cm (Average: 9 cm)
6. Rectum. 7. Anal canal. Diameter : 5 nm
1. Cecum with vermiform appendix : It is Appendicular Orifice : The appendicular
the first part of the colon and is a dilated orifice is situated on the posteromedial as-
region which has a blind end inferiorly and pect of the caecum 12cm below the ileoce-
is continuous with the ascending colon cal orifice).
superiorly. McBurney's Point : It is the site of maxi-
• Length : 6 cm. mum tenderness in appendicitis. The point
lies at the junction of lateral one-third aind
• Width : 7.5cm
medial two-thirds of hue joining the right
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anterior superior ilitic spine to umbilicus. Arterial Supply : It is supplied by marginal

• Arterial supply: It is supplied by appendicu-
lar artery. Lymphatic Drainage: Drains into epicolic
and paracolic lymph nodes.
• Wenous Drainage: Appendicularvein drains
into superior mescentric vein. Nerve Supply:
• Lymphatic Drainage: Drains into superior • Sympathetic Supply: Preganglionic fibers
mesenteric Lymphnodes from T10 to L11 spinal segments.
• Nerve Supply : • Parasympathetic Supply: Vagus nerves and
pelvic splanchnic nerves.
- Sympathetic Supply: Preganglionic fibers
from T10 spinal cord segment. 6. Rectum: It is a slightly dilated section of the
colon, which starts with sigmoid colon and
- Parasympathetic Supply: By vagus nerve. terminates within the anal canal. It extends
2. Ascending colon: It extends from the from S13 vertebra to 2-3 cm below the tip
cecum to the hepatic flexure, where it curves of the coccyx.
acutely to left at the hepatic flexure to be- Length 12 to 13 cm
come transverse colon.
• Length : 12.5 cm.
a. Peritoneal Relations : The upper one-
Right colic flexure : It lies at the junction of tliird of the rectum iscovered with perito-
ascending colon and transverse colon. neum in front and on the sides.
3. Transverse colon : It is a loop of colon that • The middle one- third is coveted only in
extends from hepatic flexure to splenic flex- front.
ure of colon.
• The lower one -third, which is dilated to form
Length : 50 cm. the ampmlla, is devo id of peritoneum, and
4. Descending colon : It curves towards the lias below the rectovesical pouch in moles
midline. After it enters the true pelvis, it is and bellow the rectouterine pouoh in fe-
known as the sigmoid colon. The descend- males.
ing colon is narrower than the ascending 3. Explain about urine chemical analysis?
Ans : Chemical examination :
Length : 25 cm.
Protens in urine : Normal urine contains
Left Colic Flexure: It lies at the junction of upto 30-50mg protein per 24hr sample. So
the transverse colon and the descending any protein detected by the tests is said to
colon. be abnormal and is called proteinuria. To
5. Sigmoid colon : It extends from the pelvic do urine protein test, early morning sample
brim to the third piece of sacrum. It is de- is preferred. The patient should be fasting.
scribed as an Sshaped curve in the pelvis Grading of Proteinuria:
that continues downward to become the
rectum. 1. Heavy : Concentration, is above 4 gm/24hr
Length 37cm.
2. Moderate : When concentration, is between
Blood supply for Ascending, Descending, 1- 4gm/24hr sample.
Transverse and Sigmoid colon:

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3. Minimal or mild : When concentration, is ness is detected in the upper part, is can
less than 1 gm/24hr. sample. be due to proteins, phosphates, urates.
Causes of Proteinuria: Add 3-4 drops of CH3COOH (acetic
acid), if it disappears, it is due to phos-
i. Accidental : Due to contamination by pus, phates and urates. If it persists, it is be-
vaginal, fluid, blood or seminal fluid. cause of proteins. If mucin is present (as
ii. Physiological: Seen in pregnancy, infancy, ppt), add HN03 (Nitric acid) to dissolve
after muscular exercise, due to exposure to the precipitate. This can detect proteins
cold and sometimes relaterd to posture. as little as 2-3 mg - 100 ml.
Ortho static or postural proteinuria which is Interpretation:
usually during day when patient is upright.
1. No cloudiness-absence of proteins.
iii. Pathological :
2. Haziness-traces present (upto 10 mg/100 ml)
1. Pre-renal: No primary renal disease,
3. Cloudiness - + (10-50 mg./ml).
congestive cardiac failure, cerebral injury,
fever and toxemia, intra abdominal ascitis 4. Granular - + + (50-200 mg/100 ml).
tumours, drugs and chemical poisoning, 5. Flocculations - +++ (200-500 mg/1 100ml)
severe anaemia, plasma cell myeloma.
6. Thick cloudy precipitate - + + + +
2. Renal: Nephritis, Diabetes mellitus, SLE,
T.B of kidney, Amyloidosis, Hyperten- (> 500 mg/100 ml).
sion, Carcinoma of kidney, Uraemia of b) Contact or Heller’s Test: Take 3 ml of once.
pregnancy, HNO3 in a test tube and run urine slowly
3. Post-renal: Pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis and with the help of a pipette along the side of
prostatitis. inclined tube A sharply defined white ring
of varying density appears at the junction
Types of Proteins found in Urine: Albumin, of the two liquids If albumin is present. The
globulin, mucin, blood proteins (haemoglo- size and density of the ring can be evalu-
bin) and Bence - Jones proteins. Albumin is ated and reported as 1+, 2+. etc.,
the chief protein and is the commonest
c) Uristix orAlbustix or stix Test: A stix which is
examinatin asked for in the laboratory
already impregnated with the indicator tetra
DETECTION OF PROTEINS bromophenol biie and is dipped into urine
Principle: sample. The colour changes is from yellow
to green to blue
All methods depend on precipitation of
proteins by chemical agents or coagulation 2. Quantitative Test for Albumin
by heat. If mucin is present in excess, dilute Instrument used is Esbach’s Albuminometer.
acetic acid is added and urine is filtered. If Sample is 24 hr urine. It is a thick walled
urine is turbid, then it should be filtered as it test tube - 15 cm long and 15 mm internal
interferes with the precipitation of proteins. diameter. Markings are ‘U ’(urine) at bot-
Before starting the test, urine is made acidic tom and ‘R’ (reagent) at top. Lower part
by adding 10% of Acetic acid. has markings from 0.5 to 12 gm. The tube
is worked and stood vertically in its special
1. Semiquantitative test :
stand for 24 hours.
a. Heat and Acetic acid Test : Fill 3/4th of
Composition of Esbach’s reagent: 5 gm of
the test tube with urine and heat the upper
picric acid and 10 gm of citric acid in 500
part (lower part acts as control). If cloudi-
ml of distilled water.
Medical Lab Technician

Value in grams/lit of urine for value in per- b. Non-carbohydrates (reducing)

centage - divide by 10 (×gm). i. Uric acid and creatinine.
For 24 hrs value (total protein) - (× gm/10 ii. Salicylic acid; patient on salicylates.
× 24 hr).
iii. Homogentisic and melanogentisic acidsalka-
Procedure: Slightly acidified and filtered ptonuria.
urine is taken upto ‘U’ and Esbach’s reagent
upto ‘R’ mark. iv. Ascorbic acid.
Close with a rubber stopper and invert for v. Chloral hydrate.
sometime. Set it aside upright for 24 hrs pro- vi. Morphin.
tein is deposited at the bottom. This gives
the reading in gms/litre of urine. If protein vii. Paraldehyde.
concentration exceeds 4 gm/It, then dilute viii.Anti TB drugs like INH etc.
urine and repeat the test. If less than I gm/
i. Qualitative or semi-quantitative Test : There
It, it cannot be properly measured
are several test for estimation of sugar/carbo-
3. Bence - Johnes proteins hydrates in urine such as Benedicts test, Fehling's
These are practically diagnostic of myelom- test, Rubner’s test etc. See below for details.
atotis. Procedure:
Test : Urine with B-J proteins becomes tur- a. Benedict's test:Take 5 ml of Benedict’s re-
bid at 500C and a viscous precipitate is agent and heat it. Put 8 drops of (0.5 ml)
formed. On further heating, the ppt is dis- urine (which is protein free) with a dropper.
solved and reappears on cooling between Boil for 3-5 min. and then cool it. Then note
50-600C. This proteins appears in urine in the colour changes.
multiple myeloma, chornic leukemias and
i. Qualitative Test Principle: It is based on the
in osteo sarcoma.
property of sugar to reduce CuS04 (cop-
Sugars in urine : per sulphate) in alkaline solution into in-
Presence of sugars in urine is known as melli- soluble yellow cuprous oxide.
turia (met meaning honey), while that of glu- ii. Results: The reagent contains CuS04 .
cose as glycosuria. Na2C03 or sodium citrate in distilled water.
The most important disease in which glycosuria Colour changes are as follows:
occurs is Diabetes mellitus. Other reducing sub- Negative - No change in colour.
stances found in urine are as follows.
Traces - Solution appears pale green or
a. Carbohydrates (reducing): slightly cloudy.
i. Lactose: In urine of sucking infants and nurs- - Definite cloudy green (100 - 500
ing mothers. mg%)
ii. Fructose: In people taking large amounts of 2+ - Yellow to orange ppt
(500 - 1400 mg%).
iii. Pentose: Present rarely. It can be found in
3+ - Orange to red ppt
congenital disorders.
(1500 - 2000 mg%).
iv. Glycerates: Found in urine when patient has
been given substances like alkaloids; (opium 4+ - Brick red ppt (> 2000 mg%).
and morphine).

Medical Lab Technician


iii. Constituents of Benedict Reagent: 18 gms - Therefore, 1 ml contains 0.05/x gms is calcu-
CuS04 in 100 ml of distilled water. 100 gms lated.
- (Na 2C03) Sodium carbonate (anhy-
drous). 200 gms - Na or K citrate. This re- Ketone Bodies in urine :
sults in alkaline copper reagent. These are intermediate products of fat metabo-
iv. Advantages of Benedict’s Test: lism. They are acetone, acetoacetic acid (diacetic
acid) and B-hydroxy butyric acid. They occur
• It uses a single solution which is already in urien when fat metabolism is disordered.
i. Rothera's Test: ( For acetone and also for
• It uses a more stable reagent. acetoacetic acid).
• It is ten times more sensitive. Procedure: For acetone and also for ac-
• It is a more specific test. etoacetic acid. Take 5 ml urine in a test tube
and saturate with Ammonium sulphate. Add
b. Fehling's Test: Take equal volumes of
1 crystal of sodium nitroprusside. Let liquid
Fehling’s solutions A and B, mix well and
ammonia run down the sides of the tube,
boil. Add a few drops of urine. Boil and ob-
so that it forms a layer on top of urine. If
serve the colour change. Colour changes
acetone is present a permanganate caramel
are same as in Benedict’s test.
red colour ring forms at the junction of the
Composition of Fehling’s solutions: two layers.
Solution A - CuSO4, in distilled water. ii. Gerhardt's test for Diacetic Acid: Procedure:
Solution B - NaOH, Sodium Potassium Take 5 ml of urine in a test tube and add
tartarate in distilled water. 10% of aqueous solution of ferric chloride
drop by drop until no further ppt of ferric
c. Test for Lactose: Rubner’s test: Concen- phosphate occurs. Filter and add to the fil-
trated NH40H is used. Lactose gives and trate more of ferric chloride (FeCIS) solu-
ppt while glucose gives a yellow ppt. tion. If diacetic acid is present, the filtrate
d. Test for Fructose: Selwinoffs test. will develop brownish red colour.
e. Test for Pentose: Bial’s test. iii. Other tests: Lindeman’s Test: For diacetic
Osazone Test: This test is used to differentiate
the various osazones. Acidified urine is used Hart’s Test: For Beta Hydroxy butyric acid.
along with phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride and Causes for presence of Ketone bodies in
sodium acetate. Glucosazone crystals are Urine:
straight, needle shaped, arranged in fans or 1. Diabetes mellitus
sheets of spherical clusters. Lactosazone crys-
tals are finely curled with puffball appearance. 2. Infants and children with acute febrile con-
Quantitative Test for Glucose:
3. Toxic states accompanied by vomiting and
Procedure: Take 25 ml of Benedict’s reagent diarrhoea
in a flask and add 15 gm of crystal Na2 C03(Na
carbonate) and some broken pieces of porce- 4. Vomiting of Pregnancy.
lain. Heat until it boils. Take urine in a burette 5. Cachexia.
and titrate against the contents of the flask. Nor-
6. Following exposure to cold.
mally, 25 ml of reagent requires 0.05 gms of
sugar for reduction. If × is the amount of urine 7. Following severe exercise.
run down, then × ml contains 0.05 gms of sugar. 8. Following anaesthesia.
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Note : In diabetes, the high proportion of +++ - Blue.
sugar is not dangerous to the body. But, if ++++ - Deep Blue.
sugar metabolism is upset, Ketone bodies
accumulate in blood which are poisonous Other Tests:
to the body b. Guaicum test: It is less sensitive test
Blood in urine : c. Orthotolidine test
Blood may be found in urine in the form of III. Spectroscopic Examination: Look for typica.
red blood cells or blood pigments alone. It absortion bands with a hand spectroscope.
is important to indicate whether RBC are
Causes of Hematuria:
present or only pigments are present. Nor-
mally, occasional RBC may be found. a. Lesion of kidney: Cystitis, acute glomerulo-
nephritis, nephrolithiasis, urethritis, embo-
Hematuria - Denotes presence of red blood
lic nephritis, Renal TB, malignant nephro-
cells in urine.
Haemoglobinuria - Denotes presence of
b. Neoplasms of kidney: Lesions in lower urinan
blood pigments in urine without associated
tract stones in bladder, urethra, Bilharziasis
presence of RBC’s
and Neoplasms.
Tests for Presence of Blood:
Bile Salts and Pigments in urine :
I. Microscopic Examination: Urine is centri-
Constituents of bile may be excreted in urine
fuged and the sediment is examined under
as bilirubin, urobilin, bile salts and bile pigments.
microscope. Report as the no. of RBC / High
Bilirubin appears in urine, when it is in excess in
Power Field.
blood i.e. in jaundice. Bile salts and pigments are
II. Chemical Tests: present in obstructive jaundice and hepatocellular
a. Benzidine Test: carcinomas.
i. Principle: The peroxidase activit of hae- Tests for Bile Salts:
moglobin decomposes hydrogen perox- Hay Sulphur Test:
ide and the liberated oxygen oxidises the
i. Procedure : Take 10 ml of urine in a test
benzidine. It is very sensitive to even small
tube and sprinkle sulphur granules. Nor-
amounts of haemoglobin.
mally they float.
ii. Procedure: To two ml of urine (previ-
In the presence of bile salts, the surface ten-
ously boiled and cooled) add one ml of
sion is reduced and the sulphur granules sink
clear saturated benzidine solution (Ben-
and settle at the bottom.
zidine powder and glacial acetic acid) mix
well. add one ml of freshly prepared 3% ii Control: Take 10 ml of water m a test tube
hydrogen peroxide. and sprinkle sulphur granules (which float)
iii. Interpretation: The appearance of green Tests for Bile Pigments:
or blue colour within 5 minutes indicate i Foarm test: Take urine in a test tube and
the presence of blood or haemoglobin shake it well. A positive result is obtained
in the urine with the formation of stable yellow froth,
Trace - Faint green Colour. the stability of which is due to the presence
of bile salts and the colour is due to biliru-
+ - Green.
++ - Greenish blue.

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ii. Gmelitt’s test: Principle - Bringing yellow ni- Importance: The edge of the microtome
tric acid in contact with urine. Take 2 ml kinfe performs the function of cutting and it
yellow nitric acid in a test tube overlay with should be sharp in order to get good sections
an equal amount of urine. A band of of the tissues.
coloured rings appear, the most prominent Introduction : Sharpening of the knife can
being green colour. This demonstrates the be carried out by:
presence of bile pigments. This can be done
• Mechanically or by
on a filter paper or procelain plate.
iii. Fouchet’s test: Take 10 ml urine in a test • Automated knife charpners.
tube and add 2.5 ml of 10% BaClr Mix well The process of sharpening consists of:
and filter.
• Honing and
Then unfold the filter paper and spread on
• Stropping.
another filter and allow one drop of Fouchef
s reagent on the ppt. A green or blue colour Requirements:
indicates the presence of billirubin. This is a
• A hone (rectangular block of stone cpecially
sensitive test.
made for sharpening of knife).
Composition of reagent - Trichloroacetic
• A properly fitted back of the knife.
acid and 10% FeCl 3 in distilled water.
• Microscope to observe the edge of the knife.
Reaction :
• Knife.
Bile Salts + BaCl2 BaSQ4 ® ( ppt ) acts ®
with fouchef s reagent (colour +) • A strop (flexible or grid).
Tests for Urobilinogen: Excess can be de- Procedure (Honing):
tected by Ehrlich’s aldehyde test or by
• Clean the knife with Xylene soaked cloth.
commerical strip test.
• Put on the proper honing back.
1. Urobilineogen: On reacting with para -
dimethylaminobenzaldehyde forms a pink • Keep a damp cloth under the hone and po-
coloured compound. sition the hone on suitable bench.
ii Ehrlich’s Test: Procedure. Take 10 ml of • Lubricate the surface of hone with coconut
fresh urine in a test tube and add 2.5 ml of oil.
BaCl . Mix well and filter. Take 2.3 ml of
• Place the knife at one end and push it di-
filtrate, add 0.5 ml of aldehyde reagent and
agonally forward with the leading cutting
allow it to stand for 3 mins.
edges in the front.
Then see the top column of urine against a
• Just before the edge reaches the end of the
white background. A pink colour denotes
stone the knife is turned, over on its back
the presence of urobilinogen. Repeat the test
without lifting it. It is steadily pulled back with
with in 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 dilutions.
the cutting edge leading again along the
The more dilute it is, the more sensivtive
hone towards the operator.
the test becomes. The report should be in
terms of highest dilution with a positive re-
4. Write about sharpening of microtome
Ans : Sharpening of the Micro tome Kife:
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5. Write about decalcification?

Ans : Decalcification: Preparation of bony tissue
and its components for light microscopy is
different and difficult than for any other
• In order to obtain satisfactory paraffin sec-
tions of bone, calcium must be removed
Stroping technique from the organic collagen matrix calcified
cartilage and surrounding tissue.
• Composition of bone consists of 70% min-
eral and 30% organic components due to
which bone is solid, hard and strong.
• Calcium is also present in teeth and in var-
Honing technique
ied amount in the other tissues affected by
tuberculosis and malignancy.
Observe the edge of the knife under micro-
scope to check the progress of the honing. • The process of removal of calcium from tis-
sue for malignancy. The process for removal
Precautions :The pressure on the knife
of calcium from tissue for subsequent pro-
should be just sufficient to maintain its edge
cessing is known as decalcification
in contact with hone surface.
• Decalcifying agents are composed of an acid
B. Procedure (Stropping):
and a reagent, which will prevent distortion
Importance: Stropping is done in order to of tissue.
remove the wire edge caused by the fric-
• Acids commonly used for decalcification are
tion of the steel upon the stone during hon-
nitric acid, formic acid, hydrochloric acid,
ing. The strop is usually made up of leather.
and trichloroacetic acid.
• The preparation of good section is preventes
• Take a clean and dry knife. by the presence of calcium salts in the tis-
• Place a rigid strop on the bench. sue.

• Place the knife at one end of the strop and • Tom and ragged sections are obtained and
push it diagonally forward carefully so that, even the cutting edge of the microtome knife
entire edge receives the polish. may be damaged.

• Maintain the pressure on the knife just suffi- The technique of decalcification can be
cient to keep the edge in contact with the divided into the following stages:
surface of the strop and establish a rhyth- 1. Selection of tissue.
mic, steady motion.
2. Fixation.
• When it reaches the end of the strop, turn it
3. Decalcification.
on its back and pull back towards you (to-
wards the operator). 4. Acid neutralisation and
• Observe under microscope for a sharp and 5. Washing.
even surface.
1. Selection of tissue:

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a. Bone: By using fine toothed bone saw or c. 1 g /dl zinc sulfate : 0.2 ml.
hack saw, thin slices of bone are obtained. d. Chloroform : Few drops.
The slices should not exceed 4-5 mm in
Specific features:
• Use of this buffered solution causes no per-
• The cut surfaces should be retrimmed to
ceptible damage to cells or tissue fibers.
remove damaged areas after decalcification
and washing. • The decalcification results are much slower
than other establiched fluids.
b. Calcified tissue: A sharp knife is used to cut
calcified tissue (or a saw may be used). • This solution is of use when time is not an
Duration of decalcification will depend on important factor.
the degree of calcification.
3. Jenkin's fluid
2. Fixation:Bone marrow is best fixed in Zenker
a. Absolute alcohol 73ml
formal or any other routine fixative which
may preserve the issue well, e.g. Formalin. b. Distilled water 10ml
3. Decalcification may be carried out as follows: c. Chloroform 10ml
• By using a dilute mineral acid (a simple d. Glacial acetic acid 3ml
solvent of calcium). e. Hydrochloric acid 4ml
• By forming simple combination of calcium The swelling effect of hydrochloric acid is
with ion exchange resins. counter-acted by the shrinking effect of the
• By using chelating agent, which binds the alcohol.
calcium. • Quantity of this fluid should be 40 and 50
• By removal of calcium from tissues using times the bulk of the tissue.
electrophoresis techniques. • Human rib cross sections are decalcified in
4. Acid neutralisation :Tissues should be 4-6 days
neutralised before washing by treatment, 4. Formal nitric acid:
which breal alkali such as 5g/ dl lithium or
sodium sulfate a. Formalin 5ml
5. Washing: It is carried out for 2 to 4 hours in b. Nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.14) 7.5 to 15ml
alcohol or overnight in water to remove al- c. Distilled water 100ml
kali after the neutralization.
Specific features:
Decalcifying fluids:
• Nitric acid develops yellow colour due to the
1. Gooding and Stewart fluid: formation of nitrous acid, which may inter-
a. Formic acid : 5 to 25 ml. fere with the staining reactions.
b Formalin : 5 ml. • The yellow colour can be obviate by the
addition of 0.1 g/dl urea to pure nitric acid.
c. Distilled water : 100 ml.
• Human rib cross section (5 mm) can be de-
2. Citrate-citric acid buffer: calcified in 1-2 days by using 7.5 % (v/v)
a. 7 g/ dl citric acid (monohydrate) : 5 ml. nitric acid.
b. 7.54 g/ dl ammonium citrate Electrophoretic Decalcification: It is based
on the principle of attraction of the calcium
9 anhydrous) : 9.5 ml.
Medical Lab Technician
14 n
ions in solution to a negative electrode, by • Clamping screw should be kept loose on the
passing electrical current. The electrolyte specimen head.
used in electro phoresis is equal parts of 8%
(v/v) hydrochloric acid and 10% (v/v) for- • Insert the specimen disc/ metal chuck into
mic acid. Brass plate is used as negative elec- opening of specimen head.
trode and platinum wire as positive elec- • Tighten clamping screw.
trode. The positive electrode is wound
around the specimen. This is placed in a glass • Unlock the hand wheel.
museum jar. Speed of decalcification may • Trim the specimen using coarse and preci-
be increased by moving the electrodes sion feed buttons. Use coarse feed button
closer together or decreased by moving them for moving specimen towards the cutting
further part. edge.
6. What is cryostat? • Set the section thickness to 6 to 10 microns
Ans : Working of cryostat: General Procedure: using sections thickness knob.
Fresh tissue is received for frozen section. • Place the anti-roll guide plate over the knife
All specimens should be considered holder. Sections have tendency to curl. Anti-
potentially dangerous, hence, these should roll plate supports section to form flat sec-
be handled using gloves. tions.

• Following is a general procedure of cryostat • Correct adjustment of anti-roll plate is very

sectioning: important to produce good sections. It
should be placed slightly above the knife
• The specimen (piece of tissue) is removed edge.
from operation area.
• Cut serial sections by turning hand wheel
• Tissue must be received with out delay to and constant speed.
avoid drying artifact and it shoul not be
transferred in gauze piece. • Pick up the sections and stain as desired.

• Water content from tissue is absorbed by • For maintenance of cryostat use the follow-
gauze, which affects sectioning procedure. ing procedure

• Size of tissue for frozen section should be • Lock the hand wheel
about 3× 3 mm. • Remove frozen section waste with a
• A drop of cryo compound (optimum cooling branch.
medium) or water is added on the disc/ • Dispose waste as biohazard waste.
metal chuck. Cryo compound or water can
act as embedding medium. 7. Write about the infarction and shock?

• Tissue piece is placed on the disc/ metal Ans : Infraction : Definition - An area of ischemia
chuck with proper orientation. in an organ or tissue due to arterial insuffic-
ieicny or venous drainage block.
• The disc is placed on quick freezer shelf.
Cause : Thrombi or thrombo emboli
• Once the specimen is frozen, insert the disc
in the specimen head for sectioning. Types : Based on colour and presence pr
absence of bacterial contamination, there
• Hand wheel should be locked. are two types of infarcts.
• Knife or blade should be placed appropri- • Arterial-white infarct - Anaemic infarct.

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• Venous-Red infarct - Haemorrhagic infarct Neurogenic Shock : Vasodilation occuring

in anaesthesia accidents and spinal cord in-
• Septic infarct (infected). jury.
• Bland infarct Septic Shock:
Morphology: Bacteremic infections by gram negative or-
All infarcts are wedge shaped with apex ganism gram positive or fungi ® vasodila-
pointing the site of vascular occlision map tion, pooling of blood DIC ® shock caused
like patterns are also seen. by E. coli, K. pneumomae, pseudomonas,
Margins show rim of hyperemia, surface can Bacteriodes and staphylococci.
be covered by inflammatory exudate. Pathogenesis: LPS (Lipopolysaccharide) of
Histology: Indotoxins of the bacterial wall, combine
with the binding protein in the serum, binds
• Ischemic coagulative necrosis of the tissue to CD14 of leukocytes, and endothelial cells
affected. ® release of mediators both cytokines ×
• Liquefactive type of necrosis in brain. other arachidonic acid metabolities ®
intum causes capillary thrombosis intra vas-
• Outcome of infarct depend in factors like
cular cogulatism vasodilation.
general status of cardio vascular system, rate
of occlusion and vulnerability of tissue, e.g. Role of Nitric oxide and tumour necrosis
Myocardial infarction and a cerebral infarcts. factor cause the hemodynamic effects
Shock: * Lungs - ARDS.
Definition: Circulatory collapse and as a re- * Liver - Liver failure.
sult of wide spread hypoperfusion of tissues, * DIC
due to reduction of C.O.P or effective cir-
culatory volume. * Microvascular thrombi.
Types of Shock: * Finally CNS involvement Coma
1. Cardiogenic shock. Stages of Shock:
2. Hypovolemic shock. Three Stages:
3. Septic shock. 1. Stage I : Non progressive early stage-com-
pensated phase. In this stage, vasoconstric-
4. Neurogenic shock. tion of arteriolar bed and ADH secretion
5. Anaphylactic shock - due to type I immune occurs. RAA system is activated.
reaction. 2. Stage II: Progressive stage. If the cause is
Cardiogenic Shock: Whenever there is fail- still persisting along with additional stress,
ure of cardiac pump as in myocardial inf- shock continues with multisystem failure on-
arction, arrhythmias and after pulmonary set. Respiratory symptoms like tachypnea
ambolism (or) extrinsic pressure on the heart and ARDS can set in.
due to pericardial effusion-reduction in 3. Stage III : Irreversible phase or stage. There
C.O.P shock. is marked reduction in cardiac output. Is-
Hypovolemic Shock :Due to fluid and chemic cell death occurs in various organs
blood loss as severe bums, acute GE, ® Coma, progressive renal failure and ure-
trauma, where there is reduction in blood mia.
and plasma volume ® shock.
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Morphology : Multisystem failure Treatment:
• Lung - Diffuse alveolar damage and acute • Supportive therapy.
respiratory distress syndrome.
• Control of infection in septic shock.
• Heart - Sub endocardial and sub epicardial
haemorrhages and necroses. • Restoring fluid and electrolyte balance.

• Kidneys - Acute tubular necrosis. • Proper ventilation to prevent respiratory dis-

tress preventing renal shut down.
• Adrenals - Stress response with lipid deple-
tion. 8. Write about the preparation and use of
whole blood and blood components?
• Liver - Central haemorrhagic necrosis
Ans : Preparation and Selection of Blood Com-
ponents : Large refrigerated centrifuges are
to be used to prepare blood components
from whole blood. High speed centrifuga-
tion separates liquid plasma and different
cells (Red blood cells, white blood cells and
platelets). Preparations of various blood
components are used by using the follow-
ing centrifugations speed.
ATN Kidney (Shock kidney)

Preparation Minutes Speed

Packed red blood 5 5000×g
cells. (Heavy spin).

Cell free plasma 7 5000g

(cryoprecipitate). (Heavy×gspin).

Platelet rich 3 2000 ×g

plasma (PRP) ( Lightxg spin)

Protocol for Producing Blood Components:

• First whole blood unit (about 500 ml) is centrifuged by using a light spin.
• Upper portion containing platelet rich plasma (PRP), about 250 ml and it is to be collected in a
satellite bag.
• Lower portion containing red blood cells (RBCs) and it is to be collected in a primary bag.
• Portion containing platelet rich plasma (PRP) is to be centrifuged using heavy spin. Lower por-
tion contain about 200 ml of platelet poor plasma (PPP).
• 200 ml of platelet poor plasma may be used to make fresh frozen plasma (FFD) or returned to
the RBCs to make modified whole boold.
• The portion containing concentrated platelets (about 50 ml) is to be kept at room temperature
(25°C ± 5°C) as undisturbed to enhance platelet disaggregation.
• Continuous agitation of the platelet concentrate at controlled room temperature is necessary to
maintain optimum platelet function.
Medical Lab Technician

Selection of Blood Components: • There is a progressive loss of the labile co-

Whole Blood: agulation factor V and factor VII when blood
is stored at k°C to 6°C.
• It contains red blood cells and plasma.
9. What are the bones in upper extremity?
• Self life at 1°C to 6°C is 35 days (CPDA-1
anticoagulant) and 21 days (CPD, ACD or Ans : Upper extremity : The skeleton of the
CP2D anticoagulants) respectively. upper limbs or arm may be divided into five
main regions. An upper arm bone, the
• The platelet and granulocytes present in forearm (radius and ulna) the wrist the palm
whole blood are not active after 24 to 48 of the hand and the fingers.
hour storage at 1°C to 6°C. They require
immediate separation after blood collection
and specific storage conditions for storage
to maintain their viability and function.
a. Humerus: The humerus is the bone of the arm. It is the longest bone of the upper limb. It has
one upper end shaft and lower end.
i. Upper End:
• Head is directed medially, backwards and upwards. It articulates with glenoid cavity of the
scapula to form shoulder joint.
• Line separating the head from the rest of the upper end is called anatomical neck.
• Lesser tubercle is an elevation on the anterior aspect of upper end.
• Greater tubercle is an elevation that forms the lateral part of upper end.
• Intertubercular sulcus separates both the tubercles.
• Narrow line separating the upper end of humerus from shaft is called surgical neck.
• Anterior lateral surface consists of deltoid tuberosity, which is the insertion for deltoid muscle.
Behind the tuberosity, the radial groove runs downwards.

ii. Shaft :Shaft is rounded in the upper half and triangular in the lower half.

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Borders: c. Tubular secretion.

1. Anterior border. • Filtration is the function of the glomerulus,
2. Medial border. reabsorption and secretion are the functions
of tubular portion of Nephron
3. Lateral border.
1. Anterolateral surface (Lies between anterior
and lateral borders).
2. Anteriomedial surface (Lies between ante-
rior and medial borders).
3. Posterior surface (Lies between medial and
lateral borders).
iii. Lower End : It forms the condyle which ex-
pand from side to side articular parts: 1.
Capitulum, 2. Trochlea. The trochlea of the
humerus articulates with the ulna (and part
of the radius) at the elbow joint.
Non articular parts :
• Medial epicondyle.
• Lateral epicondyle.
The renal process, where the fluid in the blood
• Coronoid fossa is a depression just above is filtered across the capillaries of the glomeru-
the anterior aspect of the trochlea which ac- lus and into the urinary space of Bowman’s
commodates coronoid process of ulna, capsule.
when elbow is flexed.
1. Glomerular Filtrate: The filtrate or liquid that
• Radial fossa is a depression present just passes from the lumen of the glomerular cap-
above the anterior aspect of capitulum. illary to the space of Bowman’s capsule. Fil-
• Olecranon fossa lies just above the poste- tration takes place in the glomerulus and
rior aspect of trochlea. Bowman’s capsule and it is influenced by
various forces acting in opposite direction.
10. Explain the formation of urine?
Glomerular filtration is dependant on the
Ans : Formation of Urine/Mechanism of urine following pressures:
formation: Normally, about 1 . 5 - 2 liters
2. Hydrostatic Pressure: It is the pressure ex-
of urine is formed every day. Approximately,
erted by fluid on the walls of blood vessel. It
180 liters of filtrate is formed per day.
depends on the systemic arterial blood pres-
Among that 99% of the filtrate of urin is re- sure and helps to push fluid out of capillar-
absorbed, when it passes through the neph- ies.
ron. Urine formation involves three basic
3. Colloidal Osmotic Pressure: Colloidal os-
motic pressure is the force that draw's fluid
a. Glomerular filtration. due to the presence of plasma protein, es-
b. Tubular reabsorption and pecially albumin and colloids. It is exerted
by the plasma proteins and opposes the out-
Medical Lab Technician

ward movement of fluid. Normal value of GFR - 125 ml/min.

4. Bowmann's Capsule Pressure: Bowmann’s Factors Influencing Glomerular Filtration:
capsule resists the movement of fluid from
the blood vessel to exterior. • An increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure
enhances the effective filtration pressure.
Pressures in Normal Individuals:
• Colloidal osmotic pressure opposes the ef-
* Hydrostatic pressure 45 mm Hg. fective filtration at glomerulus.
* Colloidal osmatic pressure 25 mm Hg. • Bowman’s capsular pressure also opposes
* Bowmann’s capsular pressure 10 mm Hg the effective filtration.
Effective filtration pressure: • Rate of thickness of filtration membrane is
inversely proportional to effective filtration.
= Hydrostatic pressure - (Colloidal osmotic
pressure + Bowmann’s capsular pressure). • Rate of filtration depends on surface area.
= 45 - (25+10). Barriers of Filtration: There are two major
barriers for the process of filtration.
= 10mmHg.
a. Mechanical Barrier: The main mechanical
• In this process a protein-free filterate is barrier is the glomerular basement mem-
formed in proximal convoluted tubule called brane.
ultrafiltration. Filtration occurs through fil-
tration membrane . b. Electrical Barrier: Large negatively charged
particles are repelled by this barrier.
Layers of Filtration Membrane:
Measurement of Glomerular Filtration
* Endothelium of the glomerular capillary. Rate: Inulin clearance is used to measure glom-
* Basement membrane of capillary endothe- erular filtration rate.
lium. Properties of Substance and measuring
* Interstitial layer. Glomerular Filtration Rate:
* Epithelial lining of bowman’s capsule. • Should be filtered freely.
* Basement membrane of epithelial lining. • Should not be toxic.
- Although by the presence of this many lay- • Should not alter kidney functions.
ers filtration occurs because, the capillary Principle : Amount of Inulin filtered =
endothelium has pores termed as fenestrae. Amount of Inulin excreted.
Epithelial cells have foot processes having
gaps called slit pores.
( P ´ GFR ) = U ´ V
Glomerular Filtration Rate:
P = concentration of Inulin in plasma,
Definition: Glomerular filtration rate is the
volume of fluid filtered from the renal glom- u = concentration of Inulin in urine,
erular capillaries into the Bowman’s capsule per v = volume of urine produced in unit time.
unit time.
Urine concentration×urine flow i.e., GFR =
Value of GFR= P
Plasma concentration
Creatinine Clearance:
Glomerular filtration rate is 125 ml/min and
amounts to 180 L/day.
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• It is also used to estimate glomerular filtra- a. In Proximal Convoluted Tubule:
tion rate.
• 65% of Na+ reabsorption takes place
• Filtered load = GFR × Plasma concentra- through active transport.
tion of solute.
• Water because of the solute gradient follows
Variations in Glomerular Filtration Rate: Glom- the Na+
erular Filtration Rate is reduced due to fall in
blood pressure below 60 mm Hg as in circula- • Cotransported with Na+ are glucose and
tory shock, emotion, pain, cold and loss of amino acids, K+, Ca, chlorides and bicar-
blood. bonates.

Glomerular Filtration Rate is increased, when • Cations crosses the membrane through
extracellular fluid and blood volume are in- cotransport mechanism, while anions
creased. transfer through passive diffusion.

Renal Clearance : It is the volume of plasma • Urea and lipid soluble solutes gets diffused
from which the substance is completely re- passively across electrochemical gradient.
moved by both kidneys in unit time • Proteines are absorbed through endocytosis
Mass of the substance b. In Loop of Henle:
excreted in unit time • Water moves along with NaCl as a concu
Clearance of a substance =
Plasma concetration rrent mechanism.
of substance. • Na+ and chloride are the common ions
Urea Clearance: It is the volume of plasma reabsorbed at loop of henle.
from which urea is removed in one min. c. In Distal Convoluted Tubule:
B. TUBULAR REABSORPTION • Here, the reabsorption depends on the
The filtrate contains physiologically useful hormones.
substances namely glucose, amino acids, • Aldosterone promotes the excretion of K+
bicarbonates, phosphates, potassium and and reabsorption of Na+,Aldosterone
water which are absorbed in different parts mediated active transport cotransports H+,
of nephron. K+,Hco and C1‘ions and Antiduretic
Tubular Reabsorption occurs by two types: hormone activates the reabsorption of
• Active Reabsorption: It is the movement of
molecules against the electrochemical gra- Collecting Duct: Urea in response to the
dient (up hill). This needs expenditure of concentration gradient and water in
energy which is derived from Adenosine response to ADH is absorbed
* Passive Reabsorption: In this, molecules • In addition to reabsorption from renal tu-
move along the electrochemical (down hill) bules some substances are also secreted into
gradient. lumen from peritubular capillaries through
This process does not need energy. Sub- the tubular epithelial cells known as tubular
stances like chloride, urea and water are secretion or excretion.
reabsorbed passively The substances that are not required such
Site of Reabsorption: as foreign materials such as drugs (pencillin,

Medical Lab Technician


aspirin), which are not filtered from the skeleton embedded in it(sometimes also
blood are excreted from the body in the called bony pelvis or pelvic skeleton).
form of urine.
The pelvic region of the trunk includes the
H+, K+, creatinine, ammonium ion, marine bony pelvis, the pelvic cavity (the space
drugs moves from the blood through the enclosed by the bony pelvis), the pelvic floor
tubular wall into the filtrate. below the pelvic cavity, and the perineum
11. Write about human pelvis? below the pelvic floor.
Ans : Pelvic Girdle (Human Pelvis) : In human The pelvic skeleton is formed in the area of
anatomy, the pelvis (plural pelves) is either the back, by the sacrum and the coccyx and
the lower part of the trunk, between the anteriorly and to the left and right sides, by
abdomen and the thighs (sometimes also a pair of hip bones. The two hip bones
called pelvic region of the trunk), or the connect the spine with the lower limbs.

They are attached to the sacrum posteriorly, connected to each other anteriorly, and joined with
the two femurs at the hip joints.
The gap enclosed by the bony pelvis, called the pelvic cavity, is the section of the body underneath
the abdomen and mainly consists of the reproductive organs (sex organs) and the rectum.
Difference between male and female pelvis:
The female pelvis is adapted for pregnancy and child birth. It differs from male pelvis in the
following aspects:
• Bones are lighter and smoother.
• Body of pubis is broad and square.
• Pubic arch is wider.
• Pelvic cavity is broad and round.
• Sacrum is short and wide, coccyx is more movable.

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Difference between male and female pelvic bone:

Bony Pelvis Male Female
General structure. Thick and heavy. Thin and light.
Greater pelvis (pelvis major). Deep. Shallow.
Lesser pelvis (pelvis minor). Narrow and deep. Wide and shallow.
Pelvic inlet Heart-shaped. Oval or rounded.
(superior pelvic aperture).
Pelvic outlet Comparatively small. Comparatively large.
(inferior pelvic aperture).
Pubic arch and Narrow (<70°). Wide (>80°).
subpubic angle (A).
Obturator foramen. Round. Oval.
Acetabulum. Large. Small

Structure of the Hip Bone (or) Innominate age. The head of the femur articulates with the
bone: acetabulum to form the hip joint.
The hip bone is made up of the three parts: a. Ilium:
a. Ilium • The superior part of the hip bone is formed
by the ilium, the widest and largest of the
b. Ischium and
three parts.
c. Pubis.
The body of the ilium forms as the superior
Prior to puberty, the triradiate cartilage sepa- part of the acetabulum. Immediately above
rates these constituents. At the age of 15-17, the acetabulum, the ilium expands to form
the three parts begin to fuse. Their fusion forms the wing (or) ala.
a cup-shaped socket known as the acetabulum,
• The wing of the ilium has two surfaces. The
which becomes complete at 20- 25 years of
inner surface is concave, and known as the
iliac fossa, providing origin to the iliacus
Medical Lab Technician

muscle. The external surface is convex, and

Ans : Blood volume and variations : The aver-
provides attachments to the gluteal muscles.
age volume of blood in a normal adult is 5
Hence it is known as the gluteal surface.
• The superior margin of the wing is thick-
• Females have a lower blood volume than
ened, forming the iliac crest. It extends from
the anterior superior iliac spine to the pos-
terior superior iliac spine Physiological Variations: Blood volume in-
creases during pregnancy and after meals
b. The Ischium:
and decreases on prolonged standing.
* The posteroinferior part of the hip bone is
Pathological Variations : Blood volume
formed by the ischium. Much like the pu-
increases in polycythemia and cardiac fail-
bis, it is composed of a body, an inferior
ure and decreases after hemorrhage, bums
and a superior ramus.
and diarrhoea.
* The inferior ischial ramus combines with the
Composition of blood :
inferior pubic ramus forming the ischiopu-
bic ramus, which encloses part of the obtu- Blood contains a nonliving fluid matrix
rator foramen. The posteroinferior aspect (plasma) in which living cells (formed ele-
of the ischium forms the ischial tuberosities ments) are suspended. Blood contains 55%
and when sitting, it is on this tuberosities on of plasma and 45% of formed elements.
which our body weight falls. On the poste- * Plasma is over 90% of water. It also con-
rior aspect of the ischium there is an inden- tains electrolytes (salts), plasma proteins, and
tation known as the greater sciatic notch, substances transported by blood (i.e. nutri-
with the ischial spine at its most inferior edge, ents, hormones, etc.).
c. The Pubis: * The three types of formed elements are
• The pubis is the most anterior portion of Erythrocytes (RBCs), Leukocytes (WBCs),
the hip bone. It consists of a body and su- and Platelets.
perior and inferior rami (branches). BLOOD pH
• The body is located medially, articulating It is a connective tissue in fluid form. Due to
with its opposite pubic body, at the pubic the presence of haemoglobin, blood is red
symphysis. in colour. pH is 7.4, Specific gravity is 1.055
• The superior rami extends laterally from the - 1.065.
body, forming part of the acetabulum. The FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD
inferior rami projects towards and joins the
ischium. Blood has three main functions: Transport,
Protection and Regulation.
• Together, the two rami enclose part of the
obturator foramen, through which the ob- a. Transport: Blood transports the following
turator nerve, artery and vein pass through substances:
to reach the lower limb. • Gases namely oxygen (02) and carbon di-
12. What is the composition & function of oxide (CO), between the lungs and rest of
blood. the body.
1. Anticoagulanta • Nutrients from the digestive tract and stor-
age sites to the rest of the body.
2. Blood cell count.

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• Waste products to be detoxified or removed • Plasma proteins govern the distribution of

by the liver and kidneys. water between the blood and tissue fluid by
producing what is known as a colloid os-
• Hormones from the glands in which they motic pressure.
are produced to their target cells.
There are three major categories of plasma
• Heat to the skin to regulate body tempera- proteins and each individual type of pro-
ture. teins has its own specific properties and func-
b. Protection : Blood has several roles in in- tions in addition to their overall collective
flammation: role:
• Leukocytes or white blood cells, destroy in- a. Albumins, which are the smallest and most
vading microorganisms and cancer cells. abundant plasma proteins.
• Antibodies and other proteins destroy • Reductions in plasma albumin content can
pathogenic substances. result in a loss of fluid from the blood and a
gain of fluid in the interstitial space.
• Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and
help to minimise blood loss. • Albumin also helps many substances to dis-
solve in the plasma by binding to them.
c. Regulation: Blood helps to regulate:
b. Globulins, which can be subdivided into
• pH by interacting with acids and bases.
three classes from smallest to largest in mo-
• Water balance by transferring water to and lecular weight into alpha, beta and gamma
from tissues. globulins. The globulins include High Den-
sity Lipoproteins (HDL), an alpha- 1 globu-
lin, and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), a
Blood plasma is a mixture of proteins, en- beta-1 globulin.
zymes, nutrients, wastes, hormones and
• HDL functions in lipid transport carrying fats
gases. The specific composition and func-
to cells for use in energy metabolism, mem-
tion of its components are as follows:
brane reconstruction and hormone func-
These are the most abundant substances in • ADLs also appear to prevent cholesterol
plasma by weight and play a part in a vari- from invading and settling in the walls of
ety of roles including clotting, defence and arteries LDL carries cholesterol and fats to
transport. tissues for use in manufacturing steroid hor-
• They are important reserve supply of amino mones and building cell membranes, but it
acids for cell nutrition. also favours the deposition of cholesterol in
arterial walls and thus, appears to play a role
• Plasma proteins also serve as carriers for in disease of the blood vessels and heart.
other molecules.
c. Fibrinogen, which is a soluble precursor of
• The proteins also help to keep the blood a sticky protein called fibrin, which forms
slightly basic at a stable pH. They do this by the framework of blood clot. Fibrin plays a
functioning as weak bases themselves to bind key role in coagulation of blood.
excess H" ions.
• The plasma proteins interact in specific ways
to cause the blood to coagulate.

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