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Journal ofSound and Vibration (1988) 127(l), 155-171




Department of Engineering Mechanics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.

(Received 4 March 1988, and in revised form 8 June 1988)

The first known results are presented for the free vibration frequencies of simply
supported rectangular plates subjected to a pair of oppositely directed concentrated forces,
each acting normal to an edge. The forces may be either tensile or compressive. Buckling
results are obtained as special cases when the frequencies become zero. Initial, in-plane
stresses arising within the plate are determined by two methods, one utilizing a standard
finite element procedure, and another which takes the plane elasticity solution for a
point-loaded circular disk as fundamental and eliminates the residuals along the rec-
tangular boundaries by finite elements. Vibration and buckling problems are solved by
the Ritz method, where the initial stresses obtained previously are introduced into the
proper potential energy functional, and transverse displacements in the form of a double
sine series are assumed. Buckling loads and vibration frequencies are determined for three
plate aspect ratios (a/b = O-5, 1,2) and at least two different load location points in each
case (middle or quarter points along opposite edges). Comparisons of buckling loads with
previously published, less accurate results are made, where possible. Tensile force buckling
loads are also obtained, for which no previously published results have been found.


One can find in the order of 100 references in the published literature which deal with
the free vibrations of rectangular plates subjected to in-plane, initial stresses. However,
in nearly all of them the in-plane stresses are assumed to be caused by uniform normal
stresses applied to the boundaries. This simplifies the problem in two ways: (1) solution
of the plane elasticity problem to determine the internal stress field is trivial (it is constant
throughout the plate) and (2) the resulting partial differential equation of motion has
constant coefficients, yielding the possibility of an exact solution which also satisfies the
boundary conditions.
Cases of practical interest arise when the in-plane stresses are caused by concentrated
forces acting along the boundaries. However, the problems then are typically quite difficult
to solve, for the initial stress fileds, vary drastically and contain singularities. No free
vibration solutions for such cases are known to exist in the published literature.
If the in-plane concentrated forces are compressive, the free vibration frequencies will
be expected to decrease as the forces are increased. If the forces are increased sufficiently
so that the lowest frequency approaches zero, the resulting forces will have reached their
critical values, which correspond to the onset of buckling. Thus, the buckling problem
may be considered as a special case of the free vibration problem.
0022-460X/88/220155+17 $03.00/O 0 1988 Academic Press Limited


Figure 1. Simply supported

rectangular plate subjected

to a pair of in-plane concentrated forces.

A number of researchers have attempted to solve the buckling problem for a rectangular
plate having all four sides simply supported, subjected to a pair of concentrated forces
acting upon opposite edges (see Figure 1, with c = b/2). As early as 1906 a solution was
presented by Sommerfeld [l] for the plate of in$nite length. This was used to represent
the web of a long I-beam subjected to oppositely directed concentrated forces acting
normal to the top and bottom flanges. However, the initial stresses assumed within the
plate were grossly inaccurate. Shortly afterwards, in 1910, Timoshenko [2] arrived at the
same result by means of an energy method, setting the work done by the two forces as
they approach each other equal to the strain energy within the plate during buckling.
The same results were also published subsequently by Fillipov [3] and Lur’ye [4].
A more accurate approach was taken by Leggett [5]. He was able to solve the plane
elasticity problem reasonably accurately to determine the initial stresses due to the
concentrated forces. However, the boundary conditions of zero normal stresses along the
sides (i.e., a, = 0 at x = 0, a in Figure 1) could only be satisfied on the average, rather
than at all points. The subsequent buckling problem was treated by a series method, and
a critical value of P considerably higher (29%) than the one determined previously by
others was obtained in the case of a square plate loaded centrally upon opposite edged.
Although recognizing the greater accuracy of Leggett’s work, Hopkins [6] subsequently
followed Timoshenko’s approach to analyze the buckling of infinite plates having more
than a single pair of concentrated forces along their edges. Yamaki [7,8] devoted
considerable effort to the problem, which was summarized in a series of three published
reports. The first two [7] took the same assumptions made by Sommerfeld and Timoshenko
and used different procedures to arrive at the same results. However, in the third report
[8] an accurate initial stress field was utilized, and buckling loads somewhat higher than
those of Leggett were obtained (6% for a/b = 1).
A new approach to the buckling problem which did not require solving the plane
elasticity problem beforehand was set forth by Alfutov and Balabukh [9, lo]. Here the
stretching of the plate middle surface during buckling deformation was considered, and
the non-linear von K&man equations were used to take into account the compatibility
of the middle surface strains. A single-term approximate solution of the non-linear
equations gave reasonable results [9] for the point-loaded square plate. A similar pro-
cedure, yielding the same result, was also presented by Spencer and Surjanhata [ll].
Other numerical solutions are also available for the problem [ll-131. The problem of
the plate having three sides simply supported, two of the opposite sides being point-loaded,
and the fourth edge clamped, was analyzed by Nowacki [14], who ignored the plane
elasticity problem; however, no numerical results were obtained.
The primary purpose of the present paper is to present the first known results for the
free vibration frequencies of a simply supported rectangular plate subjected to a pair of
oppositely directed in-plane concentrated forces, as depicted in Figure 1. Besides the
case of centrally loacted loads (c/b = O-5), other loading configurations are to be con-
sidered. The initial stress field for each loading situation is determined by a finite element
procedure, although proper solutions accounting for the singularities are found to be
necessary to obtain accurate results. Vibration frequencies are found by using this
information together with the Ritz method. Critical buckling loads are also determined
for the various loading cases and, where possible, are compared with the results of
previous researchers.


The plane elasticity problem depicted in Figure 1 (i.e., boundaries completely stress
free, except at concentrated forces, where the normal stresses become infinite) has no
exact solution. Various approximate methods (e.g., Ritz-Galerkin, series, finite differences,
finite elements) may be used to deal with this problem. All of them require large numbers
of simultaneous, linear equations which must be solved in order to obtain accurate results
and, if properly formulated, will converge towards the exact results as sufficient numbers
of degrees of freedom (either discrete or modal) are employed.
Fortunately, the initial stresses do not have to be determined as accurately as if stress
analysis (i.e., predicting failure due to in-plane stresses) alone were the goal. The vibration
and buckling analyses utilize energy functionals which involve only the integrals of the
stresses over the plate area, rather than values at discrete points. Thus, small inaccuracies
in the stresses on a point-by-point basis may be acceptable, and will tend to yield smaller
inaccuracies in the vibration frequencies and buckling loads calculated subsequently.
Two finite element approaches were used to analyze the problem. The first is quite
straightforward, with the plate divided into a 40 x 40 mesh of rectangular, isoparametric,
four-noded, finite elements. For the present class of problems, one axis of symmetry is
always present, and only one-half of the plate is needed, reducing the mesh size to 20 x 40.
In the case of the centrally located forces (c/b = 0*5), the problem has two-fold symmetry,
requiring only one-fourth of the plate and a 20 x 20 mesh size. However, comparing the
results obtained for this relatively fine mesh with those of coarser meshes indicated that
the resulting stresses were not sufficient accurate, particularly in the vicinities of the
concentrated forces, to permit accurate calculation of vibration frequencies and buckling
The second method eliminates the stress singularities at the concentrated forces from
the finite element solution by superimposing a well-known plane elasticity solution which
represents the singularities exactly. This is depicted in Figure 2. There one sees a circular
disk of diameter a subjected to two concentrated forces. The exact solutions for the
circular disk with stress-free boundaries (except, of course, at the point forces) is the
superposition of two solutions for point forces acting upon infinite half-planes and a
uniform, hydrostatic stress (cf. [15], pp. 122-123). This solution is expressed quite simply
in terms of bipolar co-ordinates with origins at the force application points. However, in
terms of the rectangular X-Y co-ordinates depicted in Figure 2, it may still be written
in closed form as

Figure 2. Circular


disk with concentrated

forces related

to rectangular plate boundary.

(f-x>3a (;+x>

i 1


It is clear that, at the singular point X = a/2, Y = 0 where the concentrated forces act,
a, and oy both become infinitely large in compression. What happens at this point for
r._ is not so clear, but if one approaches it carefully, it is found that r,, also becomes
The stress field for the point-loaded circular disk given by equations (1) is valid outside
of the circular boundary (indeed, to infinity in all directions), as well as inside it. This
stress field is evaluated along the boundaries of the desired rectangular plate (shown as
dashed lines in Figure 2). The plate subjected to the negatives of these stresses is then
analyzed by the finite element method, using the same mesh size as before, and the
resulting stress field is added to that of equations (1). This results in stress-free boundaries
for the rectangular plate.
In Figure 3-5 values of the non-dimensional stresses axah/ P, u,,ah/ P and T,,ah/ P are
shown for a sixteenth of the plate area which is in the vicinity of the concentrated force.
The portion of the plate examined is bounded by the lines X = a/4, a/2 and Y = 0, a/4.
These representative results are for a square plate loaded centrally in tension. Two values
of stress are written into each of the 100 square subdomains. The bottom value is obtained
by the first method, using only finite elements. The top value is found by the second
method, using finite elements to correct the boundary residuals from the elasticity solution.
Numbers shown may be regarded as the values at the centers of the subdomains.

0.76 0.67 0.57 0.45 0.33 0.22 0.13 0.m 0.01 0.00
0.76 0.67 0.57 0.45 0.33 0.22 0.12 0.05 0.01 0.00

0.94 0.64 0.73 0.60 0.45 0.31 0.16 0.06 0.02

0.94 0.65 0.73 0.60 0.45 0.30 0.17 0.06 0.02


2.521 2.661 2.671 3.071 3.25) 3.35) 3.23) 2.801 1:; 0.16
2.52 2.66 2.67 3.07 3.26 3.42 3.37 2.79 0.39

2.65 3.13 3.49 3.96 4.62 5.55 6.96 9.32 13.46 16.16
2.63 3.10 3.45 3.91 4.54 5.42 6.74 6.69 12.75 19.66

Figure 3. Values of uxah/P in critical portion of square plate near concentrated force.

Magnitudes of these numbers may be compared with the average stress &ah/P = 1, which
occurs along the symmetry plane, X = 0.
It is seen that close agreement exists between results from the two methods except in
the close vicinity of P. Values outside of this one-sixteenth portion of the plate agree
even more closely. Differences between the two solutions may be attributed largely to
the necessity of representing the point load by a distributed one, albeit acting over a very
small area, for the simple finite element analysis. The infinitely large aY at the point load
is seen in Figure 4 to decrease very rapidly as one moves away from it, and to change
from tension to compression. The maximum compressive value of a,ah/P due to the
tensile forces P is -0.60, which occurs at the plate center.


With the in-plane stresses known from the plane stress analysis, as described in the
preceding section, the vibration frequencies and buckling loads can be determined by
means of the classical Ritz method. With the transverse displacement w of a freely
vibrating plate described by
w(x, y, 1) = W(x, y) sin or (2)

a/2 /Portion below

P P-_-X



Figure 4. Values of uyah/P in critical portion of square plate near concentrated force.

where w is the circular frequency, the energy functional to be minimzed is T,,.,,, VITlax,
where T,,,,, is the maximum kinetic energy during a vibratory cycle,


p being the mass per unit volume and h the plate thickness, and
Vmax= vs+ VL, (4)
where Vs is the potential energy of the plate due to bending deformation (i.e., strain
energy) which, for simply supported boundaries, simplifies to
CJ b
vs=; (V2 W)2 dx dy, (5)
II0 0
and where V, is the potential energy of the internal stresses caused by the in-plane loading,

In equations (5) D is the well-known plate flexural rigidity
D= Eh3/12(1 - Y’) (7)

-0.12 -0.16 -0.20 -0.27 -0.56 -0.56 -090 -1.6, -4.02 -10.41

Figure 5. Values of T,,ah/P in critical portion of square plate near concentrated force.

where E is Young’s modulus, h is the plate thickness, v is Poisson’s ratio, V2 is the

Laplacian operator, and a,, a,,, 7Xyare the internal stresses, as determined in the preceding
For a rectangular plate having all its edges simply supported, the boundary conditions
of zero displacement and zero bending moment are exactly satisfied by choosing displace-
ment functions as

W(x,y)= z F C,.sinysiny
In=, n=,
with the co-ordinate origin being taken in one comer of the plate (see Figure 1). In
addition to satisfying all the boundary conditions, these functions have the advantages
of being (1) easily differentiable and integrable, for use in equations (3), (5) and (6); (2)
orthogonal over the plate intervals 0 G x s a, 0 4 y G b, thereby further simplifying the
computations; and (3) a complete set as M and N are increased to infinity, guaranteeing
convergence to the exact results as M and N are increased.
The Ritz minimizing equations are written as

a( Tmax
- VrncJIGj = 0 (i=1,2,... ,M;j=1,2 ,..., N), (9)

which yields a characteristic determinant in the well-known manner, the eigenvalues of

which are the non-dimensional vibration frequencies. Buckling loads are determined as
the eigenvalues of the characteristic determinant when w = 0.
The vibration and buckling mode shapes for the plate loaded as in Figure 1 all have
one axis (x = a/2) of symmetry or antisymmetry. Thus, the integers m and i in equations
(8) and (9), respectively, are only odd (m, i = 1,3,5, . . . ) for the symmetric modes and
onlyeven(m,i=2,4,6 ,... ) for the antisymmetric modes. If the concentrated forces (P)
should also be located centrally (c = b/2), then this line of action becomes an additional
axis of symmetry or antisymmetry, with corresponding additional separation ofthe integers
n and j into odd and even sets for computational purposes.
It will be seen that non-dimensional buckling loads P,,b/D and non-dimensional
vibration frequencies wa2m do not depend upon the value of Poisson’s ratio for
the plate material when all edges are simply supported, because of the simplified form
of the strain energy functional required in equation (5). However, both non-dimensional
parameters contain the flexural stiffness (D), which does depend upon V.Thus, one may
solve the eigenvalue problem in either case independently of V,but calculation of P,, or
w requires specifying v.


The transverse displacement functions given by equation (8) form a mathematically

complete set. Thus, as more terms of the double series are taken, the desired eigenvalues
(i.e., buckling loads and vibration frequencies) will become closer to the exact values
and, if the in-plane stresses were known exactly, would achieve the exact values as a
doubly infinite number of terms is taken (M = N = co). Moreover, because of well-known
characteristics of the Ritz minimization procedure, all eigenvalues obtained will be upper
bounds on the exact values. Thus, convergence will be monotonic from above. The only
remaining factor of concern is: How rapidly do the eigenvalues converge as additional
terms are taken? Or, put in another way: How closely can a relatively few terms of the
series in equation (8) approximate the exact buckling or vibration mode shapes?
Consider first the buckling problem. Table 1 gives values of the nondimensional critical
buckling load P,,b/ D for a square plate (a/b = 1) loaded centrally (c/b = 0.5) by
oppositely directed concentrated forces for different numbers of terms retained in the
analysis. In addition to the upper limits of the summations (A4 and N) used in equation
(8). Table 1 shows the order of the eigenvalue determinant which results in each case.
This particular problem is one having two-fold symmetry, requiring m and n to be only
odd numbers for the critical mode shape, which is also doubly symmetric. Thus, C,,,, = 0
in equation (8) for m, n = 2,4, . . . , and the size of the eigenvalue determinant evaluated
is considerably smaller than the determinant of order M x N which would result if no


Convergence of non-dimensional buckling loads P,,.b/ D for a/b = 1,


M N 3, 3 5, 5 7, 7 9, 9
Determinant order 4 9 16 25
P,b Finite element 25.712 25.707 25.706 25.705
D Elastic and F.E. 25.828 25.815 25.814 25.814
symmetry were present. Results in Table 1 are given for the case when the initial stresses
are determined by the finite element method alone and also when the elasticity solution
is used, and finite elements are used only to eliminate the residuals. It is observed that
the Ritz method converges rapidly to the buckling loads for both cases, achieving
reasonably accurate values with only fourth order determinants. The effect of inaccuracy
in knowing the initial stresses is also seen. The solution depending upon finite elements
alone for the initial stresses is found to be O-4 percent too low. Plane stress solutions
utilizing both the singular plane elasticity and finite element analysis will therefore be
used for all subsequent results presented in this work.
Convergence of the eigenvectors, as well as the relative contributions of the additional
Fourier components to the buckling mode shapes, may be observed in Table 2. Thus the
eigenvectors corresponding to the elasticity solution of Table 1 are presented, components
c,,,, being defined as C,,,,/ Cll. All c,,,, not appearing are zero. Values of c,,,, for the
9 x 9 solution are the same as those of the M, N = 7,7 solution for the number of decimal
places shown or, for those &n of the 9, 9 solution having m or n equal to nine, are less
than 6 x 10W5.It is seen that the 5, 5 solution has converged to the 7, 7 and 9,9 solutions
for the four decimal places shown. It is also clear from Table 2 that adding terms in the
x-direction (m) is more important than in the y-direction (n). Thus the deviation of the
buckled mode shape from that for uniform loading (m = n = 1, only) is greatest in the
direction of loading. However, none of the additional terms required are large, the largest
being C,, , which is only 3 percent of C,, .


Convergence of eigenvectors for buckling, a/b = 1, c/b = 0.5

Eigenvector I
components 393 535 797 939

c,, 1 .oooo 1~0000 1 .oooo

Same as
G -0.0125 -0.0126 -0.0126
c3, 0.0290 0.0294 0.0294
C-33 -0.0048 -0*0050 -0.0050
o*oOOo 0~0000
0*0003 0*0003
C-5’ 0.0014 0.0014
c-53 -0*0009 -o@OQ9
G 0~0002 0*0002

q7 -0~0000
c-37 -04000
C-57 -04000
c77 -0~0000 \

Table 3 shows the convergence of the non-dimensional frequencies oa2m for the
same configuration used above (a/b = 1, c/b = 0*5), subjected to a set of compressive
forces equal to one-half of the buckling values (P/P,, = O-5). Values of the lowest 11
frequencies are given. The corresponding mode shape in each case is identified by its
mode number (mn), which corresponds to the largest non-dimensional eigenvector com-
ponent C,, . It is seen that excellent convergence for the first 11 frequencies is obtained


Convergence of non-dimensional frequencies wa2Jm for

a/b=l, c/b=O*5, P/P,..=@5

M, N
(mn) 393 5,5 7,7
11 14.028 14.027 14.027
21 39.648 39.618 39.617
12 49.325 49.319 49.317
22 76.172 76.760 76.756
31 87.836 87.788 87.785
13 99.178 99.171 99.170
32 125.11 125.06 125.06
23 126.13 125.89 125.89
41 t 157.00 157.00
14 t 168.52 168.52
33 173.89 173.73 173.72

t Only nine frequencies arise in the M, N = 3,3 solution.

from a 5,5 solution. Even more remarkable is the good convergence of all nine frequencies
obtained from the 3,3 solution. As P/P,, decreases, one would expect the convergence
to improve, for with P/P,, = 0 the results would all be exact, with a single C,,,, required
for each mode. Conversely, as P/P,, increases, one may expect the convergence of
vibration frequencies to be less rapid.

Before examining the effects of concentrated forces upon the vibration frequencies of
a plate for a particular loading configuration, it is desirable to determine the critical (i.e.,
lowest) value of load which causes buckling. Because in the present study the behavior
of a plate in its postbuckled state is not investigated, it is necessary to keep the applied
forces below their critical values in the subsequent vibration analysis.
As described previously, non-dimensional buckling loads arise as eigenvalues from the
analysis if one sets o = 0. The lowest value is taken to be the critical load. For some
configurations this will be for the 11 mode (m, n = l,,l), for others it will be another
mode. Numerical results were obtained for a number of problems of interest by taking
M, N = 5,5 which, according to the previously described convergence study, gives accurate
Table 4 presents values of the non-dimensional critical buckling load P,,b/ D for three
aspect ratios (a/b = 1,0*5,2) and for concentrated loads loacted at the mid-point (c/b =
0.5) and at the quarter-point (c/b = 0.25). In addition, results are presented for the square
plate having loads loacted very close to one side (c/b = 0.1). Buckling loads arising from
M, N = 5,5 are typically presented, for those serve also as the bases for subsequent
vibration results, although data from more accurate solutions are also given for some of
the problems. The buckling parameter P,,b/D is calculated independently of Poisson’s
As expected, the forces required to buckle a plate simply supported along all four
edges increase as they leave the midpoints of the sides and move towards an edge. The
energy approach to the problem used by Timoshenko [2] would require the buckling
forces to become infinite as they approach the lateral edge (i.e., c/b-*0). However, that
is clearly unrealistic.


Non-dimensional buckling loads P,,b/ D

for van’ous aspect ratios and load loca-

alb c/b Pub/D

1 0.50 25.814t
1 0.25 37.000
1 0.10 48.618

0.5 0.5 30.061 t

O-5 0.25 38.2821

2 0.50 28.523$
2 0.25 36.954t

t Data from 7,7 solution.

$ Data from 9,9 solution.

The data listed in Table 4 may be compared with that for simply supported plates
subjected to uniformly distributed loading along two opposite edges. For the latter problem
a simple, exact solution exists, and the non-dimensional critical force is obtained from
(cf., [16], pp. 352-353)

CT= r2

Here, as before, m is the number of half-sine waves of the buckling mode in the direction
of loading. For a/b = 1, equation (10) yields P,,b/ D = 47r2 = 39.478. Thus, Table 4 shows
that a square plate loaded centrally by two point forces buckles with only 66 percent of
the load which could be withstood if it were uniformly distributed. For a/b = 0.5, equation
(10) yields P,,b/ D = 6-25~~ = 61.685, whereas the point-loaded plate withstands only 50
per cent as much. For a/b = 2, equation (10) once again yields P,,.b/ D = 39.478, because
the critical mode occurs for m = 2. For this plate, which is relatively long in the direction
of loading, a, is nearly uniform along the centerline (x = a/2). Then one can regard the
problem as being equivalent to a square plate, simply supported along all four edges,
with a central, concentrated force along one edge and the aforementioned, nearly uniform
a, along the opposite edge. Table 4 shows that the configuration withstands 72 per cent
as much load before buckling as does the plate having both edges uniformly loaded.
A comparison of the present results for the centrally loaded, square plate with those
of previous researchers is made in Table 5. It is seen that the relatively simple energy
approach to the problem set forth by Timoshenko [2] (see also reference [ 161, pp. 387-389)
gives a critical load which is 28 percent too low. Conversely, the relatively complicated
approach of Alfutov and Balabukh [9], which takes into account the midplane strains
during loading yields a critical load within 1 percent of the exact value. The result of
P,,b/D = 30.061 for a/b = O-5, c/b = 0.5, in Table 4 may be compared with values of
29.7 obtained by Leggett [5] and by Yamaki [8], each using different methods. Yamaki
used a series method solution for the in-plane stresses and the Ritz method for the
buckling problem, but both parts of the analysis were carried out with fewer terms than
the present work.
It should also be remarked here that it is truly unfortunate that Timoshenko’s method
is not reliable for the practical needs of determining reasonably accurate buckling loads


Comparison of buckling loads obtainedfrom various

sources (a/b= 1, c/b=O*5)

Source P,bl D
Present work 25.81
Timoshenko and others [ 1,2,7] 18.9
Leggett [ 51 24.2
Yamaki [8] 25.7
Alfutov and Balabukh [9] 26.3
Romanenko [ 121 26.6
Damkilde [ 131 25.6

for plates subjected to concentrated forces, for it is much easier to use than any of the
other methods employed, including the present one.


Free vibration frequencies were calculated for simply supported rectangular plates
having three aspect ratios (a/b = 0*5,1,2) and various locations of point loading. Initial
stresses derived from the superimposed plane elasticity and finite element solutions,
described earlier, were used for the potential energy functionals. Based upon the conver-
gence studies described earlier, a 5,5 solution (i.e., M = 5, N = 5 in equation (8)) was
deemed sufficiently accurate. Results were obtained in terms of the non-dimensional
frequency parameter oa’m, which is independent of Poisson’s ratio for this class
of problems.
The variation of frequency with concentrated in-plane force may be observed in the
solid line curves of Figure 6. There the non-dimensional frequency o/w0 is plotted versus
the non-dimensional force P/Per for a square plate (a/b = 1) loaded centrally (c/b = 0.5).
o,, is the fundamental (i.e., lowest) frequency of the unloaded plate, which may be found
from the exact formula (cf. [17], p. 44)

o,a2@QD = 7~’[ m2+n2 ($‘I, (11)

where m and n are the number of half-sine waves in the x and y directions, respectively.
Thus, for the square plate, w,a*m = 27r2 = 19.7392. P,, is the critical (i.e., lowest)
buckling load for the plate having the concentrated forces in the specified locations. Thus,
for the curves of Figure 6, the value Per = 25*8140/b taken from Table 4 is appropriate.
The abscissa of Figure 6 ranges from large tensile values of P( P/ P,, = -1) to large
compressive values (P/Per = +l). The six solid line curves shown are the six lowest
frequencies of the plate in the prescribed loading range. The double integers mn attached
to each curve identify the numbers of half-waves in the x and y directions. For no loading
(P/P,, = 0), the half-waves are exactly sine functions. For other P/P,,, mn denotes the
sominant term (i.e., largest eigenvector component) of the double series given in equation
(8). Accurate numerical values of w,,a’m corresponding to Figure 6 are given in
Table 6.
Figure 6 shows that compressive forces typically decrease the frequencies, and tensile
forces increase them, which is as expected. Also as expected, the slopes of the curves
typically increase negatively with increasing P/P,,. Thus, if the plate were constrained


Figure 6. w/w,, versus P/P,, for a/b = I, c/b = 0.5. -, Point loading; - - -, uniform loading.

Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa2m versus P/P,, for a/b = 1,
c/b = 0.5

PI per
Mode I --.a
(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

11 27.751 24.094 19.739 14.027 0

21 63.824 57.180 49.348 39.618 25.875
12 49.369 49.364 49.348 49.319 49.276
22 83.112 81.072 78.957 76.760 74,471
31 115.955 107.953 98.696 87.788 74.503
13 97.705 98,207 98.696 99.171 99.63 1

from buckling in its 11 mode (simply by adding a knife-edge support across its center),
P/P,, could be increased beyond unity, and the plate would eventually buckle in its 21
mode as w2, reduces to zero.
The dashed line curves of Figure 6 are those for the plate if it were uniformly loaded.
The squares of the non-dimensional frequencies may in this case be calculated from the
exact formula (cf. [17], p. 277)
w2a4ph/D=~4[m2+n2(a/b)2]2-(Z%/D)(a/b)2m2~2, (12)
where P = u,bh is now the compressive force, and uX is the uniform compressive stress,
acting upon the two ends. By utilizing equation (ll), the above may be rewritten as


where again P,,b/D is the critical buckling parameter for the plate, and w,, is the
fundamental frequency of the unloaded plate. For the dashed line curves of Figure 6, P,,
is taken to be the critical load of the point-loaded plate, and values of P,,b/ D are taken
from Table 4.
If equation (13) were used to plot (w/wO)’ versus P/P,,, the resulting curves would
all be straight lines. The corresponding curves of w/w0 shown in Figure 6 are nearly
straight over the range - 1 S P/ PC,s 1, but they all have small curvatures. Comparing the
point-loaded plate and the uniformly loaded plate results in Figure 6 shows that all
frequencies are more strongly afleeted by the point loading than by the uniform loading. That
is, not only are the frequencies more greatly reduced by the concentrated forces in the
compressive range (P/P,, > O), but they are also more greatly increased by them in the
tensile range (P/P,, < 0), at least for the tensile range shown.
Vibration frequencies for the square plate having load locations c/b = 0.25 and 0.10
are presented in Tables 7 and 8, respectively. Critical loads for use of these tables are
available in Table 4. The only major difference between these results and those for
c/b = 0.5 is that slopes of w/w0 versus P/P,, for the 12 and 13 modes become less flat
and decrease as cl b increases.
Additional frequency results for non-square plates (a/b = 0.5,2) for two load locations
(c/b = 0.5, 0.25) are provided in Tables 9-12. Nothing unexpected is found in this data.
However, it should be pointed out that the fundamental buckling mode for the long plate
(a/b = 2) has two half-waves in the direction of the loading for both load locations. This


Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa2m versus P/P,, for a/b = 1,

c/b = 0.25

(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

11 26.482 23.548 19.739 14.339 0

.21 59.435 55.399 49.348 39.625 21.239
12 53.144 51.232 49.348 47.415 44.989
22 91.127 84.989 78.957 73.427 68.477
31 109.731 105.455 98.696 87.493 69.761
13 99.152 98.927 98.696 98.455 98.195


Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa*m versus P/P,, for a/b = 1,


(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

11 25.235 22.885 19.739 14.939 0

21 54.616 52.667 49.348 43.144 30.353
12 56.455 53.041 49.348 45.366 41.039
22 89.113 84.358 78.957 73.392 68.525
31 102.176 103.103 98.696 91.165 76.173
13 106.597 100.854 98.696 95.688 92,108

Non-dimensional vibration frequencies oa2m versus P/P,, for a/b = O-5,

Pl per
(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

11 16.763 14.821 12.337 8.881 0

12 20.393 20.072 19.739 19.395 19.037
13 33.717 32.868 32.076 31.337 30.641
21 47.142 44.902 41.946 38.086 33.067
22 50.464 49.924 49.348 48.734 48.078
14 49.760 49.555 49.348 49.140 48.93 1


Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa2m versus P/P,, for a/b = 0.5,

c/b = 0.25

(mn) ,-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

11 14.412 13.696 12.337 9.509 0

12 23.558 21.659 19.739 18.154 17.102
13 33.45 1 32.713 32.076 31.510 30.986
21 44.042 43.410 41.946 38.305 31.693
22 55.254 52,548 49.348 46.917 45.713
14 49.733 49.541 49.348 49,155 48.961


Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa2m versus P/ Pgc, for a/b =

2, c/b =O-5

-.__-_ ,
(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 .

21 109.142 95.367 78.957 57.216 0

11 59.325 54.630 49.348 42.917 24.858
31 172.939 152.483 128.305 97.416 52.153
41 251.132 226.228 197.392 162.879 118.874
12 165.531 166.677 167.783 168.848 169.865
22 203.044 200.249 197.392 194.468 191.472
Non-dimensional vibration frequencies wa2m versus P/P,, for a/b = 2,
c/b = 0.25

(mn) -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0

21 107.417 94.836 78.957 56.999 0

11 61.385 55.763 49.348 41.777 31.800
31 166.041 150.230 128.305 96.668 33.648
41 242.274 223.209 197.392 160.467 101.047
12 172.138 169.620 167.783 165.965 163.304
22 211,973 204.600 197.392 190.376 183.557

is also the well-known situation in the case of a uniformly loaded plate having a/b = 2.
Therefore, the fundamental frequencies for such plates having loads approaching their
critical values occur for the 21 mode. As the load is decreased, the two frequency curves
cross and the 11 mode becomes fundamental.


Looking more closely at the curves for the 12 and 13 modes of the point-loaded plate
in Figure 6, one observes that they seem to change little, if any, with varying P/P,,.
Indeed, the one for the 13 mode appears to have a slight positive slope, in contrast with
the negative slopes for the other curves. This is verified by the numerical results shown
in Table 6. However, the data there for the 12 mode shows a very slight negative slope
as P/P,, is increased.
An important consequence of the positive slope of the frequency curve for the 13 mode
is that if it were extrapolated far into the negative range, it could reach the abscissa, and
this point would correspond to tension buckling. A linear extrapolation of the data of
Table 6 suggests that such a point could occur in the vicinity of P/P,, = -200. However,
returning to the buckling determinant and examining its roots more closely, one finds a
negative root of P/P,, = -25.2 from the 9,9 solution for the 13 mode. This result for zero
frequency was also checked by tracking the curve of w/ w0 versus P/ PCrusing additional
results obtained for -25.2 < P/ PCr< - 1, to verify that the negative root is not merely due
to computational inaccuracies resulting from large determinants. Further, one finds 14
negative roots altogether, and P/P,, = -24.1, corresponding to the 12 mode, is the smallest
in absolute value. Thus, the plate will buckle in tension when the concentrated forces
reach the value ?%/D = 24.1 x 25.814 = 622, and the buckled mode will have one and two
half-waves in the x and y directions, respectively. It is also found that the tension buckling
problem is more slowly convergent than that for compression buckling, and that M, N
greater than 9,9 are required in equation (8) for accurate results.
The physical concept of tension buckling is not an alien one, although no previous
publications analyzing the stability of rectangular plates loaded by tensile concentrated
forces have been found. If one simply takes a sheet of paper in both hands, holds each
end between the thumb and forefinger and pulls, one observes the sheet to wrinkle in
the transverse direction. The buckling phenomenon may be regarded as a consequence
primarily of the compressive transverse stresses caused internally by the concentrated
external forces, described earlier in this work. Tension buckling is examined in more
detail in another current publication [18].

Determining the free vibration frequencies and buckling loads for plates having non-
uniform inplane stresses can be a long and difficult analysis if one must first solve a plane
elasticity problem to find the in-plane, initial stress distribution. For some problems,
including the ones studied in this paper, this first step is more difficult than the subsequent
vibration and buckling solution. For concentrated forces it is necessary to use functions
which represent properly the singularities at the load points if accurate results are desired.

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