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H e r ba l F o r m u la r i e s , Vo lu m e 1

Formulas for Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is the diagnosis for digestive symptoms unas-

sociated with underlying digestive lesions or pathology. Tea for Stomach Pain
As many as one-third, or even more, of all people referred with Extreme Distension
to gastroenterologists are not found to have detectable In folklore, Dioscorea is specific for twisting, boring,
pathologies. Patients may complain of epigastric pain, gas, and spastic pain in smooth muscle. Modern studies
bloating, and flatulence. There may be loss of appetite, show Dioscorea to reduce stomach acid while enhancing
rapid nausea following meals, or fat intolerance. Patients motility as well as supporting healthy intestinal flora.4
may experience sensitivity to spices, coffee, orange juice, Lobelia and Mentha are also smooth muscle relaxants,
or other foods and drinks previously tolerated, or they and Mentha can prevent any tendency for Lobelia to
may have an unusual taste in the mouth. Food allergy can be nauseating. A tea will be faster acting, but repeated
be the cause of many dyspeptic and vague GI complaints doses of tincture will also have a beneficial effect.
and is especially likely in people with a strong family
Mentha piperita 4 ounces (120 g)
history of the same as well as in people who are suffering
Dioscorea villosa 2 ounces (60 g)
from other allergies, eczema, asthma, or chemical sen-
Lobelia inflata  2 ounces (60 g)
sitivity. Liver congestion, intestinal dysbiosis, and poor
circulation to the digestive organs are other possible Steep 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per cup of hot
contributors to general dyspeptic states. Those who water. Strain after 10 to 15 minutes. Drink freely, at least
experience dyspepsia due to anxiety and stress symp- 2 cups in fairly rapid succession.
toms, on the other hand, might be most improved by the
use of nervine herbs and various relaxation therapies. Tincture for Dyspepsia Due to
Low Stomach Acid or Digestive Enzymes
Tea for Gas and Bloating When food is not digested properly, fermentation ensues,
This formula can be quickly comforting to nausea, which produces gas and, in many cases, digestive upset.
cramps, and bloating when 2 or 3 cups are consumed This formula features bitter agents known to promote
over the course of an hour. Both Matricaria and Mentha production of hydrochloric acid (HCL) and may be used
can work immediately and can be a useful starting ther- as a stand-alone therapy or with digestive enzymes and
apy for quick symptomatic relief. HCL and/or bile supplements. Gentian promotes gastrin
and somatostatin secretion.5
Matricaria chamomilla 4 ounces (120 g)
Mentha piperita 4 ounces (120 g) Taraxacum officinale 10 ml
Humulus lupulus 10 ml
Steep 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per cup in hot
Rumex crispus 8 ml
water and strain. Drink freely, 3 or more cups per day.
Gentiana lutea 2 ml
Tea for Dyspepsia Due to Anxiety Place 3 drops of the combined tincture in a cup of warm
Since Matricaria is a nervine as well as a digestive anti- water and sip slowly. Repeat 3 or more times daily, espe-
spasmodic and anti-inflammatory, it is a perfect choice cially half an hour before meals.
for dyspepsia due to emotional causes. Scutellaria offers
additional calming effects and is easy on the digestive Gentian and Wormwood Capsules
system. A tea will be faster acting, but repeated doses of for Hypochlorhydria
tincture will also be beneficial. Gentiana (gentian) and Artemisia (wormwood) are a
traditional combination used to stimulate digestive
Matricaria chamomilla 4 ounces (120 g)
secretions and peristalsis. Research suggests that Genti-
Scutellaria lateriflora 4 ounces (120 g)
ana promotes gastric emptying and intestinal propelling,6
Steep 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per cup of hot and that the duo increases vascular tone via sympathetic
water. Strain after 10 to 15 minutes. Drink freely, at least 2 reflexes involving the vagus nerve within 5 minutes of
cups in fairly rapid succession when symptoms are acute. ingestion. Digestion is supported due to hemodynamic
G a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l a n d B i l i a ry C o n d i t i o n s || 29

effects7 as well as possible secretory effects in the stom- to try to normalize stomach acid production. (See also
ach. Gentiopicroside in Gentiana is one bitter compound “Formulas for Ulcers” on page 62.)
credited with digestion-enhancing effects. Conventional antacids reduce stomach acid produc-
tion, but this herbal formula supports the protective barrier

Gentiana lutea
of the stomach lining and leaves stomach acid intact,
Artemisia absinthinum
eliminating the rebound effect seen with pharmaceutical
Blend equal parts of the powders and encapsulate the acid-blocking drugs and thus avoiding negative long-term
mixture. Take 2 capsules 15 minutes prior to eating. consequences. This formula can be prepared as a tincture
or a tea, with the latter likely being more effective.
Tincture for Dyspepsia
Due to Sluggish Digestion Glycyrrhiza glabra
Ulmus fulva
Similar in concept to the Gentian and Wormwood
Capsules for Hypochlorhydria, this formula adds “hot” For a tincture, combine equal parts of the two individual
herbs Capsicum and Zingiber to enhance circulation, tinctures and take 1 or 2 dropperfuls at a time, as often as
open up blood vessels to enhance absorption, and offer every 10 minutes for acute pain, reducing frequency as
carminative and blood-moving effects. symptoms subside.
For a tea, first prepare Glycyrrhiza tea by steeping
Artemisia absinthium 15 ml
1 tablespoon of the herb in 3 cups of hot water. Allow
Hydrastis canadensis 4 ml
to cool to room temperature, then strain. Place 1 heap-
Picrasma excelsa 4 ml
ing tablespoon of Ulmus powder in a blender or large
Zingiber officinale 4 ml
glass, and pour in the 3 cups of cooled tea. Blend or stir
Capsicum annuum 3 ml
vigorously. For acute pain, it is helpful to sip such a tea
Place 3 drops of the combined tincture in a cup of warm constantly throughout the day so that the liquid is con-
water and sip slowly. Repeat 3 or more times daily, espe- stantly soothing the lesion.
cially a half hour before meals.
Formula for Dyspepsia A Traditional Dyspepsia Remedy
Due to Low Stomach Acid This traditional Japanese formula is shown to improve
Bitter herbs generally stimulate stomach acid produc- constipation and relieve associated gas and bloating.8
tion. Taking bitters in the form of a tincture or tea, rather Zanthoxylum fruits are sometimes called Szechuan
than capsules, allows patients to benefit fully from the peppercorns due to their hot spicy flavor. Prickly ash,
bitter taste. See also the Fire Cider recipe on page 37. Zanthoxylum clava-herculis, is a possible substitute if the
Asian species is not available.
Taraxacum officinale 14 ml
Rumex crispus 12 ml Zingiber officinale  5 ounces (150 g)
Gentiana lutea 4 ml Panax ginseng  3 ounces (90 g)
Zanthoxylum piperitum  2 ounces (60 g)
Take bitters straight or prepare an aperitif using 1 tea-
spoon of the combined tincture in ½ cup of lemon water Decoct 1 teaspoon of the herb mixture per cup of water
or ½ cup of diluted medical vinegar or shrub. Take half an by simmering gently for 10 minutes and then letting
hour before a meal with a second ½ cup right at mealtime. stand in a covered pan, 20 minutes more. Strain the
decoction. Drink 3 or more cups per day.
Formula for Dyspepsia
Due to Excessive Stomach Acid Angelica “Candies”
High stomach acid is associated with ulcers, stress, and for Dyspepsia and Constipation
burning pain in the epigastric area. Any underlying Angelica archangelica is a traditional digestive tonic
stress should be treated directly, but this formula will herb of old European herbals. Modern studies indicate
help allay acute pain. Some people make excessive that Angelica may promote ion flow in intestinal epi-
stomach acid when pancreatic enzymes or bile are insuf- thelial cells, enhancing chloride secretion in the colon,9
ficient. Consider liver support and/or digestive enzymes improving peristalsis and intestinal dryness. This
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remedy can be prepared in any quantity you wish; I’ve the Angelica pieces from the pan and transfer to a cookie
given instructions here for a modest amount. sheet or dehydrating tray lined with wax paper. Let air-
dry for 3 or 4 days, turning the pieces once or twice a day.
Angelica, about 3 or 4 fresh young stalks
When the syrup has crystallized on the surface of the
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Baking soda
stalks, sprinkle with powdered sugar or dried coconut
Zingiber, a 4-inch piece of fresh ginger root
to help absorb all possible remaining moisture. Store in
small airtight containers. Eat several per day as part of a
Harvest Angelica archangelica when the succulent hollow treatment for constipation and dyspepsia.
stalks are juicy and not yet pithy or stringy, usually no later
than May Day. Cut into pieces 5 to 10 inches long and place General Carminative Tea
them in a saucepan. Add measured quantities of water A carminative is an agent capable of dispelling gas and
until the stalks are covered, and then add ½ teaspoon bak- bloating from the stomach and intestines. This category
ing soda per pint of added water to help prevent color loss. includes various mints, chamomile, and the Apiaceae
Simmer gently until just starting to soften. Strain family seeds, such as fennel, anise, and caraway. Whole
and immerse in ice cold water. When the stalks are cool seeds can be used in herbal teas but they will make the
enough to handle, peel as much of the outer rind as pos- strongest medicine if crushed in a mortar and pestle
sible and then cut the stalks into ½-inch- to 1-inch-long prior to infusing. In patients with gas and bloating due
pieces and place them back in the saucepan. to poor circulation or insufficient secretions, ginger and
Meanwhile, prepare a simple syrup of honey in a some of the hot culinary spices can have a carminative
strong ginger tea. The amount of syrup you will need action, but can cause gas and bloating in those with
depends on the quantity of stalks, but you will likely need sensitive stomachs or IBS. Simply ask people how they
at least 2 cups. To make the tea, boil freshly chopped tolerate spicy food when considering if cinnamon or
or grated ginger root in water for 10 minutes, and then ginger may make them better or worse. Any of these can
strain. Combine 3 parts honey to 1 part of the freshly be effective as “a simple,” but several are combined here.
strained hot ginger tea.
Foeniculum vulgare powder or freshly crushed seeds 
Cover the drained Angelica roots with the Zingiber
2 ounces (60 g)
honey syrup, while still hot or after cooled, as convenient,
Mentha piperita  2 ounces (60 g)
and let stand for 24 hours, stirring 3 or 4 times over the
Matricaria chamomilla 2 ounces (60 g)
course of the day. Each day for 4 days, drain off the syrup
into a separate pan, boil it, and then pour it back over Steep 1 tablespoon of the herb mixture per cup of hot
the Angelica pieces and stir well. On the fifth day, remove water. Drink 3 cups in a row to treat uncomfortable gas.

Formulas for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is most common in or a serious life-threatening disease. People often experi-
women, with the onset commonly occurring during their ence alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, with
twenties and thirties, but the condition may affect as much asymptomatic periods of various lengths in between flare-
as 20 percent of the Western population overall. IBS is ups. There is often accompanying flatulence, belching,
considered “functional,” rather than being associated with and stomach upset. On physical exam, the intestines may
any underlying pathology; however, research is emerging feel full, tense, and firm and may be tender to the touch.
that associates the condition with deranged brain-gut sig- There is not typically blood or mucous, as there is with
naling, hypersensitivity of visceral sensory afferent fibers, inflammatory bowel conditions, but the pain may be every
bacterial gastroenteritis, small intestinal bacterial over- bit as severe and bleeding may occasionally occur. When
growth (SIBO), genetic alterations, and food sensitivity.10 stress and nervous issues underlie digestive upset, nervine
IBS is frequently associated with personalities prone herbs including Matricaria, Melissa officinalis, Verbena,
to nervousness, depression, and hysteria. Some people Hypericum, and Passiflora incarnata will complement
suffering from IBS may be fearful that they have cancer herbs that act more directly on the digestive system.

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