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The Lamar University Electronic Journal of Student Research

Summer 2007

National Implications: That Was Then, This Is Now

Fletcher D. Holloway
PhD Program in Educational Leadership
Prairie View A & M University
Member of the Texas A&M University System

William Allan Kritsonis, PhD

Professor and Faculty Mentor
PhD Program in Educational Leadership
Prairie View A&M University
Member of the Texas A&M University System
Visiting Lecturer (2005)
Oxford Round Table (2005)
University of Oxford, Oxford England
Distinguished Alumnus (2004)
Central Washington University
College of Education and Professional Studies


We are living in an ever changing world with ever changing people. In the years past, there
was a basic blueprint everyone followed in relation to teaching children. We are in an age
now where students are emotionally disturbed, coming from single parent homes, raised by
foster parents, and under an enormous amount of peer pressure. It is imperative that we
meet the needs of all children. With the passing of the “No Child Left Behind” legislation,
we are charged to change to meet the needs of others, not make others change to meet your
teaching. See:
Note: Special note of gratitude to Dr. Kimberly Grantham Griffith for her
assistance in getting this article published.
Purpose of the Article

The purpose of this article is to discuss the changes that have been made due to the post
modernistic movement that have a direct impact on leaders in the field of education.


Leaders in the field of education have a unique and powerful role in society as they play
an integral part in the molding and developing of students as present and future leaders in our
country. As this development occurs, we are reminded of Ayn Rand’s basic philosophy. “My
philosophy in essence is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the
moral purpose of life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only
absolute.” Rand is the epitome of triumphing through tragedies in her life. The post modernistic
movement provides the opportunity for continued growth in a different aspect, and allows
freedom and exposure of various learning styles.

Communication is the Key to Success

As we study a school’s culture and climate, one word that stands out in my mind is
communication. We are often told that communication is the key to success, and that can hold
true in a school setting. One of the greatest examples of cultural diversity can be found in many
of our classrooms. The “Great American Melting Pot” called the United States has afforded us
this opportunity. The fact that we impact the lives of children so greatly can lead us into
teaching them that although we may look differently, we are all unique individuals who can help
one another learn about one another.
We must come to the realization that everyone has a right to be a citizen in this country.
If there was a notion that one particular race or group can rule this country, the thought is
ludicrous. We have to take into account the various backgrounds and beliefs of individuals and
educate them accordingly. There are so many factors affecting education today that we must be
cautious in the fact that methods we were taught may not be effective in today’s school system.

Limited English Students

We have students who may have limited English, parents who may be imprisoned,
grandparents who may be raising children, blended families, single parent families, and other
types of families that exist today. Diversity is more than a different race, but a different way of
life and family values. Milbrey McLaughlin, director of the Center for Research on the Context
of Secondary School Teaching at Stanford University, argued in November 1991 Kappan article,
“No nation on earth has ever tried to educate the diverse student population that attends
America’s schools today. No educational system has ever tried to provide academic instruction
to the range of students, enrolled in schools today. Add to this complexity all the ills –
dysfunctional families, high rates of student turnover and absenteeism, community violence,
substance abuse, teen pregnancy – that have a powerful effect on academic motivation and

Environmental Learning Factors

The learning environment must be conducive for all students. Teaching about cultural
diversity does not begin when children become older. It begins the day they start attending
school of any kind. If parents try to shelter their students, they will only hinder them. Their social
growth will be retarded as a result of this. In the article “Learning about Cultural Diversity at the
Preschool Level” by Shelia Littlejohn-Blake, she made the following statements: “For
preschoolers, the initial focus should be on increasing their knowledge about similarities and
differences among children. This knowledge can be revealed through awareness of different
foods, family structures, celebrations, and cultural traditions. All school staff members should
model support and understanding of cultural diversity.”

Children should be allowed to play with one another, despite race or ethnic backgrounds.
When children play together, they communicate values both directly and indirectly. This also
gives them a chance to explore similarities and differences with other children. Although we as
adults are teachers to our children, our children can teach many lessons to us, including not
looking at the outside of a person, but the inside.

Compassion is Love Mixed with Pity

Each day of our lives gives us the opportunity to do something immaculate for someone
else. When we seek to do for others before we seek to do for ourselves, we have reached a level
of maturity in our lives that can not be truly measured. Our lives are a microcosm of what the
true meaning of life is. We talk about benefiting one another, and this entails a sense of
compassion for one another. Compassion is love mixed with pity, or doing to others what you
would like for them to do for you if you were in their situation. To many times we lose focus on
helping others. In helping others, we should treat it as a pacemaker that gives a steady shock to
meet the needs of others as opposed to a defibrillator, that gives a massive shock, but does
nothing else. There is an opportunity given to us daily to help someone, and we should make the
most of it. We don’t want to miss out on our opportunity to help someone, because we never
know when we will be in dire straits, and need someone to help us.

Strategies to Guide the Postmodern Theoretical Paradigm

In the strategies to guide the postmodern theoretical paradigm, one must realize that there
must be an end of the idea that there is one single field of study that answers every question. As
leaders in the educational system, we must strive to meet the needs of others in every way
possible. We must strive to reach every child in every way. Leaders must use every measure and
means of instruction in order to instruct every child. There are varied learning styles of
individuals, and it is up to the administrators, teachers, and facilitators to ensure that all students
are given an equal opportunity to learn.
A Need for Effective and Powerful Leaders

In the educational system, there is a great need for effective and powerful leaders. An
effective leader is one who can achieve goals set forth by the campus and the district in a manner
in which the objectives are met consistently and effectively. There must be a level of buy in by
all individuals who work with the leader. A leader is one who does not do everything by
him/herself, but selects individuals who will compliment his/her management style. This is
emphasized by the success of the students. Student success is not only measured by standardized
tests, but their success in the community as well.

Characteristics of Successful and Effective Leaders

There are several characteristics of a successful and effective leader. Among these are
charisma, character, integrity, honesty, and a person who has a vision for the future of the
organization. In the article “Give Principals More Authority, Greater Accountability” the author
states “Principals not only have discretion over funds, but are empowered to improve their
schools and compete for students. If a school’s scores do not rise, parents should be free to
remove the administration and find someone who can achieve.” There is a great amount of
pressure placed upon administrators to produce a successful school through test scores. The
accountability ultimately falls on the shoulders of the principal.

This is why it is so important to have a staff that compliments the principal. It is difficult
to know everything about everything, so one must surround themselves with experts in all
aspects of education from curriculum to finances. A great leader is a facilitator of all actions that
occur at the campus. They must be active in the sense that they must be abreast to actions and
laws pertaining to education. Rules and laws are ever changing, and it is a must that regulations
are a part of the repertoire of an effective administrator.

It is important as an administrator to make the best possible decisions for our clients, the
students. They are our responsibility, and educating them to the fullest is the key. Children are
precious commodities, and we must treat them as the treasures they are. Great leaders must be
honest, courageous, competent, and decisive in their decision making. Numbers are important,
and the fate of many administrators lies in the test scores. We must remember that if there were
no students, there will not be a need for teachers and administrators. We must make the most of
these precious possessions, as we continue to shape and mold them into positive and productive
citizens. The notion of an “Administrative Science” must end. This will help to end the
production of technicians and bureaucrats who “fit into the status quo.” (English, 2003)

Administrators must be allowed to reflect on situations. Status quo should not be an

option. There must be an end to the thought that there is only one right way to solve a problem.
As leaders, there must be a sense of trust between the leaders and the teachers. Teachers are the
leaders in the classroom. They are to be trusted as the classroom leaders. They are responsible
for the fragile lives that enter their classroom on a daily basis. Many are broken due to their
home life. They face many challenges many times prior to there entering the school building.
Sympathy and empathy must be at the forefront of an instructor’s priorities.

A Brief Treatment of Christian Foundations and Beliefs

As Christians, our survival is based upon our faith in God. Without God, we would not
exist. We believe in one and only one true and living God. He is our reason for being. He
supplies all our needs. Rand stated “that all the faith in the world is inadequate to move one grain
of sand one millimeter. If human beings seek to move mountains in order to construct interstate
highway systems or transcontinental railroads, they do so only by means of dynamite,
technology, and science.” Rand believes that only rigorous thoughts can reach such
accomplishments. Many leaders in churches and religious organizations find themselves under
scrutiny in the world today because if the criticism. One of the biggest conceptual problems
encountered is the fact that they are ministers, and people see them as humans just like them.
Religious leaders are a special group selected by God, which us the basis of the problem.

We observe the scrutiny ministers go under. They are quickly criticized when an error is
made, and quickly condemned by everyone. On a personal note, Fletcher Holloway is often
criticized for doing that which is right in the sight of God. Fletcher Holloway is not a minister.
He tries to live his life according to the way God wants him to live it. His goal is to “let my light
so shine before men that they might see your good works, and glorify the father which is in
heaven.” (Matthew 5:14). Christianity is one of the most criticized titles of individuals in the
world. Under Christianity, individuals are judged by the world, which is not their job. We will
often hear how we are not supposed to do certain things. There is even sarcasm when people
refer to others as Christians.

In religion, God is the focal point, not man. As we look back at the lives of our
forefathers, God was all people had. Today, religion is often made so convenient for individuals,
the true joy in worshipping God has been left out. When it comes to faith, as was mentioned
earlier, individuals do not have a true concept of what faith is. They do not want faith to be that
“substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.”(Hebrews 11:6).
Convenience is what everyone wants today. We want fast food, online shopping, even church
from the comforts of our home. Gathering together is too much trouble because there are so
many other things to do. The Sabbath day is no longer holy, but a day to get caught up on things
that people haven’t been able to do during the week. Prayer is only utilized when there is a world
tragedy, only to be forgotten when things seem to be better. Examples are September 11, and the
hurricane disasters from last year. Everyone was quick to call on God for help, but now, things
are back to the way they were.

They have taken prayer out of school, although they do give us a moment of
silence, which may be used for that purpose. Then we wonder why there are school killings,
violent crimes, and other travesties of justice in our school system. Generation after generation
are becoming progressively worse, and the school is no longer the safe haven it once was. We
can make an effort to blame everyone, but until we bring God back into the school, the results
will continue to be worse. There is freedom of religion, but the world is headed for destruction
because morals and ethics have really changed. Until someone takes the initiative to make the
change, the results will be the same, and that has been referred to as insanity.

Effective School Leaders Focus on Futuristic Thinking and Vision

An effective school leader must stay abreast to changes in legislation that have a direct
impact on education. This encourages flexibility for leaders. With the implications and focus on
futuristic thinking and vision, I read the book by Frank Feather called “Biznets”. The
introduction to this tells the reader that the book focuses on effective strategies from the six
largest online businesses. Many years ago the telemarketing business controlled most industry.
Since the development of technology, and more importantly, the internet, online business has
skyrocketed. According to Feather, more than a billion people use the internet today. 1.4 billion
will be online by the year 2007 and almost a billion will be e-shopping.

A Paradigm Shift

Online shopping is very inviting, and can be done from the comforts of a shopper’s
home. The paradigm has shifted to where individuals like the idea of multi-tasking, and many
jobs and tasks may be done while at home. Daily operations such as banking, shopping, and
educational courses can be done through the internet. Internet sales are the way of life today.
Feather was innovative in studying the changing in technology and his thinking into the future.
He can probably be called the guru of futuristic thinking.

The “Big Six”, which is Feather’s focus in this book, are Amazon, Dell, eBay, Quixtar,
Sears, and Tesco, are the major players in the world of online retailers. There is insight as to the
success of these companies. He goes into detail as to how these companies have stood the test of
time, and has taken on all competition without missing a beat. These companies became the
model that others have tried to often imitate, but never duplicate. In order for companies to be
successful, it is only logical that you emulate the formula of success.

Leadership is the key in the major corporations. These companies have mastered
customer satisfaction, and treating each customer as they were the most important person in the
world. Feather mentioned a startling statement pertaining to Wal-Mart in that a billion dollar a
day industry didn’t have a string foundation in relation to online shopping. Their profits were
generated from customers within the store. Now they have observed the model displayed by the
“Big Six”, profits are even greater for this multi-billion dollar industry.

Even surviving the dot-com era wasn’t even a great challenge for these major retailers.
The companies that are successful are the companies that were the innovators and creators of the
online shopping revolution. They started early, and capitalized on its’ early existence. Customers
are the best advertisement. Instead of advertising by “word of mouth”, consumers advertised by
“word of modem” through the use of the internet. The Big Six” provide us with the blueprint of
online success and customer satisfaction.
Feather enlightens individuals with his writing by focusing on the simplicity of
companies success. May people feel there must be an elaborate formula to be successful. These
companies have mastered working smarter and not harder. Feather brought out the basics in the
companies prosperity, growth, and influence in the business world. He provides thought
provoking questions, and direct common sense answers as he studies theses companies, and
reminds us that companies must study themselves as well as the competition in order to maintain
a high rate of success. Let’s think of how often we use the computer to take care of matters that
we use to handle by mail or in person ten years ago. Feather is truly a mastermind in futuristic
thinking, and he continues to lead the way in always thinking ahead. I gathered that you look
where you’ve been and where you are to provide a greater focus on where you are going.

Effective Post Modernistic Leadership is About Thinking Ahead

The key to effective post modernistic leadership is always thinking ahead. You must
have an open mind and determination to persevere through adversity and changes in all
organizational systems. Organizational change is prevalent in society today. It can be summed up
by the words of Fenwick English as he stated “if we keep on using the same old theories we will
continue to get the same old results.”(English, 2003)

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, we are living in a changing world environment. Many students are

experiencing numerous challenges in learning. Many students come to use from single parent
homes, raised by foster parents, and are under unimaginable peer pressures. We believe it is
absolutely imperative that we strive to meet the needs of all students. Professionals and all
stakeholders must be dedicated to meeting the needs of children and youth. We must make
changes in the way we provide opportunities for all students.


Davis, Stephen H. (2004). Give Principals More Authority, Greater Accountability. Los Angeles Business
Journal, June 14, 2004.

Davis, Stephen H. (2004). The Leadership Journey: Leadership is an Ongoing Process of Self-Discovery
and Personal Growth. Here Are 12 Job Survival Principles That All School Leaders Should Know.
Leadership, Sept-Oct 2004.

Markwell, John (2004). The human side of education. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
Volume 32, Number 5, pages 323 – 325.
Lester, Andy (2006). Theory X doesn’t work with telecommuters. Opinion, May 8, 2006.

English, Fenwick (2003). The Postmodern Challenge to the Theory and Practice of Educational
Administration. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL.


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