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electronics on-line

PICs on the Internet

Microchip’s family of PIC
devices comprises a small
galaxy of single-chip microcom-
puters, which achieved tremen-
dous popularity mainly because
they are so easy to program.
We rummaged around on the
Internet for a bit and stumbled
on an overwhelming amount of
information relating to PICs.
Some of the more essential
sites are discussed here.

The number of sites (on the Internet) Windows soft-

covering PIC-related subject reflects ware may be
the widespread interest in these con- found on the
trollers. The contents of these sites Maribor Uni-
ranges from simple exchanges of infor- versity server
mation to commercial pages offering (in Slovenia) at
ready-built circuits for sale. Many do-
it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts, including ~uel205e7b/
many readers of this magazine, will be (our thanks are
interested mainly in construction pro- due to Mr. E.
jects and free PIC software. Dekker for
As a matter of course we should supplying this
start by mentioning the site run by the URL).
manufacturer, Microchip: Another programmer for the Cen- Eric’s PIC page is very extensive an tronics port goes by the name of offers, among others, PIC projects, tips
Here, all elementary information may TOPIC. It may be found at and tricks, FAQs and a plethora of
be found. Then there’s Parallax Inc., links to other PIC sources and suppli-
who supply the famous BASIC Stamp, However, if you want to keep things ers. Go to
a miniature board containing a PIC as simple as possible, you are well
running a BASIC interpreter. Parallax advised to look for a PIC programmer Dave Tait, who is also responsible
can be found at for the serial port. One definitely KISS for the TOPIC programmer, runs a
www.parallaxinc. com/home/htm (Keep It Simple Stupid) and yet well- page called ‘Links to Internet
There are many more companies tried design is, for example, COM84. Resources’, which contains hundreds
supplying hardware and/or software All details on this ultra-simple design of links to books, commercial products,
employing PIC devices. For example, are available on application areas, and other people
ITU Technologies from Cincinnati: experimenting with PICs: Finally, we should mention the Pro-
The PIP02 software for the Mini PIC grammer 2 design at The South African PIC Microcon-
Programmer described our June 1997 troller Zone at
issue is available from Silicon Studio at The above mentioned programmers has a nice collection of assorted PIC
are just a few of dozens of designs that information, like ftp sites, web pages
PROGRAMMERS may be found on the Internet. and mail lists.
Designs for PIC programmers and the Finally, if you think you need even
associated software may usually be LINKS more information, visit the PIClist
obtained from sites run by enthusiasts Because of the sheer volume of infor- Archive Website at
publishing their ‘thinkware’ via the mation available on PICs via the Inter-
Internet. A PIC programmer for the net, it’s a good idea to have a look at which can be browsed by subject, date
PC parallel port (P16PRO), complete pages maintained by people who have or author.
with printed circuit board design and done research work. (985045-1)

24 Elektor Electronics 6/98

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