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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc.

624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201

Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137
Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy
July 2018

Dear Friend,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God's
Word is filled from one end to the other with encouragement, strength, comfort,
and instructions, that we may live a godly life in all righteousness. If He tells us
to do something, He also supplies the power or ability to perform it! We are
never left to accomplish His will by our own strength or ability.
I recently read a verse of Scripture that says, "Thy words were found,
and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of
mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts" (Jeremiah
15:16). A lot of bad things were happening in Jeremiah's day. Everything that
could go wrong went wrong. But this did not stop Jeremiah from seeking the
Lord at His Word. He searched until he found a Word for the situation he was in.
Did you ever take your Bible and just kneel before the Lord, asking Him to
reveal His will to you? Did you ever just ask Him to come and speak to your
heart? He will, for He is a good Father! He waits to hear you come to Him that
way. He will surely answer!
I read in the Bible that there are many benefits to being a believer. Psalm
103:2-6 tells us the Lord forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases.
Jesus Christ carried the iniquity of every human being to the cross and nailed
them there so we don't have to carry them ourselves! The sense of guilt and
shame, the tendencies to give in to actual sins, the reasons we do the things we
do, Jesus took it all and bore the penalty for each of us. He doesn't condemn us
for not being "perfect," but He redeemed our lives from destruction and
crowned us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. In Him is the fountain of
life. He so loves the world He gave of Himself so we may have life, and have it
more abundantly!
When we give ourselves completely to Him during times of prayer and
devotion, He satisfies our mouths with good things. We not only don't do the
bad we used to, but our talk is different. We aren't as critical of others as we
were. We don't have time to find fault with people and get angry or offended so
easily. Our mouths are satisfied with good things. Wonderful words from His
presence begins to come forth from our lips to help others and edify people. Did
you ever notice that when you speak right things you feel rejuvenated? A smile
replaces a frown and you feel 10 or 20 years younger! When we speak right and
think right in God's eyes, situations begin to take a turn for the better. That is
what Jeremiah found when the Word of God became his source of counsel.
God's Word was the joy and rejoicing of his heart. The Scriptures came alive for
him and he realized he was called by the name of the Lord of hosts. He found
God's Words and he did eat them, or in other words, he made those words his
own. When God's Word becomes your word, prayers will get answered. Those
things that hindered you will no longer have the power to keep you from getting
to where you need to be in life. When God's Words become your words, courage
will fill your heart and you will begin to stand for the right things of life. When
God's Word become your word then you will ask what you will and it shall be
done unto you. The Lord watches over His Word to be sure it is accomplished in
and through you! Let God's Words become your words and you will never go
wrong in your life!
I invite you to our church services. We meet on Sunday at 10 am and 7 pm,
and Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. Until next month, may God bless you
"more abundantly!"

Rev. Daniel Bossidy

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