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SCREEN Only Theatrical on the Pacific Coast


Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- Rj- 1ft
xr i vii Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post-
Saturday, October 18, 1930 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. lO
V Ol. All office, Los Angeles, Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879.


Entire profession
theatrical With plenty of rumors in the
is hammering the daylight sav- air as to what Harold B. Frank-
ings time proposal, extending lin will do, the' uppermost of
the length of the Pacific Coast. week is that the for-
these this
Motion picture houses are mer West Coast executive al-
showing shorts of the absurd ready has signed with RKO.
angles on such a time basis, In spite of previous contrary
theme songs have been written reports, it is generally under-
stood now that Franklin wilt
with the idea of “You can have leave next Wednesday for New
it, I don’t want it, and specialty York, with a possible trip to
acts are being presented by Europe in sight before he ac-
theatre orchestras. tually goes to work again.
From the audience reactions, Adding weight to the ru- RKO
it is certain that the amendment mor, there also is a hint that Jos-
will be defeated by an over-
eph Plunkett, present RKO opera-
tor, is going to resign.
whelming landslide of unfavor-
If Franklin hooks up with RKO,
able votes.
in the Plunkett job, he automati-
The issue is of sufficient impor-
cally becomes operator for Pathe,
tance for the great moguls of the
picture industry to sign their all
which runs some theatres.
powerful names to letters request- Franklin was seen last week on
ing local business men to support the Pathe lot, looking over the lay-
their attitude on the question.
out with Joseph P. Kennedy.
These letters are very lengthy, When Franklin last was in New
disclosing every possible reason York, there was a story going
that daylight savings will decrease
around that he might join the War-
merchant’s business as well as the- ner organization.
If he has thrown in with RKO,
atrical business. This campaign has
lined up powerful merchants against
there is a likelihood he may work
the issue. up some kind of an alliance with the
Every conceivable absurdity of Warner chain.
such a’ system has been exposed Offsetting these RKO rumors,
through the commendable efforts of announcements are out that Frank-
who lin is going to Canada for a vaca-
theatrical publicity groups,
tion at Banff.
have been showing the public that
they really, gain nothing, but are
made to believe they do.
One important short was written TO DOUBLE WORK
by James Gleason, who plays the
idea with Robert Armstrong. It Eddy Eckels, publicity director
has shown in every big picture for Fanchon and Marco, has re-
house in Los Angeles during the turned from two weeks in New
past week, and its humorous appeal York, where he was conferring on
alone will go far to kill the amend- company business.
ment. Eckels has been busy since his
return, dividing his time between
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16. the Fanchon and Marco office and
Fox West Coast publicity,
—The greatest political fight
where he has been acting for Frank
that the organized theatrical Whitbeck, who will return Monday
industry has ever put up is due
to be staged prior to the No-
vember 4 election when day-
TED WEEMS after a few week’s vacation period.


John H. Perry, who recently pass-
light saving comes before the
and His Orchestra
That much was evidenced at
the first mass meeting of the
away at his home in Red Bank,
Jersey, aged 78, was well
known in Los Angeles from 1883 to
1892, as performer and manager
entire San Francisco theatrical
contingent gathering at the St. ROOSEVELT HOTEL HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. with his partner, Ed Perry, of the
Club Theatre, 408 North Main
Francis Theatre on Monday street.
Never before has every branch
forceful, decisive manner for any Oscar Strauss, composer, has
purpose, social or political. Dorothy Mackaill and Joel Mc- Divorce court scenes of “Light- Marie Dressier and Polly Moran turned actor. The composer of
Some thousand people, execs, Crea are leading roles of “Once a nin’,” Will Rogers’ newest Fox- have started work on their new “Chocolate Soldier,” at z " W 1

press agents, projectionists, musi- Sinner,” George Middleton story, Movietone comedy, are nearing com- teaming feature, “Reducing,” which Dream,” and others appeared in
cians, stage hands, and ushers, now in production. C .Henry Gor- pletion under the direction of Henry Charles Reisner is directing for M. “Seeing Hollywood,” German lan-
were called by the San Francisco don also has an outstanding role. King. Louise Dresser is the wife G. M. Anita Page, Sally Eilers, guage picture, which Frank Reicher
(Continued on Page 2) Guthrie McClintic is directing. of “Lightnin’ Bill.” and William Collier, Jr., support. has started at MGM.



S. F.

Local Radio Will Be Hard Hit If Day Savings Wins

No Changes For TWO DUFFY
By Chester F. Cooke “L. W. R.” contributes the
United Artists
HERE NEEDS following:
“Gee But I’d Like to Make Schenck States SHOWS GET
SPOKANE, Oct. 16. — Allen You Happy,” “What’s the
Doone Players closed here after Use,” “Oh Gosh! Oh Gee!”
MORE CASH playing to empty houses
week. Although the play, “Kerry
Gow,” was well staged and cast,
for a “Go Home and Tell Your
Mother,” but “Don’t Tell Her
What Happened to Me.”
United Artists is not involved in
any deals for change of control, or
mergers with any other company,
Doone said gross for the week was I’ll be just “Around the and Howard Hughes nor anyone
LA VOVE not equal to nut for a day. This is Corner,” dancing the “Kiss else has bought into the film cor-
Reshifting of chain program time, second company to fail in audito- Waltz” “With Tears in My poration.
rium this season. Early in fall, The theatre-going contingent
of this
owing to replacing of daylight sav- Eyes,” or, “Swinging in a Joseph M. Schenck, president and
city by the Golden Gate rallied to
ing in the east with standard time, Kelly Players closed after trying Hammock” “Confessin’
” chairman of the U.A. board, has re-
the support of red-headed Terry
is looked upon with disfavor in local
for two weeks. “Little White Lies.” turned to Hollywood after a several
Only one stage show left in the Duffy when that local favorite made
broadcast circles. “If I .Could Be with You weeks’ stay in New York, bringing
his comeback at the -Alcazar and
By moving all programs an hour
city, musical tab with line of six One Hour Tonight” “Down this statement.
President this week.
girls, at Majestic, third rate house the River of Golden Dreams,” Mr. Schenck denied all rumors
ahead, sponsored
time, employing seating 500. Opening of these two houses and
and be “Just a Little Closer” that the present status of United
local will be shortened to
artists, * * * continuation of “Young Sinners” at
for “I’m Yours” dear, it seems. Artists would be changed in any
make room, for numerous Columbia Work on the new Fox here has the Curran and “Cup of Sugar” at
and National Broadcasting ‘super- “Tonight” a “Song With- way.
Columbia gave this city more
started. Three years ago it was
an- out a Name” will be featured He said his corporation is pre- the
legit "activity than there has been
nounced Fox would erect a $1,000,- by “Betty Co-ed.” paring to launch the biggest produc-
Majority of station managers here 000 temple to movies at Sprague in months.
She will have no competi- tion schedule in its history.
conceded superiority of radio pre- and Monroe. Buildings were razed Duffy and his wife, Dale Winter,
tion, for the “Stein Song” you He conferred with his brother, played “Michael and Mary” at the
sentations of the eastern studios, but property stood empty. Land know, is dead. Nicholas Schenck, president of Me-
brought here by chain. changed hands several times, and it Alcazar, and did the plenty healthy
tro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and other film
is said a New York capitalist real-
figure of $8000, more than that
NBC and Columbia programs re- leaders in the east, and told of fi-
house has taken in months.
leased by KFI and KHJ
could be ized 100,000 profit after holding the nancial optimism in the show world
At the President, there was Bert
named as heavy winners. site a year. Financing was done
by voiced by everybody.
Demand and preference indicated local investors. INDE FUTURE Mr. Schenck revealed that Mary
Pickford has abandoned plans to re-
Lj'-tell in “Brothers,” and $7500 was
the intake there. Both continue for
by the radio public for chain broad- several weeks.
casts is based upon two major facts, DAY SAVINGS FIGHT turn to the stage, and will resume
Dorothy Mackaye in “Cup of
apparently. Extreme perfection, of
presentation and thrill of hearing a BEING PRESSED BY CLEARING Ui
her former status of producer-star
after she completes her present pic-
Sugar” was held for a third week
at the Columbia, closing to a gross
program coming from a point prob- ALL THEATRE FOLK ture, “Kiki,” for the Schenck or-
of $5000. Understanding is that
ably thousands of miles away. DX Independent picture producer’s
Mr. Schenck is enthusiastic over producers of the play had to keep
fans thus are satisfied, as well as it on the boards for a certain num-
(.Continued from Page 1) horizon is clearing up nicely, accord- the future of wide film. He also sees
Easterners who want old home ber of weeks in order to get the film
headquarters of the anti-daylight ing to the opinion of Irving Meili- a field for a certain number of sil-
savings group, headed by Senator ken, the manager of Tec- Art Stu- rights; thus the third week here.
ent pictures as a result of Charles
What is considered an important Tom Maloney. dios. “Young Sinners” bowed out of
reason for “radio big-time public Chaplin's forthcoming United the Curran after three weeks of
Arch M. Bowles, Northern Cali-
favor” is the vast money and time fornia division
Studio space is constantly in de-
head of Fox West mand, so that he has difficulty in ar-
Artists feature, “City Lights,” two
years in the making, which is silent
pretty good business ’though San —
spent on these' programs, before Coast, was chairman, ranging the office allotment/ Francisco thought it a little too
acting as chief but
they go on the air. of the get-together, introducing A few production details show synchronized.
broad minded — and Pauline Fred-
Time and money, inducing per- speakers and not forgetting to put the conditions there. The popular ericks plays a return date in “Crim-
fect teamwork between musical, in a few neat cracks at the pro- .Beverly Hill Billies will start soon TEMPTATIONS RUNS son Flour.” Opening the same
night, October 20, at the Geary is
technical and continuity depart- posed sun-delaying legislation. in a series of pictures.
ments are the "whys and where- BIG SHOTS THEREWillis Kent has just completed ADDITIONAL WEEK Dorothy Burgess in “Bird of
fores,” of their success. On stage along with Bowles and the script for his next picture and Flame.”
“The True fetory Hour,” and the e or Malone y were Jack Gross, will start production immediately. A last minute decision kept the Sid Goldtree opens “Ex-Mistress”
New York Philharmonic Concert D T -^ divisional chief; Herman Chesterfield pictures'* will resume
RKO “Temptations of 1930” at the Mayan at the Green Street on October 30,
Orchestra Sundays over the C. B. vVobber, Paramount exec; Frank production in about 10 days. Unit theatre another week. and “Death Takes a Holiday” bows,
S., and the Philadelphia Symphony McDonnell, labor chief; Henry production of Majestic’s company This snappy revue of modern also on Oct. 20 at the Columbia.
Orchestra, conducted by Leopold Duffy, Bert Lytell, Hulda McGinn is awaiting on Sherman’s return subtitles was scheduled to close,
Stokowsky over NBC, via KFI are of Allied Amusements; from New York to start shooting.
Harry but biz picked up and doors stayed Henry Duffy, former lessee of
proving juggernauts to local talent. Noreigher, projection chief; Bob This unit made “Today,” with Con- open. the Hollywood Playhouse, has re-
This should not imply incapabil- McNeil, head of Golden State The- rad Nagel and Catherine Dale Clarence Nordstrom, one of the gained control of the house for an
ity on the part of coast staffs to atres, and others. Owen, as their last. Future plans featured players, is adding to his extended series of productions. The
produce as good programs. With As summed up by Senator provide for eight more features, of popularity after success in eastern opening under his management will
the proper resources they could. Maloney, campaign plans for the which the first will probably be shows. The Ziegfeld Follies and be on November 3, with Leo Ca-
Symphonic broadcasts of the ensuing three weeks prior to the “The Trap.” the Greenwich Village Follies em- rillo’s presentation of “Mister An-
Hollywood Bowl in summertime, balloting include a strenuous pub- In addition, the studio is constant- ployed him with great success, and tonio,” the Booth Tarkington com-
the westerners are now agreeing
and the Los Angeles Philharmonic licity campaign to be carried on by ly busy with the regular programs edy hit, to be followed by “The
as well as the Sai\ Francisco Sym- the local headquarters; propaganda of the Star Series, the Vagabond
with the easterners. Bad Man.”
phony Orchestra and Shell pro- in the form of film and literature Director series, and the fashion col- Carillo’s picture career is well
grams during coming months are in the theatres; distribution of liter- or revues. MARJORIE RAMBEAU launched; he has signed with M-G-
making progress for the west. ature through theatre employes to M to make “Lombardi, Ltd.” after
Originating chain programs from families, friends and neighbors; aid SIGNS FIVE YEARS the runs of his stage plays.
Los Angeles and Hollywood will from merchants, support from labor TED WEEMS BAND
bodies^ and even house to house
eventually prove a wise move as the Marjorie Rambeau, who scored an
cream of talent is at present cen- campaigning. San Francisco head-
quarters are at 25 Taylor St., from
GETS BIG OPENING outstandng hit in Pathe’s “Her PREMIER FOR KIDS
tered about the motion picture in-
which all operations center. Opening of Ted Weems Man,” was signed this week by
M-G-M to a five year contract
SPEAKS and His Orchestra at the
through Herbert Weber.
Ruminating on his experiences Blossom Room of the Roose- Fox West Coast’s Wilshire-Bev-
with daylight savings in South velt Hotel proved the most
Her first assignment was immedi-
ately announced, as that of a sup-
erly district showhouse turned its
Bend, Ind., where he was formerly elaborate effort of this sort first matinee
porting lead opposite Greta Garbo into a children’s
Blea -Blanc- Rouge located, Jack Gross told the listen-
ers that the plan resulted only in
that Hollywood has had. In
and Wallace Beery in “Inspiration,”

bringing Weems from New This matinee premier was held

confusion and was responsible for to be followed by the leading role
Nous venons de nous adjoin- York, Roosevelt management prior to the official opening that
an estimated drop of 50 per cent in in “The Secret Six,” with Wallace
dre les services de Maurice went the rest of them one night. Junior members of the film
theatre receipts. “Proponents of Beery.
Goulet, qui fera la chronique better. Following their ela- colony were in attendance, and
daylight savings say they will give borate policy, they opened many
francaise des acdvites thea- contributed their talents to
trales et cinematographiques.
you an extra hour in each day,” Weems and his orchestra with BARTON AND YOUNG the stage fare. Betty Bronson was
said Gross, “but God only put 24 the Blossom Room entirely
Monsieur Goulet nous arrive guest of honor.
apres plusieurs annees de the-
hours in each day and there’s no redecorated at a cost of SIGN LONG TERMER
atre, en France, aux Etats
way on earth of getting an extra $20 000 .

Unis et au Canada. 11 a aussi


Weems had an enthusiastic Barton and Young, musical com- ARMSTRONG

Upon introducing Herman reception and the Blossom edy comedians, who are featured in Bill Armstrong has just com-
dirige plusieures postes de
radio, tels que CNRW, CKY,
Wobber, Bowles said that Room was packed to the tune Fanchon and Marco’s “Fountain of pleted his role as the sergeant in
et CJRW-CJRX, postes de la
Wobber was personally respon- of ten dollars a couvert for Youth Idea,” were signed to a long the talking picture, “Red Fork
Province du Manitoba.
sible for influencing the Cham- the opening night. Now the term contract by the western pro- Ranch,” latest production of the
ber of Commerce to retract its band is settled down for a ducers.
National Pictures Corporation.
Journaliste experimente il
previous support of the daylight nice run in the Roosevelt’s es- The duo of funsters recently
ne manquera pas de donner a
saving plan and to cast its vote. tablished policy. completed eastern engagements at WARWICK ADDED
tous nos lecteurs les nouvelles
against the proposition. This the key houses, and at the conclu-
propres a les interesser, et le Robert Warwick, veteran star of
drew Wobber a big hand. sion of the present 4our, will return the stage and screen, has been
detail des evolutions de ses
In a brief statement of facts, when musicians’ to the coast for picture engage- added to the cast of “The Queen’s
compatriotes de langue fran- contracts expired
Bowles declared that the united the- and as yet nothing ments. Husband” RKO.
caise. has been done at
atrical field was the greatest indus- on
this score. While no definite plans have been
try in all California and was re-
WHICH MEANS sponsible for the rapid growth of
Charlie Thall, Dick Spier, Her- announced for their picture debut,
man Kersken, Dan McLean, Ed it is understood they will appear in
We have just retained the this state. Motion picture making, Smith, Bill Wagnon, Perry Silvey, a featured role in a major studio
But They Didn’t
services of Maurice Goulet, Bowles said, is one of the nation’s Morgan Walsh, Bob McGinn, Char- musical comedy release.
who greatest industries and daylight sav-
Forget to Wire
will conduct our French lie Koerner, Jan Rubini, Claude
column, for film and stage. ing plans are not conducive to Sweeten, Bob Gilmour, Rufe Blair. About It Anyway
Monsieur Goulet comes to us picture making.
Tim Crawford, Georhe Boles, Char- HUGHES DROPS HIS When C. Merwin Dobyns
fresh from stage and screen
in France, Eastern United A hearty laugh was injected into
lie Manning, Emil Sturmer, Neil
Crowley, John Smith, Dick Foster,
PLAN TO PURCHASE and Bill Ray, owner and man-
States and Canada. He has the situation when A1 Greenbaum, Maury Foladare, Gene Fox, “Bill” ART CINEMA CORP. ager respectively of KGER
also considerable secretary of Local 6, American Fed- left for Washington last week,
experience Billings, Phil Phillips, A1 Hixon,
in radio work, having man- eration of Musicians, stepped into they thought everything was
Terry Duffy, Ellis Arkush, A1 Levin, Howard Hughes has definitely
aged the Foreign Department the spotlight for a forceful talk and well under control.
Mike Lewis, Bill Citron, Horton abandoned all plans for buying into
of several Canadian stations, concluded by saying that, despite Kahn, Bill Hicks, Cliff Work and But both of them had for-
United Artists, he has advised his
CNRW, CKY, CJRW and his many fights with certain gentle- gotten something.
all of the Nasser Brothers were Hollywood offices.
CJRX, in Manitoga, Canada. men on- the stage, this was one time there. Projectionists, deck hands Negotiations with Joseph M.
telegraphed to have
An when all must unite for a common his car taken from the park-
experienced newspaper and many musicians were out in full Schenck for purchase of Art Cine-
man. Monsieur Goulet will cause. ing station to the garage,
force. ma
Finance Corporation, production
while C. Merwin wired to
chronicle activities of his com- Greenbaum has been closeted Mel Hertz, Fox El Capitan
for United Artists pictures,
’or- unit
patriots, in the film and stage with Bowles and Bob McNeil, ganist, opened the meeting with an have been dropped completely and turn off the ornamental fount-
industry. among other theatre execs, on a organ novelty, which includes a all offers withdrawn, Mr. Hughes ain in his private office.
good many days since September 1 healthy swipe at the daylight gag. telegraphed from New York.


n n

Colored Revue Being Readied With Miller and Lyle


STAGE BILL New Change Over Three Test Plan PLAN IS TO

Idea Is Envolved DUFFY ACT Used In Fixing
HELPS PAR; Reported that Henry Duffy OPEN SHOW
For Film Booth was endeavoring again to take House Acoustics
U. A. GOOD Agreement by major production
over control of the President
Deal, however, could not be
consummated, because pres-
‘Few theatres constructed before
the sound era are free from acous- IN 4 WEEKS
companies and theatre circuits on an
ent lessees have put out such tical defects,” is the opinion of
of changing from
Paramount and United Ar- improved method a large expenditure for sound Vesper A. Schlenker, acoustical en-
one reel to the next in projecting
tists theatres,both Publix, are talking pictures, has been announc- equipment to show the pic- gineer of the Vitaphone Corpora- Miller and Lyle are sched-
gradually taking the lead in ed in New York by Lester Cowan, tures of the present policy tion. He adds that “No two houses uled to be brought here from
manager of technical bureau of Aca- programs. have the same defects even though
Los Angeles motion picture Rumor has it, though, that they may have the same cubical
the East to head an all colored
biz. Slowly, but surely, this demy of Mdtion Picture Arts and revue, which A1 Leichter, the
Duffy soon take over the
will content. Consequently, every thea-
twin pair of houses are build- Improvement represents a stand- Hollywood Playhouse again. tre needs to be individually diag- Los Angeles agent, is under-
ing up clienteles, as the result ardization of the makeup of release nosed. stood to be getting ready.
of policy, consistently good pic- prints. It will result in a more ac- Schlenker sees lack of
this proper Expectations are that Leich-
curate change-over from reel to reel, diagnosis as the greatest obstacle
tures and publicity. Stage ter willhave the show ready in
shows are helping, and with and thus improve projection. New
standard will go into effect Novem-
the arrival here of Jack Part- ber 1 in Hollywood studios and
STATE CUTS to perfected talking pictures, and
to this end has designed a special
about four weeks. It is planned
to premier the attraction in San
truck, which is really a laboratory Francisco. Negotiations are
ington to handle the stage theatre circuits of the country, it on wheels. This traveling labora- underway with the Erlanger
shows, an added spurt of biz is was announced.
Because every exchange manager
ORPH UNITS tory holds portable testing equip
ment with the necessary accesso-
houses in Los Angeles and
several other towns in the vi-
and more than 30,000 theatre pro- ries to apply to any theatre. cinity.
Paramount led the downtown jectionists will need to be familiar
State Theatre, Long Beach, will The engineer describes briefly
parade this week with a neat discontinue Orpheum units at the In all departments, the show is in
with the standardized practice, the three of the many experiments he
$28,000 turned in for Clara close of next week’s bill. State, experienced hands.
most intensive information cam- makes in the theatre under exam-
Bow’s “Her Wedding Night” however, will continue policy of Bill Cullen, former manager of
paign ever attempted for a technical ination.
and Horace Heidt on the stage. showing combined picture and vau- the Capitol, .San Francisco, will
development in motion pictures will One is the reproduction over the
The latter is one of the best be carried on during the next three
deville programs. theatre horn of a speech. The have charge of the company.
seen here, since return of stage months.
Change in policy indicates new speech is photographed as it comes Book will be written and the
shows to this house, and was drift in vaudeville booking for out of the horn and is simultane- show produced, it was said, by Wal-
Academy has the cooperation of
the outstanding in-the-flesh en- houses of this district. By booking ously photographed at scattered ter Brooks. Brooks staged shows
the Film Boards of Trade, the su-
tertainment in vaude-film houses. local acts they can give more ela- recently for Sebastian’s Cotton
pervising projectionists of theatre spots in the theatre.
borate presentations for less money,
United Artists broke all opening circuits, the union organization of Another trial is the reverberation Club, and sometime ago wrote and
because there is plenty of salary dif- directed a colored revue back East.
night records for this year at Eddie theatre projectionists, the Projec- test in which single tones are pro-
Cantor’s premiere of “Whoopee,” tion Advisory Council, and the ference between these acts and acts It has been years since Los An-
jected and suddenly interrupted elec-
doing close to $5000' for the open- American Projection Society. coming through on the circuit. During the short time in geles had an all colored show in
This new policy fits the present
ing night, and around $22,000 for Projection was taken up following which the sound dies away, it is any of its theatres. Miller and
the week. Picture is one of the a survey which indicated that no
condition. The acts, however, will Lyle headed several of these shows
continue to be booked through the they mopped up
musical comedy sensations of the two studios were making up re- A third experiment is even more in the east, where
year, and should hold four weeks lease prints in the same way, and
RKOoffices here by Bern Bernard.
delicate. A single syllable is pro- with their comedy as stars of the
close to this figure. Clever exploi- that mutilation of reel ends through 'event.
jected, so that its path can be fol-
tation helped. inadequate change-over methods RUBIN IN SHORTS lowed completely around the thea-
“The Big Trail” at Grauman’s was costing the industry many thou-
Chinese, did an estimated $20,000 sands a year.
Benny Rubin has just closed a tre and photographed through every
When one sound re-
deal with Lou Brock, producer of reflection.
for the week. Business is reported short subjects for RKO
Radio Pic ceives the proper acoustical recep- ‘MART’ STRUCTURE
fair, despite fact that critics played
up picture, word of mouth is hurt-
STENQG BLOTTER USED tures, to star in an original fea- tion, others and all combina-
Theatre Mart announce Mrs.
turette of the “Broadway Headlin- tions of sounds will be similarly re-
ing considerably. Will be dragged A teaser blotter was productive of
ers”. series. ceived. Alice Pike Barney, who had for-
shortly. results in connection with the New merly leased the Theatre Mart
Loew’s State with Fanchon and York pre'miere of Warner Brother’s building, is now full owner.
Marco unit and M.G.M.’s “Those special, “The Office Wife,” at the IN TRADER GINSBERG SHORT RUN RECORD Various alterations are made on
Three French Girls” did around Winter Garden. It carried a pic- “Trader Ginsburg” is title selected
$31,000. Business off here. ture of a stenographer’s notebook,
for the next
which Lou
of the WORTH ONE GRAND the stage, and for the “Courtesan
of Rome,” patrons see the stage
Last week of “Madam Satan” was covered" with notes and this reader,
“Are you an office wife?” Thou- Brock will produce for RKO Radio
built out several feet.
also off at the Criterion, another Two minutes work on Warner
West Coast chain house. Billboard sands were distributed throughout Pictures. Nat Carr has the starring Bros. Vitaphone special, “Fifty
advertising refused by posters, due the principal office buildings and role. In important parts, are Million Frenchmen,” netted $1000 WOOLWORTH’S?
Hurt business. were eagerly read. George MacFarlane, Gladden James, to Bela Lugosi, Hungarian actor,
to over-arty ideas.
Bertram Johns and Bill Bailey. Leni Stengel, “vamp” in “Beau
Did less than $10,000. according to stories afloat. Ideal,” Herbert Brenon’s great talk-
Warner Brothers, Hollywood, DORIS LLOYD AT
Only Lugosi, fitted the role of the ing sequel to his silent classic,
STUFF East Indian magician, who enters “Beau
with “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” did Doris Lloyd will make her second Geste,” wears $4000 worth ot
around $14,000, while Warner return to the stage this year when Clara Bow will start work imme- towards the close of the piece, jewelry everywhere she goes during
Brothers, Downtown, did around on diately on her new starring picture, seemed to be the caster’s viewpoint. the filming of the picture, by RKO
Nov. 3 she will play one of the “No Limit,” comedy of a theater
the same- figure with “Road to Par- Radio Pictures, the press depart-
leading roles in “The Apple Cart,”
adise.” Figures are off from pre- by George
vious week’s takings.
usherette who becomes the man-
Bernard Shaw, at the ager of a fashionable metropolitan LAEMMLE ADDS TWO
ment states.
Repertory theatre. gambling house. Carl Laemmle, Jr., has added two
Hollywood Pantages, a West BUY ‘YOU AND I’
Coast chain house, had a life-saver new associate producers to his staff
in Fanchon and Marco’s “Fountain
LANG WITH CRUZE RAY WITH DAPHNE of production aides at Universal Warner Brothers have acquired
of Youth Idea,” as Joe Cook’s
Walter Lang, following comple- Ray Cooke has an important role .Studios, Erwin Gelsey and Robert screen rights to Philip Barry’s play,
“Rain or Shine” could hardly be tion of “Brothers,” which he di- in P a t h e comedy, “Dangerous Harris. “You and I.”
credited with the estimated $11,500.
rected for Columbia, began prepara- Youth,” which is the second of a
At the Carthay Circle, “Just tion for his next picture for James series of six, for which Daphne Pol-
Imagine” is enjoying good business, Cruze. He will probably settle on lard has been signed.
and did approximately $18,500. some well known stage play for his
Matinees fair at 50, 75c and $1.00, vehicle. TUCKER AS LAWYER
nights 75c, $1.00 and $1.50, 1350 Signing of Richard Tucker as the tgmmL
FAWCETT SCRIBBLES lawyer Completed cast of “Madonna
Figures for Fox West Coast George Fawcett’s poem on “La of the Streets,” Evelyn Brent fea
houses were not available, this bor” has been syndicated. The ture to be made at Columbia. John

was due to change in executives. actor uses spare time in writing. S. Robertson directs.

2! %
At the Eleventh annual conven- company to release its pictures to Mr. Hays to the industry and was
tion of the Motion Picture Theater the independent houses so long a the thing which they, as self-re-
Owners of Michigan, held at Grand time after they had been shown in specting business men, resented
Rapids Oct. 8, Senator Smith W. the producers’ own houses that they most.
Brookhart, of Iowa, delivered a talk were out-dated and no longer pos- “In preparing the bill that bears
on the measure he is fathering to sessed any drawing power. my name and in conducting the
check block booking of films. His “Still another concerned a credit hearings on that bill, I have been
talk, in part, follows: system which could be used for cut- inspired by a desire, not merely to
“A few years ago a small group ting off a theatre from its supplies aid a particular branch of the mo-
of motion picture theatre owners in for non-conformance to arbitrary tion picture industry, but to advance
Iowa called upon me to complain of rules of the producers even where and protect the interests of the
certain practices in the industry the credit, that is the ability and public.
which, they said, were slowly driv- disposition of the exhibitor to pay “The first and most important
ing all the independent exhibitors of for his product, was in no degree provision of the bill is that aimed
motion pictures out of business. involved. at block booking. It does not say
They told me that the production BLOCK SELLING that a theatre owner may not buy
and distribution of motion pictures “Finally they told me of a so-
had been completely monopolized called arbitration system, which
pictures in blocks, if he so desires,
but merely that he may not be com-
pelled to do so. The desirability of
Mary Frances Taylor
by a few companies banded to- was compulsory, which in effect
such a provision both from the
gether through the Motion Picture divested the courts of the land of all
Producers and Distrbutors of Am- jurisdiction over controversies be- standpoint of the theatre owner and Formerly with “Student Prince,” “Gone Hollywood,”
erica, presided over by one Will H. tween- producers and exhibitors, the public is manifest.
PUBLIC CONTACT “Oh Susanna” and “Broadway Melody”
Hays, whom I had heard of in which was used by the producers to
enforce specific* performance by the “Since the theatre is the point of
other connections.
“One of the practices described exhibitors of a one-sided uniform
was that of selling pictures only in exhibition contract in the framing
contact between the industry and
the public, and the theatre owner is
blocks, thus compelling the theatre of which the theatre owners had
owner who desired only that part had no voice, and which included
best qualified to judge what the
public wants, and bearing in mind
as BALLET DIRECTRESS —Modernized Ballet

of the product of a particular com- as an integral part of its mechanism that tastes vary in different com- and Screen
munities, I believe that block book-
Bud Murray School for Stage
pany that was appropriate for his the boycotting of any theatre owner
community or patrons to take the who would not submit to arbitra- ing as practiced in the industry to-
3636 Beverly Blvd.
entire output of such company or tion, or, having submitted, would day denies to the public the right
else go without its product al- not abide by the award. freely to choose the kind of pictures
together. “This system, they advised me, it wants to see that is a public
“Another was for the producing was the principal contribution of (Continued on Page 13)


“THE BIG TRAIL “THE PAY-OFF” through their numbers with speed, PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: Loretta Young is physically de-
A FOX PICTURE RADIO PICTURE grace, and beauty of execution, putsSeveral funny situations, but the lightful and handles her scenes skill-
Reviewed at Chinese (Reviewed at RKO) him to the front. Betty Grable, a story as a whole, too trite to waste fully. Purnell Pratt gives both hu-
Two good features in “The Big Picturization of Samuel Shipman new-comer to pictures, leads the the film. Song, “You’re Simpy De- mor and suspense in his role of the
cowgirl number with a technical

Trail”; scenic background and the and John Hymer’s stage success,
execution and projection of person-
lish,” nicely spotted, and looks like
a winner. Singing was, however,
inspector. Jack Mulhall is adequate
perfection of wide film photogra- “The Pay-off” stands out as one of but not out-standing. Raymond
phy. All the scenes contain an at- the most entertaining crook pictures
ality that deserves mention. Com- very unnecessary and did not tie Hatton, Kathlyn Williams, Winter
mosphere of physical beauty hard of the year. menting on Berkeley, his work is so up well with the straight action. Hall, Ben Hendricks, Jr., and Fred
to equal. And the use of wide film Story deals with a suave gangster, good that it will be copied plenty! — CASTINGDIRECTOR’S Kelsey all contribute effective work.
portrays this atmosphere superbly. whose “no-killing” code threatens
Now for the difficulties. his throne, but, who resorts to it in
You will want
this one. With a away with the show. More work
This picture does not capture the a pay-off on a fellow gangster, who
perfect musicalcomedy background, like this, and he’ll be one of the
Eddie Cantor gives you the Zieg- best. Reginald Denny is charming
spirit of emigration in its larger double crosses him. Story is held SHE WANTED”

sense there is too much concentra- up nicely with Lowell Sherman as
feld-Goldwyn standard of showman- and takes advantage of what few
ship, on which you can’t miss. opportunities there are. Fifi D’Orsay
tion of story on the romantic leads. the gangster taking a liking to a (Previewed)
Effect is to make it seem that hun- boy and girl, who amateurishly stick PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: is adequate but nothing more. The
One of the few nearly perfect
dreds of people migrated to the up the gang in effort to retrieve Show
produced. Thorn-
is -'-'’-fectly rest the cast Yola
of —
screen farces.
Not a flaw. James
northwest, just so two young peo- some dough taken from the boy. ton Freeland’s direction is highly Sandra Ravel, Edward Brophy, Pe-
Cruze proves himself a great pro-
ple could fall in love. Romantic in- Kick of the story comes when commendable. Although he doubt- tor Gawthorne, and George Gros-
terest is necessary, but it should Sherman takes a rap for the kids, to less had many people handling the smith, are all competent.
Dialogue was remarkably well
not be given the whole emphasis. enable them to go free. revue element, the way he has knit Kerr. done from many viewpoints. Every
First half of the picture is very Story has nice treatment. the production together shows him speech was individualized to the
well done, latter half is exception- EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: to be very competent. “JUST IMAGINE” speaker. No extraneous speeches.
ally poor. Subtitles are necessary Grab this one of Lowell Sherman. In photography, “Whoopee” ex- FOX PICTURE Every line advanced action of the
to tie the story together, and they It will please family trade. Good cells. Two shots, from directly (Reviewed Fox Carthay) play. Dialogue as a whole carried
are used very well in the early por- entertainment value here. overhead, are superior to any trick an atmosphere of jollity, which kept
Practical phantasy because ex-
tion of the film. But in the latter PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: shots used recently. travagance of ideas are presented
the audience in a receptive mood.
part, where they are needed even Lowell Sherman is rapidly develop- Technicolor work is generally Scenes in which all characters wise-
logically. Not a great picture but
more, one finds very few. Result ing into a director of worth. His good, except in some of the long high entertainment value. cracked, have seldom been excelled.
is, there is no connection between handling of this story was expertly shots, where it looks a bit blotchy. Every crack had audience appeal.
Good points concern originality
episodes. In one sequence, the set- done. Photography on the up and CASTING
up, especially the night club shots. VIEWPOINT:
DIRECTOR’S of ideas, El Brendel’s comedy, and
Plot development is superb. Au-
thor created characters, and let
tlers are dying of heat and thirst Eddie Cantor good ensemble Atmosphere
in the desert, and in the very next CASTING DIRECTOR’S work needs no comment. Ethel of
1980 city is well executed.
them motivate the action, thus
scene it is pouring rain. Then an- VIEWPOINT: Story made to or- Shutta contributes delightful com Brendel should have as big parts
achieving a natural atmosphere sel-
other jump into snowstorms. Ac- der for Sherman, who scintillates edy and is not over-shadowed in the
as can be written. His comedy has
dom found in farce.
tion throughout is entirely too dis- throughout. Marion Nixon, as the least by Cantor’s skill. Eleanor Story has tremendous comedy
the touch of pathos that makes it
connected. fem. interest, had plenty of physical Hunt and Paul Gregory supply an
great. If Brendel had not been in
situations. The gullible Manya and
At the beginning of the story appeal and charm. Hugh Trevor as adequate love interest. Chief Cau- her hunt for love with her husband
the picture, there wouldn’t have
there is just the proper amount of the gangster who was “paid-off,” polican, John Rutherford, Albert and two boarders, past and present,
been a picture. In the dance scenes,
melodrama, but this element grows got every bit out of his lines and Hackett, Will Philbrick, and Wal entanglements which furnishes
the Martian idol dance sequence
make one howl. Greatest comedy is
and grows until it becomes ludi- then some. Casting director made ter Law round out a very satisfac-
no mistake on this gangster type. tory cast. scene is when Manya found with
crous. First evidence of this influ-
William Janney, as the boy, fitted
As usual, there are plenty of punk the policeman, and is the audience
ence comes in scene after scene of Anyone of the “Whoopee” cast is spots. No necessity to read sub- thinks for a moment he
the hero and the villains GLAR- superbly. George Marion, rated a good bet for screen or stage. is husband
titles by movietone voice. Picture number three.
ING at each other. As the climax second honors as the gangster Kerr. producers might realize audiences
nears, the dialogue becomes heav- chief’s servant, while the balance of EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT:
are as intelligent as they are. This is a jewel among program pic-
llv melodramatic of the vintage of the cast, which included Robert Mc- “HER WEDDING NIGHT” Plot is a 1980 love story with a tures. You should book it. Your
1890. Wade, all added to what will be one
of the few' good melodramas. PARAMOUNT PICTURE rocketplane trip to Mars as the kick. audiences will shout with
EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: Paramount Theatre Of the songs, two are hits, “You PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT:
may money maker on Jean.
Old Avery Hopwood bed room Are the Melody” and “Never Swat Perfectly produced. James Cruze’s
Picture be
account of Raoul Walsh’s reputa- a Fly,” which are in the good old direction proves him a master of
tion and the publicity campaign “WHOOPEE” farce brought to life to give em-
De Sylva, Brown, and Henderson motion picture
GOLDWYN-U. ployment to some of Paramount’s art.
built forit. It is not another “Cov- A.
contract players. Since all a
tradition. Former will be the greater CASTING DIRECTOR’S
ered Wagon”in story or treatment. United Artists
it is
hit and will carry on their prestige. VIEWPOINT: All the cast is on
To farcical comedy, with Skeets Galla-
discerning auditors, Walsh’s Eddie Cantor makes a good musi gher and Charles Ruggles doing EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: Betty Comp-
a high technical par.
reputation as a director will suffer cal comedy out of “The Nervous most of the farcing, this picture can
A class drawing card.
first Has son and Lee Tracy stand out be-
from this production. Wreck,” a popular stage play. Can- originality, publicity, and El Bren- cause they have many great comedy
hardly be considered a Clara Bow
PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: tor really the whole picture, and
feature. Miss Bow contributes plot
del’s comedy. Book it! scenes, which they handle perfectly.
It was a shame to waste so -much his comedy is perfect. Employing motivation and some pretty pouts
PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: Betty Compson gives a really great
money and beautiful photography his tried and true stage tricks, he
not because she can’t do more, but
Those responsible for dialogue, portrayal. Her understanding of
on poor dialogue and poor direc- wins his audience as easily from the scenic effects, d.ances, and tunes de- Manya’s character is superb. Gas-
because she hasn’t been given any-
tion. Use of grandeur film was su- screen as from the stage. serve commendation. ton Glass has a hard part. If he
thing else, in this opus.
perbly handled. Cantor plays the part of a sick Skfeets
Gallagher steals the first half of the
CASTING DIRECTOR’S had over-played it, character would
CASTING DIRECTOR’S youth who aids a girl to escape picture and Charles Rugges cap-
VIEWPOINT: El Brendel is bet- have been a mess. Allan Hale has
VIEWPOINT: from the sheriff, whom her parents ter than ever. Maureen O’Sullivan never missed, and he is just as good
John Wayne, the tures the last half.
widely hailed
“discovery,” has a want her to marry. They stop at a Story marries Clara to Skeets
has wistful appeal. John Garrick in this. Fred Kelsey gives his stand-
natural charm, but is not a good ranch to get food and are caught
through a mistake, but Skeets has
sings splendidly. His characteriza- ard characterization.
by the sheriff and his men. After used the tion is colorless. Frankie Albert- Kerr.
actor in this picture. May have much comedy, they again escape, who is name of Earry Charters, son and Marjorie White are effec-
been the fault of the director, as Ralph Forbes. Thus Clara
his poor scenes were those in which
this time to an Indian reservation,
finds herself married to two men,
tive as comics. Others in the cast “THE FOOL”
he over-acted, and the director where the story ends happily, for
one in name and another one in
are competent. It is well to say, DUFWIN, OAKLAND
everybody but the sheriff. however, that Kenneth Thomson is (Reviewed October 12)
should not have allowed him to do reality. Charles Ruggles furthers
it. Tully Marshall gave the great- High spots come when Cantor the comic action by climbing into
too likable to be cast as a villain. Dufwin, once a link in the Duffy
est performance of the picture. This
discusses his operations with an- Kerr. chain of Coast legit houses, is now
the wrong bed at the right moment.
other invalid, and when the villains operated by Richard Marshall, Emil
old veteran should be given the Whole story is just a series of
honor due him; he never misses. conduct a psychological test to de-
termine who is the thief on the
farce situations, but very funny. ‘ROAD TO PARADISE” Bondeson and J. Nolo Miller. While
El Brendel gave his usual very One gets rather tired of the con- Oakland legit pickings aren’t the
ranch. FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE best in the country, neither are they
effective comedy, but he did not tinual chase through bedrooms, but Warner’s Downtown
Technically, “Whoopee” is the discouraging. Dufwin runs along at
have much opportunity. Louise there is plenty of good stuff to make
best straight musical comedy that Case of double identity is again a pretty even pace, bringing in a
Carver was excellent, as his bully- up for the occasional lapses. All
has been adapted to the screen. In- put over to the public. Twin sisters, neat investment return for its trio
ing mother-in-aw. Marguerite in all, a very enjoyable picture.
termingling of ensemble numbers, separated at birth, come together af- of- operators.
Churchill was adequate, but not ex- EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT:
songs, and dances, with Cantor’s ter one has remained in her en- Typical of the house’s stock of-
traordinary. Ian Keithe shows ex- A high class program picture be-
comedy achieves perfect proportion. vironment of wealth and the other ferings is this week’s piece, Chan-
cellent technique. He should con- Physically, the scenes are the most cause there is terrific comedy ap- has become an accomplice to ning Pollock’s “The Fool,” with
tinue to get good parts. Tyrone peal to the average audience. The crooks.
Power, Charles Stevens, David Rol- beautiful the screen has had, except- James Kirkwood handling the lead.
ing “The Rogue Song.” It lives up reputations of Clara Bow, Charles First National supervisors may Despite threatening weather, open-
lins, Frederick Burton and William Ruggles, and Skeets Gallagher will
to the Ziegfeld standard of show- believe that one can read another’s continued on Page 5)
V. Mong were all good in their draw crowds
manship, and the greatest praise to to see it. mind at will, but is not a worthy
parts. Russ Powell contributed
some great comedy moments in his be given, is on the facility with PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: device for plot denouement. The
character of “Windy Bill.”
which this perfection of staging was
transferred to the screen.
Now let’s rave about the dancing.
Photography and lighting were very
bad in two sequences. Director
Frank Tuttle has maintained a high
scene of Loretta Young clutching
her ridiculous talisman to her breast,
while she reads her unconscious sis-
Busby Berkeley has done an in- comedy suspense deftly. His direc- ter’s mind to get the safe combina- INTERNATIONAL
comparable job in his numbers. tion faltered, however, in the first

tion is the greatest comedy scene PUBLICITY

LOOKING The. Cowgirl number is the most bedroom sequence of Charles Rug-
original number that any musical gles and Clara Bow.
comedy has shown on the screen.
Usually a dance looks artificial from VIEWPOINT:
Clara Bow has
in years. The average audience is
not as ~’illible as the producers of
this farce epoch.
This type of plot must have orig-
6607 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, Calif.
Phone GLadstone 3201

for talent the screen, but this number is so little to do.

Charles Ruggles and
well spotted and fits in so admirably Skeets Gallagher
are better than
inal treatment to save it.
nately it is lacking.
Join the 22 Satisfied
Would like to get in touch with
cannot be too highly commended. Forbes

with the spirit of the show, that it ever which is saying plenty.
feature is very good acting through-
Producers Now Using
suitable acts, novelties and blue is improving. Formerly
Berkeley has shown an originality was too stiff-necked EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: Our Service and Forget I
singers for nite club work. Those in his acting,
of conception and a skill in staging, but Just a program picture, with good Your Music Troubles. |
interested send pictures, price is loosening up in his carriage,
and previous publicity to that will show them all the way to
which gives his technique a chance performances to make it fair enter-
better musical pictures. He picked to f’-et over. tainment, for the average theatre-
O. K. HOFFMAN people with the ability to sing, goer. Moments of good suspense SYNCHRONIZING SERVICE
Kerr. Hoilywood
dance, ride, and do parade en- toward the end, but the opening of :
JltiROPOtirsH Studio,
502 Pine Ave., Long Beach sembles. This production has the the_ picture drags
cream of show girl talent. And the
THOSE THREE FRENCH considerably,
mainly because of dialogue difficul-
way Berkeley has put his people GIRLS” ties.


Loew’s State First third of the picture, dialogue
Artistic Scenic Advertising Co., Ltd.
is of such poor quality that any
Meglin Dance By
Far the Best in America
Ordinary picture with
favor. It has
only story enough
little in its
good effect for
the film is lost for- General Insurance
Insurance Exchange Building
ever. Direction is as good as, could
to provide gags.
CURTAIN PRIVILEGES In this case the be
gags are not good enough to carry
expected, and the moments of VA 1261
Studios BOUGHT FOR CASH suspense at the climax are master-
OR SCENERY the whole picture. Plot is the old
ful in their intensity. Technically,
Fanchon & Marco System School one of the difficulties which con-
picture is excellent, if it were not
front love between a young Eng-
New Hollywood Branch
Classes for Adults and Children
Start Oct. 20th — —
All types of
Chas. F. Thompson lish nobleman and a poor but hon-
est girl. Enough said:
for the story and dialogue.
George Barraud
Dancing — Acrobatics Drama Scenic Co. EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT:
Picture is not up to par. Its draw-
gets the laurel wreath of this pic- Auditions for Stage
Talent, every Wed. at
and Voice ture. As the gentleman crook Mr. 11 a.m. Children’s au-
1215 Bates Avenue ing power comes only from Regi- Barraud gives a suave, skilled inter- ditions, every Sat., at
6011 Hollywood Blvd. Phone OLympia 2914 nald Denny’s fan following, and pretation, that should make him an
RE 6910 Hollywood, Calif. whatever popularity Cliff Edwards established screen player. His tech-
and Fifi D’Orsay have attained. nique is perfect.

Pictures - REVIEWS - ‘Legit’

In Hollywood—Now (Continued from Page 4)
mg day’s matinee had a near c;
about poor casting in some of these
locals. Earl McCarthy cannot pro-
By BUD MURRAY pacity house. Downstairs was full* KERR TO WRITE ject his voice, and over-acts. As a
juvenile lead, this boy is too
except for a few side seats and the ‘FACTS’ REVIEWS the amateur.
upstairs was equally good. Only
Hadley Kerr, well known
At last, a Talking Picture Premiere at United Artists, where Eddie four bits top for the matinees. A Plenty of laughs in this show, but
newspaper man, formerly of empty laughter.
Cantor in “Whoopee,” produced by Sam Goldwyn and Florenz Ziegfeld, dollar at night. Chicago, is now a member of Kerr.
showed the “cock-eyed” world, how a Musical Talking Picture comedy Some capital performances were the “Inside Facts” reviewing
should be done, after the other producers, threw a lot turned in at this initial show, under
Mr. Kerr has been do-
of Musicals on, one rite after the other, and finally the directing hand of Ferdinand staff.
ing general work for motion
the “Verdict” that Girly pictures were through, and Munier. SAN FRANCISCO
picture studios for the last
all the choruses at different studios were let out. Particularly interesting was that His extensive

BUT after seeing this one, they must admit of John Ivan. For several years
two years.
study of production technique
(Reviewed Oct. 12)
Henry Duffy was smart when he
they were wrong. Busby Berkely did a superb job Ivan has been near total blindness. and story values contributes his wife, Dale Winter, went
of the dance routines formations, which were the However his eyesight has improved and
to the high critical standards into the initial play of their come-
hit of the picture, excepting Eddie Cantor’s inimitable considerably, although he is still un- of “Inside Facts.” back, “Michael and Mary” at the
comedy. The girls’ numbers always seem to fit in able to read. All this time his 14
the picture, literally speaking. If we are not too Alcazar. Hundreds of Duffy fol-
year old daughter, Helen, has read lowers wanted to see those two.
fresh we can truthfully add, “Musical Comedies for and from this read-
his lines to him,
Talking pictures are not through, if they do them ing he has memorized his sides.
“LITTLE ORCHID ANNIE” Thursday night’s opening was abso-
lute capacity and this Sunday night
like ‘Whoopee’.” (Revue elsewhere in this issue).
Ivan is mighty popular in Oakland, HOLLYWOOD PLAYHOUSE show was plenty healthy.
And so, we will take you through the corridors, and in this show romped away with (Reviewed Oct. 13)
and see who’s who. Leo Morrison, diminutive book- plenty of including the
applause, Dale Winter gave one of the
and Mrs. Charley Mosconi— Busby Farce comedy does not need greatest performances of her career
ing agent— Mr. entrance hand of the
Berkely (himself) Johnny Hines A1 Newman, Mu- — — healthiest
show. His was probably the best
much plot, but should have some, in the role of Mary, handling the

sical Director (formerly of Scandals) Harry Rapf and “Little Orchid Annie” hasn’t part with an ease and ability of
performance of “The Fool.” A mannequin’s note. Duffy was thoroughly ac-
Bud Murray of MGM—
Ethel Shutta (Mrs. Geo. Olsen)

Ivan’s daughter, Helen, who has
even that much.
three daddies decide to call on her ceptable as the eternally young
out with our boy friend, Eddie Cantor signing auto-
helped her father so much in his and all pick the same night. Cops Michael.
graph books— A1 Cohn looking the lobby over— wee George K. Arthur

—Mr. and Mrs. John Medbury Max Steiner, Musical Director at RKO work, made her bow as a profes-
sional, handling the role of Mary
pack all off to jail. The rest of the William Lloyd, in a brief scene,
and whom we worked with on Le Maires Affaires. play gets them free, and nothing took a lot of the show’s honors in
Margaret, the little crippled girl. happens. It would have been more the role of Mary’s disappeared hus-
Wm Le Baron head man of RKO
Jerry Hoffman of the Examin- Youngster put over her stuff well interesting if the fight for the gal band.
er and Harrison Carrol of the Herald, talking into the Mike—
Our friend As P. C. Cuff, Llpyd Neal
particularly in the scene where she had continued.
Gus Shy— Frank Donegan looking “swell”— Constance Bennett getting was another, who turned in a good
cast away her crutches and walked.

a big reception from the “fans’ and lo and behold, the
old-timer, One'
Kirkwood was ideally cast in the
Main apneal of the play is some piece of work.
snappy dialogue and some funny
eyed Connolly, with his trick cap cocked over his ear— and every one role of Daniel Gilchrist. His char
Remainder of the cast, all uni-
of them IN HOLLYWOOD NOW. acterization of the radical Gilchrist
costuming. formly good, included Henry Caubi-

Proceedings started at 9 :20 p. m. Why can t they start at a regular was excellently done. Dufwinites
First act is best. It presents the sens, Zeta Harrison, Lillian Dean,
hour? George Olsen furnished the music and HOW —
What a band and have a find in Anita Deardorf, who,
situation and everything looks Frank Dawson, William Macauley,
promising, but the second act is Ross Chetwynd, David Scott, Eliza-
what a reception he received. according to Emil Bondeson, is a
merely a sketch of a slightly wild beth Wilbur and Sheila MacGregor.
Eddie Cantor followed the picture, and kept the audience laughing, University of California girl.
party. Third act is zero. “Michael and Mary” wasn’t espe-
and finished with a remark About the actors panning Hollywood on Charlotte Treadway handled the
their return to Noo Yawk” —
Adding only those who don’t make good part of Clare Jewett to perfection,
Main merit lies in Mabel For- cially zippy at this show, the sec-
rest’s performance. She got five ond act dragging considerably as a
are the culprits who make these remarks. while Helen Kleeb in a duo of result of constant repetition. How-
laughs to any other

Which is the truth and brings to our mind a flock of dear friends characterizations did very fine work.
character’s one.
This competent comedienne carried ever, customers seemed to like it.
whom we worked with in stage playes in Noo Yawk and who came Ralph Kline also clicked. Remain-
the whole play. After her exit in In a curtain speech Duffy reiter-
out here for pictures and have done exceptionally well. der of cast included Dorothy Bay,
act one, action flopped with audi- ated his policy of sticking to clean
And here are a few who are going back to the legit or vaudeville Vivienne Isaacs, Beth Reynolds, J.
ble thud; and thereafter the play’s plays for the whole family and

but don’t knock Hollywood Because, they have made the grade to — Frank Glendon, Thomas L. Brower,
merit rose and fell with her en- thanked his friends for their con-
wit: Harry Gribbon, for a short vaudeville tour Ben. Bard with a new William Abram, John Rohan, Leon-
trances and exits. The play should stant support.
partner, left for Noo Yawk last week— Joe Brown touring U. S.
and ard Strong, Francis Bolger, Charles
have been written around her.

Europe in personal appearances same for Jack Oakie Georgie Stone — Elder and Gabriella Vigh. Harry James and pit orchestra
Frederick Sullivan’s stuff was well provided- entre’act entertainment
jaunt— J. Harold Murray— Zelma O’Neal m a
to vaudeville for a short Bock.
timed and meant something. Sul- with pop and semi-classical tunes.
new stage play Lillian Roth playing the Publix houses Lena Bas-
livan plays a butter-and-egg man Bock.
quette to the Harry Richman Club in Noo Yawk and should do great
very humorously.
And we always feel that there must be a sort of subconscious some- Julia Blanc, as Madame Elaine, EATON, WEBB LEAVE

thing that stage people have, even when they are doing great in pic-
tures and no matter how long they are in pictures, that yearning
the stage always lurks “just around the corner” IN
Film was effective. Betty Bronson was
well cast as Orchid Annie, dumb
Hollywood is minus two popular
personalities. Mary Eaton, and her
gold-digger. Her mannerisms show
she is not perfectly at home on the
equally famous director-husband,

A kick
we get out of “Whoopee” was Bill Philbrick and Chief Ca-

We worked with Bill IS years ago in Winter Garden produc- Cuttings stage, being amateurish at times.
Millard Webb, left last week for
However, her lapses in technique New York,
enroute to London,
tions, and 18 years ago with the Chief, in the original “Mutt & Jeff” By HELENE STARICE rather fitted the character.
England, where Miss Eaton will
company—The Chief was playing a bombastic South American trick forthcoming Paul Mur-
Arnold Walsh plaved well, but his star in the
general, and Mack Sennett cops part is not the kind that appeals to
ray revue, and Webb will direct pic-
Warren Jackson, of the team of Jackson and Bobby Connolly con- tures for a noted British studio.
Manager Goldberg, of Columbia an audience.
fess he has ironed out his difficulties with Fanchon & Marco and has exchange, on the road, but Assist-
is Isabel Keith, Georgie Harris,
rejoined the “New Yorker Idea”— On the Boulevard ran into Bernard ant Manager Tillman
is on the job, Camille Rovelle, Ray Largay, Alber- O’BRIEN FLIES BACK
McConville who wrote the book “Oh, Susanna.” Mac has another script back from a big selling trip up the tine Pickens, John Manning, Byron George O’Brien has just returned
under his belt which sounds real good— and then smack into a real old coast. Alden, and Virginia Thornton are from a flying trip across the United
timer who looks young and can tell you about the good old days when * * * competent in their parts. States with a group of army flyers.
he was with Henry W. Savage; Bill Cullen, who was the Manager with Film Board of Trade announces It is time somebody complains
“Oh, Susanna” when it went to San Francisco, and we can truthfully following swaps in theatres.
say we never worked with a better “front man.” Strand, in Pasadena, sold by Fox RASCH TO RETURN
We ran into the “Dummy” newsboy who keeps shop in front of West Coast George L. Hanes.
to Warner Brothers house in Hunt- Albertina, Rasch is expected home
Henry’s— The Dummy burst forth with the news that Jack Oakie is La Mesa, town of that name, ington Park, will be opened some- to lend her personal instruction and
playing opposite him in his new picture, “On the Spot,” for Paramount disposed of by Lewinson and Glea- time around Thanksgiving day. technique to her studio at Fairfax
—Wonder whether it was true that the “Boys had Jack “on the Spot, son to Leonard Maxwell. This will be one of the fastest con- and Sunset Boulevard, in about two

in Chicago, or whether that was another high pressure publicity “gag” Yeagre, Watts, which has been struction jobs on record. weeks.
—The same goes for Clara Bow with her new galmbing picture and her closed for a few weeks, now lighted
“gambling escapade in Nevada by T. J. Atchley.

And then for the Main Event at the Olympic Fites Tuesday, with Baldwin Park, at Baldwin Park,
Abe Roth our pet referee and (pupil)—Jack Doyle, the old promoter leased by Frank Ullmann.
* * *
back on the job and it looked good to see his smiling face at the ring-
side— Our boy friend, Stub Nelson, Record sports writer, giving Mark Robert E. Power is in Calexico Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy to
Kelly, the Examiner sports writer, the “burn” when the news flashed to watch work of decorating Fox Create and Produce
that “Balcony” Jimmy Maloney beat “Carniverous” Camera in two
Theatre there. Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That Sell
* * *

heats You know Mark thinks a heap of the Human Alp.
Fox, in Stockton, scheduled to
Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont
Next to us the old Judge himself, Walter C. Kelly— Next to Walter, Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, Calif.
Lew open October 14. Fox, in Berkeley,
dear Charley Murray (still wishing he was a blood relation) after redecorations, opened October

Brown getting fatter and healthier the two Boy Friends, Hobert Wool- 10 .

sey and Bert Wheeler, who are mostly seen together on the screen
Bobby said “That he could get more out of a Bowl of Soup than a
miniature golf course —
(Ans., We had one for two weeks and sunk $10,- HARVEY VALUE
Pagel — Ex Harlequin Sam Hardy.


We noticed
Dave Bennett enjoying the fight in his usual quiet manner— Dave Dolly Nelson, looking younger
has some t me at the Paramount Studios— What a life— IN HOL- every day What a sweet girl —
Mr. and Mrs. Macklin Magley, reg-
For a little lunch at the Brown Derby and Rufus LeMaire, our old ular fight fans The Gold Dust
back at the fights,

— 7377 Beverly Blvd.


OR. 2688
boss in Le Maires Affairs, confides he is getting hot to do a revue here, twins Paul Girard Smith and Har-
— if he can’t put one over here, then no one can —
who will step forward ry Delf„ a couple of “pip” writers
with about $60,000. Joe, head man of Henry’s trying to
A few minutes with Si Barlett, our pal from Chicago, who totes quiet B. B. B. Might as well try to
along that new heavyweight find of Doc Kearns’ A1 Fay, who beat stop Mt. Vesuvius
Les Kennedy and the wise ’uns didn’t except him too— A1 claims he will Then for a change of air (no
do better next time; hasn’t been here long and must get acclimated cracks) to B. B. B’s Tunnel for a
we claim he didn’t do bad as he is. “snack” and after seeing that sold
Joseph Santley is still IN HOLLYWOOD —
and we see that Dick out house —We
cannot say there are
Powers is back in town; seems he only left last week for Noo Yawk- bad times— We
had to sit in Leon-

Jack Holt munching on a morsel of food Brother Masquer Henry
ard G. Stevens’ lap and listen to his
bass notes
Clive doing the same— Our little girl friend Sally Starr, who was with
us in Scandals and Le Maires Affaires and now playing in “Parlor,
In walkt a flock of Managers and PRACTICAL DRAMATICS AND STAGE DANCING

Bedroom and Bath” and not doing bad in picures. promoters in the Fite Racket, head- TAP, Off-Rhythm, “Modernized BALLET” & Acrobatics
ed by Tom Gallery, Matchmaker of
In a booth, Mary Mulhern (Mrs. Jack Pickford) who was with the Hollywood Legion Stadium “MODERNIZED BALLET” by Mary France* Taylor
us in “Scandals.” Mary is looking delicious, married life must be agree- Carley McDonald Lee Moore, who —
ing with her IN HOLLYWOOD NOW —
Our pet understudy in Good
imports French Fiters Pete Fla-
(Premier Danseuse) "Oh Susanna,” “Gone Hollywood,” “Student Prince,"
"Broadway Melody"
News. Kitty Flynn, another “peach” who made the grade in pictures
IN HOLLYWOOD. herty Doctor Martin — Ben Gal- — ,OF
lery, who gives the flappers a treat
Then to the Fights at the Hollywood Legion to see “Boby La where he shows what the well
Salle” (this is not a typographical error) —
Herd’s a “mug” who when dresst man will wear
hit and goes on his back comes up “somersaulting”
— —
Everyone wants to Scattered here and there -noticed —
see him licked, but he keeps slugging away “goofy or not goof, that is Jean Hersholt Claudia Dell, who
the question ”

But he draws the “suckers” in. was with us in the Harry Carroll
Our dear friend. Bob McGowan, who has directed “Our Gang” Revue, now in pictures at Warners BALLET MASTER AND MISTRESS
comedies for ages, right next to us remarks that “One of the bloodiest —
Harry Santley Armand Emanuel — —
Formerly 68 Successful Weeks Producing Weekly Changes
fighters had too much “Rouge” on for Technicolor— John T. Murray
— —
Rubinoff, famous violinist Lo-

in Australia’s Largest Theatres


with Bob, cracks that “La Salle” has a great sense of humor brought cust Susters Fatty Arbuckle Mar- THE STATE, SYDNEY
on by the awful pasting La Mar gave “Booby” and the Goof always garet Lawrence Little Billy and — Producers Desiring Originality WRITE or WIRE
keeps smiling with a B.B.B. pan. quite a few more, but space won’t
— — -Permanent Address: INSIDE FACTS, Los Angeles—
A few brother Masquers scattered here and there Arnie Hood permit and JUST IMAGINE -they
Ernie Hilliard— Lee Horan—Walter Weems— Harry Joe Brown— Raol are all in HOLLYWOOD


S<§E?(S(MaL At the News
Published Every Saturday J>p JAMES MADISON
One Year $4.00 Foreign $5.00
Preparatory to entering a hospi-
Hello, Cliff Work. Hello, O’Neill Sisters.
Advertising Rates on Application Hello, James Madison. Hello, James Madison.
tal for a long deferred operation,
William Sistrom, executive manager
I remember the time when Who is the biggest rube you
Established 1924 Yeomen wore bustles.
As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, of RKO
studios, yesterday resigned met last week?
1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of his position. A steady milk diet for
That’s going back. A fellow who thought Moby
many months Dick was a policeman.
March 3, 1879. failed to cure.
Hello, George Olsen.
* * *
Hello, James Madison. Hello, Chain and Conroy.
Final decree of divorce was
Published by you these What’s worrying Hello, James Madison.
granted Mrs. Mildred Manning days?
Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. Cook, New York actress, from Os-
is this operation I un-

800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.

Why do
mer Elton Cook in district court in prietors forthey arrest cafe pro-
derstand they are talking of
serving ginger ale performing on Bob Shuler?
Telephone TUcker 7832 Denver, Colorado. The couple were and cracked ice and
permit cigar I believe they wish to cut out
married in New Orleans January his radio.
stores to sell pocket flasks?
JACK JOSEPHS President and Editor 31, 1929. Desertion and non-sup-
WM. Vice Pres, and Counsel port were charged by the actress.
JEAN ARMAND General Manager * * * Hello, Ted Weems. Hello, Everett Hoagland.
Hello, James Madison.
Hello, James Madison.
Carol Lombard, young film star What is the best kind of a saw What is your re-action to mod-
Vol. XII Saturday, October 18, 1930 No. 16 who recently signed a Paramount
to draw musical notes out of? ern existence?
contract, was notified she is sole
A band saw. A roof over your head is better
beneficiary of $10,000 estate of than shingles on your body.

It little dumb in the motion picture racket.

pays to be just a * * * Hello, Harry Cohn. Hello, Alice White.
Hello, James Madison.
Prominent film players are learning that they should not be too Annual California orange show, What is your dearest wish? Hello, James Madison.
'good in learning their parts, or their bankroll will suffer. They Oroville, opening and closing dates To see a crocodile shed croco- Where can I find a touch of
say that they have to take it slow and easy or the producer gets have been announced for November dile tears.
The seats in the Pacific
25 and 30 respectively, according to Elec-
more than his share of the breaks. exposition officials. tric Red cars furnish that.
* * * Hello, Elsie Janis.
Consider an experience of Richard Tucker. His excellent Hello, James Madison.
Mary Garden Hello, Betty Bronson.
screen technique has made him a popular player and many pic- claims that singing What do you think of Jim
gives her as great a “kick” as cham- Hello, James Madison.
tures, now unwinding, show him in featured roles. They usu Jeffries’ new Vine Street mar- An Eastern publisher is about
pagne. That must certainly give ket?
ally shoot a talkie approximately as the story unfolds; so if a to get out my latest book, “The
her a big wow. They tell me that in the meat sex of the onion.”
man appears in the first, the middle and the end, he will be * * *
department, upper cuts are very I hope it proves to be a ‘best
carried for the entire shooting schedule. But in one instance Jean Jarvis, Los Angeles show- popular. smeller.’
Mr. Tucker found that he knew his stuff too well. Requiring girl and stormy petrel of “love
affairs,” refuses to make
little rehearsal and coaching, Mr. Tucker’s scenes were shot in
concerning her
beating in San
three days- although his part was very prominent; thus he got Francisco last week, also of any
three days’ pay instead of four weeks. If he had been a little knowledge concerning the shooting
slow in mastering his part and required constant rehearsal, the of Jack “Legs” Diamond.
* * jK

company would have had to carry him for the entire picture
From Wales, England, comes
Now Tucker asks himself if he is too good. word that the song hit “Betty-
Ben Hall is another case in point. Beji was signed to play Coed,” is no song at all, since there Ray Bailey with a weakness for stills ... his room is covered with
a featured comedy role with Alice White, and congratulated isa town named Bettwa-y-coed, lo- pics of stars Someone at KHJ wondering about Leslie Fenton . . .


cated at the head of the Vale of Dorothy and Mary, duo with embarrasing a reporter prais-
himself that he was in for a nice run. Imagine his embar Conway. ing his “widow’s point,” on his forehead
. . .

Gilmore Millen, the “Merry- . . .

rassment when all his stuff was shot in three days. Checking * * * Go-Rounder,” of the Herald, now with who doesn’t want to MGM . . .

up on his year’s income, Ben finds he has played more and Ferris Hartmann, comic opera work That boy surely can write ... but all he wants to do is read
. . .
. . .

better parts this year than ever before, but he has made less comedian was arrested by dete hear good music and run after ritzy blondes ... An ideal aim in . . .

tives of the “bunko” squad on com- life Art Wenzel rushing about mailing photos to every paper
money. He is doing some head-scratching, too.
. . . . . .

plaint of two girls who were em- in town What would we do without Art? ... a certain young news-
. . .

This is not always the case. Many players in very small ployed for office work on the highly paperman is very found of Maureen O’Sullivan ... not telling who . . .

parts are carried through picture, which is all the more gravy plugged Ferris Hartman Comic Dick Hunt of the Herald playing Indoor Baseball nights and enjoy- . . .

Opera Company which was sche ing it Eddie Stodel, also with “Hearst,” trying a bit of football and
. .

for them. But Ben Hall and Richard Tucker are wondering if

duled to open at the Shrine last changing to Indoor Oscar Shmidt, millionaire owner of Caliente . . .

being good actors pays less than being bad actors. summer and didn’t. The girls, Miss Golf Park posing with Ernestine Pierce for a picture Peterson ... a . . .

Jeanne Moore and Louise Muehi- cartoonist flirting with death walking down S.C. campus with yellow
. . .

hausen charge Hartman of not pay- paint brush Harry Geise announcing in booth and eating apples
. . .
. ,. .

ing salaries. Charles Forsythe working his train effect at KHJ very realistic
That billboard advertising of the right sort can do a great * * *

making everybody want to go into second gear

. . .

Bud Jones and . . .

deal of good is generally overlooked in the present furore of Tommy Tomson of the “Times,” going into the Press Club Lyn
Raimundo Marquez, 13-year-old Slaten and Tommy Askens, “two young men of Los Angeles,” playing
. . .

opposition to encourage legislation against it. wonder pianist, who was praised by
pee-wee golf at 4 a.m. Ben McGlashan, 26 year old owner of KGFj
Competent companies like Foster and Kleiser work out Ignace Paderewski, gave a farewell
all steamed up about his new yacht ... a 45 foot cabin cruiser
. . .

On Wilshire concert before * leaving for Mexico. . . .

artistic ideas for their signs to beautify the city. named the Broadcaster now the fishes will realize what we have to . . .

* *
boulevard the boards are done extravagantly in good taste in a
Mrs. Belle Chamberlain, former
go through ... Ray Martinez leading the orch at with one hand
setting of shrubs and lawn that would do justice to a well ap and reading lines with the other The spooky organ passageway in . . .

light opera star who died Sunday at KTM Glen Hall Taylor frightening the phone girl by playing weird
. . .

pointed estate. If they do nothing else, the fact that they hide the Hollywood hospital, following music at 1 am. when everybody else had left Hal Reese slapping the . . .

the ugly backs of apartment buildings is commendable. an operation, will be laid to rest at drums at KHJ and reminding us of train wheels clicking over joints . . .
her birthplace in Grand Rapids, hot sticks that lad “Wag,” of the United Press
And, more important, companies of this type donate hun Michigan. .
teeing off
. . . . . . . . . . .

Jimmy Hall at Fox Wilshire with a titian blonde and brand new
dreds of square feet of space to charity organizations like the * * *
Cadillac Dick Wile and party of wild Frenchmen at opening of
. . .
. . .

Community Chest in an effort to promote good civic ideas. TORONTO, Ont., Oct. 14.— Orchid Annie and apparently liking it .Rob Wagner watching the . . . . .

On the contrary, they have refused posters portraying salacious $1,000,000 permanent building is re- audience Eleanor Barnes playing miniature golf
. .
Hal Rorke in-
. . .

ideas such as a recent motion picture offered. The whole in- ported to he considered for exhibit- haling coco-colas with Walter Merrick Tom Breneman of . . . KFWB
ing horses, cattle and cats. Build-
fluence in these respects has been one of uplift, an influence ings already on Toronto exhibition
is still on the moon Met the Romancing Racketeer of and . . . KFWB
found him Jack Joy, program director expected to find George . . .

that everyone must realize. grounds are valued at over $20,- Bancroft which reminds us that Bancroft’s rubber float once collided
. . .

Main point is that there are many small boards that con- 000 000 ,
. with us while swimming in the azure deep He didn’t recognize . . .

stitute a nuisance and destroy scenic beauty, but these larger us . Voices on top of voices ... six men and a girl shouting “Walla
. .

companies employ experts to determine how to combine "the IN VETERAN COMEDY Walla,” into a “Mike,” during mob scene in Star Reporter at
Prop man whistling heroically and booming drum to imitate “All
business of advertising with a high degree of artistry and there Ford Sterling is making a Gayety
Quiet,’’ shell fire effects and succeeding pretty well Pretty Kay . . . . . .

must be- some differentiation in any attacks on billboard ad- comedy for Educational, under di- Van Riper continuity girl at busy composing programs
. . . KFWB . . .

rection of Arvid Gillstrom. whata racket big business men with their stenogs at the
vertising as a whole. „ . . .

Paris Inn this looked like a gag at first .

when an irate wife caught
. .
. . .


big butter and egg man with sweetie on lap
Bert Rovere calmed both parties with aid of bouncers
very embarrassing
and that’s all.
. . .

. . .
. . .

Television is latest cloud looming on producers’ horizon, pro- Frances Dade has been engaged
viding a new problem for theatres and motion picture industry for the role of Lucy in Universal’s
forthcoming production of “Dra-
in general. Warner Baxter has been assigned Lillian Leighton has been signed
cula.” Tod Browning directs.
It is pointed out that as the advent of sound several vears lead role in “The Spider,” Fox- by Charles Brabin for a role in

ago and the resulting temporary confusion was finally righted, Movietone version of Fulton Curs-
KENTON SIGNED ler’s stage drama. Henry King to “The Great Meadow,” which he is
so the new medium will be overcome and utilized by pictures. now making from the Elizabeth
Erie C. Kenton has been signed direct.
Movie studios probably will project talking pictures onto a to direct “The Last Parade” for Maddox Roberts novel of early
screen, to be, in turn, broadcast by microphones. Columbia. WEST FINISHES PIC Kentucky days.
Theatres will continue to draw the public, as a means of John and Buster West have just
different entertainment and change, and for the opportunity STAHL HOLDS PEN completed a new Educational-Van-
of seeing favorites perform in person. John M. Stahl is the latest screen ity comedy, titled “Don’t Give Up.” Three Directions
director to join ranks of Universal
picture writers. ‘MOON’ DATE SET Motion Embodied
Lillian Albertson and Louis O. In ‘Rotary Shot’
DeMille and
Macpherson have Casting of the three principals for Moon” at the Biltmore October 27. What is called the “rotary
split, JeanieMacpherson signed Universal’s next feature, “Half Back to Normal shot” has been perfected at
with Paramount on the usual long Gods,” was settled with
CARLE TO GOTHAM United Artists for Mary Pick-
term contract early in the week. ment that Genevieve Tobin, “Charlie,” said George Sid- Richard Carle has left for New ford’s “Kiki.”
Conrad ney to his partner in com-
Miss Macpherson will do both orig- Nogel and Monroe Owsley would York to join Goetz’s new musical Giant perambulator-elevator,
inals and adaptations, but her first portray leads. edy, “won’t you be glad when show which had Charles King and
Hobart Henley will containing a caged camera
assignment ‘has not been decided. direct.
we get through this series of Ted Healy. platform, was built.. Peram-
‘Cohens and Kellys’ so we
bulator hangs from a rail at-
COMEDY PAIR TEAMED STANWYCK TO can go back to wearing reg- WILL MARRY AGAIN tached to the ceiling of one of
Roland Youno- and Cliff Edwards STAR ular clothes instead of Scot- Alan Roscoe has announced in-
Barbara Stanwyck’s first role tish kilties and Arabian and tention of remarrying his divorced
the stages. Perambulator
have been paired together as a com- moves in either a straight line
since she was raised to stardom by Barbara Bedford.
edy team for “The Southerner,” African shorties?” wife,
Columbia Pictures, will be a dra- or a semi-circle as desired,
Lawrence Tibbett’s new starring matic story Charlie Murray glanced
of dancehall life, under JOAN FLIES BACK and the elevator moves up or
picture at M-G-M. down at the abbreviated khaki down at will by a special sys-
direction of Lionel Barrymore. This Joan Bennet has returned by
shorts. “Shure, and I will at air
will be Barrymore’s initial produc- Hollywood three weeks
tem of weights and pulleys.
RE-SIGNS WITH MGM tion for Columbia.
that,” said he. “Let’s go
over to the cafe and you or-
vacation in New York
after a
It giyes a camera range of
A. P. Younger, scenarist, has re- the entire stage in any direc-
turned to M-G-M on a new con- der gefultefish and I’ll get me
tract. First work will be on the
VINCENT RETURNS a mulligan stew, just to keep FELIX WITH FOX tion and from floor to ceiling
Frank Vincent, former Western Seymour Felix, dance director, is and requires a crew of six
Fanny Hurst stor^ “Five and Ten,” manager for our identity.”
Orphem, returned the newest addition to the Fox- men.
slated for early production. Monday from a trip east. Movietone directorial ranks.

935 Market
Office Suite 504

Civic High Jinks

Used For Stunt
BUT Gleanings
T o Open Theatre Pickups MANNERS IN
ODDITIES SEEN If ever San Francisco has given Oct. 16. Fox
a hearty welcome to a theatrical California got off to a flying start
ing firm of Emil
Oct. 16.— Produc-
Bondeson and Dick
producer, it was the one accorded last Tuesday night when pub- FWC Marshall at the Dufwin has been
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. It — Henry Duffy when he staged his licity men engineered a rousing
augmented by the addition of J. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.—
Nolo Miller as a partner. New line- Shift in the cast of Warren Irons’
was a week of fair picture business, comeback at the Alcazar on Thurs- civic celebration in honor of the
up of plays set for the ensuing burlesque show at the Capitol have
characterized by many surprises day night, and the President on Fri- new 2800 seat house.
when check-up time came. Chief Attending the opening from out months includes “It’s a Boy,” Cecil Manners and June Rhodes as
“Kongo,” “June Moon,” “Front soubrette and ingenue, succeeding
among these were: the brody of Evidence aplenty of the popular- of town, were Howard Sheehan,
Page,” “Shanghai Gesture,” “Com- Ginger Britten and Ann Allison.
“Liliom” at the Fox; the good busi- ity of that red-headed actor-pro- A. M. Bowles, Marjorie White, El
ness done' by Clara Bow in “Her ducer was manifest when Duffy and Brendel with his wife, Clive Brook,
mand to Love” and “Caprice.” A Miss Manners comes from Detroit,
Wedding Night” at the Paramount; his charming wife, Dale Winter, John Mack Brown and Margaret number of these pieces will play the where she was with Olammage at
the upward jump in receipts taken were greeted with applause on their .Churchill.
Dufwin after Ackerman and Harris the Gaiety.
Fox’s “Up the River” was the op- have produced them at their Tivoli,,
by “Whoopee” in its second week initial appearances, and were given Charles Fritcher is back in his
San Francisco.
at the California. still another demonstration when ening flicker. House will have first comic’s job after a short illness, and
runs, probably holding them a * * * Bozo Fox is out. George Murray
Fox dipped to its lowest low in Terry made a brief curtain speech. week while the Fox State when re- A few weeks ago Fox Films bor- is due to close Oct. 22, with no
months on Charles Farrell in “Lil-* * *
opened after current re-decorations, rowed the old revenue-cutter, “Bear,” successor yet named.
iom.” Picture had little draw, and SPOTLIGHTS longer
will play its pictures for from the City of Oakland, promis- Eugene Koneger, house police
when customers got in the house periods. Nick Turner manages both
Walter Hiers was negotiating for ing a wealth of publicity in return officer, is being drafted for a num-
they laughed at many of the best houses. ber of lighter roles.
for use of the boat. City fathers
sequences. A weak Fanchon and an Austin to break the jump be- took a look at “The Sea Wolf” at
Marco unit, “American Beauty,” tween the William Taylor hotel and PUBLIX IN GOLF
was of no assistance. Result was the Paramount but the deal fell . . .
the Fox Oakland, in which the OFFICIALS ATTEND
“Scotland Yard” through when Hiers demanded a six SAN FRANCISCO, 16.— “Bear” was used, and now have re-
$34,000 gross.
opens Friday. passenger car Dick Parks a pee-wee golf . . . . . . With opening of
ferred the question to the city at- OPENING OF FOX
the L. A. booker
While many thought adverse Wallace Beery
and duplicate of course in the old Portola, Publix torney for that gentleman to find
out how Oakland benefited.
Bob Carleton hopes to make some money out of
publicity given Clara Bow would
. . .

and Julie Ballew riding in the Gov-

hurt “Her Wedding Night” at the ernor elevator
the venture since that chain holds * * * BERKELEY, Oct. 16.— Attend-
Art Schwartz get- a lease on the Portola site and is . . . Orpheum has a classy new ed by Fox West Coast execs from
Paramount, quality of the picture ting stuck with the luncheon check renting the spot to Frank Long marquee with Neon deckings that Los Angeles and San Francisco the
was such that customers to the ex- Understanding
for A1 Sather, Bill Foy and another and George Moyer. doll up front of the house consider- new Fox California threw open its
tent of $19,000 worth, came to see
guy Mrs. Lon Chaney was in is that Publix gets a cut out of the ably. doors last Saturday night, screen-
the show which included Walter
. . .

from Hollywood but kept away profits. Gene Karlin, who for- . . .
* * * ing Paramount’s “Follow Thru” as
Iiiers in person with a stage pre-
from press and public Adolph merly managed the St. Francis for Fox Oakland did a neat business the opening film.
sentation. Horace Heidt and band, . . .

Dohring talking about the beer in Publix is in charge of the Portola on “Sea Wolf” last week, the Sat- Oscar Oldknow, Winfield Shee-
big local favs, open Friday for a links which had a big opening this
Germany . . .
urday midnight show being one of han, Howard Sheehan, A. M.
Times are getting so tough that week. the heaviest yet. Bowles and Charlie Thall were
Paramount’s “Whoopee” with bookers are offering split afternoons among those in attendance.
Eddie' Cantor opened two weeks
ago at the California drawing but
in the Emporium window Irving . . . NEW EMBASSY POLICY HEINEMAN MOVES Clarence Laws manages this first

mediocre attendance. Reports have

Ackerman lunching in Herbert’s FRANCISCO. Oct. 16.—
Mike Rosenberg, big theatre main- No more holdover pictures for the
. . .
SAN SAN FRANCISCO, 16 Oct. — run house, which is the third Fox
house in this, college town.
it that Sam Goldwyn burned plenty Terry Embassy, unless they’re a good
W. J. Heineman has moved, his
tenance man, also there . . .

at the poor business, and ordered a isional offices of Universal pictures

heavy publicity campaign unleashed,
Duffy dashing from the Alcazar to draw. Bill Wagnon has decided to to the Los Angeles exchange where
the President George Hood, Al- play his features for only seven . .
he make his headquarters. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.—
climaxing in Friday night appear-
cazar manager, in the lobby days, and then, after two months Heineman was all set to occupy an
ance of Cantor himself. Result was
. . .
Charlotte Linne, vaude and pre-
an increase of several grand in re-
Edgar Waite attends “Michael and clearance, book them into his sec- upholstered office in the new local sentation songstress, returned this
Mary” Lucille Gordon drops ond run Davies down the street. Universal exqhange when the shift week from several months spent in
ceipts, with about $19,000 in the
. . .

Norma Talmadge in “Du into the office for a few inquiries . . .

came. Europe. She is headquartering
Barry, Woman of Passion” is in for John Walters eating a hamburger PRESS AGENT’s”bAND here.
with ketchup, mustard and RECRUITING CAST
two weeks. .

. .
FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.—
of pepper and hot SAN
Eoew’s Warfield opened Fox’s stuff Arthur Ward
salt . . .

who Maury Foiadare is in from Los An- SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.— PARK IN S. F.
“Up the River” Sunday to mighty leaves for Sioux City this week
. . . . . .

. . .
geles to handle advance publicity on Donald Peck passed through here SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.—
neat biz and has been holding up Horace Heidt’s band, which opens this week to pick up cast members Dick Parks, head of the Parks The-
well. Radio’s “Half Shot at Sun-
to open for Cherry Mal- RKO . . .

at theParamount on Friday for a for the musical comedy stock com- atrical Agency, Los Angeles, and
lotte talksit over with Louie Graf.
rise” at the Orpheum closed after week. Foiadare put in a lot of his pany he is opening at the Vancouver successful marathon promoter, was
Here’s Duffy’s personnel at the
two weeks with a final figure of around Oakland and Theatre, Vancouver, on Oct. 21. in from Los Angeles to look over
Alcazar: George Hood, manager best licks
$7500. Berkeley where the Heidt band got Era Briggs, local singer, was among the local field.
. . . Herbert Mitchell and Earl Jan- cast, most of which came from Los
Embassy held over George Arliss its start several years ago as a Uni-
sen, treasurers G. McLaughlin,
in “Old English” a bit too long and supt. Henry
. . .

Caubisens, stage
versity of California organization. Angeles. TEAM GOES ACROSS
second week did but $8000. “Maybe
. . .

mgr. George Gibson, scenic art- SAN FRANCISCO,

Oct. 16.—
It’s Love” is now in for only five
ist ..
. . .

Eddie Barton, props

TRIPP IN CHARGE EXCHANGES MOVE Claire Cortez and Don Marquis,
days. Publix’s St. Francis got $7500

Thierman, mechanics
. . .

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.— ballroom dance team, will leave the
with F.N.’s “City Lights.” Cheva-
. . .

General Talking Pictures, distribs Universal Exchange has moved to Hotel St. Francis soon for a Euro-
Clarence Kiernan, electrician . . .

lier now getting the attention in

and at the President it’s Charlie
of DeForest equipment, have op-
. . .
new and spacious quarters on Hyde peon tour that opens them January
“Playboy of Paris.” ened local offices on Golden Gate street, surrendering previous Golden 1 in Holland.
Joseph, manager Victor Leffler . . .

avenue with Jack Tripp in charge. Gate offices to First National.

and Laddie Frahm, treasurers . . .

Fritz Warnke, musical dir. Tom THOME WITH PUBLIX M-G-M and United Artists are due EXECS . . . WAGNON
Burke, stage mgr. Selwyn Sachs, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16-
to move soon to Hyde and Eddy,
. . . —
supt. Fred Rickman, scenic art- Ray Thome is p.a. at Publix’s Cali- and both Warners and F.N. will New exec lineup of Wagnon’s Em-
. . .

A. L. Parker, mechanics take those locations.

ist . .
fornia, succeeding Jack Gault.
. bassy and Davies has Don Robin- . . .

J. B. Stebbins, props. Louis son as general manager of both . .

577 Geary St. San Francisco MAGILL QUITS


Kruger, electrician and what VOIGHT IS ILL houses, with Jack Roberts in charge
Franklin 2562
. . .

about Bob Kroeze SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16.— terSAN FRANCISCO,' Oct. 16.—Af- of the Embassy and Don Waite, . . .

Acrobatic, Stage, Tap, Rhythm, Henry Starr on the phone Fred Voight, Fox exchange man- several years in ace Publix chief of the Davies. Perry Silvey is . . .

Ballet and Ballroom Dancing letting us know about his new radio ager, is again confined to his home houses on the Coast where he was p. a. for both houses.
ROUTINES FOR THEATRICAL job Thelma Crocker was pub- by illness.
. . .
featured as “the megaphone king”
PEOPLE licly married to Lloyd Wilson at the Eddie Magill has turned in his no- ROLE FOR HOPTON
food show last week seven years tice. Reported differences between Russell Hopton signed by Colum- . . .

Private Lessons by Appointment

Children’s Classes Saturday at 1
ago Count Bernivici, now at the
Golden Gate, did a vaude act around
Magill and Publix execs caused the bia for featured role of Sheridan,
resignation. district attorney, in “The Criminal

Young People’s Classes, Eves., here with his brother when the Code,” starring Walter Huston. . . . Permanent Wave
« 8 to 11. family name was Wolf Maury Best in the West

Foiadare and Charlie Koerner Joan Bennett returned after her WALSH EDITS AUNT
double o a few things around the three weeks vacation in New York, “Charley’s Aunt,” directed by A1
Par . . .
which she spent with her mother, Christie, is completed, and is being
* * *
Mrs. E. F. Pinker. edited by Sid Walsh.

UNSIGHTLY HAIR BUSINESS: “My artistic tempera-

A few pleasant RAY-O treat-

ment won’t permit me
less the house is packed.”
ments removes superfluous
hair permanently.
No sensation whatever in the treat-
Christy Cabanne has been signed
to direct the next Buck Jones film,
Miniature Golf Tap Routine
ment and the hair will never return. “Dawn Trail.” TO YOUR REPERTOIRE
Write for booklet or come in for free Studio, 2226 Fillmore Street
and confidential consultation.
“A LITTLE SMILE” Phone WEst 9343 San Francisco
Under personal direction of O’Rourke & Montal
Ray-O System Words and Music by

802 Anglo-Bank Bldg. GEO. B. L. BRAUN

(A Fox Trot Sensation)
830 Market Phone SUtter 4714
1179 Market St. San Francisco
Ton cannot buy * better wave. Indi-
distinctive, beautiful
With or without
now en tour Fox
created and costumed all dance numbers Circuit with
YOURSELF. F. & M.’s “Brunettes” Idea.
Your choice of Modeart, Duart,
letto or other celebrated

HaJrcufcting by Mr.


Footwear Headquarters

Coast Distributors
Dried In 15 to 20 minutes by the
Duart Chief
French paper curl
Marcels 75c Manicure


1007 Market St., at Sixth, Entire *nd
Write, Call or Send for Complete Catalogue 1
Open » to » with or without appt. JACK WOLFENDEN, Prop. BERT HENDREN, Asst. Mgr.

SAN FRANCISCO Pickups and Viewpoints

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16. A system of silent communication by Everett Hoagland can justly lay claim to having a top
which radio station technicians can carry on a conversation with studio notch program radiating from KGER
in Long Beach every
artists and directors during a program broadcast has been developed by
engineers of NBC and the Telautographic Corp. Under the silent Tel-
KH J evening from 6:30 to 7:30 when he appears with his musical
autographic system, a light advises the artist when the control room Expectations of lovers of fine pot-pourri and his Hoagland Troubadors from 9 to 10, and 11
seeks his attention. Then the message is delivered by Telautograph.
music were realized with the broad
to 11 :30, according to the amount of phone calls during broad-
cast of the New York Philharmonic
Device will be put in the San Francisco NBC headquarters soon. casts and fan mail.
* * * concert October 12, from New York
“INSIDE FACTS’’ HEREWITH PRESENTS FIRST OF A over the Columbia Broadcasing The musical potpouri, which the fans appreciate, because
SERIES OF LISTS, GIVING PERSONNEL, EXECUTIVE AND System, released locally by KHJ. of fine variety, combines the classics with the more popular
FILE THIS LIST. IT MAY BE OF VALUE ANY DAY. erture,” was haunting in its com form of musical entertainment. A
decided contrast is af-
* * * bination of Hungarian and Oriental forded between, for example,, “Just a Little Closer,” and Men-
melody, full honors for the two delsohnn’s “Spinning Song,” both of which were very nicely
KFRC PERSONNEL hours concert must go to Bee-
1000 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco rendered by Hoagland’s organization. Idea of interspersing
thoven’s Eighth Symphony.
(Don Lee-Columbia Chain) Erich Kleiber, who welded the popular with pleasing chamber music has won approval of
HARRISON HOLLIWAY MERLE MATTHEWS baton of the New York Philhar- many listeners of the Beach City station.
Manager Production Manager monic Sym'-'ho—- composed of 111
Musical Director Commercial Director Columbia Network, Scherzo Cap-
EUGENE HEYES WALTER BUNKER, JR. riccioso, Opus 66 by Dvorak.
Past several months in and around KMPC, the MacMillan Station at
Concert Master Chief Announcer * * * Los Angeles and Hollywood have Beverly Hills. Both KFWB and
MONROE UPTON WALTER KELSEY KFI witnessed a shake-up of station KNX are scheduled for sweeping
Publicity Director Musical Director
Asst. staffs. Most notable to occur were changes according to inner rumbl-
FRANK MOSS, Leopold Stokowski, through the the reshifting of officers at
Vocal Director
courtesy of Philco, conducted Phil- KMTR, KNX and KMPC.
KHJ, ings,although Charles Gabriel, for-
STAFF It seems
adelphia S” ™'>hony Orchestra of to have started when Glen Rice re-
mer radio editor of the Los An-
Eleanor Allen, organist; Mary Pasmore, violinist; Abe Bloom, pop geles Evening Express, and now as-
singer; A1 and Cal Pearce, harmony team; Charles Cartier, pop singer; 110 musicians, termed by many the signed from the position
of assist- sistant general manager to Vice
greatest symphony orchestra in the ant to Naylor Rogers
Herman Reinberg, ’cellist; Gilbert Hyde Chick, tenor; Nita Mitchell, at KNX sev- President Naylor Rogers has not
blues singer; Robert Rourke, violinist; Fred Linn Church, announcer; world, in four modern compositions. eral months ago and took lead at
expressed a definite policy.
Bill Cowles, accompanist. Program was rather boring, bein~
Juanita Tennyson, soprano; Monroe Upton, announcer, comedian; of slow tempo, with exception of a
Clark Sisters, harmony team; Hazel Warner, pop contralto; Madelaine “Fire Dance Number.” Released
Six stations of the fifth zone, west sion are so-called ‘regional” stations
de Mischel, accordionist; Cecil Wright, hill billy; Edna Fischer, pop over National Broadcasting Com-
pianist; William Wright, comedian; Robert Graham, baritone; Western- panv, coming to Los Angeles over of the Rockies, fighting in Wash- and according ‘to law, limited to
ers, male quartet; Mary Lewis Haines, domestic science. KFI. ington, D.C., for permission of the 1000 watts. This will probably mean
* * * a difficult struggle for the three sta-
Mac, Harry McClintock, hill billy; Tommy Harris, pop singer; Federal Radio Commission to op-
Doakes and Doakes (Hardy Gibson), comedy team; Eugene Hawes J KGF erate on a power of 50,000 watts,
Current opinion indicates that
(Pedro), comedian; Winifred Louthain,- daily chats; Harold Horton, From 3 to 5 p. m., Lani Mcln- have representatives on the ground,
announcer; Arnold Maguire and Tommy Monroe, Lem ‘n’ Lafe, black- tire and his six Hawaiians tinkled
Los Angeles has her share of 50,000
who even now are probably hear- watt stations with KFI and KNX.
face act; John Hoss, basso; Norman Nielsen, tenor; Margaret O’Dea, ukeleles in a stirring rendition of
ing the verdict. According to prev- In the event that KHJ should miss
contralto; Robert Olsen, tenor; Edna O’Keefe, novelty singer; Francesca native music over KGFJ, the 24 hr.
Ortega, Spanish singer. station. They’re -od, every one — ious announcement, the fifth zone
can have only four 50,000 watt sta-
with the commission, the permit
for greater power will, in all likeli-
TECHNICAL STAFF of them and Ben McGlashan should
tions and already KFI and KNX hood, fall to Don Lee through
* * * be congratulated on having so good
Alan Cormack, director; Victor de Roco, technician; Liston Bowden, a collection to offer to radio land.
have been granted permission, thus KFRC in San Francisco.
slating four of the six competing Fourth station to have the in-
technician; Don Cameron, technician; James McArdle, technician
* * *
stations to disappointment. crease probably will be KOMO,
Oct. 16. In a shifting of sponsored programs KHJ AGAIN PICKED Other stations grimly racing for
coveted increase of power are KPO
Seattle, or KSL, Salt Lake City.
Seattle, by virtue of being a mari-
on Tommy
local stations, Monroe and Bob Allen have left Lloyd Hill-
man and his “1640 Boys” program on KYA,
FOR KENT FINALS and KFRC, San Francisco, KHJ, time city has just claim to the in-
shifting to Oakland KLX, Los Angeles, KOMO, Seattle, and creased power, while Salt Lake, an
where they will handle a broadcast for the Motor Credit Corp
* * *
has again been selected by KSL, Salt Lake City. important railroad junction and in-
Kent Foundation to
the AtwaterAn interesting fact is that KHJ, land metropolis, is placing equal
Taking Monroe’s and Allen’s place on the 1640 program,
state finals in its fourth KFRC, and KOMO, by some rul-
is Henry broadcast stress upon the necessity of added
Starr who left NBC about two weeks ago. Starr will do his stuff over annual auditions. Last year, the ing of the Federal Radio Commis- power.
the KYA ether lanes for five weeks; then will shift to KPO
Later finals, broadcast over KHJ, received
he will temporarily move to Los Angeles where
* * *
will take the hour 7000 votes of listeners, the largest
number recorded in the United
Formation of the new United Broadcasting Co. is seen as a great From Jack Joy, manager of pro- characters of the performers. The
States. ductions at KFWB, comes word of
break for KTAB, a member of the Pickwick chain which was drawn into atmosphere of a studio is a little
Interest which the Southland has
the UBC network. Although the headquarters will be in Los An- shown in this effort to discover and a new type of performer, produced
UBC more refined than the wings of a
geles, KTAB probably will get a power increase, more money to spend help young by radio.
artists is reflected in the mild, well
Joy describes a rather
for talent and a better opportunity for more commercial accounts. dressed fashionplate, in second run circuit house.
Or- fact that 700 contestants have en- comparison
chestra will be dispensed with, and a number of changes in artist per- to the talkative troupers Joy, an old time trouper and
tered the lists this year, nearly of vaudeville
sonnel are looked for. Bob Roberts remains as manager and legitimate. vaudeville orchestra leader, offered
double that of last year. Every profession has its require-
* * * an explanation. Bragadacio on the
Last year, Southern California ments, and undoubtedly
Columbia Pictures has landed a self-plugging episode of talk titled radio, which part of radio performers is lacking
regarded as a State (California is is steady, and minus
Roger and Ellen” over KGGC. Josephine Friscella and George Ross the the vigorous because artists, who broadcast have
only State divided into two so- influence of road
read the skits. Harold Davis Emerson Columbia studio writer, wrote called States for shows, stage hands no immediate way of finding how
the purposes of the and absconding managers,
the series, which has considerable mention in it of Mickey Mouse car- has a their work clicks, with the audience,
audition) ranked third in its num- more quieting
toons and various of the Columbia players. influence upon the and they’re constantly wondering.
ber of aspirants, a jump from twelfth
* * *
to third place in two years. Iowa
A new athletic feature, including a question box, comments and views was
on sporting events and intimate stories of sporting people are a part of
an NBC program being done by Jack Keough with a local clothing store
as sponsor.
* * *
Swagger Inn, popular rendezvous
The Gordon Players, presenting Wednesday afternoon FOR “STAR SCRIBE’
sketches over KJBS, include John Seifert, director; Jean Moore, Patsy
O’Brien, Ruth Benze and Richard Blackiston. Nothing in the way of physical
and screen folk, formerly
of stage
known as. “Coffee Dan’s” on Hill
F° on the air from
* * * hazards stops Joan and Mark, prin- KMTR
as a regular weekly feature
Bowden has been promoted from KFRC’s
to the position of sound engineer for
* * *
technical depart-
the station’s broadcasts
cipals of “Star Reporter,” a series shortly, it was announced.
of newspaper playlets that are re-
leased regularly over
Paul McPherson and his band
on will furnish music, playing latest
Sunny Cohan and Lucille Atherton Harger have been dropped from Monday eyenings, from 9 to 9:30. dance hits and accompanying the MRS. WILL DAVIS, Mgr.
KFRC S payroll and Bill Cowles has been added to the staff as accom- On the air 17 weeks with each impromptu entertainment that will
panist. episode a different, complete story, be. presented with Art Varian at the
* * * the personnel of the “Star Report- microphone
3517 Marathon St.
as master of cere-
A new feature over KTAB the Night
Owls from 11:30 to 1 night-
is er,” may justly claim the record for monies. OLympia ‘5983
ly, except Sunday. Willard Kimball
m. c. and artists are Chili Peppers
is having, the longest constant series Carl Pelley, manager will have
Alice Blue, Gerda Lundberg, Muzzy Marcelina and others. of radio plays presented over one his portion of the “mike,” in the 2 Blocks East of Corner
* * * station without a break. coming interesting broadcasts. Melrose and Hoover
After a short jaunt to the Northwest on a decidedly personal mission Nancy Drexel, formerly with Wil-
George Nickson, KYA
tenor, has returned. There seems to be romance liam Fox studios, plays the femi- SALESMAN WRITES Half way between Broadway and
m Hollywood. Unobstructed pano-
the air. nine lead of Joan Huntley, a fea- Continuities for are KGER ramic view. Large singles and
* * * ture writer. Negotiations for serial ground out by one of the sales
Freddie Heward and Mort Grauenhorst are doing some neat fiddle rights to the episodes are being con- ecutives, Herbert Connor, and Cath-
ex- doubles
— Frigidaire, service and
Individual entrance.
and gitter duo work on NBC programs. ducted between Universal and the erine 'Brown, comedienne.
* * * authors, it is asserted.
J. L. Pattison is out of KTAB. He wrote the Togo and other
Buck, for the nost year
of the Picture-Music de-
partment of RCA Photophone,
PUTS OLSEN AHEAD Inc., has been appointed manager of MUSICAL DIRECTOR
BILLY VAN George Olsen and his music, be-
the record order and production
division, with headquarters at Cam-
den, N. J. Mr. Buck succeeds J. L.
Scrapbook Shell Happy Time
On ing featured in the M-J-B Demi- Midnight Melodies Salon Orchestra
K. G. E. R? Tasse Revue, are being broadcast
Crewe, Jr., resigned.


Chain every Friday night, 8 to 8:30
STOP and

LISTEN to the
Douglas MacLean and A1 Boas-
o’clock. The change is made neces- berg have been signed as associate
sary by the annual re-scramble of producers by RKO.
programs, attending the East’s re-
San Francisco
turn to Standard time.
Olsen’s numbers will include the
Bill Davidson has been awarded
latest and. most popular hits that a “heavy” role in RKO’S “Hook,
scored during the preceding week. Line and Sinker.”


HELP TO ARTISTS ‘ Vaudeville
1411 Seventeenth St. TAbor 9901 HOME OFFICE
West 9th
Service Bureau of
Street, under the man-
Holden Swiger, manager of Publix, Denver, is back in town after sev-
eral weeks vacation. Swiger visited a number of theatres in the South
agement of Philip L. Greenburg, is
rendering a valuable personal and
confidential service to the theatri-
Emile Boreo, French comedian, is
and reports business was good. The Denver man also attended the re- cal and motion picture profession. By ART LaVOVE
opening of th College Inn in Chicago, and made arrangements for the This service was designed to fit back from Europe and has begun
personal appearances here of several well-known movie stars, and is now the requirements of stars, players, an RKO Circuit tour. * * * Covering the Pacific Coast from
wrestling with the powers that be for the return of Ted Mack, popular directors, writers, editors, supervis-
Ann Suter, probably the world’s
ors, dramatists, song writers, com-
Mexico to Canada, nine popular
master of ceremonies, long at the Denver. Ted is going like a house most-traveled vaudeville artiste, has radio stations will be brought by the
afire at the New York Paramount, where he got a hurry call to pinch hit posers, cameramen, technicians, mu-
sicians, radio stars, dancers, artists,
returned to her native America United Broadcasting Company into
for Rudy Vallee as m. c.
* * * playwrights, and the like.
after an absence of five years, dur- a new network beginning Novem-
ing which she has been twice ber 1, according to an announce-
Business continues to hold its own with the smaller theatres on Curtis These people who may be con- around the globe. ment issued by Frederick C. Dahl-
Street. These houses, with exception of Publix Rialto and the America, fronted with problems that inter- * * * quist, manager of the corporation.
are all second run, and on Saturdays and Sundays it is hard to get in fere with their personal business Tom Patricola scheduled to
is Los Angeles has been chosen
any of them after 7 p. m. Harry Huffman’s Aladdin offers Milton Sills and affairs, which has caused many play RKO theatres, starting next
in “The Sea Wolf,” Fox News, Vitaphone Varieties, a fashion film and to be in debt, being pressed for un- headquarters of the new chain.
month. World famous entertainers from
several other attractions for this current week. Business is always good paid bills, being sued over the pay- * * *
at this house, which is located uptown. At his downtown stand, the ment of bills, and having creditors stage and screen will be heard
Frances White, diminutive sing- on daily programs.
animal life picture, “Africa Speaks,” holds the screen. There is ballying troubling them, besides being finan- ing comedienne, opened this week
going on as to the opening attraction for the Tabor, now one of Huff- cially embarrassed at times, have in Paterson, N. J., to play good
The “U” broadcasting company
man’s holdings. found their business and financial deal of time in major vaudeville. was formed by Frederick C. Dahl-
* * * affairs have not been properly man- quist, radio authority, and Maurice
* * *
Empress, legit house, suddenly folded last night after only a three- aged, nor have they prepared them- Joe E. Brown, funster featured G. Cleary, former vice-president
week stand. People didn’t seem to want the kind of plays offered selves a sufficient reserve to pro- in Warner Brothers football spe- and treasurer of the United Artists
* * * tect themselves in the future should cial, “Maybe It’s Love,” will begin
Corporation, with a group of
Eddie Cantor in “Whoopee” is the new show in The New Paramount, their earning power stop temporary. a week’s engagement at the Newark leaders in industries in Seattle, San
with Jackie and Jean offering a novelty at the twin consoles, called Purpose of this service, is to pro- Branford theatre soon. Francisco, Los Angeles and San
“Campus Tours.” This will be representative of leading colleges of the tect those of the theatrical and mo- * * * Diego.
state. Short subjects- and an up-to-date edition of Paramount sound tion picture profession from losing Marx Brothers have been booked Included in the directorate and
news will finish out the new bill. Lots for the money, fifty cents being money, to keep them away from for a personal appearance at War- management of the company are:
the tariff at this beautiful new theatre. disastrous schemes, keep them from ner Brothers Mastbaum theatre, Louis Davis, Jr.J chairman of the
* * *
buying worthless securities, real es- Philadelphia, during the week be- board, American States Public Ser-
Fox’s new Mayan theatre, at First and Broadway, is nearing comple- tate, and to keep them from spend- ginning October 31. vice Company; W. E. Vogelback,
tion and will be ready for its formal opening about Nov. 1. The play- ing money on worthless merchan- * * * president of American Engineering
house, on the site of the old Queen, will have 1,200 seats, and represents dise, from losing their prestige with Weaver Brothers, with their and Management Company; Ed-
the expenditure of $200,000. the public and the amusement pro- “Home Folks,’’ are not far from ward Heller, banker, San Fran-
fession, keep them in the road of their native heath at the moment, cisco; Kenneth Humphries, former
sound credit and business manage- and are booked to appear in the executive of Boeing Airplane Com-
AIR ARTISTS WILL HE ‘SPECS’ TOO MUCH ment, and the control of their in- RKO Southern theatres following pany; George Comstock, official of
FORM OWN CLUB Sybil Fulmer, who does the 11:30 vestments and holdings, besides the their in Oklahoma City Electric
engagement Products Corp., Seattle;
OAKLAND, Oct. 16. — KROW p. m. organ recital for KGER on protection of their names from a next week.
* * *
Herbert Ihrig, vice president, Liv-
announces intention of forming an Saturdays, is a Long Beach theatre business, personal, publicity, and ex- ingston Brothers, merchants, Seat-
Oakland Club for radio artists, ac- organist. Dick Dixon, staff organ- ploitation standpoint. Jack Pearl, dialect comedian, is tle, and A. W. Bjornstad, capitalist.
cording to Frank Killinger, chief ist does program on the other six Greenburg, who is a thorough to begin a several weeks’ tour of Richard Haller, producer of “Cecil
announcer. days. Dick is said to be near business and financial manager, RKO vaudeville, opening in New and Sally,” and other popular radio
sighted and carries around a pair of knows the angles of the amusement York October 25. sketches will be production man-
Fifty-seven artists form the large * * * ager.
payroll of KROW,an independent spectacles for the street, one while business, is therefore equipped to
Bernard Granville and Neeley Mr. Dahlquist states:
station unsubsidized by any news- playing the organ and a third set assist those that need his help con-
paper or outside agency. for spare equipment. fidentially, in a business-like manner. Edwards, new combination for “Entry of this extensive Pacific
vaudeville, appear this week in New Coast chain of radio broadcasting
York theatres. stations, will add greatly to the pro-
* * * grams now available. It is our pur-
GENE DAVE Hawthorne and Inglis, A1 Mardo pose to present the best in radio en-
and Jack Janis, the Five Juggling tertainment.”
Evelyn Dean and the The


Jewels, first nine stations in-
. Boulevardiers, with Dean and Ar- cluded in the Pacific Coast
kin, Virginia Rucker, L. H. Gautier Chain are: KXA; Bel-
and company, Les Urbanis and the lingham, KV OS ; Medford,
Gym Jam Girls also have RKO KMED; Portland, KXL; Eu-
bookings. KORE; San Francisco,
KTAB; Los Angeles, KFWB;
San Diego,
series of “Strange as It
Spanish a
Programs beginning November 1,
Seem,” will be three hour broadcasts from
newspaper feature by John Hix. 7 to 10 p. m. They will include
Eduardo Arozamena has been signed musical and comedy numbers, news
for speech synchronization. features, addresses and important
world events.
LOWE A GOLFER A large staff, recruited from the
Edmund Lowe has put 'in two ranks of recognized radio artists
weeks filming scenes for Stewart and technicians, is now being or-
Edward White’s comedy, “The ganized, according to Dahlquist.
Shopper-Newfounder,” at various
golf clubs near Hollywood. Steady NORWORTHS IN FILMS
practice with the clubs has whittled Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norworth,
a half dozen strokes from his game. upon their return from Europe,
made the third of their Vitaphone
NAME EASTERN REP. Varieties comedies, “The Naggers
Charles H. Christie announces Go South.” Roy Mack directed.

WE ARE MOVINC the appointment of Caroll Trow- Another of the- Norworth domestic
bridge as Eastern representative for
Christie Film Company interests.
comedies is


in preparation.


Clarence Muse, colored comedian
of the stage and screen, has been
signed by Columbia for a comedy
Jack Hazzard, Broadway come-
dian, has just completed a Vita-
phone Varieties comedy, “The Dar-
ling Brute,” directed by Alf Gould-

COR. OF ARAPAHOE ST. O BIK WIST OF HOOVER) role in “Dirigible,” with

and Ralph Graves.
Jack Holt
Frank Capra is
ing with Helen Goodhue, William
Halligan and Leslie Adams in the


PHONE GLadstone 8364


Art Programs Students Prepared for
WRITE FOR GELATINE SAMPLE BOOK Routine for Variety Artists Stage and Screen
To accommodate the profession
1347-49 W. WASHINGTON ST. LOS ANGELES, CALIF, Miniature Grands and Bungalow
Uprights are for sale or rent. Placed When Qualified

4110-18 Sunset Boulevard
OL. 1101

Vaudeville and Presentations

LOEW’S STATE instruments with great effect. Then ers, have a musical satire on Holly- songstress did
LOS ANGELES a trio, Dinny Moore, Harold Plum- wood that’s a riot. Assisted by four that, “I Like
but one number and
to Do Things For
(Reviewed October 9) mer, and Jerry Bowen, sang ‘Swing- good-looking ferns. Miss Georgette, You,” working with Brower SAN FRANCISCO
for (Reviewed Oct. 11)
in’ in a Hammock.” Yvonne Monoff and the Co-ed Sis- plenty of laughs. Customers went
“United States Indian Reserva-
By the show was hot.
this time ters, who do song and dance spe- for the Venuta-Bower combination
A combination of Fox’s “Liliom”
tion Band,” led by Chief Shunatona, and rainy weather was enough to
The Dance of All Nations, featur- cialties in excellent shape. Fern and forced Miss Venuta to two
has the main spot, supplying good keep ’em away from this Saturday-
ing Dick Morgan in an eccentric takes some nifty falls for heavy speeches and a bunch of btDws.
orchestrations of popular numbers, midnight show. Fanchon and
shuffle, brought down the house. laughs and hands. Act is up to the Cowan and Gray, combo acrobats
outstanding of which was his ren- Marco’s “American Beauty” Idea
Clarence Moore put Lobo, the po- minute, dressed nicely. working as Chinese, got laughs and
dition of the Robbins hit “Just a was no bargain, and the show was
lice dog, through a v?ry entertain- Ward and Van got a hand before had to return for a couple of more
Little Closer.” Chief Shunatona topped by Walt Roesner, back at
has a good stage personality, work-
ing act. Boys put over the Cali- they opened. Two encores were tricks. Lee Murray was spotted the helm of the concert orchestra,
fornia Glee Club Songs, and fol- insufficient. Finally had to throw throughout .the opera, opening with
ing on his audience with a deft after an absence of three weeks.
lowed with a very clever caliope the lights out. a drunk number, returning for a hot
touch, who gave him full measure Show closed with Bill Sharpies Roesner did a repeat on his pre-
number. Song with gestures, hoofing episode.
of appreciation, for his special and his gang, local radio entertain- yious successful overture, “Memor-
“Three Blind Mice,” was good, and Joe O’Leary clicked, singing
song and recitation. He has an ex- the boys did a dancing specialty, ers, as an added attraction. He “Future 'Jlust Passed.”
ies of France,” closing with a smash
cellent speaking voice that should had lots to offer in the way of en- tableau that had eight trombones
featuring Heidt and Ralph Lykins. Line girls had a brace of num-
be okay for pics. In fact, Shuna- tertainment. and 12 drums augmenting the or-
Heidt then introduced Stuart Grow, bers, including an opening sequence
tona’s personality carries the Indian Introduced by Don Wilson, local chestra.
who played “The Carnival of Ven- framed to bring Brower on for his
“American Beauty” featured Huff
part of the show almost entirely ice,” on the cornet, doing excellent announcer, whose diction could well welcoming hand.
upon his shoulders, and he puts be copied to good results. This boy and Huff, Toots Novelle and Eddie
triple tongue work, hitting C above Mel Hertz was at the Wurlitzer,
over his jokes with telling ef- has ease in front of the lights in Hanley with his gang of stodges.
high C. Back again to the whole still doing the community sing
fect. Band as a whole would be a the role of introducer. Westerners, male quartet, and Ar-
bunch with the “Bells of St. Mary,” business of the town. Had a peach
little more effective if they stuck Sharpies has a western offering mand and Perez were on for this
and for a curtain encore, “Johnny of a rap for daylight savings too.
late Saturday night opera.
closer to tunes with an Indian back- Smoker.” set in full that is nicely lighted and Picture was “Sea Wolf” (Fox).
ground. staged. Talent lined up pretty well. Goff, “Miss Universe,” got all the
Act was greeted with
a great ova- Hal.
breaks of the shows. Sammy Carr,
Rube Wolf put over a good song tion before the curtain rose and the Led off with the Gold Medal Four,
number orchestra banjoist, also did a num-
about daylight savings time, enthusiasm grew as the act pro- male quartette, who can hold their
by Harry Vernon, who gressed. Heidt and his band make own any place as harmony purvey-
ORPHEUM ber. #
passed out the comedy gags with an ace bet for any show, cabaret, or ors. Bunola Kay next up with
SAN FRANCISCO With Roesner in the pitwas Joa-
(Reviewed October 7) quin Garay, who sang “Kfss Waltz”
great effect. Rube then joined with ballroom. “Carry Me Back to Old Virginia” Jack Sprigg brought
Muriel Gardner in a humorous- in excellent voice, also clicking.
all of his to great response. Mel Hertz did
Rubinoff got a very good hand RKOlians to the fore for this week’s a community sing
at the organ,
sentimental song, which went over with his overture, “Chansons One of the hits of the evening, out- musical offering, giving each of the highlighting with a great slap at
well. Excellent features- of the bill Russe.” His skill as a violinist does standing as a performer, was Clar-
trench musicians a crack at the solo- daylight savings.
was Miss Gardner’s acrobatic toe not need commendation; it was ence Muse, colored motion picture
offering, in which her pivoting split properly appreciated. Due perhaps artist, in the role of Jackson. This
ing. A
clever but short comedy, writ-
Started with Harold Harris and ten by James Gleason, and directed
brought great applause. Her tech- to the nervousness incident to a first boy is worth grabbing right now
Harris Hoburn in a sax; duo; Mike at daylight saving, lost its effect at
nique was flawless. Mss Gardner show, Rubinoff over-stepped in con- for stellar honors in colored roles.
Hawk and Wally Landis with steel this show when customers ap-
proved a great foil for Rube Wolf ducting, at times getting ahead of Sings well and knows his showman-
guitar and fiddle; Jack Seltenrich in plauded for Garay ’way into the
and her work drew a heavy hand. himself; but he appealed to the au- ship.
a hot piano solo; Harry Vanella and comedy.
Albertina Rasche girls followed, “Little Chester” was then intro-
dience, and his technique will be- Ted McWilliams, two hot trum- Bock.
with a combination tap and toe, duced, doing a Peabody on a Pea-
come more precise. pets; Arnold Hutto at the xylo-
which was slightly ragged. Rube body banjo. His “St. Louis Blues”
Kerr. phone; Bill Weller and Sprigg in
Wolf just about stopped the show lacked the Peabody showmanship,
trombone and trumpet offering and
Lou Martino in hot clarinet and DENVER
with his punning about Indian his- and Chester would have fared bet-
tory. Brenck’s Golden Horse came RKO THEATRE ter had he tried something original.
Next up was Gramma and Gram- bass sax, supported by Loren Mc- (Reviewed Oct. 10.)
on and gave nice effects. Girl was LOS ANGELES
unbilled, but she added greatly to pa Sears. The elderly duo, with the Carthy and Wally Landis. Not such a big house for this
(Reviewed Oct. 13) lady at the piano and the male At the organ Buss McClelland second performance. What must a
the effect of the number with some
Whoever booked this unit of four doing a fast “turkey trot” on the
did a medley of war tunes, closing performer do, to get a hand? The
very nice posing. Act fitted in
acts can step right up and take a fiddle, scored easily. by introducing a new tune, Berlin’s Publix “Moonbeams Unit,” is one
nicely with the whole entertain-
ment. Had the girl been dressed bow, for he certainly sent in a pip One of the outstanding hits was “Mani’selle,” with Harold Harris of the best ever. With beautiful
of a show, that had about every- three good-looking young girls, singing. Okay all the way through. settings and an abundance of talent,
as an Indian, the act’s value might
thing from soup to nuts. Units like “The Gingham Girls in Blue.” Radio’s “Half Shot at 'Sunrise” this unit should have knocked them
have been heightened.
this carries the “bring ’em back” Here’s good material for any show, was the picture. dead. But many a funny gag pass-
flavor. as the youthful ferns know their Hal. ed with only a snicker.
Opened with Alice and Sonny sweet harmony. Could have en- Show opened with Fred Schmitt’s
PARAMOUNT Lamont, assisted by fern and male cored easily and should have. RKO GOLDEN GATE Denver Grand orchestra presenting
LOS ANGELES seniors. Alice Lamont slayed ’em Pierre White, former musical SAN FRANCISCO “Drinking Songs of Many Lands,”
(Reviewed October 9) with her wire walking, tap routine, comedy star, valiantly tried to sing (Reviewed Oct. 10) members of the band singing a
with ditto for Lamont senior, who against a cold, and like a good Only three acts on this RKO number of these in pleasing man-
Horace Heidt and his Californians can gag plenty funny, while Sonny showman got across to good re- unit, with most of the time going to ner. ,

hit the acme of entertainment value Unit opened with band on stage,
is a hefty looking wise-cracking turns regardless, with a baritone Count Bernivici and girl band.
in their great stage show, current
m.c., who hoofs excellently and solo, “Pm Coming Home to You.” Show opened by Dezso Retter Dorothea Berke girls going through
at the Paramount Theatre. They clowns for heavy belly laughs, keep- Peaches Holden got over well with his familiar wrestling bit that a cleverly executed and difficult tap
lived up to their reputation. Out- ing the tempo at lightning pace. with her “Dangerous Nan Mc- has made him a well known vaude routine, holding stage while Mae
standing features were tempo varia- Fleurette Jeoffrie, coloraturo so- Grew,”. followed by Clarence Muse personality. Retter is now doing a Wynn did a keen tap number.
tions, versatility, and originality of prano, was in the deuce spot, with again in his own number, “Sleepy- lot of stuff he has never done be- Ashley Paige, called king of the
ideas. a repertoire of classics, that, after time Down South,” scoring heavy. fore. He clicked. wooden keys, is worthy of his title,
Opening with a fast Tiger Rag, opening bars of her first number, Chauncv Ramie, got a nice hand in Bob Carleton and Julie Ballew and ends playing with 6 hammers
the boys then swung into the tunes had the audience completely at her a vodeling bit. deuced it with gags and a little on xylophone, hoofing throughout
of “Monte Carlo.” “The Twelfth will. Scored easily, and encored. Whole act was dressed western singing. Miss Ballew did the dizzy the number.
Street Rag” gave them the oppor- Casa and Lehn, a pair of clown- fashion, with Sharpies handling the dame to perfection and Carleton Senorita Carita, a lovely song-

tunity to use four or five different ing but nevertheless excellent danc- role of m.c. in great shape. Used proved a capable foil. bird, sings Spanish numbers, while
their radio sign-off good wish. Bernivici and band closed doing girls do a pretty routine with Span-
Babi. practically the same act seen last ish effects.
season. Ted Leslie, singer; Cecile Holland and Knight show real
Miller, dancer; and Darby Brown, grace and dancing ability, and do a
FOX EL CAPITAN comedienne, supported Bernivici. fetching tango, that draws a good
SAN FRANCISCO In the pit, Claude Sweeten and hand.
“HALF PINT OF PEPPY PERSONALITY” (Reviewed Oct. 10) RKOlians did a novelty band num- Eddie Lambert takes top^ honors
Home coming week for Jay
“Whistler and His Dog” which
ber. on this bill and the crowd! plenty
In a Brower, Czar of the Mission dis-
registered with the customers. cold, thought Eddie funny and
Return Engagement Over the Publix Coast Route in trict and baton wielder over El Screen fare included “On Your treated him accordingly. He’s a
‘Revue Moderne” Cap’s excellent stage band. Gone Back” (Fox). (Continued on Page 11)
for two weeks, a crowded house of
PARAMOUNT SAN FRANCISCO ticket buyers welcomed him back to
the fold like a long lost brother who
just struck it rich. Around the PLAYING TO THE LARGEST
m.c. Peggy O’Neill built a neat and
comparatively inexpensive stage PAID ATTENDANCE IN LOS ANGELES
unit, that had
Brower turned in
bers that were pips.
flash and speed.
two band num-

First a classical selection, the sec-

ond, another of Brower’s nut char-
acterizations, more goofy than any-
thing he has yet put on. Funny
what two weeks’ vacation will do to
an m.c.
Personal Rep. : BERT CATLEY, WARFIELD BLDG. Feature announcement of the
show was Benay Venuta, KPO
singer. Nicely gowned, the blonde




Now Appearing at

Hotel St* Francis San Francisco
Booked for an European Tour Opening January, 1931 NOW IN THEIR THIRD YEAR
Foreign Rep: H. Ehrlich, Rotterdam, Holland

(Continued from Page 10) competition from the 5000 seat Fox, and La Bow in “Her Wedding HIPPODROME with the femme comic handling her
scream with his goofy chatter and a couple of blocks up the main stem, Night,” with Emil Sturmer’s Para- LOS ANGELES part of it okay. Plenty of person-
crazy antics, playing the piano, sing- where there is a flashy stage show, mounteers in the pit, rounded out ality. For finish the^ offer an ec-
ing, (so he says) and wisecracking
(Reviewed Oct. 8)
a pretentious overture done by a the show. centric dance and go big.
his way to the first decent hand of 35-piece orchestra, and generally a Bock Recardo and Ashford, man and Robert and Co. one man and three
the show. He draws plenty of better picture. So far it‘s Fox’s woman, opened show. Offered some ferns. Opens full stage, with a
novelty tricks on trapeze. One was
laughs with his humorous gab, and fight. MILLION DOLLAR
picking up a handkerchief with
bunch of wax dummies on
. stage.
saved the day. Holland and Knight
then back for another nifty dance,
During the past two months Par. THEATRE
knees on trapeze, without holding
Robert enters in full dress and of-
fers clever ventriloquism with the
has had eight pictures, three of them LOS ANGELES
assisted by Lambert humorously on. Other was dancing while various dummies. Followed by one
good at the box office. Others have (Reviewed October 9) swinging, without holding. Finish-
telling what it’s all about. been just like this one, Clara Bow of the. girls offering two Spanish
Jack Laughlin’s Creations have ing trick was put over nice.
Finale, with all on, girls doing an-
Spanish routine. mighty A
in “Her Wedding Night” —
with no speed, variety, and excellent line Hanvey and Mclver, next. Two
songs in great style. Very pretty
and nice voice. Then Robert put
more box office pull than a pair of work. men blackface, offered a comedy
fine unit beautifully costumed and half trained seals. Main fly in the over a comedy dance with one of
Laughlin is showing them how to routine of talk in good style. Also
with talent galore. local Publix ointment has been the book local acts and get good effect put over a couple of the dummies that stopped the show.
Swanson in
Gloria “What a
good songs. Act is a novelty and should get lots
Par. stage shows. Some of them with but small production cost. These are two oldtimers and know
Widow’’ was the flicker. fair, others not so good. Witness With smaller local salaries, a greater how to handle their material okay. of work while here.
— Dusty. this “Revue Moderne” unit, a pro- variety is obtained, and productions Esther Campbell opened her act
Picture was “Love Comes Along.”
duction of Harry Gourfain’s. Nice are longer without losing any speed. putting over a good whistling num- Bob.
RIVOLI THEATRE scenery, but little else. Featured in Show is plenty big, employing ber in nice costume. Then a change
DENVER the show is Walter Hiers, rotund forty people. of costume, and two more numbers FULTON GOES EAST
(Reviewed Oct. 7.)
comic from pictures but spread thro- Starts with overture by the new to big finish.
ughout the affair are Cox and Dal- theatre orchestra, conducted by S. Sterns Sisters next, playing vio- Merideth E. Fulton, director of
Full house greeted Rivoli Play-
ton, average pair of male hoofers W. Smallfield, and swings into the lin and cello. First number was a Fashion Features Studios, Inc., has
ers this first evening performance,
and the show got under way with
who do three numbers for no ap- stage show, which takes place in a duet. Then each put over solos on left for a business trip to New York.
parent reason. French village street. the instruments to good returns.
girls going through a snappy rou- He is to confer with George W.
tine to “Where Are You Now.” In his last week of an engagement Chorus gives it a peppy send-off. A fast number for finish.
Gibson, president of the studio, con-
Eddie Page, Bluey Morey and Tony running several months, Eddie Ma- Armond and Diane offer an adagio Sargent and Lewis, two men,
gill does two numers, both of them number, followed by another type next to closing. Offered some real cerning the coming spring fashion
Yale then on for a fast bit of busi-
ness, that was good for plenty of repeats and both without the usual Adagio, a real apache by Moreno hokum comedy talk. One man doing revues. Fulton will then return to
laughs. lighted megaphone that has become and Moreno. Principals offered a straight, the other in comedy make- the Black Hils country in South
Onye Lea, a stunning blond, sang Magill’s trademark. Chanted “Kiss comedy scene, and Alizar Du Mar- up. One of them puts oyer a good Dakota for a short vacation. His
“Where Are You,” this gal is some Me With Your Eyes” and “True jorie put over a song. Margaret number on the guitar, followed by wife will meet him in Sioux City.
looker with personality plus. Blue Lou,” and better direction of Clove did a splendid contortion bit. more comedy. Comic plays clar-
Tony Yale, comic and Margie the pit orchestra would have helped Then Edith Barton and A1 Haig inet while other dances, for finish.
Page, character woman, do a black- him a lot. offered some nicely timed comedy, Moore Dancers, closed the show.
and Haig followed with comedy Three girl dancers and a girl singer.
out that paralized the crowd, Yale
knows his comedy.
Hottest thing in the show was
done by Marie Valli. who did snake acrobatics. Valliere Wade was fea-
Dancers offered a routine of B. B. B. Says;
clever acrobatic and contortion
Rex Van, with his partner Bobby hips and grinds while Yvette sang, tured in a toe dance, with the en- •• ®9
tricks on toe. Followed by girl in a
Davis, started off weak, with gab and the line made up the back- semble behind singing. routine of high kicking and con- Bebe Sherman at the Pan-
the people couldn’t seem to get, but ground. Hector’s Dogs put over a great
tortions. Girl singer put over two week in town. Fare-
tageS, last
gags worked up to a good hand for Walter Hiers landed with his line routine, stressing the comedy angle. well partyTuesday nite. Chas.
operatic numbers. She’s small, but
closing. of chatter, delivered along Floyd Audience gave them a big hand. Chase writes another one in
Girl from the line, Tean La Valle, Gibbons line, if not faster. Came Line girls then came on and oh what a voice. Dancers offered the act. Baby Boy! Brother
a classic dance for finish. Henry Berman writes can use
sang “Don’t Be Like That” in a on without even an announcement worked up to an effective finale, Picture was “Hallelujah.” acts for Club Forest, New Or-
sweet voice. Called back, she from the m.c. but the mob spotted showing finished technique, which Bob.
leans. If interested, see me.
worked on a lad in the front box. him at once and gave him a nice does credit to Laughlin’s staging. Mushy Callahan and Mildred
Melrose winning dancing cups,
Tony Yale came on for a goofy reception. Had some good laughs Presentation runs 45 minutes. Ouch! — B.
song, going into a hot tap dance. in his offering. Bob. HIPPODROME THEATRE B B..

P. S.— The CELLAR is at

This got ’em, and he was called Unit was interrupted for a 15 LOS ANGELES Cosmo Street, and Hollywood
back three times. minute fur display, in which some ORPHEUM (Reviewed) October 12 Boulevard
and Cahuenga
. between Vine
. .

Another bit with Fauchon Mil- fifty or sixty gals tripped across the SEATTLE Geo. Downing and Co., woman
the phone
numbers are GRanite 3382 and
. . .

ton, Onye Lea. Margie Page, Buster stage and over the runway, calcu- assistant, opened show in full stage. HOllywood 9159
(Reviewed October 13) Parking . . .

Graves and Eddie Page, working, lated to give the natives a flock of Man in comedy makeup and lady is free at the lot across from
was effective and paid off to plenty optical treats. Paul Remos and his three midgets, the CELLAR The CHRYS-
straight. Offered routine of jugg- LER and SAMSON are there.
. . .

of laughs. A great plug for the fur company. opened the show with some fast ling balls, hats, cigars, cannon
Fanchon Milton, dainty, getting Or was it? acrobatic work. Finest done here
a nice entrance hand, gave them a Presence of Eddie Magill as fea- in a long time. Work aloft by two
balls, etc.
Bard and
Nice opening act.
Abbe, man and woman,
Thank You.
song going into a tap dance that tured vocalist shoved Orville Ren- of the midgets with Paul as stand next. Offer some real hokum com-
was really good. Folks like this nie into the background, and he was man, brought forth much response. edy talk that went over
big. Talk
girl, and she was called back for limited to but one number, which Lots of hokum supplies Joe

Young with material to work with. was new and act consequently, well
more. he tenored in okay style. received.
Comedy quartette, “Fearless G. Rodeon Dancers, class adagio He is assisted by Myra Langford Mitchell and Redmond, two col-
trio of two gals and a fellow, click- and Billy Riddell.
Four,” as usual, stopped the show
cold. Their harmony, gags and
antics keeping the house in an up-
ed with some neat terp. work, that Two good song numbers inter- ored boys with nice appearance, on
next. Boys offered some plenty
segued into a rather lifeless finale. spersed with jokes that just missed fast tap and buck dancing.
, Arthur Ward
roar, they answer all requests, of- Line girls, trained by Val Nicolai, being blue, were presented by finish they put over
a double rou-
fering to do about anything, if pos- were better than they have been so Danny Small and Harry Mays. tine with each doing some very Week of Oct. 18
sible, singing, dancing, wrestling far, though they had but little op- Numbers used were “Swinging in a ORPHEUM SIOUX CITY
and what not. portunity. Hammock,” with a new topical good knee drops.
Garrett Price followed with some
Plenty of good entertainment in Publix is still hot on the com- chorus, and “I’m Needin’ You.”
comedy talk, and a parody on “Get
this bill,show running one hour and munity singing, even in this chilly Act is big time caliber and went Out and Get Under the Moon.”
15 minutes, which plenty, for the Paramount. over good. RUDOLPH and CHIQUITA
Bomby and his radio gang held Then a ballad and some more sto-
two bit top asked. No discredit to the very good or- An impression of Will Ma- NOW
ganing of Tim Crawford when cus- headline spotlight and earned it. honey singing PLAYING
Dusty. one of his songs for
tomers evidently want to rest the Music presented was of semi-classi- finish. Indefinite
Nice act.
PARAMOUNT pipes in this house. Crawford got cal nature. Bomby, a tenor of good at
Lyons and Waterman, next to
SAN FRANCISCO over with his organ work despite quality, presented “Song of Songs”
the efforts at making a cold house in nice style. Heaviest responses closing. Man and woman, with lat- PARIS INN CAFE
(Reviewed Oct. 10) try to warble. went to Nathan Bacrach, baritone, ter doing the comedy. A good act
Publix house has plenty of stiff Singing short with Lillian Roth, on his singing of “The Vagabond
Song.” Eva Noble, with
ly placed voice,
a perfect-
sang Friml’s “Gia-

TU 4749—MU

Art Varian
and Mignon Sutorious
ballad in semi-popular
The four then offered two
quartet numbers in “Italian' Street
A Swagger T
E Master-Ceremonies
Song,” and “Naughty Marietta,”
and the widely known “Rigoletto”
N R foursome. An
accomplished pianist,
T billed as “Floretta,” supplied a fine
Wants Standard Acts,
C A Entertainers, Outdoor Attractions
Inn N
background for all of these num-
Dale Jackson is back as the sing-
for Theatres, Clubs, Fairs, Pageants, Carnivals.
N + + M ing usher, and worked with Tiny
G E 4- + Burnett’s band to sell “Rose Marie” SOS Kress Building 935 Market
+ N DINNER and “On an Alpine Honeymoon” Phone SUtter 7877 San Fancisco
T DE LUXE 75c for four encores. No organ solo
719y2 S. HILL STREET TURKEY or STEAK by Myrtle Strong and many of the
Former Location of Coffee Dan’s
With DINNER $1.00 folks out front are beginning to no-


tice as requests are coming in

Flicker was “Her Man.”
r.iiiiiiniiiiiilllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinlililiiiliiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiiiiiiiliiiiHnliniiiiliiniiiiiiimiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimlimiiiiiiiiliiiimmmiimii^ Oxman. (AGENCY)
New York Office Hollywood Office Chicago Office WANTED
Palace Theatre Bldg. 6912 Hollywood Blvd. State Lake Bldg. AND CLUBS
607-8 Majestic Theatre Bldg’., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles

Phone TUcker 2140

MAIN OFFICES Charles Summers
Max Millard HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA General Counsel
Telephone: GLadstone 3404. Suite 325

Vaudeville Productions Talking Pictures Waites? Trask

Scenarios - Special Shorts and Novelties THEATRES, CLUBS, LODGES and SMAROFF-TRASK
1102 Commercial Exchange Bldg.
416 West Eighth Street Los Angeles
Assoc iates Telephone TUcker 1680
Jack Henson Jane Richard Richard Dale

Bands m—r ^ |

ACC AT O MUS1NGS-^ Edited by Jean Armand



By Will Davis
Robbins’ tune, “Here Comes Witmark tune called “It Was Only Leaders
the Sun,” has taken a tremen- a Midnight Adventure.”
dous spurt in sales. The num- the vaudeville field throws just closed the most prosperous season in its history.
If Night
ber was decidedly a dark horse your talents carelessly to the four No change in the lead-offs this
after night the immense Shrine Auditorium has been filled to
until this week but has come winds, try radio. Example — Billy
week, “Little White Lies,” the Don-
capacity. On several nights hundreds were turned away.
through a winner. Van, miking from KGER, has just aldson tune, still heading the ten
invested in a new Cord, and we best, with the Witmark “Kiss Philharmonic Orchestra, under direction of Arthur Rodzinsky,
* * * Waltz” in the deuce spot with
don’t mean a tire. starts rehearsals Tuesday. This season, the usual big seat sell-
Thought I saw Chess Gillette, * * * “Moonlight on the Colorado.”
ing campaign has been dispensed with, and the subscriptions
president of local No. 47, at the Carl Lamont is all hopped “Here Comes the Sun” stepped
organ console of the Boulevard up into the best ten this week with are a good many thousands of dollars ahead of last year at
up, and lawfully, too. “Moon-
Theatre. If it wasn’t Chess, he effectual plugging, together with De this time. One of the chief reasons for the popularity of, and
light on the Colorado” is perch-
has a double. Sylva, Brown, Henderson’s “Gee the demand for good music, is the broadcasting of high class
ed on top, the new “Black-
* * * But I’d Like to Make You Happy,”
Garnett Marks, local songster,
has departed for St. Louis to join
birds” opens on the 20th with
two Shapiro-Bernstein tunes,
“You’re Lucky to Me” and
which is closing in on the leaders. music by the radio stations.
A new tune that’s meeting with * * * — —
a radio station there. outstanding favor is the Shapiro, Ray Paige and his 35-piece or- from Philadelphia: “Things in this
“Mem’ries Of You”, “By All
* * * Bernstein song, “By All the Stars chestra over station KHJ have led part of the country are on the bum.
The Stars Above You” and Above You.” the way in good radio music. Ray You folks out there
In last week’s issue, we men- “Loving You the Way I Do” don’t know
Public favorites are much the has the largest staff orchestra in what hard times look like.”
tioned a new publishing firm are selling nicely.
same as the previous week, accord- radio. This versatile organization It may be possible that Mr. Sams
known as “D. & W. Songs,” * * *
ing to reports from the leading assisted by a male chorus, and a bet some cash on
but have now been informed One of the neatest music libraries iobber and retailer, with the final femme ensemble, play St. Louis in the
varied pro- world series. Makes him feel blue.
that the company will be in local picture studios is at the
line-up as follows. grams of symphonic music, operas,
known as “George Waggner Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lot. George Labor Day is supposed to close
and latest popular fox trots. Near- the summer season at the
jjC 3j{ jJ;

Songs.” With either title on Schneider is the librarian there and beaches,
the bottom of the page, we are deserves credit for its condition. LOS ANGELES
ly all of the music is specially ar-
ranged by a staff of three expert
but a look around the crowded ball-
still picking “It Must Be * * *
1. “Little White Lies,” Donald- arrangers. Ray says a new contract rooms will convince you that its
True” to make a big impres- Jack Scholl, writer of “Lov- son. always summer in Southern Califor-
has been signed for 2
sion on the profession and ing You the Way I Do,” has 2. “Kiss Waltz,” Witmark. hour presentations 5of weeks of one nia.
light opera, * * *
public. two numbers with Sherman, “Moonlight on the Colorado,” with dialogue and music.
* * * Clay & Co., from the picture Shapiro, Bernstein. LA RUE HILLIKER AND
Ran into Mickey Hester in the “The Oklahoma Cyclone” called 3. “I’m Yours,” Famous. “If I
wee sma’ hours the other day, and “Song of the Range” and “Let Could Be With You One Hour To- GEORGE COX, orchestra man- OPEN AT RAINBOW THE
upon being asked what he was Me Live Out on a Prairie.” night,” Remick.
ager at radio station KGFJ, reports GARDENS SATURDAY. ON
doing out at that hour he retorted * * * 4. “Gee But I’d Like to Make a very successful season. Through REPLACING PAUL MAURY
“Just out for a midnight adven- Jack Stern, of Irving Berlin, You Happy,” De Sylva, Brown, good management of owner Ben HIS BAND. AND
McGlashan, Cox has been able to * * *
ture.” That seemed like rather a Inc., has a nice lineup of plugs. Henderson.
smart remark for a song-plugger “Confessin’ ”, “My Bluebird Was 5. “Here Comes the Sun,” Rob-
build the orchestra entertainment BOYD; formerly or- TOMMY
who is devoted both to his family Caught In The Rain” and “Just A bins. from a trio up to a twelve piece chestra director in the San Fran-
and his job, and the next morning’s Little While” are among ace sell- 6. “Confession,” Berlin. concert orchestra, since the first of cisco Orpheum who came to Los
mail brought me a copy of a new ers. 7. “Go Home and Tell Your the year. Angeles during the gold rush, of
Mother,” Robbins. Orchestra is composed of Jerry the Spring of 1930, found music
8. “River of Golden Dreams,” Joyce, violin; Chas. Silliman, violin; overcrowded, and, bright fellow
NADEJINES REMAIN TIOMKIN SHOCKED Feist. Red Smith, Les Schroeder, and Ber- that he is, he turned his eyes in
nard Stumph, reeds; Jess Clifford, other directions. Tommy now has
9. “Bloom Is on the Sage,” Pree-
bass; Wm. Sabransky, piano; S. a very profitable business as repre-
10. “It Seems to Be Soring,” Royce, flute; Ross Hodgkinson, sentative of H. R. Curtis wholesale
Nikolai Nadejine, Russian bari- Dimitri Tiomkin, celebrated Rus- Famous. trombone; Geo. Mayes, trumpet; radio distributors.
“Just a Little Closer,”
tone, and his wife, Nell Tritten, sian composer, has been ill for the Robbins. George McMasters, drums and tym- * * *
English poetess, have decided to re- past few days, as the result, of a * * * pani; and George Cox, Cello. PETE PONTRELLI, and his
main permanently in Hollywood. shock sustained Sunday even-
Their original intention was merely ing.
While riding with his old
SAN FRANCISCO Allan Fairchild is chief announcer, Troubadors are makin’ ’em step
and has one of the finest speaking hig;h at the Palace ballroom. A ver-
to visit the film city enroute to Eu- friend, Boris Vavitch, Russian I Could Be with You” and
“If voices on the air. Arch Fritz, or- satile dance band bubbling over with
rope from Australia, where Nade- singer and actor, at the wheel, the Yours” were newcomers to
“I’m ganist, broadcasts nightly from his enthusiasm and pep, and they have
jine had just completed a success- latter died instantly from a heart list which was headed
the ten best studio in the musicians club. This several fine specialty numbers. Best
ful concert tour. attack. bv “Go Home and Tell Your is the only 24 hour station, and all among these are, the “Anvil Chor-
“Nowhere, in all my
travels,” the Tiomkin was unhurt, but the ex- Mother” with “Little White Lies” of these people should be given us,” fox trot done in costume by
Russian said, “have I found in one perience affected the composer seri- skidding to second position. Top -

credit for furnishnig continuous en- Pete Pontrelli and Len Mojica with
city the artistic atmosphere, and the ously. He is now able, however, to notchers ate: tertainment. electric anvils; “Swinging In A
appreciation of the arts, which ex- continue 1. “Go his Home and Tell Your
duties at Universal * * * Hammock,” in which Clarence Rand
ists in this inspiring locality. Studios, where he is originating the Mother,” Robbins. RAY BAILEY, pianist-director, and Bob Snell do a nifty tap dance;
“Here one finds leaders in music, musical settings for Edwin Carewe’s 2. “Little White Lies,” Donald-
painting, sculpture, acting and lit- “Resurrection.” son.
and his orchestra, at station KMTR
and “Hungarian Dance,” with four
are a busy bunch. Sunday, its sym- boys in a dance specialty. Encores
erature. Names which would create 3. “If I Could Be with You,” phonic jazz at 6 p.m.; “Old Music are demanded for all of these num-
a sensation, anywhere else in the Remick.
civilized world, are passed by as of
4. “Confessin’,” Berlin.
Chest” at 8; Musical Mixture at bers as well as many more.
8:30; and dance music at 9:30. On Pete regrets to inform the gang
small consequence here, because of LONG
BEACH, Oct. 16.— Fred 5. “Kiss Waltz,” Witmark.
week days “Novelties” at 7 p.m.; of the departure of Ken Wilcox,
the plentitude of talent.” Carter, one of the big atractions as 6. “Here Comes the Sun,” Rob-
“Salon” at 8:30; String Quintette at drummer, who is leaving for the
a dance director and who is respon- bins.
9:30; Melodies of Years Ago at Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix. Ken
sible for doubling crowds at the
CAN’T GET LYMAN Majesitc Ballroom, has a new plat-
7. “Betty Co-ed.” Feist.
8. “Bluebird Was Caught in the
10 p.m. Members of the orchestra has worked hard and faithfully at
Reported Roosevelt Hotel man- form with unique lighting effects Rain.” Berlin. are Morris Haigh, and Billy Mark- the Palace, and deserves a lot of
owitz, violins; J. Perluss, cello; A1 credit for the success of Pontrelli’s
agement has been trying to book for his band. 9. “I’m Yours,” Famous.
Abe Lyman and his orchestra for Buechner, bass; Lou Marcasie, sax, Troubadors. George Pemberthy is
10. “I’ll Be Blue Thinking of clarinet and oboe; Fordy Kendle, the new drummer.
the Blossom Room. Lyman’s con-
tract with Fox West Coast The-
You,” Feist. sax, clarinet and flute; Les Moe, * * *

atres made this impossible, however, LONG BEACH, Oct. 16.— New- trumpet; Art Ginder, trombone; BUNNY BURSON, SAXO-
because orchestra would have to ell Chesterton, featured pianist with Preston Lodwick, drums and tym- PHONIST, LATE OF THE
double between the Carthay Circle Gus Gagel’s orchestra, was married Robbins Sailing pani; and Ray Bailey, director.
* * *
and the Blossom. To this proposal, recently. Two new sax men, Pat
Ray Martinez, director, and TO THE SILVER SLIPPER
Roosevelt management turned the Hogan and Hal Johnston, open with
stony ear. Gagel’s aggregation today. To Tie Up Songs Cecil Crandall, orchestra man-
ager, are attending to musical
* * *

SANTREY ON SCREEN JOE DOING WELL matters at station KFWB. ERNO RAPPE returned early in
Robbins, head of the Rob-
J. J. Members of the orchestra are theweek from a flying trip to New
Henry Santrey and His Soldiers LONG BEACH, ct. 160.— Joe bins Music Corporation, exclusive Cecil Crandall, Maurice Koeh- York City. Hollywood and New
of Fortune have been brought to Lindenbaum and his orchestra re- -'ublishers to Metro- Goldwvn- ler, and Joe Villin, violins; Wm. York are now quite close together
the audible screen in a novelty mu- port good business at the local Mayer, sailed for Europe October Tucker, piano; Nate Letjesky, in everything except miles.
sical revue on the Vitaphone Vari- Coconut Grove and look forward to '0 on the Majestic, for an approxi- cello; Frank Pendleton, bass; * * *
eties program. a big winter. mate six weeks’ stav abroad. While A1 Mauling, Fred Biebesheimer AL SHORT AND HIS OR-
'n Europe, Mr. Robbins expects to and Joe Barrett, reeds; Chas. CHESTRA AT THE MAYAN
mter into new associations with Boynon, flute and voice; Ross ARE WORKING ON THEIR
music publishers in England and Magnus, guitar and vibraphone; TWO WEEKS* NOTICE.
‘'he Continent, in behalf of his and Ray Martinez, director. * *
firm’s catalog. Jack Joy is production manager. WM. BAFFA’S orchestra at the
* * * El Capitan consists of Ernie Stock,
S. W. SMALLFIELD and his trumpet; Clarence Hill, sax; Win
MUSICAL FOREIONS new orchestra at the “Million Dol- Bowles, sax; and Maurice Lemon-
VOGUE OF PATHE br” are meeting with great success. ick, pianist.
* * *
Their overture starts the show off
IS BEING ADOPTED with appreciative response, and the CURLY SCHUTZ, sax and vio-


Following decision of Pathe to
film pictures in silent form for for-
eign release, with music accompani-
ment only, comes the announce-
lively playing throughout, furnishes linist at La Boheme cafe has pur-
*he pep to put over a snapnv show. chased an interest in the Park View
Orchestra is composed of M. Chas- riding academy. Horses by day,
houdian, and M. A. Pierre, violins: and music by night, will keep Curly
Toe Petrone. piano; A. G. Alfonso, pretty busy, but he promises us a
ment from Abe Meyer, head of the bass; E, E. Eben, organ; Reg John- lively time if we pay him a visit.
AT THE Meyer Synchronizing Service Ltd. son, sax; F. Briston, sax; Aime * * *
‘hat many of the producers aligned Reinwald, and I. R. Dow, trumpets: DICK WEBSTER, singing
Montmavte Ca£e Hollywood with him are preparing to follow E. Pollock, trombone: Danny violinist, is a new member
Slim Martin’s Pantages orches-
AND NIGHTLY OVER STATION KFWB suit. Cairns, drums; and S. W. Smallfield,
Plays These International ROBBINS Hits.
Main reason given the producers director. tra.
that * * * * * *
s foreign
dialogue pictures
“JUST A LITTLE CLOSER” . . . “SINGING A SONG Produced here, do not contain the DENNY DONALDSON is the MADDIE MADSON, violinist,


stars the neonle are most anxious new trumpeter in Lou Traveller’s has gone to San Bernardino to lead
to see, because stars well-known to band at Casino Gardens, Denny the orchestra in the new California
. . .
'inertia world are unfamiliar with was formerly with Hank Halsteads Theatre.
manv lammao'es. As a result, the orchestra. This week, the band is * * *
ROBBINS MUSIC CORP. service will shortly begin synchron- celebrating its first anniversary, MAX
FISHER is reported leav-
ing for Chicago, where he will play
799 SEVENTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY izing with music a batch of the re- plaving to big crowds as usual.
cently completed larger independent Owner Sams is on a three months an engagement for Balaban & Katz
productions. vacation tour of the U.S. He writes theatres.


San Francisco Music Notes PUBLICITY STUNT
By Harold Bock Target of Talk
J. Buddy DeSylva, Lew Brown
and Ray Henderson, song
By Iowa Leader writers and producers, sealed

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 16. Town was stormed by an invading a print of their new Fox-Mov-
horde of music publishing representatives, who brought their lead sheets
and orchestrations for concentration on the San Francisco field. With
(Continued from Page 3)
ietone musical comedy ro-
mance, “Just Imagine,” with
some of the local music offices closed, the Los Angeles boys are making wrong of the first magnitude. a present day projection ma-
more trips here than they have done in several years. “One unfair, oppressive and
criminatory practices are eliminated
dis- chine, in a vault at Movie- By JEAN ARMAND
Art Schwartz blew in briefly, en route from Los Angeles to New tone City, Beverly Hills, to Disintegration of many local
York. Eddie Janis with the Famous catalogue under his arm, regis- from the business, I believe the in- be kept there for a half cen- bands demands consideration. An-
tered at the Ambassador for a few days and then left for the North- dependent theatre owners will be tury. alysis of the situation brings out
able to hold their own in competi-
west. Bobby Gross, with his Remick tunes and Ben Berman, with the The featuring El
picture, several points, the internal organi-
tion with the trust-owned houses.
De Sylva, Brown and Henderson catalogue, were also in. Jack Archer, Brendel, Maureen O’Sullivan, zation
not strong enough, the
representing Donaldson, Douglas and Gumble, has left for Los Angeles They know, better than any hired John Garrick, Marjorie White spirit of co-operation is lacking, and
after considerable time spent here and in the Northwest.
manager can, the likes and dislikes and Frank Albertson, deals the general result is an internal
* * * of their patrons. They enjoy in- with events 1980. strife that splits the band far and
An absence of enough paying customers has forced a temporary cut dependence of thought and action wide.
and are not governed in every act
The plan is to preserve a
in Val Valente’s Roof Garden orchestra from the present lineup of ten print of the film to see how Such a blanket statement, harsh
by a set of rules promulgated in as it may be, comes only after care-
men and vocalist to eight men. However, according to Gus Oliva, the New York.
the next generation likes it.
present situation won’t last long. ful consideration of the biggest de-
* * * “They earn the right to the good pression in the history of the or-
willand esteem of their patrons by ganization of musicians.
Wilt Gunzendorfer is back at the Hotel Whitcomb with his dance
orchestra of nine men. Gunzy has been on the Russian River during the
keeping the money they earn In
the communities where their the-
MOSCONI BROTHERS An orchestra is a business con-
summer season.
* * * atres are located. They are re- INTERVIEW TALENT cern of the same type as an office
force, but much more highly sensi-
Duffy’s re-openings at the Alcazar and President have put
sponsible to the patrons they serve,
and that responsibility should be
EVERY WEDNESDAY tized. If authority is vested in the
14 men back at work, seven going into the Alcazar under Harry James’ leader and everyone follows his
defined, so that it will not be pos-
baton and the other half into the President with Fritz Warnlce directing. leadership, the group will be suc-
sible for a careless buyer or slovenly Increased activities of Masconi
* * * cessful, provided he can measure up
operator to plead that the condi- Brothers cause weekly auditions to
Fred Elvin and orchestra have opened at the Trianon Ballroom. to standards of present day com-
tions of which his patrons com- be held at their Hollywood school
* * * petition.
plain are beyond his control or not every Wednesday at 11 a.m., when
Coming back to San Francisco after a two years’ absence in Europe of his making.” Charles and Louis Mosconi, and
superb example of team work
and the East, Horace Heidt’s orchestra is opening Friday for a week and unity of ideas is seen in the
their staff of instructors, are on
at the local Paramount. Personnel of the group, made up almost entirely versatility and showmanship of
of Bay District men, includes Art Thorsen, Jerry Browne, Lee Lykins,
THREE DAY RECORD hand to pass on prospective stage Horace Heidt and his orchestra at
Lee Fleming, Ralph Lykins, Red Plummer, Dick Morgan, Robert Eng- SET BY DANSEUSE Ballet, off rhythm, adagio, ball-
the Paramount this week.
These men are enjoying a de-
lander, Harold Moore, Stewart Grow, Gene Knotts and Paul Knox,
with Heidt directing. FOR BALLET STUNT room and soft shoe dancing is con- served success, which has come
* * * sidered. through hard work, co-operation,
Loew’s Warfield pit orchestra is undergoing a few changes prior to Mary Frances Taylor, former pre- In addition to staging numbers and efficient leadership. They have
Jan Rubini’s taking up the baton there. Instead of the present flute, miere danseuse of “Student Prince,” for George Olsen’s new revue, Mos- toured the world as one big family,
clarinet and ’cello in the reed section, there will be three saxes. “G one Hollywood” and “The conis directed the dance units for happy in each other’s suggestions
* * * Broadway Melody,” now ballet di- a series of stage shows at the Para- for benefit of their organization,
Bob Nurok has a mighty good concert combination in the pit of the rectress of the Bud Murray School mount theatre, and for recent film each a shareholder in the troubles
Dufwin, Oakland legit house. for Stage and Screen, 3636 Beverly musicals at RKO and Fox studios. and profits that betide an orchestra.
* * * Boulevard, aided Murray in presen- “We issue contracts instead of They deserve success —
and they
Speaking of good things, it might be well to mention the sweet toned ration of a “modernized ballet,” en- have it!
diplomas,” says Charles Mosconi, in
trombone in the Fox orchestra. It’s Bill Fletcher, I think, who blows titled“Meditation,” staged in three discussing plans for the autumn and
some of the mellowest trombone notes I’ve heard. days, and presented at the elite winter. “Our school has establish- ROSS HODGKINSON
* * *
A1 and Joe Zohn have left the Fox, and have joined NBC where
“Masquers,” stage and screen club
in Hollywood.
ed contacts whereby we are able to
place our proficient pupils in stage
they are on numerous programs including the Camel Hour, one of Miss Taylor illustrated the Bud shows, picture prologues, club re-
LONG BEACH, Oct. 17.— It is
Murray method of quick and inten- rumored at the local Fox West
NBC’s finest musical efforts, handled by Mahlon Merrick. vues and film sequences.” Coast house that Ross Hodgkinson
sive study instead of the long, te-
TIFF STARS KEN The Mosconis will also produce be next house leader. Loyd
WAYNE IN PERSON dious, old-fashioned course.
several kiddies’ revues for Saturday

TiffanyProductions will do a John Wayne, Raoul Walsh’s dis- New fall classes, day and eve- Skeels has held this position for
ning, are now starting in this mod- matinees at neighborhood picture some time.
series ofwesterns, starring Ken covery, who plays the lead in “The theatres, and regular auditions for Don and Iris Wilkens recently
Maynard, established western star. Big Trail,” has started a tour of ern ballet, under her personal di- children who have dancing ability opened as m. c. and organist, and
Jeannette Loff has been signed as rection. Tap, off-rhythm, and acro-
personal appearances in eastern pic- are held at their Hollywood school as usual brought a big hand from
his leading lady and Dick Thorpe batic classes for children and adults
ture houses. every Saturday at 11 a.m. the well-known cold audiences of
will direct the series. are under direction of Bud and
Gladys Murray and Byron Cramer, Long Beach.
PAINTS A POSTER VON RETURNS the latter former assistant stage
Jean Hersholt, screen actor, has Eric Von Stroheim docked at
and dance director at RKO theatre, TORNEY SECONDS
designed a poster for advertising New York Saturday after an ex- Los Angeles. READY FOR TOUR PROSPECTS GONE;
the 1932 Olympic games. This de- tended European tour. Von Stro-
sign will be used in Denmark, Her- heim is slated to direct a talking TIES IN KIDS BIG ROCK MISSING
sholt’s original home. version of “Blind Husbands” for Manager Chambers of the Fox
Colorado theatre in Pasadena, tied
Second Carla Torney line of girls
opened last week at the Colorado
BARD IN VAUDE with Meglin School, and had kiddie Theatre in Fanchon & Marco’s Baths come high in Pasa-
Ben Bard, screen and stage actor, principals acting as hosts in the “Way Back When Idea,” prepara- dena, as high as 1600 bucks,
has started a vaudeville tour, which LIB SIGNS MEGS TWO lobby to entertain the youngsters tory to an entire tour of the circuit. at least this is what it cost
will bring him into the Palace in Liberty has signed James Flood to while waiting for the doors to open Girls were recipients of much Max Bradfield last week.
New York next week. There he direct May Robson in “Mother’s last Saturday. praise from the press and public on While Max was taking a
will be joined by his wife, Ruth Ro- Millions” and Renaud Hoffman to

their outstanding line work, which wash down at home the other
land, who is going east for the open- direct “The Ape,” starring Harry included some intricate tap and toe day, he laid his three-karet
ing of her picture. routines. rock on the dressing table, to-
Night Club Trained
school in
at the Carla
Milwaukee, the ensemble,
Torney gether with other valuables.
Scene one: Some folks,
now making strangers to Max, answering
AND ROOM, fully equipped, including lights, music their second tour over

B stands, use of bass drum, tuba and piano, now available

for private rehearsals, at all hours. Capacity 80 men. Revues
the time, are: Norma
Bayer, Marge
Goodrum, Marie Donnelly, Adele
Klug, Dorothy Gaese, Prudy Pick-
the ad regarding buying the
property, and being admitted,
et cetera, et cetera.
ering, Edna Dean Best, Adlyn Scene two: Max joyfully
Bickett’s Military Band School GEORGE OLSEN’S Schaffer, Beatrice Luebke,
Strack, Bobbie Clarke and
singing in the bathtub, “the
house is sold, the house is
New Location—76 Turk Street, San Francisco
(Reviewed Oct. 13)
Eddie Cantor turned physician to Lowenbach.
Scene three: Prospects
Phone PRospect 0201 Miss Torney left this week
nurse the cash register at George
Olsen’s Night Club last night. He Milwaukee to prepare a third

gone ring gone — Max going.
was in good form and did his job for F and M.
with enthusiasm, appearing in sev-
eral acts of his own and introducing
and the other acts. An or-
Peter Paul Lyons
dinary floor show is made into
fairly good entertainment.
“Chicken a la King” was chosen
as the opener and clicked.
Lou Webb
offered a blues number,
which went over big. Jack Shutta
did an eccentric routine in in-
ebriated fashion, assisted by the en-
semble. Chorus was one of the
high spots of the evening, with CIVIC THEATRE
“Broken Down Confession.”

Moonlight Ballet was well ap-
plauded, and Ruth Gillette grabbed
herself a couple of encores, round-
ing out a first class offering.
Pit Orchestra of
New Zealand
Stage Band of 20
But it was Eddie Cantor that
made the show. His impromptu
appearances tied it together as

And His San Francisco
nothing else could have done. His
punch lines had the audience howl-
ing, and he kept things moving fast.
Mosconi Brothers did a good job
Featuring His and Gene Rose's Song Hit, “Tonight” on the routines, giving Cantor an
excellent background.
Congratulations to

Tommy Jacobs And His
Gus Gagel and His Troubadors CONDUCTOR
Cinderella Ballroom Long Beach, Calif. NEW
Featuring a Versatile and Novelty Aggregation PARAMOUNT THEATRE RETURNING TO THE U. S. A. IN OCTOBER



A. K. MacMartin

Roy Oxman
618 Homer Street 1 630 People Bank Bldg.
Main 0799
-. 1

STOCK HOUSE V aneouver College Employs

Motes Along FILM STUFF
Shoivman Stunts
IN VANCOUVER Varieties Fifth Avenue TAKES FLOP
In Selling Qame
VANCOUVER, Oct. 16.— Fa-
Players Canadian Corporation SEATTLE, Oct. —A
real dis-
Ivan Ditmars going on the air
and giving someone the air
the Publix-Paramount theatre
. . . . .
as play of modern showmanship, one Owen Sweeten winning second prize
chain is known in Canada, has made
VANCOUVER, Oct. 18— Busi-
a shift in two more house managers.
that local theatre boys admit they at the horse show ... with his
SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— Northwest
ness at local show shops again has can easily take a neat lesson from, horse Tiny Burnett chipping in show business was not so forte this
Paul Pitner, manager of the Nelson,
. .

is being currently exhibited by the four

done a brodie. Empress with Brit- B. C. house has been placed in bits for a square meal at
week. Practically everybody that
ish Guild Players in stock, is lead- University of Washington in ex- Blancls Joe E. Howard remi- has something to do in this line,
charge of the Columbia, New West-
. . •

ing the parade with largest attend- minster, while ploiting present football season. niscing about songs he com- particularly complained about bad
. . .

Joe Millman, from What with bringing in a new posed when most men were in their
ance. House seats more than any that house, has been moved to the matinees. Reason is unknown, as
in town. Current bill is comedy, football coach, Jimmy Phelan, and cradles Johnny Northen talking patrons are accommodated with
. . .
Kitsilano, Vancouver. ballyhooing him plenty, and pub- about a new job
“This Woman Business.” * * * Eulala Dean
special prices. One leading house . . .

RKO-Oypheum boasts the next licizing the current season and the buying space and filling space cut its matinee price and thru . . .

Paramount’s “With Byrd at the respective games with a lavish dis-

largest draw, four acts of vaude Jerry Owens, Lee Jaxon, and
. . .

South Pole,” which was the biggest before the usual

headlined by “Bomby and his ra- flop played at the Capitol for many play of sign boards, all hand painted the boys leaving the theatre in a out a picture
and in brilliant colors; street car hurry. week’s run. There have been many
dio gang” with Paramount’s “The as if there were a riot . .

moons, did capacity at the Domin- cards and newspaper space, the boys call Madge Baldwin in red mat angles worked, but the right
Sea God,” on the screen. ion when it ran there for a week.
. . .

one seems lacking.

. . .

At Royal, Toby Leach and his are doing a great job of it, and get- becoming Jerry Green doing . .
* * * Fifth Avenue, a leading factor

Royal Canadian Players are doing ting results. double duty Betty Shilton out . .

RKO-Orpheum a has new front Activities at the college are di- and somebody singing" “Chloe” with shows and the location,

well in tab stock and a picture pro- . . .

door man, Reg. Cross.
* * *
rected by Earl Campbell, graduate Marie Wagner with a tooth- fourth anniversary of the house, and
. . .

Capitol is below par with Para- manager for the associated students, ace should tune in on the Pep- in honor of the occasion, presented
. . .

Basil Horsfal, manager of Edu- and his henchmen, Carl Kilgore, sodent hour Milt Franklyn and “Liliom,” with a different native
mount’s “Follow Thru,” ditto Strand cational exchange, is also a musi- wedding each night during the week.
. . .

with F.Ns. “Scarlet Pages.” Colon- Jesse Jackson and the publicity di- Bob Blair visiting the opposition . . .

cian. He is conducting the big or- rector, Dook Stanley. and paying for it. It was a good angle and netted the
ial is also off with Columbia’s “Last
. .

chestra from Meridian Lodge, A. Stan Adams putting an added house $22,000.
of the Lone Wolf.” Dominion is F.M., which is putting on a Sunday Paramount, with “Follow Thru,”
on the Music Box Fran-
better with Radio’s “Lawful Lar-
concert at the Vancouver theatre MAJOR APPOINTED fixture
ces Perry smiling personality did much better than last week’s in- . . .
. . .

Rex has reduced its price to two

shortly. Calvin Winter, leader of
the RKO-Orpheum band, is assist-
TO BOOKING WORK personified ... Ted Harris talking take, grossing $17,000. Milt Frank-
good business and proving it lyn and his new band, with the first
bits, feature being "Hold Every- . . . . . .

ing. Tom Curtis doing the same Hollywood produced show helped
thing,” but draw is light. * * * SEATTLE, Oct. — Promotions16.
. . .

Maple Leaf has two features for in were order

at offices of Fox West
Johnnie Robinson visiting Club to make things merry.
W. P. Nichols has reopened the Victor and meeting some of the Orpheum, with an educational
opening with talkies, “Navy Blues” Fairview theatre, a small downtown Coast theatres during the past 10 . . .

boys Vic Meyers dancing with picture, “Africa Speaks,” together

and “This Thing Called Love,” sec- house which was equipped for talk- days.
. . .

Upon telegraphic announcements a fair damsel Margaret Jonston with an average stage bill, drew . . .

ond runs. ies last spring and after a feeble

Beacon, former Pan, with sum- drawing folded for the summer. An- from Oscar S. Oldknow, E. Port
joshing jubilantly Emma Jane $15,000. Not bad, as neither offer- . . .

mer price of 25 cents still in force, other independent. Major, Oregon division manager, Epler taking a train Sammy ing meant much. . . .

was boosted to the position of as- Siegel getting rid of too much busi- Fox, with the first week of “Mad-
is doing well. This week “The Bad * * *
ness. am Satan” holding the boards, did
Maple Leaf, second run down- sistant buyer and booker of Fox
. . .

Man,” billed. Harry Mills and his pipe out for fair,taking an estimated $13,500.
town house, independently operated theatres. He is succeeded in the a walk .

Carl Winge still plug- Will be held another week. Owen

high Oregon position by Floyd . . .

GOOD TOUR PLAYED by Dawson Bros., has installed Nor-

thern Electric talkie
Maxwell, who for the past four ging
equipment. years
would make a good cheese
Harold Weeks up
. . . Sweeten has his steady patrons at
BY McELROY BAND has been manager of Fox manufacturer . . . this house.
This is last of silent houses to break for some fishing Blue Mouse had Norma Tal-
houses in Portland and manager of to Bellingham . . .

into spoken picture field. or perhaps to write another madge’s latest “Du Barry,” to tune
* * * the Fox Broadway. . . .

SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— Cole J. Mc- Marc Bowman has now scenic song Henry Ross look- . . .
of 7000 berries.
Steve Ralston, former booker for been
Elro'y, dance hall impressario oper- named manager of the Fox Broad- ing for someone Alice Darstien . . .
Music Box made whoopee on the
ating here and in Portland, returned First National exchange here, is way, and F. O. Bryant succeeded now in the Coliseum box Zach . . .
last week of “Whoopee” and car-
to town this week with his musical .now on the road for Paramount. him as exploitation and publicity Freedman riding up the street in ried a bag of sheckles that aver-
* * * Dave Blumenthal
unit after what is reported a highly promoter at the home of Fox and that flashy car . . .
aged $6,000.
R.C.A. -Photophone equipment is
successful barnstorming trip of Ore- pictures here. MGM having a hectic time Niles Lar- . . .
Dance emporiums and night clubs
gon and Northern California. The being installed at the Edison, New sen going places to do things . . .
seem to be making a go of things
band, with Johnny Northen ahead, Westminster, replacing a local in- ditto for Ralph Mayer Karl . . .
in the Northwest. McElroys, un-
travelled as far south as Eureka. stallation which has not proved CHIEF NEW ADPlorn in the right atmosphere at the der management of Tom Curtis, is
Including in the itinerary, was the very satisfactory. Edison is an in- David Skip Weshner has been German wedding. doing a flourishing business, and the
Pendleton Roundup, a job which dependent house operated by Frank promoted from his post as general large Trianon, under Ted Harris’
McElroy has handled for the past Kerr. manager of Warner Brothers the- IN NINTH HOWARD leadership also can’t complain.
several years. atres in Northern New Jersey to SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— On Mon- Both of these plates have fine mu-
Local dancers welcomed the re- MUSICAL TAB FOR the position of director of advertis- day of next week, Tex Howard and sic, former employing McElroy’s
turn of the orchestra to the Spanish ing and publicity for all Warner his orchestral unit complete their
Ballroom by a hefty turnout. This,
PORTLAND HOUSEBrothers theatres in the country ninth consecutive month in the
Columbia recorders with Freddie
Morlock doing the vocals, and Geo.
spot continues, to attract the fox
SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— C. M. excluding New York City. best-liked units heard here in a long Eichhorn doing the leading, and the
trotters in droves. Tom Curtis, as Dunn, owner of the Capitol, Port- Trianon Ballroom here, establishing latter having Tex Howard’s boys.
house manager, and Bill O’Hanara- and, and president of the corpora- WRITE THEIR OWN
a record for this big dance spot.
tion operating the Follies here, this
han, p. a., are continually pulling
week announced a new policy for Bob Carney and Si Wills, Pathe Tex has established a wide follow-
ing and, with several recent addi-
nifty stunts that click. comedy-team, are writing an origi- After trying three actors for the
McElroy is reported as arranging the Portland house. tions to the band, has one of the
a series of added attractions for his
Under the changed schedule, A1 nal story entitled “Gobs of Joy" time. role of Runch in “Criminal Code,”
to serve as their next comedy short. Columbia Pictures has settled defi-
Portland, and possibly his local, Franks and a small musical tab
nitely on Clark Marshall.
spot. First of these, Joy and Laz-
company, will play there three days
zeroni, whirlwind skaters, go into
each week, with the vaude fare, STARTS SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— Joe Bradt
the Portland Spanish ballroom on
coming intact from its week’s stand Joseph Cawthorn has begun re- has been appointed manager of the KERRY RESTING
at the Follies, will complete the hearsals for role of impressario in Columbia theatre by John Danz, Upon completion of his work in
Monday of next week.
seven-day stanza. Capitol plays “Kiki,” starring Mary Pickford for and it is reported that the old vet- “Ex-Flame” for Liberty, Norman
first and second run films to com- United
plete its program.
Artists. Sam Taylor di- eran, Frank Lacey, will be at the Kerry is visiting friends in Long
recting. helm of the Winter Garden. Beach..
SEATTLE, Oct. 16.— Mort H.
Singer, RKO
official, paid Seattle
a visit during the week, to super-
vise matters in connection with his DPE55 YOUR THEATRE OR YOUR ACT WITH
company’s contract with the various
...... THE
/AKiUlIL j&gtM
unions in the I.A.T.S.E.



Los Angeles Scenic Stvdios Inc affiliated with ChasT Thompson Scenic Co.
Hitch Your Talents
to the best material
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It’s small but
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salary permits them to get THE
BEST, in the way of monologue
material, double routines, stories,
single gags, etc. No. 4 is now ue Err ect5"»‘ settings «» the modern stage
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Los Angeles
Phone ORegon 9407

Fanchon and Marco

Route List of “Ideas/

Following the Fanchon and Marco

is GREAT FALLS (20-21)
Ideas route schedule, with the opening
dates, all of the current month, in paren- “Modes of Hollywood” Idea
theses beside the name of the town Same Cast as Above
PASADENA (16-22) BUTTE (16- )
Colorado Theatre Fox Theatre
(Ceballos Show) “Wild and Woolly” Idea

SEND COPY Fox Theatre Kirk & Lawrence Harts Krazy Kats
(LeRoy Prinz Unit) Bus Carlell Aussie & Czeck
LOS ANGELES (16-22) Davis & La Rue Ray Angwin
Loew’s State Theatre Bud Murray Girls
“Chinese” Idea
(Staged by Larry Ceballos) KANSAS CITY (17-23)
Jue Fong The Meyakos Pantages Theatre
Sensational Togo
SA'N DIEGO, CALIF. (16-22)
“Gems & Jams” Idea

Fox Theatre Joe and Jane McKenna Will Cowan
United States Indian Reservation Band Nee Wong Maxine Evelyn Jim Penman
with Golden Plorse Beatrice Franklin and Florence Astell

CHICAGO (17-23)
Pantages Theatre
“Doll Follies” Idea “Victor Herbert” Idea
(Staged by Gae Foster) “Victor Herbert”
with Ramon & Marguerite Buddy Howe Walter Powell Electric Duo
Les Klicks Roy Loomis Dancers Victor Herbert Quartette


Fanchon and Marcoi’s ‘‘On the Set” Idea

LONG BEACH (16-19) MILWAUKEE (17-23)

Fox West Coast Theatre
“Fountain of Youth” Idea Wisconsin Theatre
(Staged by Larry Ceballos) “Idea in Blue”
Barton and Young Renoff & Renova co-featured with
LottieMayer Frank Stever Mitzi Mayfair Bob Brandies
Bob and Jack Crosby Ed Cheney Webster & Marino
The Sunkist Beauties
FRESNO (16-18)
Strand Theatre
Wilson Theatre
“On the Set” Idea “Hollywood Collegians” Idea
(Staged by Gae Foster) Hollywood Collegians Ted (Ledford
Rose Valyda Dorothy C'rooker Guy Buck
Marion Bellett .
Gil Lamb WORCESTER (17-23)
De Lara & Loita Brown &

Willa Palace Theatre

Seventh Carla Torney Girls

SAN JOSE (19-22)
California Theatre
“On the Set” Idea
& Ollie
“Romance” Idea
& Mack
Myrtle Gordon
Robert Cloy
Three Bricktops
Same Cast as Above SPRINGFIELD (17-23)
* SAN FRANCISCO (17-23) Palace Theatre
Fox Theatre “Brunettes” Idea
“New Yorker” Idea Armand Chirot Co-featured with

Number of
(Staged by Le
& Callahan
Marjorie Burke
Roy Prinz)
Muriel Stryker
Slate Brothers
Hassan Bluestreaks
Hirsch-Arnold Girls

Charles Carrer
Jose Mercado

Featured In Fanchon and Marco’s “American Beauty” Idea

OAKLAND, CALIF. (17-23) HARTFORD (17-23)

ID Oakland Theatre
“American Beauty” Idea
Capitol Theatre

Featuring Miss. Universe and the “Rose Garden” Idea

8 Beauty Winners from the Red Donahue & Uno Harold Stanton
Galveston Beauty Pageant Hall & Essley 3 Jacks & One Queen
Eddie Hanley & Co. Huff & Huff Helen Petch
Toots Novelle Sunkist Beauties
SALEM (18-19) NEW HAVEN (17-23)
Elsinore Theatre Palace Theatre
“Rhythm-A-Tic” Idea “Smiles” Idea
Georgia Lane Dancers McGarth & Deeds Eva Mandell
Harry Kahne Jean McDonald Seymour & Corncob Dorothy Neville
Lloyd & Brice Margaret McNeil Dave Le Winter


Acrobatic Dancers Featured in F.


& Herman
Broadway Theatre
“Southern” Idea


Jimmy Lyons
The Sixteen Tinies
& M. “Victor Herbert” Idea
Palace Theatre
“City Service” Idea

Shapiro & O’Malley co-featured
TACOMA, WASH. (16-22)
Broadway Theatre Seb Meza Laddie LaMonte George Jage
“Gobs of Joy” Idea Frank Sterling
Featuring Pat West with Three Jolly Tars
Scotty Weston, Dolly Kramer, Mary Treen,
Wanda Allen, Moore & Moore, Curtis BROOKLYN (17-23)
Cooley, Johnny Jones, Rena & Rathburn, Fox Theatre
Ken Gatewood, Doyle Quadruplets “Box O’ Candy” Idea
SEATTLE (16-22)
5th Ave. Theatre Lynn Cowan Jones & Hull
“Busy Bee” Idea Reeves & Leu Marie, Irene, and Lucy
Liana Galen, Cooper & Howard
\ Terry Green
Orren, Paul
Phil Arnold ATLANTA (18-24)

OUT “Modes
YAKIMA (18-19)
Capitol Theatre
Hollywood” Idea
Sylvia Shore and Helen Moore, Danny Joy,
Fox Theatre
“Good Fellows” Idea

DECEMBER Harry Smirl, Haline Frances

12 Unison Steppers
& Eliven
Helen Burke



A Alta Mira

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Late models rented at lowest Hollywood, Calif.
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Ask us about our special low
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Singles and Doubles. Baby
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ment. Garage, daily maid
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Woodstock Where people of stage and
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view over
Typewriter side
Hills and Holly-
wood to the ocean.
117 West Ninth Street Ruth Jackson, Cr. 6075
Los Angeles, Calif.







Scanned from the collection of

Karl Thiede

Coordinated by the
Media History Digital Library

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