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ANUL XVUL N27 20 IANUARIE 1973 Carpafii REVISTA DE CULTURA SI ACTIUNE ROMANEASCA IN EXIL Redactor: Tratan Popescu MOTA si MARIN CRUCIATI Al SECOLULUI DOUAZECI de FAUST BRADESCU AU seurs 90 2 ant dela moartea Iut Moje ji Marint Atat amar de ani de Istorle, In care fafa lumil a deventt cenugte, ea a sgurd cazuta peste suftete si neamnri De-atunct, peste milioanele de sacriyiclt umane, peste sperantele atdtor iniml senine, #2 riAteat Aominatoare hidra rosie a comunismulul internapional. Sprifinit pe inconstienta tnora st ne Aonitorta altora, sapd nestdnienit temeliite Ocetdentutul si mand spre revoltd Tumea color de abla trsitt tn taming {storiel. Cao gangrend uriage otrdveste muncttorimea, sap (nima tineretulu. pereerteste ciittura. con tamincazd Biserica. $1 nu e de mirare, deoarece asta We menirea Ge edd a fort concert in forma moderna pe baza economied s{ determinism dialectic, Numat cd de data aceasta, erolt ne Interese mesia- nice i'n spirit talmudic. a fost indrumat cu o perscverenta diavolied spre distruverea senitimenter religios, (rectnd,, de cAla.ori wa ivit ocazia. deta teorle la practicd. cu.o ferocitate Intrartevir (rene Printre nenumdratéle doves ce tlustreaz® aceasta laturd a comuntemulet te desprinde tnnroxttOa rea fresc ce stinge si sacrilegit crestatd In trupul Spantel de edtre trupele com {sto-republlcane. Sute de biserict st md. (Ormenet tn pag. 2.) piu sow osasinafi. Sub och oigient af ael oc mrt panoarite vaw dtr; mil de pret teases toh" tat sonra igri O-vctrle repubtcand ay fete militare ee-ar f1 deeurs, Dar in acetag timp, ar jt dat 1-0 Aavionale se feco, 11 Spanta din ocea vreme, soarta poll (rea marzistd a Buropel, cv Coate consectn| iprovocat incerc Ieeitond de mare Buereterestin “aceasta primetaie etn vulte inter. fvoja otunci cna serla ew un Jel de pastune nestdpdnid: “Be tren cu mitrallera In obrarul Mul Criton, Se cliting ageearea crestin a Tumil! Puteam nol ai stim nepisAtori?” M a arinfdcra recut se frece peste cceate cuDinte SS eee imate mistich cor arma yt acuma toft cet dexpringl *O simp! de marite adevérurl. “O viziune simbolied a unut ereqin reqolinton var repeta foft cel ce ke cdenesc 34 micyorese tnsemndtatea cuvintelor lal Mota ‘rirendolald,c ora yt arn fi Guna pts te Spania labet do 7p ae rd tuple ia rm erica one ‘mai ales tegdturile tdeologtce, dorinta seep ‘pane manager repent can footost’ plagd a secolulut. Lotura spirituald nu venea decdt dupa aceea, ca 0 oardete rostt Sift Bes cleaceta a Inger e adancimcaacesel fmagin!, sxbstratuepiual int nse erumatanfeege aun, Foarte mult combatanfl national ya rE ge i in toate fate wit, ceeace ll indemna aa intre In incleptarca He ante Vert ribul eu anu for i wletorta Spamfet nafionaiste,Pentra Cea eranfe decisoe politico revoluftonare. Bra Tupta contra comunte atanfi nafionalts|t sau conseein{a a netegiuiritor comise ae pomani, tatura dramel erestine ovea precddere, In accostd desttfulre tconoclastd contra a fot ce Fee ae ation el vadeen ncevcarea” de Gstragerc a singuralu| agesdmant omencse sprijinl pe Ceti a Or prabusree Mk vor ft prabupit-o lume, Religie, In ce area mal eurat, mal nama Recebar Sentra genul man. era ameninfaia. Rasdoral ciellcu toate crore lu Pittocirbe carela ve visa centri vital al spirtuatiafterestine ri constituia decat un fenomen intermediar, prin ee oa eet ol ue Yorfe fue accea ace! srigdt In veae “Se teagen cu mitraiern tn chipul 1 cutest beniniet melere in percal minal wn popor sow an sistem poli. ericotal ameniafa vaperamantueretin a ru Suir acele gloange, frase in imapinea cebut crucificat, simbollzau mai mult decdt o revolufte c un rdsbol fratrictd, ee i aeesnsasind afer cit. finea, prin armete ure yt sndismulul,afera umn nteroare, acolo rebum de reo Con ep ie tose Primend.ppiea Ynadpt armonia tnferioard a oma, Soarta Tul spit tuald s@ fuea pe muchea eredintet pba sacrificiutut eset ae fend cu slpuranta, spur ce-ow venit s@ afute Spania prin orfa eredinjci. In afard de pleptu- site to Groth site tapte el aduceau grauntete de eredinpa cresiina ce rOstoarnd munftl. Venipt sf iupte pentru victoria eee eet tn tte cvsion.tnainte ce toute, ad moard pentru Criss, convinjt cf mumai tn gemmul Lul, spanta gt ntren- Szanlel nabionali.fatuite Rosbornict w creitni ™m acelay timp, et Imirwchipau acea culmea de tnaltd simfire creptind din ‘epoca de glorle a Eoulul Medi. ftu mers ghau huptat In Spanio In spirit de eruciajt, de apdrdtori ai ordinel naturale st-at religlel, puse ta grea eumpand de ocele gloanfe trase in chépul fui Cristos, Cu mdndrie, convingere 1 cura), el au representat Migcarea Legionard, dar in acelay timp yi spiritul de sacrifictu at omutul constient ce wede ameninfatd Bluerica. Cuca tunel epee sev perdut pt tena pt rexpectl 4a uilimd nerigd in lanfal de Jert/e care cl™menteazd tndttarea yentru marile Infelegeri spirttuale, Mofa si Marin constituese ult. "Moarted Tor ia'43 fanwarle 1037 represinid nu numai simbollca Infrdtire prin sange a neamulu romdnert cu.cet spa- re. ‘toh dar mai ales renasterea ccestul spirit al cructatitor, Shatdta timp cat astfel de eructatt or ft gata s@ rela tocul cetor edzufl, neamurite nu vor putea fi cupr tbe vepnic tor incerea #d le Intunece viitorul, gala de fert/a atuncl cand temeite credinfet sunt aménin inse de forfete VASILE POSTEUCA ~ ig ft ca nm frate geaman, acum: orinire frat sbatiéte #1 imparte oplimim. Dumnezeu nu ne va asa, Chiay unde nu se pede nimic, nol avem dreptul de a merge Inainte. Not suntem argonauttt laurulut interior wi Iuerdim cw forte care sunt etern inpinctbile. De resistdm sl credem nebunepte, Dumneren ne va dao supremd diruinja, Acum problema nue de evidenfe, ci numat de rug aprins in tnimd, numal de rugdetune #1 eredingd. Tredule confinvat a pava drumul, cruce tanga eruce st mormant 1anod mormint Asta spuneteo Ia toft cu mare iluminare interioard yf drayoxte™ .. Mankato, 24 Sept. 1072 Vaile POSTRUCA Aceaten sunt limite rhndurt primive dela Vasile Pos sete Gh Sea a es Gn Traemont. Romehine i sminat | parte din constanta sl mena Tol TUEdeiune sveontiausee. De propor{in unl act care ¥a eb ‘Hu expedia scrisort. Se agternen In dis necnenchl i eunacuti sh neprile r Miria minjHor Sau se re: 1 ter ofiela pentru 1 rimas eredinga In Tune ou Inerederea a pa cea le sh mn ie ireste In talerete tel dropth Me 4upH aceasih erispare, & mint 10h trmurate Mam fardit, apol, 1a “Iconne”, Vasile Posteuea desein: dea din “Iconart”, $i continua *drumul” teonarilor, inceput Ta Cerna De acolo, din umbrelo. ctitorilior voevoa din lorturl erole®, poesia a Intrat in gandul 1ul cAt mirimes ruell. Mal mArlurisea In "povestirile catre bunol Dumne- “eu” ale 10! Rilke, dar asculla dorul de departe, vocea ple: Arelor. cle Intoarcerit printre eetine, Acoto 3! era TARA Rituaio! numelor. Bxilul revenit 1a vette In fats mor}ii ni sa Infricogat, A privito testamentar, A. privit dincolo, edtre ceeace raméne 1a mated. $l ce ya con: Minuit at fe, Po seut, Intro facie, « fost pus in pimant ta Vatra, th. U8, A.Leau purtat teutf cel ce gtiu ef! apaah greul Varh- nil eare #¢ va Inetrea In urnele rotntoarceril, Lau purtst pe umerl de sumine; pe arnicl negru, cet din rindurile ranjelor. O parte din) Romania, pentru ee va fl Romania. Gish, yocea tui din exit, trecutt in ecourlle selenare, va Tl merey pregents, auxita 91 urmata, ‘Toan 1, MIRBA Paris, 1979 AS VREA Ae san ty, Rete anwar ta A Invi ei ro tng See a “a gi printre ramurt ar Toon 1, MIREA THE ARCHANGEL AND THE WORLD Ir In this victory of the Good over the Evil, Codreanu be. Meved with the faith of the true Cheistian he was But It Is very doubtful that he ever hoped that it would occur otore his death —befote the violent death to which he knew he was doomed— and before more cruel ordeals for hls Movement. He knew too well the power, the persev Face and the {nexorability of hls enemies. He had realised, finally, that most of the world around heim was not veil the Archangel but sith Beelsebud, ot cowardly unconcer. ned with the growing Communist menace and about the ell influence or corrupt camarilag, friends or menials of the Beast, which had infiltrated the leadership of almost AN the Free World's countries From Codreanw’s Memoirs: “Wo have acted and maintained ourselves in order and Jegailty, but this Will be of no avail. Our go- vernments’ formula is: “You have not broken any Taw and we cannot destroy you for that, All right! We will break the laves and destroy you anyhow ‘They will pursuo Us. We will ylold or we will fight Finally we Will be defeated, because we are a Tew and they are armles Out blood will flow, We will accept death. And this will be the greatest oration ‘we could address our nation. Dying this Way we will Perhaps help our country more than we have done With all We painrul efforts of our lives ‘We have lived with the thought and the acceptance of death In our mind, This has given us our force and Our serenity, This has given us the certitude of our victory, We will resuseitate and will eonauer = ene AAMT ate ine novement of young Rumanian {doaliste? And where was tho center, of command of tis merciless ‘arsecution?. ‘Those quedtions are Of much moro present interest than the description of the crueities and infamics to which the Legion of the Arehangel Michael has-been submited. They are of much more present interest Tor the simple reason “to put It bluntly, and even If many people will be taken aback by it that the master minds bebindn. the murde: ers of Codreants ana Of his disciples belonged to the xame conspiracy than those which were behind Arthur Brenner the appointed executioner of Georges Wallace, The only alfferenee between the two, situations and, the tro per. Detrations was that the alm of the markist world-Ko- Vernment conspiracy Was In 1988 and 1930 the disabling and conquest of Burope and thet today the European Continent virtually conquered, its aim is now the disabh and conquest of the United Ststes, yehich will mean, 0 ‘course, the domination of tie world ‘Codfeanu_and his peuple Were: no troublemakers, no menace ta Rumania's order and legality, ‘The Gaptaln’ was a declared monarenist and rejected any other form of forerniment, His dietats to the Lextonaties were pert, ory; “The Legionary Movement must never resort to plots ‘oF coups th Grider to Win. By the very essence of our Bellet, ‘We are SEainst conspiracy, ‘Thit would mean viotence of an Outward character, while we expect victory by provoking Th, the nauon’s Foul & process of perfection” "Tne foal motives of Uiis wrath anid this haste were not to be found, therefore, in Rumanin’s domestic atfatrs but In the International eircumstarices of those troubled pre War yoara. Any careful obervers of these olrcurmstarcos, ind of the behaviour of the Rumanian governments to: wards tho Leglonary Movement, could but conctude that there was an obvious parallelism between the crescendo of ‘the alarming situations thvt ted to the Second World War, and perhaps to the dawnfall of our Christian efeiltextion, fand that of the Iniguitios perpetrated by King Carols Kovernments since his return in 1038 till to. Codeeano's Cowardly assassination in the. woods of Twinabert, end alter, Tmportant International events ooeured In 1038 AdoIt utier nad become Chancellor of the German Reteh. Pree TINS. Roowevent had recopnived Ine Baviee Government 88 What were the by MICHAEL STURDZA (he legitimate government of Russia The four Western non-Communist big powers, France, Great Britain, Taty and Germany hud ained the Quadrpartite Pact ot Gua Tantee, with an Unmistakable anti-Soviet character, peo poted by Bento Mussolini On the other hand, under French pressure, Soviet Russia's European nelghbolrs, Rue manta included, bad refurnished their relations With Che Kremlin, an Indispensable prelude to the Pact of Mutual Assistance between France, Ouecho-Slovakia ahd the URES, demanded by the Radical Socialist, the Socialist and te ‘Communist parties in Frinesy whieh will be slimed. two Unmistakably directed against Germany, whose ind Tallitary eneirelement It was purported to 1t was th 1993 (Hat the frst serious attempt to annihilate by force the Legionary Movement occured, with more than 120.000 Legionaries thrown In prisons and in concentration ‘camps, hundreds of them beaten and tortured, and twelve ‘of them murdered. The Duca Terror, as this Brutal aelion 1s called in Legionary history was demanded by whe French Government, prodéd by Mr Leon Blum, ehlel of the French Soclallst Party and leader of tne Front Populaire, a Com: Munist dominated political alliance. ‘The parallelism between internationAl events and perse. ccutions of the Legion become more evident stil, and those persecutions more cruel after the ratifieation by the Freneh Parliament of the Franco-Sovlet muitary alliance. This alliance had not, however, the slightest value (or France as long a§ x free access lo the Central-Buropean Datulctlelds would not Nave been sesured for the Soviet tose. Caf and Bis Government baa iced vs Why a “tenges of the Frengh Government, and of the evil forces of ‘which they were dependent, and consented to. et Wem. pass through Romanta But when, at the moment of the Teocupation of the Rhineland by Germany, war seemed Imminent, orders wore given to put the Rumanian railway system at Ue dispoultion of the Soviet Command, Codreant, tpeniy ciated at he wil never permet Seve ae o pass unmoreated Gera. our U " ime, he to back his Intentions more than with the Nandfub of schoolboys gathered around him, 1B years before tn Une Woods of Dobrina. In fact be would hare had not only the hundreds of thousands of Legionaries behind him but the whole of the Rumanian people. War did not break out then, but the Anonymous Powers, StH arbiter of our destiny, hid taken good notice of the Tact that in Rumania, a Xey equare at that Moment on Ahe Internationol chessboard, Codreanu and the Movement, with its multitude, 118 spirit of sackifice its Immubie faith stood femal against thei {hat their execution regutred tist Codeano ei land the Movement’s extermination. With this tsk, their chief operator in Uint part of the Continent, was entrusted, ‘The apotheosic reception given by the in 1087 to the fallen andl living Legonaries tn the Spanish Civil War the ans glonary triumph in the partam! ame year, the new menace of ar: Germans affair, strengthened the alarm and fof the Powers of Darkness, Aetion hid tbe: ho and all the Movements leaders. incl had fount In Spain, wate DFOUEDE special courts Carol find ereal was no known and unknown fra THE ARCHANGEL telligent agreement signed between European non-Commu- nist countries since Locarno had been concluded between Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy, The assassina- ion of Eenst von Rath, sceretary to the German embassy In Paris, Mad not prevented Ribbentrop’s visit and the Signing of a Friendship and Non-Ageression Pact between France and Germany identical with that the Relch’s foreign minister had signed in London with Great Britain. Germany's October 24 proposals to Poland concerning the Corridor and Dantelg had been astoundingly moderate and friendly. A lasting peace, solemnly announced by ‘Mr, Chamberlain, seemed to be at hand. The Anti-Munich rose immediately in Arms against this blissful Impulse Feeeived, on the other hand with delirious enthousiasm by the French and British peoples November 18, 1998 President Roosevelt recalled his Am: bassador in Berlin. November 18, King Carol received an ‘unexpected and urgent invitation from the British Go vernment. He was back to Bucarest November 28, Novem. ber 29, the inslructions received at the European quarters of the Ant-Muntch are executed: Carneltu Codreanu, the leader of the Legion of the Archangel Michaet (s steal(hily murdered at Tnight by the torturing methode of the ga- rotle, on Carol's orders. The Times in London ond the Times in New York, both came out with the same coment: wel dome! For Hitler, the fact that Carol ordered the murder of Codreanu hours only after his return from London, could ‘have only one significance: the Anti-Munich had won, and Rumania’s frontiers had been oponed wide for the rush Of the Soviet divisions His answer was the occupation of Czeeho-Slovakis and the decision to explode any possible A AM PRIMIT SCRISOARE... ‘Am primit serisoare din Romania eel care mia a serio eu iitera marunti = mal mult Vtera netkenta, ime Intteg ou Inshiensh Darek dormiteaxs fsa alte ret see, — e frich, degira 1 pareh ACEva ar vres ek-mt spund din gurl Cel care desface serisorile ta cenzurh a cetlt ‘din serisut eotit $i poste na opravit pagina. ‘sub eare e's tscalit \sters (Deate ce n'a lsprivit) vu) duniirean acta a HE PERLE ats is MA trenese co perna amar ‘Nel fl, fal sau balat, am plecat! France-British-Soviét military co-operation by stricking abruptly Unet deceptive agreement with Soviet Russia which brought—with tie Second World War—our three thousand years old civilization in the hazardous predica- ment in which it finds itself today. We rend in the sheets brought from one of Codreanu's last prisons by his lawyers “How I have been tortured: How my poor flesh has suffered! My clothes aré filled up with aches, Since sixty nights 1 am lying on those planks. With oppres: Sed heart I think of the sufferings to whlch my fa- mily and my comrades are submitted. I felt the strings binding man to God breaking in mé. I fought day and night and fastened them again reading the Gospels, When I finshed thelr reading, 1 understood that Iwas here by the will of God. That despite the f that T have commited no fault from a human legal point of view, He punishes me for my sins and puts my falth to test. T calmed down. Serenity descended on my soul's torments, like 4 quite evening in the country, sprea: ding over the restlessness and the passions of this world... 0 Lord, thy will be done!” Codreanu, the Archangel’s messenger—as some stupide enemy calléd him wlth intended derision—and his fo- lowers fought, suffered and died not for their country only, but for the world whose desintegration we are witne- sing today resignatedly, and to which too many of us are cowardly or gulltily co-operating. ME ION I. MIREA SORA KALIOP Dé eAnd umbla prin Tume, pasll met ee’npleticese (Ara uurme, Noaptea 1-4 ede pe robl. em orbit duc noaptea, Dar pasil mei de clog. mere 2iua invers — cuut Indira, strlg 41 mi TOR, be unde? Ia cine? — zadarnic, iment nu rispunde Jar cdnd mh reintore din afar {n mine, mie totdeauna rusine de metaul pe sus, xipat in ruine. $1 ca 4 nu se vada ce-am ales din farang, Gm ascuns tn mani gl pe unde am trecut, mam aplecat gl am sters. Mereul nu-ml mal ora mers Clizut sub mal, in lume am. Intrat ea'n spltal Indepirtata Sort Kaliop — de unde-o fi venit? cine-o fl ceruto'npetit? — ma Intrebat dack sunt gehiop Dar Sora Kallop, care pAzeyte (rl in, spitale, mal are un rate clelop, gt efind nu seuipa eu bale, umAra sicriile fn Nord sl Rasirit, Mi-a fost fried sham fugilt! Rar, doar Drimlivara es din eratere $1 strie. it frig! — lasa-ma gl du-te'n stape, unde se Ser go eel Ba ar vrea Jar 64 MA prind’ 91 68 mA adipe, Nu, nu sora Kallop, nu sunt sehlop! tntrat In lume ea tn spital, aac Intro. peripewe de Microb Veretal: at de gandul meu ¢ un amestec de var, de Juni scurst amar, ting se dezleagi numa cOnd pidurea crests sub mine Intrengh, Greutatite deta picloare ‘be core Ie verl, mA trag acolo unde ‘Fan aseuns muguril vera... SECURITATEA EUROPEANA S/ AL TREILEA RAZBOI MONDIAL Acest titlu ar putes ai surprindd, aac hwkm In const duerare ef acovul Conterinteh usupra Secutltayl 41 Coapers- Hiel europene este tocmat wetla dea Infitura definite Ge) fe probabilitate a unul abttel de eataclism, care ar fl Inca tun riabeli mondial De sigur ea ‘iment nul doreste 91 “apa cum se vee toHl cel earl ar putea au ponrte cind Ya rhspunderea acestul rasbolu, ae pregateae te Intru: eased intro conferin{A In care a8 co 14 deciil comune entra ridlearea fundamentwli nel piel durable in pa: Hint europenn. Nu lipsese de Ia aceasta conteringa iicl unul fin statele europene, de Ja colosala Ruse pani 1a mielle Lichtensteln, Sam:Marino gl Vatican, toll avand arept de uvint 1a egalitate, in plus mal unt presente State Unite amerieane 41 Canada. Aceste dou fir participa no ea'allate ale (Arlior din Pactul Atlant, ol a'douk putert fart al contribult- fundamental la diatrugerea. eter ulul DatlonaLsoclalist german. Wiel una din Yani nu este inv! tath ea allath Intrunbige militar, entra ch ‘ea fIxat Brineiplul ca flecare 24 20 reprezinte ‘pe el tnsusl, in fie re. problema expunindu-se puncte de vedere. personae sina puncte de vedere comune blocuma din ear face parte Ksintim chiar gl Ia acest paradox pe care nil oferta tlunea yermanas acea natlune a carel diatrugere miltars "a ‘rman m acel ant tntuneeati al rasboluli al doliea mon: dial, toemal-do acele marl puteri sari —atune! alate. In fcopul acestel distrugeri~ acum se fsese pe poet total Opies avand fleeare cate o bucata din fostul imperlu ger- man ea allath prefioasd in blocal respecte. Bate unt in Aenorocitele anlomalll impuse dupa termlniarea Tasbolulul ‘otea mondial anemalt dante pe deo part mental 1 Dolnave expansionise a uellr,@) perde ita politlelt de Ingelare a popoarefor dusi We Roosevelt. Accs- upk ce prin “Charta Atlantieuul” a astgurat popoarele Ya afargul risvotalul nu se vor face nick modifieds} tertorlale | nick schimbie! in formele de guvernnee dorite de popoarer nu e's opus niet Ia ‘Teneran sich Ia Yalta, 1a nicl una din pretentile terltoriale ale lut Stalin; Gupk Cum au accepfat atak el lt gl Truman —urmagil tl In pregiden{la Statelor-Unite— nu numal schimbiile de fron tier in Iavoaren Rluslel pe socoteala eecinilor el europent, dar gl acelea ale reeimurilor de guvernare ale aceator ve cint,"taeute eu forfa, 1 Arh sh fe ink seam dr opinile llailor occidental ‘Atennthanomalle, cAt gL celelalte reeultate din jafurite acute Ini cont Finiandel, a celor tret (ark Baltice cati A fost ingnitite complet, a Polontel, a Cehoslovaciel gia Romaniel, de\mal mulft ank rea’ Méecova aa fe transfor. me tn cio de drept prin aplicarea ‘nul principiv. tals fcela al reeumoagterl Fealtafiion actuale. Pals, pentri ci ‘Adevitrata realltate nu eate acela reprenentath de front ele tensate dup rhaboit pe hire pe catl Ie gAsim. In Alasele geogralice de astazl, cl aceln fepreventata de TUF turtle de terilorii exeeutate’de Rusia sovieticN Intre nil 990-1040 din trupurilevecinilor el curopent Asta, vee wash obtina prin Conferinta de Securitate. SA 1 Freunoasct de Huropa ilberh do America de nord fron: terete ek ackuate europe, ea Trontlere detiniive Wu slim ce vor decide. fuvernelo acestor Ar) Evident, nol sperm cA mal-au atata.sim{_al Sreptatit sh sl mio. Fale ipcht sd uae lase attase de mirajUl afaceritor de Iniliarde de dior po cart ear peopuine Moscovn in sehim- ‘bul recunoagterit acestor frontier®. Dar nol, cel interesa tt In primut Toe, de rerultato) acestor teatative, nol eel ear parfinem popoarcor Jefolte de Rusia, arkind th (Arie in cart cuvantl “Libertate® mal aren wens, puter. sh nie exprimam Hiner gl at xpunem adevarul, nol ne ridieam 1 tom Bra al Te gpunem uturor euverneor ocedentale “lant gl mich de Th trontlera de vest n Rael Pani ooeanul’ Pacific: Nu atetl nick un dept sa ratileayt ni dreptayue [acute de usta ps xocoleale poporaln) rma Ortice hotdrdre care mu va fine éeamn de dreptatea moat. tra, n’o vor ‘accept. Penitra ce noi nu suntem consutolt? Nol repreeentdm aici in Oceldent Int fonds, ‘ace! popor roman care a foit liber pe decttitie 1ut pana'n stun fotaid de 1a 93 August 1044, ednd Regele Mikal a ca~ ppiturat tn fafa puterit muttare rise, Nu putem s@ admiter de General PLATON CHIRNOAGA ca poporul romén a sacrificat atafea Iuptatort, pentru ca ieest sacrificiu s4 nu fie tual tn considerare ta judecata care sv pa face in cadrul Conferintei de Securitate. Not am Iuptat pentru areptatea noastra $1 pentru frontierele moas- tre, ta Cart nu vom renunta niet odatd, Nu pute}l constral Balatut atat de dorit'at pac peo temelie de fapte ne- Be ‘Guvernul de 1a Bucuresti nu repreeintA vointa poporulul (each ment nur petmite in Occldent ak feck snisra glum de a confunda cele 09 % de voturi date partigutal Comunist 14 flecare alegere de parlament, de o roast tot atat de mare de selavi TArh cuyant, cu reala yolni& @ po- porulul roman, care tot In proportle de 00% £6 man fest orl unde’ poate, In contra aceluiag regtin AAU oare delegnfll ogeldentall de 1a Helin pe birout Jor “Carta AUantleuln(” Intocmits de Roosevelt 9 Churchill la Inceputtl Junil August 1041, 61 semnaté do Statele-Unite, Rusia sovletick, Anglia alte rmulte state; in care ee afir- mk cf statele semnatare sé angajeazd si nl, aduca “sshime bri terltorlale earl nu sunt tn acord cu dorinfele exprimate ier ale popoarelor respective” gl ed “ele respect dreptul Popoarelor de asi alege forma We guvernimint sub care Vor si trilasch? Cunoso el “Declarayla agupra. Europe) ‘alberate™ Intocmita la Yalta tn Noerabrie 1044 —deel no- Mal eu fase Tun{ Inainte de sttrsital rAsbollul— care eats © confirmare a principillor din Charta Atianticulul, desvo- ate ex alte puncte referitoare 1a restabllirea plcll fh (Arile ari Au purtat-risbolul din Buropa? Semnatarit de akunct Se angajau “si stablleascd edt mal eurind posibll pein Alegertlibere, guvere cart «fle expreaa volhtel popoa- Felor®, $i acestl semnatarl erau. tre ministel al afacerllor sirdine? BR. Steltinius Je. (StatcteUnita), Mi Molotov (Rusia sovietiony gt Anthony Eden (Regatul unit at An- file) Aw. el in documentele Jor diplomatice sh o hart a Buro- bel, in care sh fie trasate frontierele Ruslet din 1938 —inain= te de Impirtirea Poloniel gl rasbolul cu Pinlanda— gl acelen remultate dup Jefuirile tuturor veeinilor el enropent? Stn fl ete sute do mall de Km# reprezint& aceste teritorll si hte milloane de Jocuitori au intrat forjat sub stipsniren ruseasca? Gina. gn care Imprejurare a fost poporul romin de acord cu trecerea Basarablel, Bucovinet de nord gt a Yn tulul Herta sub stapAinirea Rusiel? Nick odata. Cand ¢'n care imprejurare gL, sles poporal romAn Bein loge ere forma de guyernimant & Felmulil comunlsy fare conduce fara, firk Intrerupere, de 27 de ant? Niel oats. AK din selena desta Helainkl cine acste tise 4 tragico realltayi? GL nicl n’au de unde eA Te gtle, pent. documentole menfionave mal sus — desl nu lau plerdut Yalabilitatea, ele constituind. ples principale ew earl tn- Ingatoril dl-atuncl se filese — yI pe bunk dreptate — sunt Trectite 1a dosar, gl niment nu ea mal seos In Iveell, Cun SECURITATEA EUROPEANA Romaniel de pe Nisttw pe Prot, 1okndul Basarabi, Buco. finn de ‘pord 9) Unnfi) Hera. Toate aceate Jnfurl au fost Neeeptate de alas et ecelgentalh pentru ea nict unul dln fre ernen cerut Huta In sfargtui rasbo(ulol a se retrapa if trontieree et din 1088 eam, end Content ce Serial y Cooperate eure nau fntrat pe afer discufice, nol prvi cu esa ml Pyare tngrijorare ia destagurarva desbaterllor a1 cautam sa Giscifram din cuvantarite Yagi de Ia Helsinki, atiiudinea Yarior occidentale ‘nul din arkumentele cele mal puternice, care va in fnoenta asupra decir eet raportul de forte fatre Oot" A NW. H Pactul de ia Vargovia tnstitutul de studi Strategies de tn Londra x publleat un studha Eehiifbral miltat” ain care resuntd ed Rusia’ posed asthzl 0 supe HHocitate neta In. ome termonuclenre. Efortul cut de Rusia ex eh intrenea, SlateleUnite in domeniul. armelor fete taal perfectionate este nu numal impresionant, dar foarte imenijorator, Rete el facut numal pentr ca RU: $ia!Shgt apere tertorial pe care de altel hut amentni fiment al ok impledice un raabolu lermanucient cl Sts {eeUnite, sau poate fl sl 0 teribilk ameniniare adresata {ariior ibere din Occident. obligandue s cedeze preter. ior el expansionist, tari ca cinetn ef se gAndeRscd ch fl poaftl ah aed in rasbalu? in punetal de vedere al forjelor rllitare clasice, Rusia dlispane 41 aici de © superioritate impuntaare: 2 milloane je oamenl in. trupele terestre pentru 104 de divi, din Shrja sunt dlapusm spre China, 20 eatre Orient AMjiceht $i i00 spre Europa; ia scestea be naaugh 42 ae dlviai ale Hine “Entelite Gin Pact Vargovia Fath de aceste 142 de divisl, puterle din ©. T. A.W augpan numat de @7 de divi (cd incu Prana). in mi Toace de aviatie Rusia dlspane de 10.000 de uvloane (1 000 apargin allaflor ef europent),in timp ce 0. TA Neal ar mums 3:00. Th marinh dé risbotu, cogil au 300 de submarine 41 291 de vage de raabolu de suprafata. Jar amerieanil nurmat 132 de aabmarine qi 249 de vise de ristalu ‘Aga dar se constatd 4 In total luat, Rusia este superioara Statelor Unite, si ci majoritaten acestor forje este plasata Gu fats spre Buropa, Aceasta sitaatie trebiie si dea mull de indi guvernelor din Yarile occidentale, Conterinta de ‘Securltate 91 Cooperare european mu este pentru Rusia fan Instrument destinat st aduca 0 pace de comun acord 20 toate celelaite (Ari partieipante, cl— pe Kormidabila 1 putere militars — vrea Ia aceasta conferinta i Impund 0 pace © el, o pace care aA fle Dazata pe rect osgterea de drept a frontlerelor el actuale spre Europa Buropa a trilt o situate similara in toamna anulul 1938, In urma campaniel separatlste a germantlor sudelt din Cehoslovacia, un confilet armat era gata’ a Isbiicneascd, Intre Germania! Cencalavacia. Pentru evita raabolu) Sau intrunit 1a Monchen tn sion de 20 Septembrie 1938 lini ministri Chamberlain (Anglia) si Daludier (Franka) eo Hitier (fUnrer-ul Germantel) g1 Musolint (ducele Ttallel), cat! an loat dectrla ca Cehoslovacla #8 retragd eehit ain Fegiuines fudetd pnt Is 10 Octombrie 1038, Sar trupele Kermane Wo ocupe progresiv. Rcbolul european a fost eyitat numal pentru {1 luni. La 1 Septernbtié 1990 a s#buentt FAsbolul dintre Germania si Polonia Vor {i dispust oecidentalll, ca sh asigure pacea In Europa, A accepte rererile Ruslel? In comunicatal Corsilialui Atlantic nord, care gla Inchelat Tucrarile 1a 8 Decembrle se spune cA {n relatille Gintre Vest $1 Est au intervenlt Unele progrese, 1 ch nol famellorirl sar putea realiza In villor “prin relayit mat atranse $l mal armonioase intre popoare™. Condifia primor. Glald Ins este “Libera cireulatle a Idellor, a informatillor $1.8 oamenlior™. Mal departo insi acelas comunleat cons- Tad Cregterea continua & forjelor militare ale Pactulul de Ja Vargovla si exprima necesitatea de a se mentine poten. flatul detensly al 0. T. A.N-u lu), Tmpresia care we desprin: Ge din desbaterile acestul eonsiliu, este 0 netA Ingrijorare ‘a celor present, In cela ce priveste Conferinja de Securitate $i Cooperare euufopeani, Secretarul de stat american Rogers Erede ca Ja Helsinki s'sc putea realiza uncle progrese, dar 0 e9 Va face cll doctrina Brejney, care nu este compatiDlll eu Independenta si integritaten popoarslor? ‘Aga dar atmostera In Jural acestel conferinge esto inci vulbure, Totul pluteste in vag gl nicl problema n'a fost ust cu clatitate, ea gl cum ficedrula [ar f\ teami ol ort €e problema s'ar ridiea af provoca eel putin o desbatere peniblla, daeil nu chiar o ruptura. Un fapt este {nih sigur. Moscova se opune entegoric 14 schimbul de Idet gl la-0 liber clrculatle a oamenitor sl « Informafiilor, Adie’ rugit rofuzd tocmal conditia primor: dialA pe care minjstril Pactulal Auntie o considera nece- Sark pentru ameliorarca raporturlior intre Vest gl Est Moscoyn vrea Ia aceasth contferints si limiteze eampul alscufilior numal Ta rezolvarea In sensul intereselor Rusiel ‘a tinor probleme Internationale din sfera eiropeans, pentru Spectal chestiunes frontierel cu China, pe care nu O mal poate amdna prea mult, $1 a ere! solufle depinde intro larg’ misuri de romultatele pe cari Te va putoa objine 18 Conferinga de Securitate gf Cooperallo european’ Dar Ia un schimb al Idellor g! al oamentor, Moscova nu. te da acordul, Intre Vest sl E¥t nick poslbitd 0 coeris tena ideclogica. Rdsdotut tdeologic in) contra puteritor peslice tredue dus {ard nick un compromis pana ta distri gerea acestora. Boarta lumii st aga dar in mAinile conduektoritor de ‘astlzt al popoarelor oecidentate, Sunt acest! conducator! Gecisi si se opunt Rustol 1 ai-1 cearit ea mal Intat si intr i) Iegalitate, retragandu-se pe frontiera din 1038, sau vor ‘ceeplt solujille propuse de rusi, cela ce ya desehide calen Fasholunit al tretlea mondial? Tn acest an £0 pare ch aarurile vor fl aruncate 16 Decembrle 1972. General Platon CHIRNOAGA PACEA Spre bucurla unora al InerlJorarea multora, dorita pace ‘Vietnam g fost obtinuté pe hArtle gl trimbifatit eu eurle, Crompete gl poenituri de dopurt de suiele do gampanie, departe in spatele fronturtior de tupta Progedintele Nixon, grijuliu de Hinigtea promis legate: Flor gi-t eBleat cuvantul sl convingrrile din epoca In card, sub Generalul Eisenhower, era numal Vicepresedinte al Statelor Unite $1 declara solemn In 1960 In Manila: “Cea riot crudd cotontenre a timpuritor moderne este acea a Tumi comuntste, Baa sclavizat perte 0 dutind de popoare si a subjugat sute do milloane de ‘Hinge wmane cote! mat (mplacabite tiranit. Ba na pus numat stdpanire pe corpurite lor, dar tncearcd: sd) t¢ domine spiritut pt sd te ucldd eustetyt” Paces acordat® Wiethamutul, echivaleaz groapa eomunt IN PRAG DE AN NOU... URARILE NOASTRE QUA eventmente grave, ctr votul aifertte uunut de altul, produse in ultimele xapta- Mant ale acéstul an, determina $1 per mit aceasta samara annites react. hel mentale contemporane. Unul este tragedia inspilmantstoare suferiti de Nicaragua, Nu repet aminuntele impresionante ale dezastrulul, descrise de intrenga pre- Sh Sublin(ex numal neagteptatal ¢| 60. mirabilul Lest de sensibilitate gt solidari tate umand, oferit de majoritaten mase- lor populare gl de guvernele respective ale (arllor elyillzate Am accentuat “neagteptatul’, deoarece In materlallemul feroce, comunist: sau, capltallst, In care tralm si care. a ajins s& primeze att In uctiunile individuale cat gl In, Unille polclior statale, astfel de emoyit traduse. In ge neroxitAt! masive, nu erau. previelblle, Exermplul i avem brin statele comuniste, cu exceptla Cubel—aceasta, politic interesata—, care nau reactionat, Nam auzit niet cel pu {in ca “sord lating”, Romania, comunista, sh fi alocat ceva in faimosul sin i Thternatjonale”, ‘in eare subyentioneaz’ actlunile teroriste, pentru & salva viet in Nicaragua! In Soania —gl am eitit o& s1 In multe alte tari—, done- torll de singe au ficut coal Jnterminablile, colectele thee do student! pentra Craciunul siiracilor au fost daruite pen- tru Managua. Bolnavil din spitale, dejinutit: din pugedrit copii din gcoll, au oferit obolal jar alaturl de negustori, ta brleantl. muneltorl, gf de “anonlml” donatorl de sume re- mareabile, Popoarele care sponten gi cu natural simplicitate, au reac{lonat in felul acesta, au dovedit {irl si 0 caute eh Sunt IneA structurate, pe spiritualitates, crestino-oeciden= all 91 departe de rasturnarea de valor! a pretinslior “pro- gresigti”. Tor presa, In acest ea’ a uulieat paternien el arma de persyasiune in sensul ce} bun, indrumand.opinis publica spre o genoroasa sollaantate. Din nefericire. nu odeauna Indromaren. tnformares st inealaitea opintel pa bilge de etre presh, urmirese finalithtl nobilel Un exemplu il gusim In cammania, aproape Unsntm. st in. “desinformarea” opiniel publice th. legatura cu risbo!vL din Victham, Se gtie cl, dupi Intreruperea tratativelor de pace de la Paris sl dup declaratile domnulut Fissinger ch 4 fost Ingelat gl santajet de delogatht comunisht —eare. evi- ent nu ab Infeles sh cedere eeva din celace domnnl ¥iss\n- ker le cedase—, aviaila american a relncenut vombarda~ mentele alstrugttoare. ‘Al dollen eveniment grav, eflat mat sus. nu este Intre- ruperon provizor|¢ a nevocioriior sl nicl relnceperen bom bardamentelor din ‘moment ce starea de rAsbol contin Bvenimentul grav este demonstratin reusitel totale m actl- nel do desinformare. *condionarea mantala” masiva. a Auvernelor s} 4 cethtenilor, pentru o reactiona tn modut ‘cel_mal Hlogte! ‘Guvernele, press st posturile de radio occidentale, so bus curasora de “pacea la indomAna metternichulul american", de RADU GHENEA firs si se turbure de soarta populatiel din Vietnamul de Sud. Cunosteau perfect conditive Dasice ale aselel kel erécunpagterea existente} un stab a) ViettrarmulDl de Sud, netetragerea trupelor comunste Invazoare pe Minile iniftale logic, daci na exist un stat independent a} Vietnamutul fhecomunist) si refucul unul aparat veritabil de contro} at ineetirls-orleirel operajtunt belles, Gu alte euvinte, aban: donarea efectiva In mina comunismoli, a unit ‘dependent! Cand. pregedintele Nixon a dat ererare aver: tismentulul lot Van Thied —eontrolat de servielite de Ine formati american, dupa care concentranie importante de trupe comuniate in gpatele frontului de Japtd, raspundeay Uunul plan precis dea proceda Imediat dupi semnarea aco Gulul de incetarea luptelor, In.o rapidA invazte a Intrequlu Vietnam, eno simpla sl legitimit operatte politienensch. a socolit cio astfel de pace nl fren era onorabllA! St per tru demonstra cf poate continua lupta pana la aveepts- rea de citre eomunigt! a unel pict negoelate: refuzind 0 Capitulare totala, « ardonat reluarea borsbardamentelor ‘Monstruoaitates de la Hiroshima si Nagasaki, stupida distrugere » Dresde cn 140.000 de victime In 48 de-ore, n°au fidicat niet o zecime din protertele st Indignares orches: trate In {avoarea Hanolulull Evident. in. fruntea proves: (otarilor “pacifist {Ara condlqi!” se detageuzd puvernt) sue der —care oficial finanteaza terorismul din Aries Porta gheza— 1 quvernol capitalel Industrlel Porotrafice. Co- Denhaga. Indignarea este Insi Impartasita de mat toate guvernele, in. frunte cu al Vaticanulul gl de toxt’ press Importsnta din Buropa, Tol! tree sup tcere eauzele bom= bardamentelor, toll se desintereseanh de soarta resereat populatiel necomuniste a Vietnamulut s1 de angajamentel orale gl polltice care justificasers 1 Justiftea Intervenia ‘amerloand ‘Toll vor paces, chivr dard stiu eX este pacen cAlugelor, cAmpuriior de exterminare si a eimitiretor! ‘SL toll pretind si “mentalizere”-aceleas!-ponoare, snd. toase Inc&. refractare ordinel comuniste. pastratoarele erc- Gintet crostine sh civilizatlel occldentulul, aceleasi ponoare feare ng fost seudoite de drama Niesra quel, Medndule tndle Torente fatA de asyArlirea In sclavie a Intreg VietnamTal cum Tenis fileut £4 accepte cu indiferenta, soarta "satell: Wor” Moscovei Bombardamentele centrelot comuniste de la Hanoy am intunec=t at-osfera vesellel revelloans'or, care at 11 kale {it Parea clAdIta pe selavia Vietrambtul jn pleats. este foarte nrohabll sh Ik se ofere totupl bus curl v/sath, cu 0 mich Intarsiere 1073 va fun wn deelsiy pentey omentre gt tn special pentru Ruropa. Th pragv luis] pentru viltorut Buropet si a} omen tet. celace Uri din’ toats Inima.cuvernslon osmentior de Etat g1 Thurltoriior de opiate publeA din Oceldenk sh din Uiie nok "neangatate. exte MAUMULTA ONESTITATE: MAT MUVPA LUGIDITATE SI MAT FUTINA LASITATE ST OPORTUNISM! 30 Decembrie 1972. IN: VIF ENA ‘Tosti, sngurl! (Davita, “Hoja ded Lines", 104-1078.) ‘ cimitieetor gon Katyn, qf nimie mu putea red mal pleatle acest triat episod al Smarinimlel” maniior pterh e. Aesenul caricaturtstutal Santo}. Davita, publleat de *HFoln dia ones ain 19 Tanvarte 1078 pe eared renremucem sine Tuotele av incetat dar oailitatile nu $i Presedintele ‘Van Thieu se cree Indreptatit sa tle soeptie, are motive tse Tnifolasca ‘Sub altA formA se repel povesten Genernlalul Diem. ‘84 sperm cA generaful Van The, vn aves THttopetuNeR to 4 1M ge refueia 1a ambasada americans din. SAiKon. €8 bpredecesarul sit Diem, atumel cind forlele Vietnamulol de Nord Infiltrate In terttoriul Victnamatul de Sud. sub con ‘rolul comisel de apltcaren tratatalul de pace, vor da ‘asaltul finn ‘Traian POPESCU

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