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ANUL XXII-Nr. 1 Preise: Aran Cntr, ¢ REVISTA DE CULTURA SI ACTIUNE ROMANEASCA IN EXIL Redactor Octombrie - Noembrie 1976 Carpalii Deposito legal: MC 8A5T1858 Traian Popescu HASTA CUANDO, VECINOS HUNGAROS! — ros en los siglos anteriores, La ocupacion del E: ACE 56 afios et Tratado de Triandn, a pesar de la desesperada oposicion de tos magyaros, ‘hizo justicia y dio libertad a fos pueblos del centro de Europa, sojuzgados por tos Minow por tas armas 0 por la perfidia. je europeo en el afio 1985 por los soviéticos, consecuencia del acuerdo firmado criminalmente, como decia Agustin de Ford, entre copas de vodka y ca viar, por Churchill y Stalin, borré la justicia y Ia libertad lograda por estos pueblos, ink cidndose asi la era del teldn de acero, con alambradas, Jusilamientos en masa, miles de ‘campos de exterminio, lavados de cerebros y el terror mds atroz que se abatio sobre esta parte det viejo continente, iqualanco ta época de las invasiones barbaras Por el capricho bestial de unos borrachos, millones de rumanos, polacos, alemanes orientales, hiingaros, checos, eslovacos, servios, croatas, biilgaros y albaneses pagaron con montafias de sufrimientos y rios de sangre la efimera felicidad que les dieron tos Tratados de Versalles y Triandn, des- pués de la primera guerra mundial Ahora, con su propaganda revisionista, tos magyares intentan otra vez cambiar el rumbo de ta His- toria v con mentiras, disimulo de la verdad ¢ insolente mistificactén, dar la vuelta a las acusaciones levan- tadas y verificadas antano contra ellos, achacandotas-hoy ai-puebio rumano. GREAT THRACE by Prof. A. BOLDUR 2 has been my feeling for a Jong time thatthe Thraclans were unjustly neglected in Rumanian historiography. ‘This fed me, a long time since, to amass pertinent materlal and data. The en fulng work was completed towards the lose of the year 1974. The title I gave tt fa: “Great Thrace. Synthetle problems in the prehistory and early history of ‘Thracians”, 1 also let It be transiated oe Jn French on my own account. I ‘The work fails into two parts, The title of the first part fs: “Thraclans from regions to the North and East of the jatians, and thelr nelghbours In prehistory”. ne second part deals with the destinies of Thracians from these regions in historical times, At hus been known long since that the Thraclans had been the predecessors of the Romans, and formed thelr ethnic base. This justifies the special consideration which thas Been given to this theme. Now our work assumes an enhanced publie value, 1n order to Justify the selrure under Stalin of the Rumanian Provinces Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, an ldeolo- fleal current has arisen in Kishinev, whieh opposes the Yery notion of a Rumanian people, N, A. Mohoy. A. M. La- zarev and others wage a struggle ‘against “rumanism’ and misrepresent the role of the Union of the Rumanian principalities Moldavia and Muntenia (1859), contending That the notion of a Ramanan people Is’ out of the ailestion, there being only Romanle Rast European peoples. (rmeaza in pag. 4) (Slgue en 1a pagina 3) TRANSILVANIA ROMANEASCA de N.S. GOVORA 29 U titlul, “Nu, nu, niclodata", ca o repliok #7 n Tul “Nem, nem shoho® maghlar, tn romAneasca gazetl, “Cuyant romAnesc™ din Canada, compatriotul nostri, dl Nicolae Novac, binstean, scrle Un valo- Tos rispuns agitatillor maghiare ce a avut Ic in ultimul timp, In Statele Unite, Dsaaduce douk argumente ma: Jore sl, In acelag timp, in afara de orlee ‘iscujle: A) RomAnit sau niiscut gi au siligluit in Ardeal, tnainte de veniren Maghlarilor, ‘care, adiogam nol, -au Oclipat cu forta armelor, profitind de faptul ca In acele Indepirtate timpurl, eral mal puternic). B) In Transiivanin Romani formeaz\ majoritates, iar Maghiaril sunt mino- ritarl Dreptatea © cu nol, dar, din nefericire, ea trebule api- rath In fleeare 21 La sfargitul eirtll “Juste pour Ia Hongrie™. tipirita in nul 1931 de ziarul “Pesti Hislap”, gisim o listh de ehrtile Upirite de propaganda maghiard. Intre 1920 (Trianon), §1 1980: 23 cArHl gl douk Arti in iimba franceed, 24 eartl Th limba engleed, 20 carti In limba italian gl @ edt ih Umba germand. Repetim aceasta, numal tm 10 ani, $1 iment, eredem. nu poate nega valoaren propagandel Th articolul sau, romAnejte, bini\ensste, “Di Nova: spune: “Nu noe Intereseazh eAtust de putin numril de Senator say deputayi ai Stati al Statelor Unite, carl, in ecunowtinis de eaQia, nau pent a cleus volurl, a nitoral une asemenen ‘nedfepte #\"govinste fans chet glut este tuturor: ch, atAU renner At gt depuiatl Stateior Unite, In cet'mal mare num, Naber wan, Me (Urmeasd tn pag. 8.) Til Toax priban way Sena WILL THE UNITED STATES ENDORSE CULTURAL GENOCIDE IN RUMANIA? Te Uae tas Ct Se ca pa ‘adage @ ans Spread paced eof ts iecciemlepiaeere, St Geta ty Spctgyeet erry nico Sou ty ne et Yang ha SEED ie ery ine eu coumey Ape : Siena way desta noun Roman Fomnay VA 9 5 : 8 §. Obstructing contacts Seueee relents with relatives abroad, fen cea nase tt es “nec SUI rh em pod bo shngom ane fo Ulery nla chek Fi oii carey Comujténdose bajo un comité, creado —xad hoce— en Nueva York con ta misiin de defer derechos humanos en Rumania y recoger fondos para esta lucha, Man orgnnleado” machsalsctores cate deras en tox grandes centros norteamericanos y en el Canadd (en donde, despues de la sublevacién Mingara de 1956, han sido acogidos muchos mites de refugiados hungaros) con tox slogans que se pueden leer en as fotos y publicando al mismo tlempo en el pertédica uThe New York Timesy el manifiesto que fe productmos tar las sels acusaciones formuladas, que no tienen ningiin fundamento ,porque Ta dou pactén soviética del territorio rumano, después del 23 de agosto de 1944, infligid a todos los habitantes de la antigua Rumania los mismos sufrimientos, humillaciones y agenocidio culturals tal como protende el manifiesto, indiferentemente que se tratara de rumanos o de las minorias hiingara y safona. Una vez instalado et mismo régimen politico vigilado por Moscu, tanto en Hungria como en Ru- mania es imposible creer, conociendo el sistema marzista leninista, que puedan ezistir discriménaciones en el trato de las respectivas poblaciones y minorias, en la hermandad ideoldgica establecidas entre estos pat 4e8, Las sublevaciones hiingaras y polacas han demostrado que Moscil tiene el mismo trato para todos, Segtin los datos oficiales publicados por 1a Remiblica Socialista Rumana, lax minorias disfrutan de Udertades: culturales, religiosas, escolares, de Prensa y artisticas, mds que (os autdctonos, afadimos nosotros, dada las razones mencionadas al principtoy como nunca los rumanos transilvanos ban gozado ‘ajo Ia dominacién huingara. En el ezitio, la voz rumana se ha levantado siempre con ta misma fuerza y prestigto, defendiendo ta libertad de todos tox pueblos encerrados por el telon de acero soviéticocomunista, inclusive Hungrla, con Ja conctencta de un deber fraternal. Cuando estalld 1a sublevacton patridtica de los hiinoaros en 1956 contra ta opresion moscovita, tos rumanos extliados les enviaron el mensaje que a continuactén reproductmos: «Bmocionados por el subti- me sacrificio del pueblo hiingaro, tevantado en armas por ta Ubertad, afan comiin hoy dia, ofrecemos una ‘mano fraternal al valiente vecino htingaro, y consideramos que a partir de este momento nada debe entor- pecer nuestras relaciones amistosas, por lo que le invitamos a hacer un frente comun contra la barbarle roja, para lograr confuntamente ta Santa Libertad de nuestros esclavisados paises y de nuestra Fe en Cristo», EL gran aviador rumano el principe Constantino Cantacuzeno, héroe dé ta segunda guerra mundial, se ofreclé para transportar en sus avionetas particulares armas, municiones, material sanitario a las trin- cheras de los sublevados, arriesgdndose ta vida, y no hablemos de ta cordial colaboracién en tas manifes- tactones A. B.N. Asi qtie, con justas razones, nos preguntamos de qué sirve todo el atamtamy antirrumano desen- cadenado en tos paises norteamericanos, cuando un aceroamtento mds sincero y mds profundo seria mucho ‘mis beneficloso para ambos paises, Uegando incluso —a pesar de lo utdpico que parezca— a estudiarse las posibitidades de realizar Ia sofiada Confederactén Rumana-Hunoara-¥ugosiava, preconizada por Grego- rio Manollescu con tanta razén en bien de nuestros pueblos y de Europa (Hasta cudndo, vecinos hiingaros, con la ingratitud y tas infustas lamentaciones! TRAIAN POPESCU Transilvania Romaneasca va {i aloy Pregidonte tn Nosmvrio, Ie va da cadow Ardeatul, torin.polonine, 77) Cu toate aceste Infikedrate fraze, Tagele Urearlel, eel, asta, firogte, nu depinde de dArsul, SL.dackl verbs, propaganda maghtard is produce efectu mat suntem fi mol Romani pe etei™ tavblinteren — Matel Corvin, ne afurtA Locust sh ntragl asupra Tul toata oastra). Romannate a bhnieneste nus Dar reventm Ta oncareh gf tot-profitul store domnivorulut moldavenn, for\s propagandel. S| Maghiarti sunt maestri In manuirea ——ducAnd Ia cunostinta capetelar Incoronate. In spec! Avestel arme, sl-nit de acum. ef-de a Matel Corvin Tn rior ee nl puteau si controlere afirmaviie Tal, eR eamenih rele timputi, moldoveaniul Stefan cel Atare bate pe Ture’, wi, sub eonducerea. eurteannful shu Stefan eel nd adihraiia miveeetereginavagt tatviebt pofoner, hatuiork o mumeroiek armata otomana stort omanloe Divgowz, contemporan al acelor Intunevate timpurl, serie; din Darla Tralanh, de AD. Xencopol, 11, yp. 2020, paris “O, om Incomparabil cu nimio Inferior erollor pe carei admirim, care, primul tntre pringlt Tumit eAgtigh tn tim (Urmeasi in pay. 8.) great thrace isregard the fact that the Union of the Rumanian flee had been eulogued by the revolutionary OF une past century, and indeed by V. Lenin ack of gnowledge and obscurantism. a Dpreeent work that Moldavian Beasara ‘bia constitutes an integral part of the territory whieh was beeupied In prehistoric and early historic times by Muraclans, and tat the Union of the Rumanian Princk im 1850 was Dut a natural reunion of different "wipes into a eingle: whole. Hin the following, the readers are offered a concise account of the conients of my works: a resume ‘Here are the conclusions 1 have reached to. There exists in our country. an opinion (especially ingrained among linguists) that the Thracians arrived ‘north of the Danube coming from the South of the Balkan ‘Pais thesis is fundamentally erroneous, AB a matter of fact, there are few aut ALA. Snahmatov, V. A. Moshkov) who sustain the Contrary, that ig, that the Thracians have descended fowarts tne Dannbe and beyond it coming from regions dusted borth and south of the Carpathians. This opinion Eenforms with ‘the general direction of movement of all Indo-Buropean peoples. Cells, Germans. Slavs, Tokhars, Hitites. Greeks. Ualiots — rated from the North towards the South but not inversely. ‘Besides Indo-European north-south migration. there Ihave also Deeo eastwert migrations (Baltic peoples) and Sesteast ones (Aryans). Not @ single [ndo-Buropean “has ascended from south to north. Why should tie Arehoeclogicn) material culture Cucutent-Arnusd-Tripotye, ‘whose characterstics according to the overwhelming majority of investigators of this culture are Thracian, "Ancient authors such as Herodotus father of all Ptolemy, ‘stephen the Byzantine and eget g fie, Sa Sa me "The map drawn up by the \lustrous Rumanian archaco. Vaalle Pirvan for the period 1 000-800 B. ©. snd fon Ptolemy's eannot be considered satisfactory, arte i a ih a : 2 i 3 : E ¢ of the Stavs was at the sourcee Novgorod the Which means that the ‘the Cucuten! ipolye ‘These considerations led us towards 2 so-to-say dr amogtaphie investigation of the space between the Pripyat and ina. -wher# there appeared later the ‘regions af Volhyn, Halifcln, Podolia, We recurred to modern Investigation: toponymy_ and hidronymy. ‘A large number of maps has been examined: Russian, het, Ukrainian, ete ‘search of determinative roots and characteristic ‘erminationa I have been guided by the following 1) Dimiter Detach, (otia), Die Thraklechen Sprachres: te Wien, 1087, OL yn iches et ven Wor ferbuch Merin IOOFBET naan 2 A Walded | Vergivichendes Wértarbueh der Ren 'Sprochen,. ‘erlin-Lelpele. Tt, © Me onorpier tse {tele itortcer we aaayecinumntn (Bead fe input. compas ® , Bucharest, in. i eer, Vien nit i oa 1 str, Se rol 198 Vienne. 08, TV, ego Ponepronis Mose, a Ccooventionally the spice has been stvided into ereutlcat annes, with reference to the larger riven sromrapbleal SoPGoctern Bug and the San. TStyr, She Lat sone the Waits ine rivers Teteree end SoUth Bay Bees ad lower Dalester. apes and lee and numerous Thracian settlements, saiarg been able fo ape here aoneed, with Toc ag? a eet I oe ud, hep, Doe (OUR), sar cur, Yee Dea, Der bu DE Oar instances’ the preties per, tae ee), ak Yel UM DA0Y cractan setlements hove ate Devt le wermination,“dava ' Rarer or the aracian dava™s Is expecad ee prermlenee fet map annexed here, will be splereting, Bor ar Wu valong is lower course) ete he Wester HTiGent named Volodavea, along 8 Vetadae oat on ite iit and odors (eee Br nate of Maldava)-— on its right SmeunNSI pe Dniester there ares Vidava, eipaarieg of NP agava) and on the left bank of otane (certain, Sypper Olceadaro and Lancer Oicea Drnleset tne rey Diced. deva through, melatneaiy frames ferrehce of ese davars prover that from Fa re eer ot new tne space between the Erp demogranils Beer constitutes single whe : 4 ‘On the zonal maps the names of the Thracian settle iments are underlined with 2 teaipnt tine (he denomnae ote Diba pepe ted distinct from these, Whe ‘ith sort of combine nt Sent S78 Undersea Lhave teen able to identity in the first zone 28 Thracian Tees z= ‘the Thnd 19, in the I1t-rd-97, and in array i this resume the oponine seu j enemas OF erie nine ur the Thracian population was joined ute tn ne Ted eta Be) ie ae Cae Ui the Votea bn the aiken be Fhe Vi a tae ile nae ‘one of the provinces ea the Hilticta — ‘Who touna Here the (Continues pag. 0) gp EAstura “Carpatit). “Mal mutt tne de tndath ce rezvie Ungar afit ch trescreria Papel se uimluse dia gus ve tibeyle 2 insste pe lanes Suveranal Pont, pentrd ch {Sunil promigl ial Geefan, 444 ie cemigt Tol in ealitate de Suzeran s1 Papa. pilin Ia carent cu raporturlle ce ext intr ‘egee Ungariel gl uomnltoral Moldove, i aha Ta Mater importanta sum do 100000 ducagl pe care acest Henney curand, dar pentra cit total alte chestiunk seat rhtboiul conkea. Tufelloe™ storia, Rowanior diy Big Fralarh, A soap i Yath ce citi in “Hlstolte da ia Hongrle” de Henry ‘Bogdan, tpirith Tn "Press univereitalres de France” i nto. "Dar auccessie Tar Matet" Corvin in. Oeeldent._no Lmebuie th fard ultat c& veritabilaprimedae pentru. Un Faria este primeldia turceascA- Mats. reusl si rela e Ta ‘Bice ‘Bosnia (1403), ‘Moldown gt Valabin 467) C11) 4 Serbia CAME) dares n reusie ek eapulzece din Europa® Prin urmare, Stelan. cel Mare ‘niu a existat, St {oth Intorta spun ed h-existat Mal mull. ex2ce In 148t, are ioe 6 lupttIntre Stefan cel Mare qt Matel Corvin Ia Bala. tn Sioldovs, unde Matel Corvin-e vatnt enint gl abla seapa co lata. rousing aA treach granija cu mare sgreutate. din Caulza ranit pe care o primise, tar In 1660, Stefan eel Mare, pentru m se rizbuna, trece in Transilvania, o devasteazd Tei mild, prinde gf tale capul 1ul Petru Aron (pretendent Js tronul’ Moldovel, sustinut de Matel Corvin), gi nu. se retrnge dec&t clnd regele ungur consimte si-1 cedeze douk Getayt din Transilvania, Ciceu si Cetatea de Balt (MM ‘chowski gi Diugoss, Istorieh potanezt) ‘Horta No. 1. Reprodusd din cartea “1a verité xur tes ditt Derations prétiminaires ay irate de Trianon”. In afar ide tert SUNGARIA MILENARA® ay euceritortungart nau, gaat 9 tetova Ungar, erupurt polltice diepurtind ‘de frontier ‘precige etic oir aap ovat ia sates ele 1), Populnt care sedpanerd h urma. marion (nya {sleeper Ia Hongrie p48) St tr acelat carte a ina 44, eltim: *Strdmog!t pepomiius roman raven nimole ‘compn eu Dacil gi cu atAt mal putin en Romani care au ; Ef in Tranalivanta, despo eo GRIM He Piston deronatee sa snefeeat ty chraul ecole i ‘Al XIf1-lea poporul de p&stor! al Valahlel, stramog al Eten wre alte $ accatnaves du si ae Sur its galiberatint preitminnires du teat de Syn de Dr Blenne Ceaxb, altura Danubian Ba < {008 'paatnn 0, cium: -Tranaivemnia'e deventt rdayea nar de la ventrea Ungurtlr 1h ark I Rker ade Vacate dat, ex ya teeta ie sin 1018 Primi cote Fam de notorietate: for yt we cs penne et Transilvania Romaneasca ~ La venitea tor, Ungurit late fa ple mel) anit © pare pole tpn ."Caxor eam! apar\inewt Bestia amestecnte Ugur evita 3 pscroe oman au renin. Praralvanta. dn Walaa, ts orm secoio1O at NEC Hee {Yom rAspunde ta acette punete Cum era normal. 0 parte 4 populailel dace, a Meut set ae supunere Tnvingitorior tomas Acearta” este o lege haturalt” Cassius Blo, Istonogratl riaboatelor daciee, firm limpede c& mat mulft Duct au treeut de pariea Romanor ‘la Ineeputul FAgbotuios din 106-106, (Cassius Dio LXVI 11, 1). Tar Columna Tal ‘Tratan, eronten seuiptata a ncestor rzbeaie, contine sapte scene de ase: enea supunert a ‘Daciior” Remanor Iatoriegte ete Govediea existenta w nlmeroase corpurt de trupl formate din Dact In Noricum, Mm purge actualel AVAL se Atle ate T lpia Dacorum”) In Panopla era 0 “Cahors I ‘Augusta: Dacorim pla tides veteran iltatia equitata™, oNcehortd de Dadi “Cobors Tt Dacorum equate” ei farniioana tn Macedonia, tn wcelagt extremitate risk ean e imperiulut, lntre ‘Tigra st Butra ae, pAsea “Vee ‘illatio Dacorum Partica™; o alta unitate, numita Dietbals 2 Diba", imlnlta Ip Beans Inseriptitte latine gasite tn Dacta, semnaleas existenta de nume de persoane latine, dace, ql dace gl iatine ameste Ente Aske! hp Aptlum (Alba Iulia) tia Mucaera, (ul 2ah Brovus, are ch mostealter pe Mucapor Mucatratis, ‘Toate acesten sunt ume dcler. Tot ta tbs Tulla Un Mucauenus Cesorini, are ca solle pe Rescuturme, {lea Jui Sola. La Potalsa, Valeria Dula e sofia wnbl Votuslag Titlants: Ta Cluj Thessim pe Aurelius Deda.'O altA inseripte amintegte pe Aetios. Diates chrulsTiu) wu Aurelfus. Ditwoentes i Dune’o piatra funerarh, drept recunogtint In site isvDare, Iajoritaten inceripi, se fabdlnese Hume éa7 Dien, Duras, Eptata, Tsinto, Costas, Deripisa, Scormio. ‘Toate aceste rnumo, curat dicies. ‘Toate afatl, haga cum era. Toele, Incepuse amsestecul Dacilor cu Romani pin eksatort Yatre unt alt, aru romAnsse au derecpertt pani acuma cir Tbn-deCusinte Georgi gedacck lm teat ms ‘pre, a Cate mustre parm mans, trunge, ras ute, ste gure, gard. Orad, copac, bared. mstrel, rdnad, arabia, a Speria’c sburda, a taticee ex? este Ta ordinul dat’de Aurelian Ge pAvasiren Daeiet saa retras toll locuitoril Dactet, wustin Unguril gi sprijinitortt Tor, Afirinaja sceaala are ‘ce baad ‘pera Ml Rosle intilala Romaeniche Studten, care a dat aster In asa tian (core Tal Roster” Ty rubstaut Roeser sushi eb ovulatta, Daciel a pacGal Integral Dacia, tn ordi nptravnol Aurelian’ St iat ce ‘asin tm “Hlsolre dee Honeroe”, pa 80, carte Upaeit ia Paris th 1874. Autorul Edouard Sayous ‘un frances spune: “Ablla areumentare Salut Roeser, cite departe do # 1 convineAtoafe. Bmlgra- Ten populafilor Gevenite sgrieale w clilate, sunt Pare, Srl et ta gant comptes fr afar acre Pare diffe de oxpteat propagates HtuDit a Bag pettio(s peeies Bue cere Rape Udine for de lta germane TO pres Rat Valahi, care de vreme Indelungata, urmand ferteita expre- Sen tal Amoeace ‘Thierry “las ca Umpa svt seape de fRipanitvfrmenic gt perptany in ule bararer Oe Seful lor” Trebule #8 ee (INA seaman ch Raouard Sayous era. Separte de a f1 un prieten al RomAnilor. Din contra. Bra. membra al Socictajii Kistaludy din Pesta, si tueraren Tut AVitistotre dos Hongrols” eate favorabitt ‘-nceingi Tocrare. Ta pagina 62, cltim. ful Gelu fn Sane rae

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