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Ring Documentation, Release 1.

name = "Mahmoud"
aFriends = []
aFriends + new Friend
aFriends[len(aFriends)] {
aFriends[len(aFriends)].name = "Gal"
aFriends + new Friend
aFriends[len(aFriends)] {
aFriends[len(aFriends)].name = "Bert"

Class Friend

Solution (2) : Create Method in the friend class to set the name attribute.
New Account {
see aFriends

Class Account
name = "Mahmoud"
aFriends = []
aFriends + new Friend {
aFriends + new Friend {

Class Friend
func setname cName
name = cName

Solution (3) : Create a method in the account class to set the attribute
New Account {
see aFriends

Class Account
name = "Mahmoud"
aFriends = []

func friend cName

aFriends + new Friend {
name = cName

Class Friend

Solution (4) : Declarative Programming

New Account {
name = "mahmoud"
friend {

61.12. Conflict between self inside braces and self in the class region 723
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

name = "Gal"
friend {
name = "Bert"
see aFriends

Class Account
aFriends = []
func getfriend
aFriends + new Friend
return aFriends[len(aFriends)]

Class Friend

name: Gal
name: Bert

61.13 Using braces to escape from the current object scope

Since braces change the current object scope to another object. we can use it to do some work without modifying the
class attributes and using the same variable names.
new point {x=10 y=20 z=30 start() }
class point x y z
func start
see self # print the x y z values (10,20,30)
new Local {
x = 100
y = 200
z = 300
see self # print the x y z values (10,20,30)
see x + nl # will print 100
see y + nl # will print 200
see z + nl # will print 300
Self { # NO Advantage - Search is done in local scope first
see x + nl # will print 100
see y + nl # will print 200
see z + nl # will print 300
see self.x + nl # will print 10
see self.y + nl # will print 20
see self.z + nl # will print 30

class Local

x: 10.000000
y: 20.000000

61.13. Using braces to escape from the current object scope 724
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

z: 30.000000
x: 10.000000
y: 20.000000
z: 30.000000

61.14 Summary of Scope Rules

At first remember that

1 - Each programming language comes with it’s scope rules based on the language goals
2 - Programming in the small is different than Programming in the Large
3 - Some programming language are designed for developing small programs while others are designed for large
4 - In programming, If we have access to more than one scope - Then problems may come if we don’t manage things
5 - It’s always more secure to reduce the number of visible scopes
6 - Some programming languages force you to manage the scope in some way, while others not!
In Ring
1 - Special and very simple scope rules that are designed for Flexibility first then Security
2 - Ring is designed to support programming in the small and programming in the large.
3 - The language provide the different programming paradigms that you may select from based on the project size.
Errors comes only if you selected a bad paradigm for the target project or you are using the paradigm in a way that is
not correct or at least not common.
4 - In Ring you have the choice, you can use global variables or avoid them. you can give them a special $ mark or
leave them. you can use object-oriented or stay with procedures. you can use the class region (after the class name
and before any method) just for attributes or use it for code too.
5 - Just read the next scope rules and think about them then use them in your favorite way.
Scope Rules:
1 - At any place in our program code we have only at maximum Three Scopes (Local Scope, Object Scope and Global
2 - When Ring find a variable it will search in the local scope first then in the object scope then in the global scope.
3 - At any time inside procedures or methods you can use braces { } to access an object and change the current object
4 - In the class region (After the class name and before any method) this is a special region where both of the object
scope and the local scope point to the object scope. I.e. No local variables where each variable you define in this
region will become an attribute.

61.14. Summary of Scope Rules 725

Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

5 - Before defining any variable (in any scope and in the class region too) a search process will be done to use the
variable if it’s found.
6 - Functions and Methods parameters are defined automatically as local variables to these functions or methods.
7 - Using Object.Attribute will search in the object attributes only.
8 - Using Self.Attribute will lead to a search for Self first then search in Self Attributes.
9 - The Self reference inside class region (after the class name and before any method) always point to the object scope
created from the class.
10- The Self reference inside methods will be changed when we uses Braces to be a reference to the object that we
11- Writing variable names directly in the class region (after the class name and before any method) means using them
or define then (in order).
12- Using self.attribute in the class region reduce search to the object scope (avoid conflict with global scope).
From these rules you can understand all types of conflicts and why you may have them and how to avoid them
Simple advices to avoid any conflict and use the scope rules in a better way
1 - Try to avoid global variables
2 - Use the Main Function - This will help you to avoid global variables
3 - If you are going to use many global variables use the $ mark before the variable name
4 - In the class region if you don’t respect the advice number three ($) then use self.attribute when you define your
5 - You can use object.attribute and object.method() instead of object { attribute } and object { method() } if you don’t
like changing the object scope.
6 - If you will use nested braces in a class - think about using the class region if possible because in this region you
will have access to the object that you access using { } + access to the class attributes
7 - If you are inside a class method and used nested braces you will change the object scope with each brace and you
will loss the access to the class attributes directly but you have access to the local scope before and after using brace
{ } , if you will read/modify the class attribute from braces then use This.Attribute because using ‘This’ means (The
object created from this class) while using ‘Self’ means (The object in the current object scope).
After understanding all of the previous points, You will master this topic.

61.14. Summary of Scope Rules 726




In this chapter we will learn about the scope rules for functions and methods.
You need to know the next information once you started using Ring for large applications.
These applications may contains and use
• Many Packages and Classes written in Ring
• Many Functions written in Ring
• Standard Ring Functions (Written in C language)
• Functions and Classes written in C/C++ languages

62.1 How Ring find the Functions and Methods?

When you call a method or function, Ring will start a search process to find this function
If found –> Call the function and store the function pointer in the cache so Ring can use it again with doing another
If not found —> Runtime error message (That you can avoid using Try/Catch)
How the search process is done?
Search for functions/methods follow the next order
1 - Search in methods (if we are inside class method or object using braces {})
2 - Search in functions written by the programmer using Ring Code
3 - Search in functions written in C/C++ like standard Ring functions
This enable us to write clean code inside classes methods and avoid any conflict with functions.
If we want to call a function with the same name as a method in the class we will need a wrapper function or we will
access a temp. object using { } then call that function there.
We can replace C/C++ Functions with Ring Functions.
We can replace Ring Functions with Ring Methods.

Note: Using self.method() is not necessary in any use case.

Tip: We can use this.method() to escape from the current active scope that we access using braces {} and call a
method in the class that we are inside.

Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

62.2 Example about Sharing Names between Functions and Methods

Look at the next example

func main
o1 = new myclass { test() test2() }

func f1
see "f1 function" + nl

func f2
see "f2 function" + nl

func f3
see "f3 function" + nl

func test2
see "test2 function" + nl
new myclass {
myobj = new myclass

func myline
see copy("=",40) + nl

Class myclass

func test
see "test method" + nl

func f3
see "f3 method" + nl

func test2
see "test2 method" + nl
self {


62.2. Example about Sharing Names between Functions and Methods 728
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

test method
f1 function
f2 function
f3 method
test2 method
f1 function
f2 function
f3 method
test2 function
f1 function
f2 function
f3 method
f3 method
f3 method

62.3 Calling a function sharing the name with a method in the current

In the previous example we have a function called f3() and we have a method called f3()
How we can call the f3() function from the test() method ?
Solution (1) : Change the current object scope to another object scope
In this solution we will have an empty class called local that we will use to change the current object scope.
func main
o1 = new myclass { test()}

func f1
see "f1 function" + nl

func f2
see "f2 function" + nl

func f3
see "f3 function" + nl

func myline
see copy("=",40) + nl

Class myclass

func test
see "test method" + nl
f3() # call f3() method
new local { f3() } # call f3() function

62.3. Calling a function sharing the name with a method in the current class 729
Ring Documentation, Release 1.6

func f3
see "f3 method" + nl

class local

test method
f1 function
f2 function
f3 method
f3 function

62.3. Calling a function sharing the name with a method in the current class 730



In this chapter we will learn about some options that are provided automatically by the Ring compiler for syntax

63.1 Change Language Keywords

We can change any keyword using the ChangeRingKeyword command.

Note: Remember to restore the keyword again if the team will mix between styles in the same project.

Tip: The ChangeRingKeyword command is executed in the scanner stage by the compiler (before parsing).

ChangeRingKeyword <oldkeyword> <newkeyword>

ChangeRingKeyword see print

print "welcome" + nl

ChangeRingKeyword print see

see "Welcome" + nl

ChangeRingKeyword func function
ChangeRingKeyword see print
ChangeRingKeyword ok endif
ChangeRingKeyword next endfor
ChangeRingKeyword end endwhile

x = 10
while x > 0
print "x = " + x + nl
for t = 1 to 10
if t = 3
print "number three" + nl

Ring Documentation, Release 1.6



function test
print "message from test" + nl

ChangeRingKeyword function func

ChangeRingKeyword print see
ChangeRingKeyword endif ok
ChangeRingKeyword endfor next
ChangeRingKeyword endwhile end

63.2 Change Language Operators

We can change any operator using the ChangeRingOperator command.

Note: Remember to restore the operator again if the team will mix between styles in the same project.

Tip: The ChangeRingOperartor command is executed in the scanner stage by the compiler (before parsing).

ChangeRingOperator <oldkeyword> <newkeyword>

The next program hide the + operator by changing it to _+
changeringoperator + _+
changeringkeyword SEE PRINT

print 5 + 10
print nl print "error" print nl

changeringoperator _+ +

The next program change the + operator to “plus”.

changeringoperator + plus
changeringkeyword SEE PRINT

Print 5 plus 5

changeringoperator plus +
changeringkeyword PRINT SEE

63.2. Change Language Operators 732

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