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The importance of this study is to show the reasons behind unavailability of corporate
integration in Koya city, and to analyze the reasons in a detailed manner and in a scientific
way.In this investigation, questionnaire distribution method has been used to reach the
factors that lead to the nonintegrating of corporates in Koya city.

During performing this research, we faced a variety of barriers and obstacles. One of such
problems were that vast majority of the corresponding authorities did not provide us with
enough information about the number of companies, categories, and working style of the
companies. In addition, in our survey, the respondents denied to provide us with any data or
information about whether any corporate integration in Koya city exists or not.

Conclusively, in this investigation we reached to a decision that there is no corporate

integration in Koya city. Most of companies that responded to our questionnaire, pointed
out that the main reasons behind the continuity of companies without integration refers
back to some reasons. The main reasons were thought to be the reputation of the company,
working experience of the company, together with other political, financial and economical

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