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Well ... My name is Fatmawati Umar. I am 19 years old, I live in
Wongkaditi. My hobby is reading books, Because reading is the window of
knowledge. My favorite food is fried chicken. My favorite color is pink, white and
blue. The goals I wanted to become a pharmacist so I continued his studies at
BINA MANDIRI STIKES GORONTALO with Bachelor degree majored in
Then I will introduce the members of our group
My name is Lila Muliani, I am 18 years old, I live in wongkaditi my
hobbi, cooking, my favorite food soto makassar, I continued my studies at
STIKES BINA MANDIRI GORONTALO with Bachelor degree majored in
My name is Fendris Matoka, my age, I live, my hobby, favorite foods, I
continued my studies at STIKES BINA MANDIRI GORONTALO, with majors
Undergraduate pharmacy,
My name is Mutia Anggraini Hasan, I am 19 years old, I live my hobby
diwongkaditi, shoping favorite foods, toast, I continued my studies at BINA
MANDIRI STIKES GORONTALO with Bachelor degree majored in Pharmacy.
My name is Sri Ainun Tahir, I am 19 years old, I live in my sport hobby
suwawa, my favorite food is fried rice, I continuing studies at STIKES BINA
MANDIRI GORONTALO, with Bachelor degree majored in pharmacy.
My name is Riska Arini Danial, age 18 years old, I live in Toba, a hobby I
ate my favorite foods, noodles, I continued my studies at STIKES BINA
MANDIRI GORONTALO, with Bachelor degree majored in pharmacy.
Food as a source of energy and substances the body builder is an important
element in the human body. The food will provide considerable impact against the
resistance and the condition of the body as well as the growth of bones and teeth.
The food will be processed in the body, and absorbed the sari-sari food for later
burned and circulated throughout the body in accordance with its function. The
food will influence the development of cells, tissues and organs in the human
body. In the body of the entry of foodstuffs containing toxins the body is going to
react and trigger damage to certain parts of the body. Without food body will not
work properly. The Agency will not thrive and grow and work well. Food intake
containing some materials needed by the body. But sometimes the awareness of
the importance of healthy food almost ignored by the community. This happens
because the low awareness of the importance of masyyarakat healthy food as well
as the need for efficiency and economy of time causes the community prefer the
instant and inexpensive food. People do not realize that instant meals, as well as
foods that contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives much money circulating
in society has led to the declining levels of health care as well as triggering
dangerous diseases in the long term. Food prices which tend to be cheap,
interesting and practical cause healthy food packaging sometimes marginalized,
let alone healthy foods less appealing and tasty kuran when compared to fast food
and foods that contain hazardous materials. Moreover, emerging food
berformalin, boraks tiren, chicken, meat logs is evidence that the economy is
causing the public apathy towards health. If food consumed does not contain the
necessary ingredients of the body so the body will experience a deficiency like
Kwashiorkor, lupus, etc. If the excess food then the arising of diseases such as
obesity, diabetes, etc. Therefore a balanced nutritional fulfillment is very
important in maintaining health efforts.
Health is not everything but without health segalagalanya is meaningless.
Even health is an investment, the right and obligation of every human being. From
the above statement, feels that healthy is needs and ours that has to be fought.
Because the pattern of healthy living, we are healthy and spiritual birth, namely:
to feel comfortable, safe and tentaram, have confidence, success in work, and can
enjoy the life in social surroundings family, neighbors and the community.
healthy living can be defined as life without ganguan the issue of physical and non
physical. The physical form of disorder diseases that attack the body and physical
person. While the physical health condition concerns the non soul, heart and mind
of a person.
Understanding healthy living includes rules and patterns of someone to run
this life by means of proportional and controlled. These same patterns that will
make people be healthy. For healthy need rules, if life without rules there will
then be a haphazard life. It's not just physical health would be compromised, but
more dangerous again when it comes to mental health. Health is extremely
important to achieve the happiness of life.
1. Healthy Food
According to Hulme, "healthy foods" are foods in a real sense and able to
enjoy the food. A healthy diet should consist of a main meal and food support.
Healthy foods are also known as the 4 and 5 perfect, but its popularity has begun
to fade for many reasons. Packed with side dish tofu, tempeh, a piece of meat, and
vegetable Bowl and still not enough to meet the needs of nutrition. When viewed,
the meals are already considered to meet the needs of calories and protein, but
what is in it is already covered by the other nutrients that the body diperluhkan.
Healthy food is food an eligible health and does not cause illness if eaten as well
as poisoning. While nutritious foods are foods that contain substances that are
needed by the body in sufficient amounts. In addition to that healthy food can be
interpreted as a diverse food, nutritious, balanced, as well as safe when consumed.
Nutritious food is not merely a valuable food delicious but expensive daan
paramount zatt-are substances contained therein. Nutritious food must contain
energy, Builder, and a balanced amount of balance. Whereas a balanced food is
food-food that has nutritional content that suits your nutritional intake is needed.
Balanced food in question shall contain nutrients which include: carbohydrates,
fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
The function of food not just for menhilangkan hunger, but the main thing is
to get more power, get a developer of substances for the body's cells, enhancing
the durability of the body against disease, as well as to ensure the smooth running
of any kinds of processes that occur in the body. For that, the food is consumed
every day should contain elements of pengasil power, developer of the cells, and
set all kinds of processes in the body. In accordance with its purpose, then the
food that goes into the body can be grouped as follows:
a. Food as a source of energy is mainly containing hydrate charcoal.
b. Food as the source of the substance is used as a builder, the formation of the
new body tissues selsel, formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and
the immune substances or antibodies.
c. Regulatory substances as a source of Food, although very little is absolutely
2. The pattern of healthy living
Healthy living Patterns regarding the rules to achieve physical and spiritual
health, because understanding the perfect healthy living includes aspects of both.
The following pattern is the pattern of healthy living either in physical or spiritual
aspects: 1. grab the Pattern of physical health patterns include ways, rules and
things that someone should be implemented in order to achieve a goal. To be able
to live a healthy life physically, the first thing you should notice is tracing the
physically part of your body that contribute to disease problems contributed. Did
you know the belly is a source of various diseases? Starting from the mouth, the
stomach and mouth would it is up on Your Diet and eating habits. The pattern of
physical health to grab the first one is to set up your diet. Set the kontrollah and
food-food that goes into your mouth. Do not carelessly and don't overdo it.
Indiscriminate means you have to be selective with food-dangerous food
additives. Not too much to consume a meal. Any food you consume, even though
it had been healthy and nutritious food is, if you eat excessive amounts will
undoubtedly give rise to the impact and influence of the bad for the body.
3. How to start a healthy Life Patterns
As a form of the process of growing and evolving, human beings need a
healthy living patterns to improve the quality of the self in order to live longer
with healthy and independent. A better life also will be obtained if the human
being is able to meet the needs of his body with a healthy food source and no
contaminated food chemicals that can damage the function of the organs of their
body. Talk about healthy living patterns, it is not only focused on the source of
healthy food, but also related to healthy habits in living the life and the no less
important is the ownership of a positive mindset. A man looks at a life with more
optimistic, it is believed that psychiatric conditions greatly affect the eventual
freeing them from the burden of the thoughts that may affect them so that it was
able to avoid the disease usually is also caused by the emergence of mind, stress,
load and kecemasaan in their life. Human beings certainly preoccupied with
activities that are the consequences of fulfilling the needs of their life. Those
activities are diverse, including one with work aimed at obtaining results in
meeting the needs of their life. However it is sometimes forgotten that the human
body is ever in need of a healthy nutritional intake for the sake of balancing their
activity which is very dense and diverse. Some of the customs of human life
which is less good also triggers the failure pattern of healthy living because they
do not pay attention to the importance of the intake for the body. For that, people
are advised to consume a nutritious and healthy food because that is much needed,
especially if the bulk of the body in a State of tired or sick. To get nutritious
foods, this does not mean having to consume food is expensive. Food obtained
with reasonable prices can also be categorized as healthy food recall foods made
of ingredients that are not widely using chemicals derived from plants and fresh.
Sleep pretty well be an alternative to create healthy life pattern because when
humans do this, muscle and brain during this work can relaxation and rest. In
addition, regular exercise can also help to lower fat and cholesterol so the flab that
trigger the onset of the disease can be avoided. Don't get used to smoke, consume
alcohol and caffeine are also able to protect the body from harm of nicotine which
are clearly damaging to the respiratory system and the heart of man. When the
mind is relaxed position and always think positive, good things will always come.
No feelings of anxiety, anger, and other liver disease makes people became more
optimistic in the face of life. Human beings will also be better prepared when the
problem gets so any thoughts of small loads. Man with a load of thoughts that
weight is likely to experience illnesses such as high blood pressure greater than
people who are more relaxed. It is this healthy lifestyle pattern that needs to be
attempted by men both still young and old alike to create a better life. Life is more
directional, comfortable, and happy will certainly be felt if healthiest humans are
born and inner. Physical health make man has a chance to reach the age of hisup
higher expectations. While the inner health will make man more optimistic in the
future. All of these can be realized if humans want to apply a pattern of healthy
Based on the background, lifestyle and healthy food is essential for the
survival of human beings especially health. Healthy food is food an eligible health
and does not cause illness if eaten as well as poisoning. A healthy diet should
consist of a main meal and food support. Healthy lifestyle depends on many
factors, healthy lifestyle of many influential against health problems, much of the
stride step – especially from nutrition, rest, activities, sports and other – other.
Many of the benefits to be gained from a healthy lifestyle, avoid starting
from a variety of ailments, healthy physical and spiritual, save the cost of living,
the activities become more regular.

Hariminantyo.2008.Makanan Sehat. Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka.

Mukti, Bayu.2008.Makanan Sehat Mempengaruhi Kecerdasan Anak. Jakarta:
jendral pembinaan kesehatan masyarakat.
Departemen Kesehatan RI. 13 Pesan Dasar Gizi Seimbang. Jakarta: Depkes.

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