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Unit 8: Structured Qn 1
TYS Unit 8
a) Lactic acid;
(Science Biology)
b) Glucose  Lactic acid + Small
September Holiday Homework
amount of Energy;

Unit 8: Structured Qn 2 Unit 8: Structured Qn 2

a) Aerobic respiration takes place in the
presence of oxygen with the release of a b) Anaerobic respiration results in the
large amount of energy whereas Anaerobic incomplete/partial breakdown of
respiration releases a small amount of glucose due to the absence of oxygen.
energy in the absence of oxygen;

Unit 8: Structured Qn 3 Unit 8: Structured Qn 3

a) i) x axis: time/hours •  3bi) As time passes, the rate of reaction

increases, producing more heat. Heat was
y axis: temperature / 0C given out during respiration/germination.
The vacuum flask can retain this heat.
ii) Best fit line should be a curve
•  3bii) Respiration or germination
•  3biii) Glucose + Oxygen => Carbon
dioxide + water + large amount of energy


Unit 8: Structured Qn 3 Unit 8: Structured 4

3ci) The experiment can be repeated with boiled
i)  Mitochondria;
•  (Dry peas is not a control. Still alive. Will
germinate and respire if water gets in) ii)  Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon dioxide

•  3cii) The temperature would not rise in the control +Water

experiment. Boiling denatures the enzymes in the
+ Large amount of Energy;
peas, preventing respiration/germination from
taking place.
*Note that germination is not in the syllabus any
longer, hence reference to respiration will do.

Unit 8 Essay Qn 1 Unit 8 Essay Qn 1

The alveoli are adapted for gaseous exchange

•  Alveoli are well supplied with large number of
in the following ways: blood capillaries speed up the rate of
•  Alveoli walls are 1 cell thick  decrease exchange of gases by maintaining
diffusion distance increase diffusion rate concentration/diffusion gradient.

•  Alveoli walls are moistoxygen can easily •  Thousands of alveoli (highly branched) are
dissolve in the layer and diffuse across walls found in the lungs large surface area for
faster. gaseous exchange.

Unit 8 Essay Qn
Unit 8 Essay Qn
Aerobic respiration in humans:
•  Both anaerobic and aerobic respiration
Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon Dioxide +Water + Large
amount of Energy;
• Breakdown of food
Anaerobic respiration in humans:
• Release of energy
Glucose  Lactic Acid + small amount of Energy; • Loss of some energy as heat
• Production of ATP;;
NOTE: When not specified, assume anaerobic
respiration occurring in humans (Respiration in yeast
only covered for experiments)


Unit 8 Essay Qn Unit 8 Essay Qn

Aerobic Respiration; Anaerobic Respiration;
  Uses oxygen   Does not use oxygen •  Aerobic respiration occurs in living cells in
general where oxygen is available;
  No lactic acid   Lactic acid produced
produced •  Anaerobic respiration occurs in human
  CO2 & water   CO2 & water not skeletal muscle during vigorous exercise
produced produced where oxygen supply does not meet the
  Large amount of   Small amount of demand by the muscles;
energy released energy released

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