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PANTS Pants Los pantalones
YIINS Jeans Los vaqueros
SHEERT Shirt La camisa
TISHEERT T-shirt La camiseta
BLAUS Blouse La blusa
SUUT Suit El traje
TAI Tie La corbata
DRESSS Dress El vestido
SKEERT Skirt La falda
MINI SKEERT Mini skirt La minifalda
SUETER Sweater El suéter / El jersey
CAARDIGAN Cardigan Una rebeca (jersey con botones)
YACKET Jacket La chaqueta
COOUT Coat El abrigo
REINCOOUT Raincoat El impermeable
GLOOFS Gloves Los guantes
SCARF Scarf La bufanda
SHOOL Shawl (Bufanda de zara)
MOTOBAIK LIIDERS Moto bike leathers Prendas de moto
SUETSHEERT Sweatshirt Sudadera
SUETPANTS Sweatpants Pantalón de chándal
CROPTOPS Cropped tops Tops recortados
KOLA Collar Cuello
WEISTCOOUT Waistcoat Chaleco

SUUSS Shoes Zapatos
SANDELS Sandals Sandalias
BUTS Boots Botas
WELINTON Wellingtons Botas de agua
SLIPERS Slippers Pantunflas
SOKS Socks Calcetines
TREINERS Trainers Deportivas
JAIJIILS High heels Tacones
FLIPFLOPS Flip flops Chanclas

BREISLET Bracelet Pulsera
NEKLES Necklace Collar
RIN Ring Anillo
IIRIN Earrings Pendientes
WOCH Watch Reloj
RUISTBAND Wristband Pulsera
HJUD Hood Capucha
HJELMET Helmet Casco
JAT Hat Sombrero
CAP Cap Gorro
HEDBAND Headband Diadema
GUOLI Wooly hat Gorro de lana

GUL Wool(len) Lana
LEDER Leather Cuero
SILK Silk Seda
CATON Cotton Algodón
DENIN Denim Vaquero
PLASTIK Plastic Plástico
LEIS Lace Encaje
FEER Fur De piel
LINEN Linen De lino
LAICRA Lycra Licra
VELVET Velvet Terciopelo
SUEID Suede Ante
POLIESTER Polyester Poliéster
FEIDED Faded jeans Desgastado
NITED Knitted De punto

CASUAL Casual Informal
SMAART Smart Elegante
SCRAAFY Scruffy Desaliñado
FAAAASHIONEIBOL Fashionable De moda
OLD FASSHION Old-fashioned Pasado de moda
TRENDI Trendy De moda (informal)
AZLESURE Athleisure Moda deportiva
GUELDRESS Well-dressed Bien vestido
IN In (fashion) De moda
ESTAILISH Stylish Estiloso
ANTAIDI Untidy Desordenado
FRENLI Friendly Amigable
LEIDBAK Laid-back Relajado
ANIUSUAL Unusual Inusual
SECONDHAND Second-hand Segunda mano
FASHION COONSIUS Fashion-conscious Interesado por la moda
SPARKLI Sparkly Brillante
STANIN Stunning Impresionante
DRES AP Dress up Ponerse elegante
HEN AP Hang up Colgar la ropa
FIT Fit Sentar bien de talla
SUUT Suit Sentar bien de color
MACH Match Conjuntar del mismo color
GET CHEIND Get changed Tener que cambiarse
GET ANDRESED Get undressed Desvestirse
GET DRESD Get dressed Vestirse
GO WIZ Go with Conjuntar de quedar bien

LUUS Loose Suelto
BAGUI Baggy Holgado
TAIT Tight Ceñido
HJUDID Hooded Con capucha
LON SLIIIFD Long sleeved Manga larga
SHORT SLIIFD Short sleeved Manga corta
SLIIIFLESS Sleeveless Sin mangas
VINEK V-Neck Cuello en V
CHEKD Checked A cuadros
PATENT Patterned Estampado
PLEEIN Plain Liso
SPOTET Spotted Lunares
STRAIPT Striped Rayas
OOVERSAIS Oversized Gran tamaño
SKINI Skinny Ceñidos
Wake up Despertarse I wake up at 7.00 pm every day
Every morning I put on my clothes before I have
Put on Ponerse la ropa
Get away
Salirse de lo habitual When i go to work, I can't get away with my clothes
Add to Añadir

Cut down Reducir I should cut down the amount I spend on clothes
Dress up Ponerse elegante /disfrazarse I dressed up to go to the restaurant
Fit in with Encajar bien
Go out Salir a alguna parte por entretenimiento I'm going to go out next weekend
Keep up with Estar al día I try to keep up with the latest fashions
Tirar de algo, manejar o tratar esa
Pull on Few of us can ever pull on with such meagre salaries.
Put together Elaborar algo/crear algo I put together a outrageous outfit
Save up Ahorrar I had to save up for months
Slip on Ponerse algo rápidamente I feel relaxed as soon as I slip on my pajamas
Stand out Destacar I always stand out in a crowd
Take back Recuperar algo, volver a algo Is it too small? Take it back and get a refund
Go in Entrar en una tienda (lugar) I go in the new shop
Go ahead Seguir hacia adelante I can go ahead and finish the project
Go back Volver, regresar I go back to the same shop
Go for Ir a buscar Go for jeans
Go on Continuar What's going on? Qué está pasando?
Go over Revisar I need to go over the figures
Go up Subir, aumentar The price of gold goes up a lot

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