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Algorithms Encyclopedia

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Apps


Algorithms Encyclopedia is a nifty little tool that gives you information on all about algorithms, with
details on their history, working detail, real world examples and time & space analysis, right at your

AlgorithmsEncyclopedia is an Android based application which aims to provide a wide set of

fundamental topics in Algorithms, beneficial for beginners and as well as advanced users.All
algorithms are categorized into groups;including graph algorithms, dynamic algorithms, greedy
algorithms and sorting algorithms etc.Each algorithm contains all the relevant information (i.e.
history, working detail, pseudo code, examples, time & space analysis, benefits & drawbacks and
references etc.). The visual illustration along with explanation is provided to make learning in a really
simple and lucid manner that makes it easier to understand.

Functional Requirements:
The functional requirements of Algorithms Encyclopediaapp are as follows;
1. Completely Offline App. No Internet Connection needed.
2. Offline database (i.e. SQLite) to store all data.
3. Category wise Algorithms listing.
Major categories;
I. Data Structures
 Lists, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Hash Tables and Heaps etc.
II. Searching
 Linear Search and Binary Search etc.
III. Sorting
 Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort and
Quick Sort etc.
IV. Dynamic Programming
 Longest Common Subsequence, Matrix Chain Multiplication, 0-1
Knapsack and Assembly Line Schedulingetc.
V. Greedy Algorithms
 Huffman Encoding and Fractional Knapsack etc.
VI. Graph Algorithms
 Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Kruskal’sAlgorithm, Prim’s
Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm and Floyd
WarshellAlgorithm etc.
VII. Miscellaneous Algorithms
 Prime Factorisation, Tower of Hanoi and Euclidian Algorithm etc.

4. Pseudo/working code of all algorithms.

5. Simulation/Animation for visualizing the working of algorithms.
6. Manual values from user for the visualization.
7. Time & space analysis in a comparison mode.
8. Copy, Search and Share textfeatures.
9. Support bookmarks option along with read and unread indicators
10. Settings option for customization the app; like syntax style,text colour, font size and
simulation speed etc.

1. IDE: Android Studio
2. Programming language: JAVA
3. Database: SQLite
4. UML: Microsoft Visio, IBM Rational Rose

Name: Muhammad Imran Afzal
Skype ID: imranafzal126

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