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4. Some enzymes require another compound called a ________________ to be bound to them before they can
catalyse reactions.
5. The substance on which the enzymes act is called a ________________
7. The __________ and key hypothesis explains how enzymes work.
8. Enzymes are _______________at very low temperatures.
9. Enzymes are very _______________. They remain unchanged at the end of the reaction. The same enzyme
molecule can be reused and a small amount of enzymes can bring about a large amount of chemical reactions.
10. Enzymes are ______________ at very high temperatures.
1. Any factor that directly affects the rate of reaction if its quantity is changed is called a _____________ factor.
2. The best temperature at which enzymes work is called the ________________ temperature.
3. Enzymes are made of _____________.
4. An enzyme is a biological ____________ which can alter or speed up a chemical reaction, without itself
being chemically changed at the end of the reaction.
6. Lipids bind at the _____________ site of lipase.
11. Salivary ___________________ digests starch.

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