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1. Tentative book title and subtitle.

Fundamentals of Finite Element Method ________ Textbook (an authored book

intended to be used primarily as the main study material in an undergraduate- or
graduate-level university course)

2. Author/s full name/s. with position and affiliation:

i) Dr Kanishk Sharma

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department

School of Engineering & Technology

Jaipur National University, Jaipur


ii) Mr Anuhav Kumar

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department

JECRC University, Jaipur


iii) Mr Ashish Kumar

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department

School of Engineering & Technology

Jaipur National University, Jaipur

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3. Subject Matter

Inspired by its nature the discrete type formulation is termed as finite element method
(FEM). In fact the finite element method adopts a standard methodology that has been developed
over the years. The finite element process can be seen as a method of approximation to physical
problems in which the continuum is divided into a finite number of parts which are associated
with the overall continuum behavior by virtue of a finite number of parameters, and solving the
assemblage of these parameters to obtain the behavior of complete system.
Fundamentals of Finite Element Method is envisioned as text book for undergraduate-
and graduate-level students. Although not limited but the book is written to be most appropriate
for the major programs such as civil engineering, and mechanical engineering. Purpose of this
book is to give a basic idea of widely used design and analysis technique:- finite element method
with knowledge of the theory and applications.

It is seen now-a-days the course has become a regularly offered core subject in the
mechanical/civil engineering programs and is generally in high demand. Toward that point,
recently I developed and taught both theory and practical undergraduate courses on the finite
element method at Jaipur National University, Jaipur. During the teaching of the FEM, although
I referred many text books on subject but found none of them to be as per the required
curriculum. Therefore this text is written to provide basic theory of FEM that can be understood
by undergraduate engineering students.

Although the Book is written


3. Identify potential specific courses or training venues that might use this book. Be as
specific as possible, even down to individual university listings, if possible. (For this
section, a table can be made instead of using the subheadings below.)

3.1 Level of the course

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20.2 Typical course enrollment
This number varies by university and program.

20.3 Term
One semester/term is typical.

20.4 Describe if the course is optional or compulsory.

20.5 Would this book be for main adoption, supplementary readin,g or recommended

20.6 Please suggest any lecturers who would be particularly interested in hearing about
your textbook, providing their names and contact information.

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