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The Writers’ Workshop: Genre


Using the table below as a guide, guess a plausible genre.

1. Fill in the gaps using your imagination.

Genre Character(s) Setting Narrative outline Techniques

often used
a woman, a a police station
young boy and
a police officer
the jungle unexpected

an old house a scary chase

two strangers love

the last a self-reflection

moments of the and realisation
an explorer is poetic imagery

a forest unicorns rule

a market slapstick

a TV interviewer an election
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and a politician looms
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2. Choose one of your ideas above and write a 500-750 word short story or introduction for a
longer narrative piece.

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You may download and print one copy of these additional resources from ClickView for your
reference. Further copying or printing must be reported to CAL as per the Copyright Act 1968.

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