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Analysis of 2 Core Transformer Designs


SPX Transformer Solutions, Inc.


Practical situations often arise when it is necessary to design and analyse transformers having a 2 core
configuration. These include transformers which have a booster or series transformer and 2 core
phase-shifting transformers. It is often difficult to analyse these designs using conventional single
core design tools where approximations usually have to be made. We have developed multi-terminal
circuit analysis software to analyse a 2 core design. This capability allows one to calculate the
impedances of interest, rated currents and voltages, regulation effects, and fault currents for the
various fault types for a 2 core design. The winding currents for both transformers can then be used in
regular single core analysis programs to calculate losses, temperature rises, forces, and mechanical
stresses in each transformer separately. Detailed information for the 2 transformers is stored in a
common database so that after the 2 core analysis, the currents and other results can be directly
transferred to the single core design programs.
Since the 2 core analysis is an extension of the single core analysis, a brief description of the
single core procedure will be given, along with how to back calculate the single core winding currents
after the 2 core terminal equations are solved. A 2 core phase-shifting transformer for which analytical
results are available is used to verify the accuracy of the methodology.
We have also extended our impulse program to include a second transformer in addition to the
main transformer. For a 3 phase transformer, the 2 core extension analyses the impulse distribution in
all windings in any single phase of each transformer. Either transformer - main or series unit - can be
impulsed. Some graphical output of voltage waveforms is compared with actual test results and
included here.


Transformer circuit model, phase shifter, multi terminal analysis, 2 core analysis
The methodology for analysing a multi terminal single core 3 phase transformers has been presented
previously [1, 2]. The first step in extending this to 2 cores is to model the individual cores separately
before making the core to core connections. The single core terminal matrices are then combined
into a 2 core matrix and initially no coupling is assumed between the cores. Two types of connections
are considered, series and parallel. The parallel connection can be regarded as equating a terminal
voltage on one core to a terminal voltage on the other core. This insures that the terminal voltages of
the secondary transformer are properly proportioned and that the phases of the 2 transformers are with
respect to a common reference phase. After the core to core connections are made, the free terminals,
excluding the input terminal, are loaded. The loads can include rated MVA currents, short circuit
currents, or any complex currents.


In the following analysis, vectors are denoted by bold face type and matrices by italicized type. For
computational purposes, we need to single out one winding, labelling it winding 1. Equations relating
winding voltages to currents in a multi winding transformer are [1, 3]:
Nj N jN k
Vj =
V1 + R j I j + ∑
k =2 N 12
(R 1 + Z1 jk )I k for j = 2 ,L , n (1)

where n is the number of windings. The Vj’s, Ij’s, Rj’s, and Nj’s are the single winding voltages,
currents, resistances, and turns respectively. Z1jk is the reduced reactance matrix relative to winding 1,
1 2 
Z1 jk =  Z1 j + Z1k −  N1 N j  Z jk  j, k = 2 ,L , n (2)
2   
where the Zij are the 2 winding leakage reactances in Ohms. For further development, (1) is expressed
in terms of matrices and vectors labelled with a superscript r to indicate that they apply to the reduced
equations which only indirectly include winding 1. Thus, we define a resistance matrix, Rr, and
reactance matrix, Wr, with matrix elements
N jN k N jN k
R ijr = R j δ jk + R1 W jkr = Z1 jk j, k = 2 ,L , n (3)
N 12 N 12
δjk is the delta function which = 1 if j = k and 0 otherwise. We also define voltage, current, and turn
vectors, Vr, Ir, and Nr respectively as
 V2   I2  N2 
     
V  I  N 
V r =  3 , I r =  3 , Nr =  3  (4)
     
V  I  N 
 n  n  n
Using these definitions, we can rewrite (1) in matrix notation as
Vr −
V1 r
N = R r + jW r I r ) (5)

The imaginary unit j has been inserted to indicate that Wr is a reactive quantity. Equation (5) is for a
single phase. To model a 3 phase transformer with uncoupled phases, (5) is duplicated as follows:
 r V1a r 
 Va − N 
 N1   R r 0 0  W r 0 0  I ar 
 r V1b r      
 Vb − N  =  0 Rr 0 + j 0 Wr 0  I ar  (6)
 N1   0 0

Rr 
0 0
  
W r  I ar 
 V r − V1c N r      
 c N 
 1 
where the phases have been labelled a, b, and c. In order to treat unbalanced conditions such as
produced by single line to ground fault, we must include the zero sequence reactances.

Following a similar procedure as was used to obtain (5) or (6), we would arrive at the zero
sequence version of Wr, which will be denoted Wor. According to [4], the W matrix in (6) should then
be replaced by
 WSr WMr WMr 

WMr WSr WMr  , WSr = (
1 r
Wo + 2 W r , ) WMr = (
1 r
Wo − W r ) (7)
 r  3 3
W WMr WSr 
 M 
The Rr matrices remain unchanged in this procedure. Relabeling the vectors and matrices with 3r to
indicate that they now refer to 3 phase quantities, we obtain the 3 phase version of (5)
V 3r −
V1 3r
N = R 3r + jW 3r I 3r ) (8)

In order to simplify further analysis, all windings are put on a similar footing. This is
accomplished by inverting (8) to obtain an admittance representation,
 V3 
I 3r = Y 3 r  V 3 r − 1 N 3r  (9)
 N1 
 
where Y 3r is the complex inverse of R 3r + jW 3r. Using amp-turn balance, the current in winding 1 is
N2 N N
I1 = − I2 − 3 I3 −L− n In (10)
N1 N1 N1
Then, applying the following matrix, we get the full current vector from the reduced current vector.
 N2 N3 Nn 
 I1   − − L − 
   N1 N1 N1  I 2 
 I2   1 0 L 0  I 3 
I  =    , I = AIr (11)
 3  0 1 L 0  M 
M  M M O 0  I 
I  
 n  n 
 0 0 0 1 
A is an amp-turn balance matrix. Tripling this matrix along the diagonal and naming it A3, we get the
amp-turn balance matrix for all 3 phases.
Using the transpose of A3, we can express the left hand side of (8) in terms of the full voltage
vector for all the windings.
 3r V13 3r 
V − N  = A3T V 3 (12)
 N 
 1 
where superscript T denotes transpose and V3 is the full 3 phase voltage vector.
Using A3, we can convert (9), which applies to reduced conditions, to a matrix formula which
includes all the windings.
I 3 = A3Y 3r A3T V 3 , I = Y V, Y = A3Y 3r A3T (13)

Equation (13) is the starting point for making winding connections in this admittance
representation. For example, this is the natural representation to use for a delta connection,
particularly when unbalanced conditions occur as for a single line to ground fault. For the same
reason, it is also the natural representation to use for a parallel connection.

2.1 Admittance Representation Connections

In this representation the connection process is summarized and the connection matrix between
currents is denoted as MY. The connection matrix relating to voltages is its transpose, MYT. Thus we
IT = M Y I, V = M YT VT (14)
The matrices relating currents and voltages act in opposite directions. Details of the MY matrices
for different transformations can be found in [2, 3]. Applying this transformation, (13) becomes
I T = M YY M YT VT = Ymod VT (15)

The terminal voltages are undetermined in this transformation. To remedy this and for later use in
determining regulation effects, we specify a direct voltage transfer matrix, MV, which takes the form
VT = M V V (16)
Details of the MT matrix for the delta connection can be found in [2, 3].
For multiple connections, the M matrices can be labelled 1, 2, etc. and applied consecutively.

2.2 Impedance Representation Connections

For connections which are more natural in the impedance representation such as series, zig-zag, or
auto connections, we need to invert (15). The impedance representation is also more natural for
transformer loading and for determining regulation effects. However, Y and the resulting Ymod are
singular matrices so that (15) cannot be inverted as it stands. To make it invertible, the core excitation
characteristics must be added to Ymod. Details can be found in [2, 3, 4]. Assuming this is done, (15) is
inverted to get
VT = Z I T (17)
Connections in this representation are similar to those discussed previously except that the roles of
voltages and currents are reversed. Thus the connection matrices, MZ, relating voltages and currents
have the form
VU = M Z VT I T = M ZT I U VU = M Z ZM ZT I U = Z mod I U (18)
MZ can represent a number of transformations applied consecutively. The terminal currents IT can be
recovered from the product of the final MZT matrix times the IU current vector and the terminal
voltages VT from (17). Thus MZT and Z should be saved. Since the voltages are directly transferred,
MZ should be applied to the voltage vector calculated in the admittance representation where it was
given by (16).


The same process is repeated for the second core. Introduce additional labels to distinguish the
individual core matrices and vectors. Use c1 and c2 for this purpose and C to denote the combined
voltages, current, and matrices. Thus, assuming the 2 cores are initially uncoupled,
V  I   Vc1   Z mod,c1 0  I c1 
VC =  c1  , I C =  c1  ,   =    , VC = Z C I C (19)
 Vc 2   I c2   Vc 2   0 Z mod,c 2  I c 2 
If there is a parallel connection between the 2 cores, i.e. 2 terminal voltages equal, this should be done
first and performed in the admittance representation. Thus we need to invert the final equation in (19).
Since ZC is invertible, we get
I C = YC VC (20)

3.1 Two Core Parallel Connection

For simplicity, assume each core has 2 terminals and that terminal 1 of the first core is in parallel with
terminal 1 of the second core. The second terminals on both cores are unaffected by the
transformation. Label the initial voltages and currents with the core and terminal number, e.g. c1,1
and the final voltages and currents with the core number and terminal number preceded by t, e.g. c1,t1.
Considering only a single phase from each core, the transformation is given by
 I c1,1   Vc1,1   1 0 0
 I c1,t1   1 0 1 0       Vc1,t1 
    I c1,2   Vc1,2   0 1 0  
 I c1,t 2  =  0 1 0 0  ,  V  = 1   Vc1,t 2  , I C ,T = M C ,Y I C , VC = M CT,Y VC ,T (21)
I   0 0 0 1  I c 2 ,1   c 2 ,1  
0 0 
 Vc 2 ,t 2 
 c 2 ,t 2    I  V  0 0 1 
 c 2 ,2   c 2 ,2  
The voltages on core 1 are left intact. The terminal current, Ic1,t1 is the sum of the currents on the 2
parallel connected terminals. Any redundant terminals are removed from the second core.
Since this transformation is in the admittance representation, the terminal voltages must be
determined for later applications. The terminal voltage transformation, in the opposite direction to that
in (21), is

 Vc1,1 
 Vc1,t1   1 0 0 0  
    Vc1,2 
 Vc1,t 2  =  0 1 0 0  , VC ,T = M C ,V VC (22)
V   X 0 0 0  Vc 2 ,1 
 c 2 ,t 2    V 
 c 2 ,2 
Here X = |Vc2,2| / |Vc2,1|, i.e. the voltage on terminal 2 of the second core is set equal to the voltage on
the first terminal of the first core times the voltage magnitude ratio of its initial voltage divided by the
initial voltage on terminal 1 of the second core. If the windings on the second core are not
interconnected, X would be the turns ratio.
Applying (21) to (20), we get
I C ,T = M C ,YYC M CT,Y VC ,,T = YC ,mod VC ,,T (23)
In order to make series connections, (23) must be inverted to get an impedance representation. This
requires that the core excitations be added as was the case for the single core inversion. Having done
this, we obtain the inverse matrix to YC, mod, call it ZC,
VC ,T = Z C I C ,T (24)
As before, we must save MC,Y and YC in order to recover the starting voltages and currents.

3.2 Two Core Series Connection

We use a similar notation as that used for the single core case except that a c label is added to
distinguish between windings on either core. Letting these windings be winding number 1 on the two
cores and carrying a representative winding 2 on either core, the transformation for a single phase is
 Vc1,tf 1   I c1,tf 1   1 0 0
 Vc1,u1   1 0 1 0       I c1,u1 
    Vc1,tf 2   I c1,tf 2   0 1 0   T
 Vc1,u 2  =  0 1 0 0  , I  = 1   I c1,u 2  , VC ,U = M C ,Z VC ,T , I C ,T = M C ,Z I C ,U
V   0 0 0 1  Vc 2 ,tf 1   c 2 ,tf 1  
0 0 
 I c 2 ,u 2 
 c 2 ,u 2    V  I   0 1 
 c 2 ,tf 2   c 2 ,tf 2   0
This transformation is applied to (24). A sequence of such transformations can be performed in this
representation and the resulting equation is
VC ,U = M C ,Z Z C M TC ,Z I C ,U , VC ,U = Z C ,mod I C ,U (26)
where the MC’s represent a possible sequence of such transformations and ZC,mod is the modified 2 core
impedance matrix. The MC,ZT and ZC matrices need to be saved for later use.

3.3 Terminal Loading

Starting with (26), set the terminal voltages to their loaded values and solve for the terminal currents.
Typically the terminals are loaded with some possibly complex impedance which, when all the
terminals are included, can be expressed as a complex impedance matrix, ZL. For open terminals, a
very large value for the load should be used. Any unloaded terminals such as the input terminal can be
loaded with a given voltage which takes the form of a load voltage vector VL. Terminals already
loaded would normally have their VL entries set to 0. Thus the terminal voltage vector becomes
VC ,U = Z L I L + VL (27)
We use the convention where the terminal currents are into the terminals whereas the load currents are
out of the terminals so that IL = -IC,U. Substituting into (29), we obtain
(Z C,mod + Z L )I C,U = VL (28)
We can use complex matrix procedures to solve (28) for the terminal currents. Taking their
negatives for use in (27), we find the load voltages. One of the reasons for keeping track of the
terminal voltages all along is so that they can be used to obtain the unloaded terminal voltages for
comparison with the loaded terminal voltages in order to calculate regulation effects.
The procedure for obtaining winding currents can be summarized, using previously saved
I C ,T = M CT,Z I C ,U , VC ,T = Z C I C ,T VC = M CT,Y VC ,,T , I C = YC VC (29)

From IC, via (19), we can recover IU1 and IU2 which are the individual core current vectors. Proceeding
with the determination of the winding currents, only the steps for a single core will be indicated.
In (18), IU refers to the core 1 or 2 current vector. We find from (18), (17), (14) and (13),
I T = M ZT I U , VT = Z I T V = M YT VT , I =Y V (30)
The last 2 equations in (30) give the single core voltage and current vectors.
There could be intermediate inversions involved in the above procedure. For example if the
parallel connected windings are initially series connected, an inversion may be necessary to do the
series connections first and then another inversion to do the parallel connection.


A schematic drawing of a 2 core phase shifting Transformer is shown in Fig. 1. This consists of a
series unit with 3 windings per phase. The exciting unit consists of 2 windings per phase.

Fig. 1 Two core phase shifter schematic

The input and output voltages and currents are labelled S and L respectively with a subscripted
number indicating the phase. They are voltages to ground. The exciting unit’s main winding is
connected to the input and output windings of the series unit. The voltage to ground of the connecting
point is labelled V with the subscripted number indicating the phase involved. The delta series unit
winding is connected at its terminals to a particular tap on the tap winding. The phase shift will vary
with the tap position. The winding currents, I, are generally taken as positive into the terminal, i.e. in
the direction of the arrows in Fig. 1, except that the load currents are taken as positive out of the load
terminal. The E’s are no load voltage drops along the various coils in the direction of the currents.

4.1 Normal Loading

Assuming the turns ratio between the delta series unit winding and the input or output winding be ns
and the turns ratio between the main exciting winding and the tap winding be ne, the phase shift is

Ea E E1  3 
= a = ns , = ne θ = 2 tan −1   (31)
E a' E a'' E1' n n 
 e s 
Let the winding to winding per unit leakage reactances be zaa’ = zaa” and za’a’’ for the series unit and z11’
for the exciting unit, both on the same power base. Then from [3], the input to output per unit terminal
reactance is given by
3  4(n e n s )2  1  
z eq = z a' a'' + z 11' + 2 (z aa' + z aa'' − z a' a'' )  (32)
[(n n ) ]
e s
+ 3  [ ]
(n e n s )2 + 3   
Other quantities of interest are the current in the delta, Ia, and the current in the main exciting
winding, I1. Their magnitudes are given in terms of the input current IS1 as
2 2 3 (n e n s )
Ia = I S1 I1 = I S1 (33)
n s 1 + 3 (n e n s )2 1 + 3 (n e n s )2
Also the power into the series or exciting transformer is given in terms of the input power, Pin, as Pseries
= Pexciting = j sinθ Pin, where j is the imaginary unit indicating a reactive power. It is also of interest to
determine the regulation effects. This is given by
Regulation = (34)
1 + z eq z L
where zL is the per unit load impedance. For a real 100 % load and an imaginary zeq, we can extract
the magnitude and angle shift away from the no load conditions from (34).
A phase shifting transformer of 100 MVA 3 phase rating was modelled with the 2 core multi
terminal computer program. The winding turns were Na = 500, Na’ = Na’’ = 200, N1 = 393, N1’ = 100.
The turn ratios were ns = 2.5 and ne = 3.93. The N1 turns and therefore the turns ratio in the exciting
unit was adjusted to get the desired phase shift. The per unit percentage winding to winding
reactances were zaa’ = zaa’’ = 22, za’a’’ = 50, and z11’ = 8. Winding resistances were set to 0 in the
calculations. The comparison of the analytical formula results with the multi terminal model results is
shown in Table 1. The input current, IS1, is calculated from the input power and the volts/turn of the
series transformer which = 100. We get IS1 = 289.4 amps. The magnitude shift was negligible so it is
not given in the table. It was necessary to adjust the volts/turn of the exciting unit to make the
voltages of the parallel connected terminals equal so that regulation effects and terminal to terminal
reactances, which are sensitive to the internal reactance, are correct. In addition it was also necessary
to have both the series and exciting units on the same power base

Table 1 Comparison of the analytical with multi terminal results for normal loading
θ (deg)* zeq (%) Pseries MVA Ia (amps) I1 (amps) θ Shift (º)#
Analytical 20 2.093 34.202 228.03 100.52 -1.199
Multi terminal 20 2.093 34.206 228.01 100.52 -1.199
* Angles are no load # Angle shift results from loading

4.2 Single Line to Ground Fault

A single line to ground fault on the output terminal was analysed both analytically in [3] and with the
multi terminal computer program. For this, the zero sequence per unit percent reactances must be
determined. We used zaa’,0 = zaa’’,0 = 18.7, za’a’’,0 = 42.5 and z11’,0 = 8. The 0 subscript denotes zero
sequence. From these, the zero sequence terminal to terminal reactance, zeq,0, is given by, using the
same power base as for zeq,
z eq ,0 =
[(n n ) + 3][2(z
e s
2 aa' ,0 + z aa'' ,0 ) − z a' a'' ,0 ] (35)

The exciting unit’s reactance is not included in (35) because zero sequence current cannot flow out of
the delta winding in the series unit. We can also calculate this zero sequence reactance using the multi
terminal program by running it with zero sequence voltages and reactances.
The analytical calculation of the fault currents in the various windings requires the use of
sequence analysis. The positive and negative sequence quantities are labelled 1 and 2 and we assume

the positive and negative sequence reactances are equal, zeq,1 = zeq,2. For a single line to ground fault
on the A phase, the per unit sequence fault currents are given by
i L,1 = i L ,2 = i L ,0 = i L = i L,1 + i L,2 + i L,0 (36)
z eq ,0 + z eq ,1 + z eq ,2
where iL is the resulting phase A per unit fault current. For the other winding currents, which are
typically shifted in phase relative to the fault current, it should be noted that sign of the phase should
be reversed for the negative sequence currents. Thus for the delta winding, a, on the series unit,
θ θ
2 3n e n s −j 2 3n e n s j 2 3
i a,1 = − e 2i
L ,1 , i a,2 = − e 2 i L ,2 i a ,0 = − i L ,0 (37)
(n e n s )2 + 3 (n e n s )2 + 3 (n e n s )2 + 3
To get the per unit current in the A phase for winding a, we need to sum these 3 sequence currents.
The per unit sequence fault currents in winding 1 of the exciting unit are given by
θ θ
2 3n e n s −j 2 3n e n s j
i1,1 = − j e 2i
L ,1 , i1,2 = j e 2 i L ,2 i1,0 = 0 (38)
(n e n s )2 + 3 (n e n s )2 + 3
These phase currents sum to get the phase A per unit current and we see that the sum will be purely
imaginary relative to the fault current.
Inserting the values for iL1, iL2, and iL0 from (36) into (37) and (38), and summing the 3 per unit
phase currents, we obtain the per unit currents in windings a and 1. The base fault load current is
289.4 amps. The winding a base voltage is 50 kV. So, using the same power base, its base current is
666.67 amps. The volts/turn of the exciting unit is 288.68 so the base voltage for winding 1 is 113.42
kV. Using the same power base, its base current is 293.89 amps. Inserting these values into the last 4
formulas, we obtain values for comparison with the output of the multi terminal program.

Table 2 Comparison of the analytical and multi terminal results for a single line to ground fault
zeq,0 (%) Fault Current, IL (amps) Ia (amps) I1 (amps)
Analytical 0.974 16826 13191 676.5
Multi terminal 0.974 16828 13192 676.6


For a single transformer, all 3 phases can be modelled but to limit the size of the matrices, only one
phase from each transformer is used for the 2 core impulse analysis. The second core or transformer
requires additional input to accommodate the second transformer’s different winding and core
Matrix equations relating currents and voltages are constructed for each core separately. These
include any interconnections between nodal points or to ground within each core. In addition, the
capacitive couplings and mutual inductances are calculated for each core separately. The 2 separate
matrix equations are then assembled into a larger matrix equation with the separate matrices placed
along the diagonal. At this stage the equations are uncoupled. Interconnections are then made
between the windings on the 2 cores as needed for the application.
A selected node from either core is impulsed with a full or chopped wave input. The resultant
matrix equations are then solved using a Runge-Kutta or Gear time stepping method. Nodal voltages
or voltage differences and currents from each separate core can then be extracted for further analysis.
For example maximum voltages or differences can be obtained and used to calculate maximum
voltage stresses in ducts or at corners of winding disks. In addition, voltages versus time plots can be
displayed at selected locations.
The software was validated by modelling 2 identical transformers. An impulse was applied to one
of the transformers and the impulsed node was connected to the equivalent node on the second
transformer. There were no other interconnections. In this case, identical results for voltages and
stresses are expected on the two cores and this was observed.
Further tests were made by comparing the calculations with RSO test results for a main
transformer connected to a booster (series transformer). The transformer tested had an 80 MVA
ONAN rating. It was HV (138kV)-LV (69kV) ∆-Y connected with an LV tap (RV) winding. The

schematic showing the connection to the booster is shown in Fig. 2. The HV winding is not shown but
is grounded at both ends for the impulse tests.

1 1.) Test conducted on "A" phase. DETC at tap position A (3-4 connected)

2.) Grounded H1,H2,H3,X2,X3,M&B cores, core clamps,lead 17.

17 18

X1 X0

Wdg Wdg Wdg Wdg
Point P


Fig. 2 Schematic of main and booster transformer connections.

The comparison tests were made at the lowest voltage (16L) tap setting. The first comparison was
for a full wave impulse on the booster X0 terminal at 110 kV (BIL). The main LV X1 terminal was
grounded. The LTC variable point 19 was connected to the top of the RV winding (point 1) and point
18 was connected to point1. The voltage comparison versus time from point 1 to ground is shown in
Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Voltage to ground versus time at point 1. The solid line is calculated and the red dots are tested values.

The next comparison was done for a 350 kV chopped wave impulse on the main LV winding at
terminal X1 with booster terminal X0 grounded. This was also done at the 16L tap so the RV to
booster connections were the same as for Fig. 3. The voltage versus time from the impulse terminal
X1 to point 1 is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Voltage difference from X1 to point 1 for the calculation (solid line) and test (dots).

The extension of the single core multi-terminal winding analysis to 2 cores is straightforward except
for the parallel or terminals equal connection. This requires the adjustment of all the winding voltages
and phases on second core to be consistent with the parallel connected voltage and phase of the
winding on the first core. For purposes of obtaining the correct regulation effects and terminal to
terminal impedances, it also requires that the two transformers be on the same power base and that the
second transformer’s volts/turn be adjusted so that the parallel connected terminal voltages are equal.
The latter restrictions are only necessary when the winding-winding impedances are on a per unit
The 2 core impulse calculation agreed reasonably well with the test results. The shapes of the
curves were very similar. A few other units at different voltage tap positions were also compared with
the RSO test data and the overall agreement was found to be good.


[1] R. M. Del Vecchio, “Applications of a multiterminal transformer model transformer model

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[2] R. M. Del Vecchio, “Multiterminal three phase transformer model with balanced or unbalanced
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[3] R. M. Del Vecchio, B. Poulin, P. T. Feghali, D. M. Shah, and R. Ahuja, “Transformer Design
Principles, 2nd Edition”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2010.
[4] V. Brandwajin, V. H. W. Dommel, and I. I. Dommel, “Matrix representation of three-phase
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