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IIT 1312 Database Management


Students must form a small group and choose the given scenarios to do the assignment.
The guidelines and rules are as follows.
1. All the students must actively take part in preparing and submitting the assignment.
2. Maximum number of students in a group should not exceed 2 (two).
3. Every individual student will be closely monitored by the respective lecturer towards
the evaluation of the assignment.
4. Students must have their own contribution for the assignment and that should be
recorded as the part of their project document.
8. Students from the same group may not be guaranteed to get equal marks due to
their poor contribution and poor communication skills during presentation.
9. Copying (Full/Part) from any other source or outsourcing this work is strictly
prohibited and any such act shall result in an award of 0 (zero) marks for the
10. Last date for submitting the final report is on or before 24th July, 2008.
11. This assignment carries 10% of the coursework’s marks.

You are to work in a group to design and create a database for the
scenarios listed below.

(a) List out the possible Business Rules
(b) Identify all the entities and attributes from the given scenario.
(c) Draw the E-R Diagram to show the relationship between the entities
and attributes.
(d) Describe the integrity & referential integrity in your data model
(g) Take an actual set of data from real life situations.
(h) Implement your queries using MS ACCESS.
(i) Prepare the data dictionary and sample reports.


1. A written report containing the following items:

• Business Rules
• Integrity constraints
• Entity-Relationship Diagram
• Data dictionary
• Queries and reports
• Details about your contribution in this project.

2. Softcopy of the diagram and SQL scripts

3. Presentation of the database (ALL members -using power point
• Business Rules. (5 marks)
• Integrity constraints (10 marks)
• Entity-Relationship Diagram (30 marks)
o Conceptual Diagram
o Internal Model
• Data dictionary (15 marks)
• Queries and sample reports (20 marks)
• Presentation (20 marks)


Floral Baby Nursery and Kindergarten

Floral Baby Nursery and Kindergarten has started its operation since 2
years ago. As the number of children in the nursery and kindergarten
increases, their manually done management system is no longer
sufficient to support their operation. Thus, they need a computerized
database system, which will help them to store the following

a. The personal particulars of every child, which include ID, name, birth
certification number, age, parents’ contact information, health
condition, entry date and any other relevant information.

b. The personal particulars of the staffs, which include staff ID, name,
IC number, contact information, date started working and any other
relevant information.

c. Each staff is assigned to take care of maximum 10 children in every


d. The learning subjects offered are learning the Letters, Learning the
Numbers, Drawing and Music. The system should be able to keep track
of the children’s performance for each of the subject taken.

e. Monthly fee is charged and amount paid, payment due (if any), due
date and payment date must be recorded properly in the system.

Useful queries:

• List all the children who are siblings and sort according to their
age. (4 Marks)
• List all the children according to the staff in charged. (4 Marks)
• Monthly payment report. (4 Marks)
• List the performance report of the children according to the
learning subjects.

(4 Marks)
• List the record of the staffs according to seniority. (4 Marks)

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